CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1911, p. 5

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Core ne l and' pk out jYour (ardel Soeda, while tii.asaoetmient complet.. THE RUSHW PAIRK UNRIVAL.ED Garden Secas LAIl- E I. PACKAOES 21I-2e Bic.., Crueman Bras. and Ferry'@ Paekqg aeeds. A ful liUne of bnli eedi and eari, Owe Potato.. rpor 5.5e au J. ELI TRIGGS P hon» 25 Phone 3 z o o o o 1l~, o o o e -0 o o o o 'e O o o o o e i o o Easter- WiliISoon Be IHere L,1 lave you bought that-Suit yct, the. ont you said you was going to get this, Easter? Now if Vau haven't. why don't you coame in and lot us tekkeViaur moteurs? W. will guaranteyou perfect fit 'and werkmanship no mtter what you psy, whther lit b. a 1114.00 suit or a *4..00 suit., Ne have them both and &Il prices bstween. We make Ct for you in any style, and w. can show you over 400 Spring and Summer samples ta choose from iu al the latest pat- terns, iu .11k mixed end fancy worstsda, silk rixsd snd fancy cassîmeres. .11k mixnd and fancy cheviots. .11k mmced and fancy thibets, sit mixed and fancy serges. ilik mxed and tancy homespuns, wool sudsllk mxed crash. uniform cloth, hoc'ýanum siik mixed striped wovteds, bath lmported aud domestlc. imported black broadcloth Pud lmported black doegkin. Thoe, patterns are:ll wool or silk sud irool mlied. nocotton. W. aloo have our usuel up-to.dats lino of Mon'& Furnishingsansd will b. pleased ta show them ta you. Givo us s cal Yours for business and a square deal J. B. MIE& CO. ~EvMrthint for flen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL SPECIACALES We fit the lateat Methodsi cii do not reguire the oye, te be - We fit wlth a positive Guarantea 4 ta benefit he patient. If you auffor with headaches or _sny oye troube have your eyesa tested sud ind, out if hey are et fauit :and get he proper giassa for them. EYE EXAMINATION ARE FREE BESWICK ORAJUATE OPTCIAN jIBBEK I LE w r - InMIRIDTJIFLOWER& VEUBTABLE CO, Nemi ONd tation Lbertyvilis, 111. Wtt iîvite you ail to look at our display otf cpi irig plantti of ail kinds. We havie fine Kiamter Lilies and bulbs of Mi Id. >We eau Lcave yomuey,-and can eatisfy you. -ýf Why mît it ot olr IIr. Otto, who is a pro-., fesionîal latîd@càîte artist, make your iawns beautif ni tht. .prTng. He is at your, cornmand. - Give us aldral Funeral work op pecialty. MyI DERw -1,bA Il t~&E O DNT, FRrÂY., MAÂ-CH 24, 1911. Te Ineure pubIicatioh ln the indepeft dont, cov muet 1» lu the. office 1no Iitei than Tu.ey e f each'waek. Adver- tisera, especlally, are asked to take particuiar notice tth ii.affect. Cao. Aeres vlstod lu Chcago Tues- day. L 1 T. Robertson transaeted business In Chcao aTOesdy. Miss Gertrude Quentin vlslted ln Wsukffau over suuday. Dr. W. W. Warrlner, -of Antiocb, trau. sacted bueluesu lu onr city ilonday. Ail dism f drain tils for sale by the HE LumaDRco. c-25-1 Mr». spring took possession a1 thé Browna batel »Sar the oid depos thie Aibert end Frank Dyer loti Moday for au .ztendsd visit with 'relative@ ln Englaud. Born, ta M r. aud Mrte. C. D. ,Lnderan afThlrd street. Tuesday. March 14,a hsby boy. A basket social wil ha given at the March2. Wo. Nagel ha. reslgned hi, position St 'Wi. Walrond's aui accepted s TÉony Bryau, the gnali printer's doili" af the fiNDEpENIJENT offiCe, Wira Waukegau viitr Sunday.11 Mdies Lelab Giynch cf Lako Villa. visited Saturday ut Cite homeaifIr. and tirw. W. E. Davis an Lake street. Mm . H. H. Colo visifad 'a fui days the latter part ot Isa sd tChu fore part ai ibis waek ith bor parente at Ridge- ira>. Wl.. 'thea Ladies' Aid oeccet>' of the Preshy. terian churth mii Ineot at he home ai Mse. A. B. Churchill. Thuroday afternoon, March .10. The W. C. T. U. wllmli t Tuesday. March 28tb at 2:30 p. m. ai the hante of tIre. Carnie Fuller. Topic, 'Toaaco Tohoggau." Fred Parkhuret bas braon grauvd an hils lot an South Park avenue prepane. ior.v Ca erotiug a fine reeldauce therean, svcrb Ca begin staonce. Thea Meredih Flairer aud Vegetabie Co., bas fecred the services of Mr. Otto, s'ho lasa proteelonal artisi lu laudicape tecrk, tuneral mark and raising fiosiors. Miss Manda Wbaeler reeumed ber dutleo ass Cacher lu h Evanston public stbools Mhondsy atter s farcad vacation ai bout four months aiug to sicknus. an't fai o ta -inali-The Bachlor'. Dresut" and "Wib le sWblcb" ai tie tamn hall naît Thuraday and Frldg uight#, Match 30 sud 81. A gaod CIme assured. YelIaw gluten, bromu gluten, bran. mi Idliugs, quaker feed. International feai sud ail kindq of chickon feed for sale by Hoi LcuBEu Ca. c-25-1 The St. Patriebk's entertalument aud dance givan by Si. Josaph'@ churcb lu te town hall lait Priday ight wira grand aucte8a bath aocially aud ltuauicially.- Frank Brown lftCTuedaytoýHahsau, Montana. Ha bas leauod bis hoiel praperty harosud mil move irait providiug be la succesiful n i fndlng a sultable rratlon. Ed Seller sud Fred Cssey afis Iecity sud George Hluson ai Vola, were menm- bore ai the party ai land seekers mita to0k sdvqntfge af the excursian ta Motans Teday. ilIt M iof Iuteeefflta orealdontsai Lbertyvîlle lu gonoral ta buom that the frelghi affiue af the C. Id. & St. P. rail. road "o "I lclose St 5:00 a'lock p. rm. trout nom on untîl furtl'er notic. C. B. Bayes aud sous Henry sud Warren loft Tuesday for Hobson Montana, irbere 1fr. Bayes bas s 160 acre farut. Warren bas ecnred a pas!- tion lu the leadiug clothing store of the ci ty. The Amici clbgave anather ai their popular dancing parties ai the town hall Wednesdsy ovaniug of this meesklu he may oi s bard tintes party sud the nanal gond ime, so characteristic af these aents, mas aujoyad by ail. It ntay reqidre a short t'campsign" of msnt'advertiug te, fInd the klnd af mark yon're lookiug for. But fi: mol rognire a LONG campaigu of auy otUest ort orf "lookiug."1 lmpraviug sud heautffy the park b>' mot- tiug ontniany'uiW treesthoreintaiu ail "gai Ctte hait" and do oans Phare Ca- yard the gond mark bi, cleaning up and dlsposing oi tltarefusewhieb ha.accuu-u latad dnring te long wl»ter mauthe. The followiug i. a prograut whltb ctaseoaiciaracters ai "The Bacheliî's Dreant" and 'Whlch la WhicL" ta, bu gtvcn hy Tins Lhapter ai the %et.. ujinsten tild ai h Preabyterian church ai the Liherty ville oin hall on Titurm- day sud Fidu>' venlngs, March 30 aud 31: Ovorture .. ...... .................. Kenueth Loveli »ad Loyd Tayloç THIE BALBELORS OREAM Seoiun Girls ............ Dorot5rRuberton OSeot ixteen ................ gdytie Ornais coas uGirli.......... ...- .. HseOlesi Mlilslc Girl ............... Ssby'[Ossow @DmmorGirl ............... XM NeWcomb Wlner Gil..................... IsyomWells SofcfeC Girl ................lins.Wilson porigit Girl- ............. .._. Ruth Marsltsl Ow e asiliod ............ ....Mobel Rudoilti The onue taiiliet bita.......Helen Wrtiti Tac Bride ....................lIvens BulkleY lie............................ A.H. SmiCt ikonolnsue sud $nutas mtis Ee.. . p.Chrlsty "1WHICH 1Io WRlICH' SCENE-AN AnRTISi Brunie Riobert CaO ver, a Younug or"smur.h lu debi .l...i... ........ hoert M. tWriht Mr. Geaisl. bis unule ............ - Nai DuracO, Patidies, au cil aud coîtiman .. .Jullue Treptow Mildreti Mitchell, su heriss .... RthiMarshal eth in Bluia. ber peuinUt rend ... ..................Helen Wright Un. MiII,, Capper', old gasât .... -Mrs. ChritilC Tickets 25c, reservd gests 350. Tickeats ou sale at Dcker & Bond drug store. AMt yougoiug to bilid fonce? Thon lt mefigure mith you. Issîl he Bramu fene, a fonce for eveiy puipose sud the COMPARATIVE FIGURES EvIdonce aur grawth duriug four'aud on@-bal!f ears. TOTAL RESOURNC<8 sept. 4. 1001......0.. Pa.. 8'09 ......41 .2. '07.......Meh, .. o.10 ...= q Ape14,'S........ Se-iOoeof MlrT I........ Veta would b. pfiaaad *QIthefi ea!lwe rentIer ktsM tuetoMere to savu, hsndi* and liivastth*'rma.ei%-, Yeuwil nd ý le* popt; nilnt an sd Ioul invité smeil beeouet s. et tge#., çoo.oo 10e0 syntpathy of1te enire community lu Chie hir hour ai bereavamani. Card of Thanka. Wa ake thie meaus ai expresslug aur sioere thanka ta aur frlends sud neigihors for the man>' acte of kludness aud peympathy mînieet durlng aur meant sad beresvainent. Also da me wlsh t, a bub hose iro contnlbuted flairera. Mini GEORCE BoiRti ANDoFÂulLv. M. E. Church ServcS. 10:00a.. uea Meetng, Rsv. J. B. Macoufflu. ,, M3:0 s. ut. Preacblng by the faator. W. L. Whlpple. eubWit, "The Great Refusa." 12 m. Blbk!3ç ool 6:45 p. im. r ort Lag-ns ubjeci, 7:80 p . n.Preaig. W. L. Whlpple, euh, "The Open Door." Foloy lCldney lFille Neutnalise sud remore the poisons that cause backatbe. rheuatlent, narvousuesa and a&l kldney sud laddsr irregiilaritieu. Thiy build up sud retore the naturai action af tbaae vital organe. Sold hy ail Druggitt. thst matèh a oreadte» Yeu mat mhat la ,ec4fsaryotareb:done snd uhit itý rIll cost ta put It lu Perfect Runrlng Order then yo au save lhorunotesynpis lu ail kinda o! repair m,ir o Ch. er> hest mark sd ya-udhave BD be tny l eslg CtZu.erlce lu oui cane. puice la lu keeping wttbyaur poehol L L E , B RI E FS. lil ateril furnlsbed by me. B B PME. Phono 106W, Liberty ville, III. lira.Fannie Smlti. k-Toesdy olreing of thia mesk iAlter a prolonger! ilon« sMus. Fannais ,r Ltbsrty*igbeh Ch couf girls gavi Smith dled et her homanteluLibertyvlla boysas roture dancing psrty et the. on Mauday night. Hors sufferlng bh» tairahuaithe. usuaigood ie beiM boon long sud severe, but tbs bore it è njoyed bo is. prepeut. patienitly, thtuklng more couetantîr o1 Mfr. sud Kra. Roy Wrgt arrived frouA oasthat sbebad te les,. ehbld than o1 Edgertou, Wl., Stàtprday sud ars berseit. Abe hsd lived lu tii viclultir 5saning witb 1r. Wrtght'a parent@ ou practically &Il ber lits sud mas cou- dsukso Aveue until sncb a ime asoissqi(onCiy mcli kuown bore. Whou a aher nov borne receutly purchssed of younc wmutn she joiued the Methadisi Sed Mtebeli la Tscated. 1Epiftopsi churîb and for as umnber 91 Now a he ie p.tu have your repeïr. 705ft *Sitg in the choir. ing doue. At the sarne tinta let us ail She mas msrried to Chair. H. Smith on your barnes for you. $1.00 per met for Nov. 8, 1887. Threaochildreun mare born double barneso. We guarantee our ta them, tira sonse bavlug dled in infancy work. 0.1 Luci & o. 244tf sud tie one dangbtar lirace, irba mur- e Frlday oveulng of this week the Com- vives ber departure. The many finonde *pany af the world toursta It l complet tbd family @bas the sorrow of ber ther sar u Trky sd st sli orhusband sud daugbior. Briet services Aine a iffStbaOp H*fCieIi lii jota ivre ld eathCe hbmens oWdnedsy et ChoIr ilrty' Ouid show thort a My 2 o'cIoek. The Bey. J. B. MacOnfin sud Flntereetlg tiagaîIn Westt Africa. Elabi Bev. W. L. Whlpplealhlclated. Burlal la o'clock et the Md. E. church. Làkeide cemetery. Dr. Stevens bas a heu that is ertainly soins layr. Sh. recentl.v layed aine Geore Boehm eggs of enormoasseite, ane being brougbt Tu-@ay, MarcÉ 14, 1911, at Phoenix, inta this office whlcb welirbed four Arizona, accurrsd the death ai George ounce sudmoasued 8 juc ec'- Boehm one of Lihertyville's honored aud cuniiereuco the. long may. aud 7% luches respectýd l Ctizons." tht, short iray. If oggî sald by meight 1fr. â Boo lbad heen lu poor healtb tai or huIkthia particular heu would heofoi the puti sertval atouthsansd had thîs mach alueta ie ower. inter, nccampauied hy bis mile sud The naine af Margaret 0. Cater, a i o danghtere, Hattieansd Marie. gone meinter of tbe Seuior clame, of North- to phoenix, Ari ons. hopingithe Change western Uuivermity, nppc-ared rupou the lu climats wauld ho heuedclal Ca bie honor List fon the tirs euolt-ster. Mise hoalth.- but despite ail ihst cnuld h. Cater le the 7aurîg".i dnugltcr oaiU. doue for hi.i ha peacefuily pamsd to bis sud Mra. John. Caler. e hu reoida 'ou1 reward ou tbe moruing oi Tuesdily, the Milwaukee avenue ucith of 1.1115 City. 14th dey of Match. . Asyke clave mr. matuntotrt clcver sud George Beohin ma.4iorn luin svaria, mediumt dorer,- allaIta soed, timothY Gormnany, lu the yesr 1867 sud lu 1871 seee, cow ppisa, rape eeed. red top and came txa Chie country with his parente, seed coru of ail kinds i. otiE LcitnER Otgo ea iu rmn otr CO. Haeia. marnai lun the year 1891 to Ahouty tweutyitve relatives cf 1Mr. Miss Elizabeth Hertel of FremntoVnter Stephen Tailor emt-raeiitic four genera- u oCeumr oufv hirn Cous gathoed ai bits homieBSaturd yandAlo tto 'wr oe fv hlrn eeinfug, Marcb 1lth. w celahcate bies - Rtt,ýIatie. George sud Marie. eigty4eveth'irtdaysud snob hlm tour of whont survive, George havlug tig hay. rouree fthedey.dMr. dled lunlutamîcy. ntau hopy rinru cfCiteday 1fr Inu1895 hi moved wiîh bi&. farnlly to Taylor who le probably thte oldeet ma this City, mhlch place be hsd made hle lu cur torve, posiseesos tmenial an borne up ta the tinte of bis deati. physical vigor seldoat eeu it ane ofaiseBeeldes the tour childireu ho Ilaes to age. mouru bis uutimely deutlises mdoir sud Plans for tliscoming Roui ReLate show ones@ister.,tIra Adolph Miller ai Arthur, et te Clsenm. APril 28 to May 7 , ire' Iawa. bosides a hast cf sympathiziug ceived additloealimttiC s Chie wesk friands. irbon uost of lb. big uewspspern lu Chi- 'The iuusralira. belld Mondav at St. cago spplied for exhibition- spaco. The Joseph's cbnnch, 11ev. Fsther kli@Ila, business managlers 0f the big dailtes are assiatad by FrsCher Scanlan af Chicago, etthugiaaîic aver the comtng exposition and VaCher Schlldgen of Freinout enter and deelare tbhe m ildo nmore Cc boom affciating. ream asiate lu Cicago aud the adjacent Fallowiug the services lu the churcb suburbe titan suy aCier avant Chat bai romaius mare takou ta Fremant CoVnter been bellu nyears. and ld Ca rest lu tbe tanulîrlot ofthle Witb the advent of sprlng ont City atti- Caîholec eanteet athat place. mals have takou the proper sîep tomê.rd The sorrowluinitlmly have Ch. sîncera Pt SAMILE MS2UNRE!=lW~ ltA purclisse of a'big lotof of NICHT GOWNS, Ut Cavera onables us ta *ai on the&* goqds. Tii.yà wash tuis kind of ïo< miii be weli repsld for y 51.25 end 51.50 t. si 50 aend 35 sud 40 J)ont Fait to E 1211 of Sampi. Muelin Underwear. casmistlar UNDERSCIRl'm, DRAWERB snd Corsait bve you aimakt lE HALF are aoiCed from handUng. Most PeoPi ioda, befovu wasrng th.m anyhoir y.. your mark. 1.75 Uudomprb. $ 1.00 1-33c Dra»wrs 19e 165ec DMwers 33e oc CorS«et m rs23C Examine thest Odurlsn Jbýrtyville, Ill. o* FREE' lNS TITONS IN WOOU ,1ftAINlNG AND FINISINO On Thnrsday, March 23rd, à lady demon- * trator front Bradley & Vroornan Co., of Chicago, miU bu at oar store specially tu show youqbow ta oorreotly.iuitate iu a few minutes the growths of alÉ valuable woads. The Perma-Lac Systent of Home Jeaij.. fying is simple sud inexponaive. Auyone ocm use it successfally. Core ne land wiétmi mast intorestiug demanstration ovor made -in * tuis looslity. * Dat't forgot the tinte snd place. Fe B. ,-LOVIELL U8ERTYVILLE, ILL. t7 Wfr48 sl ene................ 7 Wlra4« imubene. ............ ..- 0l WIr. 42 Io"elge...... .............. .. Il Wre 49, Wipuli nc,...... ......... 'Il i I i I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LM col lit lis b» 1 ---- --- **»0*" Maddpn SPECIAL FOR SPRING Tissue Gioghams, Scotch Gingi. Toile Du P4orde Ginghams Me fa Ce Ginghams I4earsilk roulards lem h inetts flaxon in Plain and Check ERfi CAIL AND-:SEE! TI!M e ehool next Saturdas eveninu. 1

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