CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 May 1911, p. 1

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LAKE c OUNTY INDEPEND-ENI' WAUKEGAN.WEKYSUN VOL XIX NO. 82 'tWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLIC, LAKE OOUNTY, ILLIOIZ, FRIDAY MAY 5,.-1911. ONE TO EIGET 81.50 PER YBAR ïN ADVA~J ce sbauting '"Ob, Wlfl' sicas et~ lest capturidla he iimont dense part' ai lb. forent. - - Wih gretast dlffcnlty uic vwu pet' ouafadl ho.retum one laia0imc, aMd ma"icnocarod tbeic »oreaieappeanol ber soldesAt fit i nsg'.dbec.aa isiahng fit. and ttI iaIdusic!a icul tioken vîi tic hsanie taintluf 8"m butors. OCAGO WOXAN TAKEN Iflm Surl altion a a ste* "IaciiPST1 EELCE MU> iN Y INSANEAT tise bget s"d Tinnuda>' ,ning. at R U L~EO U T sa.. as MMàà t begun ogepologbtthe lcald1W T TAYlOR lnsaaity ovcrtook ieragMi. he vS ains ..tao Waukeaa ias MAI1aDYMd *MIta lic0asyium. tYpas arival UeID SEl? IV hNNIR M I UAl ue ,la usefou" ft mCount> ' Jas. wlen anlie sla t lbioSvte ont V"d St I MHeitulby Hua 0f tiici>, ailthe suie. v ouai Nay IMpotant Nattera to was tshen t thélc losp1wtlbait .aI baud *ho Lo t Without od cd fr II"b. Takoe Up St This Gîvlng Addrm sAparetl>' il vas lsc broodingu Tom of Court ovin lie vrong vilc i t là. claind bal butsdon. te ien liaI' te tiecausec OrATN8R'S MEAg E TO 50f orahWlinmiastt'. Umilesie lai tbc Wiîhout Ml elaborale ceremon>', Vhsfolowig ord...p h. of ber violentravince,. the'w'r judgs-Eleet Charles Whitney of Wau- m"Iofoob.i dh gswoea t .n&<uàhMd " Wi' l" cb la suppasl ta b. thekisn.bssa n h ici ~a~etenap.t car ~ »me oi thse mn iiomen osi- e o i eto i ic en àPlearsPm ur hic "Wlli dot latheanl wod te w m«L curtbenci at 1oclock Manday after- wiol sudeisly insane et Taylor Lake an 1sa woilc, had sent labils five wooke ilbecorme noccssary Monday lu b lie succ.-eds the laIe Judge Robert aid son, "MasIr Jame. S. 800t1,"Mas. Scott for-her saab>' the resait W- Wrght ai Belvidere and la tthe wih he s.rn'ilbloinq tteohr's w b i&.og ah. vam Commltted teth« leigin firt 1judge ta ho selected from Lake lifo.,The Pnomr: 9"k-if. countY 14 ~about avent>' >ears. FIR*T ERSE.The bench la tb. circuit court roarn Thora% a Oisl$ s Way at lii clos. x..&RKwEIJ.,A SU(IMDE af lic Lake cOýunt>' court vas decoral- of ach dey, .4 vitb huge bouquets sud masses ai Salie away te tlanmd of du-cme- Amei'ican Beaut>' rases aid Eanster M.i Umarnas Ittle boy Bhue sla.heCaptaIn E IflýU ~us WoalhyBIgh- Ilestribles a!f attorneys snd other and cre*,1 0f Ihis wondsnfui slip. ailod th-lu INPrk Km 10 Take LifS irieuds. . Tbey ver. entîrel>' the glft ,Whte PlHOW slip"Oaithie Lake Caunt>' Bar Agaciallon. Wiîn tie dayrs pày leas'er, and thé Tbe body ai Max M. Markwoltia a There ver. anosrseulatlon speech. teson lis fleor, watby Higlad Park -nitnvas e floyers belng placed lu position Cent aaldc by a 11111. brave ied- found Frta>'afternaon on lie a- bete Ithe judge'a arrivai. Judge Manie hu98 hlm up U tioIpapR %hkloltie field ai Norlivislteru universit>' persgaodnlghwivlh a bullett hraugi lie head. Mark. Dauneli>', fi-oniWaodataek, vas pres- Ltle 'la-ho'si.lMit--MootvMli osmmtted suicide heCause ai eut sud dellvered lb. court formail>' siamber lansd. Mmu .s te bd mae bis liue a but- 10 Judge Whitney. ubonu he velcamel CHORUS dem. la the. hench ai lhe circuit hi a gracs- Ail aboard feu- blankit Be1y, Marveil vas vide proident of tic fui and fiulsiied tribut, liaI vas kiud- WocIt came bock titsh e e'efdey Chicas. Mercanie oany. Ho blidlles dcutînaise Roll hlm 'round leinlts lii vsiteu2« boec. at bis office, 106 South Wu-a' s ndcuties tef obeet . sb avseame. sno a nervous break l'e aflernoon vas consum.d ih TIII Yeu Omt à" an littUebau-, foot- jeuinaNevember. H.e10<1bI e rutithie tegular conafl atle dociiet. Thm o ye buky hMsop lait hictraisle S&0s">g« Ilack I inteesflin u e Thiee viii b. Dogrand jury forthile ship ahoyl lu me -ali. a ho levasfeeling ls.t.M i. l'out h Ag IIlàso SIlBSMmil g cuOsy et helrs dddadvantage tu Laie coust>', rd sfé 5o-*'Baey. rl ve. b. Béet n ypl ainti l i tougl i» lbeevation aif'tir. Wtaey. a0 ile W.e ur eum 0»l lic nu lise v isa mu l atd leetaM, tr tc or.ti ofa a the cousît>'bar, te lb. beach. va.lie prn b ayt, ' ety.» >~li.tla elicmmte ndl. Hover there are sanie important aaleop utter lA tDy. ~ me j wdTa-up Io Eure. anduleltor>' making causes ta came te TbI vicb came ta Mrs. Scot 'The ubac nn.ed Preparaiua triol, notabiy lb. Priele-Orvis Case for ]ast veek. sndwvilci mis e*& ,Makwellrtiy liaI inn mskiug tb and end laan ollir __tube &a trip te prope boglnnln on the restoration ai vrapert>' deed by Yul Dearli i ttasnfoulons: Ma>' 11. Vie>' bal plmael ho attend Pria. lao rvis iu lb. Aine. mlxup. big ~'MyDaniug Iieand aie- tle cai-anstion af Geoge V. questions helug ah issue e o hlid.. Tours rece. on tha leat mail Mr. Maltvell.via vas bain la Mil. Monda>'. Dear vii., 1I lait vaut vaie and for >'ore vas> a ra angad the trial ai Lewis C. Price, deput>' ian ta thi for an.e moment galum,= for a fgrm lie, came ta caunt>'lr'easurer under Amn, for al-1 tliaI i1fes' liaI 1 mad"a mirai. Cihea, lu 1999 aUI tenggo ithe. Ieged compilcit>' la the emb.zioment' lu marryiug Ian. Vie cMl>'mis- UhIiiD.t>'bulseusl. if count>' tunds. take 1 ma.e t51 i mt marir- lMe suffenel huom a nervous break- Ing You liefore yon vent ta Utah. 10, isat November and &peutlteî. ,aio caunt>' and Ws.ukegau feell - sd as fat doaerting >'au. iolvignonh et Atantic Cilty. N. Judge Whitney, viios. career ls ai- N-H-V-E-E. J, nd lgh 3 Laten b. veut ta PtineltlN. C.. readY 90 uolevorhby as ta ho distin- for yen and tlie 1boy' (bleus V;A m o di h.tion d oe s bis h11.haa-l> nalbis 1i555a.* tui l s>'vks, aeenMaidb>' a beuch to viichbils accession vam 'bleus.her heart. ton, for gls.tie Dur» made Mauoday and la proud of binu. bout litti. umma 004 ever put Louvée s Wldow and Son. on earth, a mamma an>' boy cmn be proud of and a mamma an>' Mr. Mantueli la aur-Iviel b>' Ie Circuit Judge Charles Whitniey Clos- papa cau h. praud of. ton. vldov. Mrs. Car-aine Markvcell ansu d .hils firtday as circuit judgs Mon- sou, Rober-t.15 yeara il. lne va* s "Hoy la l1111. James? Tell M«Meu,- i le adnimr a rd' or th@- day uben upan .completion oaith. bîn tiiere la a certain young man Jeulis AgricuturiAl Ad uocicty, and C411 ai lie common lau docketltI vas lu Chien" o icm bai-di> watvas a member of lb. standard auund lim2 taI ail cases had binn dispos- until tie i. ahI aiMay' ta ane lim, Ravislo. Clubs, .4 of and there vere naoliters ready and ulse. ho doe bo la galug ta _______ o for trial. 'taire hlm and bis mther inhies ar-ms sud just bug thiem nti l Townand Takes roa*t Case jru caliung lie dociel ane feature they aui for merci. 1 knoavof Geomai .Tovuseul, asaistant eI-vas natceabie, sud thal vas tue litltinous ta urite, go Just close tane'geeaulasccsfl>'po-large fumber- ai cassl hc u viii love,' hugs sud kisses ta e oerlb, Alsaka efull casesl. btaya.bsuezlInm h e m bothiofinu>'darlinga. eu* h lknfadcs$i hte whsfr atbe m "Tour lovug Hnsband. Seattle racently snd wvb yul p'pr layol s Counsel on one aide or thie 'WMIL" cule similar cases bere, arrived lu aliter, and lu lias. cases lie judge Tic letter va. urIllen lu Chicago. Chicagoatlia ee.k and canterrel vîti 1 nefuseid la maie aay rulinga. The voman keepa calliug. O(h. Unted Statea District Attorney Ss Crut cutcaee gl us The lbIter and car-I aeem la dis- Mr. Townsend deciared lia b. e.-lday' ta.Blen ta 4»e arguments on pose of tue tar>'tat th. voman va. 1>' alopped off toa asiertain tueeao-. he Minlg ai demurrers. Olier cases deserted. dilion aithie court éalendata bre, ta ho huard b>' tie firat panel af lur- Il vas aI fittfeered liaI she voul il a viev ta asccrtaining viien lie'Or tll 6180aiea .heard. Tii. calai tri tu kili bar-self ln ber' mania sud l in even tatod liaI ville lu h. vcods cases migit h. calied for- trial: AI-:'the Criminal docket viii h. heard an sic d14 attempt tb do so, uhile Itre- ber-I C. Front. promaler af lie Chicago, Ma>' 15. sponible. & Mivaukee Électr-lc railiay'cn Pathetil 1Stary. pan>', la ou. af tic deudanis via Acrding la Judge Wiituey's trW? Desectel, il la claimcd b>' tic maun "b.ola viani sb. daims shuebul. vîlh iulti eplac.d!an trial here ciisrg.d ralil, ssuesi Tuesda>', the.Price-Or-vis uwo baiae reiledluinChicago fer mcv- w mv sindllug lie gorerumeuont out ricaervill h. iard NMsy 12 sud lt-e erai years, and lait tafIgit llf.'s bat- mate liaI 1.000.000 van aof Aiaskan price allegcà ,mhzzlemeat case May îles lanO lu ChIicaIO il a&fiVO col miig daimsthrougb tue use of 16. The complet. cal: vsIca' al iaby, Mms.WiliamiScOIt. dummy>'entyme.-TrIbuue. i..i>'!Wueg.B' s thela knout vaut violeuti>' nsane -okev.CtofWnga B at thc bome ai D. M. orner- aI Taylor-s court. Le ea r Haisesville lut vasik. AnIothor lino One 2l-Robriaf vs. Tiiomas. B>' con: c Ijttl ýottbe d a Ot t - Itlula tated tuat lust av soan as Cy- ou 5daîs èie,. ub.Co.a. s.Gas- m noa * M evno , up lbil a1 t usMoCormIck aud faml>' loave for- 28-OPu.o.piciPb vcek «ago uc.tirougi 1111113Bunape, vbich ii viib. vor>' soonIqiraI.ubC. mmI saeuCu 1 Cilcg m -und 0<Preannt residence viii be o tra bus t'--rom va. 'Corn Products Rei. ta, the hro ime etaI ?s.W LakcCa. 'Sbe wu ia emplaitlutiebone s suad a ucu nsmare IkacphIg ulti bhouseieeper aMI lb vas tianaglit îbal ieo lavisiveati of lie îamiîy vin 39-4hoCann vs. Meyeor. ttc ait MdnS lbt oni voul lac icas b.e ractcd, à surpassingi>' b.auwnî 40--salaes . Genl. fieW o saber. Iii. appeare o eIla n h wl b e donimegtd to onement 41-Temai ve. Car-n Products Bei. b.f'mogt minI ah ail tines up ta Wed, theverge a of Mcign ud Co4.B oîap v.VuanLis nda>' vn ies ulta lord of vanas m 14&"asa>' o i z** ani«t yissm ikti Ca. ua Lis lait sic tcekber, iny ba b-vine h beCo am&sJunipid ont Imm ie seëécass - 8-Mils' v.Lmke. eftyvinicu aiflie Osci ihome, and aeaît...«ete42- off ~ s,~_ DaY NaY 2liaki 4--Yt4eralTa. Wis"Oer. B> 1Jumpid Out ef Wîudaw.. Tisualthle appoint it fa sa$- ooWL. i - 'Tic noiset0fber JUMI0 ram lie ail temperace 0»4" by , tenuf'44-N.Pi .. aCa. va. Ramat. e î =o mite iclamu ail upo nationai Uunly Sébool Aseodilo,4-Las s MTobl.- tsý mm the 1oho u f >' lic temperance commite., a- a@>. 4-Solaku vsm Saacmil. =. ,' tl E tv GUde 'la= h . a dayeilii . unislml>' es&Il. ag-e sem". oll ber vols, as bi. epi' br'510 ison<liaiiticé mmtiT, b one ME GIBUS FORN Bze ]FOR Tai CAPTOIS 63-W., P. 4à E. Tr. Ca. vs. Dinn. scap and vater. Tharougbly cleanlng ai 1[aI 64-Biais? r«. City of Waukegan. E L before the application of the disinfec- 71-Havhls vsT. Austin. tant tan neot b. too strongiy .mphasiz. U 72-Cits of *aukegan vs. Moran.W T I ed. Aiter cleanalng the. disinfactant V l 74-3m" oaV&.Ulchei aboulfi ha, ;plied. A 5 per cent soin- set for May,_12. lution af sulphurlc acid may b. used. 83-LuîWvs. Oeborne *Wbn the. stable can b.otighte ciosiet 84-Pop.Extra, etc., va.Oaborne. formaidehyde gaas, propely us.d, la 86-Lalmpa . Bradley. reliabli and satU»faetory. 87-Waiianmo.Osborne. INTEENÀTIOW'AL COig- "1itut*rculosia cutile have beanu~1 99-011 W.ii Supply Co. vs. Griffth 9e-4s.fl a.Cabrne N t b. mssxM XJNI PA kept ln émail yards thé. litter siiould 90-H M va Osbrne. Net o-ie remov.d, the surface plov.d and for. Ma" 8. To GO EN U T the. fencing and otiier fixturn. thor- 91-EaÏimas. va. Osborne. Ougbiy ciensed and di.lnfetc. 92-uWtie VOL Carlson. corat. fZo s og.~ IN ETG T UBCLSS The Issu. of the report of the .n A 94-Ciy of ÎD va Fabr. By ernational commision e teContrai 94-Cti a Zio vs Faby. B -of Bovine Tub.rcuiosis le'o aitiàm 96Ct ftZiou vs. Buaick. By Sopisr lsughter o A cent intereat ln vlev of the, active pu> lg otàh 95curt. fC<>Ph0Yof I lc demand for some definit. and aiitb- court. Es.v. plla.fected ctt1e in Not oratîve proncuncement ln considera- 998-Brogn et v. PIit mi. lcte ieofaitbe bole situation as regarda 100--Doanedv. Mritse. .do tbovine tubercuionla ln liarelation 100-Hoardv. ori.te the. voitre of theIl. e 0stock loo&-Vohkman vu. Calugî. Reaiiglng titat the. gestent probelndsr n aIifuneon Gior 112-îî<,nla Glus Co. vs. Besieys colifrontiiig the. nv. stockIi nanatry Public health. Tii. économie impor&- majo Waukegan Breving Co-.'in thre incr.aaint prevaience or tubiier ance of tbe subi.ct iiaas'accaned a Oburcb 114-Whdr4m va Rusell. cubaids amang cattie anid ioge and ý « great deal ai discussion in scien- 1, Wou, 116-Dvir4ov& . Russeli. the. n..d of aàpting meaur.s for sup- i iloandiagrfcniturai circs and ud bis ha 116-Wilbnr Lumber Co. vs %lac- pressing and controiiing ti tua s laete tandopunicipal b odi.. imeais- . ntii lschlan. ti. iternationa cammisaion on tcltiiveadmncplbde fMu e h con1a a bovin, tuberculasîs, of ures for tiie suppression and eradc5.. Catberii Apponte Srd f Reiew vhich Dr. J. N. Hurty af Indianapolis lon Oai tus great source af domesti. sreet AppontsBoad o!Bevew ecretary of thIi.niana state board ofaictd animais and for the protection )tavis The board of vevlew, tiie court of, beaitu. la a member, han prepared ulanioftii. Popie aganst 1ni.et1on tbrogii day. appeais taevbicb thé. wOeS Of tIhe prop> exhaustive repart which A. D. m,1,1,, tie consomption Of dlseaaed meat or Tii. erty awners of the. caunty in regard ta chief of the bureau ai animail ndustry, 1,Poiiuted miik. It bas long been fait, aged il, taxation are, tabien. were Tuesday lias submlitted ta S.cretary ai Agicil 'havever, liaIfafr the. North Ame»ric»an d lu t marning apionted by Connty Judge ture Wilson. Tii'*American Velerin- continent a reaily efficient anddsti- the Dg, Perry L. Persomu ary Medical association. at ta meeting factory' program conta oniy bo ar- h i Thomas Graboai. chairman ai the heid la Chicago twa years aga appoint- rongetd and undartaken vitb any iiave be county board of chair- ed the commission and instructed it to prospect Of unlform mad 'Permanent int th mian tbraugIi th. vrtue af hie former, study the. prablem i oftubercuiosi.s "ncee" tiirt4igOccerted action on. vîtii offIce and Danil rady of Waukegan among catlle and ta recammend rea- the part 0f lie governments af bath nat. and Tiioma» Mertf af Highland Park oable and ecanomIcally practicable lhe United Statueàand Canada., and are tii, two meiner. An effort vas metiiode ar systems ta ahofcasoi io bnl.lusain act.d CI. made on tict. «ate u oty Iodge und live stock ovners for eradlcating*or poiicy adpt.d vas in substantisi --to ta MiOOalng th .11110001ers aftihebosut tbi great scou idmesticated aol. agreement vitii -Proe!dvievi ai g e af review ta divias «evenly au., O-jmuia. rrsetaiv athriie ofbthudoie them»bui"fa tii. county bath -laînrsslg. cutaris.riis fbohMobg Lgeographicaly, pq qil as vith ao eye it is r liaI ron oine l dicnrat" ta Population. çbiran bainna arcTe eotreordte«bd« h e AI8am l l wte pat prevamot îimohý caI8an*ud officiaIand repsesetatve ihaineill tie coutty, h b. rot1xgOtiier animais maid liaI the freqncncy aMW bath tWDmré nd thS cuhi 8 at 19 Lake, and the Ov~ si~ f' uViti ieblcii ii. vii OCCMrla incea Bar a lbcagatiii tt u the board aire -,tÏDomth isethbird. 'M tatuber Ng9o ôae .fq.tem imo ena su sahhsetsecion a t~1edsh15 n. f le lritlyprvent- readable fat. a Uta the ne 1caunty. iable Infections, th.e- la good, ground ment cantaining an epil«ofithé, le. .0Ba Poiitically, thehuera. de1mSra. k.for tiie bellef Ibat througii tbe.formu- es.a rci. itie commises« and etc M Thomas Grahiam, the ebairman and lotion and e -nfcs'cemnt ai PraPer reg- tie necommendatlos vici it bu a t gotes Danlel Grady bath bing niembera ai ulations tii. discamo may eventualiy b. ienghtiermined ta mile. Thse de- 4ay tbis Party. Thioim" NaetotheHigb- entireiy Suppreaad. cisions wvicii ýbae mracbed are roi. land Parker illiethe R&vepublicau rep- The. commiasion viciibas jusI cSm- emInently comervative ID tiair Mrb. vh w i'eentative, on the lhura r airvew 1pieted lits investigation of tii- dIses. turc and for liiis rneo. If for no If" Déniai Gvady, tii. Wàuiisgan repre- 1,In compriaed in lis memb.raip net other. lby -vin exercla a mueii Bcvers. senttive. hau bffl ciaismnori be ioùIy afvelerinarians. lbnt -Physicienus'stranger &ape ai in Weald -,oth4en.*a apq demme tccentrali couuty ommittée and représentatives of tiie stoÇ naîWis.evia. .possible. pantlculariy la lie datcd a for seversi year and TionsasMorton ing, meat packlng and dalryIntetscase of tbou. vho May for any neon evwos la a von knowun tracloz. ef ngh- scientists, profeaiomà mon and prac- b. prejudlcSd againat législative la, buia if, lamid Park. He hua mis mimd six or tics] men ai affairs-ive f romCanada terferenos: The prevalence of thc moyen yearsasa deputy assoomor for ansd ine from, tii. United Stats. The. disesue and the oofseqnent hem ta the , Th Deorfleld township. bady la thus .xce.diuglY vel Qnalifl.d breeders as veil as te thie nov ac- b" h 1 1 ta consider the, subJeet ln a bred vaY 1 knowledged dansernte public bealth. l>e.ncc Plan to Take nft dcb su d frorn tii:varions pointa of vlew r ntmniio btgravely s- SU& bol Âeroplaufoliawing committees ta minimise theus sagitrorifetlpenu" 1 risk ai omitting from lse délibérations, animais*.laletadvouea thougb lb.e MM" a Heartlly lu laver el tiie plan for an any phase oi tiie question: Educalion destruction ai flics. sowing clinical aIlI ài attack an Fort Siindmn by .and leilslati0h; location ai tubercule- syMptm. ai tiie dJieas. advlsed. 4duiln plagte hi coujunction vili the Molester ais; disaemlnation and disposition ai Compuloory teatng aven la net fautât- Noiti aviation meet te a b. eid at Grant tub.rcuiasis animais. ad on, except lu borda veth ldi- ul Par laAugsiCOLni3WiilSu , After a careful study ai conditions euie ig knovn te0ite thougilo theIrsatma Pitcher, acting commander'ai tue De- the cammission, recognîzing mter tore- usefuines of luiserculin.- as a roîlaiSa lier IN eportaient ai the Laie lat v.ek as- fui study. that the. tubercuiu test i0 diagnostic agents.,viien proparly ad- Wall fe .sured the. members of th0eamntittee'the fundamntal factor ln anY PalicY miulstr.d, slcanfidently allrmcd. A soemed h lncharge ai the. aero canival liaI ne having for iUs abject tii.contrai of suMfcient oxplanation la ulvmen ftiihetiiey ba v ould ca-operate viti tioni and r- bovine tuberculoas.s adopt.d fifteen metiiode advocatad snd &in arder te Davis commendt!at the War Départmient that resalutians for presentatian ta the. mafoguard tih. interenta cf thosi now rton ha fedéral troapa be ordered bore te taie American Veleruar>' association. possesiig dam iiard and f thlis. mucii i par tuthemanuves.These rsltn bta t do with every making an boneat effort te establisii chidro, Eacouraged, by Colonel Pitcher's plias. afthe titlberculasis problem. such..lierds, etrluet precautiouary sIh ith stand, the, con'unittee viii immediately1 précaution la urgod. measures are roconmm.nded regarding Wbulf get in communiication Vith Secretary 1 ia summing up tiie investigations 1'tiie aiipmnt. sais and luterciange oai aIn9 lf a ck iiionmad, tis tentative 1h. commission bas Ismued the. fol- stock. The poile>' as presonted la lu ai the, lansefr e btieluoitth entatidse; llang generai precautIans. ever>' va>'reasanable. Chief i pln frth at"lluheeouea naillcases animaislaI atshoc lI___________ ssistai lixture af the, elglit-day prograni. cal evidence af the diseuasesouid be ed teail Wlth1habjet l nuli 0 hilres promptîy .llminated. They shouid b.a U onBiU (huIlm u Ing nat only Chicago but the. entire desîroyed If tue diseua e a vane- August Hepto. vall kuovo Wauke- tomunnoa midle est inavltia, le cmmi- d; If ual. lhey may h. slaughtered gain young mm an, a yeoterdsy or- polic tee last veek approachid the raiiroad: for faod under proper inspection. r.ated iiy Sherlff Greennand Assistant Kenodl officiais ln regard 'taor"e.Tii. trans-, 'Ail miii fra1nilubercuiosis ca"va hierTyrr.ll aI Wauconda. viier.haeac t cenr ution etef rmis d trip a pr iaI ls used for food purpcosea sould vsn vatkinq an a farn, on a vErrait tel UN cen reuductmade uon t aroud t. fateb. thoraughl>' pastenriz.d. Thias sarn out belote a local justice on 8 vAl b. maedrngcais e«tr met. menus thai Ilmust b. heated suefi-behalf of Susuna Obeta. lHe la ne. ginl, - .Glenn Curtis na i is à*. aviatot deuIenl>'te kill or ta rendet banmnleos leas.d au $1,000 bonds* aud tue cm a hGétaba statod liat h. vanta h*ý xibItion anir tubercie bacilli that miy b. pr.s- tea bohard la lin dais. Un. SM .fligit itavhibis iiydropiq Ulg lie eun t 1. For tlis il la necesasry tae_________ bl locl ariva. u WS h mdebéat tii. miii for Ivent>' minutes at Two Men Badly Euraed tlf locave a riu5l.Aueffoet viii leaie 4degnees Pahenheit or for Ove Min- te a là comupote againual Curtb* te et76dégrées Fareneit itlaubathns.veread iiu5 m Tentative plans ' ~ , Iimportanut that tue'pais 0or OtiiuytFr steronve i> durlng the veek for a jda 1 ol 18u acarrylus tic neqpuatsuiued'teottonehouthe w«4 dout iii. - . ligit tMiIwabka d,,« tuflkzbouldnot b. usd nissspro- a 1084ai ii ay onv h i>t lci wIi vianal>' tip1walts* o= tathWad. afar a lb. mliiimnirila botOr.ele-"a ~ aiter Il, i, pat.unisc *JQq«j. lemii Neeuaia a .t heul iedio e e tables. 1w tic *ffl a blas. Ticj ;.à rta -Wisadicsc niai i*fioSab7wq tujp u tep - abouM lse tbhieT eSg ls xt tý L iaf.tdL Teo o>iuhk 1-9a j~a.d~ u leigoh es <~ ni. o& uqýN. & t icteeS. M 4 '.itctq I1OeU~ soebW~d vii te t -Vent a4W#mou - 't 75 mi- i Y t i or Thought Obildrm Ouung' me H. Davis, uho says à* la a ot the, Christiani Voluato.! aàio Aineica. and wuic vel ukegan lut Week lu Intensola « arei, vas srresteod nudo.'à% ha on à chiarge ai IiavlngkUha* >e tva UitIle datigitona of M re Gelcbei, 1101 veet Randahl ,Chicago. la vas hi Waukegan Saturdayx tue Getcici cilldren. 140~4 1, and Hautl aged 9. bath boy*s claing ucre ondujt avis farnl>'. Il la ciarol dtm Irial inheit disunisis ea iibot àen forced by tue DaViasw toe p se streetsanmd ieg for lb.e eiurd rhich Davis daime to hb. c»K .hldm-n Ooeo iwo Wele. L Skidnapping aoflithe hul *1 ct plae tva oi«" 88%eunêl e te «7 tes ho t e flot* ge Theflavlisq ba4 bomq 0* m e. *9 At the il. 9m ltc alêifl. N'wpkw sipis lagthemmic nigit sic retnrabdboue to *Wt %visos w» Mad aire bot- tlo *. TbnIO ».vaaiskt: binto the omear 2W Ire ý a md Jîav*.tabas ti» eldý, Davis bà" mm", tl»eB04 i days mgo Mrs. gelobel neeefy, posta card itouelb clOer e, et w'w*nkcgMd. n "lii ga s tth lb. is&aoug of Dacig le %»d thé eblldnia. Wor. Soya'Cehlo*s tv, Gilokel grlu.ails, O&Wt ooa *inislcd tel u* lb.>' b*; xwu.ed b te sla ho"' le, ov lie>' beiasent ont djW aflS, ic hnain and i he c oN t o s@0 anMd ta beg for th cbxr*i., Dight tic> Ad Davia oqkuef thc niaey, tic>' b.d regotet the day. thef orfh îli ti. girls bal aMr al ta make. bovever 0< tii*, amt tsuati 'reocivii bm I Davis or is vite. TVie>'sors ed and veli iousdmed thbu« 4 ta lUke ie ulics mb ullo" sd beau suddenly tramagtd âd tld. but hoa me~ul vOi firmueus lat ho iad l4om *o en tram th«W'home Ip obu4m be, fuillConsent af lieI- mp#wm. [e Mr. and Mrs. Davis vie Cs- R ln tuis City' intcl l Chriatian Volua:t of Police RobentCOnnOOQBWU ont Chiei TioumTPy' Id-ý the tva guI ir@ e "at U e N waiti nheic Iqt wfUit 4Mr. aid XM uWi be"_4 Casoars. ocgard lt». WvOSale ha et ovorduavu, .vlag tê sal »9s tv? gsu vbQ b mm tliatbo hii orjci a .ad opraW ad a-tba ou "perhqtiyWlla " bd *mg Davits abouis, en l bieucane m home. af lb. obufibla tc bcbadquantoe4et-tic strI wo o-romdt girls em.matMu4 am gb ailen c al seq grs. Davia-" 10< »leu NilIs,& eeoma "up

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