OFFIOIAL PAPE* 0F LA f 6DTY actèedMtas1.4P--oe aa% ubeivmI. EL. *4SoooSemi 1.l U»4$ ~VOU'TNPitl0K 8.60 FER I t STA IOTL.Y IN ADVA14CE pm* .. A -jsT .... ........ ...... ..................... Eo r * 'L. KU BARI.. ........... ... ............ iyEditor sEIONA~ IFPMAIIN.. Thse suce...of1the DOaUOortts ilwihieo0 1 »rly esomplota contraiof teisoifote f*0tsfrMu times linalsais yeàa riffl the quesation whther thsY' *MIlthe aÊaie tof* seeiua sOtlesal éif NtluIeffy, b pterreopfly uaed te present a faiily unlted front Orb ge* ..k 'Ilwis ugiaem repraaested lergelly sectiona 0f country wim 21UZ4 ndutre* were net wel d*qtIoped. end where thse bene- fté fpIWta441PP I hdiet, ratiser tisausdlCaOL yb itW i of tte nid tier Mile ail over tise South, however, has Mal"Ilai 1îëI « nd if e.1 bey asty, are w4iliamte b. InSlu- çïqd= oM«ütn't» emsande o noséoft ewn cdia. ý04mèy Od neaf simala bff lave adhall fre, 80Y*# târlf tsai and eutfesv# 0 Ut attQ 9 dltret, 11:4.. 0 vm ille ýýbar Imatiaribwul h ery mas id tra« hei qua re- h.Pihb meisutatusredctaite té te eo%)"mttee ot. poitiolame wlo do net baWw or who de Mt take the paine to glàttietru*aisbttof 1Oflpou lion cet. But on thseother bond, th.yblea ats irdcrl itte te *quai tretatmenl wth tihe conaumeiesdless *1 w1.0wMadiatîc vte adécition day. THE MEXICANC SITUATION. -Wbshe tise immédiate Mexîcan situation on tise Mexican befter.Ioe loe tisretdekssg.tisa diapMatcerevomi thêes-ue.asshaetn opposîne Umm" fbos. 1e t us «-raels Wbal e.thisng f paper and manquerea t rèpubilele . 7b»e Congres, for lnet.ssoe, cntai, but few mon wiso live In tise districts tgey repmrosmt Most of tise. are lawyers of Mexico Cty or fédéral offce 'ý"i50 .?is onstitution torbIde faderai office IolUre Ira. holding snate ln Con- tree, us« eaby ep"oltexmtion. Tis.yaide tisat trifilig 111e dlfftcuty -'a oeasession,. by Paeeis a spiiiexemption for nais sucS Congressman. - ..Litm~urma.Esdth"W atete oagaatunso iecome msre autenatens for verjistorIeg the dorées oftise mataerfut pmasident. À ew >0*11 ego,- for Instabnosttatlont were oompleted-tfor a bond la. 'Icad fo*r tis* .oqWr*ennt by gevarumest of a oontroling Interest i. tiree .,*mnklinee of reiway. before Conres serd a Word about IL. Wl,.. t cme . lsteConrgree,' sanction mwe gîven wtisbut 1111e débat. Uthe président vants te isoid à mater percobaiIy. Congorese poilIlely Passes a *pseal ese ob ltng cntrel. TIsat a peuple deoended from fiery Latin *ltod, vitt a tram ixture et implacable Indien tamperament, sbouîd quiet. 11,«snt tesa domiînation vislour coonpratlvely equable people vouli sac. il%* ali loed and treurs eh&"ase eoff, ia anelmosi Inexplicable mya. 61 4flismanis aperement. 510%a mlitéry glory évetuedtise situation orlglnally. plus of course tise *Utitv bho.agiven 10 bulnees and tisa splendId geins maeopossible b> hieî - »ott *Mqnw#slle te Iseurgenta demav!d electlesa thst @tact, and division of tW*,tM&se, 4 dub tisir Punku eaaitain many démagogue leader.. Sa.' luo*thse forcés f.peeen tisey are excitimsg. andth*is entrencissi power of Olèce seldero, a bley caisesèmaeommmpendlng. maXicct'a CIIONIC UNREST. 04 or tiheedmliistratln I.sedlngtoa"Pe to Texte nos be- ma. Assseleià*live and property ware ln danger, il was feit, me uiould lie whéne Congréees ould nove thigr promptiy if nec- vl rvit le partly a naturel uprlslng of dsmoereàtlc aspiration nu. &At soéothatisinmaretian idemocratlo aspiration la need. anid roperly safe. Ver "idof Meoxos -original ladependence. "Thes Mexicana ae for freedons and thoan dld not knosw isat 10 do wth it . I ly, a Maxican cty baesrtiseappearance of àa isghly cîvlit thi liadeomapublia erohlteatums,.rolleys. wter auppiy, lglt t<"t h iire leaaial stock from Spanîmis and Indien sim reperSion for self geverssment. Tise people are hot ellheo- They Mont gatber et tisa corner groosry and spremid natal. probleme ta reasotest cros roade, witie villagte ors. **46al.r bateraits sttia.> lbçfâ g«esr4e et tt th#eaand lounglng places, tiseydisoumte "Moi OW àtest tiar Peltol fIformallon, e 1isa,=80-L5 as ,4> yýmMayer of thea Clty of Megio, wae isa dpy.. 'Ne, ha eal*is,' idtis# téla I gir'~lit Wite. 4e ists wbghtbeittise nseoa mam* W».butopeaslffnt ettishe ra S5.A lmîler inquir> aidantTaft m t C- satet Et Pai% twa eee **M epolétisa lu lied ssii Mexco ta tise Amerloana. Itto4 f lisepressaIunvet asit ha ongar ndg atl long tise frontier, If *illf*. diais, 1tfallias.00emono lise leaders of tise Insr. tbMmmi. Th"s tsrsuiitand CIe nsighlgo baok *to telr caf.. ltom int~ aà A1 fflmirthfIAUm Dooto's A"d. m Brtdiaet Voua..Marais I-Mary N.L sagstth ie ohiseldaugisler aIB. T. baiior& , atre Standard 00 presi"deal 0f tisa coi proiucte comp»a4 miitise site 0fr No- Igeiunm cisNoui, dfai Satadayagl xt bar oIime la Gens us=ea ebtatsitabloo polaontng fllovhag tbea Mth of chli UMris17. Bth lbs busmMi a" vmls areChriatun -W ts, sud O tisUalure le caliluaa *pwe" et .1 t Widti luami te b. w»hdie fUn tis dmell. Dr .Cho&. *l4 ofeuatIi e"'Ourvu calIet 1%* a8eaftf ea ontise BagoutAree- iDeab d e " t for n=*gsu Il »Ms obut vu la a g codeu- 1W04 caflsSto tme Uicwttresi >~rlov lies viM b 5éD u 1% Immmaâh tw Scisiot, vwa istrumental la callig la Dr. mIs.cman. Tise summoning of a physiienwuva ainst tise wilWem of bolsà Iclot ouishe ie-tla mid. Mr. Bedor aloocacele Dr. Freknisi Aboit, Barman, a promInent Nev YorX spectallat. Mtr. Sebiott'wvasabout 32 s'ira of ega a3ii Pawl hai tise apenrance of perfect iellis. a s aore Cr alOi- le*1 out doce sport aid vu'an en- thismaicautomoblilat'1 h. la ImunUer.lsioi tisat Ms. Battoy vau fomenly s pracUlhg pisysiclan VIlS t»s tille of sioqtr. butl ah. gava up tise prastica t amae . qeerl yemsega ahi bu=@mea sictitliouer la ieelsg b tftftb1.' Ileys od le, Detter Pisyslobah. "isereporter sebsi Wr. Uqisotl visy a pliyslcIanwu mo aal 1 1u "Goi le a btte pbfflaian thon mes," iho replied. Il baievo lb it fati'Ase ilMy V!e." w«a tise sama oflb.eVeaema ml SS- ter te Normwe, oet ae oneft ivea bY' bt boolor. Chrtae 9*bltl.ta 1104. han v r sried Ot*berla, XI If a Job fOw a vait ad DO"' LP&ff 1? TO A ÀPUOAI bu Vlle yul Cmia PIR a? AV am o rowm "" T"c Lake CoÔuuiY Putu lItold Rave ode Nnch None àw mil PNa.d 104,00 duria t l $14,.tisls fer iprini 19111 Tis atea vis.Waukfegand Ai ke countylathere ani mlisaouli have eeiiied aq a praiuum on parentsood isad tise Boela 1vroue luto0 affect Jauuary lotI, 11 As vili be recellai, tise 1mw as now uiidqV cOflIitiolxi et, Spwiuageli, visere Lt *vii#rbably be 11Usd, pro- vides, a nrellusof 8100 for aveny f abs bor a ito, a nmlly, $200 for tvuns andi 881)for triplets. Laiteo couitty hast l1,046 bîrths la 1910 and l46_thus far thisla ye, bence tisefigures. T1his in exclusive of tise twln birtisu tiset 100k place. Au fer as la knowam tisea ero né. triplet birtbe. Wt tistie uOMn e, nontilinmos« birtit pewm Waubegancouli buSh- aid equIp te'o Y. M. Ç. XAs. or ~~O a noIV South. Ooneaeatreet bridge, put up & nev city hall, or do a vis@1ê lot of otherintoregstlthinge. But the. billisas net yat aaased and Ila unllbely ta becomea a ia. Tisa premlum mener. by tise Beals tisory sla to bc raimed by a tas on the Unhappy baciselors of tise state. Borna Figure. Tise tollowlng are figures ifrom thse 1910 report of lb. atata board ef equal- Imation and give lntareating data on commit Ibrîlcies of permenal property in Lake county. Total Aven. No. Value Valu., ore-........9828 826.690 $27.84 Cattla........ý. 28,002 237457 8.48 Mulea........... 107 3,261 30.58- Sheep.......... 4,605 6,815 1.48 Hoe........... 6,793 20447 3.01 llngines. bllera 295 i7,982 162.6_ Bae$........... 202 3,313 -16,40 Bllad, pool t'ba 70 1,548 20.87 Carriages, v'g'na 6607 59,729 9.21 Watchsm clocica 3,006 6823 2.27 Bavînîs mch'. . 2.801 7,179 2.76 Pianos ......... 1,692 46902 27.72 Organa......... 236 1,175 4.98 Steamboata *.... 1 438 458.04 Value of ail enumerated prep erty at tate averago .. ,711,957 As Asessaed .... .......785,98, Asesad val., persenal prop.,3,866.585 At state average..... ..... 3,519,S96 Eqallsed value ........... 3,866»59 BAR ASSOCIATION ELZCT IL J, Hsydecker of Waukogan Igade President. Thse Lake County Bar association met et g9 a. m. Baturday Sn tise Circuit court room for Itsa annuel meet. Ing andi election oIf ofliera. Tise fol lavlng oflicers ýwere lected far tise en- suing year. Prenldent-E. J. Heydacber. Vice Presiaent-Leelle P. Hanna. Socretary-James G. Welcis. Treasurer-Benjamîn Parmele.. AttorDeys Claire C. EdWarda and E. V. Orvs ver. seleced tu net on tise executive commite. alang viti tise nevlY elecci officora. A grievance committee aleng vils tise nevly elect- ai efficers cooistlng of Atioruqya .John D. Pape C. T. Heydecber and Chrles Whtney vas aisoeleectei. Aller the election of eficers tise Labe County Bar Asmocaton mgnai a- ciommunication taver1ng an am«ea practice act, amendinq thse present acI ln nmre ev pointa. Il vent on Mrecod as dlaapproving o tise «libertes iiU vsicis. vUli revluitonise tise ntg systent, eta*isgtisaI la thair opWois no man.iovever brîllant, vas qut* capable et drafting an entlre, nev matisod cf proceedurealoiean., wi itis- eut amplU tfnte fol, counsel ai otiesns ZION.IEASEUPHELD ïJudge Front Issues Injunetion in Llvery Stable Natter' Tise louea on pnaperty lu Zty City, are accordiug t tise opinion of JudIge Froat as soli as tise Roc#s o! Cibrl- ter, and n on ise Ovwni such a leese can, vîthIs mpunlty1 violate ts coni-. tions. Tise cama ovar visici tise opinion vas pauei iras listed au Graves et ai vs. tampbell et ai, tise blih belng a petS- lion for an ,iniioa ratralng Davi C&WcpbIl t1ad is i vf. rom op- erating a livery stablie vitiin tisareom- dent sections ef mon <Ciy. Nelisisers Objected. CemPIsehI l l4 f * e ta tise bih ob WUali" aSien hse oaepieonof pro. orty, stpposoiiy 10 e~ea bonuege i. Iluali iover, hosaartadIbtns Ila-" =O4gbOe-IU.tetap vtityd, a4i dapita tise cty ordimmeu sovenins tise opmraion eofivery .teat les.,- Thoecom Plaint status tis a ca aSi, iaae bus tsaeuvioea« at %» tase gven ttd maesrly la ipil lhe usa**, tbfre.tiseleae as ee -Tisa l i aI *Jsaetbq -wvas aio th . tiU!Io& mpcftniyrstalI - troa'em emuthtse MAia 0ftea~teevi1inet be aduttei tW tieeouatry atar May 1. Tise- bond laut aarifocturo department iel mars* wbal la fond and driak for the peogle, bas Uut tise baon r lean.tee. it ha&e aftse reMcnadr die.- emd ltistth~e artifci&l colring or ttu in tulinoug te hbetusauiitbiat tis5tf u, "tefr.rlisotatloa le mllavIw nd aimuet 1w stoppai. The @fid Vii 150go Into afect until MAY 1., beasan tet il t Umeisomtise ae* ody batits te corne i. Te bave il enforapi e&rller mlght hikv* w~re muealesl iardahip to tisoe tabou l'y anrprizo 'at i mportations on thse for oietdob AI ldOhal. Aget. 1v bcler toB aw lu Fauve. ise ireti tsailusts; doublé FIxE, Pbono 106W, Llbertyvlll. iii. Fol.> 'Kldney 1Mille flirales dremare ibe poleo tbsi ce"i - beekaclie. rhsuagtm eerouuas oiai h md bledie Arswialasa. II> eid p a" motmr t:b. naUre c t-lb... itai orao. .Ooi en ailuglt*. cuidatea prsOa1rie la yo'r ailiity le write vent MeT8T Ac- COMPUSE TENGI., THE 2Oth- CENTURY CASh STORIE The 201h Cintury Cash Store have recelvsd their Spring ina of alsfrte and o.ieralia Jackets etc.. Jan- **ville. maka, ato e fins in. of tony mon', halsa nd capa. Look at aur w'ndow for mena Brase and work Shoot MFYERS, FLORSi4IEM. HAMILTON BROWN and MENZIE8 MAKE. ýW. have a lot of Boys bSoo tisat are odd îza. ail flood Shsoostithtwe &M il i very ciseep; calt and Sprîng Sample Ciolhing Book 600 Samplas. Tailor 'Made, fit Guaranleed. E. W. PARKIIURST SCItANCK BLOCK FARM -TOOLS FOR SPRINO' Seederso Disk Drills Disk larrows Farm Wagons Manure Spreaders A COMPLETEMLN! 1F RQM. IT'5 (M 1D 1S8IIANVK BROS*~ Headquarters Par Al Killds Of, BUILDING *MATERIALS;. LUMB!R. SASH DOORS. MOULDINGSý GLASS. Uimi. MEMNT, SALT ro.ED, COAL. BRICK ýILt!. SCW0ER PIM .BVIWING PAPER STON, DIVÇLtI Sem 11~AVOSTRÀW *$,Swo aiYmr Pet. ~O~EL iumim cêe -gis Aburidant Capi1ýaI ed S f OffceS»m aee 1erceeretveBougemeutep -t. IMe ceiuléasQesiter wvi greot looc. Capital1 050,0lJ0.Ou Surplus and Profite 90,0000 Stockholderm Llability 50.000. 00 Ttal *$180,000.00 SUY rHEM NOW FOR EASTER Hendsome Black Camper salib and H4etherbloorns ,7 our regularS2.50 good.a. pscieiiy reduced .-.... 197 Fine new lot of Magnet Taffetas and othars lnciuding thse very latest-8iack and whiteaeffecte., eo Mire$ .0 nd etriped- Styles cholce for .......................... Ail the naw TefRas. and Messaline 511k Skirte ln .9 black and colos soin. with wide Pertlen silk bande $ 0 Large assortmant of white iskirts from...............l t0 ............ .............................. . ...........02.25 JJ ingham Petticoats et 5-8Sc GROCERIES Evsntueliy, WIy 1i0 now GoId MXdal Plour ...... ..........1.46 W W". Carr*oli & Son gSEEDING TIME * le drawing close at. hand and you wantj *the 13EST SECD that money wiIl buy. W. j Aretleadqiiartmr ' rIt. RED CLOVER ALFALFA i TiMOTIiY I And ail others needed, ln any season. Our os& oui bonght of reilabie aeed dealers and * teated. W. Cm f ur"lshang Que.tlt. Bond In your list and have. the seed set Iaside we hold it iiutili you want IL. LIB3RTVYVILLE jLUMBE~R CO.J Nothing anywheïe so important ex 'posuibly to Pooe groeries cannot b. turned ikto good food-no Matt how Ptthe cok may be. COLETT & FRII