CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Feb 1911, p. 4

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~AKFCOUNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTYv i -aiOeslphse iü. i. utor's itesdece Teephone No. 1941. Lbertyvile Exchange £Etered .L the Piirtocle st Lihertrvtile. [Il.,asu secondI Chur= ltr L%*Ugt. WXgLY. A[)V!TQIýG 54Tzs AE KOWN Ur i'PIC tN SUBSCRIPTION PRuCE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST .......... ................................ ....................... Editor RAY L. HUB8ARD ............ ........ .................... City Editor BUVING FOREIGN TITLES. A crltelammof Amorîcan girls who marry foreigners, by Mr@. G. W. Pair. banke, wtt. of the former vice president, has attracted considerabie attenlon. Mtm. Fairbanks sud, during' a discumaion of the Gouid.Decies Wedding, that thle thought an American girl who married a foreigner had retrograded. "She If accepting ideais or 11f. wiich Amarican men ilaveoutgrown." The poor Immigrant who cornes over here to make a ittle.mor)ey at ditch dlgging, and then take hie smai fortune te, lve Ilke a miniature lord ln hie fermer qualid honme, ha* often beeri condemned as an economit jase. -Bet when a qreet fortune, the resuit cf America'a free Industriel oppor- tunttesa, of America'm rlch soli and mines, of America's enterprise, la trans. ferred badily &cross the water, smpiy becouse certp]in places of hereditary - étper and certain ribbons and neiedaloo1k attractive te, a siiiy girl, there la auneconomic lesa many thousands oft imas more serlous. Of course th. ocean le only a jumpable ditch to Cupid. The condamne.j tien of aIl forelign marrlages ilas barbarous na prohibition of any other com- merce Exluisve Internlarriage ha* reduced great races te pale and flabiy decay. Marty International unions are baaed on true affection and wortn. 4>,uch unions muet tend ayainst insular prejudices which conceive that agil po- titical eniightment la lodged under any on.efIag. But ton, many Amerîcan girls are dazzled and bewldered by the social exteriors. They faitltt, look beneath the gaudy deccrations of tltied aristoc- racy, under which may le concealed thle heart of a doit. Thus the history of themo unions shows tmre bastu for Mrm Fairbanks' 'Ic awee#Wig rebuis. Ater the honeymoon, »tere clashl two eeta _of Idem, re. garding the position of woman. Mout girls bred in the equal partnership of an American home, chat*. under thefarelgn masculine lordmhip, which ha& no doubt led te the bitternemu cf the English Suffragette campalgn. AF1'ER TH1E RICE THROWERS. The rectors of the Church ci the Sacred Meusrt and of the Church of the Ngtlvity of Brooklyn, N. Y., have taken the lead in a niovement te check the practice of rlce tilrowing ai weddings. They smy It destroys th impressive. res of thil fateful service, and occasionaliy gels mri people'. eyez. "if rica throwing breaks out," saym one cf these men, *%wa shall Immed- lately ring for thé patroi wagonu or the ambulance." 0Two youthfui honsymoonèes of our acquaintance handled this proposition rather weii. Ater the train moved away with their parier car chairs under a sew drift, Ih.y had the porter sweep up carefuliy every bit of IL. A few menths after, Mr. and Mrs. Newly-wed lnvlted te dinner a company -of peple who lad dlspiayed the mosi aîhietic prowes ut the weddlcg. Af. ter &Il preslent lad gioalad over the mellow appeai of a gargeous pudding, the brdegroom remrl'ed off.hhfld, "It oughl te ha good. It wua made out ef the rtec you gave «s the day w. ware marrisd." Yeu dont have toait around at weddîngsý with a graveyard wrtten aIl over youp fmceaIn order to b. a gentleman or 4 lady... Thare la a parting going eo,4aàmttlng saili nto the dork and pomsly th enor, that bringa tte cca, sien psrilously close te toars. Anything that kindies merriment and obscres lte ofur horizon heu 1km uses, no matter how frvilious. but people show pretty cleaany et weddlngs what breedicg they have lad. Il yeu *ake ohances on apoling the unique and radiant fragraknce of thes ho*- aymeen by s physicail njury, you have net eutgrown the stage of cubhoed, .ne ~n~s h a ale your manners or how haavily lomded wth dollar signe yer oleth emy h.. T'h. nawy marrled couple, under the embarrasmnent of a novaI expeni- . urne arae Wtltied ta #ýmonopoly of @eoaIoIIaV#seclsly. Wlen the purflt remehs even te the distant Inn, and umemeclce are tirown aver lte bridai Iwf %It hemsa isatmefor soen.yuncgstslofe ider growh te ba wili 4ilakeld m Al ptte beti by Mcdnmmm LEtog!B&TONS AUX U Introduco Xany BUIsand Pam Resolutions Springfield , III.. Feb. tO-Spectl. te the SUNZ.-Represenîative Piersan or cldown tawn atate taday introducd bill. the state legisîature deretn town superyisors tu praecute blind pli; operators. iThe bill is siined particulariy St Lake county. where t ta charged that the state*s attorney bas i!at basel very aggresgive against the Illegai Tii. soinate today paaaeet the joint reaolution memoralizing lte Illinois delegation 1la Cangesa ta support the resultion askting ai. constitutiona convention ta amegd the constitution tu provide for the election cf United. Statea senatora by direct vote of the peuple. The vote vas.uuanimious. Wheu the resolutio» 'was sent over ta the bouse it vas reterred ta the ju- diclary committee. Repreentative Chiperfield lntroduc- ed bjis resolution ln the house aending ing 'the retort of bis committe. on 'grabbed lands," together witb ail ex- Mibits ta the attorney general wth In- structions to that officiel te outhne.a. mode of procedure ao that the dsate may recover the lands that bave beau grabbed by corporations. The resolu- tion aiso piedged the members of the bouse to support the Chiperffeid com- mittee ln ls future work and te make any appropriations necessary te carry on the work cf recovery of the prop- erty ln question. The resoiption was adopted by the bouse. Whcn Shurtleff made a motion In the houseé 'today aaking tbat body to appropriate 10 the idow of the jute Circuit Judge Wright of Belvidere the saary of $2.500 for the quarter of!bis term Ieft unfilied by him deatb, Rep- resentative Carter. aided by Repre-i sertative Hull of Chicago, led a fight> ,against the appropriation. saying there was no warrant ln iaw for mak- ing snch a bequest.' Shurtleff point- ed out many precedents and when the motion vas put tu a v-ote there vers but eighteen who voted again.3t it. PLAN W1RELESS STATION 1-year-old Operator to Have Station at North Chicago. Wireless communication between North Chicago and Waukegan la te he the iatest -Innovation in the way of intercourse between the two cit les, If the plana et one Anthony- A. Wember are carried ont. A letter waa roceived by the SUN tuas morning tram PMr. Wember, who, oniy 16 y"asof mgo, will be ans af the youngeat perators on the Great Laites- division. The latter states that Anthony Wember ba been atteadIng th. Dodge School of Wlreiens Telegraphy iu VmaspMb, lad, for th. e at toWr mouuhsansd bas cosnpleted on. course. He wiU return ta North ehlcmgoBU, urday sud remain for on. veek, l'e. turntug to hInsiutitution te prepere hmeit for mocher coursein la l.l wmy sudC la the.oa ter basmcc aeet st woid 1" THZ RAY l ako FURNITURE STORE Bele hlm tiue. UBERTVILLEIIL epted a UBERTWILE ILLWireleam ter*aupon1 dl. or Aie Mr. W4ei jIliSETE ~Vm. LAYCOCK Co. RHEM ISMSKRILOO: Ubertyville, Illinois NERVOUS ISEASES suuul rro" y& % Machine Shop : ician of sa Yeas'Prao. REPAIR WR ticol Exparienco. P r. David IM. Stern hhsado 1 theb Stemn Medical Dspnauy, :wiahes te bear persaually troam : AUTOMOBuI LE# * lice wbo eein. Write t». dne.e WORK A SPECIALTY to. t vi ccSt you uatWing. NE d= r'patient la lventhe a. Euigities Overhauled. A Full u diiu l inO f tDr- Sierus Lins <of Snndrie. Tr« Re- : Whoes axperence ainan oaa: Paired. Whon in Trouble * anail hlm 10 correctly dlsg.e a no. ainittUthat have bafi.d : TELE0IO t fldnsry Practltloner. 0 TLsHN Co ord etwrite C Ubertyvife Esehauj M s 118IDICL DISPEIBLRI: . 661,or1262 * um Dearborn et, CHIICAGO. s The c.a on me lm Md oposte ts ester hlaekarnuth sho US<RTYVIU.E. ILIiOîS maaeMsdMece -¶j ny Turne Ada."ý tWaukegac tileir can 0 ber. B=ox Commercial Talegrapby. sprlng, mlter thi. young oper- xmpbeted bis course, ha wMi motionMAtihmonouThir. 'et lu Norut Chicago an" . te get lmb communication 1of the. stationa la ti i ty. >wa that tiare are oae or m heme, hey being erected mient etfithe operator, uaeof but eleven yemrsof age. having the station te occupy Anthony MWember haîsme- pasition witb the United relegrapb company, and ea- their empioy about the. nid. mber wlshea te get luto Cation s'ith any operator lu n. anid ah ae amked te s"nd and powerB Anthony Wem- 326. North cChicago. Now is 1ht time to order your new suit. prices have bien cut frorn $5.00 to 7.00 a xiit Ntw Sprlng SAiMPLES Reclevd E. W. PARKIIURST SCIIANCK BLOCK muair. sont,. rftlîstitîns sud social t-i- st the'., . E. ritrh. T»ieosa ip'i vie %Dow 1ttt lî'seasy tl umr sofI t-. I tit'o goud coal>, witbo)ut the &nao"s¶n,,t d 'if t , sd muie. Jues givp tLm iSre u, -ry litti.. air ,n top. [Ihsn*t <f ni il. ;.dauerwr tue iuisIy. Use' Pj r'uttm . Wtêbd Nut. Yoe eau xPt it fromtktfii ont t,unle'r Ce&~ pn.It iselotw1y. tbut hghtly. sud 4..iar" .uuggi, air *put* luitheii.dire tu buris ait ti... game liawould otltecwine Bakth.Rhaumatiom. >iarvousnefs I4etmdbnrnt.d kidmam,., Etti., Kldusy Pil-. itr. belped Yonr oeiabbor»; they wili na iselp y,,.. Prs.W. & .Thotap. ont, lia o*kow, li'.i. cej, 0-1 wa trcettled wlth My kldmy ur Ob i'tomse tinte and bhat i er.,.pWmina i. n>but and bl.M.& s"d lit Unes kit Oe sharp Imuil ad) îhrongh et> wbol.,btdy. 1 bati 40li iedocporw1lIgla 1h. rnoroleg »abl -5W esteko otie belote Myri 1 IW triei ?tleyKilo.> PilMemalse h dl4f et- gM 1 kapt on s«Jl1I bok chres boules. 'lin> becs aut en0e l ot tiet, u4 by'mil Pmast.o, Ad-rqde.i'sbeci bee4ncs a mattter e01eonta-"f.r liaiNT Dg. TEIINTED INT lU% PNOPMIN PROPC>JTIQK IN Tiflâ CITY, iMol tbbeYLEARN tISes ,aomt ceeS ML", l - ý 14 matter e or rs-4oc liay fT $h tliti t te>LA tiwu a hiage aoot Cam, tC, SAVINO ,ACCOUNTS Opened on or before the lth of an'Y month wilI draw 3 per cent from the Ist of the month We- pald to our Saving De. positors for the year 1910 1lnteres t amounting to $3239.43. Try us. Eake -£ONM y latIonai Bank Capital $50,000.0(' Surplus and Profits .140,00oo. Ou $tockholder's Liability 50.000.(10 Total $1:30,000.0(0 'i m

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