COUNTY INDEPENIDENT.1'~ OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUI4TY To Olebrate' Ami Witb au Expoowt ~t'aaj~e io. . &i iorS Reodewea reipbe . 0lisi. UberitSLII0 Eslueage th , %,)uMcee as LIbertyýfile. 111.. a Soeond ch.&~m asserDewn in ITixao they'tsj usv. ~ST OSUISS BT 55 5WN ON APLIATO te celabrait* the history M ~8RITît4PRICE 81,60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVAICE lit 01 John V-bu flditii _________________________________________________'toi -building foc 3000.000nom '.O ANK K.'UST..... ............ .... ........ ............ ....Edtor uOicasU 'Id tw nty-llvcymiJ un xposition, the ie«moat i ,-AY LC . U ST O....................- .................... it>. Editorlmentt ever pai4 ta Lak _______________________________________prise, whh ansé FRIDAY, MARCU 24, 1.9 il At Astin y a. heballi $3250000 Texai ýcàPttol In -- tien for an empire of 3.M0 lthe.panhandle bd y jANOTIIER RAID ON THE t400ILITY. of~ Texas twent>.-1ve 7.51 Tie juteat titi.d vlctim .of tiwsmlscfj ffait Amrcai girls la Lord George! john V. Farwell. oflke l M4 tM Comdaey. tI-stead of follewlng tihe cutoniary precedeit off nicbes the unique auniversi ppi*ng bis titis for tihe iiaiing buins of Americai millions, hoc marries ait la Proposed te observe wit pretty chru irl. Mrc. John A.Stirling, formeriy Misa Clara Taylor. expsicbon.htIoeraoluti i, Marlag.s tathéotricai persnages orc apitte tm eîdthe. Engliali parental' the WeshptreIte puie up above the foyer mark. but whn neai worth la oonsldered, tii. are;'lThe stage pliced lîttie vW net ftways aK unta;r swap. There la a condition of Intermiarricge n the En. empire given là payment1 gfikhIt ~pistocracy tllat la makin.g the. type aote aomothiig of the. force ofetthelbIfost riauiificiit ati building ln the. United i .oksgtisIi stock. wlii*wss orlgiaeliy a mitraîn drawing lis biood fra. thse de scores of toW*a stand in inivius Me 0 gn rffl osp.f the. trWell tracts, the i v~ - l tursid* aWviy eofthé. Sngllsh temperamet la unot uîfr.quently home popiionsasud ta or 1 ,oU*tdI by tétii tlesaW sMghlgitÀaswhisciibrn@* rein>.girls suocetns n wtlsraillways ang dotted a ëë cancers. Wiq.n thore ie a scap cf darlng about bitthe boundar- Th e, d a 10a u icdt 1~ 1 u d byt the. ougesstlona aaciety crextai for Uta own Protection, t b$COIS. iwaa reardeti as vlafs ail thé mer. alicinng. l t, altiougis in a comnpte 0" mnigii t ~li*Amb tlat ailtihe fledgiîng aristocrate couid h. lured finte land ernhraced about 6.( matetoày wtii oui. attre Instead of eut wlthy girls. Wiien an i hlr- miles, grectt hon several ""in ime n abente la o emntrîrs. grester than th 1 ff taire.a illorse actais thie wistcr, &hï, h.conse Uranai nte dir. Connecticut andti fve rnet , Her itosteait ram conditions over whlch mii. exercices h. de.p.tic lord- as the. ares of the. Cormco ~si la tihesamee dndltion that bas bison on o the.pgret cautiaon of Utlang> IRhode Iliand. The grant1 9g&4«8g daceenti. howver. was net tlu s con but extended 'irregularly Tiie people who control Amnerica's grmt Industries shouid live n America, nortbernmst ine of the pu me-fat as possible, If tiie workens ln thioe*Industries are te secure humane about 250 miles soîîtb, wlt sent. . vatylniz from i20 ta 60 Mle 1W tiierefore hîope that wiien our f lsky chorus grls cross the. sons, they> vering five large rounties. wI .nu icrmi ism ee i kcteriihethfr i.anlig Land New Populoq IVI411110thor mntwinemeoya an ke toirhigestbeonstheadmrirg!No one fact regardlng Te, . procutes of foreio titicdom, and iielp stp thia eXhaustlng drain of home ne. strlling aud -pflturesque tï ico« crumouing cactuues aid uninabitable paieaces. quarter of a century bac se., __________formation et tuis land tran Soi! the Ionçrhorn cattieto THE CHiJACI AND WEALf H illes, une et wilch bas a $9 aud al towns now growinz Ri. Charges le. Aiccd. who carze ever froim Engiand four yeats 5go, te lcg rates eacb year. C( , alimme thepmâtoate cf thie iPM avenue Baptit cliurch of New York, pepuiariy many officiais are conideri ttc s 40"oli M.Rokefeller churcii, las co.scludcd that tuse fasiinabIon a appropriate year for an 'amiBSWY dosat ctulvehi m tihe pportuilty hi ouiit 2yerl trouathe rompîet l~4*it ld onda> liit hUIntaided te SalUc a pastorate n a more deniocr--tt'-capitel building, which las 1 . leinel IUnosmFrancieco. Ho laya tiare the weaknesaeaothtei.churches jlangeat building lu the wor] ýî itat ae tfllsby*h.a tuw.yiag Influences etfie.aith. adt mn'strurted entireiy trm 'exa lie seag ciocbiorker oaffrs a ptiuaiygaOindt e f iotiies-Texas products.1 Sw ltI tr l M em eiima fti tugl o olr OPy'tien was, bearalded as a1 miaetu ai ti. iniSr auidbeeni.a sadesasisytercai Ms Iiop eaTasud aout, ntemcel t uata hudn emve, iitthi. l .-tm frtIec urci'.tuargan by the tate olic Sptti. csir tiemon-.crns.ti.lirer 1tUshe .. po hiMathnd 1Farweîi were gainera, lu 7 ,7 - - t'e11< S ora brn.i.siloriaute n i da h.iowevet, men refusedte tob thag ltstieLerd and hsrti tca. b> . 0 ng oeor t«. pet cen t cf hi wmi officine nc>.yLi- ý-le 11,gq, «.,é otigaiys 5sdntis an c ir i.~" si. t ouaofcdmii-aa thwa45Aswu"tými CLord iandfshiei. Tii>. wooid brng iio no oer tc i itrgenrailyme. Qie s1 - tSe wop iêrtis of y mdaosomefeteutpeuaveag-iuaeyuar t i aer ofaet a Bet.UM.oMla aSp elepi ct. herealias tiitye nday bchool wotiue coul~d tiif el s ron nge p ««U àay trisi o d Aidone. sic poo nctt ge ogt ut ofitc l n 5 daytisnd lo dng*bo r ac *5*.MM Un f.mdhoreftlihinvguta thaplcTh on es frl o makn one bioe ntereti. LianEthe ~fuiUS ________________ g od o catte no Al rada.,. men the cowpabt a erdedthe lre foud Re-lnm-lAtt . pelt.bu tge allc nersM e a Lai Angiuin insv b. nieib.T l nt iage »M arm of e &,r Ad U altt e a &ldoin le Meuie. r gttora nnoasifrsd grte ongtom a l 'ftaion inliea s uraength at tUs.>. w also u t .rlco te r. Tmi si e b ison500 aredthesu!. nnd thu crfi>.cies tasu te omer nsaec. dwli e etiee ten.aoiontfer lu ten b flhiettpoitce Smeat£i hNS IUlN TOB LEh. teptuptsdeec hatieeerd. aed he , Amair iarwel wbiîe din~çai Baftise t gaLw rence larfrir.eo$60.000ngeleshavbutu-mranch -Tià oteutteenc, muthat they r onan ouadvetr wicgto soreut 2,500haroeuali>.andwell utie te.M-My casinweAmsecatin, iirevoleudtnse rm ait aest ettou OfPelnge ten oil cexW e os gause e f hon s the Sune t c ae mit . mhei forne ta1r T efoplCuin, Ati. bankipruply fortbtem, Uic>.mn fatl>tl.a dtimis.lart. volved rnu elleatrh Ase.cuwuie, or f h osMardng adavl' ter s wai. ogtherlutean havgrown us f elds f cooptieuig buetinonstadclatn, er iiremolto i efraouta enos Me- iiptin ofweaneM m* i IetAme-flom.up licd upswth tii. o tecgainurrefotunti orTe pmillo the. bu baiàU o tm hyntrlygiea dteenium*i*. ltis he ren moifretgen Aesi-0b .Rc. arit-Hang rtdin lp st hnor pt paSughl eit. hen- rw the 0fields tf 1 urpoi thetht s Ceat metsfrlt e -pricmoion.of.01< abut e sos a H ou hpts of Theasuccnnui titatros. kng viiipastbo tti he M xlc la. j.wîa. aoic tnt eut tatc tnonibut doi if Aut oma ve ine gseo f.uma gharug iltp.fresai me In, gnra riprt tu av basen mo r gei .tthu eplaretifte ià i m fetceeeitcEa tmp . d tao ilmua4.1. 1liai btee mantaofsud -m' getmt icll diulomatie paupptsti. tra t lhose of Abau iser Ths !esttlat n tralo mell l ricarple look. c out a sur t pot n iO a ns a v 1 eilmiqet vM tptont ai i btia lydt.omws.. cf aîarchy slis ant i urep naitalecto u iding. Ti Thin ", iipbrosm cf Ba tieUn tUs. boardlng houaMpav" ornui el îghty eir ewnitaimet bcs. obreuno rie suad t1 pas oaS ii ciar eualU>n.e o cc l faci lomatiiste. iiipoofte ropd er co niea e ausin Om eu.. Wh.odfe n rs ein wlt vgr.912 mbtii.o ý W oliisécm herforsexpct o mnt a i the r eut te prteti tim I tayplys téOsmeNsMo EnRS n nEuoe"cp tl ari y utaIs. h AoIntbalardinabeus paonroer @loupquestlin whetir wamm iio a nce at oryi tfiSan saslciat prpesti lubforwomi, oi cfman inidet tu ige be y pauhaemntdeandthefo usaMta hedIcsionre on ytaii. prop tin. chbit at tii. toai. t Iex. a> ot l ia repssi n habi cfamcclngb>.womn ii. hcom comon moe tii isgiiilgits . eria vled cIf l s on hu -. tott>..I4eeisr, he ntese urlsit îiewnat ii.slgt c ~ oma c~ek als t hresit fpTexas Utsnsra wer tser oMlgitNeaSMEar oplit elot..ioawtir egod aclt for atIsab smtdois tii. pln hosn urlcete.quaestnhethetii. kns ao- 00p.pedoua hig wosmis a if itbet. adog l.7t.ou l. sltad fo am eok* et p Upsecil or anmaese ulc eofmnnient that ia s sIcs eeal mmaanýeti fte l anond.. w etn th #«têan dicusioie onxthme orea ofti schabit focetdeifumato t. ci. cf t hon re d.eibi " iA elhsr. i ant h ihcommei>.ex pret. fth e sen iUty nch tisirsons t ie atd'ase la toi of '6,.000. h uc*s bang b habit ofseokingl oustoe an e an spe lUIt. e ti ' inneo rf on ds fb>. bol d assiute t'rM. lever ths e ice siiavc fe ag.h tefadomn el P ari. ~o0s. Te rmaruim 4Ingbusuh » e n iai ep te habt leut imi tI abia sui estabi th ocon tfdtht i. a s*sàmma t wh e toiealtm teatoeti l i pre ohai l atsntietstt Ie tanls. nic.tb th idl iue, te fo dO uiaiyamli gros aboubt théonge of amtk-.5,0i0apeopme, ath e eiir in1womn »IIit area ho *15d>. cmh bpei ha l.hbthncour t bne.mtans lot. c swig er veyese.he, fr iisa iim U iuta 5sdtertios wbm ve ntaan str ~iIt 40 fe' c. saoale fpbi eniett itl ahsietnthoe utw atiIi î s 01Ct à0110Mto ti meemesla th sc ltIitii. ndea tii itts pofbi e ii aeltdeli a ftl e t uo onmis. whiltedaut ii ln wills. austiment mnsne TeeS dac. opiniw ta er>. woi bar ohios toare luItom heIy e lene>. U àthmt le i u ode yl .00p.te t stand$.o tthe oEuemi .am nd-a nt th ae>. mlligsfdt. tisaS p omnaeais 5e sd or aile n st eaieoied etla er> tait, Ths. u'pai - ~ ~ - Icaticth a e an itw rien. y agu one nbactle far fort cou Atent galvai Ltl ïg >f ri. Lil e 13- rb T. Pl- p in i- xe he e pt- le as. )ut rtIi d te, su _ dle uns Ba ds- er te tii- ile au. oll- tle ed et>. uni im sud tion tfer- for loi tu« he pemteue. 0Bernera lc lluJtss. paving sud émexlet9 5*5 aes tis, aisnsd It la ces--e tbat the. laahidie e. ua siiOle, èistaqai e reld that the founda- 0f it urban popylation were li diIng thse dmYa O e KRLU- NCING.-1 *euh, etect and <i>ttsct su$Itedljobt. Alil tint.uit Ielicg f or,*leratpd RflmwoWice ?the wirs tbat'i.s.tb; timîcil useti asdever.ç wti. rîjlli-d. B . Pboe. 106w, Lib,rtvii.le. 111. Tbesa s lo» o e a w m'qdltb. ed te probatè Monda>. la thoe OMitY court4"» w.n u 4 t r ocat val.d atat$00. onalti fet84.300 lu rem out"@eand $7700 lu partonit>.. [Th documnt aiMes the Witt e eec-. Zt and ti er .xaup a pertios- t» e bodll.dalioms tis fcllowlug obidren: Marin> WJ,Au"i BUrkI.Te, '1110 EIWIs.AmboM» Wall, Buma-sWall, Louia WAail al t Wsake asu aniffoapi antiJohn Wall of ChI. case. 'Tibotot e i.exeCutrix a *e ai t1464,M0. tVa à Job for a wnt adi DON'? &bntv t intvAut &de THAT Ac- vu IT to A PLACARD! JCompuma Ii Ufms, THIE .2th CI~NURYCASHI STORE' Tii. gOth Century *-Csa'Stoe.have tedsived thelr Spring lino sh aunid overa l ack.ta etç., Jan. eviile moite, aito a fine fine of tony mens& hate and LookIt it ut sindow for menasrs* .aid work Shoet MPYERS. PLORSHIEM. 14AMILTON BROWN andi MENZIES MAKE. W. have a lot of Bayas6iioéa that are odd tizes. ai good Siious ttut w. vill oel ver>. cheap; ciii snd a.. them. Spring Sampi.. Clothing Book 500 Sampica. Tailor Made, fit Guarenteeti. Eu W., PARKIIURST SC11ANCK BLOCK Chatbsmfaning Mille Seeders, Disk Drills Disk Ilarrow!È far-m wagons Mmnure Spreaders A COMPLET! LIN! IF iris SCIIANCK'S: SUHAÂNCK RROSO = ~eaqlartrsfor Al Kinôs Of BUILDING MATIERIALS L LUMBft, SASII DORS. MOIJDINOS GLASSo LM!. CEMENTr. SAITr FEED. COAL, BRIÇKt TiLE, S!PWIR PIPL 1UILDIN6PAPrR, STON!, DRAIN TILV, SEM i.$AYOSTrRAW POLTRY SUPPLirfS W. *ct aShre 1 oiw Pâe ro~~o~vÇWII.end0 benIfS lvUUtW$ [MBER CO., hoME Lt i feobitoration oetttherampe, Io 1 sduen app7bane oyssFIIs NE l ai ti._ _ _ _ _ _ Abundant Capit 1, * AstrnoDlrctngmasex"driuc- edStf of 0111cm and'a recod fer toeservatve sugM«fl!"Mot peat ie the catuious Depositir with gremt forc. Cake £uty flttlonal BDUR *Capital *50,OUQ.lRî Suarpinti and Profita $0,000.00 Stncltholder's Llabillty 50.000.00 Total $ 180,000.00 'l F i e . U n s o u e l i i 0 F Uw N D c , E f tR M U S L INe nS' 2 Wblt« Bkirrtsinver>. rieh ,Datteres, deep flounep o al'.2 or embroider>. insertlinun lrom........................ 12 Weli mail. Cur»Mt Covero prc.ttii.y triubmed le meerail 25c stylesg................-........... ................... muffin Draie of good materlal ea<-h los. fluing Curies Cuvera, 'V.rtenique lbhe verv mewet W. have coin a very ecompet.e stock (À the Porous Keit Union suitaeinhîise oittomels toi livlas swagon. Wehave thornom nw largmelmmaiunobtÎlosble bere-talorsthe 5> priai la eaci ................... ......... ....-........... GROGERIES, G old Ne alInFour......-...-ç......$14 - ig»S d W W. C'~aaaaroll Son._ t 0SEEDIN 0 le, drawing close the 1BEST S!Dth, Are leadquaver.IFOP D CLOV t! AU 0And ail others neede 10 TII at hand aiîd Lt money will % I rER .FALFý TIM( ed ln any m seeis our nougni of reliable s ma ( tested. We Ca. fur" isang Quastil Send lun your list and have Vl aside we hold It uîntil you uiant ItL LIBERTYVJ L LUMIEEC 1you want 1buy. We -0 mson. .Oui dealers and be seed set* LE, *~~~~~ m tStPo5!ItR VTJ -Po0r g.oçeriecannot b. tured into.good food-no maàtte;rhowexpetthdcookýmmy be. ,Wei i mite aul podcuarW. a vstote4tthe'v»dness of opz roceiet to ates dtey fiâd,, tham. That'. a» ~0~E1T&FR 2~.C FARM TOOLS FOR SPRlNO I