o,... 1' re v*.is. tAbinuiUe mmeabace do .......... , un......... ............ Iw ....... . oktfl ......... Il ~ "wm qo4 f siny, he mwoWS.reaeliod tho aetbolal lowth fu , e r'.W45d t soi . lpoportioli *,f.lht he Ialien rubO 1a net nuedeUhfy qivente - ~ ~ ~ 1 stgi al mata-b ucl 00clsitigts te hbctreoly pro. * ~ tutsE Th* .Ue bees 5115fl4a1 "PIF- OUMOWWM44 _te lw cf 1lm7provdest tro*ýinttld Iu *liOueY te psY the -~~ cet ssow rutsrmd te - hm ~4b ý" «tw i *Mus lie gev5tuuet or pub. sesie -oer f-o t~,4f ua100 A '44»0*thabesImsi ewu tie muto iréés de es- 5opu, mustew* "Y bc hetruc , W tt ditIeu.. sud PiLOANY .se u -.-bt FI t l00iltl f uIlM fjep#40f Wbp lusf.fam'â ot nother «u thiee ccV A8.0& P oO wutu lu mincie5but.a feu days S. humida ocrlfioe luautIier so-clinfi lru proof building hIW New York re mli ibc no greot ragretot. cPt by the. txaisyrs, for the. loseof dMM u ia'ar uvld dthé looolS. Thre-u n ncongruuty ln a off abisssud" veivets, wruu r4 ely f rei the pockte 'of toilome .8 sud mioiiaulca for réreftsosttvoUsu many of uhorn worl firet for uitk potit. 0 the jem, f auilts coetlyoconstrution fioould toacli our publie servante Itru of ub~tut& sýmtuplohtIP su cr Public buildings. the. fi,. wuW cb ail it out#. OftWatrthm e OieuWgifOBe ff uadprned atone creato. a star JfipoBIêfdluty cMi peiccitisneteaborite carvîngu w «g4 epublic Whoi e itul O » e« ive aun puwlfl 0f1.stlntl ng and OW. an s tthe r ba#ud. le, ane rmacon why th.y should b isetit 0Oes.tMic aen banduleste ibusijicaslIols. 4ma tte meUlritlo tm Mth ebra* out lu ertistt tinte,. thc rnony mWàMe*e Our pplolsn*'aw o t mouiufilyqsc o ou4e fmatuary,l 4 MW the d.mruv tvs . TliY am' cpSteachocme d«sfpinucolors, obÎet10u..Uo h cf uileS, lateci. et attreotlev the. admiration of dolaeulte hie amusmeno f tlios wio are capabli, of Judglng à * pti bf e thâtahAtbwn3, ceaUneW"oise a owoisa thie toi ospag, is*ed of bing eaceunvft te *tâté POOercesan .nlght. et t, a insitUilSt te, pubi o ejtrevigsome, iltla a tery gshouted froin auaetffl an lusuded dcvwn te moec*dq gonoret@ns, not of aoblcvo- Sbut of falice te 4arod«buoelis moiency lu sdrituluhratouv of public TAIE A PEEK e*t Our' the stw'.e the ébmtk0'0 ar 1000 t6Ig T»Wv efle.ctior&et *ôn Cty Tab, c0ow ........8S*SS -Scte# . MrW qw t~tbut .xcq9S0hVlVy lortefr Uà. bom q ocum reeu sn 5fat l O...... M'ndlathe nature < o a e.y latim ............... *0Amett*uMoi, »m. .......... ~e6 ý* UE m R&ppeu f* the O9ty cl'c 1V. . Wmi ta soeur U. 0. jol &Dril 19,.... ....... su. t< oa, flty Of Lae. . u At «Ch01 the. two ,0llpiacoo. $*DM*sd q %eftamiture$1 P -~ ~ ~ ~~~~M iiite ...71V<Sre ai- t m t . ..... rn4.110 u'O bosiQS8*5*00Othrorest Aatecmed.. tsabf Istas" ofisleuwg o e ieSsc;1D1 *.waIlsl8"Sb 1I li Ibwi0*S obt na reperv &aat$ ....318.0 iiâuFd s ë* éi theI S' PS1 iu, Dos eo lto b»» aud 0 a Posidble fl=eiyWao'eW buners, ie -... .....U2118,10 m* àm ~ ui$Wttv,'tatu Iwo nuir pperese""t sudw quiet wM05'llvtoh &bek& aM oheucah Wheo~u uWIi "vovdliv4 h«, ......... blié be.tb e 1deY"o0 0vote e iO uum c r'hms to. .. i wçekXau hour ont la tenNotes 09, «maI banka 1.181398 ta î~ltp he s ud~ ed m* ilt tii. jr sjagc tUor csrsmc Wl VeOO'SOtPSth0<PeIO tt.k 8 acot........1343349 948U. Mdi fl ft hla lu 0one ýaw*g'M csq'r«eve i ils tors..b..........14",8.41 omocue w. m .Hie brother. arostimort la.Cu- oped o-S-pecie ... ùMiiiis . tien frot Indiens.'Indmpienf<tm 7AW CodT nd otes ... % ses tibia% wu tewimflai on 5qicit 6 pou oint ieêempiton fomndCNO el ,,taticu af orne vma ef. ée u h la54 it.'tusy......13440 *ac.*in- jo, e. gi"Md ot p teodav uiurd front y 5 011- L.isbiIt.o Aient for tii, cehiatd Browm Wl it la *Mdt that the Charge la that ho Captal stOek peu lu ...30.18me3 POMc. th*ii. ttuth"' lutte; bu fort ockse peser in fellefomtaim o0.,Surplus frondl............08. 81 el 4*&mi sud eVM in, 0~ ~4h.1q. .i chiEnasth Vlivam a d Udwds bit.105O*purs w 106W. LibertlVU. lm. te serve time tor it. Pau0se x&taxés poi.. .4ffl19 ogd. f WnUteveVo. b 1t~iofwO)uehlu ithePtu ralun *a0 araiteid thier toms te vote ~ m Soboloc truttuil. wth the man. Tb*u~E wcrnem verse 01ut Ifa<full tresst T*ep> UG IE Atmo vo~~?~te-~S T ANER TUE ~ALITY BON 1paeindépendantsa csilenhed oee 1Z voe e et li h m rd p to date li Styles and fillish1' .4 proofsa t he hhad beeu in the I* *u4 .t*. fft statu a Yeur. In tisecouuty anuety days aguatrS55...... 5.URo Eains N 0 -F85 'asd làthse cty thlrty deàyo aaddom thiiig, flfty 'Jobs to select frorn, 1ý hëthrt f SerftElmer Green t tevt, eq fl alot aloed sold at the rigbt prkes, 0ask the r*Ba~h aides dlaim that floaters galoro f..Man who owns orie, the Stave r hav vte Lt onectio. is a staver, corne In and sec then. rSheriff Green, . bis tva sons. hoth doputieB, Asitant Police Cicf Tyr, -11, former sigtant Chief Boom :Hicks. Attornecy George Fleld, sever- >a othcr Waukegau attorneys.andd Ofty 1IF Ir'S deisuty sheriffs and sîsecial police ho-FRQ àabout. thea ctY té Provent Mrsënib. S IA C ' Sanc eto riotins or disturibîflce anld fit. C A K ierY,~ e WUrt . smade to maintan r ,1Poace, and order.BflS No ' Fglt Over ivangollet. toutou mtus nie et he- u, in VThe Ont Ume he teppeti up to tihe b- btitbis vote vau chslleog by thc IuadesePdetO, and- heovas refusetia !oballot. - 4 . came back a few moments Iter el V th prof, t l sadiêjlcriesar.for kl ,Killds dosa ~tomichair at tbii.t eoni - It tim MATURIALS lé gettbat tsvb e unir___________pur,_____ 10< af bohe hli tv. wl~4~ L J #~f ~ fIILI Cuitai Surplus und Promi fOOQO Tot*) $8,OOO lard, To eat' nc** ma"e f go" adumetan thil .t' »Mo ewth bhesi d m % .ug wed 1, «wi o4t.d fiooe. othré wth pletuiuteds Mall 0mu pli vi d thaIeCniiaiet aboutthe reg1ar $ ' . 5 whnlisse O rl'. of ........f.........-- #eCheck.d sand la the noe sulpeo ffbmi on ltb tht lim.onfinsh wont cmne off. per.y. ~ O Afine Uno f "0w R n gb e ln vwhte and cOlf i t h Oe at . 5 productioaBst ........ -............ .......2 c nue oêghame. Tho wl Enoie £% à it" lo~ ht2 'qm8un g Bfor &"ste. flue olueS ln uewP.de e0" thm £art. hy Vroiww W W. arrol &Son ISIEEDI NG TIME * la drawing close at hand anîd yoauwant the BEST SrED tbat mnoy will bny. We Are Beadqmsrtus V« IL RED CLOVER ALFALFA t[MOTIIY And ail others needed, ln any seaion. Our eeds our bought of rellable. seed dealers and tested. We Cmo fuaMbang Quaubt. Bond in ,your list and have theoseed set aside weholdit autil you vantItL LUMBER.,. ~t~P~7 t. good tood-po i i i i 2 mW ý Apm