CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 May 1911, p. 1

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4AKE Co5uNT INIJEPNLDE! WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUN VOL,# XIX NO. 34 T"WULVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY MAY 19, 1911. ONE TO EIGET i.!OPER YBAR ÏN AD' MAil 07MOW O EBATE CASE 18 ON AT WATERTOWN New TORR NEW AMDIVITS VANTE» ]Earing of North Chicago *Came Po.tponied until June Third Watertevu, N. Y., Ma>' 15.-lt vas put up te Justice Pardon C. Willami Saturda>' morning àt WVtertevn, hat appication et Olive A. Paddock, vid- ov et Edwin U. Paddock, for tise ap-j pointnsent et a commitsion In deter- mine tise cempelen cy Of ber hrotber- t-liv, Georg e F. Paddock, et Nonsh Cisîcago. ferment>' ot Waukegai, vas not made ln gond fat ansd tiseo- tion sisould ho denled. Tise gnound on vicistise detense. vas largely haed va, hat Mna. Pad- dock had feilie to accomplisis viai Frank S. Paddock had dono, and ho- cause ef tise tact 1ge Interest lu tise esfate lofti b>'ber busbasd, visici ne. verted te bii brother bcd heen rans- ferred tu Frank Paddock raChen lisan te ierseit and beonuepisov. Hi"as'M. Wiseeier etf aukegan, wvise isalooim triedt t gel possession efthtie prapent>' bad brought tiais proceeding. Affida- vte vere pesented Ce shovwlisaC Mns. Paddock, Wiseelen and Sem Chitd, ael- ing for ber ia trIed te gt tise irans- fer. At tise concusion et th. argu- ment tise setter uns adjotunned te June 3 and affidavitsanmd counten aff- davita viii ho presouted la tise moan- tise. L Asks Commission Agoin. Fred B. Pitchor, ton Mns. Paddock, reneved hlm motion fer tise appoint- ment nt, a commission sud Attoney' Thomas Berns repnesenting George F. Paddock.,isogan au argument lu ep. vosition vici couiinueti for ever an icîr. Judge Purcell felt dlqualfied te bear tise case antd Justice Wiliams book it. Mn. IBurns recited tise tact hat th petitîoner had made efforts te get possession of tise propent>' ln question before Frankt S. Paddock oh- tlied the tubl and isad sent Sanm Child tisene te soe George F. Paddock. A letton troni Mre. Paddock Ce Mn. Paddock, itroducing Sam Chilid vas read lu court. In hia letton rs'%r. Pad- dock stated tc Mr. Paddeck that il tisere vas ani thlng ise vented to knov tisat Mnr. Child could tell hisl even Setter than se and she 5sf placed bon business affaira tn hi. bande. 'Mr. Burns maintained tisai ber Interesis e e hostile te ibose of George F. Paddock sud hat sise vas net e propen permon ta sake tise et> plicatlon. 'Irce neapondenta dtd net lîke tise Idea e! havlng tise motion scie he fore Jutce Wiliams and Attorney Burns suggeeted lisat perhmps iese-s aoclatlons Wustiste Paddock tasli mlgit mare It enshrrasing ton hiir b disposeofettise setter, and, further hat If lise commission vas ondered am appeal mîgisi h. lait n te .ceurt viser. h. le nov Sitting. .Jutice WII- laia anseeeltisat ho foit no el011 acy,.Ajsd tisai hofore tise mettisr got t tise Appellate division, If t dii, bc voli groiabi>' h. off hat court. Attorney' Bras laid tresa on the fuel tisa George P. Paddock Ilvea 4M100 miles fr0. Watetovu, le 78 Soea n oisshmilvel thene8 o yeurs &W la sot la gool Seuls mandht Il veuli b. atocetiser vrong te bis m- ta ghttt* e satiSof etWbs cO Vo pteso>' Whon ,a imiIer roosediai bai oua ciuducted ilaihis home a&W wb-i SW wonv béat isuown, imd tui4 06 * asrgsd list IlvWUdose for lis. ý.,Pipfe et hanisains, embaramu 60 i'lsksg eaa'his propert>'And ~ paisap bisJiberl>'. Y«Uace W**UnUM maie thesu tate ment tisaItamu adeistooi il lii mxm4llqý*« t,« tisaI lis qheela teater nder a pariti " 010Use,.tMie, coulidmot b ¶1!Soçsed. isa Aterne> Berna ot to l si" thO eora o e t shre. IL sefr Igabus0neaim, a guarant M M tise tIé ein in lvilld, aIR JOH 0 RCKEELER PRIEI FORMER CO,-TRHASUMIR ON TRIAL FOR CON-, VERSION 0F 1? yIDS hng that Itfuic fDot tise dédire of NO CEREMOYME AT b tm Frank 6, Paddock or ef George oEF.N JLYlu 1 PaddoCI, tiat the wdow cioud 1(MIG80Y o diturbed or belittled but tisaI(George~ L G Paddock vas opposedte having tihe Naval Sriin tation Wil ~ property go ta ber blood relatives. * l ~Celobrte Lattr in Fal IiUlIV Justice Williams and Mr. Pitcher did net air kIdly thissugeston.w iII be tbrown open te tise apprentie- Said Other. Mode EA. Wal es July 1. there viii lbc no formai dod- Au affdavit of Peter AWodwsIcation exercices outil late In thse fait rend lu ubîcis ho recltedl a conversa. ATTORNEYS FOR BEE BAY according tathse report et thest astion1 WHOLE COUNTRY I8 ON tionbe ad wth eore Padoc Inn0w.On uly7 thse istltldinz'; wi be tio. e sa wthGerg Pddck~ ROPOSITON MAY BE thrown open, and a]l thsercut EDOE OVER SUPREXE North Chiscago lau vicisPaddock teld vici1a h eu e tis e statio a blm that Hiranm M. Wbeier, »lphev ON IE Db e accofidodateil. Tise. iii heo n for. COURT RULING ,of Mrs. Paddock, bcd been te blmc ad mal exercices of any kiisd ou that day, bail told hlm tisat Il ho did dot trans- but tise men wlll step quletly Into of-i fer bis ltereat to hlm and te bis aunt!TO BUy SpIRIT FRUIT COLONY lice and ake«up thse Work. RASRN tisai ho vould bave bhlm put iluth.t1e in ti faIn,, Faiih ti e SURN OB IES count>' bouc.; tisat h. vas crazy aud - orai edîce aiton. Pl bc foreî a (oOL. Paddock la said ta bave re.,dfdration bae f.lotn fort ise BPP@ed ibat If oulgdl ots eo iseNoDfiaillnsa Yt tPleted, but it le tâted that thr; Effect Will be Good Once Aittrnoa Eintat iii ie cerementes wich l-s v i olt, auppo.and tisaI uld m b abl li .a...nes it t tise OPning o1 a station o tht knd. Interpretation is Rightly mre.Atmd ho afuidat hwcazymadeDy dnIt la theugis tiatPrésident Taft and 1drsod morte. A sî lr amf daevbt avas made ecretarY Of tie N avy G eorge L. von ! n e s o d Pady c tieboardsentorftseio vsre-Meer viii h. among tisose te be pres. Paddck ioard lu orti Chîago.eut at tise cérémonies. Tisia was flliowed by tise readlng cf Whie Lake county la sure of losing Part of thse furlnsbings Off tise Offi- a ltter front George F. Paddock te'I the near future tise little religions cers quartera bave arrived and arel Wasisngton, May 1 .-The dissolu. Frank S. Paddock lu visici tise for- commumity t Wooster Lake, kuown belng intalied teday. lofit cf thtisenlionf tise Standard 011 company of mer oldtisalater eat beelr iaba tie Sprit Fruit. coiony, fitla possi- furulaisinga are patterned atter tise 'NovJre aQdrdiyts u~ mesreatenethe late b bcd lreiad tmi btts laec ieSii i-it lsion*style of turditure n ae. u 1ewJrelaode bthsuem thrsteeil tht he hd rfusd t bé tat he lac oftbeSpiit.Fri andaome. Tise rensciader of tise fur- i1CUI*ettisofe hermantat. titr makte tise transfer and auked Frank viii ho taken by that famous cuit luniuabinga viii arrive a littie later, adpealn ieSsra antitrs and is bothe, Loelan, tabe ('tiCicago knevn as tise Aiseolute Lîfe. are helng looked for every day.' 1t 1laom long avelted b>' an anzlous huafi. andhlmbroher Loeiad, e ielpt as tated ceame tilme cgetise off1- nessi vend, le aise handeti down tli binhu Frank avears tisat be made no Accordlng te tiése tatement of Cal- cers vouîid suve teatthe station about1 connection vutiste decree. meve te get Possession of tise *prop- ,lian a 1ev flimet Chicago, vise have %iay 1,5, and It la ibougbt tisat tise' eriy ouilafter Cbis. represeni.d tise leader of thse Absolute b ornes vIii ho ready for occupancy ai To accompIls titis gigentte dissolu- îeek Mors Affdavita. Lie ui, veynArthu~r Bée î in s tisat tîme.I tien.tise court sets a period cf six ~lr.Burs vnte moe Cie l reentciais îtis tis auisoîtls iLieutenant Commander Evans wili' montis. Tisa l an.extension cf Idve visiis o ge eliserau ffidvitet: hor la ciaucetist tie ~ l ioccupy quarter. et tise first bouse ea' menthse aventise time allaittdlItise George F. Paddock or have hlm Bée a refuge at I.Voster Lae, or souete en& et tise nov isicis over- dissolution decree cf tise lover court hrougit beotoe tise court, and te pre- othor point Iu Lake county yet te bh1 omm elmadeut Ilucha.rge If tise station 1 Thse decre.eftishe circuit court vaa sent otiser affidavits as; te Paddocks cisosen. viii of)yvistlanvnstieC - moiedytseureecutluxy ma ala Quartera, atuated ln thse on. etiser Particular. Tiese upreme competeucy pud conversatilons ho- i Tisenela notiing delinitely settted1icenteiSf Officers' rov directly lu tise court endors tisaitishe Standard 011 Cween hlm. Wiseeier and varions other as yet. Sée andi bis foliovers are resr oethtie administratiou building. 1 Company and its subsidiaries shall not parties Interested. Mir. Pttcisen did flot; altiug for a chance to get eut etf<isl- Admirai Ros Return*. h xlddfo neaaecmec serloual>' objegt te thisansd a ponst- cage and estabilais alittle cemmuulty AmIa1Rc senre Fiay eilgtie puî tîngo! te ose r-e ponctenet vas taken ta lune 3. A, Of hoIr own and fors a second Zion t ram Wasington visere he isas spentdo week front today tisese affidavits are City',visere there wiilho nnoclty an- tise pat ivo or tbree menthea. He wl -er lO0w reminoents nvltti ipe- Tise décision off theocourt faite ta e ho a p ésent te 2 ir. fiadat- thi ors iso wl ntree vii aenî il cucob lime as he la Point out an>' va>'in wvicistise Stand. or~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hlatprsnopoigafdvtterveisp again ordered on sec duty. Eacis effi- ard Oit Company mna>' dissolve aud r.- to tise attorneys. un tise otisen aide, ITise Spirit Fruit farm at Wooster fcer In tise navy la glven three years organse. Meste. urz an Nelle Lae, wiehle ompise of284 sesdut>' follewed b>' tiree years ]and Mesar. Buue ad Nelis. gkevisîis s ompnsed f 284acre f t3 I rethemet, vison îiey re- I "Ae construe tise decee," saad tise o! ho inet lnd litLaie cunt Imain on tiesoe ber e remainder of court, "net as deprlvlng tiese tock. F.A.RKKR>8 1INBTTpE would afferd a good place for a col- theîr lIves. Admirai RSs started un 1botiders or tise corporationsatrts on>' of hia klnd. Tise attorneys for is stisree yesra of sbore duty wvisn f dis1oilto ftsi oiîaterthtie be ~eldat OraalakeSee lu their statemtnt Ibis morlnlng j h naval statIon vag Weil ndter way.' power te mair omlsd aficn jwan s till bas about t"- years te sreenra n afltn b tl etGad e sald hat viie tisere were no definito Ion land. tract% or agreements, but ai rentraîn- 'W'aUCO"n and ROCke> Plans for location et Wooater Lak-efor 1on Dut>' jume 1. lng thons froua, by one devica visaI- fellerNext 2.braY. Zion Cty, tili tise lime vas not far AIl officers and menouvise ii ie ent- ever creatlng directly or IndIrectl> tise distant vison tise> would cons!der a plidyed et tise station viii ho put on Iliegai combinaticu visicistise decree Reclpraclty vîtis Canada viii net ln- Proposition of p.ircising tise Spirit duty lune i. iu rder te get affairs lu dissolved." Jure tise farmers teatise orient clalef Fruit tarm sud lr* b hee. sape tor tise coming efthtie apprenti- Tise decision ofthtie court lu regard b>' opponents oethtie treaty, acconding lctn ur. ces, ne tiese tudenta ai tiese tatiou are to tise genéralIînîerpretatiou of thse ta members of tise exécutive commit- Tise Asolute ite cult la; a peculiar caiied, en Juty I. lu ahi boee iii ieSirmnat-uslvvaeatd tee . f tise Illinuois Stete Fermera'mlu- religions community witis Idées, strict- about 10,emnen enîiIoYed In varions Semnat-rs a a wle stitte ho et i te PlmerHoue I !t ow. 1capacities about tise station vison îiv-ils greater auxiet>' by tise busiuessa Fat avisamotet tise ale oef'i is' wn Tise esdquarters ot tise la Opened. vend tisan tise findlng of tact lu tise1 meetings lu tise nortiseru section of ithvbennRaeavneCi- Hvmaypueicsvlhoet Standard Of] case. Tise court isolds Ilinlois during tise vinter ot 1911 and: cage, up te a sisort tirne &go, visen tise te tise station of Julv 1 ls net kuovu that fi le necesar>' ta diatiugulah be.- t1912».lCit>' autisorities ralded tise place sud but tisere viii ise quite a number. Ilt teen 'Reasonalile" sud "lt7nreason-1 "Tise alan being sent euo ian Cs lce in t tiselumteshédr1a. iii net he ontouetter tise opening aisle" restralut of &rade as covered b>'i vi lre a r.tisfe he now sune before neariv, al the doruiterles of Cise Sherman anti-trust lav.1 frmiera viii auffer sy tise treat i>' et TecLI uit in ieen Incerpo- tise station wvîlibcho Oued hy appren. Ts 1etcfts eîio sveo *Canada,' said H. E. Coer.etofSpring- Theestck dviee of sisreadéceisisonnuasbecme sant f Iieid," la iargeiy taise. Witle lnstau- rtil h tc iieiit hre iewowudbcm e n. ni ces eo ass a>' be expectesi vîti ef $100 value aplece, sud ail thse stock Tise verkatishe station nov con- * d!stluguished lav>ers, la to insert-1 ssis maînîy o acîeaning u prepa tise vord "unreasonabie lunto tise gen- tneoraty vI ilgive tise fermer bei- ltsield b>' See and hie tollovers. ration for July 1 The parade ground oral prohibition In tise anti-trust lav ton returneI n otiser ways. Tise senti- ment la net altogethecr agaînat tise lu hia manner tise cuit hapes te and atiletic field are being graded againet Combinations lu restraint ofi treat>' ameng Illinois faerashoselnaise mone'y enougis te purcisase a Iud Put intssape, and ail aven tise rade. Tise supreme court bas thua 1-f hrigf probablybieng In tise me- tract cf land where tise> may dwell grounds men sud vagons are ai vorl< . elintlnated tise uncertaint>' vus visicis1 tavonlng baiing debric sud piles of dm1 tfroa a business combnations negarded1 lenltr." ~~~~~In peese. sud worsblp iu hir pecuiar tise grouud sud dumtping Into one Off ieSsre nitut1v n nts *No action on tise treat>' vas taken1 bellot vîtisout moiestation. Tisey wili tise great ravines whicb eut tbreugis ftuSrmnattrs wndIteq Tise follovlug places aud dates vere h tto.fuue tilb p ategvrmn Idecided upon for Institutes te Se heid aise conduct a prlntiug establisment .tise k sta T owien.Saio. ta we i ii h ube tse ,oveannmentl 1 aCt Wlnten. sud a générailnienchantile business tea .o FrTw Na t tio. ratis.e at utln. aven odstud i CokConylnttte tChcgoleeu hfrrsure.It la coflidered as probable tisat .tut.Tseat-rs eva aar: Cook c0unty 1; lnsttut , e Cicg Icrae hor eouce.unte a tevu viii grew up In tise re.,b>'tise court, doseaDt appiy Ca ail i ar 15gss F.1; G ienvod, Febray1ant __17.1_______gion of tise siaticu due to the large combinationa, contracte or ecte lunte-i Ler 15;nt invti ebra 16ad 7.number et apprenti!ces and men wvis train ot trede, but ouI>' Ce hou.svisicis a L ake cob u nt>' 13i n dtît 1e ; t a ysjn L a k e B lu ff is B o o m in g i ii ho there. T ie d, pot o f t ie naval are ho vu t e be un easo ab e a d ilu de, Februan>' 15, and ai Rockefeller, Polioving punchases et extensive training station Irseif vilI tise calied visicistise luteut te torm au unievfult Februay 16,Great Leites Naval Training Station, tcensplracy or monepol ai>' eh proved1 Febr unt >' tue 16. J[Ln lande in Lake Bluff hy Stanley' Field, sud prebahl ill viicho gven ne other or Infenred.1 a Iuar Ceuni>'9ntîtte. a Jo 1t1Jtn-A .Spregue, sud other Chicago mil. Dame. Tise station bhongd tate h e éiinadlsefc a e S cery 8, 19 a n 0. ttW( . inste village is experlonclng Great Lakes division and not ta an: iedceo ndiaefc a e ystock, tise veek hoginning Januar>' 15 a réeli esCale boom sucis as ît bas nov- Particulan state or localît>'. garded In Washington as distîncti>' ne. for the ffrat certesrtasad hefde r a eote In lis history. Tise de-ilWhaCtishe village, if oee ciouid assuring te business.1 fo ie ifra eresa, teyhFranl i.smprng op eut et tise vild«es, viii Tise decision cf tise court vas recd1 Y il anod i, eneca, h secd renn and for land in hat village uPon h. calied. canuot ho deterined untib>' Chiot Justice Eldvard Douglaa ta e ho h e h.eek hognlng Peb.visicis te hlld élegant sommer homes sucs a vilae leIsstarted. Trise .la e White. It vos unanimous, wvus he ex.- 5 t Gr.envobd, Harvard, Aiden, Heis- la inCreaislng wvus amazing rapidît>', laretrawhc abetln erts aaception of Associate Justice Herlnln' non, Richmaond and Crysal LakC e h. eand several dents for land In Lake mn6 t >'a iscaecoe n thvi dissaent Justice Harlan'a vendàs vee fOlloved b>' a noundup ofthtie lestîtutemre yaCiaocmay h aIe MarenDgo, Feh. 27 and 28. Bluff are nOv pendlng. aller te subdlvide it lnto -lotsaif an>' marked! b>'hiting sancaum. He cou-1 Lake Bluff fil started as a popular One viises te start a home tise.. tend#d tisaitishe court bai. net sone1 plac fo nomer ome w ls ad ln exp.cted tisai e large sDunbar oftfer enougis and bho elewte tise1 Elecitiffl Oontelz ase Xv ay22 Pac1frsume hms isn mli stores and chope vl Opa. usr vonds of tise ciief juatice lu Cotatnai-1 The eletios Content aribing out of on tb. laite shore et Lake Forest be' C.theervutlon sOon after tise Open. iag the cope and purpose ot the aâti-1 I te d>'eletis i Zin it> o Avilcame amiy entirel>' ahsonhod b>' e lng. trast aci. iH. declared that tise court th ft Ifdlue imCY nA fI eu of tinllllMonares. Being unahi _________lbiedrendred au opiion ,hat revebea i 18 startei l D Count> court B*turday te flu( e sultaisle ite for tiseir homes e iortait.but wuaid over insu May' on tise latt. chose et Lakt. Ferat, sav. ArM@UrGoes to NO' .Yrk au ubrobe Une o«.,deoi lmo *2 Satl0oolook. Atteone>'pops, oseeOral mse reg ovarl, ie ILaie Bluff, Follovlng Judge Cariientv tee- Sl tu ?Mpentpelit OH e eniei h. ff0bà5' ý tise defeace, et- Md tisere sarti summer homes. eorportiiot lav>'erU visol ftailfa tel t«bPfd te iadmurres- ot ie go. -SunBI tbfferscune, andi w te"sr.Ion eustalning tise egaIIýýtb lslu- sea uimm ent te Ioas Iirea* . fi- C=g Chat tie pettio. is ted ir4" se'rera mrevho are panning te dietmenti againsi h. milolalr.isef congruee, came le the 1(itetd Ut8 it dld Diot et fststse proosrfonts. come te 1.4e 1iulk, ad ter.e tais. gacieri, . .Ogd.n AruermM la y 090M fak relief. Hgo adielW a N IlfUOdO W Iitiseliaist teir uomerhomes, viser. tels efttChicago fer Nev Y«1k4 %bord b e Muslft ccas um at it iras heotb d" -A" Ut tise Out Dfer M19« . mu>'go eaI sltais nerutfroua tise "W lm l e u L W . A. RSSe d> lle ~ tiste lit, laChcao.A viima«Il for Uuirope ounW4u.iy. oth*Sîilo 1tei80cf the. ou#* 9 Win"iimJ. sll i Theoor Nois',Ml cethte braisr« i lJh . Minler, attorny foreU. Ar. lai tlise Isiecil ataua hi iddtiesluen sls tse tise.tar le i o O largo mtimtf limur dtst o . ê hdJieg onstructlos. L tate b le ei0fVoitaathW g VUiand i. hit'liBl tE RatNv is ea llM hin te do vith th. iger.dpý awgodet Utla blie b. s Voev laage tor i i r i ho i,1v 60 ~ fudigend unt iet. 4"e 1s" by lan. 1us, icis soula ...rlu.=op 4r i oss l uslasaethmsOn f oit>litho muêt 4tMactfet oofda amilte.-CaseI e .lle Ud for trial. f0ê * isat f~ôjustce Harles ecetad ce0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e avitee> TSaaMM Ot'atfs'c u4gs viii bloamo.vils Pot- tise trip vwa merel> for tns *Qpeqoo iecW. rgpeII*~ ala ~ twstislmuekv> O f tlabt tMni. Arnour ubisiM for a At koyGeneral Wiekeem u Si~umoe lauwr1,m110; Doenné~e t t- WesNo furtise'tàoSua ttie, ob coee et tis s ~i'ls.briMais5Pi bars"s thill W ,S-OIW terival Highandi7 l emd. eodnitutoi a à . lt ~Eraas 1- tii.e of ahu»humboios., = h Pl *ietVissoCiicgomlllio.*e bbe , takn h adt ft e el V1 e opn itorupal>for t Iv ku io ns., dWeMaercIthirsume Bbl. llbku g tisev lglidAI>' au ta - 8cta a nd au nda>' ven lise tue________ oue iel on *- biit gdeys. Tfioe hlosobeae ETest' Su ettInformation isicis kfmUY>,Suas>. itsIail01etu ide 2111: ehutUblg tise Cily --lu Tis e lier te vere yô« 11uil tI ioleand malgummer meont res msOu Uà»se ci-ra->fer a long lime ~ en $d w rp illi Ih. VU U te yod -if Youlne looking 4w M' 0 byeue- s y----hfl la uiiexpeotei Wy. la tosi t4m e Wautai aa 5>' tise supreme court. Tisemttonne>'Tise trili genenai acknovledges tisaiissoffice on LevisC viii nov ho nestrIcted itu bringingac- Tise jury w Clous under the Shserman lav te cas- and tise upe binatious wvici ore unreasonahi>' an soon as cou undul>' restrainiug interstate radoe or Tise folowi commerce. requlred te Tise opinion vas delivered ai an ombezzîmeni heur lu tise afiernnon heu hat PtiOl tribunal isan usually adjenrned for tisePtisOn day. It vas sisorti>' citer 4 'clecitJ T c visonlise chiot Justice auddeniy an- Erwin, San nouuced in a matter-of-fact va>' tisa King, Georg ho had tise opivion aftie court lu lise Henman Eta United Statea againat tise Standard 011 It la tiSai cospan>'. Meut cf tise ievyers visebaid Seen 51111 consei hronging h. courtroono decision tise Institua da>'i fer sevenal veeki In anticipation anti Westlam et thse opinions ID he Standard 011 mon et fort sud tobacco trust cases hed loft, but E. Ases. th h. neya quieki>' ud hcdirougis the prove tise capitel and viCih a short lime 1h. he stales.: coutroom.and tise corridors leadlsg Becubien. te ht ver. filied vitS people, inciusding r. pni man>' senators and representativea e>'ue viswe o. truggling te gain admission. U'icb, itlah Tise opinion covered tbirt>' pages ofe b.door oa printeti setter, but 1h. cisief justice la Tise case ietivering lit folleved bis usuci noie sates altoi and stathi the court'. conclualons bic case by oralu iecoree.ii pne neasa couli the chief-justice utrongi>' hlnted tisat represented If lb. Shermais lav vu soi conatrued Pope and i ln the lilgisI ot easen. but instant!vasu held te h. j literai prohibition ageInul ai cosntapmi oumbinetln Mita hel i teuâdesse> te restrai traie, liseIlibas bi etSt imn@t. sfal]iouderIse -objection manager la Cg 4U«is repuguaut te tise conalituliou. la Park and ,Ti*coffl anoneî no diion lavisicis for y ré igânitu1e .to,46q otrai cae eu& deadu golaibatTes 10go"ai issitruSelilise ju4 G( Uta ofaliiDUieclaion,'lt la cosieadei prit is>' e.sadt W tiesnaI 5m10waew.~4~f - uIts cljudgeotIn tise itier Cae John SteVOUn Sd Te mrau. Mn. Jottns tevenb., oo5'di ied l l'a b e 4& Lake Blut ai hi. realisal9=41Wsie t.lD1f4 y tennoon ofet efalue. 11Ré'. -VMIbe bh. ployeti for eara la Ch. Blasi Dailni ef t ahPerdmet"e& ai- tèrvenia la lise fanîpl>ofetUr iVPM Ne ÏMo purcisoaithes Board hoo.n& e ti'tePla lem h>'memea et >0111 nues.«* OtiSne so 6vsei a bmeulimul ernelu a Ite luf ls ul oposte .ratIvay statoLs ucad UN >'Of tove isp1 MUhlIRagi ofa b>'*1 esy fl eto fermer týuut>' Treaaar C. Price aI rted 'tuesia>. was cisen ut 12 o'clocki snlug arguments atarted on cnrt convened atter diner.' wing tvoîve men vXîî h. Dir>' Pnîce on tise charge ot ?t. of coun>' funda: C. G. 'a ilveneen, Otto. Jaehnn lugh, Albert Larson, DeUsd smuel Rechenhacs, Wilse Igo Genre>', Henry Eggem. isign and J. Chamberlai. igisib the trial of Prime me man>' duys. Il la tape non>' o! Messrs. Williamî alit, lue ef the cislsf bolad- uer Count> Tquaurer Fred that tise stete viii rel>' te, ýr contentions, along vls -' ienta et Attorneys OrnIîu & The defeneviii prolbli> tise report efthlie auditora, i ctlmed, laid neoisléa. t of Prie. e la te h.e bard fouesitTise trgey bere la euslmetui ythé eatate'. ateorney' eofe si', luer, sund Prime la i b>' Atiorucys John a. Edvard . Upton r i ai u r Wla tu e ,bm rearebau im m ou > at fS = mmabl --. am- Nid st tise ibu:~- thal LARGEST STOCEHOLDERS 0F STANDARD DIL No. of sbires John D. Rockefeller ...247,402 D. M. Harktness astate..... 80,000 Charles Pratt etate..22,892 Oliver H. Payne ........ 40,000 Henry M. Plagier ....35,500. O. B. .lunningsestate .... 15,s'0 M. HK Rog"erstato ...18,020 J. A. Dostwick estate.. .. 13,000 Wlilliam R ockefeller ...11,700 D. M. Brewster astate . 10,000 Charles Lockhart.,......8,5l00 Ledycrd and Whitney, 8,000 William C. -Whitnsey ...000 Wassy H. -Tilford sate .. 6000 John 0. Archbold......... 6.000 W. CL Worden ...........5,11111 University of Chicago .... 5»G0 Charles M. Pratt .........56000 Daniel O'Day estil ..2,86 Samuel Andews saute .. 4M06 H. C. Folger, Jr ......... ý2,146 M. 1M. Rogers, Jr.. ........ 1,05p [Eachià llre's market value, ce- eording te latent quotations, was --S672.1 JUDGB FROST TO PRESIDE WiII Consume Xany Baya la Selection of Jury Prom 'The County - Tise second panel et Jurernsvas Cali- cd ln tise Circuit court Satunda>', and vise» tise judge esked ail vise vlised te ho oxcused fres service, il appeared for e ime asIif but tour meng vcuid reznian. Tbere ver.e t>'.ty four mel oi tise panel sud al but tour asked te ho excused for one rea or cnetiýer. Tise lirat setter tb come hofor. ihis panel la tise elleged omh.calem.nt cae agalnst terser Ceunt>' Trçicur Levin C. Price. Tise actuel cboosng o! tise jury atarted enda>' mornlng right atter court vas calmi te crier by' Judge Front of Rockford. vbo vin preside ibrougisout tise trial. Former Treasurer Fric. and bie vite vere bots lu tise court- r#Os Monda>' and vatcel lishe thcing of tise jury vIlS intense ln- tenest. Atter tise criminel suit la finiahed à la likel>' Chu civil suit ef- Price againai J. K. Onvisansd Aiex Beauhien viii Se laiton up. Seturde>' Chi Case vas PaVaed te a lover place on tise docket pendlng tise oulomke of tise criminel trial, If Price la dodua. ed Innocent e1thlie change ofet eih.e ietent h la likel>' tisat h. civil nuit for tise returu ot hia propert>' viliih. starled et once Of tise ivent> jurera vise csked te be excsssed . five vere neleasci and tise remainden viii ho force. le mie>'until tise ters le ended. ot the TIO.

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