CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Feb 1911, p. 2

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is the original-lbas been the standard for thirty-five I years. There are thotisands of so-called "1just as good" Emulsions, but they arei not-they are simply imi- tations which are uiever as good as thé -original. They are like thin milk- SCOTT'S is thick like a- heav1Y creani. Ifyo want it thin, do it yourslf-with water- but dont buy it thin. sins 111#- 'il XP.., .94 II. ,f lb*,bs» oeje. Ood Lc.k 111C t & DOWN& 409 PerlSt..!.. Ab"trac ofiNtis. illesGuaranleed auionisTempl ldg. Waukegan, i. Laua J. GuSEz. SecY.t liRhdaJO Yager *0 Jacob P. Rouer, 2% mcres on esat aide Butrick street saiga of Grand avenue, Waukegan, W. a M. 00e tu W. D. N.. Moom l oti lu antis18, Ravinla, W. O., $1,900. IL A. Chetliaauand i vit Marye Ama ChantrY, lot 7 andi 8, Owner's Snbtôz4i ,Lake IForest, W. D., 810. W. M. Dnury to Mary J. Drury, southt 48 fit, lot 7 block 7, McKay's second0 aid Wankegan. W. D. Il. .F Q .M. Wilsonandti vie *0 Godfred1 Johanson, UndIvitiet quarter part of lote 20 Marbie & oûvers ub at Nipper. ot* Point, W 80. oc EL Pprioeandvle to Frank May, loi , Prie« u b of ot 38, Hlghwood, t, W, . 810 Master la Chancery t0 J. M. Taane.0 Ties, lot 14, block 10, Waahhurn nirtg Wauiegan, D. 880. ,kdu Broughton, Part southvest quar. ler or th. e aemstquarter of section X Wt=coda townahip, W. D. $2. - i X IL. csser *0 Sa J. Lqponnce, partt 09 th*i .utliveat quarter of section 1- 1 Beamtoittouaii. Q. C. D., Il. t W.M. Murphy *0 Camielus Demuey. W, lt 9 block 2, Woodanti Bluffe, t North Chicago. S. W. D., $260.. J- A, BeciL and vif, *0 T. H. Durit. 44mci- lu sections '17 anti 19, Warren tO*sbip, W. D.. 87,600. P. P. Crandon snd vif. *0 Henry. Avater, lots 8 andi 9 block 10, Bord du 1ac Bluffs. North Chicago. S. W. T. H. Durt andti vie to Abiguil E. J»dk. est 42test of lot 2blck 1, ln BlIstNVet Bid, subdivisionWu kegan, W. D., 85000. WUa. Rudd snd vil a tu Mary H. tisa>'. West Iuii.f of lot 9 block 14, ntmoor addItiOn *0 Lakte Forest,. W. O. 1.350.x Christian Petersen aud vile to Carl 1)4usen, lot lu the southwest quarteri Of MOUlon 27e'Deerfield township,- W. D>.$zoo0. Wm. Wilmlngton and vife to Cath- ane me-lrimoud. lot - block 2, WII- ulngtOU'8 sUbdivIsIon. Round Lakte, W. O..$zoo.0. Caroline J. Wickman and bumbanti et aI t0PLR. F.Roueandti vie, lots 7 O *0 80blocir 2, Hammond's addition *0 Rockefeller, W. D.. $2,000. Jacob Schwlngel and wfe to wm. Huhu, tract 'of landi In sections 25 and 36, Vernon township, snd lu sec- tiota 31. Deerfielti township, Q. C., $1. Estate Of John Ha rt (tiecesseti) *0 Ale Hart, lot 4 and north hall of lot 5, bloc> 53. North Chicago, deeti, Mlila Meyer and hueband to H. j. Làkfeechulte and George J. Hager, part O! lot 2, block 'C", Barrlngton, W. D. EsaKwe Of Mary B. Scaýon, de O eastd, te Andrew Shffar, lot 4, block. 44. LaIe Bluff, W. D. $500. William WilmlngeDsad vife to John Stratton, lot 6, bloc>. 2, D)evlus, rab lanfieelde. W. D. $2,00)0. ~ cra A. Oerred and busband to Will. fýsM Wllugtôn, lot 6, bloc>. 2, .0ev. W#a msb Ingleside. W. D. 8,900. Willim WlmtngtOn sud vile to ID6l& aA. Gered, lots 7, 9, 10, j3. to 16. I. P. Camss¶o Andti.E O. Pans es lu Chicago lMondmp.4 Mm. C. Dorder apent a deylu Chiegol lait vesi.1 &George Thatcher, vho ha.benu cou- finit witia a bardgold, la Improvlug but1 la net jet a"i.t0reSume von.1 Tueiday evealng a pýarty of yonu foks froua rayaie vité, a ev froua Ibis place inrprlid Eliner Holfmma#ai bis honme aud enjoyed sncb a ilium as Dufy Mir. sud Uni. Boffmasu tau provitis.1 The Valentine sciai gven by ibem Christian Endeavor ai the church parler Tuesday eveing vas velI altended 1 altbouah the anlarabis veather sud the other.Valentine feetraka'delracted sonieviit froua the expected attendauce. Ifoît Sund&# moralng Bey. Carr. VIII preacb onu 'Abiding in Christ" asud inthe1 eveing *"Go,! Unifuiting Eimluelfto Man.", Ment of our local Shldonites attende,! th Velenine parti given by tb.esua- ployees of thei ahool Mt Llbertyville Tuesday- nighi. Luit Thnrsay evealng Mr. sud Uns. Bey Lakte yen aurpnleed by a parti of tovu people sud su .veulug apunt lu progressive eombre. 11r, sud KMn. J. C. Doulier won the tiet prise sud Jeme Nwton sud Dora Dot fier the consola. lion, # Frank Dolpia griot miii la havlubg fine mucesi. Frank sap@ liaI if bu can't griit &BIlsuIn ibreday@ oui of lhe1 viii b. bas Do seious objetion. *W luîng suy or alilof the. tiae r mnainlng. 8. L. Tripp. wbo wvas sInelat viii la &galana s e 10 aie charge of basines.. sud 10». Trlpp I. recoverlng nlcely froua the affcte of-her operation., J. E. Holcoaub la makine extmnsive inprovements on hi. bomne bulthie canupt maie Il su' lbhelm the olti Bolcomb homesteadti lat bas hein ldiuti6. tl vihelb. bltory of Laie eunty @Ince 1hif@ufancy. Les Burdick sud brouet, vho are employed la Chiago vere home Over1 Suaday. The resideati of the eouth aide are1 nov deirous of vitbdravlug from the corporation andti ilei.expectidt lai a petition te that end vilhi fili ebortly. If pou have su opinion lu Ibis malter either va," don't feu *te capture evury board aneaner pou ime, bark hlm Im s corner sud telii hm villa tar. lu pour epes jast boy It la sure te dirapt lie solar iynt.m sud precipiate van vltb Japan f pour partlenlar Ide&a la uat strlctl.y adiered te. Fau AOTBMUBE eEEPONBNET. MiW MPonne Laibnop, of Chicago,, la vietiig bar mother. UmseWate yl kxive another oui of bar dancing- partis. baturulay eïening, the 18ih, eai lrde's hall. MWsaLuelis Carr hbauin pt f rok .Jcllen acount of alciness lie peut viii. Arthur Hapie, vho ha beu oring nt etock*0u, Wl., la at home. . m Fove, of Lertyvilie, wv acling1 oD friade lu lova 1h. pail eesi. Bai Alvoiti, uhohbauei- vorking in EllsaWhl, P&., for tiie pail ivo mouthe, bai returned for a fev dapa. .. . Mir@. Fred Bolcornh sud daugiterj iQorolhy, vere lu Chicago lionday. EBd Blumua, of Waukegan. vas lu town Ta.sdsp. FREMNT. Uesors. Bd sud Fred Wagner aDent Thursdap sud Friday in Cicaigo. Uir, sud Mns. Wili Rocker, of Ingleside, @peut Ounday viti lier iter, lire. Gea. Hertel sud family. lire Titus, of Chîcago, spent a ew days last week viii ber brotiier, Jake andt amily. lire. Will Hapelet, of Chicago, uà epsendinig a ev veeki vitb ber parente, Mr. aud lire. Gieo. Traut. Uir. M. Colby tost a voluabie borne one day lssI vusi. Notice. 1 wiii iii at Wm. Newton's store Rockefeller, Tuestiayesud ai Henay Knebier'estorei lvanhoe Saturdayi of mosci viii te colleel taxes until march 10, 1911. H. C. PAYNE, Collecter. Counypof làtke'j"«s ln the bouuty Court of Raid Coual,. fiu the malter of the final]mttierutn o! the eatate of Cifford L. 3itlh, deeeaud. Toeleuile L. SmnihJaunie Smillh L0ara E. Smith, Orne M. Smith anti Clarence b. timlb, huairentlev of Clafford L. Smith, dsceaied, taie notice Ihst on the 27th day of Match, A. D. 1911, atllen o'loci A. M. or ai mcoo 1 borenfeireaisliaimalter oaihe board, the onderoigneti vU pa'teef ensthie Couaiy Court of Lai. C-= Y, lua ald Court% hebinalaccouit madmileiratoi de boula non of mail,!estale. andt ai that 1h.emieha apprpe-d liat mi «tatae ha delami eîliandti h. uândusiuiidlscarged froua biessai Oi8rusas.. m W Aaa~lboardlsg ai r, IO.uPW nai pisset. Mn. astd Mis. Uulr bai aoved on the MIutuinMgyorternedta tbe eli saturday mlter semding a fsv viii ait The German ebool board ai Pifleit bave emged I. Lots froua Irving Park as teechir. Misses Batbars Amau n d Kals Lanifenarger wvesWgucoada elle. Mr. sud M -660-eou oe et ptisnt ams visltlag Mn- Jouées, muter in, Wonein. Heary Meer sud son Waltsr, tran. «ctýd udamiq Wsaiagau. Mm.e Berner Ammansd son Brnep, are ependluin s iesInluWankeffau.1 - Mr. Llord bas musigneti hie position as foremanstaihebm ansd Chapei Dalry Plant sud elpicta 10 mors avay March lot, lire. E. J. Wessopt Chicago a few tiey receutly., Tiee vas a surprise givgra on Mir. sud Mrs. Fred Towuer, Tumday evenlug, It h.lng lie 251h aulivereary of thelr tuarriage. Don'i forget tbe baeset midI t&. the charci Ibis FPriday evemng, Foi. 171i. La&die pleua bri Dg baskets, M(ear. Kane sud Mitchell alieudeti tbe big mili. eting lu Chicago lait veiS. Mr. sud UMm.GeO OsIasd !ainuiiare soon la Move *0 Dakota. Tiey vil ha miaeti by Ibir msuy friends. 'Specly Relleffrom Kldney Troubla "I badl an, meute attack of Bright% s disase vlth inifiammation of the iducys1 end blatider, end diasusa,", iaei re. Cora Thor? Jak -*ica A boUlef 0fFlyi dueyi Remedy overcamhe the1 ettaci, redued thIe Inflammation, tooko avay tihs pain sud made th. bladder actiIonnormal. I visb everyone coulti know of Ibis vonderlal remedy. Sold by &iH Drnggista. You gmt replies front INDIEPENO. ENT wsnt &ds& ]Cd Vinashimm! family ame rIW* ith islM.. ber. a% prisant. mue jQasalBho@ as ytermed boue Irmm Cbbcso vhese h@ bai bhem vork- bu the pu$ t .Wp wu" -Jullue Uodlm *klait Wedneiday for bouthSid. lad., vhere h. viii vork for the. LlhksboceW Je Co. Tb@ ..é baill Sturday was vei attesded. wu. Richnia, Jr., bas fl Zuric for Wi.onsin. Ris brothe George la t"cIg bis place lain &holmk- amu %hop. Wi&, a eouple of drjs lit vii. John Kohl vhe bai bien enployed In s usa me n lCary for the:'past yesr. hai retuvne4 home. Our tai coIiec1lore Mlr. sebuinaker, le nov rmdy for rour taxes. You vii tud hlm every Widni.dsya«d laturdoy et EuE Frai i m laeof butinestu leceve jos taie. SEIP-10 fond sud lovln mabran of our diar hubnd and father, Rienry who enter d lato Test Feb. 15.1910. May hi mast lu peac. Vrom hi.@ loving wle and ehildren. UT@s. Emysir visited frieudi in Wort 1bï Augfust Pabi anti famil>' have mor.d *0 Fltagerslt, Ga, vbere th.p viii mais lbiu future home. Mni. Flore Joiner, nes Bard, la at th. Augutene hospial. We are gladt *0kpeiý IlEienry gecrage la abis *0 b. out agaf n itiier haevsrei libiffl. Mms. J. W. Smith entsulale. ber cousin, Mies Netti. Lombard, over Mfunday. Palatine yl hbave a moving picture shov, commeulug Ihia vmek. WedDe. day anti Thnnsday aboya vili h. givun .very wvek tulaiKiggseebal. Admission le and 5 cente. Raymoad, Poian, son of Her, Poilman, af Palatins, dieti Tu.sday mornlng &fter anu llUeso of five viii.' of inflammaa*ry rheumatlsmo. Fameral LOUIS Je.YOMN - - - - - - - - - - - - Mi@ Elda Homeuberger spent sunday lu Chicago vili Mise Ca rne Lardtz. lima.Bd Bleimeil bai heenin l it i lousiliitie. Mie Claia Entier an,! lrm. red 1Borenersuad Mn. ii, Rorenhberger attentista iahriday gathering at Ur@. W. C. Bggoe InmluChicago Saturdal. Miss Emma Landau of Laie Foret, epent Beaday lu )earfleld. tir. Burton 0f lia IlcCormlckgemilaary viii preachinluthe -Preshyserisu chanci boti mornil; sud eveniag.. Mr. latine of Minnhsota, vlil.d sexerai dîýye lest ;ve>.viîh Henry &Seru andi famili. lire. Chai. Smlig ie sic>. aIt i pressaI wrlting. lire. Dîlci @put several des. darng the esk luDePlaines. Mr. sud lMre. Eliemuaspr visite,! frientis la Chicago Suutiay. LalaIst. P. Hntchiou'e sud ne tte nev apring miliuery juel pal ou dieplap FOR BALD H74&DS A Treatment Tb#t Cosa Nothinx il h Fals. . vaun yt o 0tZ7ty e large bot"les1of RiwU "93" liair Tonle ou oun, pinional »gusatas thai laietrial vil notecety ousapanai if ildoisnot gIve you abeoini tisatI»on, Tbat's proof af our faitlinlu lai. medy, sud it aboulti indlapctabli dgotrte that ve mev vbat vs aret Wkin about vhmnv MaY lias. lexail "98' Han TIoaic viii grov baïr on hait beaes, excepi visec beidausebas bèe>snblom g dunation that tie mots of the bain arm entirsiy. dead, tbe foWleci loesi anti groveu over, andt b. e Wp teglasit. n Reusuber, vaar daigourstatemeui uJhs,1 h anbas etedY bee* aecoms. bv the.,u ci lexali "91l"flair Toimati vshavi 1h. rlght *0manu li t vIi bas dotasfor *iaoesmad of otberstauidaooiou. liaa et yon meai lots iiyt»gYT IVIIiOb trial on ontIlibsial giiases vob aimes, 500sud $100., qnsber.ýou cea oblala exel Bousin luaib. ommunity only ea i cr More-h Bémallgtore. Deciera But. The. due ho vhîre pou are 0 o rn for a long Uime *0 coum >' be@ touai --il yours lcokilg fcr sncb o due- la todaypa Help Wéateti ais, - uvale a peui pide lu pour obtllty te wvillevaut #AsaTR&T AC, COMPIM THMOS.t Fridap atternoon at telias bnsanti st lie M. Ç. cbnrth et 1;80. Tha services yull be conucteti by Bev. Cadi aud Ber. A. Glads, paitor of lie German Ermugelical Nazareth chanci. Mr., anti tre. C. W. Russell sud chiltirun yl iave'lu a short lime for Iqva. Tieif ttle daugilîr of Ur. anti M». ROY' Rowlandi of Masatine, lova, horu Fe,l. ietuiiof spaani lis pail ve>.. Charl, Galiagier la atfilieiosly lii 0f pueumnoni. Misut Mary Ecianfiger rilarnuti froua ber trip, ha-ing apeul a anti vîti relatives lu Cilcago iÂd Virgil, 111. Marriage Licens. Samuel Ielar, Chicago ......... 27 Marie Wall, same............... 21 Pred Tullnmer, Hlghfand Park... .21- Siriatabel Stleen Evanaton, saine... .18 William Zelie>., Mlwaukee ...38 Minute Dolci, saime ............ 3 Mat Zilaznlk, North Chicago ...22 Kate Bravukar, sane............ 22 Floryana. Rodevici, eclIp..........27 Brovlslawa Lukatevict, city...19 Charles Kir>., Chicago.,, ......... 44 Myrtle Socrgel. samie............22 COXPORTING WOED M ya Lliyv0UeBous- hold Wl» flund Them no. To havi ibi pein suantie biat iscireanove,!; tu bu ent frou a suoping, tiampreus Duril ordere la enouego 0m&k# as influaitgrateful. To toi] I greal change -iau» h.ebrous rssai Lib.rtpll ed amagan 88l. àa ga, Id sy: .1o ufeagfroanideytroublo eonlenta of two bxros othis - ells- iqr Wdtali1bei> e er» i long lime 1 enflersi boiS M pMuitibp a iansese a04 soi My loin.. lu »i-uq sflwh P- ue00fOnIMqbl JWaMM e titsctlw *0 lb. nord qi My *li amon soavincei us» oftw Poire. Icnan prlestua t0 ilbi. tise of a of -not0lIUL WbltebailMieb, Pib. 8.-MisJsMe nova«, t slal4, iii gosele pmihe crashi, MIcit.,1oltao- a oursi-of trealmenl at the Eeliogg SmuititOn sa s s aO b* le *ra.g suegin tu maie liastrip. Olistoas basresimnet hie posiion vl theb.Piuples"laer ance compsani cfChicago antibus taken service viti a a îcoiu J"Mr s"s ce peny. HeIr" soui>'ontal witb lte former compay ,ant i iinelt "Mate goci." Me. daime tbep ove iu over 1300. Wbiteball, Elitb.. Pib. 9.-lire, Jane Dobveleft bîheon Wetnesday for a course of trietnenl et the Kellogg Saniloriu atBatleOCrsii, Micia, viaire the cîpe«ta, 0remain unlil 'Quito - Wel% eRacienltefnds b*vtns bhea received té psy for the ouitia>. Boat Watory ai XKoflenr. Baye the licHenr>' Plain Dealer in revieving lbe plant 0orlth, Evirett Hanter Boat omu 'of meHearyt Amoug proualuenl peuple vho bave alreaty left orderi for buate at the local factorp are the !olloviug: Heury Klinue, commodore of tbe Fox Lakei Country' club, Fox Laie; J. L. Schar,, the veli inovu Chicago real sate man, vho ale& bas a home at Fox LaIte; William Glatier of Chicago, hie boat *0 b. driven by a. sii.cyindir englue; P. Clouston, Winnipeg, Cana. dia. H. G. Emts. Daveuport, la.; D)r. <lac. A. Thouapson of Cbicago, vha speuda his summer at Foi Laie; a 80 bofl cablu -boat for Etivard Banksaai Plâtmkee Bey; Benjamin HorIon of Cicago, vho bai purchaseti a cottage at German Village on Fox river; W. C. Green, Rockford, i.; Carl Richter snd lira. John Iteeble of Chicago; Mr. Busch of the Aniuser-Busch Brev. lng Association of St. Louis, who also ipeude bis aummen aaiFox Lakte. Ail Of the above mentioneti boat& vIli hc o! ver, bigh dm55 anti vili Us aishet ln soli mmhogany. Beaities the" lta. company bas aima taien orders for three passenger busteta be iuaed on Fox La>.. by a Chicago syndicale,1 vilci expects *0 contrai ail lie pas- senger business-on this ciain of laires. osto a Imm. 2* lie potted Mn.&Mt Mm. JaneO'Boyle viiibhithe sv Meay bonms, la town ara belng viid for alaie ilghls. auoelaci vired 'tu dismar: S.BCO Baim, barber aou; D.,'1. tMphy, boua; lilmsJnil, isiduansd slonm S.D. PU tmu, PqO rou; Edm réersa dbuns. £,Poe th havi enaviai by May jet, .Bnrveor. for 1h. Putkagan, Romitid & BIglia Traction Co. are boe laying Oui vhe* liniPecete 10ha permanent lins btwesa Waumoda, ant iFox Laie TiriMaluai reiuraaet homne Wiadoy mter speutim aa kv rdani la Florida. Hlateubd@d to uaisM"Me balamS ofiMe vintr, but th@ climats ii onotares tth bhln antih.@vas sorecid *0mettra Dalsj la seriorUsl .Sm"s hopes amre intniln for bar nscov.y Ther- viii issu olti 101klmdansStla UaIlsd . Hotu Feb. 24. Cordil invitation in «lendudto*0 Il to attend. 0The ladies of Transfguration ciurth gave a card parti ai Oaklandi pavillon; Wetndap s venlag, vhich provei s "MndaI een, aver $100 belug reMilset. Tblrti.tiare. tablS wvan playel. The prIse vinumre are: Firpt ladys iprise, agoli jel casu, Kra. E. D. Storier; fini gent,@ prise, s line, qumbrella, P. àA. iuasgeern; second lady'm Prime, a pituri, lirs. Wm. Bassluv; seond gente prise, a pair of suspeuduns, Bd Whs.lock. Th. c.nsolatioq prisse vers von by Mise Grace Gsary sud GiOrg PrOntîl. The promsdo viii go for 1h.ehiuflit of 1h.@ ,hurch. On atnrtiar eveanu, Fui. 4, a gatheniag of about forly rulativre sud fient. asiembled t th@iehocue al Ur. &At lireEmerfson J. Côokoi asist ihem n i. earatiag their lvunty.llfti wedtiiug sunlveury. Mian) laviieti ýi gutalivers arabie tb attend but mil f Mm . Will Coon ant ielidren, of Wankegsu,am e.peadlng a fev days vith Mn. antiMliEs. . 8.Con.- S. 9. Kuedier and Walace Blzenîheler attendedthetUsautomobilemhow lu Chicago lait weei. Do't forget th- card party Frlday niliat. Feb. l7tb, given h.v tie Royal Neghore. P. litese su ad D..-Ritzetialer left MonJay for Indiana viens tMr. StfeD couitemplales reaýting a faran. lire. <le. iutier, co' Highlandi Park, @peut Tu.sdey witb ber dauCtater, Mmre M. W. Kuetilen. liprtle Richards @peut Saiardap sud Sudsy iti Hazel Tripp at Rockefellur. Mrs M. W. Knudlur leastili conlinuti to ber bed anti under lie car@ of a nurse. C. J. iMason @peut Satarda>' sud Sun- day in Ch'ticago. The. Prairie Viey baud wiil give a conceert anti basket social ut the Union hotel, Loa'g Grove, i'riday nigbt, Fsb. 241h. Everyliodytuviled. Tii. tsi clleetor for Vernon mil be ou& nont week. There i@ etill ujuch a exnesm in Iis* vieiniîy sud laa. b.ea, tii IJuet to Joseph Churchilile laéili coriinuti toie b.d. ira'. J. A. Muion rueirel a check for $150 tu a gupeiiing utest a ev tdsys ago. The Ladim esVrnon Cemetun.v Associa- lion viii inut it vibMlms.Puiolai, Thunday aflernoon, Feb. 21et. Al memhers riquestudto te b present. A grand Victrola coflutt wyul lie given under tbp auspices of the Ladiesl' Aid societ>' Tufeday sveuaaug. Feb. 21, ai, Hermbb.rgur's hall. Lui everybody comead ud isa sconcert as Il la' soen. ting ab.olutely nussuainvel lu tis vsY of entsrlaiuuasnts, EHighiad Park Buys Pump -Y La Aller -veais o! conslieration, anti i about esiuent pro sudt'co,ait he endi o! t 1 houa. vilc limte an expert engineer vas hiredt b give aui opinion on the relit- MfuI S tive merRa 0of the Canton Hugies anti laio M-Alla Cbalmens vater vonis pamp.. i. TvO Highlandi Park bas accepte,! the. 'e- r ad tis comuention o!lils expert anti pur., me ab""etianAllie Cialmers pump at , - - ie 0*-of $11.200. The expert rend e' 1 Bgiueg etan opinion 1ha1tiers vas Do differ. r, *ebde0 sce llnb.hevo pampe excepitatstth. reUsZ44 1Allia Obalmers pump vas heavier. iu abc: - Il nemi b ohavotiselopedttat the. rés vi,1 d-expert hiuisl! aI oneUimie .vor>.ed levfor te Alla Oblmera Peopleanti that oba ofbis pêtalt evre Ont hie pumpi a Wqd, but hie opinon tu consitiaret fair %svur tbut ainive kboruda bouse vhicb »c ba, ; ime ' ds 1tea ud 90931 cileg la et ÉiWan.-vW" Vole laid, som ns .ia eve trou Wa &var points la Umcaws ka honae Md iii. Sakotai. Itii. asiqsurais halet tia.(Ja&Mi all laitFridar qvwinl ma ttemmi by about forty couple and a pleemmat lime la reporît& Mise Cands Osasy vas ff tWdi he Prise for the bMa dmmu laY -antiRagne fRucnfor Una bat drseid geai, MiesEtbel Jayae fer %JW mmes ornac dretet i edy amà HsmenyUdifiedfor lb. moil c0qmic dinesiti geoi. ObitUmrY. 'Watthev C. Emthas aoid' omet onr commuuity, dlsd et hi. bons la Wanconda. tovnsbap onm flatday, Feb. 4. 1911, & iz iy.îvo lemt eVuehodtias ad fourtem e,m a n. e vas boru Iu Tortsbiis, , Eobi&" ,Ju $ 4, 1848 sandcanheto Ibis àùutynlp itia àhi paruis la 1852. ne W*% %M* e cili la a faaallyet tirltime bllduea d 01i vhow$srviva hlm. us J»lp 6.i87.6 hi vu Unied lu marfiage 1teQala L <laisandte la Ibir union tIbneseblIgre vers hore u, e asIL, vho resieti Edieun l'an; Page A. andth ei A. houa of viiozureuidu on tb. olti bonssîed ansd with tb. vldow survive hlm buidea toutr rd t.bldren. Mr. dnjî bas r,.i:ded inu ot cou- manaîy na.arly &a iliife aud massa iind snd indulgent latiier ubo miii b. mdly auîased by his faurly. lie sai of s jovial dimpouition, kiînd at Usarttid viii bo uis.d by hie maia.y iriende ia the ceci- uaunisy. Hie hsd bien sansnaber of Waeoada M. W. A. Camp for iglesa peara.Tii. fanerai aiwu ld Tuesday as 2 e'ciock p. mu. at. the M. E. charciaBsy. H. D. Fleet oflicatlng, all1er vhieh Inter- muent wvs haît et the.Wauconda me. temp the localilM. W. A. Camp giving tbulrteremuaattiiegrar,.. Wiuîteu Our aucer. a.mpathy to, the bersaved vîdow and faumiiy. Resd the fonuisheti roon aain the paper today-and then Wite & 'IETTER one. 1t11 Sudnitpou a loigir. TREASURE ISLAND -The Worlds Gardenî Spot. "Ihe Iand that produces for you 065 dayat of thte year ISLE 0F PINES Wealth, Hoalth and Happinesé await'ou. For the growing of Oranîges, Grapo Fruit," Lemons, Limes anrd ail otiier citrus fruit as weIl ai; Pine Apples, Bananas. Tobacce) axt Veýeta6Ies, otîr lands are the buât in thsi world. cr No irrigation Is icedeti. FrotAo are neyer kuown. Lana(l of ;er;'etial suisliiiîat. Theî nereury Peldom gies atbù;vi490 dt',.egepm e îrvr blw 58 ileu rees. 1Nlat o1IL lade; ali vi 4i1: Grape Fru i t ......l,0"au pr acre ILelonis .................k3 0 petr acre, Oranges ......... ... Oii 1,-,racre FPine Apples grown betweeîî rowe of fruit treed of Young grove yiold e32u j>er acre. Bananas groW'îîbett t'eu t.hp'ows <f young grove yield *ý50 per acre the fli et year anid double the second year. Tobacco yields ........ $27.5 per acre Ail vegetables growîî in the U. S. are sîîcc'ss- fully grown on t>ur lande. ISLE OF PINES Loeate.d south of the' we-sterit.teîad of the Iln of Cuba. Easy acces to market4. For further anîd detailed informîation wîite for free bookiet oi -"tii, pon FRIED RUJSSELL, Libertgville. WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE ISLI! 0f PJNES PLANTATION CO. 200 PEARL ST., BUFFALO. NEW YORK. Evenitoge etCORLETT & FIREDER ICK8, Llberty-ville, 11 -r A Q.nuliftSUJR TBOND 0IUàRAN=<f witb év.i'y roll of CoOUP. Um duilatte a Mi"i~ si lh" esis'. btP§@MaYobM i pum cia<el M e hila@fs'& h a s a lue. erâm e W bachW byatsPuisla1m ne iy.g .1 le JÉ---

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