CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Feb 1911, p. 3

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r IUDÂY, FEBRU'ARY 17, 1911 YOUfC HOUSU. The Ladie Aid vii miel wih Mn.. J.O. Saieon Feh. 22, 1011. Ail cosse sîe lleciOn et oflioers. Nesan, Rasiusen atteule hi fanera! aiut ile Elvard Ferry lut gatundal aI ZMon City. Tbs friend. ot Mn. Wili Burrist are veryglad tahear *hbin lowlyrerovenlng troni hi veyseriona operation shi bad. A. P. Wellà sud tanily apent Suuday dit . W. Wells'. - FAvard Strong sud John Feuiel e5peatu taelaritanorSouih Dakota ,,Wdusslay. They are loalînt ther joa. Mm. Siroug aud Ar. larrml do Dot go yst, Patrick Leon boas een quit. ick Abs psu vseok. £. B. Philpe bal the misiorunu ta bruies hie baud quit. badly limt veek. Ait wbo vire nai out laut Suuday misel sau excllent sermon ou ibe goal nus ei Our country. Unr. Fred Beoinl eterialuel ber brother., John sud Lanis C brstenbon, ove Sonfa,. Ar. suà Mn. Elvard Stronx ba& a famevli party sAtheir home lait Welneeday evecng. About Iii ty vere pres.nt. 'The Ladie' Club presutel Air. Stroug vlth s fiue table cloih. Teaeis Bnos pet Saturday sud Suuday wiih ber anut iu Waukege.n. Tbelma Olseu bas been quita éek but te butter. Abert Klein, vbo bonglt the Milier plate. ta. paperlng, paintintg sud puttiltg upiw loom lu the bouse. Will Ryas'a ianily @peut Sunday witb Bl Clarke ai Oui-mat. ir. George Low, abo bas ten quit. "lc, t butter. Joie Cole bai netel Elvard Stnong'm place sud viii more sheir soon. The weathu'r isies quier freako ibis winlen. Ar. Mary Hawkins ecelveela latter ran relatives l ux.sszVi., wurînthe vieittentayea, saying tbey bal e0veny heavy inow torin comblned vltb a severe ibunder aud llgtulng etorm. The hlgtulng @truck building@ sud bursl bei n sd atunnel people. lA le qui». nusual to ous lightulug sud enca together. Mn. sud Ars. OUa Hakins sud baby Pearl visel ai Ri Emer Hawkins' aven ~Suulay. Mn. Matia Ole ene.rtaîned tit. Ladimelub Wedueeday, lob. 15. An. Eward Blanchard recirae! vomI of the desth of ber fathir, Captal James D. Brown, Suuday nomnlng ai 6O OCelk. Ar, sud Mre.Blanchard attenleglhfenrai on Tussday vbtch vas bell st Graysilke. Ar. Brown vase lgbtre.elx Jeanoi, sud su aid ettles re, comlog to Lake Couiy lu 184. Ina, Bufalo, N. Y.1 Lnmifber Yard For Figuei on BUIL.DING MATERIAI. mypieaergtadgae gond. Wbetber you buy or Dot pet ny igue. PREI'AIiEI WITEWASH: r. S.- HEAD. Prop. DIABEïES MELLTUS And AilFermi of Rhoumatlsm Now Çurable Diseasos! Liter tiw 1. .e&o of very h,?i wonk1 anld hemnical ex- perment» Dr. Da. barried the skli of the best physrlafl5 lu Europe and Am- erics. -laundrds dreaddisesDia- n)etpe. cati nov La - uccýeogfu3rtlY a il V 2. STÉEI. cd by hie Dv matllOds vithout L aryny dletiOt Of te ptoten. a*ri hll.unated vitil. lula Oeda. » ajthe patient la mode M notbl rn.thé irai day of &iart- SuNtit traimnt.At the expiration of tvelve day. tile patient l entlrely Ont etsasenr. eteobtalued ln ail fornas o isualm Dr. s98cm btlmade a suossefel utocllty of Eloa, fSun, Ner- voile&ad Chrao Dteeaee fon thc pai thftty4ve yeerq, of viîci twtenty-iteS vears vers spent ta practs lu Chicago MdtObie numeroue patients there c0 teu- tify te hie ablty and Strict bcnes-6 q 'malt vo dues vbmt he rays zvr patiet nuet cons t. bitu M tu a5!c5t consut bine. It a uoceast acpectsd. Liter oe ig- eoWS05 t hie cOos D». ets c.a heu trut titi patient nUes. SUV. Hi .t. llliads? @Md you Irees abooket.Irrié utr etoe.. ma" sour troubles-ta 'Ctetr edV Wy**fl boa- Ira1.t b M' »ML Addfse IlXSEZ EICIL DISPUSVI, B. A. Latte,af Grayslee iranecw businesla our city Wedesda. AIr, and MA. .Wilig sud daughtr Vernidete, bat e returnsd ta thir bomne in Pt. Wayne, lad., alter spending ahlw days with ibeir ater, M-. Frai!d JuAhhlm. Are. Fred Joebheln and daughâter1 Bertba, ver. Ciago vieitoras aturd&Y.1 Simon àleoter, or Vio. weli knoov ibronghout tbe entire coit. dled et hie borne Wseddy moar ai pnu.- mania alter a very shrIlifl.1 Obtuary net veek.1 TAhYLOR GROVE. Chas. Lewin viii bave au aucti9ni Marcb 2nd and vil saen nove to1 Waukegau. Ar. Vanderwli fBoton, vili live onu Abs Levi i an sd vilii ove luearly iu liard sud"tata posession. 9 Denin Reardon lost a valuable horse. reeently.1 G. A. Osborne ]oei a Ivainable ccv Suuday. Miése ella Shea le quit. slck v'th i <ippe. Mise Bertha Craielord vetied relatives bem Frlttay. Bey. Joues vas entertalned at the 0 eorge Levin home snnday. Mari Dumvan ie borne alter spendlug a laew days lu Wankegau tavnasblp. . AMunie Shen, visltefi relatives iu Kenauha Saturday. Mmr. William siver and childulea viii nove tô Chicago March lit. They have rented their farin hemsand viii -nove ba'ýk tt hir oldborne . Mr. and Ar. Wli Rabllng are the proud parents of a baby girl. Ohe vas I'j,rnerly Carde Weudt. Frieude of Olive WeIe4 are eorry to hear of ber IlIes.. .1 GlluR mE 9 in. Wm. Idurray oI RuaselIvisiîced Air@. Ray Dizon lait Fnldey. Mir. aud Mr@, Barber of Ubertyville, verse vifiton ait P. Q. Smih'$ Saturdar. W m. Sage and daugbter of Kenaiba, cane dovun Saturday evqnlag fora te w A lange crowd atteudsd Ahie etertein. ment si the cburch luit ]riday eaiug. Thti Woadneu gave anotbst cerd party sud dance4t the bail lait Wednsedsy svenlug.' R.J. Dady ot Waukegsu, isitSuno day viih bis parents boe. Adjudcation Notice. Public Notice l6 hireayr lveu ha1 *9 Suit-1 ser. Adimbutstcsirlx .eeof Chariot . Rermns. dose.wlnausiMe a iucioi. se th Oul Houes11. PvernisS.. amsi H. ntl u tas ac MUR of ii. a.led bers ail porm e su eeUi ealnêft ue MMete a estamendts 0Job ePHiNU ERMAI. Adunlatn t. Pubebic not $c Ceourety ilve a aca ub Oouta Cout ni lii. ut. atm Deisudt i.= ho resset the mimurtHoela Cve or neat 1 U.. sua ars an 1eru. Cha>3 Adjudjeiion Noice. Public notice l bcrcby ten tt ts Bob- .cribec Executor ni the lat viU ma OTestament nf rsedKrucgs. *ceescd wiil atendthee Conir Cours of Lake Couty. ai a ters ilereof lu t.loldeee e thie Court.iiouoe il aeaue. la aO conir. ontthe rt oderi, fAvri nexi. Ml11 hen spd ahere eU versos albvh claims aselut apeitBaae are uutIfied sud eusted go precscnt the came 10 cea Court for aiudication IfERSIAN IIRUEGER. Execulur. Waukegau. fli.. Jan. 30, 19i1. p.I94 Adjudrication Notice. Public Notice le bereby ren abaita.h SBa scribers Ezecuiornif te lait WW iofCaiviaJ. Kucker. deceased. w astend lhc Counn Cort oi Le <buty. aeua terne Ibereof la o holden et the Court flouse In vaukegan, lu seid outsQUn the llrt ilouday nf April nexI. 1911. vieco and wbere &IL versons a ht d aims againt sald Etate arentifiéel eu4 requestea go0 suet the slamne go sci Court for adjludication. EDITH COON KUCKFEt LEWIS Y. MAON >xgemtrs vauegsu, M.. Jauuary 19. 1911 c-84 Adjudication Notice. Public notice ia erebr ivcuthal theSulb .criber Executrli Cte.let WIl sud Testament of Jesse Tomphinls doceesed. wMi attend Chee f arCor rLe eCour. isietomStereof me a odettiCourt Rouse hu Wesksuau lu MMl Cousu n Ums ir" Monda of April coez.lii. *nMd waere aunvtios arlu cil.. arattnsilaid EBaté,aie Bmtfed sud rMneeste' tou rement theesanue lu salCorl for a odlaton. EMMiA R.BADDAR. Exeftdx. Waukegau. Jan. 80. 1911. P-194 SALM 5. NOt.ME, AftA. use. Ashissi 5k. Cblceg, M. Adjudicationt Notice. POWM I.Notice le Pl=rhde a u George t>. Soiltosticssese uCimavReculit 0 ai o~.a&%«. rof ta beboldoS unri ous. b Waukgthe te "Mi Couair. un e SiliaiMona tAc not I.=su -auar n.isd= r@QMd0premax! lu .51"Court for Wase.ii.Jahuaey I,&1Mi. 11-19- TOIEODORSE. WIENDEUC. Lits.. Lie Derboin St. <affego.ii - A4tadlsl lst Hlb,. RAYSLAKIÈ DEPARTMENTI P . J. DRICE. Edito. ilu No. 1i Ordiers Takîn for Job Work Advertieing Rate* On Application Mr. and Ar@. Wn. Kapple sud IRussell, Airs. Perey Gray and Borate Kapple attendel the vslling sunirsrsary of Mr. aud Mns. EIndlAnes., ai Lake Villa, Saturd*y ivenlue, MisesAd» Sprng, of Libintyrite, vas hi guesi oi lvab Laitue aven Fri-ils sud Saturday. Rani Latue sud Chas. Shuiz $pont Sunday ai Wsuksgau. IMiesmsEibet sud Rllth Sping vers Abs gnets a lelu th Doalittie fran Friday uutii uuday. Tibe MysAlc Woriens gare a public carl party lob. latb. Mr, sudAMr&. Ribler, who bave bien employel by P. ilashenadel, Jr., bave purcasl a taim ai Janeeville where thoy vii nmove lu tbs near tuture. Rai-I Loitue tranactel busin«nessa Autlocb, Tuelay. An. sud Ar*.Hini-y Evanîs sud Henr-y Wright, vho bave bien apeudiug th. vinter lu Fiai-ils, are expectel hume lu the seii-future. Elitai- Siraît sinashel is inger quit. b idly lu th proesTuesday. Aies Belle Allen le &gala emplayed et the Tines. office. Aies Susan Whitehead opent Mouday lu Chicago. Fay Bi-sudtetr sud Mies Aiil.'i- sud seversi ather fri-ende tram Chicagoa von pueseta ai the Win. Bi-sudtetter home lnhalay and Satunlday. Sererai tran out of towu attendel the funersi ai Captain James Brown, Tue»- lsy. The electric îbav vas exceptionslly goadlulat Saturlay sveniug. Dr. E. V. Barvey ipènt Sunday in 1 1 jhluaR Otto Wllnaun bas punchased the Wn. Parker bous. ou Cter Ave. Jesu Lougsbaugb tianiacted buiness lu Chicago. poý The lait bg lance oi hie samon prior ta Lenten ësson viii bi given ai Round Laie, Anan' hall, PFb. 25th. The goolsat hi BouTon pui-cbseed by John Staffel bave'bien renored ta Abs Mieury star. avusd bjy M. SAlol. Ars. 'F. D. Batterealiü sud daughter Aura, il nienWtal h500 Club noxt Thnredal evealng. vinlov Iran.have already been buili sud ths@taCtory viii go up in a burry vbeu once It gpis eisnted. M10LNOTEM. Musie fonrAte bgh ichool hi funnies by Borge~s hi-s. pisc orchetra-piano, etool aud caver. Thre beai hnotumretalâk ot havlug as home talent sentalunent ton the bene- fit af th itiray.1 -ýAi; tatle humain muet retroàrade if fi da not advseuie."1 The botany chas la Dot Tory Welfi potl on grattjpt. Oh! vel Abrs le 'plsuty o! tie. 1 1 Doing someéboli la bitter than doing1 notblug. liurnan ti*ing nacblum are nat1 lui-nul outIsacaur chool but omre of hi part. aremmaIs ihore? Little diope ai tudy, Little grains aI ibink, Help ta guide the taue. Aiea @prond the ink. Jake *The bookkeeihg clise are flniîhlug UP their firet set oI books; the Dois.t taes up wboleulesund retai transactions. The satest vsy tolol!ow ,tle Songe of the Serin ia ln u a sinip sud thon yau vaut ta bs.anrs aud _go up higb euougb. A eilght chainluprogran taok place A)ondayAuthehi bgb ichool raom. Change lu Abs pnlmany law of mental activiiy.*C Sans of aur tuleuts voul mske goal psrpetuai notion euachinces Ifthey coulfildsasvsY to Q.vOrei-ou friction. HarolÂnes, one ai lest jear's graluatmsvIetd ecboi Tueslay. Be entere e hiWsukenau township bigh echoal labit tal here ho le listing bis fourtb yqu. ne vas given tulli cyalil for watt daos hem sund viii graduseon campistiali of ans year's vork.. iii the gransinarnoo me balValentine boxes sud Ahi Aachers receivel thtl muaiusippily aflove tokens. P. Boehinalel, Jr., of Jsueevllle, tran- sactel buasaiboesWedneelsy. Judge i VII. vnt t t heidAy Weduss day sud lasgotu g theAbospitai t. go undeacaihiilrelniutafor riteuuma tian. Titi ju* hbu not bh e slig - mes LO UIS J. YEO MAN THE JEWELER ThieA. . AMd .slyvmatlh Aira Rd Wagner, Tuesy tercoon. Tes sud a lunuceon vas essysd. Ar, sud Air. Henry Knobker sud sou Vat,, vistel st Wsukegsu aven Si. Valeutilus.Day. Brick Iicrean ai ibe rayalaie Pharmacy. B. J. Litue trausactel business lu Cicaga Tueaday sud Wlussdar. Mns.)istbir9 sud chilîrsu, ai Prairie Vlewv'ieiel ber ater, Airs.Mat wffler. om. Biandtetter, ai Chicago, baij been spenllug a ehort time witb bis1 bçother, Wrn. Braudstetten sud tamily 0i thie City. Moteuman sud parduer, ai Waukegsu, viii ssiablisb su ail station bers. Tbey ru flue wagons ounlihe roal sud viii ineakeorsysiake Iheir healquartere. Thse Flrnsn'i Istce passel aif vih ite, uouail lucs. A large crawl vas lu attsudance sud about »00 ticket. vers mal. The firemen expect soon ta ma6taI privais salarme-ushbe residence ai each firen. Thers bas been smre sin aven an the lsctory grounde tihe pasi veék. A larg van bousesbau been coutrucisl lu vhlch ta star. tht Ceent sud aiher 1 building maisrlal until they cas ho used. About tblrfiy men are employsl by the Son lins in laylig asaiee rack tu, h. faiiary site. The truck l about con pitaI. Work viii tari ou h. factary lu hi mmollate future. Douze sud fT WILL PAY YOLJ To corne end Sot pour Suit% and Ovin- gqt made t. order. SUMT AND OVMROATS $15 UP. * O.1ANING, REPAIRINCI AND DYEINO NEATLY DON£ AT RIGMT wm.M " ANS alr vM er voh inuen sud fA la e hhope of le friands At hi yhol finIrelief. aptain James Broya, su agel reeldet ai Lakeecofly sud Grayalake. lied Snndsy norningaitbis borne on Ochiossr St., ai hi ips aid aMe o elghiy-s.ven yeane. H.habs.niluvery Iseble hsalth the put vlutorasud nuder hi doctor's care, altbongh hi vas able ta ho up sud around bhme n. Bebal scarceiy kuowu as14i" day until Ibis gapneral breaking lovu earne ta hlim. The faunerai vas beld Tueeday at tbe borne sud burilai G 6rat ouetery, tihe Aasonlc order officatel. Obituary vili hei luOur nextIslsue.' 1 . r- VOLO*- Lee A. Huon speut Suuday vitb Iieude t Libintyvilis. Mies Mary Undervood of North Adasa.Mass., in epsudlng this visi ai the Rtaymond home. Mises (enevieve Effluger et hugîelde, le vistiug relatives bers tht. week. Bai-ny Lusk of Gaylake vas lu tavu- Sunday siternoon.' NiasesAnna Jensen sud Rlbsi Suther. -isul 0f Waukegan, vers guesti at the home aifAMr. sud MmChas. Raugbi Aouday sud Tueedslof tbis wsok. Mies Helen lisynols vas thi e ut of friandestaiLake Villea s ev leya recenly. Ar.unI Are. Will -Mlidor o! Round Lake, sttendel cburc boes unday I lareoon. miss Katherne VoyenoraiWst Fremnn sud Mies Elele Wmtau vire vision ai Absebains etth former'. braiber, Frank Dovshl, ai Lily Lake Sturlay sud Suuday. Iledaese . Buson sud J. Bicharlean apet Weneeay of lattvek in Chica. Meusr. Lusk sud Young ai Wst Prenoni, vers Iu tava Aodayalter- Doon. Ar, sud Ars. Frank Zueludorf sud !anily of Mclienry, are vil4ongaI h. Nicbonis on. ibis esi.k- If Abse, furnihel rýoo naI -lacis goad" ru aanuf to Ibo addrens gi nsd take s a o aietbe roon. The Ladies' Aid Bociey viii meet with Mne. Carniebsel on Tbursday, Feb. 28. There viii b. special work tw do. A fl atimndance le desired. Visîtora aliemys velcome. Mr. and Mr@. tis. Kapple and fsruily attended the twentieth annlversary of the wedding of AMr. and Ars. Enmond Amensat Lake Villa on 84turday evenjuz. Mr. and Mr@. Lawrence were enter- t6ined at the bhume of Air.'sud UAi. Frank Clark ln Waukegau. Thursday. J. Ml. Grose and bridé, of Racine, Wis.. arrlved ai the home of his brother, Ar. sud Mire.Keller on Saturday ulgbi forsa fev dey@ visît. The Saugatuck schaul entetalument9 bai beau potponedountil Saturday evsug, Feb. l18%h.1 Mir, sud Ars. EHBarris sud I4.11Y @pent. 8unday *vlth AMr, sud Ain. Howard limson at Libetyville. Mir, sud Mas. Kelier snd AMr. and Ars. Orass vere sntertained ai the (Jagencre club on Wednseday svenlng. From Speclal No. 2. Air, sud Ars. Abrin entertained as party of Irtends at carde lait Thured»Y evenlng. Ars. Drago'iQ trauaacting business lu Valparslso. Tbe ladies vere roally entertiled at Ars. Barris' lait week. lirs. Urtienden, ine. Savageansueon vé, ers Sguuday vieitori ai Wili Snyder's. Mir, sud Mn@. Esnlfflenry sud daughter muretia, ofi Racine, are spending the vs.k vih relatives herm Ar, and irs. Csri Shreck spent Sun- day aiAr. Sage's. Albert Pick sud several frleuds carne out ta the tarm ta hon% last week. one ofthe bhases an the Seane farm broke Ite log lait Fride7 sud had te, be ihot. h in supposed it vas klcked by a baresinlu uadjolning itail. Harold Amesftiad vacation tram achool Tneeday owlng ta finit senestdr exanination. .Our paston, AMr. Towuiley prescbed st Grayelake Suaday evenlng. SOr iiacber,Nlas Bs.m sud pupis are preparingauanexcellent pragnsn Ior thi sfternoon ot Feb. 24th lu coinnenara- lion oI hi birhdays of Longsfeliov, Lincoln, WaingtonansdlSt. Vahiatine. DL OaF. DIJTBELDSý VRI'EMIABT SIJEON. DILICS ILGALLOVAY, aivma vovua LOv e .moma, nou-ran 1 ta 8 sud à ta 8 p. È& Llbertvnb. iluai. PAUL MAC OUPPIN ATI!OBNE AT LAW. Llbertyvlhs Diuai DE GOLDING DENTIST liaure 8 1012 a.n.-1 taî5p.m. J. Eh i'igg. Building vlib Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 aue. Phone 1092% Liberlyvilie. lUnois' DL a. M SMITIL DENTIST. vELA5CaijiTYhAIONAL DN auBa-8 tc 12as . nd 1 ta 5 p. n. DAILY. DP. 1. L TAYLOR. ovinesovus J. Bru. vTWG4e8 LI)0. nous:-? ta 10 a. n. 2 ta 4 quI ô ta S P. n. esce vm Broavay. opposite Park. Uneityvttle. iblinold. DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE Bor 10 ol12. 210 f4and 7 o10 , 1p.m.ofa ore[ Lyuehl..Sr. SPEOIAL JATTENTIONi TO TUE BEI LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DBCKE &TTrOU'ET.AT4,AW Ollie Opp. 1iulI st. Eletrlc station Oifice Phone 5834 lis. Phone 3808 N02TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIB L PELTO N LIOENSED EMBALMER 1 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROUND LAME IWNOIS Night Ualls Pvomptly Attmnded to TELEPHONE 228 W. Il. APPLEY FARIl SALES ONE POR CENT LiboutyvlDo, 111. PHONR 1411. Misa Laura Alcao t Lkory, @pont Saturayand Suulay nîtb fInnda in ibis vlclity. Wm. Cleveland hue been elek vith pueusuoia for oven a week. Chas. Amnsinetaklng cane of bbc. Rer. A. W. Safford loft i onday ta attend h local option ýconvention ai Springfield this vs.k..i Wm. Stnang @pont Frllay and Satun. dsy in Waukegau.j Air@. Coa Anderson left for ber borne at la, Kaunas, lasi veek. MieAlisteFaulkner aITaylor Grave, viitel hsruncle, Wm. Faulkuer, reeuntly. is. Geo. HaInes sud chilîrsu loft Suuday for iheir futurs bae nc luIne. spolie, Min». . This lena vlug visi In this rlcinlty. Aiaay ciaugie san lsklng place. Air. sud Mns.. L. Bains.aved Manlay ta thslr ucv bans east ai Wadeworth. Airsud Ar@. L. J. Siocun sud tsmlly have novel tota iein nwomehansl Wieconsin. Arthur VsuAistln accon- paulsd thon. Air. Garrett sud !snlly of Auiiocb, novel Aionday ta Ahe fartajust vacatel by I. L. Boines L S. Banner la ou the sick liât, sud unable tu attend ta bis lutes. as secrtary tan theKanu er's Instituts. 1ev. James 8. Ainelie ai Chicago, viii leture ou Abraham Lincoln at bs Jillburn ubc Tueeday eventug, Feb. 2h. Be viii b. aseed by the nais quartette. Mise Jos.phiue Eddie visitel beri Dr. Janieson tnusactel business lu Chicago Tueaday. Ton Edwarda' two youngest children ane on the slck luet., P. J.Bast 0f Covert, Nuth. speut Snuday Bat C. G. Norhrop'&. Robert Runter sud vile af Rchmond, ipent part oi luit veek at WiII Oliver%. G a rd e r F a ulk e r le n o v liv in g lu ZMon Cty. Gertrude Northrop of Lake Forest, vas home ovin Sunday. ]RUSSBIL A large crovd atteuded the Farner'a Initute hild hart Tbursdsy. Barbara Chas esnteréained s large parey laitSatura" night. Ail riport a grand tUne. Ana Carleon spint Sunday ai bone. Wil Melvilli vu a Kenoths visior lionday. Air, sudU. A. C. Corrne vire Wauke. tau vietore Moenday. Anunher of lte tainseare .celAag laid off rain shipping tbir nUk. Mir. sud Aim.J.B. Coul. vers luaZCou City Baturday. Air. Cale Ilauiavlng hi@ propri! trams thi Book fatam vhlc vas purcbased by Ar. Sage. Air, sud Mre. James Campbell of Chicago, vielaaiB. W. Ormebys Saturday sud Sunday. Tvoa sooseidlateoccrre lalu" 1i vltluityrsoanty. Saturdl, Albert Saga cnt hiefot vsry bally vih su mx sud Aionday, H. C. Lincoin kIl, cnting s big guai hbisé ud deveriug s large ari-ry. Dr. Young atteulel bath cnes. sud reporte thon boing viii. 1Mn. Wii Diglil basbisa au the sick liât but ber recoveny la loakel for eaon. A consultaion vasebell nmtll. Henry Sbepard vas as Obicagovietton IcIt Tbursday. Ai!red Aeade ia bnsy seling stock'ion a Chicago couceru. He le baviug goal succes. Cultivate a persoual pri-Inl youir abhliy ta write vaut adg TUÂ T AC- CO0MPLISH TIHNGS. PoUiponed Anotion. Theaucti oal iGelEBk"shon the Judge Upton tarm 6dvertil a l os lait ieue ta b. bell au Thuuhià, Feh. 23, baq bien posiponil teonsas lulefluie urne. Walch tor future ntice. Mies Rase Foley bas veunued hom Chicago. Geo. Lux sud family are nov sstle4 lu their uew borne. The carl party Tueslay eving tuer- St. Patricke panish vs. s fine sueesué, mauy f rom out ai tavu aiteniidhg. Olive Wello, vbo ba@ been quiSe lM, le better.1 Airs. Peter Lux vas calll ta Waukegau Icit week on accouni -01 lb. eions Bimeseai ofber. brothir, Aadr.v Berberger. There viii b. s lance givia by J8.N. A. Friday evenIng, Feh. 17, lu Brovs Hall. FOX LAKE Mns. San Wiabt returnel Tbnvelay tram su extenled vieivih relative lu Chlcago. Oea. Braudînen vas -a Chceg* pas.ugsr Weduesdsy. Mn. sund Ars. Chai. Schvartz sud eau, Raymnd, vbo have bisa t.e guete of! oa. Kautb sud faily Ior *e pust ten daym;, riurned ta beir home lu Chicago, -Fiay. I : Mns. Rames, C. C. Mamnili sud C. Mai-bis sud Arleita Morril aitenlel hi Frlday eveaung nt Round Lake. Connty flurvcyor Anderson of Luos .- - - , I . 9ÉM - towu Wednea day noralng. Chas. O'Boyie vas bora Sept. 9,181?, aud dled Feb. 1 1 . Ol, ai bs .&Wdl 5typare sud 5 no. The dsciae eo aivays ived upon lth am vhoeu ka dled and bua aye sJoye4ý go4 healtitountil &bout ten doa o v1»g he contracted a bad col wblch thmo ated, loto pousuMn. He havS e, nourn ibeir l0e. su aged nothi,, wl vbon hi residsd, sud Sie uAe. KtMM Mary Straftank. Mn@. Est. Se*Ufy, Mm. Chas. Towuesnd,AIles.Matti. O'Boyb > of Ingkesde, sud Mm. Anale MisofI Chicago. Servimse ersbl ModU fronst be CathaReecburob ad et bâI bons sud intmernet a Aam,, Faiber WolffioSoWa. To tbhi ezpayers of Warrs1I »U be at DemMbei toreon VeddsulsW a ibl H uA'hrdwam e sore 0la b" on saturdays. 0-21-8 EDWMUBT. oU.hIe- ELCCTC ON me-, s. àe meut paet.IUI nomus Mmd Agm low eNt OruOfsln iwfrlig Iboum et oeb Sre A lu dul,2 es"4s with no lateeaichog& Wh dcctr tosrvice wltlpm di. a Of the Most modMrte insu..., Let aur reprumstatbt cale , WC uni evsrydhmg ecww~ aur dsplsy oUset the Iswu North Shore Emootri.o ço- iO MOfORE LEÂKU SYRIIGE * Our Ulne of IGUÂRÂNTED loimteiu Sprimffl osl Is fa upeior to any M" dof Srdff tbat has bem *made up. o vr yig efc n.GAAf» *O Ey yrinea reo n. URMTE W. a" ohandle the Liaies UKarveloue SpraY«ý Byrinea. A-âm Um neof Bot Wateý ]Botties au4; lSb Bags&Evey omroUiable. Grayslake, R«AtNslei, ad Round Lakt NOTI-4rv s " U' O? LbOl"7VJflS 887 . 1

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