ÀAKE .OIJNTY- INDEPF]1 WAUKEGAND WEEKLY SUN SDEN.T-. LIBERTYV] LLE, ILL.,- FRIDAY, MARCIL 3, 1911. WM ,000Tini lerg AmiOther Mca,,. - T~~Pf TAES- C* omils. Urula' SuiýT e FlmIed t- 50 Chue n . tn.dZI u 0"k ThYwe Whaulde *~ ~ u Vlu ws55000 Bn Ths .t d rut eDieedt th ogco elsun cKal, Skwt, t tomu Hoist hesd Sommer. Fly- 'v hi iks ucmDaystenea vri Tlla chrfln Moaln itoheaumesthé 17é a fMillontahait& .clh t tlose CicGoéDe mi as onsi »' uneb> iofh Wot hur Gflénd ol - aDine'm mu rcelsm as gnéraleoen- u. sor othé hista C aoiirApos ténochril inCl' éoé h %= mér if Z ion staé.valudanéar- »1 h s tmIllIon Wahit.rGen ot app.lvèr Quely$925,ma0, vindîna Ilonaotrtéust seefu l sudth lire o itis'&0f théstte.many atér( lb.es tte e Cnda ondéIsseRlon for.00 MeL 6b.te bonds 10 WlbIg unGennaili-e Isar frpro ihemanti 92, 0ere-t e~béd lu a trst duéd tong hlch thé Chicago Tillé & eTrus Cnsua'l ts.é,suda on isue 'of $7110000 va>' foroniéthleen mondithance wlae wu "i Mdîé te, ontenéa to lnl IL' Pau 0,100, or id mthoffice o aE Ignaei er uthé.long stacé me ;A e mm i b ZIon ineés olt-Il édthé lire vhlsliu souuded, the glant 1e'rhall hégan to.ring failou$IY, bgap ouseés ciosed,évery one, sud 'SM a long and bnllatli gltturlng Vaguâta began, héaded vilh a Wagon « n viici wuas mountedamutiler bell, villéls va rang furiouelî, and follov-1 .4 ily a baud vhloh blanéd thé VeUl-y va tglueph 10 aiU thé luhahtants oet Me iés IIansd vicinît'., Tyo. aiséw b wialelnga h. h W lobIm wenIl 1 0, .l»ainmd téehait camté 10o it'humaadistrict of thé City,'y In forgeffuimm o f theur ~~Jisi u Im n ntise aces Old In ummd womem dmméod Up &ntm1i. lethe muddy etréta In I i trjoymimt v 1%0 a 'aomeudednsoiy t kbiod ssgu mide an mI.front orfIi Xiu 4me ami-sawmlled the îéititgflil«edr, Voliva, tu lionOit> et :18oock. ..Tb* Jubilation vilii hécontinued ln a apt; mesting At ZMon tabernacle I"i evning, vhich viii hé &tended 17 ail Volvanmd sutl.Volivans.t 'kti»-ewusla thé occasion cof thé w~iri1étral>', but yl hé tiuilo&ublié. = 21Jdenta i ad lu taté thé ild,'Stther hgrd, but net lu chénlsh Mr vta iii, viti the exceptionIL =#M htflyag ail aven thé Ciy,a bul" aie wndliigthé band plins.nIl a p)ilgutaivtle la eouang- 4 qeouéts, lu dérielon, iggéd tais *!t* ha bll, vhich Ilher Mtrtéd tlu ~I~.bu Veiiaus1,anticpatinatua *UM op.a tésin siéewit ila r;0 - e *m-hsahrted to »nnd * Receiver Thomas, Sining 10M00 Separate Checks SMfillion and a Haif; uheoks Run from Nine Ce * of the Known World., Were Mailed as Bc L*lbrotto, lw twoy ,s, Bond, Two B011Us tO Signal ReJoicln mt transaction thaet every took place lai Laite COtyt7rosi émote. Prgenat tConferénce. iThose présent et the conférence vere: Who hm. sucsufuy, by tlg dei,, ofpéetetZisé.0m a 1wf Of 0 44111taon li thedllmi. WIiBUR OLEN %VOLIVA, the lord é0 Ziée City, wl*h 11w p.Ur. '" " or lte rute o is n aeei*l. Iig,ý 9111NEY Gao. W. PI41 eif WaZ n.Voileo loelsnsm.e »staw amd amonmte 1é whem THRODOAE FORDY, is, a Vblivà lé9al rmPr.m.mttve .and héad of the Zion 1lgmi deppait. W. MUAS CLIENOINEN,' Voli. va% mmn 1 affair end bé#mm ATTONEY OTTO FELUiN.r THAL ATTORNEY iWUARD, for Cobe £& MoKinnon. ATTORNEY ^TON, reprenant- Ing Cobe A MoKimmon aise.. i Thé tranafer Inciuded ail of the Ziotl estaté property ieft by thé lsteJoua Alexander Douie, exceptiug property deeded to Zion owuers. hi rocelés de& li oftbthécity's Ovn roadwalla. *ewolns, vater maine mmnd waym. péri Amade, tai lands. clty lot». aU.pl U buifl Mad grbunde aud thé Ù fron t, Sh ail liem parka ad other .......... .................... ........- mnuacturiugite, îua. l Taethtisé amb ienht î*am afi- ~chécsor*él ic Theré was etil istdébats over thé ttis éd-tu 10,000 sepaté checks by Roeiv. ltors. of the, Zio n1 tu the lands this miving, but thé en- or Thomam Of ZIOn City thîs wéek: of thé continentc tire mmter sasm nnaîiy compiétéy mar-.-.......... New Zes<mnd. i Justed and thé Chicago Tille & Trust ilands of thé sea- Company gurmte.mil itUem, vftiClsOfTbia rldt . n le thé hat guarmnty iatIt in lapossible Telretsnl tg moeurs iu thé Middle vémt. ~304.88, and *thé cma On thé bond Imus snd lhe Voila fléctver Thomas Purchamé piesé,.$100,000, thé irat Iu- Picture howng Réceiver -' .au checksé two daya in staliment, han siréady beén pmld, and buelly éngmgéd in one of hie iast dutie couid pet the check thé Doit le due tvo îéarm froma today. nrneiY, aignifpg 10,000 cheks, whîch day thé smre day Thé bonde yl hé held b>' Cobe & Me- are belng handed hlm ePrtely, for cahied. ln cons Kinnon, part of themt belng for sale. his signature, by orle of fila émpicyees. amouant mo recoivie Tt la expected Ibat a hit miliiondoi- isis' worth wil bue oid lu Scotland. ttîtZin(iysdaîonîd lm eing 'ic ratuém ltu" Lmutai ealy temi inidemléuy. j Uéîîuty Cenlers] overwer oft he' work. 'directIons was !oiiowed by the localil Outld c s>' thi Ofhldi ;iOiMon - thereafter conditions i;arose In ed ework tu iiy, vhleh becaujie thé rsi émalledemi la.thé lalargoSInlu Zon whlcb t'srr!ed is faîrs lito ilti- flie heaitîpîs rrc-trs of a world-wide pro- thé hietor>' of Lake count>' sud covéra galion and rcaited inlate alîiîplltiiilrJect. and gav.' lu Dr. Dowie and bis thé gréatest lerritory !tleh probableé,by, Judeî'K. NIl Lalîdie ofthelicFedrai tuIuIýers flic i.iîisrtunity ot' eclliy* of aay single transaction In thé i-cuto eevr I.Vlvisad yn h ecIg tory oftebe..Ioxcpjgqwtthad of the iargc-st f<îlçiiig ngl liar lu the failli of Zion people. leaB Purchage Of ilhe 6 000 acré ite Of Zion City. He cari es un 1thie wiik of . Zion City, whieh vas made lI arcels thé cburch Slong thie îrinriles andi Wicn flic liev. Joihn Alexander Doîw- aud nol ailat once. lîké the demi of doctrines as foiîndc-d by John Alex- JE;annoiînceîl .aimiary 1, 1900, the pulr- Iodai. ander Dowle. The mneulbersip îof h lits se or the linuilou whtc-b laler Ziou Crer of Voila. church ila loyal sud truc lu bini sud City vaa Io bletîstasbis buhall for- ,,as a body ,lhey are makiug grçat ruffail da pîuiflor the to'lng ofan Thé careér et Voiles, lii it basé sirides towards'realizlng the ideals or induîtrY Oi'W lu Aniertca, end wblch nothing plturMsue beyond tis tact thé comnmunît.v and eclîîri as tbey coîîld lie dci ecd ta sucb proportions that hé s.liéd, hinsseit Wth Dévié i er. lu their lnciîîiency. as'le give enipiolymnent tu a vast num- éariy lit thatlieader's vont aud aidéd lîei- of lpeople- Tuat bis plan maturcîl matérlali>' In thé building of Ybowe's Mir. Voileva auiarriî'd tlu iss Mol- ieesuivibonotbyhett met. .18 charactoristiecof thé man, and lie Stépie or1Palcstinîe, li.1 su. tbe il til zîuu.îborneilous 1yurcebaset 1h le a record of sléady sud permistent héaine a inieniber of ilie <Christianu la rge a î i(f t lie stock of the Zion effot uwars fom frtaboyobsur-church wlîb berliiisband snd atter- 1 1 effrt pwads ron fam by oscu- aïds s membe f HfI ie <'briiaiaiCath-:,Lare indîîslrieW. aud flhntthé ZIonlaceý ity. oic hrc aciory, biiit of fine presaed brick, vasboa cirte hat luInZiozi aI thei-sanie flme covers nearîy ie acres, nov eniloys Wlbur Glenn Volvs;wsbir le hé hedld. She ,was oi'îaiîed an r ý0 people andî operales mii machines Nevtowu, md., lu 1170. Hlm father Evangéîîsf in the latiter, andilatter- ilte iu. alecp audy vaa a Jawyér but résidéd on a feraii. yards Ordailieil ai Eider. Mr. andtieithfeéu îuuy diliy ecietp. tuiay Hé hadeséven chldrenunuder sixteén SIre Volly bain one daîîghîcr wînts arîvlaeoé Iip i years of age. Veuive livéd on bis fther'4 fan sund atténded théevlagé Mates Valenciennes Lace. sehoola. lu 1800 hé enléréd thé Union Lité of John Alexandler Dowie. ,Christian Coliégé et Mérom,, md., and Tu Ve ZMonitace Industries passesa aftér caiupleting thé courut at thé 8<0 John Alexander Dowie. a world the dlstinctl ofu havlng Intnodlce a of 19, hé vas'ondaloéd to thé minais, figure, due ta bis Ialfturesqîîî. ilerson- I mb thé neir worid. thé manufactur4 try lu the OChristian éhurch. Flor thréé allit>vrais the predecessor of Voliva as lOr fine Valenciennelaces. In 1901 Years. hé servèd as pantor of that de- générai overseer of thé Christian Csth- thée<Chcago t-lsorical soct tookot. nomination a inden, lad., froin which cille APsolll cburch. fSciai recagition of this notable tact. placé hé vent to Urbana, IIL, su Thé Iste John Aexander Dowie wa As late-at 1900 ibis heautful prodiiet pastor, remining on. yésr. Aftér of Scotch ancusîr>', bavlng tgýen brnn vas caniîdered a mauoply o! thé is- leasing Urbaus;' Mr., Voiva gtsdiéd lu BdnbUrg fl 1841, ta whlciî city be forie lacé ceitters a! Europe. In csrry- théolog>' lu thé Bémlnery et Stérd. réturuéd tor fbis university educatlon lng out bis prajî'ct Dr. Dovié brought villa;, Nev Tork, duriug pais of vbieh aitern an. absence ot sanie yesrs rOf axer b Auneriva the eliae, vorkinig lime hé supplléd thé pulpit of thé boybood spéal la Australia: snd ta staff of a torelgîî tactory ta èquip bis Chatant- treet Chniai church lu vblch latter country lie reiuriîed IunZMon City pilant. Yort Harbor, Maue. 1871, et thé end a! bis college vorkz, i for si.briliant career as a puliit ara- W'ben these Nvorkxnen, and vanien Boon- aflén iéavlug New York, Mr. ton for Mailly yesrs, preacblng ta greatl- st1 landud in PbilliUelphls, Ps., ln Vollviibecamé ia mémber Of thé DXs- aanmbîagtet aIssociations, and con- thi' !al ot 1901). admis ton WVas déuled ciplo' church and lu 1850 entered senitiers, and mlnflsterlîîg uitb grealtlihem ta the Itiite.d ' Slteté. nie Hliramu Coilégeo.frtramwhtch hé reo- aCccPtancé 10 <ollege students. ground thalt fe'iprltzl,os cnsîltu- éd thé dégréle of B. A. sud recélvlnBg Ater %pouding tbree years of suc- teul s violations uf thé allen contract thé déglué of B. D. froM ns tUIon cesaful Vark lu thé U7niied States oui ishor iav of thil country. Thé case Christian collège. Attr hie gradua, thé pascinie cogit(1888 to 1890). lhe vas coutémted toi about tva véélîs, be- tien for elgbtéén mouith,.'Mr. Voliýv* tine tMcWI»g yesîs werespent lu lng finlsl> refereh ta theé sécrétary ot won pator of thé Chrialleas churceh théet suâd Mddle West. lu 1893 the Iremmaury,-, Lymuan L. Gage,' who aI Waahiugtnour t i fouaé, oit.. ' Dr. Dovié bIilt Taibernacle No. 1, on rnied lu tavor ci!Dr. Dcvi. on the H.Neléft thé Chrlisano'erol- .*ad gùî Sixty'.Séond street, Chicago, for grouud Ihat tbe labor vai coftractedl loch bis stand vitil À t*w-X lq thée Wrp"Oe#oftetachlîîg the Iruths otf fr toi Inaugurale s uév Industry, and aud Biont. éng ordained o b.theer- divneam ééigg ta attundants at thé not 10 Crry o an sd nid ouéeIhua tarin- hlp cf th Chriatil a "ouéehurét- iWool'6t et aIChicago. In 1840 hé ltlg, lu a way, a itidiciaSl'>' flclon tri lu MIon lu A*ll180 Po MéI1bogmthée 1*rt vhicltled ta thé fon- theétfnt1 liaI inon tal 1000thé maklng mhothBhide th0. C 1.qflatio 0thé Q(1 rstiau Cathailechureh Ot face lu Amerlica could not hé ré- 050 u iODi heis vé meu b>'Dr garded asian establlsbéd ludualry. Dévie e#ho Clctana, 0h10. iig ~5thé lirsIcopy of lbaves of owrold by MarsamiFlOu iCo. - -ltWUhg Ioc hliabied las Amèes a a le- 8 -tI0Au@Ml& sa - uls d -Ta e céNo. 2, ou Stoev Thée Ammelai relierons ofZion City la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an -h pilg0 01 é- rUg v~ opéued. Divine led eventUinyta Iti SMon Lacé Indus- .111 th spr44 f-101 h wue4WNo.1, vas open.4- tris eing'placed. JoI>' 27, 19M, nater 1'>iWéW ni inIN.fflmte lu 194, andlID t thecameî4« Mr. John C.' Iltoly, vho Ya~1a ~Wp tuoisi ho ~el, urt l ither homes wn'e a aolO41tédas rocelvr rb>'fihs Hon. 4" OV«V bw ta tibliT e M ainme froea&M 1. Landîs, Iudge o0f thé lu f*Stotao h -United 8iiteCircuit é011157 Thé orig. - WM4 eeit 01 mon t cogtlI8la uolarxe FOUR PAGES $1.50 FER YEÂR lIN d ~~@ o @ .o:LAKE COI ks in Histoi'ic Transfer of Zion Estate, Valued at a 0 'ents to Over $37,0OO'and Reach Every Quarter 0 IlVES oonas ionEsate Changed Hiada Today. FiLN Reprosenlatlve CIl Cites Casueo l Wit.uvL Aftfer fipulutios AmlLaa4s dir Wibr wop, iewiy ~'ê WIRas.Chad 81.=t h@Ci *9d.oiwIs fol*t * pataosmt é uié tw 0 lo*me é fl mi x&. .061t* WM ,&oe* to-go oiit-tiye cr.d-ý 1 mtate ila il parts ot Europe, Afrîca, Austral la and thé i-a tact toa!liiparts glé check le for $37,- situaIt for 7 cents. es began igniag thé i advance no thal hé ke Into thé mail 10- ythé $M7,000 la ré- nidération cf thé ed thé Recelver ýt. IS" "«nUl'O819M- or kinds of inelltr6scfttimthtîtilcoin. vo>' $1,350.00W of ameute, chiefi>' con. s.sting ofronsi 051mb.' Thé salé ha* bee mde bythe R.- céivér et 50 conte on thé dollar, upen whiqh the creditane are certaini>' tu hé condrpîtu'itdon-accouaI cf thé hope- le»s situation Ihat exléted lanZVon City whéa thé Recelvership started. Thé whèié demi le clomed la Chicago today, March 1, and thé check* are am ilgnéd and wil l smulanecuelly hé put labo the mnail.1 utof he plant until Aprîl. 1907, wheu i %vas 1 lared ujîder the liersonal &tapier FORT SUERID N1 e l.u(n of Nlr. NWilliarm G. Floun. D N T t- The Mon lace Industries, wcre offer'îl 5ca for sale y the recver, and seaied lîlds were opcîîed ln the Uiilted'StatesJ ]E L IUI ('ircuil court. The bld or. larshaîl u Field & Compiany was scceiîted. 'liîcy Y A took itssessloa ofthe plant SeptIei-ý U H RS T a Zion ('113iÉ a;comprisec r er vs 1n0lu n lllcass of people. reprcs "g Buildings of Noterlous Fort pouainshlsfroin ail quartes Iof Sheridan- Park v.10 the globe.vo w Zion City bas abouît fifty nailes ot bilng Tomn Away I Sat reets, twenty-live tailles of sidewalka ______ sdabout ont and a hal ail lesa of sw- et..____ - - --- . ,pepéc hé lte ToJUrI V lnfnàsçtIn aisnoma Duty, Ne>w lu Progrss Whesx thé .cSustttiml STEEPLE JACK At Fort statél cnu:éd to int IN HARD TASK spéctive bordera tist Used ta Tako TWO Days b u'ta' tbum«s0 Per. Inspection consimes totIi ueu l u am Mat Nugent, of Hlghwod Per. liolu indiiel c rate formed Difficuit Work of Pac Muoh Longer Time ilof thénState, tugeol lng New Copper Top on ed hi thé explosai or leop Tower of Fort Sheridan <Prom Wédnesdaîs SUN.) dned hi t.suet te .àWl ilonsbthettio ot, q Accompanled b>' the post qusrar> Nevwdts, ln bdum (Front Wednesday's SUN.) master, Gapîsin davilie, chié! engi. mltajtedb <blipiimo néon of théeieating plant, J. H. Bolan. Iug vlhi" ieliaw M Mat Niîgerîl, anc o! the most darlng postEoctnicimii R. J. Perchman, Pont speéé a loc«peeesbM steeple jactks of Late cotuty, b igile, ur.roqtlve' coînîtieteul work on thé top ofth Plumben iY. C. Welnscht and Post Car- ru.pmtoli augb towrorfa!the post ah Fort Sbrdsnslpenter Sheridan, tise commmudiug cf- tiséelande* ieth s The touer la 280 teet high snd la of ficer aI fort Shanidua begans ; p a -bordbft as hav, thé anl solîd concrete formation vith te O O caland tmechanica'"'Isqftîi n otoh o et the Am*qiés IL of coîlier. According,-10 lin. Nu ént o t scas onc of lte mosldifficùFtlà 6 poétt laI eaaéuéM-ondyb"opisésie lie ever atteuiîted. 131h, And la yéî lu%.ognése. -Whéon mmd boi! théir lande n The uork waa ii&farifid dutinga5thie 27ti lnfantry arrtred lu 1904. FootvaterlforthélitbOnen fl high wind part of tie ime, sud thé , Sheridan vas thés Considéréd lu heot o!tkPtiçgaRNMU ar00 0 bret-ze rendered ltée vart extremli large proportions. Buagéériieonlgthoilcou tangeroits. Vie top, béiug of copper, ciug.pr Butvas ahi, tbe aer * 10 thé p to p 01111 lias sînootihsuîd silppeny. sud Ibis ad- g&rounud fainly wvo-.in ta day an Ivo. fa"0 cf théeipeoleéof e deil to th i h witîdé, hicb always lace. 1904 thé buildings ocipied hi as oit lie original tatiai hilow t0 at o ril5t aheigit renderod lbe troope havé beau-doublidw A-long tie job a îîecariatis undertaking. I no f 0ev bulding. forthé IttchénRigithee ofiAussi NIqr. Nagent is a steeple -IJackb>' j as put up. ?Mmii>' neW offiorW qua:r- "Urmuat * am1 trade, and teuis safer euspeudod a lore vée ru rctai. Sévèr41 nèv IS, 181&,Mleoovp ,couple of hîtndred fe abové lie, ébahie, sud otiér buildings havé heeén union iâop.tie carti, tht: oitise grouud, viere ho' sddéd ta t-hé equpnet of! PébrI hil. an« alast A & i.a la- ii contant danger of streét cars a i=téral la emu-ée.Yl iiIb.h aud autos. - jludicél hrsit tiat acomtsmand - adinhuonw Ais bu i tuiles sud conumems man>' dais lu et 111111>610 0111111- VThis aVary Engliis. matiug a Ihoroughi luppction. tiiie, tu lbe b-p W -The Saratsle Amenleau (dlscussing 1Il tg thé Intention of thé gaver-a-nmd ole0 Strauss', "iaioeite"-B3ut 1 suppose t.i i ment te furthér Inmae thé aimé of and velitl yon anc siîouid spe cforSiaju lthe!Ibis pont. Work has beau béguintear- pendod 5ulMeO Baptisi. * Ig-davn the faméons old Tort Shin.a9ffl 4 1 Mis S. ,sîîît(cidyl- tow oi.tdan'part e1 Higivoci, adJOiniugthe tr. Ais tu Mis ýS. Jhn colly)l kow ot né,sentation. bunIt ich roDértY rés- stâté -bu ~ Ing about ilite îîuîtonto!niist brani of cénti>' pa&m liébad tf thé ia0iiy.-Lutndoii aystaudor.- I gveraus.at4 the uvur' i U d11él «0«9" NiUI7p the é aglu,, Mr Cbp.swdat 'n piriuléd M 0ooots ,et th w hieh *vI i hépim eoéd th éefil meut ethlWIg tomorrta tétim a V le probifle tir ciipIél a- *peuh,=ontbe abjubr chéirnimnu um idééol b>' Jlttké Cochélualthe « ton va #=mu flmomet à couit>', feralahus théeLégli frée pnuules a pmpo uhl tic, fer tii -. veyéver -. ,h ni.aèmes bord il t IS l 11wte " r o in io n i lut te m lieÀ ti. w Logielataré for ta Bte tion by thé attm"n. pum*Mi thé eltemp t-o récoridm thé stie. Ariumeeta le Com tq Thé port,"of et l deel tatO . oOréaSIi "4Ater thé e olntl, re thé hfladneé, cf 1ei statéeitgetieho b e"diet' navigable lu tact, Viei f nesh, vas he the sab" theyvéere l a wletin 44ti W»b uV s.4 $1.50 Pm YBAR IN à