CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Mar 1911, p. 5

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LAKECOUNY I1~DhPNDEN, FR,4YMRC 31, 1911. **ui@*eooeoo...e........eeeoe@@eo Corne in and pick out jonr Gardon Beeda, >whilo the amaortmont la complote.' THIE'RUSH PARK; UNRIVALED Gren Semd LARGCE' SIZE PACKAGES 2 1.2c, Rices, Croisman »roo. and Ferry'. Package sedg. A full lino of bulk Btlods and early sood Potatooes. EFORE buy;ng opring i clothes you'll ind tà wor-A vwh,-b cta examine the 1 nob;' "bl-"-ray mixtures, new rzLes of brown and tan., lLizc, ;a -the beautiful Spr--: woolens just sent ta Ed. iïPrice 8C o. NIbbCHc,'T TAILORS CUICAGO WeVll taka your meaeure and havce your silelction madle up M. you want it., at a price -îtlun Y'our abihity ta pay. And the. clothes will satisfy you i avey par*iular or you neeclnt take tliem. J.B. MORSE & CO. Evmrthlng for lien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL DESWCK IRADUATE , , EYERLASSES A?4D SPI3CA LES W. fit the. atesf Methode wich do mlot rakuire the oie te beE drugged. W. fit vith n positive Guarnntee ta bonefif tha patient. If you sufer with headlachea or any oye trouble have your *y* tooad and flnd: ouf If they are4 etc fnait >nd pt the preou« SlaSace fer tiiem. McTON ARE FREE OPTM 4 ,LIIEITILLE ME3REDITHJ PLOWI3R & VE(JJ3TABLE3 CO. Near 0d Station, LbertyvIlle, Ill. We invite y on ail to look at our diiplay of spriug plants fa al kinds". We have fine Eaater Liliee and bulbe of ail kinds. W. can save you ioy and cau sa±iafy Whyiole let -ouiMr-ttWho la a- p*0- foaional lmq Ccpe artiot, make your lawns bea4tiful tht. .pring. .Ho ia at your commiad. B'unoral work our, ap.oity. ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS ^s-OAL N fty O A.MENTION Il I *1 o oo i ~Ji The Womn'e Gulld of thc Episcopal church vîli hold a iiakery sale ai tbe ga" offici Saturday affernoon, A prit 1. (Ien. schlung 0f Waukegan, ln the nev local manager fer the North Shore Elecfrlc Co., taklng charge the lSth o1 til montb. Misse. Graeasd Ethel Wheeler and Besoin, Butter, wbo arc asteuding Normal Ochool St DeKalb, are homie fur their spring.vacatIon. Tissus giughame, Foulards lavus, ete. iu nummer tdres@ goode St Mas, PnOT'c's. c-27-1 Laot Saturday ai flie Si. Joeeph's liospital, Clxicago, M rs. J. ti. Lelulein' underweut a veuy serions operation. $he is rccoveing very nicely.- The Ladies Aidsolety af the Mi. E. church wili meet ln the churcli parlor in the alteroonu of Tuesdajr. .pril 4th. Ail mnembers urgcd ta b, pueent. E. W. Proctor, iiavlng ecently sold hie farr. ucar Hendee milS piaifora.ilset week moved. ta our village. iaking op hie recitence lu the Mulholland bouseu Dilvlion street. .At thie reglar moeting of the io*n board of Luertyvilie Towuship Denuleà LimiicrrY Wae reappolnted thief le coin- miselouer for the ensulug tbree ycars ii3 a unanîrnous vote. T4e Foulde Mlling compsuy 1Ifo nday c.ut dowu thoir plant bers for the pur. poése 0!exeutina nomsneecary repaire. Tbey expcct ta bu lu a positIon to reaurne aperations by April 4tlu. This weck the local lodge 1. 0. O. F. ehange<I ibeir beadiquarteus froxu iiie Blutlercuiulding au Miwaukee Ave., f0 Thos, Sme, proprietor 0f a ch, ,reIr abop o* Ugwsnkee avenue, wue arule ou F4bulwav liusic&lu, Tortovict CeuU, o Wh" liplace lint ut c Decemboe.. Be ruturued nlth hieýbride on Twesdap.Mardi 21, sud thsp vîtI maS. th*lrfuture home lu tiie Bat ores, bis sbop. Tudsp J. Ril Trigge recolved trous thle lmtriittana tiarvester Cornpanypa Bue mev suto djellvery wagon 0f fb., neveet type, vblcb Le reccetly pur- cliasef.Tue nwil add maferially ta bis dolveU' cpetem, sud If pan nîi pou, maix cov have pour soup boneedellvered the ulght before. Ail thi evWstyles lu PaulsusnCoreete, lu prioe frorn 81.00 ta $5.00. At M. . Paon..'. -. 7.1 An en*ïprnflansnouni3emeut la Bbc Sharon UprimgWenteruTimes: A pong main la hIe cip nho hae couuted hie lu. teuded for crveral yearc, musersd np courage rscecntlptoa ak the âIt. Import. ut queioan. "Oh, Jobanle!" clnlrned, "1you emare me." Johuie did mot vent bc trlqbfen lier, sa Le dld mot .piee.mattmr. Aller a fw momente the9 lady said, 'Sare me agaîn." The day l etnth dBccarde nilI oon le ont. ChiarleseWoolrldgc. Sr. wceas ii.vctirn of s veiy peea»an surprise let Fulday eveulng whau about twentpy of is frende aceemi bed jat hiehome ta spend flic eveulng, the, occasion tig an anni-1 vcrsary os hic birth. The time wnej cpent lu sociailutercourse, sud gaine. aud ather amusemnents vere induleedW j ountil s 1sf. honr chen refreefmeute vere nrýved, aller ncielî al took lJeav# of thelr bha%; nisbing him rnany' more happy birtbdays. Too cannaot bu caid in pralse of sboe nho partlcipated lu "Carl Jobuson," Uic play prodluced by home talent St Che tan hall lait Thursday sud Friday eveniugo, under the auspies of Acme Camp. No. 176, M. W. A. The bouse va. packed hoth nights sud cach aci brougbt forth volumes of applanse truly merlfed bp thoise vho took part. If vas a grand ucces3 in every nsy. There is a rumor afloat to thbe effect they .y put tihe play on t Round Lak,, but sa. yet no definife step ha. becu taken. The M. E. Sunda. Pechool nul hbave au egrg roll for the, Orphausge sud Westley Elospita et Buoday, April 2. Al eaun. tiiuting ta thes. northy causovil briug thoefl ge f0the chuuch ueitSun- day thai'tbey hicay ho packed ou Mou. day aud sipssetatmade. If is hoped that large offering1ot cggnwniU bu made prampfly. Tva case nwere ehipped lact peau but iiie pleatltu of aegge thls maison. as compafse nit teset peau, yl ,in, doubi enlarge thi. offelng very great- ly. Auy haviug @gW thst ubey cannai deliver ceili kiudlp notlfy Mine.Stela MaziiAm viose clme ha. een put lu Charge the olleriug. the M. W. A. hall aveu tuse office uhere Mu. Miles Willleou, fur ea number af tbcy vili i mue their home lu the, future, peau. empioyed by the C. M. & lit. P. The Modern Woodmen af Ameulca railroad as a carpeûter, aud fourfthe pait have tble s eS pa.d fa the nîdow of tvn pearq residing en tbc Hecht fauxu Simon Akoter, $1,0()0. Be vasa mcm- south af ibis City, died lu the uailroad ber of this âociety tor eleven pear. sud bhosplt5i t Tom", Win., BSiurday feu monthesud hsd paid loto the, buncit bouiug, paralysieheiugtlie canse., Mr. (und 868.65. Wllieou had been In pour bealîli for Ourpicure an soge ar th t s orne thunsd twa aveU aga veut ta Onuthehpit.e Lychsonge se iiratTamab for treatinent. Re suffered a Dit hbt . b.Lrc hng v r salytlc leroke Beturdey moruiug Rgular EPîscopai services are held a a eug bis deafli. The.romaine vere tie Union cliucl Sunday aftirooôbs at elpped ta Lietyville, arrivlng on fie 1:30,. conducied by the %1v. A., .8:40 train. ihtu inerO Wva. iild at the RIchards. rector ofthtiCchurch of tus houmeTuecday, mrahmlgat 10:30, a.>ty Sprit.Lake Forest. Al are intermnt 1taiins piées lu Lakeide eordWlainIvited. csxeterp.- . A rePresentative of tbe Oliver Plan The beautie. ai Chicleo sMd Cblcao's Mauufacturing Company nl bu eta . B. cuburbu are ofa bco'ya la a unique snu- Eiger'o hardware store onBSaturday, lu ai movlug picturee ab tiec otlseum. AprU lots, fou the purpoe af demousotrat. April 28 to May 7, vhcp tifo real ecate lug the redecmlng features of tbil show nlI bc thes cocher 0f exposition af- produci. If do't fail to traction.. Tiie msnaent of the ruai at tend tii demonstrafion. state show i. arrauglg ta hoave one of the big movîng pîcture compact«.moaSe At thie close.of the lecture to bu gîven the, films. This wnui te . iret tinte tie au lridaY cvcolug at the M. E. cliuclioix itr de p ee odl the Epnoruli League moufhly businessChlicago l omn oieit u Omting willt bu Leld. The ilucfuated inbmn " etead lecureth! wek wll e o Afieswiticuburban puoporty. lt. wslroads ctru- letrf biiekullb n ie îl ngUblcgo nl beutpW ndlu making the fle viens of the country sud people, the filmesud oune aoflihe a*g pleunre ma-I cindy promisses tabe of great iuirest. chines will bc operaf.dtven the reauplat- YOU thuow aoide pour heavy oveucoat foteon aapasseuger qoeb, hbue maklng aud mitteus uben the varn days of asort cf travelogue Sliii.ÀAnumbur 0f cpringcone atog. Wliy nof hetp the the cubunban tone ba rranged vltb. bans fa to otrid af their beavy nînter thc Industriel Mortog Pleture Compaup coat bultr. ou put thern aitihe prtag for individual displas.. nouS? Use a Sfe'wsut Bell Bearing- Redeonte oi thase tetle 'ivhre tordp Cipplut Machine, only *7.50. at pour Contractureniset-18fal tuheu dreplace ilie d"mrs. 'BUar periy uhen .ncsatioun waelu COMPARATIVE FIGURES Evidence Our growth during four and one-halfyeare. TOTAL RILOOURCES sept. 4, '08 .S....084,0.o0 cb.s" 00 .....$70.0 Mcii. 22, '07.I 8,1iLg. 0 M eiy .ooo. Apr. 14, '08...... 4 0000 d.7 I......... You wouldbe plaed wlthtb w cewenerende uaetn u customers té cave, liandiee ofd Iweeube"meney. YouýwlII find Our etulce -preqipi, intelligenct 4 larmlni, We l!Wtft.~clIguounase neU aslge SAitO eÂPAfétNT. QwxOKlr4G AOOou RS, nom». INTRE8T-bEARIIN* OEWTioICATE SApE DEPOSIT D OXES. SeitDooet. ic PcI-Ofic 'ffla sud'y asa4 progrese for the cewer, arc grurnbliug 0,cr resuîfant condition, thisecprilug. Progreseacter eacebralu lea&Il but Imnpoli- cible on thonetreuta. Wea uggset the ad minltration lustal a teof ra nd as or reçtlfy conditions. We don't kuon who le toa u. or whetber the coutre- 'cor ha. "allpped anc 0,cr" on the long euflériug tan payers, but ne de, know thecondltion le deplorable. Uibertyvlllc' proud boant fiat ber etreets encel thune oftany villag, te the stâte becorneea Joke. We are back toa lcprimitIve 40. la that regard, aud reflIefle "xiromicsdt Dot affordcd. Perbape thle le but the. Penalty of Our growlng cacmopolltlnu. morunig overatlone bogan 9fl fthcconstruction of Lîbeut> vIlle Dow garage, ta be erecfed by George Quentin on the, prôNurty h. recentlp sequred of the Penniman etate ou MII- waukee avrenue. The building, for whlch, ]Bd MeDauald has the coutract, le tu lio 48xlIO feet nitb a baeemeut lu the. rer 20n48 leet. It wili be ouly oune tory except lk front ulierea neveu roo. a" wUli ho bulit on the becoud fluor. lB woold enS that non le the Urne sud, tue e athé place for Lîbertyvîie ta get It. muunis esded dance aud amuseent laIn suà ev*M relpornnentcltiseuc have eudevored to indue 1fr. Quentin ta eh&%*é hie plane sud erect a tva ctory building vitb thi.eemoud *floor devotpd to ahA", but ta no avaIt. There ane certain conditions lu construction sud lnurauce Inn., lic cets forth, thal, would rn"e the building aud maIntea smo ue uc n utltution too expenelve ta guaratee if s papîna proposition.' t .1 lue dlctating ta 1fr. Quentin, but it would seernto us th&i euch s building, rnaklug ample ashow- suces for coci of contructlng sud maintainiug came, wopld psy for ItSdi ce a vrp reeco"qable lebutb of Ui.. IL E. Church service&. 10.00 a. M. lses Meeting, 1ev. .J. a. macfiutlu. 10:30 a. m. Pruschiug by the, pastar, W. L. Wbipple. subject, *'The 'Ever- taetling." 12 m. Bible Bchool, 6:45 p. mn. Epvouf h League, suhuiet, '1'erpiat ions." 7:110 p. m. Preaebing. W. L. Whlpplo, eub. "The Never Fallinir Cru,," 4anual Town Meeting. Natice le bereby given tu the cîtizcus, legal voters of tic Townuofai Lbrtyvllle lu the couuty of Lake sud the 1Sf. 0fo Illinois, that the annuel Town MeetIng aud Electlou for sald Towanîwll bu bld1 at the Town Hbdl, Luertyvîlle, lllWiols tôr the. liri Preclut. sud et C. GOttl & Co., store, Libertyvilie, Illinois, for the Second Precint, lu snîd tawnuon Tneeday the, 4tiiday of April next, belng the fBrut Tueedcbv lu ssd m.nth for fie purpose of lecfiug One Oomrie.alner of figh- ways, north distrie; Ou, Bciiool Truelce. The anntuel Town metIngvii bu lield ut the Towu Hall, Lhhertyville, Ili., a# the hour of 2 o'clock p. Mu. au the above imaxucd day sud date, for thie purpose of hearllg flicrepoiftg ai the, tu wuofficere and ta transecÇ any other business ahat msp légally p ie ented. , ocoka. m. and muet IGven under my baud ut Lberfyvllle, Ill., tibl 22nd day ai Mardi. A. D. 1911. E. D. Ëumaanu, Town Clerk. Better tien ever, 3000 test of teaturs film ebawn very ulght at the, Lyrtc. Are you goiug f0 build fonce? Then ltfmedfgure vifli pu. Issl tiiBrave fence, a tenue for everp purpode and the price le lu Sseplng niih pour pooket book. Wiit etimate tenucampleted, ail matertal tnmled by me. H. B. FIKE. Phoue 106 W, Liberty ville, 111. C-2"4f A large sud mset line 0f1 ace mlilllnry, cs umd get pour Easter bat etm M. Paovnqe'c. 0.27.1 Tii hesll.-sfak-here-or-go'fhere vu- catlanihtamsybli able ta Up the ccnlef of decision iy ctudplng fthe ad$ toilar. Nov le the time to have pour repair. iug donc. At the came time lef ne 09t your berns. for pou. $1.00 per setfori double harnes. We gusranfee oni nouS. 0. 1. Lawm & CO. 244tf tbflat wnta Y",*dt e n it ouju ubat Lus ptobadoneandnbiit ,dul eut taput If lu eretRumilng Ordu A. IS FOR SPIRI Tissue Ginghams, Scotch GungbO. Toile Du /Norde Goghams M. If. C Ginghams. Neer$itk foulards Irish Linetts flaxon iai Pla ndmICheck EHecé CAIL AND, "S!EE TtiWc r Ladies $I.O0llonseSI Woment iSlock Serge Hout iVlpper# nifhi electop. gend; coud. and subseantlit soie*. The. are llgit. cea, e*We c vear exceilantly. They amrte i ll kuovu Pontiac No.. 712 whis»Meefo,6 SOp@ls lots 780 witolesnle. A apclcl purchas eîhenbeun te jivasy"g a big bnrrpla, aitqqy 65 CENTS A Full new ins of Lînduers Moroevic Wl â? eotSeuu &Hl sites franId tef014 fnin lle. aCru. Pinlc. lavender. hsa ii.llotrepe and old roce. These are ltèr tta" posa buMAS suiabie for undcrwear. eilidr*egdrogsevewu ih W*asd shIrt welsts, guèrenteed not te break lute wrluges. nc-e pull noff sgping epen, ceu Oey hY poteoty fiat. W then, ef 5 prCent .sta ht~ T'H E ýF,ý FRE .INSYTRUCTM'N IN, WOOD OI1mII t ~ ANI) FINIS,IIN'O On Tharaday,.Murçb S3rd, a lady dernon. etratar front Bratlley & Vroarnan Co., of Chicago, Jtt oorr* tt oimiatoe seilyt so o w r te I~ o aet our stte inapew in , the ow u w r of afl valuabie woods. The em-a ytmo oeBafl -fying le sml n inexpensive., uotc uee it succesefully. Core ne a nd wtsc. the moict interesting demonetr&tion ever inl this locaiity. Don't forget the tirnté"d plate FB. LQVELL I Wfr. *lalitP~aoe.~.-..--.~.- *Wfr 4* luche Pence.,... ....,....... Il Wfre * luche PillES.... lOWtve 41 loch Penee..........,........ - .. I-$v. To I"* piubcation Ini'te Indepen- dent, ae mat bu ln the. offce no iutur1 than Tueedev fi feach week. Adver. fseure, *eclally, are asiked to tek.e partleular n"tie to tlil effset. Mfr. ud Mms J. I. Swan were Autlpch vaiture Wed.ccday, W. le. Davie traueccted busieslnl Chicago Ssturday. Mir*. E. :Hubbard of Rchmond, le vleltlnx Llbertyvllle rletie. 8M00Sert of film ehown et Lyriei Noies e. rday, Aprll 1 for 5 ct.. t 1fru.. ebes amnes of ltaveuewoodl in vletiug ber elter, Mrs. Daniel Lm.. er. IL IL, rlett vleltsd a lkw days the km Part of the neek wtb frlends la Chicago. .Lset Thuriday &*-hauck Broc. cold ta Dr. Martla a Ford runahont, threee paeuMr. àIe. (ZaraScell, who ha@ been seuions.e- ly Ili for torne Urne, le reported on thea ru"d ta inovery. - - Tu, fellow Who telle a girl he could lie- I teD tu ber volcetii, reet of his fle chould I be caret nI or hie may have ta. 1 m t 1 es c

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