s.' -'I r'~-1. EuuIbroideries Are lleduced dery - Fine 'amri corset eover embrold- Y ery, 18 inches %vide, clegant new patternis, a grade never sold for less titan 25e, Round- Embroiciery Fioimc- Sing-Fine Swiss cm- .. broidery flouuîeing, 27 luches wide, ncw Une of elegant patterns, a S quality ordinarily ýe1- l ing for 69e, Round- yard ..... ofhtces Couplete Clearanc Commenc, The Round-up is aur final clearance sale of the. season; it represents our Iast and mnost exhaustlve effôrt at tok edcig.We h mrade one grand. Round-up, a complete gathéringt&te c ns o wînermechndse ~endst odd lôts aftd broen lunes 'and cut the priées wlth absolute wito riinal cst. rCI,s44.sl t ukeg with our semi-annual policy and will reault ln a opeedy Mdance of wtnter goads. dîeic of poiil ae o-inn rçonzthe Rop' à-' Sak ashprtýant faecr l ee"i g tht ocf living. Thlssea- -i'ons' <vent v!g~w ouilowal5l- cud-psls l '.mhyung advngL DreusCalices. Shoots. Kuelin ~ ~\ rèdlea mae f 42 a ollbl g 2de ra a oo fIn elity shalt net fianon, a Standar4 qUU Yllt n blueSI, De g6àbW' lO, made of bleac42 by8 ciplow ca"de. 72 aby 90 Qulnc se tY O m ade Anetraofi ne n a t règ a ndt igvto neW d a l lely»rdý idsal.tht brng.1 fo. R u 7 a acie nd lghttcolor a ned ëOjWvnsequai- o flr o!muilin.12 d. bleached muslin, the kind grade you nu a r p~ 100 patri. lty £1- Pr10e salee 36 0c, sale prIo yardet, ech7price, each, ad Round-uo if Dfl0tiCS andMIoS ~fWisSes at le.1. Âprc ,uine ging, Chée' low at. p ~n lngaaû-Ge--Canton ~e-la Âmo&A a apron ehed canton flunel, reg- ha in tape blue ullation widthJ. ordinari- ,ks, priced inuchbe- lv brinigase&, Round-up ftiè market- value priee,11 6.c yard ..........c c-bcd rusliîî, a good elean eloth and medium il, wcight, Round-up priee, vard .......... Turk.ish Towels-33. hy .16. ineh j oein-Blahd otn towcl- Tuirkish towels, bleaehe(d and i 111- Iig wlegodwitagae es- lleaelled, double thre-adl, fringed, Jp~al eia1 o ih 4 worth 121/.,,sale 9 ou4cp rc, ad price, each..................... ck9cts TABL DAABK-4 mi pue MSLINOlUfli2lOP. ~ CRETONES - A Round-up ai beached table damask, wlth a li, a brand o! weillkou de- u12cgas0frtoe. iaercerlaed finish, corses le1 a pendabllltY. pure bliched. choe selectian 0f floral and gond rnS0 eofipt t-l# 71C ieavy thread, '1 cofiîventloIl lpat- 66vr grade st, yard.... 0 W 1e rd ayrd ...... torns, yard............7Tic tion of wotien's r..50' and $3.00 shoes, arin- braein,,.more titan a 40»B iiret styles ef the latent modela. The leathers are patent. gun-motal sand VtCI-kld with patent tipi. cloth and matt.clftope,lace and bulton,*aailaises. Round- up praei pair.. OàIRL8' SHOES-Made Of ex OYS' S949S-taUIYC On- tremely wesrful qualities ot Iýqx _atrced et heavl matin cal! be- cal! and vlcl-klu leathere, ald 'tbaer s oid tlirôouUt. lace style, throughout, aises 11% to 21S1.25. 'isàt'f0111leustes5059 te 1 iMi sites ô te Il iiti.pie , >e at ............ pi ................. 7 Final Cut on Suits andCoats med; $8 0 $l0.00 8 ~ret, Round-up prie... tiive 2e'aueg, sle aIl icosat, air MUSE- J¶ec -and: do~0beel a611 ' fiýe. Dress Goadis are Mjrked Low Dress Goods at 412-ae~l especially . desirabje, for Spring veilings, mohairs, shepherd checkS,' ée , in an exhaustive range of èol1or-~ ings; 75e valutes at per yard.. Drss Goods Tic-Mater- ials of the înost depend- a ble s or t, includiîîg Frencli sergés, prunellas, basket weaves and-novel- ties in evker coloring de- sired, 42 to 50 iuches ivide, $1 -and $1.95 77 values at, yard...7 c îm "did heavy weiglit' pure worsted suitings, in exclusive suit and dress lenkthé, 50 to 54 inches wide, excellent $1.56 and> $2.00. values, priecd for. the iPýund- 49 uip -atyard ...... * SplendÏd Econorny in SUlS B11k Poplins and Foulards -Stre!1v) new rnateriala,«both of whichpIl~ s. to-' be in mnuchfavur ti pt' Cornes in ail pastel shadselP#.l1% -finished fabries;ýprieed for thig sal ..t....... .................) TAFFETA BILK-36 Ilch blacli ta!- PLAO-%tLl(S--A lot that bas beon' l ots élk. softIfinish wth a rlch lus- safl l«'IOS and oni evon higbi tre. a grade bard 10 du»plcate for h coi nd11a ice, dollar, sale pflce. r . fc y*rd .............6Cý Overcoit Prices I9ave -Drp~ *Buymng ani overcoat during titis sale requires but very littie cash. Just cor n and sees-whata spku- did garment you can t*w Otat.l for only $ 9.85. Yiýh'll find-ther to be regular 848.0 sd *W0O0 values and high class garmnent$: hievery respect. Made cf fancY cheviôts and choice novelties in ~. ~ th:e- prevailing styles; sizes for Wore givlng yotr for 311.76 Your aêotce ut an d 1 8 0 & 0 g a r ilaî tm , T h -Pi Mlld ý~ w t ticview to effoctlne a qulck &4pmk plt. j = à cbaiie0 u tock. ThbgAt * sÇ ~' cellODty tiored oftihe neoetimiaterlal............. The flunu.p enabsyo to'buy $6.00, 87.00 and $8.00 coats for ouly 43-95,~ Stun- ning ;garmenit8 'ir -auto .indý remî<nI i svld.'îhl,éI 8~ I~ ch~ réw a$6.00 uln nesluages Î7to'17 y'eArs, beiuififly tlloe cffril- 1 1