WAUKEGIANWEEK Y SUN XIX No. 80 WMVX*% I J*PTV1U*f X, KZ OUNTY, ILINOJS IDAY APRIL 21, 1911. ONU TO NIGET si. 50 PER YEÂB i Ai bo~,àoev 101 2W~AWtE8 - IdES. ~71UY c,.Iw~lg 8* Volo Eatdd WI* W. ~.tûta OUAD~ KDUN VAN> That û= adage .cêe C= beiliNede,82 yeas lti -d& -da caied t UIdbrtyviell. I, linecgà AuaitailChiaio! Police Thmais Tyr- reil of tic Wauiegna police depart- ment, ad ilue fiat evenins vas talon th bu hlame aI Bon Cil>. viti r. J. ttale y hile lv. grand $onu,'vio -bave o wil>.taad vtci et Nort Chi- I enMddfflant Part lu tic bope id intemcptins ilmfiers.à Supelitendent Apple>. o!fie coun- tty as-ninotiled lie local pouice sites- iarlng founti a, pleceo! uik beaMnn tic aged gtlemaifs naeehi bis plui cap, ani ailes-iediag o! - ié vanderlng ava>. hoan article In lie Sem tet ait. Trace.Wanderlnga. Nadcn came .to Rocefeller. et tie9 endi of tieLbertyilîle brandi o!fie. éecctrhc road, aI 1i aclock Frida>.0 aternoon. aftet, it in ilieved, hains upent fia ni ate iaselter of somé, fatan. oues. lic asu Pt fouslti aelsi n telcers-o!fie JoinnRoms reidence la Rockefeller-, the door tu tie cellar havint beeui ieft open. . oteet o! tieri. ho matie fr lic tara, Mdi blere taok refuge. 1*erj -bé tia"I mcm ot lic place came bMe be lot lie barn anti voitelveaa nmrby vood. -A 2 elokt fil e mr- aing ho ritrei to %»isePubs Md wu h eurti ino " gaid rattihn<et thli dour. Se vas ainlttci andeti bi- erci fbrIthseait in. rApple> bins potilel fila nmoraie Talcen te Libertyvltl.1 NJad"a wueth« fakan ta LberI>.-1 v6i-iiî tb*W ZI on Cil>.. The1 -1tum ees Idltokpit>. ou bis aId mn and abelte itihm vhlling>.. Ilover, vhen he returnad t twa ibis mosnng be vos-couI>. hWatrous. -rs sud indes-germente and aàlgl mat'. ad tie e hi>. ev fiat be mutj abr feeble minded . so tic>. gaversera-. Thaet o! bis cIa- -tigUbqW luhie bshande. il le belleved liaI ha istoo thti Ubortyvilll branci ai tice lectrlc tar tie Cicago roati and vent ta Rocke- f elles- b>.mistake. Two Boys Drown Alezaudes- Bal>, 16 >eara old.am of o Alderman A. A. Dat>. o!Hilghlandi Park lcet blit e Sunda>. lryng taum-c a boy fsicmd vviwoni hati s9ie iuîing on lai tchilaa Ticir canioe,çapsiasi&bout a quar- ter nmile itou ior mi"A DetVs!Comm 09lot sons. Derby. 1i1 yeêns 011 vue mable la reaiil afier bli tiravi litote eater. Té eRiaus of Pslend. SDol>. monaéei ta nit tie bat and crawl lit ou>la I lDeba-bsout filst, tel;st mvi..Witioul isallalhOn ie jugpeA inta fthe. vater Mava- ta bis gl"intBath vent iovn, numb- ai b>. tic coli, vhillcDol>. ves rylAi retura to lie boat. The accident vas vilucssd b>. h- vin MeCanle>, 14 years old. son o! CaisI - licCfanke>.of Higland Park.~ t Iisongi a ps- of bPe liaeaes. Tic boy vas on a bluff t *Untibisanette aid asing the gesases. Turnnng liem b>. chance on lie "0'cho MW the canoesI icb Dol>. vas gtanding aid as-b>. I the vat@r. Ti e nsxmoment be aaw tic boy bp ah nulieth vatensid tien vltnasaed lie reault o! Dotys leom. HpCômes Toc.""te licCauI>. Tm tuthéle nsatt bou"s sud gare fie l"andami ithi a iew minutes a rovd o mmu Mai olected un onhle beach and an ateMpt vas maie et rscuc. Bet0o e-rnacien rtebMthle apat vhere the osbM ai gae osnhvers-. liir1bodie liai tboesfor ré nolUe . -en via lu ai ,aubtes ed la Egi, Shm a sat thaaE lad AUl o! Western Làkeemicorna.wau lut vee t srung l0 'il5b peuhof excite. Seat âw So-nlsséc or U l uinhaa I4.s'l ale -P reow*;i lie iagi-1 ter or ~ti PffoeiuhaCOW1.e.o b.- lIéveite bar.let bu ept b > - »Wc anti V novIih taibo ae>. bdit- tant parsp. eug1a l ei'b pSer MoLi. a er pein0 ts et. cimeu «milan Me l a ir Mlgu MdN. re AlOflait tie am ta report liaI li bai siM a«Mr rtmembfing the Pargobbei 'sin hi agype. umazn ith IM. Be et caa tle bcpener aufioritions and Cicago ani bic pusuit tbok dcl- me ferra pfflUo Ofllcer Is a Cmp. Frank Druon of Rund LAIie. rejam- ets iit t. ho. aà officer. tien VI~ilthfe gypey camp nwu Volo on e trip- etinspection. Ho vent ail theougi lie camp an4d caims ta have »eM *cren or eight cildrcn vho vere dresai in typicai fashin but vio titi r»t Moi 0k 1..gypsbeshos daimse. mie auceded ln Iearing tie camp vitbout atosnls mn>.suspicions ant tien ollicera vere set oun thlbbsail. TWO CAMPS ROIJNORD UP. Follovlng tic arrivai of Pas-obct and lie Chicago detoctire, tie pert>. at once vent ta Uihet-wo sgy> campe ln lhs ueighborbood. , paubek fahbidto Pnd lils daugiter et thecamp a!flis-e vagonu*sa" about «Done people at Vola flua mas- ng andth le pait>. vs eafed at 2.'30 tfia aiternoon lovard a langer camp of ire vagoua sud &aut Ivent>. £>p- Mie on thc oututso!flicHemt>, lIIi. vlieri betta erMsanarehoped for. Tiere vers originaelegib vagons in the cas-aven, but soas of thecWvb- Wune arc asati>. lartleA««t le yard tic montb siore. ProvleIiy tliecarealiai «Ueai op flous- ova Waceond -Yvansd la rciiolei t. have encasnped a fourtli of a ma*ltrisuthe viII&age, 1%9 Pamobe &W d"sppmed er- Ibis istrict te a genars one. Ansi. tait CbW !o! Police Tynreiyeslerday roundeti up Oü»camp et vatrantsla h Vain. DodicsteChuràOh Siy Thechcapel ai Randout le comdiltd and tie AedicaUion service vilI b ho ie Sunda>.. April 23, et 8:30 P. ni. Ror. Walter J. Sparte, ,vho sdteLbuisied thc Sada>. scioal- vIF6 £rmndâd liera vith lie chape! car, Bon-ad io rHope, vilI ps-eci fie tedicator>. ser- mon. Judge Cias-les'- Whitney. Wvi. tacelt scol In Uic building -wbeDi lit stood on thc Green Bay rndalWil] Speai on "Rani>.Remuiaencea," ifho ha able ta b. present. Atloniey CIe"- ece aW. Direr w111 apemi on 'V¶ia mior-llaluc o! the Sunda>. coolý la a Communlty."' TIoesWin hob.apecisi nmusic for lt occasion. ThIe chapel ln the oui>. publice balila tic tRvn antiniIl e ssi& i au gilcriigufor licmdol dtue pop> 9A union Sunda>. sebool min ic mahi laai dtewvich &a il 11-bercorilally hi NsvMl Stsinto £)PMnJune 1 Washington, D. C., April 13.-lt la expectai tiat- is ns-w naval training sftOnc on UteOs-catl LAies WinI ho nemi>. for recruitsecar>.la lily. It 1lu pianned te have IlIOmallyope»t sMoal June 1. and tie bureau o! nay- lgat4m le acquininstle nacesua r,s allure nid. Patines, Eioh Gt it AML Witt UicJaisoathe lant remalinn soeal>.&ares of Fes-r>.Pendt, betvecu Lais Bluf-an A de Foret' IdA.A Speagus and Stanley. %IdAo! Lia" Forant, vie Winiboli erect palati noes me, MIiUonuls-. nioti>.Cil- espuana. dica crr>foot of lie laite fs-ont belvein the Mrs. 8boIt Ibins place tM laie »But aid tlietoif. r snslon. tabng OP thé sPuce *111 àtbel* auner "eseosaumivill ire asi eectln*mc 'icP"c !A c>. h.. A,.]IL «earak ae Bluff and Ithe Fort OStindomi ltar>. eses-valion fflWftis "Mt At 1404 -YuL icWU 0"te «La«e tl'ho-e»W Iloffd QM OVerelé- of mal il- "iée liai Ma-lb'&i. e fa-vi Md tour tic noya 0fty 'mais>.u beat tirob -a Julluis. F. Bldî14 E3eted MayrNLB Of Waukega1ný,-by Blzg ajri Mm. arbra erman i mooening a the Elgin otite bospital for thé Inanme Vat.va.w ns,,n 7.si@ wherc abo waa sont by (louaty Jtige VoIiva Win~ I Zion. Resul Perso-ucay etlut week hoi theNLW.AaS inOther L*Içe connty. Citi esi tg-nwlàr m m 1I T À Pro t. b.40 = t".aa bo-n IG NO U ~ o hô babtel B a * and on tbo saturday _________________trial,.KUn. Ecrmési lit gz ate l adtutomet inet4 the bagl. (WumNuadas Dmly @un.) te alos@M tbm e.(Jrom Wedneady's DilIy Sun.) The roeaon for baect lWs b t ber JbtP fim wnyentsrdoway b r b iiag wrtebman!bdtru ts»bt$ OOOOOOOO@0o0000000000Iowod sb.Cl 9 »A ow9*br. A5.4 " UU aeti m wWmkega, te ntlaek ef drisks, POWmm treatlng, trc.0 el, O ien known fer somn lime ta tact for mayor saler tii. commisson farta Of 'rides and thé uSal ctlon tentures. 1*0'Il w». the retteneat clfftion o0' ncarlysix yeara, that "y. Ilérwm sovomt y he "Ies - j t The salcomi iikuiiiersook an active 1o In the endtra bigtery «0fthe Unit. o wuaslgbtly Insane but wu neyer cou- » w i «veruuiored my math0 al c adite Part la the eMagélmibut failed te 0 ad Sttl. Thom Wjse née V ier an dierous. in ths Ct, 83oe c n. iayralcndd t more th 't*o candidate of a ýot ess11il at . place. t> ..Trffd te urn NHuai. De ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lt oftL ocbs opnn,~ ' tbree. deaiues tu set a major. 0 p a remis *à tU cceoFollownte reat of lber buabo De Wit L oues bisippoent, t»ru te m 0 u vaber one>..thle purpou oe o! u d n>. lilythe lst 400hmr scored np 871 votes, wbile Bidinger It>.* AutomoblW and busses wer. 0 ~ meu ont@, ptlb# traisps bioa r.1e o tt. emmci caea l b -oM 1 ; v mark@e& up thie tremnendoua total e e ye .tono th can idats.i'bic In an> ity," »Id WlIbur o tely stated that the 'wouid hurammn *ho bai -,lft ber foW a 1854 ttem, proball>.the largeat total, but none s am b e.onbnown wre. ircd 0 Glenn Voliva to s SUN"riltr d, n1elmtie hack." Mollies wu voman., lMr.W. ZM Cariof ! vote ~*raccorded any mn wbo hbes1for thpt purpom .Neither a f.rI ~nigt mZ - uAu"-o tic atter lii Sndaî "Mit 'Coflent week, vie It vwu dis-At r cvr rus for publie office In,.tbis city. usal barrel o31.aadanywbere Myo"I Intention te pioacuts cvre that tabebhil apreati gaoline lyliig li the Jane *IfeAliwrloil wîî%Buun.r vnt ito ofice Uic saumihb.lecsi n d none o!f tic bop H Mrais>and Curtia .slaun. 'upon the tous- of the botai and apl~ied ecvrn;fopnoealar clcanesl, youngent and mont al lcable bltc8unes vere to b. obsere hngd ui hni f-i> oISmatch, te ch o laesw edTm . Bb comuc or four commlssioners ever 1'N o mKoprrfeUsad tf0 sow 8» bons fide o Y. ebu - .r. eua svre P-M ber atory ar laid ta.a, elecled la -ttus cit>.. The commlsiio n-. N 0o Kee I olil. oresidents of ZMon City, my peum- o0 lie vas given medical attention reporter lest vek. Il devlolede ir Flc or tiec rut Uime est1- -4one o pie, monte of thom residenta of o, and sm soon as sbc b.d necovered aufI- s he won mannici tu o IIsaPet Carl Atterbuny, drnggist. oimployed years known of beulunhng May.i or o yeure' standing, saut their Votes0, cienti>., vas given a bearlig tu Coulti Kackake, M. about'Ia pgU*"401% athUi Pearce drungstore. whenever the cil mayor and council o and when lhey Inaloted. on their oô court, tbe main vltneas bong F mon. oiaor ber mArntffl. Kiparu, Jacob Dletmeyer, veII-to-do yeung choose to Ibave, vblie ma>. b. May o rghtes a ctigeno, throw them co SeVe.e as she loliose. Mai of thiecity. liti or so, no saloon liceper vil! ait o bodify from tihé poII." Ple vsn commtteed in Elgin a ds h nvd ihbmLtA«4 w artMFs1 Clarencc Dives- formes- alderman htcWuea i> oucl e" i.oesms-csmd~ asrenioved tuthat Institution Tue-I ubaibelr re dub&"M* !I te auefl gyeanil Pte o Th oeee caiedta1 a ,day afternoqp. Exaiinaton there Imt hi ocsdi~ and que of lb. bet aldermen the cty 1 ceDrmottf. cfîead t'wo >ears ago o nearly à hundred chargea ta be 0 prorcd that dic hurma recclvcd Wve .of at LM*oo s, o lb Mmns. mever b.d. umevl ase& acncti)uii;for alderman. aerveil ineteen yeara seo Ievoled sgalnst élection officiise o a serions nature, and ever>. attention e. 1 for e- e ubfmmr toutla.- 1and proven repreentative of the peo- i alderman babais fIls. He vent out o 0 possible won given br Deti came kIppe.itbt ufa4S pie la every repet.to be aucceedib>. Thomasa MtcCann, o0oo0000o0oo0o00o00o0o00o 00o0oooI.sCrotu~bYthe pain.liMm. Rer-r IAU »6D5peb. E. V. Orvis. pr-ent cit>. attorney..1 a saloon, kee9W. Jacob Dletmeyer .VLV ISvcot. jmn waa about 70 yeas of aie, and ber liubUl811 Wbebci -* Witli thc exception of Bidinger, wioo prated bis ftlaVaploon or a rie!had bse mariedto Mr. Iles-man pog.t lai-t"ô b~al*atU nerved savon yesrs osealderman, Diver, time but bas Mr yearsgiven up th i thie imrit>.cnieo votes, about six >eera. %ëmm klaithe lac end-Mo vho han servei but ooeraof bis business. vttbsuabr*&aniat bà,vtef ýjl4 MIie Wrle " lune lt uls tlied I city lerk, and put over tbres CA L Ps-t terta au alderma, sud Os-via, tie The SUN 10Is #1 es naIaldermen b>.oie vote each. E a suipYEU lal be bat1«W " 'e wbk ci>.atone>, li ohesAtcrur peaking of thc el#atJqe.picked evus>. Th esutis: VNAL#» M3 PAPM mwewoik %i and Dlelmoyen arncMW tapoltis. inier, nearly $Wta<hep uir.Théocratle -girlmreIMMcmmo lia Ms Ana ywel !the vote. Colobate lifl o Maîor-W. Burd Ciendennln... 485 Wbflen o) oevm I dSU4m am-110 f The detaliedvote on mayorsh aows Bonirs epeeêoo, disetan bal,- iwrw that Bhdnier cas-s-ed ercry van r dd b Cia ~ u i tisr ty.Atre-boocFey...5 o*OiSr J a .- gond Un it ClTar- U A Pomon ....... .457 1 ___am i t*pa«'U b thi city a&lUiche ay froni two tu, on. processions si C, -0A.Ruaa . 4 lamalutmo, t# Ii ~ - tu four te, on% 1t icba 0 ia dAiderman-1.ouia P. Beckendorff. .456jlt Wlin . ere idii8. Diemeyr ve igb uanin ic om-th vitar. br. or.dléar nd 1haAlderman-A. F. Burgessi..... 456' Waukcgan In 1941, et the age of 1 ý- nilalnerraevit Atebur..oris es o!tb nw canlmes dii iP.Adermaan-N. P. Reasler .. ....458 hie son, WiilsniW. P*M'c,, a " - W i and Diver followins ln ondes, and witi cars- Alderma-J. W. fllvlnd........ 4" Igist Of Wanbe f oàInotil o a i . i*me t l P" the Peter McDermott Iaçnýlng itb!The commission la* ."a been nof- Alderman-John B. Tbomu .. .... 458' bis father, dating from 1848 anA10-1 bco1> place. sell oe . ah sy. lin revlew bere asutka 5pacieenow& Indepen 1nt. IncAhithe CIt> of Oicago agang: tâme leb. Umave The total number of al votes c-- 1Il no veilI ever>. otlier mmanbe!ng ai tîayor-JameaA. ZGondi-t. ops aUc.iy 10l a o 1 M a ainjaitlh a t th won 13,189 and Uic total mayorsi vote 'awyer"In regard to, th fine points, vs27.Thsa45vtslg il i 0-fte actthat a re4lev la basdl>.:City. Attorney-V. V. Bannes-...458 or bs-Ing a abord and do bis, sbore ~o. tic~~~ 77catati raic. necessary.. - City. Ts-arer-Willliam Em.11 ...-458 vn ntcraao tcct. re ?e Iitb hmca 0O th 270eu a te y ard oesepIl. Te ol>lg Cvvr acr ity ClerIt, E. L. Ciriatianson .... 457notice le Intact uas isucd and n4 la O w&O *'W 1 by Attes-bur>. in tiefOrt, 476, the nDor 0tic 1th mlw, le wbat happce at onceAdra-.i'.111r - - i1rzdb> i aii.,dtn sf lt.Fnecine Lomvus se ~ b. ieniye, i Ue 'îiAIderman-ýF. LU Norris-....... r,1does fsoui fhec arltat pcrlod Inthé; 84M0 114 ie ie taua. 442, andbytic udt b>. Inethce ic o catrtheil d o wMtene)oi-Alderuan-Artb1lur Stevenson-..4581I iistor1. ofChicago. loebar, AV,"" iOmu5 44, n tenet yDiteyr nth ar wl d.Alderman-J. P. Obendorif-....46! Tic lat@ William S. Pcarcc came td! mon.>. mt.0 go Wut " a Psat, 422. I Powera of theCoe. IAlderman-R. F. riaise........ 4671Chicago hI1849. a young Ens libi-f O reaidlug b*10 > Tic defeated candidates for commi. preantla omi &hnrac i rdro i .a very gîcl, cfty or villagehal be Wili Content Election. neer freai front a trip tirougi lie'Obos oel ,lretP-t PtrMDno governcd by a counl, obsisling of; Tic Pirat cout et Uic Zion City bal- euanad middle *eat. Nie opeeed a1 i William Whyte, Chasle. Rim», Wîî. t1h. mayas- and four coMuaiseos as lots aso taothe effect that Indepcne rgsoeUcPi Ucnorti Bidethe at e a dh. site. provIdcd Ii Ibis At. euhl et viom1 dents had defealed Voliva b>. 34 votes. at 12 North Clark strict. Tic buld- Wid ýe@a ff me n. P1'ailsmd . 1Ua oa n. cl»8 vtet n t hte ity. shllbave Uic rigit te vote on ail.At once tiere vs« confusion t Ien n vonsitheicda vr ie-blba 400h14 irU IN wuaas nitic I rS d, Weth nJ*etos Igboléro W minil.,poling place. pin>. s apee poUee, 81 spot on vbiolj tu tichelis a àadm- wltbim oft 0 b -mentions total af 722 won put ove, tic.*= membena of te eàmOsai h ugsadoicas b g eeaed ons use unilaIttet o aer- Wl qeube w otbe wads unung 86,oecnd- 58 ' onsltue aquoumand th* affrma- mostl>. Independente, ail as-ose and theIcsoumchoiera yeasa. 'Tie lats 1Mr. wwu-ere iA rla fous-lb; 370 I tbl tiird and 413 In tic tîve rote of tire. meinhers abalil b. ceered and danced. Justice L A. La.Pearce vs bora i)n ClaeI& s uc i a asee 4P7 faurti. neceaaryto adoDt an>. rhoton, reso- blond, ta sbow bis jo>., tood on hiiicount>,1nlnd utaen olo!bs, ais eu rhs~ t s Thc total yard votes arc 3476, Ps-t;lotion or ordinaîte, or pagou>.W meas- iei. An Instant laIes- an crs-or vas limega n ad, n hses mtr olsff ictb., "0 e.1 i 3084, scéod, 1792, th"r; 2858. fourti; unc, unle.a a greater ngluiar l pro-, roud liaI deiiafded a s-conit and vas a Congregatiomal clerayum. Thé esusFiNi -Iv ided for b>. tisAcL. tipon ever>. vien os-des- vas reatoncd ton balots 1Ciaoioerwsi rvlrada1àlmme.Pawk hal a Md197 AfIL , ad "nre hal hower rond t hae dcapeard. Chicago1 pioncer vas atruveo#nber o! li 0 Tiers lu no question about Bidin- vote tiec >.u aad ~ aai vr oî aedsperi'bspioncer b>. Instinct and et 40 came 10 t grs ihit> l mae god ays.clled and recorded, ani vny *otioi. vaa rigit aftr tic mayos-m votcaes -ia ibkl a>.Ela'v. a ie-ta m c~- d oi, mliost al ecr nresolîtion or ordiuane cha hob. se- aloi. imd icen counted, vrongly. At' I gadtèeosh hmdt eC. £&Q. nalsmi r- public offce, ails exprieicedIin ducat! ta vrltlng aid roi barone a'once tie reconit begai. Iidéendeite Page coul>. and In 18U5 camne ta W bot ru yan 'ro I naction wuvitber »saoul wo rpnbliq mirs tbnoph saven yeas-a h vote la takten tics-coà, and al lia edcmanded thaltvo Volivai cialieng-Ikegan. Helacatsd vti a dnug store- eeml*b M a the cl>. ouncli, bs-od-minded, and commniâssioers. Iîcluding the mayas-, iersahb.aarched b>. a commitîce t10 viclcit tilI opcsated bbitauso, Wlll.ba svem adlia villlng te, listen to adrisora o! thc pseutet an>. meeting %hall vote'se. If tic>. iad tic mIssig ten bal-, îam W. Pommce. Wien a >oung man that an aie Waâi. hoWiU lef101 beut type. be vill b. an ideal cîccu- thercon. îlots. Wben tic reaulta vere made lie pactedti a tnapsacb sud tu-ih i etvesb oel l tire. Thkd re mas-or shall ps-ceAai ill inovi, Voliva badl won hie candidate, France, Germany, Ital>. and Spai opfb'ruadser: i soo w r. l e. lIe, steiles, bckdup b>. the me6tifga of tic coumicil, ne sialî ,for mayor, lied for etcil s-tand won foot anA via alage coach. TeDMUet-eOt L Inest body.of fous- men cver gotîci 10- bave no power t1<vto im Uffeîs-eI tire.aldermen. Independents vîllîco- iAmong bis papes, found mter Unilerss of i ape gatber hi an eecetve bod>., al teen. 1moton- reofflution or Or4laahc. but test the election. 'rie>.deciare tint deali ame pumberlftsaleton -vs-tten at Antlocli. nov dwWM M îaggreeiv, buainess moi. aio anîhous cveryu reaolutioi, ordinante sMd moteas sigtn.alt ue cs- hiti mns rcpaad >.th eqeh tc nishi1tn alos ua e c-0relatives I ths country. and Ens-g c.i >i iinc >.tc aasjor~~< outc orailtattc - ,ut aeland telling o! the carl>. mudia y e rstI an* s Tieom la noý question I h iIna edb h myr r ytowm;tocloue.'rie ballot box iras s-e- ledvbpintpsid n e-erresto l ý-d U& m gal isu> rebut that the ne-w m'maoniWuoers, and hb, rcorded baron e cmoved 10 lie vaulta o! lie First State tells ot tie coat f oliving an d l he-4 ojand ooMUici v cause tl»cil>. lu entes- "ane shalb.ein force,.liant inder a guard of Ifti hdepen- " "nd"0a .aset htbc i npo ao ena o! proepes-It>. ad aid- 'rhe counuil chait have aid pousse, dent dtectires aid vluitecra. Voliva'and port aald for 4 and 5 omisaIa ~ rncmô*,< ~andAth$ cauncil Inli MogWoibail ceoîbrated bis victor>. viti a parade ponni, *hile eggs vcse and 8 enta > Bimer vueied athticcit>.exrci, 1eailexecutire ad lalatlve and b>.caubing a steaun iliale taubao. a doen ani otier ooniodtle, Imm phono id .11cm ivý euxc maeob> Iiite ps-ent pofers and dulies nov 114,pognogo. blovn jas- bous. Laler reparse hoved -la. propos-tion. A teen obser4er, ô m, myor, Rcbut bas galncd teadily ead sudexecised. b>. 'th UNW , git liaI Cleninep ini tic m#yorait>. hi utengt -crn mine. cuaci, pscalAn ~ vtesofficai ldepedel o!rpvivats Papes-sla nitop~ - là arleh-OV $Im cnsel, remden aW èpý ýftrý Ov voe%,odi la iit. Ialdn e nbistoical fact. ffucw Osen Maies-lt>. tisor village, boas-A o 4watytrus. cdaim f0 bave diacovercd mveral bai- l DsfsraM "Abis triens ye.Ieda>.lee,cit l>. cîc tt>.aoII,.-it>. et-îlots vli tbe crocs a ni-eda queer cL urlycue, lie mark,. tic>. an>, of al-, 1IOtbdI 1, ai rqieWW- liaI Bidiser vould 9 »0r >. iY >.«Q1 ýe e 4 lte-.Oe'horli alt JsiiKOts La bers t*WeW 604)and 600 malorit>' andAUaIlotherexécouti ve and edtoer.OeToraiblot maz U- Mdt pegee ~ udvan Consaifor I& - mtilnistnrateofies-s*tu e-Vil. vue manbed viti Uic virciesi distres ion comaiiy. liedy Irm eIlAsarwnlo50majorit>.. 'The lam os"os- haneta Vrhî iadsini S . Jofgl "ppar»tr. e i alite mn- iiclipftted indet tbe *ubMa hicos-- Other Resiat. se@bo ft*Ie* 1it 'yb - Ptii.iia viprt»iOillaw or tie- -. -l ole b Ilult a heb.rs-loa ilie, villague, tfl» to ,ob lmma. oellns fat failed b>. tto 10tb 11e incongosall01'0114%e"d idAtovns o! Labe cont>. follose:i-ai. B utte, A . Ue'Dtm; WthIme do»uMP.- vlllqsal. aSopt tuat tg f4* cil>. or hfigivqod-Joeph Scern vu m nu : , il, IL Id MW, or- ~ja~UmeeWre sutsi. Vif41~ongilei uim ~ ,aopting eiected ubayor a«Wsea tvo.jcrws t, o ~ io fIe Ia! ti *Of1U01i5 0 fils4$W~le~ of ivlalob vithont a» am ýrnu l . l is b vers unI«rai. n am l o em ente. Pùn,,,W, fe, la lona licences, li, édeani up i neb Jacob Go» > *60 519makinh ee10=1dr n8loalhrveuî Spovei1plus af 88,490. Ililciagon .pwu4 o ~ b. I li Isols siUe ti ball 1<tiniul aen oge, >(Cotinuel on Paja 'v or Doty uta>. and LI b>. f" ihbis tati niem ai