Weald tap Nesw Igmrltpy that la Uet Nw OSp..t.1Lo. cal Trads qu.ra.h. fmas neNew y«.. tergal Al» Wltb Lartet flO sies Esallot t» ùufli lncorporated 41il c~si ~W~ai &WoodtockBail- uilsi C. Ilu?.Dotwdyeserday lu th. UIm&>' ne a voect et fer greatr mu1u.by Inforg"iatie att, roac-t ed tiIs Cty today.c It la -aald tuat W. P. McCracken. om~ of the. laoorporatoiwl Sad on.e t1 the Sui dlrocorat, Iaoeueof thei, prueoirera iln the. proected i.1 vaube.lu t Loula rallroad. wMielic afflue thuttii. roed lncorpouat.d rai- trdaY wl!! le only a 1mb la a ipuch1 'Un of tlýelfl,0oktm wt ulgi 'huwedby à sUN report"e te.1y. k OMM tullat the amkm<0, w»baw & Wuoo4toke bumbie en eutfof whuuve Wft the e. t. 1*54e bunl- Wm*bOO lnê 1h alated tha t4l. 0 OW *» Dow bu la .pmon a.aSot ,IW e uof SaiOYw»mto*wi WÉ'd %- ClaWbhw, çttiIl 1 i t~ MLu liaI emiot lb. MeT TV.> of the* lamer actOci ttis cit>' wlil undis tiidiaaanulIflaec t" b ba hit UkWofdM he tOM tUts ýweek. At the. NaMW ICUpysOife compeay, .ituated at TMb #"tai Moeci au . UperiftendeBl ChlwIC. catber, - afluetat méc5ialcul su- porbutenSemt P. I.Lavîft, lth'ef Woi' chester. Mme, wbr. theb 1 l 6 83. satted ht The. Iv. men arrcheS-lna elb.ty y**- teltiar anàt oda$ Vent Ito mê plant of the envelope Smpynhem ansd velit ib thi1e flop trcitp cller I.> ýgarrt, saia»R oue.« tie muet compwle.inspectiona wbilh tii. lac- tory herm bauever béen suhhleSdt. This. mou, botil oo»u.ted .»Itb the méthu»ical depatisent 0ftiwê oa vaIr lupected erery mias o f hetti compaur lu order 10 deterflweueapou vhat.piaet1ubuleathelocal pla#t VWa belug oberted. Tbe lupecu proveS lu le more tlw. au*dwteel orrluthe. omeisas fi wifoi d ttth* bloca lpIu vp ca tl~adhbat !.eyerY r preauhîoiiVWU tal n sure the uawfet e i. m, 6rie aeuins upection orf' he plutI of the Anierlosu-Steel and Wlre coin- peur s#tusted boe. 'Il! nderaU Ils wegml lupeclat a mIW w, e ât.< v*e.k.:ThisaInpiecion la me .every ,y.ar bY ooea«--alIbea4 ýoM" 01 c tâte coupai>', aid eech inspeciotua proveoon>(r tt1hol plDlel balug im ppoi a more efficient ba"S. lTe luapoeol lon artgld,takblnl eve", S»et o t ew ok. -Atithe kWa luapoftit .b mauag.imt heu. 'eus comieuedýupoun t appil ialupnthàtheii.wokm. U=fep a jury'. «F Wi hâve asseinbled over 2S, 4 badw some, rew sp Ilt -suits te show you :oi' tbls cc" n-?"the afptst riumbcof finé lotbi*,ver7 gathared unider alltyce roof i Waàiga~ teeJust th"n, Sir, yhat a granid ths 2,500or mort suitimakeï whàùia -cf styles, pýatti" n rd co"origuareoeL, ~ hw esyIt would, bc for yo »p M o that measutes up to your most eicUinq IYou'Il find lnthb, broad very best gamtents that skiiIledçrft KWinf'anar Pte-sirtik garmeeaits, ai dozeri otiier notable Une. Suits dii igrad for disciiitaç ment . mAstu Iored, uhape utai euet fittig. osevtiv r 4sý6I" YO=ngmen1 thé mote exréniejsm faibiIol Wat a s r kUin oItbçue n uits wiltlbe fiup In oi ut SGenîe Street wîwWýIstt wimi arc g byitig -or lot. Ifthere eiiw was aui five dolWlareauii ca have no trouble i f either. 0fOf eounç~,1 equally as strong au . for eeonomy it's afforded ihe$é threel suit spéels. We're safç iuaying dm,, Dy. suit you M»ay select and thýit iii surely worthy of every man 's consideration. YOIOll Co your liking at either of these t hree prices; no difficulty in getting a perfeçt it- to pay $25.00 or $30-00 we've got a splendid variety to show you, and the values ame daed at ear Wilbon Broa'. nuoùnce them tbe. dI, They arc with- a it comiortable bu - fit perfectl~ çk ahd.plenty fu There la not a better or more carefuly selected Une of foot- wear in -WMaukega*n thmu is shown at the Globe. No matter how particuiarOlt m#y beyau will flnd a style te puit..yoir .faiiey herq * apl~etht will prove 't ù.re tio mur foo. W 'q uý ~sf6F the celebrateil Dougla# es. Titis seh .n"- -no. h 1tfr6due- tien to rou, fer lt hm b Ameriea s leading sltoeq We aresh0*Éa beai*h Spdag SUU,41'" fr¶1J >.o man Wh.o b dsa long c*t. $2tMM,,to $25*UO We ame Iuedqsurters for Strw iats. 5àt our blg lti4wdm91 aiftdiiirpber thât If p.yilo trade at this ote,. OurTagr .l.a0' C. Sidç Cothing'",- Wa put U Satiar, appl 0w et peinti mine lu-lau Chîca not n tion S Th* vas' dock Fran) cause estu verte- terre( te, lb Wl.. tried vite I Padd6 ig fe fer. Ment June davltÀ lime. Fr. "enell ment Trhon: Pa dd' hc.ir. M r the te g( ouest laine Child A le Padd read tiiere bin even place handi Inter (leor; Dlot t plicai Id.. fore Buri b di that ai ai viier tbe fîeul vote, ms p nd yi natured. never lm, iz . . 'e _,, ý ,