CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Feb 1911, p. 4

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LIAKE L3OUNI t .ýtKECOUNTY INDEPENDENT ~LAKEOFFICIAL. PAPE~R 0F LAKE ÔOUNTY "00. Teephne No. i.. &7ýfors Reýdenc.e Telephone Nu.lvi. Ubertyvitte Exchange Ente ed e at '. Y ie tLitrevle II.anScdCluMte ter IMLwe'Y. Mv.Ru1ýi it etes ceNOWN ON APPLICTION. SLiSCRIPrlON PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA14CE FRANK H, JUST .. .. . .. . ................ ........... ....................... Edtor RAY L. HU3BAtRD ..:................... ................................ City Edto THE NEWSPAPER VOUR REPRESENTATIVE. One of the most Important functIons of the modern newapaper la te aet ai the aepresentatlve of the community in ail dealinga with-the outide worid. * The. noeds of the, town lneit* relation te the state are vaicod by the nome piper. The. advantseeef the town as a place for shopping and to dý busi- noas ln are slmiiarly mide knowIrte outalde Inquire. Men., the. newepaper needa te prenant an ippeirance of proaperity, just us the. ualisman wiio represents a busness hous amonq distant buyers nantds te be welI dreaad. Whin a newepaper circulatlng In the. outelde country pruent@ a poor ty. pigraphical appearanz., people gain thé. impression thât the. oty and the latta.1 "iamon« whieh It reprecents are too poor te support a fluet lacoahsut. .1t la the. prîdi of thie newspaper thst It hia biee abe to.prient a tyjo- gaaphioal appuanicie sperler ta othera of lt. clas. Wî have produced ohmu peiaworic, maktng ttha:cuir eut contrist bitween black ad white that la ffeay for thi eyee. Our type for advertisiq i eaalîcted with an oye te aym- mitu'y. Wî provide a digre of dlsplay for the news that empiiosiges.the e tory, but avolde the poster lik excesses of the. yellow journal. Wherever ,tils nwspaper crculates It muet give an Impression thut t repreaints a aub- tantial community. At thesaime tim e, lîke'ail amituous newspaper people, w. ihave Our vio-. lons of betterment. W. wish constant Improiement, aed hia la te be had enIy on the biais of liberailsupport from aur public. Let us ail 4rmember that ui aupp«a&.nat merely 94 yes you an lnterestlng piper te rend, and bMildp up ratai trade, but It helpe the. pubilsher ta keep on lmprevlng the typa- graphicai appearance cf the paper, mnakng t aven more an henar ta the town whoae lite It mIrrore. THE STARS AND STRIPES OVER ALL AMERICA? The tendency of Europe ta take at Its face value the off-hand remarks of attr politicians in one of the humera cf International relations. The starcici, bewigged and frilied stitecrift cf tii. aid wrid has.Ofen refirred te or freqoently impulsive leadership ai "sahirt lebve" dipiomacy. Langutage te them phould b. a mfias f conce4ling thought. Su when Champ Clark get up Ie the Houai February 14, ind emarkedinl a seemi-humerous vale that h. beleved the stars and etrîpes would one day fioait ver the enie weatern htmnisphere, there wae a commotion amani pro- mien mnd knça. .. S They de net underetani the. Americin temperament aver there. One lista serre idea of It by comparlng differenices btween the varicus re,-tioi . of our own country. Wltii the conservative New Englijtder, speech le 2uardied. premeditatîtI. n hie mind there le a certain obieqoy attaching te gny failurc te reiale ail cf. hie wards in actuel performance. Ho e flnt apt teý annoulce hie plane until he lieu the meana fer carrylng thotr, out nalloti down tirjht. Tho American Weterner, on the cantrary,,je accuetomnecitu reveil those more tranaltory purpanes fommed by ail of us in secret thougit, even If the cold reflection of tii. morning afte r ehould reveil thase purpoaee as iliusery. * Tii. former tempérament la the snfer, the lutter the mare lnter.atlnq. It ta let4e latter spirit that mîny cf our tatoîmen oftee speak with regard te national aime. 'nhe foropein temperameet go.. beyond 'evon the New Eng- lied attitude In Ita cautiaus reserve. They are ai much nt ses over thon len estimatleg ueierlying aima an a Bostonien wauld be In dealieg wth an lehabi- tant cf Reo, tNOV. Sit wlllb..ailotg day beore the stars and trîpesarae exte9>ded over any vry eonslderable additional American territary. Some of it needi aur cen- t<o badiy enog, goadnetse keaw. But Americana do net 1k. the oidea of h«ývqn thoir domestic affaira eettiid by the. hot blecded Latin bred races cf f.he tropics. THE RAY FURNITURE STORE LIBE-RTYVILLE 'I LL. 0f BUILDING -MATERIALSÇ LUMBER. SAStI DOORS.'9MOULDINGS' GLASS. LIME, CEMENT, SALT WEEF!D, COAL. BRICK,.~ TII!. SEWER PIPE, BUILDING PAPIER STONE. DRAIN4 TII.,S!EED. HAYOSTRAW POULTRY SUPPLIES We Solidit a Share of Vour Pat-" ronage. No orders ' to large or too sinali 1tofili. Gsvejus a trial and lie coovinced. H-OME- LUMBER Co. PME 50 RESIDENCE PHIONE 1233 Tr wWANT AD COLUMM; il s>fIcie IT j$ EFFECTIVE.ý At Cbicaggo Real BottSh Latte Fat-eut, and Highlandi Park are beth tu have exhibits et the rea s- tete Show ln Chicago. These village are compresedl mostly off men whe Mnot-l n Chicago and it waa tbrengts tIhe work of. some cf thee nen that an ,Yhbtion wa prepared. What the exhibita wiii constet off ta Dat yet known, but it la saad that there viii be models off the severai beuatlfui homes off the two cîttes show. Waukegan, apparently, tanet to have a booth et tieshow. The mat- ter was presented tu, the City when the îoieçt-waas rtat tarteti, but there vas no action talien.. The. ei ow in given ln order te pt-cnotetesalte& of t-cal etati ln the var-one ctis whlch have bothsaet the show, enad weuld he agood edveattsement ta an>" City. goci." in eround ta U t eaddress givi, n d take in lok te t.rees. want ed Internts yen especiaily TrO- DAVY Tn cen tunt t ltn abouti ean intan--or aun itsnt-and->a-elf. 'I Wm. LAYCOCK Co. 1.0) suite iL.plt ril oliîDopeI LibMryville, Illinois Machine Shop REPMIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Overhauled. A Fttil Lino of Snndriee. Tlires Re- paircd. Wben ut Trouble t TELEPIIONE ~ Libertyvlile Exchange ~ 661 or 1262 Dj IABETES: SRHEOMATISMI SKIN, BLOODO A ND NERVOUS DISEASES * ucciaafully Tneated by a Pliy- * ecian ef 35 Vea' lPree- tical Experienco. : Dr. David H.* Stern head of e U.Stern Medical Dispenaay.s a vishes ta hear personally tram : thoe who., are tIL Write the doc- a a or. It viilcoet you notbtng. fle e C il wtel Cli you fncta : Every patient te given te in-a idividuai attention of Dr. Stern,e a Whosé experence co! nny yemr M eables hlm ta eorrectiy diag-. 9 enoie alimenta that -have baMied Stse rdtnary practittoner. e Cati eor write SSTERI IEDICAL DISPEFSXIR! i M-26 Dezirbern st,. CHICAGO.e The Cozy Corner BARBER SIIOP' Lew Fiagg, Preprietar .lmt >,Nronnl th., ens-uer on spraguee .Sti-.v.t. ..x t Io tlv th o.-ltn uilîl- LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.INOIS Cigare and Toacca Laundry Razara Haeid F. BAIIUST0W MANUF&oTUREm 09 Marble and Granité Cernetery Wrkof 'Evcr> .DescrIption 1 C-orrepondence 5olicitd (n w o 'n VA Ihi c 11.1 LI 3 s, oe Si z (A Gn rÉ E. W. PARK1IURST SCHANCK BLOCK FARM TOOLS FOR SPRINO Chatham fanniog Mills Seeder%-, isk Drills Disk Ilarrows Farm Wagons Manure Spreaders A COMPLEULNE SCHANCK Capital $50,000.0t Surplus and Profita eo, 000. 0 Stot'khoider's Liability 50.000.(10 Total $.0000 'ADVANCE SHOWINGý Mercur ized Foulard p'rfectlf copi"a in patternand finishithe expensove s ikfabrc,28 in dark2 pht styesper yd. lac Inexpensive prirnted lawns, are v.y usefuI and Cnet oniy 5 yd. To close them eut we ihave reducuddthe.pce on severai pieces of bpauiful Perslan silk from 76c to 50c per yd. Our fne of Egyptan Tss r fast dimtoshng, phone for sampl's if ou ca.t cornein CalI up 31 GROCERIES New Box, Fine Grepe Fruit. only......................... ..... c j Asparugus Tips Monarch Brand Cen only ............... ...ý-9 Bonnd Chlcken in Glass. Vacum seated Jiir.......... .... ..... 40e Try Campbiel'* Soupe Alf Kinds .................................. OC jW. W. Carrol THE JAMES OLIVER Noi Il SULKY PLOV< By roeanof te simple COfltfuCttofl, liot weight, easy draît, CIrAMY. ity, eprte« t weri t THE ES? irPLow YoU CAN Buy SOME 0F THE REASONS The only euflty plaw mide wth whieh yeu cen tum a'ther gee or haw ecraalir watt. eaVne hard dPete, an ici otthe, ±lýCOzz f i- fpovtfllout Cornser& It -,j t-Ie i~tent.drv.ft r-IdtiM~pow =do-l due ta the erttre rm.!)es>te of Ix=dàtdo fictton end the oven dtWbutton cf the kz,c.d. Tho we4iht of the pIaa e nd driver te CARIUED tnetead of batag DRAGGtD alonig. On, shoro on the No. i1 Wtfloutteat four wslittng ew shexes. IR halds te the gt-otnd etoailtAm.-epeiaUtFAndry weather. May be usediwith or wtb~out toeegue. The turning andi scoutn qualities ci the OLIVER FLOW BASES ar= un- elquedt.m Examine the Flow end b. Gonvinced. E. B. EGMR. LIbùtyvIilc, Iii. 00r ea ion bOie1os draers om. hcme-wnrs as a motter t ourseTir W -i TURNST» IN TUEi roTl a mater c< caut--foa- theY GMT IN- P.ROPOETBIN KTElS ÇIT. ud IMUETUD ITHE , PROPMRT tbay LARN tbap Omtrmlsai ept»hN 1 I gouagaabie iit laa, "monPOPITON1 z'.~'P,. nitt~ er r wm.0fs4,iieg.' » tbîy-LEh.114 tifIisamouant ruai etate. Son ~ PHIONE 47 ' LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. 0 Down by the Old Depot .0 *ALL KINDS. OF. COAL'e * FORKED AND WASIIED AT OUR *SHIEDS NOTHING BUT CLEAN COAL, 0 THE I3EST.O PURE,. CLEANSWEET FrIcu* 0 HOME OF THE WRED C0MB P0ULTaeY SUPPLIES THE I1OUSEKEEPER DOES NOTtIING ^8SIMPORTrAN3 AS 8UYINÏ2 GROCERIES Nôthing anywhere eo, important except possibly ta coaok them. Poar graceries cannet be- turned inta gaad foaci-na- matter how. expert the cook nmay. e Wcinvite sU particular houeewives ta test the gaadnesa of aur groceriôs-then to act as they finci themn. 'ThaC. ail. CORLE'I &FREDE3I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CKS.. j SAVINO ACCOIUNTS Opened on or before the Ith of any month wiII1 draw 3 per cent from the Ist of the month We. paid «to ourSaving Deit positors for theyeari1910interest igmottnting to $3239.43. Try us. MMIPB =;% 1

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