'v Il 'w' ] * - UcAagR ta f be xitvi kme Poe aAsaitie. 'WUus~ Tat s elai.of th '~i lodgrooma pe.mt. la #UBbav abnm d other piseess bapbmplamdcla i- NeReeuit tylve tU n 1li mw tm. iiZOemlh omi ut vhearo tbef i ea vin t- '# bIint aglo'dioatcoCl.Rosevl Épa tamting. Bo S & merica 3A0 trong lu rUt boulevard' ta the lipilhin;. Heme a band t VjIII pause on iswMy froma y.@-uriebis bat st the. theti boy scout more- l~lU0iIhce sothety viiibu a us- il. autiaitary bere * .-The treaty ei !ofrsmor james 810 FAN -Withbliga bead ali Ol ~pt et beila t~u an" Ini the '5éoiitliu ttè'whg diwo xw, Love n o amWW th O t aolndoi A*à ItxU4y.lb bq2L , or, $1O1» 19éa AÙM 1 c fl. 1% tiontata zàmee.. Ber oMay loin ai- ter s, I #*n. mfl orutapsiaus cette. là W.uhOw. a uii.bîp. carIwo ForMier Viée Prnslee* 'F*iWènka l. "ieb.vusmlndu ciilt. ugrese a ~caital.f t E. El Pmo.Tex. :jr~,rope, c voles, of bis passion for modal. Et Ps& ér.,Yýe . .Wtb'mo lem ru»s parailpi *lt hiprotesta tiuUrauhk iuus ~> l i4tlu j >.. M oveta ýtbe littie dark syeé a"d aniy eberrylça. baf4eý'oeettffl jsud mpatltumaiau i wbom b. met le, tb. buffet. Crie-WaweV'1l m éa PaMteet adfor uhom ha -ik b tee.0ed - i, léaersibo v 'Fed au impultive and aueeusfui Th tain ew &*y the 1»& and A.tért t4eutifying recéiPte for ber witU.. ign, a- *s, a £fMýc ~.ttaJ.t.t JyIir cehooliof purba veathe %gtorutil Iraitbq "d«si Md Sie maso.Phmalas'selsootIn Lop- for-tie. P47ftela ormg.U*ba 40,WbU U4eWllab, t1-'"b the. tompuratuà r f f , Iib brisz. ftI.iud tissé be reaebed vofflurulu Mi b 'the lb.pr.tty itt; co Miee«à a b&Wd a" M « . g flsi le t res of posies anc coera evrythi~ utit 50040Uta ber nt Parla fron: 1x.sUUa itdolingVeil. The. revu. OOil he. uC40, e .*rs .#e. gKm WJomseirmovwàmet h ai.Wtq fovur aairh dybdatuu.Dwe Iua~*iebI'a u40 0i1Ok c*i b gtlL I à4ut> tatureý vain. But duâS4du aI wvub ta £Ce4'ile 0cilà tnow that I ba.er l-Me e love Yuu om' m» tit e vet.11 amhm intaie.ua L* M4tlt uuspdau autirid wby Wat~ tili thl cot~4~rdea - tliéU*#ë b CI-W~Aried. whièXh ",De. Iriah Somuàw ic la «r, Uib 'iJafluaiy. - Ou the- Lins'ffl t 0f«WM tU.-tlhete é~ an md dsalbà*. sottou ont fW suyillng iln Parie MAut farma. t1tai w» zut 4matruu. Ment buves lni a orun tguh iu l mon. h. e lm f>uke e aibrclniu".1i lm" togetteu and W the vlesed ce a demal b sed servaneta sud <bUnitd -Statues tvumzmt sai. 1 sert ln rWOLuSJ tou ma t w.tuch vif b the. Rusimue@1Il5i ers w»a C igtie w.a, -thu -pa1 ,zrodnry 4oiliuo.bd J *Iy anid etrrled 1 fo tb. top et l Ahi àdflt«.1M '~benbe sai >~4~fiUho-uribN. t.~~ .la"o. b tamb oth t itmd You wlt t eb Warn t 7 on ý1ou i gpopaat u10 *~M~rsafmdthe. Wadoref am, ~h*1t. o Spoo -him for au Introducton, spirit té ti.. aitftl*btoné aked t cîdtele ber'd&hd for buslw0 ~hloeuf1he iro. te cbetk wqtpfE a s a te -a - - -t- - w s'q idoos' buipI a~ h onas-am e un O2-Gorte Nit ul 2tflIV- 'derablte for sprinlg wear, cotn- prisîtig F r e n e h . s e r g es, priqnel- 1*94 bO.ket wuaei s»d efl0,in 1tii ii.poe. J<e4d4I-00orSiPEU a ,k lot of house Jlan4fioni plaid :91, i f Î 1 litis lù u unaui» ii a*5*md 840 I l Utvaeolor n Kieta n wnertatyeyaecrdiei# inade. Wie expect to effeot a grand clean-iii toinorrow'it .-Unes at $5-00e $8.50, and $11.75. No betteir styles havé be$1 seagon, and theyý are made by the -best taiUor and of theari àl4e maIýerials. No troubl to "Ind your- sIse. --Fer Womnoesa- its oi WO"21*ma8-4 1 I ~oéntake your pickoâ 1 .., .. andpay us on1y$2.98.>Yo-u,'wll findmnu en made of kersèys,ehe>yiots, earcl, 6.Plus"es and aovi4tie Yeats, s"lepice ........ 415" it -would mSemas ~oulgh ri4ey yerveWY Wùùkjàn'ad uroôhàsed a pu air o "l4xieso during this sa é;. a, custe4"o -OM liaen t anid for 'the benefit df'theë:MWf &a'gth anonce this w0ndewul oser. There are Patent., Ouh-m*tal d W)çt 2 i - In tueot sud5.0 vane. tooe~.1.T a t. . I _ 11, sMl, of h ain -ime-.1 > y 1aa-neneonqè a gain wioud clothes as this one. -Thiij of ~on tfor$18x0n'2>O: h.it r le ün.ovilty. fabues md In 'es t te ht :the léoming spring-; ton sftIes, s8lendidl ~y eb bst dressers ; w irta bb1ttwre la atm A ~w'a aelltng Tbq a~s ,~ Je. lu itripea md méat açlied, ~afii*Ntb rVige t 4 -I -.Î.-