CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 May 1911, p. 3

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-~----T* 1 YOM nous!. HaW"y Couit'. famulfy are sik vith tbe Mies AugusIa Adam@s spent SoudaI ant Modai lu LibertYville. Louis Beauman entsrlained hie cousin troms Kenooba, Bondai. titi. ÙMarcuha. rsurned fr0. Mi wsl hmershe boas ben visting ~04 ulait. -Il p . Blancharti, vho bas bsoa visllhg 'I taogbter ln Lake Zurich srneti borhée Ibis voit. : OnsaI Bndai. Mai 7. Prof. H. B. liflmsrat. of Nw Triar bfgb ochool, WWMarnsta It, Wini ope" t a York Hoe chlïa at 10:80 o'clock. Sunday achool at 11:30.o'cot. 0Maa v oit fSuiBnti, Mai 14. Dr. 0. W.Shwpplr, DItrit Buperntendmtl wSu Iiàk ab Tork Houes cburch Mt BP M. Sadaiseoolaetlp. Litltl nsotos roctootu as burued qotobadi Met Tuea anoocg. On M(ondai étergoon bis father burnei a large plie of eobblsh. nez# maring lb., asie, vers*titi bot eud littis Gasetion la nme vay sot into thqm au4 vA. burnd elvry badlî osn hW ha;udnt limbe. A 4otur vas caléaid sons noleqoi ii.litlesuferr.Be . ottlng alougcSli. mn. A. W. saore returueti fonm Vheato u* I, Wsdneda. M. Clarouc Bonuor of Chicago, speat Oedun i tib heparets, M. sud Mms JO>* Bono«. 1 mesessC. E. Deuman antiW. (. liuIn voChicago viston lionday. C. M,.M"reanon, dralgoo contractor d< W.odtoc, trenatoti igulbraWsedMay. . . à mm..Norman Adams anti tiugb1wr »as of Chic AgoLon, vaitetilir, anti jure.IL pantaon frnt saturoiantil Mondai. Mn.. Fred Deum»n antisonu at"n o Nlghlad Part, tioItoti mo. Friai outil outai viti ber aester, Mis. C. IL. Wm. .stug returnedt rous Kanss vh.E be bba e os pa vist for a vest. Todg ebool ecoSetiMai 2. Ums 'si ugunbgbam tIsachn. Tbo Gmuhh cbool cîosd fot Tuesdaî, April 25. C. W. Ritaseilof muocalua lova, imairt ot uinssluib tis vliaty (lso Jamie n 1s ondai oePoms, Vis.. vhb. fbe a tougcampeten vont. TAYLOR 010V!. W. . aBrtilnlproting ieli. Niclus O.borse @peut Bandsjy lu Zian >is.Natie Lly of KenoSha, visitoti VinaStBela Bbsa oven Bandai. Mm. Mont Young, Mrs. Everet Lily aud Nuram Wels are on tho slck lisI. T. 0 Hogan bas beau quit. sick vitb Mr. ana mmns.John Strabue are otcly oettiat inlutheir overborne. Ur. sud Mmns.Phl Wells tsturned 10 tboi homne lu Konu" SudIsY &ler vlsting tbem sou Jobunuishoni. A.Loa&bls vu a uCicaga an buiness .Mouday. Uir. anti M ru. . Leîn vers lu Wauke- gau on business Wdesdai. Friands oft Mn. Myrtie Darris are glati tu boear mhg le getigalaug ily. Miss justse ddy speut Bndai vitb ter parents bers. iumesre a veny buqy s.llilng thi r Dr. Jamison sud Dr. Young are kept Quito boer boe. Ail vanef les aIfeeticorn, tete. aure to gnose. IBERTYVILLE LutianE Ca. c.31.2 The more, you know aoont ~automobile contruction the i-more youz vii appreclate the OYOvmwia Zvery detail in e onstractiofl boiraevidonce Of the Sla*l and pinatak- log workmambaip that char- acterifos every Ovuldw *titomobil. PiceS .rom $775.00 for the 5s "oter to the haudMOe "ourlug Car t $1675.00. EILI_, ira. rred 4leock and ebldren ai Kmuasha, spet b8midiy borO. Mr. sud lr. Mike Sclomsr o ais-ia. iae, vlstd Sunday at Wm. BOf.. Mms. Hsury Luix and de»gt.r Leuretta are apending lb. weok la ggMh. *Mr. and Mis.JLB Siovtd Wauhgan; e visilaig s Wm. 1W's.l popage i ig, pg«imingd Lui& residonS. XMkUg. quit. BselImprat.. Ment. mMMary orailespsuding a fev dal i WIb fiand fa Wadworth. J. Peikinof 0 Cicmgo, spet Guuday ThSos trang bai go.. 10 Springfild tb attend the Wooduaa somatIion. 8lvr Bm.. bave eoSmpled a finove boums for H. . Winte. N ins DoIlle Lui la ln Waukegaa for lb. veot. Tbe d»Sc gitan be r Fnltinigbt va. vejl attendeti anti&agond lima oujoîsti. rasi anti maumm Lei vers Chicago visitons rds,. RUSSL The hiavieslrait of lb.smatou visItei tbf. 9etion of tb. coiatr7, fliy Ibis.j inci.eof wtv al . L Geo. Dirorris and J . LCrris vers Ciaso visiore fot Tberada>. Min. MaPsemt Mani"f.. 10<1mbof Kmoooa, vfsftd Um A. C. ornu and MmTs L M. Boner on Bn0<ay. Mr. and Mm. John WWtlaumof0 Elkhorm, Wis, vietesta Dr. Lwin'@ Tna.doan ad Wednsdi of lau$ tree. Mr. and Mn. W. J. Molyile vers lion Cty visitons on dey foot eek. Mdr. L. M. Bouer f. improving lise. T. D. Neveil va. brongbt homo Sondai. Rer man! fiands are sglat 1 ses ber back. T. D. Newef I hmsaB nov otor CydO. Mr. Jaas Dalsisil01 Lova, le vieWng reiati vosbore. MI" Ilrva of Cblcago Viât- e4 ber motber boredundai. MW sViorn Young vislld friand. st Bu"e lfattorpart of the veet. HL P. Billot< Wadsvoh, vas aGurus riator sBondai. F. M. Buliock spent Batuntai ant isn- dar b lilcogo. MUr. Jas. Farreillva. on tht aiek IBut patailasteet.. ., Um Y oma Moteali @peut tho latterpat oftlb. veek vith ber parent. bore. Clark Chantier va. iChicaga on bas.- mes Thunstiai. Um i ttbOrmmhi of Waukeganm font Bandai aI hom. BI&eaI.A1rn.y Dady spenul Buday vlth bis parne staIbis place.- FrantklicOava bha. g onolaLibeti.y ville to vont in Peslor'bimactlhsbap. The iornes W. C. T. U. wil) meet vlth 31ns. L D. Patter, Weduesdai afteruaou. May 10, aI 2:30. A large atlsadànce la tieuireti. Ailvanleties of seeticorn, t.oted, sure ta grvO. IJBERT'ilILLu Lumas C. If the ight tenant in not inclini to seek yaur property, mare yonr projiorty seek the tenant thraugh a campaigu of lssmifed s4vertishig. Attend the 5c matines t the Lyrie theatre Saturday at 2:30 P. in. C-80-tf The shaill.I.tay-here-or-go-there va. citl6niat may be ahl. ta hip the scales of decision by studying the ads toasy. Bef'. uyig S6 w<it.e p1~O.GHAWMt Gro JWis for'pcs Leà I>.tM~V O m sio isplîtfSonmga C>K QU IJ~ M W D EJ'jNT, M tRAYSL A KE DE PART M ENTI F'. J. DRI'CP. !ditor Plion No. 1f O7rdera Tak.n fol Job Work Xdvsrtfang Rates On Application A. LlstiMgave, a rectal saItlb. Auditorium concert hall Tueuey an-( Ing. Hie dam.. ohapeconeti hi lra. V.1 Borga, :tatl 4dfnom bon. At lia uellrg tb. nov board granteti a lieor in arda antipool tables lunaooneanti raiSd thlb.licous. to 87W0 payable lu ativauc. lir. Rotb of Làto Villa, transacteti businees bore Tuestai. liait Cmaaay sMd faiil 1Chcago, have movsil feu<.tlb.Petercourt flota goutb 0of 1. 8oo tracts. Um ie ssWhitebead le on lb. alck list. Miss MasWilsonofu ai da, Wi., anti Ums Hmma Hanson visiteti relativesc bons Tuea. Mie,. Emory Dlufour roturneti the trstI of lb. vesk fom Bonbon, Indiasa,0 vhores ob s beau attanding ban moîber1 vho w ML.1 ,miss Noram ilimoro of Momphis,1 Tenu., antiUmseLochs Webof Wante-1 »a, speut tbIeota a ntiai1the hame.ofi B. J. L4Mn anti famiy.1 M. anti Me.. John Mlhung are enter-1 taieng friende from out of lava. . B. J. lotus lasepenting a lev dais fn Winconalu footing alter tho luteet of blé are am bre. M ie.. B. Waters sud Vila »pet a fev days rweoti> viaitng frientis at Wauke- Dr. Palmer bas purchasoi a Patterson automobile. Mr. Spencr, the nov propriator ai Prospet Bluff buaie, matit out rom Cicago ftves ek. Me. C. M. MacFsrlaue sud dau&btor Gene, vbo have beu stapplug Bat Avon Pat butai Round Lake. are spendiug a purchasithe b beutiful laome andtI m of Wm.. 1à MaL.achan an Gags.Lako, lisding la It» .14 botel andi six aces of landi from Ibair praperty an Itoheolu sbore of Grajlate. Mr. liacLachia and faml i l remain vbere tbaî ame fon tb. sàues. l le ualtuavu v"bat disposidalmb. willlmake ai bis nov purchas on Gray*lake. but it le ta ho buned that ho viii builti a permanenit home bore. Th«ogo Brae. it f. alleged, bouabt lb. proilit at Gages Lako for aspeculation. 4 Obitusry. Mns.. Mary lisonn veera lb. col of deatb.n. U aiyDavis va. bora ia *W savmtlty.*tsIl eans ago ant came tutaisemoti vien a girl of eigbtre ma..Ate an ninags 10 Mr. uMao bye#idon lb. home faim belvesa008»sse ieanti Gravalmak. Sinc a b usbad'e death beaieltb bas beon falflarnd lofora number af yesa e hm a besau llren. She aniteti vttb the cturc eh baslourteen îeais of agle lu ber aths e ftrY andi entened tb. Methatift aaeq iht Gagea Lake befan. th@e omUetim q thelb.chorcb building. The deessl bas matie ber home for sometime vitb a tiangbter, Uns. ERiRe fokot. 0grayolOko. Tbo aurvivi" ebudren are: Havard Mdasn, Libortyvill; Jahn lMson, tirays- lake; Mrq. Mai Ciard. Chlcaga; lins. Griave rlie, aud Uns. Effie Haok, Isgrvicos voa hod fr0 thie home of lins. Dont on Thurstiay aflornoon, Avril 27, "a dlte romaine laid la rut ln Lakeside comelssi, Lbeaivillfe. Rot. W. L. Wbipipleaton aIoflb.eFireIM. I. chob cbobdtvilleofficftlng. fev dois la Chblcao. LUiSB om il Lsach John Tf tu tronsactsi basin..i. lu ofsI b.olchl f .0 Chicago Mondai. LianJuCsie F Lsacb yw-tiaW. O. 0. P. lioneha, propriator of Avon 29,Jsnni aRursnL.c, vallinDwec. Part howteltemsctd business i 9 9 i n Gumba Mrusif. Ilnois, ihrs Cbie« Moeay. bo giaddsned the bartie bou %i5ing taetia st tbe Gisysiate of bor pants . ti grand paets a Pbarmaey. thon the door tua larger foirer homo The Orayaiato Athietico eipect ta April 18, 1911, a»d loe passsd from bavt i on novsit. by Doecortion day thi.Ctr TtéOcasî;of'llrMM -Wova vboo tboi hope to hav, a good gaule af hoart tra Q w ~ U ".edstuceanBte* ~lhbta&Ief Raroiti uw& vho viiigraduaIs from. 019006. lu h 1h.aea b$vas sou- .1LOUI.SJ, YEOMAN THE JEWELER -ud-- br-- d--- s----s ud 51 the wautegal bigh nachoal IbisJane,1 took part lu the laes pfaY i gvOUnMa111bo Schvrts theatre bot ffritisi nght. 1 Manî ftnom beeattended the openlug dance given sBtheb.nev apora bous. Round Lake lasI atundaY eveuiug. lu gond cowad. Marnons elgbt Pl-c orcetra furnishet inle mamieMantheb fluor vas exceptioally gSot for a nev hall. The ladies s.rved a ine chicten apper in th diaing room of tbe bail. mis. Han Rusbploi of Lugleelde, w"s a (irayublaecaner NMuedy. L. Y. Sike trasscted busines B IRound Lake Tuesday. Tickets for the home talent play aI the opera bous. FnldaY eveniug are s.lling la.t at the Gr&alake Pba'm&ci. NOTIC-AIl membens 0f the 0- E. S. Cbitàpter, Graylate, knovlig themn.lvas lu anneans piease senti st once. Secretary G. P. Renehan, prapnieton ai the Aveu Park Rotai snd Coîtag as o mpleteti tb. remadeliugetai@bis cttages, sncb cttage heiug ftt.d up with bath roam anti running voter and wili b.e etnric ligbtsti sud arraugoe t oýl hio e v visi mau coo vith eftrÎaiti. Nesdes tu m»Y lb. cottagas bave anl hem ruted. U. Reneb a .aso building a 1arg klcbentu hl@bOtOe laeinow able te tko e o! 500 peopl. St isplace. .A bg realestats tisaiwoasPut through Ibis voithi Tommoul Bras. Thsy IT ,WILLPA O Tg çen at gso your alle snd Ove.- a@" a"faote ard«. MvtRC 1 IS 1W UeI~TLY DOUÉt AT I*ht4y --s..-- thougi th e be or i esoana]e vbong thleot ahes btai a be auxiausafienotis forbatiscldotyuben aueven jers aforagera oones oube Savi arsbeof mon anti vas lu every truth ou. o loie 1n1sud s.". 0f ar tb b lnen ingpro*uati. Lililan ma-8 friab nnds f Ios.she came l nade sudnci ofany mihomamber.lCrtaclgt Apil andty, surundisb be. foer ahelvet pi 60 dsarly, the motai part of aur dean remetery tlawaait lb. Bsuenqtlon Mono vb.n the earth aud lbe. saeeJaiveup Iheir deati. Wbtcao t mean isilt auat 10Hlm the ulules are long sund lMO diV are dira' Cao lHe te toUched by the griot.! tear. Whlcb saddeo the. teari and ubiten tihe tair:' Around Hi, throe stm etesia calmes, And streOUR clad musice of happy pasima, And blil.. uoruffled by aniitrIfe. Hou cau te rare for myU And yrt 1 vaut hlm, thicars for Me vhe litlve lu ibis wonld vbsre th.e orrowu te Whou the flthte lie cdown lunhMe paoids 1taie: Wlho,, streuctl, la feeble au" frienda foreate. Whoeu love aod mouslco te au..dbd bleu..I Havelest me t0iltence au"boifum. Mtd~y Ilfe 50Dg chaes55 o obtini prayeri Tbe m =ban cie out fer a God svho caret. Oh vodnfl ton !dBetlleslove. Bach ctild la deasrt 10 1h sat above: Hie notte for me ubsu 1 conado t u. nie cornfonts me lu le aBIBO.of piht He fille lthe bueu for bh.te arin. Ho athl b bsavkaese1thBué The sorrow1h51 bow5e flos a t eat, And lves sud pandou. beeWMSHe ca-e. Lot a&U ubo ar eilsIlatShe lssiu. v. aue sot abose l tlu OUM= iimbu; Te mm M sd Qumi ft u5 bà m j H on e s ta s n l m W b a u » le M " 'l~ àrni usbave wy0"l cm %ihbetrlblmuâhstars sa lshinpono h a e mp. H. S 1911. _______________ ______________________ M FOX LMCE Mera. B. W. Kitehen and G(us Branduer were Chicago vimitôns Thon.- day. C. Md. tprlng tranearted buoîneas t Waukegan Tbursday. Mr. and lir@. McDoud aud son 01 Chicago, "are now occupîlng their summer ham. bers. Ms. 0. L Scott and daugt.r oun speutiiug a jew dais vîti ber parito et Libortyville. Mr@. Balpin sud daugitor Katbrin, vore Chicago vitais Saturday. The îaaagosî son ai Mr. sud lins. G(.. Eailla under tbe dactor's care. Mrs. Rueben ing uf Lodg Lake, vfslted over Bunday i vi Mr. sud Mms Con Maible. Mmns Chas. Su'Brtz sud son Raymond, of Chieugo, ae tboguest. of relatives H.B. U&att las.peudlug a couple ai vekéviti reiatives ln Chicago. John KreuesofaiChicago, wasnhlavaiw aturdai. Obmugo, are spandlug lb. veek vlth tbir pare.boes. John Tuces of Oblcogo, Io nov runlng the barber @bop at Jais. HaIpin's. Foloys Kidnoy R.msdy Actsd Quickfy M., N. GeorgeIront a I a., vw botbornstivitlduoy itrouble ion maui -11s. 'l as persoatiedt ttry Foly's kidny llomedy anti blon.akngl lhrm dae I. coud -bol Its bca @waTePale Ite my -back, g.. kaoy eaction cisaistiup an1 amno a mach botter I do no# s liSta recom- snd Faley Kidaoy Bemd." Far asie 5000 Cab=eeiantea stlb eeith. Flower & Voige Vo'. plant. DL 0. P. DIrTEF1IEI. DMC.IL GALLOVAY. moum-4em 1 i S a Md a b S». m PAUL MAC GUFFDL ATToEU? AT LAW. UtbertvMle, Ilni DL GOLDING DENTIAT lloures 8o 12a.M.-l to 5 P.M J. Eli Triwg Building witb Dr. J. L. Ta>Ir-Pbone 19 aus. Phone 1092 Llerrll, inois DL ELILSMITH DENTIBT. av55 5Là".8COmv .NATIONAL SAM. ouu-fl tc 'A a. m. andi 1 to 5 p. m. DAIL!. LIbortyvUlle Mios FORÂGEID PUOPLE vithoot incovemmc*Se, -ÎW Old 1POlka Shou:Id be (Capfij ble do@t.P"ico2U' .sn ml liiTher bîeoion~ oliat-The Relail Blors. ai ln TeirseleuonOf BOnd, Libertyvlo. Regulative Nedicýne -The. sooutstst vacticalt* W. have a safe, dependable sud tudying ltiaT ado. altogathor ideal emledy that le parti. cularliadapted lu b.equfrements af ampeople and rani ai voat con- In dm Wske of ltse Mea"-s ;Wt lions * ho su an from ecafl Pst iOlaa Tho lttel m 0son 0< . . R uI or othor bovaI disorders. We are 90 Ltti. Bock, Art., bai b. ceflalnthal -.St vW relieve thesecom. reumit asveeeog plainte and give abboluts satisfaction 1lp esanib.sof fot b vony parlicuar that wvs aflr il vith --0»battis01 Voleyw oR li a"4 àui pronal Eniraais.that t hil 11Compounti complsteç!Mb-co 1 co tol b s. otblag ifit 18tal @la bh- hbu nv,* baun t110*15* " stagst cr eaims.This rsmedyim . hooplng cougb masis Isi Rail Oreri obaea albuyild to Foly. à011MatiM beain, strunglblg, oulcanti egualv9egwu tite action wuo b ovelo. @y or mâlehi &mli rov&Iritlation, dryumse.orenes ________ and vsatnee. Thoy rmojoeb bovofs ani socaI isntoo, vgnos That elusive 1adnahoe antib.athyaIvt~.Tbqaresa n o bave detofUi=2 1 lits " amaib. tkatM r tlesDAY may 1e ativogsedti 1qaý Hduaýflers for AilKinis, 01, U3ULDING MA IERIALS - LUN BER.SASII DOORS. MLDINS GLASS. UNE. CMMT. SALT nMID. COAL, BMIK TII,!.SEW!,R PIEBUIIMG PAPE.R STONE..DRAIMt S. 519. AYPjTRAW POULTRY 'SUPPLIES We Soildt a &mse et Your P romp-. N. e rs mt. e orwt» sua Io MU. GWe e àatl d b. cSda1ued. H-OME >LUMBER -CO* ~. - WANI We e want 1090( Dozen .f resh dlean Eggs and we wiIl pay i6 cents per dozen in tra4il to be delivered ap to noQii, Moy ilo I il DR. 1. L TAYLOR.. aruE ovîsIR. ]CU. veTzs n L. mous:-? la 10 a. m. 29 10 4 Manti 8 P.. £eaSnc u Broadvsy. oppoite Park. LlOuttyviLbs. jijnois DR. f. V. SMITHI CI~ERAL PRACTICE HoursiOtoi 2 20 and 7t0 S P. M. OMC over Lynch:Bron. Store. 81'ECL&L ATTENTION TO THE SE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKER tTTOB¶EY-.IT-!tW Ijiee Opp. l8iti St. Efectrie iBttian Offie Phane 5334 - Reg. Phoneo0a NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Le PELTON LIOENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREOTOR ROUND LAKE ILLINOIS Night Uslf s Prompti y Atondod T TELEPHONE 223 Auctloner PARtI sALBS ON13 Pest cST Lfbertyvllle, Ili. PIHONE Mi8. me" sin$ S* B 1 1 M - hm-ý FD. BATTERSII- a(YsLAIe. ILL. Phsnl5U , 1 -

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