Tm'A , m rùmmy! 'MW. as Cl c«"Cleek ......boUs ............ 6.0 6.0 S00 8.80 'Été 6.06 1.0 2.w. C," à ü !.à -as servicesaas Jutige oforla o .......... ~foridi1 erioUa Clris of Meciomu....:........... fr deysàervi Ci eo as srvCes stn Noiceset Elecl.o......... for 1 das ervices as lou Carda afionsrut.......mtc... pfed K*mbener. for i1 ai srmoies )roomg PIed Kiraciner. -for 1 dais services Petnsn PadollUOnasruBailet.... FrdKirsaler, liirn................. mis. *mliA. Feke. for là dassrvca Judas Of ns hmI....... .... Peter W. Moeye.»rl«s ug fer 1 da'ssevcaJue 1o id m' srIces a Jutige fer a evces as ie for i daYa* servies as Crk of Eection---------------- Jaun ILH. Myer. for I1tisys servicesse sCerk t omr A gete for i1 a sservices Fotina NotIces e! gcih... »mliA. Fnctte, for 1 aissvcs PesIlîl 'a#da et instreacOon. etc. Il A. Fucksf. for1 da s sesserecelylia »MItuA. Pc for 41 mletrv e islng POU Ba 6s"dBalfl..... H lalirent .................. 3.0< 5.0 3.0 5-e 5-a 5-I 2-I 21 2.1 a.' z., s. 361 - su A. 0. ma- ber, ,jorl1 Ira servCe I Joa eof mStion .................. foJ Is servicessas Judas .1? M-c..o................. J. otm"èsi5services as Judas Of Kieciomi.,................ CCGerubet,. for i dara services a ie cf Election ....... ...... forMIn aservicsaCer 0( El In ................ for i1aY'5 services a CipuSt cf Eeoin ................ Notices cfEmcton. a 0Maellsit for 1 dui@ services PostImi. Cardse o! sructioh. etc .. A. G. MaIl?,servicesrecelvimig Ballots .................. formaf t em'ie euull î Men asua trvel returnîl poli Bok, antIi alot.. A.0. Mehier. Hall remt................. woet Deeried. Mathilas *oreubemeg5sa ', g -fr 1 "a a servicesasmdg 09fEl 0os .............. 3for 1 aw~ servies au Jufas- ef t È .................. C.W. Pse for i10a eservucessas Jndge of S ............ X11. 0WlUm 0 rW~ asrvhces os Cerk for 1i-Oa'. services as Clrk of Eoue ................. T'n. Carelan. for i1 y'sservices ai Cleris fohis r an s pervîesPtna for i dais services Foting C^rtiaO? Instructionî. etc .. MatiaiBornetrger, for 1 da,"m services ecelvina 1110% ll.................... - for 0 toles travel returnng Poili Uok sud Ballots ... Mthias moeuberger. - 11.1..cen................ Defled lot- T.M. Cait,ý for 14%Ya mi erIcs@aiJudas of Imeetial................ for 1t aservice s ai JOd of suat o............... for idasaseic u as qer Of lect on ............. 30. Gf a ervîe a-laI cf lectin............ s orid,"s service a Cer or. M. ction ............... for 1 da ls serves Pmalng Notices 0of Onc.......-.Y- W. m Goomdaie, foc t dans srvices Posting of 1m opnwtti. ec..i Balots..................... for iiiSSt1rloffe .oOBU dand unts......- r 84 lion tsvei retursslmg Li............... Cuba, 6.00 iÂo -î.60 MAY 26,ý 1011i $64m !Ï&odSerd %les. That the total cqoot a building said 14A.n.bridge vil! hé tuutY-ive 10andréti PLUS___________________ 1 3 icsa $' i 0 dollarsa <q2500.q0) ,bich suin viii bc.ý -O______________ F ce ..... . 4 0more tbgu tweive cents onlte 0une f3.00s'ssrvcs sZtde undreil dollars àli.tle Istest assegs- rsdetlpn ~., 1.:U<"on........ ........ ..ment .roil ud town, and that the B TT 'EGary Officer Who MsBe ? IIPI E rsdmtTf M> pm for 1 days se"rvicem au, Judge iOvy <of the Ipadt nd bridge lt f or uhI vdneo a orfW>Iiionl........ .........5< the two preeeding YeaRa ln aaid îown 1IV uh nEidqeetLt. ýth 1CiAI umr tM:" Ed*at-d Wct1l5. .,t ,SSÀl scek was in eachyegr for,'the fulamoun XIbL f .>________________i UY1E3I1L 4 iaI~1ii.dreti dollars ailoved y iawfor the so al ervices as Cierk 0Ne. nyn n9i 't fte, heTajo UdWOd ~ ai Cierk 4. imary repair <of roids anmibridges. Unt OmLbrt Wherefore, the sWiiThenîisioert 4OO ar w T. 41i<>o ~services Fostlig <of bigways berebY Pétitinyon Ufor Ud fr¶aissrca stlE ant'taur a usufletNotinain ofElection ...... 2.50 aid, and fer .aul appropriationi rom theTh Iiadr 40arft ci instruction. etc ... 0 meet one haift WtheG weàxpeoses of tue n Tat l Reue W. P. logi said bridge. ~tGriU"'fCMbFrsPeietTf sRqetdt -e y evices .r eoel v nt 2.50 Dated et Uàbertyvilie, this eighteen- And PUBli Follows ' Take Sonde fieffite Action W.0 thday <of April. LA. *1011. UÙUI EndAtOcî PolnoadBalot :M uydam. mile trvelrecetlfg 120 ommissioesro<f Highways. Mexicoi Cit, , M&y 23 -Tii. hoodieet ca cmgSo,00 state 01 illitlo.Lnke County. os. baie of thi rebeilion . according te Washington,.uMay 23.-ýOiteeftâ, liiolis ...............2.00Board of ComoeImloner8 ofIliigh- Itîsîi eivet ln tiis city, W4ai tive MeCal (ie.)Repiblicani.and 19yL". et Pfoilb.t............t 2.00 rq0flon M(ay 13.14 and 15. Representative Martin (Coln.), Deme- reinbota .... ..... 1.0 '9,ths e siilgeti. Commissin- The ant 1ouBàt uns for gvenpilee crut, bave ecdioffereti & ieoiutiou l orfst g,~*ertyvili hrb tt htwe -have theloMe Sisa1,00 dead and 600 the bouse with the<b3c l le i ~friDasservfl ai Juige made acuref1 estimate of the prob- woundetid, but Si S believeci that these securing the. independusice Of thlb PbJi srieasJds elma f . erection o àbridge 1estimates fviii reducoti wiien -heIppine Islands. for 1 "P ~~~ ~ saccnt . isive,' gimigh Danaeidetails coi iTeMri .Ktl -" ts e or e da erice auds Canal, atidvs do estimats that 1the!Tihe battie oplsedearlY On the Morn- rreoident "te0 take Mesmres for deil- fob r l i a asr vi es »lf.l. .o r al c O e n do rte at e do llar t 20 i l g f a y' 18 an di ia ted throug hout . . .crIng t h e. contr ei an di p ac s 00 i <S c or 1 d, ' ies n 2e.00 00). uhe day, botaides ingartilier,' euh ___________ tbe Islande te the autiiorities »r- . e. aecln ....nea or a............. dedl' ef.t.Duing the night lier e sentinsghePeopletheiref sd ta 1wO- fu 1 os..............0 day Of ApyrlI, A. D, 1911. was a brief lITla the fg iiigntbut l LStSTr.C5 tee,. tr birgvrmn , eeu a. Me. BI ........ H. Limiterry. ia eeed aurly on the 14th with BlOonlgon, Ill., M*y-23-A serties ironS,' of neuiraly.» for 1 day's services As lerk E. 1- Davis. gs io atsepr i Iuides, Of POtbumous ettera .i lsl,y The. McU'atresoiîîtloniaimlrt of iW. Cond, ........ P . M. Suydam. Thi <end badeg both of cîtizens andi JaMlm or,', vho aoehi.e wfe ar 1 one preented lazt veck by fteiit . day*o serviles ait Cierk Cammiiiiuers o' f Iiigiwayq. soidiers, la,' lubaion nthe streeta. fatber-i.inw sad lten comnoitîti ai. scntative Peter oNf<aa. a DemacTit 3J. lBrand. Stte ofIlhniols, Lakte Count,'. ea. se tierce vas lb. figitina ltai their cil etaiPletcher 11*1 Tbursday, arl i ets forth ttat the Fi lipino "ii right, 50 ofdays erice o stlE Ton2.6i0ryvllconirades vers linabie evcýn to give vbich vere vritien a <cv boume .Joe.ougit toelIe free and indepen nt."n J. J Brand E %tiOnJ.,il. Litnberry, Y. M. Suydam, F . LthIe dylng men voter te quencitheir fore the trrime«have been réeelvet i i this mensure lteé,preident laakedte t fic dt ri.'1 PastllE Davis. Commissioflera <of Highweof t Ilirst. newapeperg and frientis. Tiieletiers effect the neutraltzation ,of the PbiiiP- 60 ards sof Isrutlil ..ý. 200tie Town<of Ubertyville, i*ing dîîiy On the igbt of May' 14 Generai TA>- decrlbed the. Uagediy asit vas about PinllesbjrInternationlal agreemnit. 'oBida services reC'ýicing avoru, on ati say. that 011. construe- 0 for 1 â ........1. . 0 tionn<of a bridge Mcnti<,neilnb thé Jero, commnoadiiU the garrison, calledl te occur. DebLme ou. the statehood bill was be- J. i. Brnd...... 2. esthimate te wvItcb tils affidavit la ai' e counicil of officers and derided t0e- gun ln the bouse. Tiheat vas lu1- <o ran d. p ervirvs rturnilhl .o tacisetiacrons the Seave,' silîgh evacuate t he tovO. The (itief reson 'WEATKER FORE(CAST tense and. anîy a few m)fleîrBat- 00 fol oocand Ballots. .... Drainage Canal lu saidt bel, is nèc- igiveli for t&l vas the <net. liat thendt h dyscsso.Gnea e or 14 mile" tra»'ýl retoring 1.4 essar,. andt th le canie viilli nt upply of amSiuition had itecome ex-, ,(llinois, Indiana and Wiconii- bute on tie mensure will b. concludesi N *polliloo v Balosbc matie more expensîve , an is need as.d Accotdiigly te troopO o alhhnderstormfs lods,' anti prou- ioda,' andi a vote taken before atilolrlI- -1.- Cl, fHEin ak .00 muveti ot on th morning of May 15 ahi,' tomorrow; ligit vaiable vinda. mont for the. day. .___.___.__.___. 3. . Lmbery.adith mymarhedluuh.'n1te executive ssionl of the eil0- aavç 0 Hall.9ent. H. SLi mr. su , vaiig h. a t,', arcIs e av-ou .t. , nomination f Elmet Caldwvel, PRESIDENT nsuaisWt$ Tii. foi4owiug ptition vas rmai b,' E. L. Davis. lng a tiseci In tegares land « MREv-TTOS ;a emrh frted lkt-i:Co.nimisaioilera of ligiways. of Orme>gonet lte srees nt .0teCils membens Prooeded te kilibra tirit <of Oregon vas reWeteti. The p,&,aütSggoWs te Place Serimw Tg th1e Honorable Boardiof Suipervie- Enscribeti anti avoru 10eit«ore nie andi rob. Tlu airepetilian <of the Chi<iioo Live Stock. tnoilntion hmd beau unt&vorably.,'ý> cptlo MuîsIiii .0eo or Lfke,00Cout,'. 1iii 22nd day of April. A. D. 1911. affair at Pachuca, excelîl liaI it vas Chicago, May' 22. porîedli te senate easielu thenIbmday CailonMca018" your petitlouier icrei,' respectflly, C. A. Beavicit, oeRclt50",Qtaln ty heucaycmîte T ~ .reenia that an ertor vasB madeAu Justice<of 11e Pence, on a much largere ali.Hg-eePS5.0.Qoain , b utir lnte.. . Washington, Ma,' 23.The.5 gIss* .0tise axsessut etlh ifsi.personal prO' Supervisor,?laetier movodt Iat 1the Armedthi l iiu, the mois surgeti railgeti ai$5.9005.95 chutle beavy. nomination vas oppose by SenotOt rbeelde Wayatt, on Lait.Misouemb pet'frtcycar 1910, at Oi0 i gaitantiintouseiaitirougi the town, killing ail wîo op. $6.0- Je choice llh, $58005-90 .un.s matite .00 <uent misake lu tie taxes leviet Commillee b., appointed to art with piiecd tiers, or vho attemptedto pro- iieiv,' paflng. anti $6.7006.10 good n oteif sý tewl , Higiway Commisiloners of sai i tect licir propert,'. AU the Important to ciiOIce , -anihnronungtetv -00 e forettWaoi enthCorporatiOn.e ec*summer isndQuartm of e? .50 our etitonerfurter thalit Town of Libertyyille. business bousges, Incluinig tebais, Dti-lcit 500 uttos Waii.bingtau. 'May'23. - 'Tie bouse heUied ue temîste arose frnm mouey p~aid Motion carrieti. ere broken Into sud Piundered <of rangeti ai 86.10<116.25 Prime gier.cnuîîîeon rmiez isouci tale 0fs.e-te Baea 00 b ,'thitispetitiner for t ie building T ic Chair appoinci SulrNviorq ticif contenti, h ule many iouases$4.35@ 4.85 g od te chloce beef cows, lion o t c r nca ea ition pr v i b-f on et ple uem cal" Tt tie S owoccuplot b,' lie (il,'Administra Meyer, Brooks anti Demareal ns suci cere îurnem i le sald tint 2.'0 Chi- $68.1506.75 gooti te chileheifers. 15MO in or tue crtlon of a apecisi con- .se lin o angton streel, anti knoU'n Commttee. ns eeani tedul hsl Ç67 eetdfees 500,0tien of Mackin»sb mia&i ts ie on rakîni Bilding. Tbat lthe tlo yuCara i tO eeaagtedes.TaI eeceifeir,8 .0050 xjtiece taInquire luto us1 affaira of tbe '"is. lclimga dieaios Met o *roit,'repreentei bit the salid bulti- Coammeis.bTe s ayn ti alae , accunleti for by usth e lc that 'rroon fairt e ebcice stockera, 8.075 .irenW iklC iIaI' /ia H ne v u iuk e o uI tm a s s et a i tae ti Su 'b. l l t t eb Folov n d Sapo rt. , i- vas lie ni t ill rtaSit centr uC h ii- Eood te cholCe lObt çaiye& ______________ny W it H u» ve y uc mcci.,' blch tuis, ,'oufpeitioier, Stae <of Illinois, Counnu of Late it uempopîiiattoii lu tire tepuilie.. h.p--Recelpts 26,000. Quotatons'r.,peiets*O la.e - .60 Bot e at tpr, a ia~- ioard <of Suiiefors.Secs , Ices neaii,' gooc before the. rebsear&ngeti et $6.50«Î7.10 gondtetachoicb sTimsoN s* RNIN listened.ita the.talâitse h pO o odpoet a lof-,losýOpilA'-men. ?17ypoIfted out ht bX sesaoan sd Isieti eparateii, viieresas MI Term. April 24th, 1911. enei te t tuathel.,'mad ab iight iambe, $5.50«i6.00 gond te chie. .09 tise mon.y,' se sssasud taxaet. Mr. Chaitun ansd Gentlemen <of lie effort te restore order. 'isa vas ou- igiit ,yearlingfs, 84.7005.00 gondtule Prmaliy Succootis Jacob M. Dickinson bave a Soif coQMra it bnik-s wen ine ad w néie th ue pur IBoard<of gupervisors. ected t yti"gso h o his ehr,$.046 o t sSceayo a.if he favofl ibUelle, The eb ais f saiti reay, and 1tisaItithe Tour Cm teo esadSlradthe troupe vues oredtebousot cuoice oves. tatepeietwl m - : taxes so aisessfld infor one andthUt.les could tecommen4 tirt Ithc coM2- ian,' persons tovn eurie.the,' ver. _________asigtn.______Hnr Lalndisumefoa .00 saine vaue, and vus aanti nsd doesapenasUon o? the. members of lie aablu "etalllti p-'lansd bring Turke,'s, per ilb.,- 1c: chicitens, Etimeca of New Tork vas avoru lu T- o ur petit onbertauatioe n sath Bolarsofpe day sevIe rneiaou emlne firOt is, 13c; toosters, 7c; breflei'a, 22 as secretar,' <if car, succeetiing Jacobi- Avintar Swoops Intc, CsWê li fou taz no 50UgeOW lu et dering-the sesaion of the Board, anti /leu titis rcpotyus ;sent, the rebci 026c; dockts, 12c; geeffe. 7c. M. Dickinsoin, relgueti. Berlia, Ma,'22.-An rhma ,.00 ceas ti chat tic rigittul Ia sionidti hat tie liolpelsatl <of tieC ('lefor rebclite ccntroi <f lie BtO.'acrao, oi lc ntca.Ssd voe uieidv h. la 1224.00. Tout PetOtiihere- Cirk b fixeti et Fve Dollaraper d,'*luitll sd3hic;tlg a urxremtra etali pt b; riis lceo20.cec;U,. ouovngacmi petaoa it18tii;ai<delea fore ptasayonr Honorable Board te for services tendeteti. TiaI lie cent- 111e deatid n ere *lýalâglll for buos. 2%;etafnt,2c isa 8;upen the precidenl, Oie nec geceeisn,' uousvcourpe nt Âuqines. One D«» r. emit rom tie surs <of hie peraons peusalion <of Assiatant CerS blieixed Xltals for te nolldemries, extra, uâc. fIes. 16c; pack- proeedtieth te van dnpetonent, Bé- la deai as a resit au t ta am d4 ina tie sautnof $224.00, snd 1teathe"' at Chiree anti 50/100 Dolars pet day ' ing stock 14c. conipeuiteti iy SenatotrBout ad ReOP 5.00 JOe anti directte Count,' TrOsiIe'efr servies reudereti .1'ess attag. eaentative Deigit, elere Use,'MtO__we_______e__ < ateCut,'tea iceeptinluful eft1W. aisreconimendt t th01e Court- SLAUIÎnIEn w CUINESE choîce'te fnac,', 43045e pot -bu.; receiveti b,'Secretan, Dicklin. Tis u.00 ,'onr pettIolerB peaaiatx tic un t' Cierk isatinorlsed le issue var -fair te gond. 40042c; nec potatoos.cati vas edmînalsc&a.<mt>,'John PRau'. -tbsiukTs-f-P f ot $15-00. rnso i ont,' Treaucrer ln Fanatica lni Man,' Miton Town$ Put 900995e. ciaipi. wioha& perfonigetismila f Wm. Wrighit-. l, Ine3'nift a s rvies dered hithe icOrientais tai Ge E ast Buffalo Live Stock. fices formauy acretaniOs. Scea, ~ r Z Sste oai iiu~is, Coutt ly e gois.s. 1Ciersfth ifle Baki of Revuon ~East Buffalo, N. Y., Ma,' 22. gitmsoR, standing Wbe fo<rmet Sec- NATION AL LEAGU& 5.0 Wiilhia.m Wright b.lng tini,' aorn preseulation ot certificalsa issueti il, Montere,', Mcx., lSta 23-Dela,'ed Dunniug & Stevens, Live Stock Cors- retary' Dickinson, tien recèlvedth le- oa.n bs Oalh, sais that i. la tise per-the Chairman <of saiti Board. r~~ts receiveti icl* give accouaIs mission Herchants, EtsIBuffalo, N. Y., arin,'officere on dm1,' teiWaibUintOiL wi o. W Mwoenan, la mfisebd te the. AUl <f ciich la respecîfaly sub- eWLPO 2.60 fof dipeto .la e a etimtci. R .Wn. , killing of Chitu na number [que Sas foliowes: Calie-Reiptu AUl vere in untti-m. ni, On chute P1L..2i 67Cn .31 the ain an tha th cotenttbee- . D.Wyn oft lacs la reinole parts et tie coun' 120 cars; marktlstesti,. Saga-R.' durit, andti t scene vas marked b,'Pia e..10 12 .613 Bt, 13aýl .60oa the uSie atiteiiCntntle r T. M. Cark. te,' b,'bandas<of rebea, bul noue of ceipîs 70 cars; market slow; beavy, tmartial tirilliauce mos telbpat--di"'i .Y 19 12 .613, break il SI - V/m. Wright. E. A. Ficke. the. massacre cereas, horrible as that $6.300?,6.40; TorkOre, 16.60; pies, $6.40. ravie. Tii. vailou civil officena cof chi. _.,1W .5i4 Boa. . a M3S 2.60 Bubscribeti anti avoln te befOre me Superviser Simons movedt tthle et Torilsan. Sheep-Receltrb.s50 cars; 'Martet tic car departmtaisea cote Pre'.' At Bookyn- LI 8.00 (Boa.) John LU Boylie$, Motion carried. eof <ionrcas naidetbyiirebela anti vearltrîgs, $ :-î5.75; cothers, $4.750 ------"' Bîoit . 00002001- 4 S Notai,' Puble. The bill of D. T. Suille,'vns reati eigbte sefo kIeshllei. oAt <netes, $4.0004. 0.odives, $4.50 O E B N ISugSilMLaaniC 1.0 uperviser Mzta eea nsi oekle 76.VOT A Bell, ICuetser, Rucker anti BrMi t.helb petillon be refetredte the Cors- tenden referredte t the .ludiciar,' Con- sud la other tocas lu I)laango, Simules,_________ 8.6mteep.Jrroncious Asessmnal. iittee. AnttSPoremOia W ehes pt isu, 1 Thd., re buis <of Athuîr Touing:& Co for lad Sonoe a ..aooo2000oput-4an e-70 BupirvifcirWelch, Chiliasilo<f testimnyl betome Grand sud Petit ChIunese te dOath f0? tise mer piea- 011 Tanks sO ir;o Explode. 5=4i;--.00200000-S , Coinli Oficials'andthti Reprosetita- vs. Amen, vere read anti rterredte etnsofteSub - neenei kahm rn .00 tives o? lb. Chicago Tlple C.o- tic preper.comnîtlees. Rains Fi11 Ro grande. selatak, ot ie Bouieru Inependet - aIL Menu psu'lurgrdt ii settl- prie V-n oe uIc o Hidalgo, Tex., Mai( 23.-Torresstial'vrsd la'ye yire, mget it wti Fdea ue Rc twPittbhnrg ... 0 00 10O 00 0-1 5.00 phono systen, inimIttedtheticfollov- nov adjOumn. vreisns a orîbern Maliceilave placet1d ercnet.seea hnst.gai- Ip&ra îe d Adaus, errtsed113110WJts bau report. Motion carrieti ami theBadBod hi otnt,-vrltouad e dNew York ....00001400z-54 Waukegan, III., Aprit17, 1911.ticJBoard stooti i. oGrande at fiood taoge aient lona of lerosene and gaeollae. 'rie Aas er n i ;"" Wateau 11, pr em7e111n iof rei sudA. Wiisonls.owr ouEe 'à.00 Te the Cisirman and Gentlmn fLWA IN115 illvrcus.An ÔeoÜvcr of s? 1w engin <of 5the fimes le unknacn. Mti at Wison-. the couty Board. Clerk. Aluericalu aide etltheevaliey ntaiiii.steel tanisa exploded i cth n ierritin t Bous.n003 I000- 5.0 ----***' Cmmite - oite Uie voul<i cause av lcrýe u- 0't15concussion, siakinthle enldre cil,'. OLaon i,,0k. m 3-Bsonla. 0000000-'1 Your<ipCIS "'""'" -crona. to confer clth tic County Officera anti State of Ilinois, Lake Count>', as. Okahma__________Ma_2.-__to ... the~i11 i Tolephflfe COMPany viti r.- . ,Le A. Hentise, Coney,'Clent lu iidb'MrGado. Hligti tndfhbrcliîs' Salles anti Bresuabali; Cursa gardb ue arangmen tofa mre Su-i « giti Connty, la inte State Tayiorville, Ill. ie,' 23.-lir&S.arah ae e<ieît b Iieconstitiutionl Rriis. sisfactor,' lehe ay.setillulb.edforftaid, and keeper of lie records R M ~ RDustitiofTay'lorvîlle, aged seenty.v c as învaîîd teeause itlîa lu violation of 50 court Houses,beg leave te report ansieaisseal 4l tfeaet, do iiereby certif,'th. AR- AY - instanly 'kilieti b,' Churles Dotit, iter t.efifleeonliamendmnit bti thed.AMERICAN LEAGUS. folioca:foreping te b. a .0Arue, perfect anti 1r4 ~~~~betti un Prairion townshuip. 11cr grand- os oîttoJtg onH 'l ' bo e 'tB H o u e , w vil e th e o p e r a to r if qp Id B o a t d o f S u p e r v i o n s a it le S p - s o u g t io îs f a s itg m n c i i h It W 8 4 e r ac o r t err ie d ttii e susrc d Dt . . 2 W 7 . U Pt. U 15 2.0tfisé n*Iîchboardi ls present, thc ays- cil Aptil Session, 111, lt nifreiI t onuhaial lie ue <i ter ofde.ieti t. 16718 .75271 N. . k>1 tent nov in use scerans te glve entire fIntestimn,' viwereof, 1 bave bers- ther. 'rie cnet odan d s ieil It ctteosu J .hi. -n 'rn tul. ..0. 1 14 .648 2.50 satisfaction,. andt tat b ,' be Install- nt O 5 s ,' hiebond an ti a xleti lb Çol ow lier. Th ota n tsoîl,' lýiA t W t n t e a e o h n te lie l m u e t f a n e c r u cin . le i w , sea i <o f n d . C o n ty t îy fi cen F anin AIl B nq. .1i1 A48 W h le I 1.10 pse-cwa, Uno, at tiecocst cf 82.00 pet Waukegatil n sald Couînty, uhîs 29t1î létsArresÎ,, -Min Dowrued51 BevDd.rW.tionffies .and iWlliarii nth, eiec- Phil...lel 610îet. kL.il2 60office honte vien the day o? Aprîl, A. D. 1911. sWManad u yaeakf B-Drownet, ai' 23.-A flua ien o ma ice s uuetinocr Ain Dsetoit-001 1À 8.0-, opseStO la absent, Individueli calefor LEW A. iIENDIE,.Bliee i. a 3- a u.T nk h uJcino eti W"ntg.Q11 ue.1115.6te dttet offices Ma,'lie baid, lins chou-l. Un RêldÉ poea, fromn a itier faînd tu 'hie nIImilteti bthe "eductinlloitest" Detoit .. 0041 «emcilul Use confusion ofeuesCRU liclties. tu ibe Tinuiîtby Laidei «of c tiepndlt their condition icloreWA V/ a " 514Itil tKt4 adIl hooaniannlinng*~,OQ OQ0 QQDubucrlllPlt.. cas tronenth le Kan- Ji66wcduli nkeitdepWelent on their 560. be u htM li tuthe ililt- Garye,d, ti.May 23. -Gry's red tako river. 0ecirhmeiJuerc u o,,.,thecourt helti. At Vleveîs1I 6.01£ ',q« suci arniihiieiut attet tc0aîr0c cslie rîcu t,' a inaoice'grntiahldlmé xiiUPil ii*..0O104 5.0 0& Circuit oteil cUO TI A GTlcr ist'My rit, an iWiitY iimole anti N<mntiîestern train vhile crosaing <nom thse "etucational test" thone en- CWIecsl1Î4 ...10O oi'4 5.e00rigCrcItCur rn1,93 q a'r Entt. atiIntfiv mnsmatihe bidgse. titied te- vote on Jail. 1, 18l66,or r'es. M Thomas tol l t~n a-.Mi 5.0ai cil,' B1 ingn0i, 3 mfua;* Yu aeicrrf e2 ot re tet.~ be li lm ie_________dents-o? a Ien cent,'. Unter itg ai Sli 5.00 r anlnd ia I l Jie bv mn3vi îsies î is loyg rndjuY, Andtioprtntts.,>cInuse llsgros vero denledthe At. E tou 00110 K&Warrest, wvi hob.vas mulstd PROJECTEDINiATicuNALCI piTAL Biat....0110îý W.5 rin*h, s d that te,' mise,3In.An-ti9* cibusgelsrcibuhis ngîe ottsa ee ryi ca0lerllao -nght ta vote. 51Loi.000 6. 0 ti "eu oe-ca,'U"lieb.itkaileti. *dsadilccirilo ni~ raid followed cloeIrtiseerrat <of Ithe Tabli tUnvelled to Me mor, cf L'En- Curtte anti Nunml1fl JareeCl.Weci. *rionai mney by lcgin g taeQMayeron ate ciarge of embezzlihilE fmnt, Engineef of Washinfgton. (Clark.4 6.00 ~. H. oscOs. ~ mae taon.,' i' iceeplueIn O $2,000 <f lie e r it,' 00renfuds. PntssyPonsd ICISO snperiioi- Wyui nive thiit tbe *tench itliitle business <f thirîf0 Peole icre nie itetaregard bisi Wasbiuseton, M.a,'23.-Ilpon .a h [liy 3illf îiîlityîPd a oidui l A t Cicago-a e ~u~sjt. Srepôebe accepteld udeiplti. *neigltborg. Qpresetlrc.Çrmn sutq tshei.Dcse Of a on the Virginia ide of the Potomac, te auill mQ uue aui ked te vatieuuniei I0aaboihn wa p Mt lan i wshing lt dotbetterwvitle sict. river commn-dîtug a beauiiful vietof tramp. '. utîeefuiiy neueving tram biuss MRCNASCA 5.0 Tie4slvlSpeumn a Cntt*tulte ineae o lînlga* lvi orus ta hivio h l i rt' ifasisgo, .taltce uenilieuau lsibatemat .i ebt VW"Qfl.