CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Feb 1911, p. 5

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a LAKU COUJTY INDEPECNDUNT, U'IDÂY, PEBRUARY 17, lgil TUtE ALLEN' PORTABLE BATH APPARATIS TUE IDEAL BATHI FOR BIG AND LITTLE SIIAVEURS A REVELATION IN BATHINO, OLEVEREST INVENTION 0F THE AGE, CLEANSING, FRICTION, MASSAGE, SHOWER. FOR SALE BY W. S. MCCLMIN AGENT Ubertgviile, Ilinois. PHONE 1802 It mcy require a short «campegn' of want adveMl'tllng to fSud the klndj of work you're looking for. But lt would require a LONG catupaan of any ther sot of "lookîng.11 If 1Cm ca job for a want adt DONT LEAVB lT TO A PLACARD! o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e 's. i Phone 25 Phone 3 I. BIG REDUCTION SALE NOW ONi TO LAST TUL FEBRUARY 23 COME IN AND TAKE- ADVANTPE 0F SM OF THE BARGAINS J. B, MORSE C O. Evrthlng for tien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL q& IOC BLEACHEli MUSLIN lOC LONSOALE: BLIACH- '.. ID MUSLIN GOES FOR 7c FINI. CHECK APRONK GINGHAM FOR 'J 12 CENT PERCALES G008 FORc ~ ~1. 10eGLACE CHECKr ' LNEN TOELING M i ~~Nf7 '\ ~ Ic FANOY.DRESS GINO- IIAMS GOES F OR C p 18'S PLAID SUTINGS1 IGO FOR 3' S ALE BECIJNS ON SATURDAY FE13RUARY lth AND LASTS' jONE WEE!(. X>LL NEW STOCK dUST RECEIVED M !WIcK'S VAJUETI STOE LIBERTVILE IlL1 THE -RAY- FU RNITURIE STOýRE LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI t-OOAL. ANO PE SNLMENTIO>N WE WILL EXAMfIE that watch of yours and tell y ou just what Wf necessary ta, be dounsd vitat it wyul ct ta put it in Perfect Running Order tien you cen léave It or n.1, as yu please. In sil kinls of repaîr vork, we do only the very best vork and you necif have uo hesitancy iu leaving the finest article iu ln aur care. A. 11h55 JEWELLIR Libertyvile 111 I p I p Taofinsure pubilication <nthe Indepen- dent, capy muet be in the office no later than Tuesday of eacit week. Adver- tisers, especillîy, are csked ta take particular notice to this efFect. Aaron Stefuord was a Chicago visitor Idonday. Wm. Nageiovlsitingfriends inChîcago tua week. Tii. memiiere af tiieSt. Jaaepi'schnrcb Libertyvilie, vîll give a Grand Bell et the. Town Hall, Feb.27tb. Theproceils ta go tovards the. paying for tihe lot recently purebaseil. Tii. bjectilacv.ry commendable one andl it should be wel attendsd. Thae e ilii be goad ntale andl a gensrali good time. The ladies lài prepare the. aupper and yau a&Y know vhat thst meene. Alil aré cadi. ally invited. C-21-2 Gea. E Wehbhoi Antiocb, transacted bulueus in Libertyvll. Thureday. Reoeption ofFPr. Kinaelia. tir. Gea. A. Wrglt and ltirs. Jus. H. Ou Manday oe eîng, Feb. 6th, et the Bwan @pont Seturday ut Antioch. Woodman Hall. the. pariablouera of St. There viii b. services et St. Lawrence Joseph'@ ciiurcii, surpm'iaed Rev. Wm. J.. Mission Sunday atternoon et 3:80. Kinsella vlth e réception, the.mocaton W. C. flanbarn viated frienda in beig the tiret annlversery of his Chîcma a couple of day- tthe fore part aofaaînitinuase pater af St. JOOepi's the. veek. cburcii, lbertyville. James HLanby, of Sodus, N. iY., la Tii. Uai ansa complet, surprise ta visiting bhieni other. L. B., here. Me le Father Kineella as ehail been luvited luoking for gaod farm horseo ta sil) co attend a meeting o> the Kiglîts of east. Columbus at tue La ou the camue A ReekahLudg, *uxilary o te vening. Twa Kiglita called for andi A.0 .Fl ebeah Log - auiLiertay- .escorteil th eyo. Fatlitr ta the.hall. [il..OFi T he ing ac torganie Su ir Upan hié arrivai there ie vas very mucii vill. Tey epec ta ecive teirsurprised ta e. so large a croa'd and charter about the. tiret of Marcb. inquim.ed tiie rasan, the reply being that A' Colonial Social wiii be iven l'y th@e k waë an open meeting. As he entered Ladiee' Aid 8Societ-y at the M.F. ciiureh, the main hall he beheld thîe beamng Tuei-day evening, Feb. 2)Ist. Adrîjieion eûtuntencnce of 1i.v. J. S. Finn, of Nortu 10 cents. c-21-1 Chitagoaend liey. James Mdtivick, af Tho. W. C. T U. wiii have a cakesale Chcego. on Baturday, Feb. 18. at 2:30 at the Mltertiiuelîers iiad seateil the Fathera, Was office- Ail membera lleaioe bake e a very delîgbtfal pr,îgraiî wascacrried cake ta help Mate the sale a succe8s. ont conQistiin-ofa %e îFtr-ie osng by ten Woum have au bdeu hat wiieu one littie girls, after uWhicl, little Winifrpd of tbem refusesa men he goea out andl Mack, lu hehaf 01 the Firet Communion goe drunktot drowu bic siorrow. ,ine liand, prented Father Kinsella witb timea ot of tn en le i only celebrating. a beautîfol bouquets o!f fowers and Au Indiana man bas just merrieui a bidden amaug tiierni as a ten dollar voman b. lwgan caurîing ity veere ROIl piece. ae1go. It isthaaty and ineonsiderate 11ev. J. K. ion In well ehogen remerks nîengitomtrimouyta lrey made iu hie appiest voie. agso present- renig imtaohtheisivorrgelî ed Fether vItS .lght>y dollar, in gald ou reeposhbl fortii.divoce eil. etalf uf the. membera of hi@, perlai. Ic will b. veli for patrons of tbe C. Ml. Fatiier Kineella, althougli taken cam- lit. Paul Railraad ta beur lu mind the peîeîy by snrprice vas abi. ta respond tact that the train known as the. 8:40 in e ew cuiasen words. i a way that ont af the-alil depot nov leAves et 3:001 lef i no donbt of bis eppreciation a! the, p. m., tiie change taking effet tMonday Rift and the. spirit in wljit was Feb. 13.i premented. Net tlonday nlght th. patgrands.oai Bey James McGavick, af Chicaga. an Libertyvilie Ladge 1. 0. 0. F. viii aid friend of Fatiier Kinnela'a made a .utertaln tie third degre members. fbw compllmemy remarks. The. Odd Fellowe, viti t teir new degre. Tii. contnuation ai the. pragrem vas stagfe, expet te a te sle a large clama resumeil and Wvasam followe: cou.n. Piano solo ... ....e. imLawrenes N. E. Gatiert of LUbertyville, bas just Rctation ..........Florence biesier purchieed the famtons Hastln-FriMsln Vocal Sla . ........ ....Hida Hap, but "Princes Ybma Spofford Ilti", Violic, Cornet and Piano Trio ... 47409. Thie bull vas farmerly et thé. Ottoancd Alez Bo"hmand Barry Gotti bsad uitiie celabrated Thomtas bord, Reading . .......... ..s.....M H. . Pester wilci va sold on aceaunt of the. Violin and Piano Duel,............. owvnen's dsath. Athougii but 4 veas ............ C. Rapt. and Miss M. Rapke old b.cas o!o the gretuet, if not the. Gond Nigiit Song ..........By eidren gresalest, rsptatlon ofsamy bul lunthe 'Afier tii.proàram reresshmente voe west. H. viii b. at the of the. serv.d and dancing followed. Thia Lberty Villa bord fromnt ov on. For gathernug seemed ta b., one viiere every- breedlng end description sec page 6. body enteredi n»o the. spiit of bing A number of yonng men, a ltti. tiie jovial. The affair va n knjoyaiile an, woree t a said farhaving lrnbibed tonancd viii long bciesmbered by tiiose reilv inlu or. crted a diagracful préset. diaturbanceasi tie dance at the. tave bail lest Friday eveuing. Tii. ohmr le in fat ton deplorable ta ebronicl.. but tuis ve wviiiay le regard ta l, tbat ManiaiL Lmberry bmas wrrante for tii. aret a! tva vii. myst.tlausljy dispp.ared alter tii. aU rcy. Tii. p.ople la general are veli satisfied witb the. fat tiiet they are gone &bd as long as they remain away and don't diagrece the. cty vitb tbeie presence ve are content ta it tiiei go unpunl.he<t. Çpme taye ouI timeecodai d ressedinl y@ olil time costume, ta lioten ta ye aId ttime-Moune. At ye Methodiat church. C-211 Tii. Friday evening lecturia given hv 'the 8ev. W. L. Wipple are drawing large audiences and are spoken 0f as being iigbly eut, rtainlng and educa- tianal. Mir. Whipple uses a Baloptican lanteru vith vhicb ta throv hie vieva- ota the. caveasandl nets fine recuts froint t. This week Frldey eventng tii. le turer w ili teké bis audience on a trip througii Cina. The conupany ill leave by tii. White Star Lin. at eigt o'clock. Re invites tbe'pulc ta go. Tour t.kket wllt cot t.n cent. If you are above llftsen yare ai cge and five if you are blav thstap cge If tii. turnlsheil - room ad "looked' good,' mn around ta the. ddress gven, and-take a look t the rooW.' want ad ûnlerocts you especially TO- DAY? Tou cen turu ta t laabout Bn iptant-or ge nstant-and-a-hslf. IAM Board Prooodings Baard met in adjourned session Feli. 7, 1911, vitii Pre.. Eger intii. chirl. On rail caîl Boyeu, Dleuimaler. Fanikuer ced Lynch »avred preeent. Sciinaebele and Wells bslng absent. Tii. minutes of the last meeting@ vers read cnd appraved an motion ai Bôyes ced Faulkner vhlch cartied. 1J. W-, Butler was pr.,entand peenteil c coniaint ofi-an over charge an sever tai. Alter excmilng the. tai b oolc t va, moveil hy l)ollenmaler. and Lynch tiiet 852 over peid on the. sewer asese-w ment b. refuîîded to J. W. Butler andl thtt10 h e deducteil for the. lot north of L. B. Morse ilu setr. Butler enu nat praduce a receipt sioving the taxes bave heen peid on ente. Carried aIl votlng aye. Severci rebatea veresaetd on the vater renta vhicb vu nreferred ta, the vater committee. C. W. Stout preenteda pr;posltlou ta tiie board ta oel the village s0m-3 lots for $800 ta b. pcid $600 iu cash and $2004ta b. applied oui bit sever a»ssa- ment. After a discu@Îdon t vas refrred ta tii,8street comnittee on motion oi lynch and Faulkner, vhlchcarried. Tii. treasurer'o cnd elerk's reporte vèesreail and referrei tothesfinance cotumittée and accep&ed on motion o! Lynchi and Dollenaler. The bills e e rend and auditeil by thie iainc. cammittee and on their report vere ailowed witb the exception o!l J. Ayera which ,ras eut ta $5 on motion of Lynch andl Faulkner which carrled, ail votlng aye. Publie beuelit on water andl Sewer ......................$517 41 a. Nitz ... .......................... 500 Win. Lavcock Co., repaire....... 5 10 LIbertyville Lumber Ca., mile 18 68 J. Ayres, labor..................... 5 00) North Shiore lias Co ..:............1 64) Sciiauck Brus., icse.............. 8 70 Wauk.gan Oil Co., gasoline.....75 85 M. Pester & Son, repaire.......... 960 Rd Queutin, labor ............... 12 00 Lake Co. Indepenident, printing 24 65 North Shore EleeCGo., light .....169 21 W. E. Davis, walk rebat..... 612 Home Lumber Ca., imse.......29.47 L. A. Mende ...................... 1 75 J. 8. Moorse & Ca.. supplie@s.....100 75 C. M.& St. P. R. R., ire ........... 400 E. H. tiorlett, salary ............. 50 00 E. C. Young, saiary............... 65 00 D. Ltmberry, salary .............. 65 l00) D. Llmberry, firemen ealary.... 16300 The. folio wing resointion was preeented befor e the board: Beie t resolved, tliat the. praiierty awnere an the. north ide of New berry Ave., be aliowed ta connect witb the sawer without coet for Connection on aeccunt o! the difierence in the width of the etreet as platted and occupied. Liovcil by Lynch and Bayes that the. reeolution b. accepteil asreail. tarrjed, ail vating aje. Moved by Lynch and 1ollenmaier ta adjourn. Carried. E. H. CORLETT. Village Clerk. R.E.Churoh SericeS. 10:00 a. m. Clasa Meeting, Bey. J. B. maclinifin. 1030 a va. Prefichinz bv the Pagtnr. W. L. WIi pple. subject, " allies a1 the 12 m. Bible Sehoal.- 6:45 p. m. Epwarth Ilangue, the. League 'wili b. addrpsSed next Snnday evenlng by Mica Carrne Barge, of Chcago. 7:30 p M. Mis@ Carnie Barge viii moeak under the cuipicea 0I the. Toman'a Home Missionary Society. Local Option Delegates The followlng la the liSt of coulIty local aptian delegates who atteuded the convention at Springfield tram Lake county titis week. From the Coustyat-LargO. C. M. Gordon, Wcukegan. John Hodge, Antioch. E. P. Sedvick, Highland Para. J. H. Hcruley, Zion CltY. C. Fî. Wright, Lbertyville. From W aukegan. H.E Ines. G. M. Keihie.4 W. P. Holiand. C. D. Reynoilds.. Erie Pocherg. E. E. Turppa. Dr. Roemer. P. W. Moady. John Unger. Axel Runnsrstrom.I Cari Hanisen. W. P. Higley. Dr. Nssbltt. Antoch-W. S. Westlmke, Joseph James. mIon City--Gearge Tusdeil. W. IL Lichty, F. E. Wallon, V. V. Baines. Lake Eorst-T, R. Quayle., Graylake-Henry Keuhker, George La SACRI FICE REDUCTION 0OF WINTER GOODS Mena Ouck Coats ...... .......................... ;........ ,I" tlf Pric, Mon'& FeIt Boots............... ......................4fPi M on '* F aIt F ox e d S h e s , w o rth 83 .0 ~ t . . . . . . . . . ........ ... M le - l .. 2.00, at....................q2 Mn: Wheep-1ne Shoes worth 81.25, at.. ............... .76 Mens Wol Underwear worth S01.50, at..............................00S Mon& I .. 81.00, e ..a.......................... . 76 MBns Gloves and Mittens ................... ..........One-third 0ff Mon* Woal Ponts.............................................. One-thIrd CW Boys, suites.................... . ........................... Onethîrd Of Ladieir Wool Underwear, worth $1.50, et .............................01 Ladies' $ 1.00, et ....................7..1........T This is A Chance to Make a Great Saving WHY PAY MORE? BOYS KNEE PANTS Knickerbockers, Bloomers and atraight Ponts lh the Most' complote asssartmont' you have ever seen ln Ubertyville and as usual et THE FAIR considerablv beîow thé regulse price. Wl HAVE CLO8ED OUT ONE LOT 0F 207 PAIR AND CAN GIVE YOU SOME SURPRISING VALUES 65c and 75c 8LOOIR5ANDKN«CK ERBOCKIRS 50e 85 and 90C GRAD-65C $1.00 QUALITY 75c 50, 6cansd 75o stralght Knée Mante ln Wool or'f, Corduroy. At................................................ 9 BIG SPEOIALS IN BOYS KNEE PANTS THEI PREtTIE8T. NOSSIEST AND. CONSIDIRRINO THE QUALITY TIHE CHEAPE8T WlE VER HAD T HE F Ai1M 1Libertyvifle, -IM. Warren-Everett Mcrah. Highland Park-Charles Warren. Lbertyvlle-C. C. Copelend. CO~UTR8TÂETETThe. Fauous 4 001UCTRS TA P.TEThe Lamp witl Duuad J4gat ~ ~OÂbfltY ~ÂIWO-Ifshould. alwaiys b. used wherc several Ques A i1t i n ou eri. people -it, bocausib ltdoosn ot. wair te QueffionsPolitly. cyca of eboso ingai i hofr u flýIt The lest1 section af the. canductai'e The Rayo Lamp la constructed to give of the Chcago and iwîaukee Elec- the maximum dlffused white light. Every trie Ue took their test Tbureday Su detanl that lneream slts lght-glvlng value the office of the genersl superiten- dent af thp road. The result of the bas been lncluded. examlnatlou sbowed that the czars The. Rsyo salov.prlced lamp. Y aty of thte reer paltform of electrlc cars pa 5, 0 rcen $20 for cliii lampsansd gel were h. most plite ln exitense, dmr expennîve cont"eraf-but y@u cannai get they knew the. differeuce hetween ea 4 better lgh tintheRayo gives. yellaw 1sbee contalnlng trai orders This scason'a Nao buaàs su d ant renS!h- and 'a red fiaig denating dangers abead. nerd hurner. A stnong, durable abade-hocecr The men were talcen Into the otite. keeps tic siade on Oron andt true. Easy ta kecp of the superlntendut in squads aifplisheit as il le made of solltbias, fnisiied about a dozn and while they stood Iun nickel. lin. the offIiais ni the company fireit Once a Raya Vff, >Jwiys On&. broadsldes of questions at them. Tii. test couBsted ni aver 100 questons and eacb man vas requlred to pans at least 90 per cent befare heocouldStnCm mu hold bis position wltli the raad. Theredad0 1 vas a deal af fear and trembling on __________________________ the part ai Cie men: but viien they c me tal vere assured that tley î~iî aîn bad treeetspahas tht r uire They vere irst put tbrongii e long lng vomen i l îglÎtîng iron thtes ar, Ife * I Esat of questions canceriig signas open the vindove for paseengers tend and train orders, and these vers ta the. baby vitlles mother vlshes ta MIANUPrAO anewered lu a desulatorY mannet', the discuse the, suffrage patiorin vlh ber men havlug been supplied vith a book trlend on the. car, anever aSU ques- A e. vlth cil the answers lu. The. second tians fromttthe tîme of ths expectedtI~ tIO part o!t the test vas a course In etti, milleuluto tha ti tIte iSpeciai «J quette. Auy man who could Pas paos a certain voode betveea ber. tis test voulil be fit ta appear In the andt MonuCty, sud a thousanit other M Ouw court ai the. King oi Siam, andt vonlitquestions wvich are dsily impomed up i. aile ta conduct imselt ProPerîY on.titis suffering irancit af înmanit CemeteWy Wi in euy dinuer ai the Four bundreit- set The mot9rmaut bave not as yst h. u af Pltt.tiurg. gun their test, but It Li expetidt- tat 19biey ver. examineit as ta hov tCI a part oi the. test viii e given lu a make a graceful boy the ladies, the short time. superlntendent himtfbelng the ________ indge o! ,this Part, . heina gthé, acknowledged Beau Brummesl of the An evsnlng of solld psesurs leassqtred electrie force. This vas the. bardent thone cttendlng'the Lyrle. 8t1 - part of the a'hoIe test touiany of the. mon, it ieing plalniy evidsnt tiiet the W u iujority hait lest the. grue ai Youtii. MARIAGE LiC.ENSES. ______ It la expected t tiiebhreaiter, therelila .BokMlake-2 vî1, be a great'change lu the attitude ila ifro Mlak. ..~ tthe i. m twe of tbè bine icckets.oi the. street oersAn»-& »Mn , m................30 t. uek 7oV VU toward the. passengers. Hreatter ] HdwUd Gosvier. Dlsunond Leke.35 Pgaprty 0* tuS eanductors vîll cap à plite "Tiiak TYou,' vies hé la pid th. fare, a naitl*e regeir. L0fl5 Gtov . W - - u sJ ci'e SAL PECIAL PRIGES FOR A- SHORT TIllE OHLY Empire Sarch, was 10 now ..................................07c Gold Dust Brand Asparagus 3 cene 20c, now......12 1.2 Pure Ot Cocon White Horse Brand Was 60 25c now 30 15 Hippo Washing. Powder Large Sîze ...................Oc Wondr Wathing Wax, wcs, 05c now ............... ...03C Eagle Brand Lys, mas, 10c now ............................ 08C Mard Wood Toothpicks large box. were 05c naw.... 03c WATCI4 OUR WINOOW FOR A BARGAIN IN FANCY BERRY SETS ONLY A LIMI f EO NUMBER AT. 37C J. ELI TRIGGS Whert Does Yeur Money You would be ploaseit t. cee how record ai your x-euetmrçq "cde by liandHlagyetr monsy ch .A giancoet youraBnk omnt tellsy'ouall là a penny. Bdthe use af the tesoling cc- toustt hai c doxoat . WMntges iL.basides which wifî provo in- valuable ta' yom.- We Inite you to open such an &C»siset wth use poo th1e h*Offle open UtuederSVenlg RSTOM UNad 0F lmGta eroiptIon,..

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