e sd must be -sold hetween now and .... .... ts, 0e gm, .. ...7 Yoimw'sSuits o A gy" y OgvKtû Sutsr1 ~upt,~ p . .....2b r it eb....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z~7LUIUi-"w os..o...9 1» le- ,~Suits é»50 andwo cIMos wrh l.0.6 Sults............ne » .............. - s AI.s]Pnt values . . . . . . . .. . . . . *iis p ~os' UadeTweý s and1wo ]MY ea nv....<14 $~Wu.lleooUnd",ar $10 lOeloed anr bbed Underwpq M Utxior'UnionSut WblýWelght. Ai U io Ynoeer ..... .... NMte1'!*m*r Union Saits Nnw03abrgpn.aUnion Suits ......*1.05 $U 8lbif a ion ....s...... Men's Boys" Shirts, *20 ~aIata DesShirts ......*1.35 *1.0 anI~la ise hirts ...... 9 $2.00 FlaisËMSi hirt .........2.5 SOc Wo.....S.i..s.......7e * ~acy Ireps Veste Vesswrti* an sd ........... 95e gon'sWorklng Vesteecwrth $1.50, now - .75C 25c Everwear ROMe.......19C 15C Rose .... .......... lc An 50O-Ties ..............3e Ail 25C Tles . . . . . . 19e Boston and Paris G.rte.s 19C Gloves Ail $1,50 DreusKid Gloves .......$115 Dent'* *3a»0Drus Glves ... *1..95. X~eut'......D......o.es$1.75 Deut's *2.00 Dreas Gloves ...... ...$ 45. $1.50 Auto Gloves ........... 1.15 $2.00 Auto IMýves................ 145 $1.00 Gauntlet W.orking *loves........ 7v 50c Gauntlet Workiug Gloves ..........39m Men's Overcoats It will pay to buy your neit year's oVervo«t, The styles we show are the same asusi seasu'S $27» 0Gocats ..................1M0 #25.00 Goals..............*1.1 f.'S00 Gots .................... . ...t~at................. 1.7 $12.00 Coats............ ......... $7.75 $3.00 Gizubel Rata lunfDhrby, Teleope aud Sft 1 POS ....... $2.S Derby ad8ftl.ab *4.00 .............. $3.a Stetso stisand Soft SSpes. Men' s Ca*ps -Ail $1.60 Winter Caps ........... AUl$10 Wlnter Ospai.......... oy5 cap............... Boys' 5ftCapb ....... Men's OBj~h~ .......At LMs T oi ot ......... 3.0shoes for ........ *.00 leoes for................... $ 2 » S I N « - O h m . . . . . . . . . .0 $lm 0Boys' show ....... The' 1 ¶ ad'he4l 0 eie.tA . Labre.. Seattle. ose la iii. trrltosy; Ândrew C. Cri 4 1 I Vce reuden-R. D. tMiller. Upok- land ilioce =4and.lcharge cal v, a"su. tgailola o Alaskan CORI cases, J. MI jSecretary-J. A:.1taght, Seittle.. Sberian. chiet cf the fteld,.aervice of Treas>rer-F. J. Jemuaet. Toronto. Il. Haiel. H. S. Hiurlch, S. Parka andI Auditor-A. H. Wbeatley. Seward, asnd office. 9l Alasa. Christensen la the successor of L. .0 I)lectrs-. W Loe, eatie;R. Glavlaand Sheridan succeeds H. H. i .' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G 97. ujlr i0.enet ereTurner. Spokane; andI E. eI. Scbtrz bth promlnent in the "Damnable Re G o e rCitizensil ~ 1orlon Flrlld Wah .PleotBaliae lvsigalo. lî.Annual Meeting Nem. conducting the invetgation there tIun.s YUt neaua etnsaebl aS-The Chicago grand tjury lu expdcted uationW g attle.,where Ita general ornle, are-lo<c omplet. is work itUitn tbree or Fflbt SvceCorneacon Wbsied, en the second Tuesday of Mar.. four dAys, maklng record time.I w 4oeub and the 1911 meeting would ho beld _______ Uke Forestirs Square They * l . neýt Tuesday. "t IlyFo A number of citîcagoans. Marty Di UE I N enyFi lot them very promninent men, lil- Sur>' I. Ta e d locatimpi on landsenO< the Pester cf FRockefel ler Church te Lenve ~Ta % ZUýte&e rlght of way of the railrOad. Thé PlS ~ SDatc~ maoity o!hseaetogte New York, ?Marcb 8. - Dr. Charles~ irc tt b ____________ cf s.Som ettheIirthAvenue Bpt:t.curb He Entife (Front Weduenday's SUN.) eds>b ecoetBwr n alruou a ie-iýlyt h nIlgei Alek1 la lu a district the road wouîd regach trusts ai a special meeting -of the. lnvstlMio-pfwheu coniileted. board lu ibe offices cf lair & Co_. 24 uifu raude. fùlowiîîg the l,,'.estiga- Wiiuesses front, Alaska and the Pac- ]Oram' street. h wsccepteil te take (lronî Wcdneudays SUN.) tien-lust ccmpleted t Detroit, will be ic toast now are lu Chicago readY te [affect Apil 9<. the teurtb anlveraary begun by a fd»Ïat grand jury herc. it go before the grand jury whenh wi O i plgbr.Tepso will Iesltin'bisnig eatr 1. torma)lW annoce bsresignation LMeradCnho»B** g--tal--n w»s learued ou Tuesday. The alleged tari the investigaion. TlieY probab. 1net Suudsy.Lole an frasude Are sald te I,,volve a tut- Iy wili becslled as suce as, certain. The cati from. the Finit Cougroeattufe recent "h0 o" rod aietabutfltymIin olar. The books of Fraisscampantes. secured flouai cburch cf Esn Francisco fer Dr. uns lu Washingtoni Waât-both'.a&dis, name of Albert 10. Frpst. proitioter of from Recelver George M. Seward of, Ahed to corne there bas not been se grace and a blet on ,tb utate. et 1111. e esateare xamied I cepted and eiquirers who aaked t'e Chicagoand Milwaukee eeti heFotetae r xatnd betier he would accerth. e~r-DI eesviidli h~ iams rllwa. w tnl bus ! rce. Court Ordtre' Probei. tfmcd té the doctor4a remarka tst meeting -iel t aite oremt.aMiel v9r. bai been brough I mie the Invest- 1An order, reeiftlY was veiered by MSunmy. 'who know and habve b"-frtend. 0< lptecnthr" bArecent court erder Jugge Kohgasatinluthe Unied Stats eajLSCLR . AI DA oruig he .v$*-et 4um in , gnd jury te investigate- - iCur - iiebck eso Cio a f4j, hbtr the beko! bomtheFront comptanles. amlàed by special agents s9" ir i~~aWO eoa .te Car. .1 Siato lls the alsa.fue.! t Capol etlaIO.ffOGOOmalte the preilihinary inveothgattoi. »9a WoÇ*teLI t aéfidbgthblnc Tii 1.4~'udeifiê nmeof he A number of tbe wliuesses are from, Ii'vald SSUe, 'a55Away. eoitet relaie LorIeot 'i nena AIslt4Cenrai isa ncoportedluralroad. hit laexpecteit that Chicaoci . - crë 8 iCara reeoltose taauyba 01 S4e !WmaRogtou lu 1903, and 51 Wl.iob slda lise. Randal Davis, cf Washington, D. C., 9fl1a*fmebno!l.Le V~stbeae uieqeXl)sd g la 5 1wasead. ,uatDt ttoriiey r lts' i oe eba>l; aiterM. n t Ctizena' Asoiton snd.rq r .4 osîrl 0fî t' em e d nela ie.an gnrd. dien-an wbo ieuted tfoaeph V;Whier1. lu er'Stu ear. Misa preseteil by Presîds4e i 'S~9b . Noihen W~, tuti'rutd Wtb caliaîzalonilok,uoith l eirlhall . tB04,5bbenulvng itb ber sister of Lake Forest colleÈ~. Sr about otb ,oqÀlzon et cbku0 . jeL 0 . 54TA'glc a~1IY. Bls Davis vas .ihe f ebiato.,.l a en ci l i..'eluber ocf Mir., and 16n. W14imn ,*taubcnbýaM a âý Tsbsb.* pt'bln'on Davis. cf Wasblakto,ID. et. bc usd .d vote # ber Ife » ta he Y 1 IN V i<ts4Se1~* vr,: iiOUW -t eAlsau ansda, &M alauciecaeof! hrn j,,UduYtlgr iii hN fp~esit~~A~t. l'ROST. eut/oI.t. $75. Worth0 erto!luudil be lved ruaIlItbe attqreu deatiu SI% ~~~" Vic.~iesiqt-Cur C.Oshru the.tratit throegb arots. I yars M1o. .~,retry-amà A.Haight. tMr. Tovafisn rrixéà -er ysster-1 j triertueut w-A betai Ok Hll Ucerne (Prom Friday'5 Daly BUN. 3Treswe~~O!YhJ~. tracis. . dy sorn nsd lrnmedlately. beasn terY 'y. iington. ,-ls Disasa esecralyIbtêpclia W4be rosi *FTorqedbInte a reciv- 1 You vtblocl.go&rnlnt rdiCaSl 4 Jyiero.Dais e*t os tHIS ttt Jhn Bl-fcli- e ndwest aide SaturdaY C ut between trste, tfet towed hifli- th tien vas secrt t aterrasud.tive. ate ý,veng b. E ~~~ideAlaska. The receiVriabtPIediia Fraukie eoiley utay nt entèr thé we pietlii ~%n *iff te bave beau reomeuded by dyatrtoon betveein tjree adae IVMorgan 4 (Co, the Sovereign Other il atW.u* Hor. ring again. 'Hie brother Joe Cenley, Mud loý the big,.tise b"tg over las f: Cnd fd h eta rei Wt i"Towamqe4ii Mr., Griffith, ab - ba ated au hie manager tor t'hoWb ugi e01ihe' t pi > ! Bi0l Te eftrlTrust 90111q oRaetl. bdiii 4tz BUU mI S tint. decl#red ibis meruiug ibatI uftoiili'latuight âAI.-tbeU. aMt»i jpýi$ Jnat igpl4eU " t5ý1>wmer c"sipof Was rmy te linspection days an.'! Ibe,4Mpgl s. A, e lutyi gAaask a»i0k -atigib ni « tt"~4 oley bhs ha'! o telehers, sudac -bei.eal :aseraLbt4er @3.. f* O.aut' tt igo _thieosiMR là Cbb, i té huf habas turned down ail cf tuqbiior'!tud lb. aing viatienva rsame'! the 41Al W t* bhéavgeIuthOB uts -C SI l3. Bain*NW.. iie !toglu ginaprl iuit Iiult4m~IàArIMI. (From FrudaY's Dail>' SUN.) Zion city bês orpFuzed s reaJlve gilante cominitice. hike ibose vhicb orsised lu the golden veat years niembers lmow esch other but are 100 -' tu IWOII and offer tii hef ia liledgpd te secrecy. se ut ai l that le isi dutY or beng kuown about them la thaitbey r bonnet s'anbhio Vlivana. Thetr fir work was the The vigilantes- a drlving of nine trernpe tram Zic Clty. latence0ii. 55lum s The efforts et 1 t. menuse ta e sud prowlise'!tari supi.lenaerned byube o f 100 women. eyerY Ulndeatrable.ý wiho bave offened te cdam. the ciy oe' *ug alfiçt ut litly1 trarn os.butera. aapokro sud tough eA smat wsuI cituraciens. Ouie voran, Mrs. John court tbis moisi jBell, effered to i te ube,ilace of IMas. ara".si huik 3. Ç *bal ioover o! the polte Il bé Scul'! for'1847. a va S133 M. Gomme* Strceot. I! m IUÙfqts 310 maet. t,fa# Iui si S- bakSiutlaU~,WUd :cbago Mâïket bas beenknown for over ew 'u t -~n tidl v Coiity seUI Comp~é *icS anh olsl FOR Wice4 Siriolu................li ~è'érueSte............ lié club 0 ,...L ........oc Roi n Ste............. li 0oa. .......'b 7auc Po Rost .9c and Te i3i1Bt~S8t.¶..~0Ssaod $5s FANCYir ui x m VEAU Hiziý ýrrveai .:...... ..n ,Yb" Quarter-............ 1v ~uam a gmu.U Un**a~g - --e, -~ -w~ 0 ........... ..........fj ~ ~r' t~ - - A -