CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Feb 1911, p. 9

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-rY INDE PENDE WAU KEGAN, WEEKLY SUIN ,UftV .~-,. - __ *VUJ. AL~.-NU,21. LIBRTY]LL, ML., UFRADÂY FEI3RUARLY 17, 1911. JOUE PAGES _________________ * -Ï imlt _____________________________________________ $1.50 PER YE.&R INj SlIP PLAOT P*evtoK0(W of Ce. il. t Shq le Ulftnd y FrIo*du (r0. Wednesday's SUN.) Follovlugthela bair0f enneth IIou., mao f Captain Moore ah Frtd Blet-han, a prlvate et Co. H. tatloued aitt he tort liue aarte o lu vrk on an meropoe hlch he hopes. aon oute b able to test. The. novmachinelamaun antivily ne- departure trou tihe aid tormaef eroplanes. bolng a consolida tion of al the tfuturem of thi.diffrent modela wilch bave beau lried lu thlm coeutry. Fatmia remu e.naine or tue lu t-ester, le vorklng lu secrecy li aa ammi» cie»msur lhe fort ani apenis aU is m@pare Unie aI i.evorliHe la luadlap bdis hm oit thraugi a lacd 09 materlanmd lad 0of fumas vItli hleb lu purchame. tii. Machin aY laeuknovn lathie hopthie greater PM rthe ficmatanlal being tashioned by bud, amnd uàualiy tbc course oif tic vcrk la et-rcslow. Dlc oveciDy Friand. 19oywlong lithI er hbu been vonli' nsuoon<lie plane le unukuowvu the jacte of tits eeaked outtbut lateîy. Tic a<ry of lie discovery, ai toli by <is UlcooOrer, piacentsa apecullar tu& . eunor la kuovu te hav, a pa- UeWs sr blUiamogtic oldlireat tic puet' nd pril o thle taztimg 0f the votho <vo mes ver. tosethas cDsatMt>. 'itai, Inovever, ICenne blg occtlpled vtihbis efforts on bis almean, lie fblenu nleft talone. One day, aIoectlue trou puy day 'm.oug tia soldiena. tua jprtlculai friand coucelved the. ides, liaI Kennor MM butave a more bona» for ihqud re- fromimeut storei away nmre plaue, mai accoâtci for bis cotnhued ah'1 -ï URSSTIJI>NTS TO' TAE INTEREST IN POLITICS SpOMke t Laie Forest Collee Utters Word. ot Surnt. Pbtos loIdlfremit Voter Is Unm te Iliaméfor Evil Condmtons NMorber et [fayer Saise's Vice CommIssIon 1.1ks te Mt.. dents Ladt ight s u u his mamser;Feelingone day tiat a lttie d> cfrtth. cap thoit cheers would flot 'go .bad wtth hlm. the. frend of Kenner fOfloed the mani trom the poot, detrinlneà to DUd the location 0f the upposed upply of liquor and causee b rind t0 dlsgorge a ahar. of it. 1TraiBU o Ste ». The tral lelatlto à eh.» fot far front the mnaimot.tlu Rlghood and loto W~ ammli abed aeunoeiras men lu enter tiie place"am4û» an d lock tbe door, but bis tried iooat.d a mt la tii. curtain over t be vlidov and Peered li.. Instei of ceelng Ç* ie,pufl froi smre dark corner a Ouh" Iiotte and driek long sud deeply ne the friand or. Poeld. Ienner vas seau <Otoil oir blm coat and 'tait lu vork on a Place of lumbar. Hla friend valcliadOtuie operatlqnm for name Ute hlidithie wlndow and flnally declded <liatbhie friend waa vorking on an air miilp anid * ittr confronted it wth the, tact. Kauner admitted that imucii vea <h cage, but uvore. lhe frlewd tooSeay. For a long Urne the. scret vas kept aafaiy, but et lait the bare tacte of tiie cae came out.. Reteard Offeis$pur. Kenner, It la uppoeed, was fired vltb enthuslamm Ilus atkbg the te- vatd whlch the, goverument ha. offer- ed for any aeropiane or air milp whlch en h. utilizeaD rnie of var. Tii. notice of the. raward hem Jieu poult!d ln the. fort and attracWadtha &tien. tion -0f Renner. Hla efforts are fol. lowlng, ai tiie resut. The detallaof thie machine are unhuovu, but it la *Ipeeted that a model yuil b. sent lu the. goverument lu a short Urnie. Tiie mode] lg practlcally compieted. wvan belng ciiansed trom the inodel onto thie actuel miii». Crope adcizi lmard. In»Ceta are oddly constincte atome of salniateil natuire, amea a ti.,Md i depends altogetiier ou the speclesés ta, internaI makoup. In boss the crop la called the I"hotîey bas-. lUmmecta l mmndhhîme nualiy bave a modWed forte of thie glazard o typicl al thei comamon bernyard f0,1. l u cmcem <lii miniature glarad la a P~rec woader @bop. fta lnuer surface bolng psovided viti "poa" covered i vth "bIma" mad "brlm "la gréit Dioe. clou.The grmfbopper'b gleainl llned wvlt Inunerab. tows of teelli, very minute, of course, but weili dciii opied, true teeth. nevertlielese Thic mime mial bo mi of crickets and olli' or Insecte of that lSur. Te ÇM thle number of buchs cfear cenla a erlb multijily leugi. breaihl 'cmicght tW ~tisrAUidIi ibr2%,. la te ic avorte occupation of thie ludif- forent votar. One ciiool principel viien duali prevalled upon votc, dWa coverei that smre saloon hum iiad beeh usIne Mis narne for elght years. 'liat princIpal vatched out for bls 'ballot mfcesward. "The adventurer la the, poiltîcan vho entera poltica merely fur what iie en get ont of t. He doez not cars Wbout làeuc, prînciplea or pro- gtems. Ponty la hii ouly attraction and Ma molse.of banli notes la thé oniy acMou lecanhear. He la the man vbu im macle Tanimauy Hél!k tor bolog lii. spolia! 1 "thie citisenhlatiie man viio doec wiiat ho bouectly c"i <o alect honeàt. effcent mon lu oncte. He Io ilmîinter- ested and vanta lu o e ean poltîca. Thils claie la grovlng. Tis la shown by the. number a f men of goci n.pute who ar eontorlng politîrs. Charles Hughea of Nov York la a good ex- ,ample. He vas electei by a machin. trut, Jt la true. but after tuat ma. chine threv i iovn tii. people re- bmmln.d wlth him. Woodrov Wilson of Nev Jersey la another. '1charlea Meal'larn of Chicago la cmll- ting the citimen& of that clty ta dlock ta h isetaandai. Chîcatgo hai been home rtdden for yeara. Adventurers have manipulated lim politîcs until 1 shouli 1blth Ic hePeople abolid vent relIef. and gor for lie onrmarkm 0f iaînter. etednue. Cougln, inky Dlnl, Poversamnd their forces di flot fear Meatrnian very mutici Tue lm siiovn hy tbir votlng dovu the effort ta reduee the >ealary of Mayor troa $1,00 t I<O $0 0()0. Rottan Politicm charactenize Chicago trou ont end ta th, other." REILIEF REACUIES WUY 0F JUAREZ Nevu, mi 1500 Fedemi lievmid, i fSfle FroU au EadY AtisUt El Paso. Ton.. Fpb. 14.-Juares lim beanu ilvi. «M:muneoso. lug at Samalyuea, ftty nileasousti ot Juarea, dicanselsud a fesv bonnd lator lires Utrain10118cOf ftderal m1l- 1dieus, conmianlO W eil. Navarro. rre i nto the jousrallromyarda. tThc troopi cou«da *bout 1,500 cav- alrymnann uaUt3meu and brins théc total number 1* thé .Itare a rrI, gmu ta w2,000mmsa aliable te pro. tact Juaroz trou aIMY attali. f Juarea lm aliv* wviUi achlvlty and thore le genoral r@Welne ver the ai'- rival ef the feictaltreOge. _u Quiterrez de tara, tho Mcm Mcllist blas taln ommani at Guadalup.. about; hrty smlles bloo Juarca, avan b«vWmtoihY reportera sali ho vas propinlegthtat Place for tic tcmporary caitltfMelc unier tlie tnsurrecte regime. _riley and Seller kmnorcd. Nev York,. r. o .Jak Wldt. eemb R5oy mu Nichelêa Murray But- les' iavc een »M & dmeiniers 0ftic AuneanAcadcmi et Aile "d lAt. TAREAA*RSTED banc Biislck, amd WgIOIm Fe- brky aeeArrusUpleaZMon chanci WIèIkmsemloa . Ti-n sinokià t. ofe Thot -aty, (Fr0. Weineiimrs SUN.) Isaac N. Bushmek &ad WIam. Fbiy, <vo of the adknovls4ged leaders of lie Independent fsc<lplu <ion Cit. ver. aritei yealerday charged vwlth smoking ou lie etreeta of th<t clty. The <vo men, l lea clgeio, have been vaiting ta h. attestai for nme Unie, Buslck even goIng eo far as ltaniako aq alliavit liaI he o acitohacco ln Elon City and iaring Voliva lu bave -him.attestai, 1l1e Tho cam of t w alléged violat' are 0f the "anioke Ornaace"'of <Ion J]Iy II corne, p la a fev days. Volva bas ieclarod <Isih. vHi not vii' upon.tic e.-lotnm of lb. elty oriluancei tutti every one le ptestei lu the cttJ. A;jurylunUcme, lIsRte Steel %epoation pal, MU toeloy came ,te< i amoued çw a uit Fe - sf 1r a MWeV 10-deihora bayé e til l *,. 0, te 0" it*e otte'r t~Ssromei CULLOM STARIN LOÈRERIFlOT TO KEEF SEAT Flood et Messages Geblag FrN. fillInels te thé Senior, Senator Leu Suais bosseira Coup aud Coller WII Deolde Fote 0f Lorluer Uiahby lit.CuIloO. Iliured on th. z umplian tuat hia vote ltriienate WIII decîde tbe fate.of hls colleagu,. William Lorîmer. late thconter of i movoument vhich frieuda of'tii. ena' tor delare May drive blm tu hlm grava. A deluge of letters, telegramtsand per. cana1 messages iiam been tarted tram th@ Oht. Ocapital, bis olhboms, and tlirugi Alil hlmcareer the polîtîcal beadquiartana 0f Senator Cullom, to là, Itosco hlm vote ou -Lorluer. Prematur. revelahlon of tiiepian.. Whlch la nild ta bave boen quletiy'en. glm«eroiby-Mr. Lorlmer'îmfreisto lIflcueSenator Culloni 10 vote tar Loimer aroumed the autl-Lormor *le. Ment lua<lie iosllature. vîti the r.- alt tiaItihe senior semator la between tvo iroc front lis onnestate. Un OUmaîl cf t ankëke 1h.e United States tuteszaurer et eClco. ile nid lu ar bveaheent.gonnal<i'«te moia- mont. -Mr. Imail -au oue Of the 9081et th<le Lncoîn day banquet. He lied cher business <ban <bat of dlepoa. Img cf the Courses aitheii.banquet, and la <li te bave vaited no opportualty te mueetie Lorour followers la <the leutliature and urge tii., lu "got buy" llnmediately by letter otrf*le. Vrapii vtlithe senor mnalor. Tii. orier upporters ent thoir lettaicr tonce. 'lic anti-Lerimeot be. Iciatona board of tiie ne mue. au etmrted <hein vork, vlth < the sait tbat vltii the nefflvenln ef <b. loi- lîtreoveny mosaboz vua ppfflo Ol aud th. stroam vue starisi mot only trom BSprlngfld, but front lina- dredi eof cmttuents ln every part e« the. atate. Fligures viiich the Sprin4ftld tat.c. mon have ecured direct troni the lu. mer eîncies of Wahington mshow <ha tiie vote of Senaton Culomlo sotietl wvioler Mr. lier la to continue lu o0lce or beouontoi. The vote, mot countlng liai of Senator Culiore Lorlier or tie tour ubo Viii n"_~ countted on açcouut of loing eline dead qr absent, ln Igured at 43 tes' te 43 agâlnmt. If Cullonimioli vote agaluat Loti. mer and Sonator Adicii- ahouli ro. tomu to hlm seat Iln ie lu vote.,<the couti ouli bo 44 lu 4and the Sual déciion, Lorimer not votium vooli le wlth VtecoPrudlent UOmca. Ho-Vee, It la neot flgured that Ad iich by smy pommbllty wil tru, so thc" the faie ofthUicJunior anator resta vltb Oula.. BIG RACINE.PLANT TO MOVE -OON Rep.utd Tk.t Racine Menu- facturlue Concern, Larstp Ceaccr ln CIty la Seekimg New Location. Woukegau Wants it (Proni Wednepdaas UN'>, Tii. Waukogan Commercial Aimo., clation nov han a chance to locale la thîs clty thc Racine lfanufacturlug Company, vhich employa 1,500 banda. The. company nMakoa automobile bcd' les. GEORGE NEELEY WEDS IN CHICAGO Young Men Wel ICnewn Hoem AMi Mi»Ma ffeJoyce, à Scimel Teachù ia ChlaaO Are MNeried ia Tint City J*n-. uary ti (Prou Wedneday's SUN.) George Neeley, a clerk lu the o0ce of the, Narthveateru Ralroai lu <it iclty, and Mie »Me.oyco, a mobool îteachor lu Chicago, er. marnled en funiay, Jan.. 5 Tii. br-ieliai toi. tlveilu thia clty vito resue user <fi 1home oflihe grom, and t vmu <tils eia-mer <bat -t* <eople became »i quant..The. neya vin coe *a surprime tote honmmmiondeace Mr 1Noeoiy lu thile city. An effort ha# ,hbeen maie t keep lb. tact 0ftich 1 arrlag a muiret, but thie novaimn i dont today. Mn. Noeylale novu (o.hlmbis Monda ln the clty ua aYoung min of sterling worth and counta hlm f rieuds by the scores. H. has tieen employ. ed as a clerk by the Northwseern for gmre lue, and lu that capaclîy hi- came voli kuowu. To those who know thie bride, %ho la regarded as a vornan of rare qualltlea. The. couple wili maho tbir home on tihe iouth aide of the glty moon. ESSEN'S BAICERY. Sedi te De t<h. Leigeul Sudmkine Ceuserula tMcW ii4 Tii. largest iakery la' thé Woodi le lotesi lu noanPrues. U<lic ooef thie onuitKrupp tu* fatern It le a Vtctiluding, lu vhlcii sventy vet- mou, dlvided loto <vo muftis, woth clgbtand day. Everythlug la doue bi mwmacnr, may$ the Leoden FOt. . mccv tarea unc4oelaly a* tretta, loto vicii tm poeie wator and ton macliof ÈMlest pouadi eaCh. Tua machine ulaIiu bont 41f00 pounia 0f-bred eacii day. lu ii. chape of 25,000 ammli loavea and 25,000 large batse, proiuced by 280 aacka of tour of M0 pounds eacii.Ait, the operotioua of breadmaklng are pentc nu.i l ti coloscal bakerv. The -whet arrives1 lier., la cleaiied, ground and broaglit autommtklaly intohe. kndlug Irougl1 by a serl et frlln didemedui1 pipes. There -one hhrtyqft double ovc.: and the. vorhmen vho wate oer <lie baklug of the breai eta freux 8 te 10 cent»e-an hour, matlug en avorame S.- 90 centa a day for eleven hotte1 ou duty. Tiiej have coffée and bresa fre. amo the use oft a. biLthrootn4 fur the.t are re(lnlr ed te, k..» tbemcelme ~lely dean and mue aI vaii boI %de lglit tinise a day. 1. connection vlthtb leam1 agalnat John Bradley ctfo o Guat Lin o f bca,ê maut It ih a fryins Pin c Jé Mr. Bradley stated lmit ulalit case iad ibonii4rted la lW 1lanctI. It cmeom lâtai, ilred Laraon Immoni igOUy lu Chicago an ý the place and recel,, a " orcf g &dibis bard overy day lho vnS Inu litiat aime It la olalesel son votlied but tventy.bots. jfty h. vwu called inogsa<o, Cils eian ased radley lu talle hI !rth ci«» laa anobc. Uts gtatodtbat ho oli If hi * î fo« tie actual Uie ist M tb mreed lu. Upo hWIrmte.-Lai doclded <bat lie vouli Ut O i sle vm bs e d phyIf I that tiice Vi utjn Lamon, teI sout-* Sure viien h lad ne vs»a hîradIfth a ioa. aatva hlm out of.the. notifordamaeol b sale ofÇ'iim*Iwst $Pring is nearlyheee end there itlnO il 'tixne thap. the prement .taofit the u Sehool dresm Band play-dreaaes ae e Mdod;n variety. ne kinds, that are Iaunde-,t plainly but strongly made, 'ai a me rest0f thia week. Dýoàt mia eemgu- OINCGMAM DRESSESD - Lttia dresses0f1<Initie.1bine# phdir, andimm, and whiteccli. glmly MWai, ad mitbit. eIhly launiireispetially pnlce.i a ib...,. HYDEORADE CALTM DROU*" Regular $L49 iyiegnaie galotea cloth drmess.t rîti bloc ami bacistripee, mu, marke et............................ CINCI-AM DRESSES Busten Erovu effecta In bIne, ikani ialisi tri vitb ipingand band mode buttoac, b, ou , bîgi nok, 81.75 and $1.49 valueg,e, al eta... COMBINATION PLAY SUIT AND DRESS la4tunRosHay a" ufia" miiecemlui i ihumi viti tan bande, croeffl limn laptn, Pink onrdlue cuite, regular 81.49. nov -................ PLAID GINGI-AM DR£$$" Pialidressée for elilirentuàt>aue t-et>MMpsi Sp0 P.48 1usd, gains ha , veekaet................................j SPECIAL LOT TO CLEAR Olnma, eteale and m<nidroitsses fui chiMie Up te la YeutrI im.i amid lin. mamw atle, i4 IltIle aolled hfro Indllug, marlici -to cloueat ......................... ...... ROMPENS. 1 AàspeclaW lt cf ompere tlt, ar vtthUni * lmes pins. about bye suite la the lot. emo .................... 4..... j Ail Tbiia Wffek Au ThM Il ELEVATOR Il dýw h«b knhub *b& 1i j Iis with great pleasure that I anno=zce Il the.openingof!nyntwature at 11 4 5ouzth Gerkee.. Street, Wauae.gan. Illinois. w1th a coplecte stock of Gente' Clothing and FurnkMbngs, a"soa 111gb, lass *TAlor- ig dcpatnt -i charge of A. D.,Schuetz, Wsdif you deire dothes tlht wl give you absolute sadeWtion cone to Max. .I stand back of evety irchase witli a guarantec for perfect sat16iobn or ypýoq~ back. -, _ ' , - e pain 1From Waicesdayse SIN-) Lake IForest, leb. is.-Sp.cilte 1 lhe SUN.-In no uncertaîn vonia G. J. iCnéeland of Nev York r.centiy ap- poIntai te the ne, vice committee of Cilcago bY MaYor Busse, aiuc.d thei. men atudents of Laie Forest univer- sIlY to tahe ul, thefr aksasnecîtîzeni lu tie poitîcal vori upon ieavlngi sciiool. M. Kneiand, fresh frin po-1 lttli vctoria In Nev York and about t0 enter upon a very Important cannpagn lu Chicago, polce at Calvin ilurani Cammons at lae Forest 1lat evenîng. Hlm audience vwu compoa- ai of tuiente. membera of the facul- ty ami tôvn people. 'Me speaer explined ho, he hmp- Penei te enter the, N" YTrk pollUecs lu the. hvntyffh iaeieblyisatrict of Nov York tate dlr.tliy ater leav, lng coliege. He hegan under the, su- pervision of Attorney Jerome, but le at preent connectil ththie reforni repuhlcaneunier Chares Hughes. "Tior. are tire. différent kînda of mon <bat politicians bavt-o go atler for votes," hIi, nd. "They are the Indfférent mon. lie poiticai ait-ont' urers, and &aio ctigena. "The Inuiffetent voter lhe vlio do.m not exerolue his franche. naint. He nmasail sorte of ex- cucea lor net goitis tii.h ballot box. Wlthb hlm the hot air vlu mt à) nlpch goid. TYeuhave lu ring his doorbell and pleeu it hh hm te vota, lu Nov Tork v. touni an artist vho had ol voted ton tventy y.ara becauce he vas afrali of biîng called on to mrve on juries if h. voti. Ward heeler. mi epstee ake bis place. Golf 1 1 roux IPAGICS

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