iauuoet t 5O thé s1 bt toi -çomeb bbw'wt or teretIU &,bmý Obs.,. Th* m wus tib- pVap6i4 of lisps Sole gade pr no tri 'Wàûsgaa'à grs GIIIgI,É4It recivect a-full brmOus w-Bmut~il new Persian eaïe of dresê ghxghani-,in deirable) des in handsomie eololn M, pst- ir4il engths, Mü the new eprWgi~ had- te eceal do u igsin, combinatiop plaids, checkse 4 monas, and dressing saeques, 27 i- si tripes, positive, 10e quality at, j. hes wide, usually priced at 10C e, NAImS»K-U IWê-0 oW UBED 8101. OI4w APRONOIt4AMS-Ood taadard mool. pewyunmu,=.a friw * maetru s Ori- bine ýuk.ai is..mm.stiS or boit. f frk. spledlic - 017C, .....W4 o4S 12 ja a .... Csstm q. 36 h"di*atomcloth, iu PdE~Im-Waist sUd afine aiu1yWI 4 xilt. tadresulngthof',iiepflflted, asW Mme French finish,,suiltbIe f0? "Wwxnen'a -2 sad utiiltq' rem bgas ulte suite and- akirtsansd boys' sujumer tbat oelF Vo 15e, sÎWpeeàiee et, per àuita, 15e grade at, yard ..... yard .............. ...... que»;' charmi fit oui turet, mh, aiong tbe Lake Bnore'are sure tg>reqir a wani cns-speiail evuing. Mre is à meflon or )th eosts eebràkg $.12.50, $15.00 snd $18.00 vluj ; serges hi al coora, tan coverts and novelty m* su li talkred coflsrs, also 1 theeot. ... lot... ......... 4tà Garments of prefervabIe mstyles, embraeing -the sivrel4i- ored and trimmeîd styles, "leddly tailqred of fine serges and eoice noveltes, coat ndw tJ~ poau-de-cygùe.stUc, $18, 0,2.) valuses at... amum.W Iramk aauaw ta . àm PP"blea1to ~t WtW-Bulgairian embrold- Hmu .Drmu.Col )boe ereàwoe'iu aw n in sejs o t eswImoe & 1ene. em1of fast dow cirs t- I - i ............A