CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 May 1911, p. 2

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4m nomsbom »ero.vuc WUuà, vieetos sMd bui erd«Waaimm shaoo motime bu basa lat*allu 1l to Mdls eSia> e ucproed Am bOaWM et au"victory Me ,rï " *b s w h.-aus '~dhdaeesiut blojehad dthi1 WUIbdoS ounsud au Dorfir wrnelu1 &Mlots. havlulg etruc t ltour iu thei ltoi. age o playedi l bobsi prety 5011. Tbej play lie Utayelakéte ba eaut$=der etIlils Plac. inel Nabrbuhwus la Chîcaga lat Wggqaoao wih ban father. T- ie atrof tbe druigstore liasbeau istbwami lis app&ranoc vmty' ippiobvai Georga Rimer dld the watt. Iirà.îooo. Tbwch,,Mm.W. Lcupker, Us. .*ëe an sd Mr&. Ott wm in vr. u aukegn ast AtrdFj, who wèe il witb meashae, ~ tecoared. Mabel Heckeawiiler e downa villa iaeaun couplaintlu "' lbhefgttirtovering trou hiea et cl CristioasEndeavor. the eouà atj onon i ibBpML" late aflarnoau e '-~w~b Iva la Nl lenotall Tslpp aai balAi bave.bai tbe urot veesl Ir& e.J. S. tbeuittéré o. bisahome Ivtation ta reunlo. et lie ol Meotelsh fulofaiMiàe te beha bahop la Dansa"eJohn balàw« hoati 0f tikik anory -sMd icara that ha preangfront thias m« hraab of telie cter race la a terrible blov ta poor Slire. KE. W Rais litei ber der, lir. ostg i lua Lae.Mondw. lire.aru, Sw» Aamai mir. eorge Ibatcher 100k as auto ride tu, Wake. pavltb lMr. &Bd lire1. C. Palme lut To drive trou t h 1BDnilon mi haut là a rtierwsalepeihdrive tli- as evealng, weithaf e b vhsoaa gogo« oouple did l et e. Ikulga ha will la vie ai U li mCrbdIai0b~oo l.a Ziy<liw lf ie bow Z iarr=., ta eoniae omea it714te tltor wtb wbebà %e horanelaiarv. 8... Tulpp h»aa litots ronfor Ivo »eW home osé eq"je at 0oihtardeae netliaPIO Ave.gai Ona lu i a M *ineI dopeebi"hiuou. Well ve bave bd a -ai our eWstrie rosi for allew dIe thie Meta auj rate. W. have bai iha aId art 'over baie su Joug *Maimom of ne bai forgotielehow to set lnub ael car. But Jtet t our heart ha tioubied for tleey wUl tnker op the aid sieven eome bow and weadber beotuoget the moue fronq ne uet and Iowly commutera "ho would ride uîicoîuplalnlngly ou ai fit car und thanktbtho onduotor for1 cnlletlag oqr fares. Blem.d are the, uetfor tluy @hall! rece.whea olioe refuse al rasent Bot th@ imposition. Ladies atteutiont Ail: ladies.,and childre'a hatffiat oast et lie Rockefeler milert store. Came lua d ses them. and su0. Buanle. ,C-85-1 LEITHTON. John Albrechât retu"ned to Geuco., Mien., ilut ema. Mma M. Bomslng le viatlng lu Chicago. Henry Huler mnade a trip ta the cty hai Priday. Wilson Groner lim purcliaeed s fine Fordto uriiig car. Brumm Iros. are gttinare=dyta put lu a fina cerent bridge ovet the "" idteb. Oea. Wenban af Lako Forest, run home a »ew large totrlng car from the citj for E. A. Mills ioat Wedneaday. Auirew EBOger la baving a nite boanding bouse put up for his belp. 1Bed Comb Met Maah the hast for iaying lieus mates a basin islvan. sou4 Boit by LIDUSTYVI lwU L xn t»u. 25-tf Oe of the piésaaadvertiaed for motI today. woold mace TOUR JUND 0Fr A Boum, peraPa. **q OUT» 25.z caw w K. Ç.akinhlPowtr ... l8C 15 oz omof K.C. BMiqPowr ... lc 10ozcbm of K. C. BoMbgfwr . - - .7c 245gi&. SIItPMW~*agPwdeV2c aie of r&dmuWmkmgPwiler..25C 4boLb f Sets Prklds '...020 65 b« boxof.tprt Borax %mp ...... 2a20 4-10c cm 01oUCh" UCoeme......30c 4-lOg pkgs Webbe. Lau.dr-g Soch..30c 4sloç pligVico aumrg5tc...... 30c 4arlOcel.gs20 MeTa, Brac...30e 2-0c tsOm tesbbe 8lwein ......... iOc 4-iOc ~ bS StevelPtsb...... ..... 30c 4-10c Le ...hweg............ 30c 2.80wMgWife's Sa"a Dressig.. 25C 2-Camm'Spaghette aeid eem ......... 25c Trlpp. 4. User. Irvlng E. Palme. .malblltey Appaozbaataîy *iS>,@O@.OO. I asd PiaUla terie tvil hoU mis May 28Üb. We tbas*t al Inien whoblipsi clean b lia hunth*Oatu*waj fleruos. 01e08o1ailr $bs yoasg IndIi. Tb@ LMSf AU 4.4VII gas msuuecresu ioda antira e diMJan Ode, for lge 1u1ant of.le cine absiba. ZUverYom Tb@ âLaIIIqV L ie , tailua mwi bave quat m blata aieagurne.ta lame LIBas ascaai ne esIble The Oral wua la Jane we wogU le ail the mmes lo t red a > 10 r* ,iab . itehelV a lew dodo -lre a. 0" rouemuibhnta neatt vM i iliber dat4hter sud Iamila ina. A. B. indrae pi01Wauood§. won Ivre, I.hmlue i .ft vIlle, mpaM O*1da aitFe Towne', Sr. lir. asnilir. S. Sobuioer and Odae waio et 1là"ZurIch, Badar. àAmogthe Waukegsu vialtore *are* 13a0. Kuluga. Oea. W. itîchell. Ell&anm Lanra Tovur, lire.W.» Lembken lire R. Kane, son and dsughitsr. lit. sud ira. Oea. gouarller .%Dent Bandar at Long Groe. Geo.. W. Mitchell calsi hI Palatine liouday. The Ceuete-7 lAssalallon wll umt wllh lins C. Buttetieli, Thuradav hitteruloon. June lit. There wil1 ha 'elacthon 0f ofnieme. Al tuembersara rquested tu attend., lit. and Mna. Paul Rai' spgul Suuday wlth their parents, bMr. and Mme. Oea. lira. Fred Tawust .la eoewhat bettai aI Pressa% writing. Mir. aud lin. Jud Maeouc@peut Suadej vih their daughler, lira.Tawuer. lir. Walter Lautet buas Oane i viano.1 Heury A. Milles purchased a near Bolet tanrlug car 1ai wet. John Gooswlillern ha vng his houa movai Ibis veet. John &Serc le doini ethe watt. The Milses Grablie were Chlcago vist. oralust wsek. J. L. Chamberl»Lna peutlulat wesk lu Wautegau, dotn= duty au juror. Thete bas bainqulte au spideulc of meuile.a Methe peit wesk, sud the ai- tendance at oeuh ul ham bain emaill Mrt. Ed. Bndlong of Chicago was su Ivanhoe caler Weduesday. There will b Deoration Day exercices at the Cogregaional churcb Tusay, May 30th, at twa o'ciock. The Liberti'. ville puti have heen loylted and wW take crek ai 1f hservice.- IV Wiu. Kueliker was a buiness caler ln Waukegan r"Unll.. Some ai our youpg people attended lb. C. E. Hally at.Lake Forest Tueesdy. ýMiss Emmna Radte, aud Mis Florece W&tson vers Waukegan calil oe gaturday. Mir. aud lir@. Frank Knigge are mar- -Ing inta their new home 1h15 week. l ilasIda Ridoruaif hlcaiga, le mak. lng an ex tendsd visit at the haine of Mrt. sud Mm. Henry (Irabbe. Foloy'a lCldney Remedy Acted Qulckly W. N. GeorgeIrauodale MA& aas botboed wth tduay trouile fo;'mane m. "Iwuayripumm10try.boiey eà IdgwyBesud andbelore tabing It 1 eel~Iould fbd ite buneWa de$" , ain fdtmy bace, auj ktdaey aotioi eared op, and 1 aisens m** b~tter do not bellabalarecoin- Meni Folay Kldnés R.uedy."'For"ai by alDrutat The sooa-to.tart vactloatatma Onalli' settie as 1 tarhom fgo b>' f:yugtdjiae evoey orm rms « n.Siia W& GU1ogeeS aIli h' uoU atbe lisesKreee Wei- lir 00 **> ~leryerentertaliel ooWarM om Baunday. , .Mr. and MW dâ ae atng Iriende Uie aebuain lasuffericg fro* a a pîîhl ýah.BHsm cuer. lMrm of bleao, la visitieu elti b1m. Mr e UMra. Frani Ott.-Pt Chicg,ý wusr te g'fl&teof lir, and MLr .A; lMb boi il ?aArre .rtl Mr. M Mm a.Augut Lange mail daugiter08 >1.g are in odsuld&ý Ther vl put besuairwlb a Hierbert Wlbert le r.coverimg trou hl Tory evpg iNi#Som of raenft date. Tu be Cego land Northweetero ie rond bave hlie iteispbons replaed in the dopot for Whlcb the businsess men, and a&put aieqaroyery thankfui. 191t tnumýber 6.. Milton Daniel* graduate froin the Ar- mont Institute liay 25th witb the titi af Fire Protection Engîneer. t M. Danlola hus accepted & position at yAtiautat G&,. and will travel through- ont the south., Mir. and lits. fleuri Mes@had for ytheir -gueet over flunday Miss Ana Wacbung of Chicago. br C. Geoli and famili' have frt Palatine sud wlll he homie to their friendo ia qWsutesha, Wis., ln the future. *George Keubler returned trom hie visit r I iLouisville Saturday, NMay' ath. à laud Putoun bas been un the wek fief for the lut two weeks. 99 Ir. sad lira. J. 8 wick and famili speut Sundap wlth relatives in EMdin. Vu.Thoof i Ibertytille, vlltsi ah I Mr. Pauaqsou 01 Ohleeoo. vlsld hi____ ,ou be p*eutW"e dostar, lire. Thora, who .bas beasa dot, a.14 Élono, Gilber I saiat@ra .iSiiey n the Wste of liem aniota l1arbW, Of roi. aGI, viellaithe putl Tbedans ie tdsj arOUIrg Won TbU ittti Son01OUi,. o. s.Palmer est vitbar dater, iae>.nee Duer. atéruded sud a i*luenim e jleibyaII. UttI~ oc*, Art., bai themondees. The Thea"ta la tist ww aumoa rnaRoyal Nlglbboe &Msu d mM.tlt mV'a U sg boh mr ainoinavisiot. 7.aTb@frmes wonraomet iaeîOferdaj.1s20» 'Sd uara mou i t vary munhs, sUr. anidlite. John Ausi of Wsute- Oapoaii o.p55eIZ fi hlm mibbq The gooctsa.yea*«b" losee' Fridap lt awer, oui, Saturday cause ng Seh .SSCoip 09 bil wad it lacule la DsWW ondetrai. mai. ,ba kW004&. '0. à Wel@eof Clfleo, ee e bai, s l ne a. t aléa. la W t h o, ire. VaaP*taes a (blcago vit4 bodniiclafs< Veet rmmreaa l s lIta «* aubabtutae. The Zmw siAId *o1iy ,tl h iitUri. sMd lie.WarresnFI" ofO rag~aae~Iy laabÉ ailia*ubehUbortrivla. vited hie paet@ boie ifl te rishIt aemot la bot imeleai îb*a . u 4. The "lilwbSg Ueiiyo te 7Meat ourprty, «Me *jeu lailui 'et samm of. ier: l. E'L propoDIpa we tankae a*-usinai l S ltOuia. J&MIsice. Min UcOndie ansd lir. IFon»ia capauo! letaMval 1 W"a IeU rving 01Nelsmlieic, deubte et0fe an sd lire.John 1"14SPMC1AL UTIL 'Wwtm cinetsr Asamx"tmw-JLJNE 3Oth 1911 lt lis morlal- atromse11104«J 'VU 2à. Ase îdéesàa the grvai et Ille smsbr te houai oi tie twetith 4 auulveraar.y aI Iein lucorororsln5En.~Itc a amOieP. k, . LAU VILL 12 DataGaIvaal Soap SLOO 5 ýtOc Dat Palm Olive Frec A achool banqut wilII hasarved at 100 Bus Gaîvan ulSop S4.35 2d 10e Bars Pa live,. Fie Late Ylis la Hamtln'a hall, Jue 8tli ai 8:30 p. m. FlIly cruàta per plate 10 ail persona Who aeta»Y lIma vers pulpile lu doe Lake Villaiachool, foruerty tuowuW L .R Y D 4 O D L K me tW.Aaffla achool. This banquet le FN .2778 IJMETYVI£lE lnleumd dto hb.&sraunlou of ual only ýt tics. who have enjojad the Lake Villa ________________________________ h- graded ioeoi, but sa ai ofthueswha hava not fargotten the aid box stars je ufd double ceaiso"eoa" wsholVE O 92 65 t4 7 ae dajn o lanetonuthe old pond gqnd the joyc'Iîlitod for. Corne sud b.ip IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION ibis ta hboa rosi humne cumîng. a brief nla nn akt eho ae I Illinoit4,Stallion Reglotration No. A3625 renowed. Velu 7otf l pieauassaeemble al;th home aiFredHaniinacroues Lereetfrum§ a blaek borse weighlng 1900 and of unuguual qnallty. t hanl SI 7:30 p. n. for s brief receptian. Ho ta abffllutely ound, mure and bis; get are of the vei'y Ail D ran wihng tu attend p hgealyeofdat nml. njse os ta a eu hir name tu Gerrude MUlet. hgettp fdataia@,H i oeta principle oi Late Villa echool ual later j»rVeB himmseif. thsa blai' 22. Phone Late Vila 248. Vî Almitta ARf staa tta ý'y1 Yan wiii B.nd a goad ânonauent of flahlng tackl tie ailh raa'. Hanry Bilman ha@ bouglt a car load ofain Do nw milikre, wnich ho wil lai a a reasnable price. Richard Lameon, Roi' Young and John Prehu made a trip ta Northi CIhicago sud Waukegan on their bicycles 1.51 Baturdai'. Attorney ïIedmoud of Oak Park, was at bis summer cottage here with some frlends Saturdai' and Sundai'. lire. Euhl Frank sud Annie sud Marie Frank vlited at Palatine lWtoatSudai. GeorMge@eee made a trp tw Dundee on business Tuesday. Rusll & Wilson have eipped ane of their gradiug nuttita tu Ohio where tliey have another cou tract o! gradlug. If jour INDEI-NENNiT Is not pald up ta date, jon cau pay camte ai, 2mA Fran'@ place. The ciien@ of Lake Zurich have subscrlbed enough maney ta ail their reada thie cprlng. George Gleste viii give moatter Iree dancesneon Snnday ateruoonusud aven. lng at tb. Oak Park pavillon. Mmr. Blctekmwill giva a dance Salut. dUaig th e b.Lake Shore pavillon. Tickets, 75c. Valler Prehm . eft for lvauke Toueywhare ho -ill Qrk for the Pritàtioif Hardware Ca. la the abipplnig dapartueut. Quit 6,1ew frout bhaie ettandad the iiow #ai Waukegau Guida inlnt. Lipia henrtei la asealamis. Wrght at IU"ieyllle. 11re. Jate Predrlek t ne oaday lu Mwa oty remautly. . ev. uildgeu antartiàlad eouipeay Iront hie lty over Oiuda. Fred Wagner and (leu. Smth were lChicaoee aday leIno ee. lire.Tom Welea c1lillwaukee, sud lie,u. ouZimmer *pont o» day Wts wisk 'aite thir daterra.M Phillp Viner sud famly. fled Gouli cralch food hait lot bern; Jiwrbaphmo sthe 0=Ue Mdalm ubsgerthOn aur pag . î onIy by I*tsO eaaMgaass Watch Vaut Kidneya Thit actions contrais jour health. Raad what Foiey Kdny Pilla have do"e for yaur aighor. Mmte T. M. 8mith, 1727 No. Bloomlngtou St.. Siresaer. ID., maye: "Foq noue Urne I1i'uitsred a ueoet caver. -case of tîdue) trouble. 1 tept pitltug worme sud worue until 1 wai labsout Foley Kidusy Pilleansd iecldadl to tryi'thent. Belote the Omeat hottle wai gone, 1 vas rnuch Ilsleved sud l7coat.iued tb. treatiuent until 1 bit uts. auew Voman. I glsdly @date that Foie Kdnsy Puileb ave doue Wenders for tenesud il uivea. me puantre to recmmeud thon te, ever'nne with kldney trouble." For asle b>' sIl Druggt A.NOWEES EVEIUY LCÂLL LibertyvIle ]People B a v e FPOimd That Tie l Ttie A cold, a airain, a îuddeu w rencli. A litle canes rny burt th. tidueje. $pellIeof bactaclie allen folio w. Or sôminslrugulartty of the urine. " certain reuedy fot sncb attacta A Medicine th#bl aneweme erer, càf, la Doan's Kldney Pille, a true specille. Thousands of people rel' upon it. Bers leaunaecse: lir@. Raymond ToI!, 504 5ih St., Hfarvard, Ill., sai's: "I feel verygrateful for vhat Doan'. Klduey Pinsa have dpue for me shd 1 am leased tureeommend theqa. I auffered tram tldney trouble bactache. I1alsohad headaches, di y @-peilassud disiressîng pains lu ny. tilneye. Wheu a frend recommended l)aan'à Kidney Pilla ta me 1 praeuri.d a supply. I eyer used another . emedi' ibut bepdMe000ogreatlj. Doane Kldney PfDsuouly reier 1n.v aehes and pain@ but treugihausi ni' haut sud correeted lb. klduey trouble. Too muiclcannojp ho s&id lu thpim prai@e." For sale by aldealers. Prîceii0 cents. FaterMillburu Co.. Buffalo, New York. sale agent for the Unitpd Siaveo. .Remember, lb. naco-;>oani'c-aud tate'na othet. 3- Da.ncing EVERY ýSATURDAY EVENING tel~s Park 1PALAY, II .IANSON STOCK 'FARM. PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. MILWAUJKEE ROAD FEE $12 to insure THE woman who is fortunateI enough to own an Electric, Fan carnes. it about the. house with ber and uses it first in one room then another Si. uses it in the bot kilcgianthes living rooue-.dînUg room--on the perd,. Whoun it cornues time to drame foi dinnuer. the. fan bauge un the wmll baside ber drmasinju table. At ulgit is place la user bier bcd wbere its tefreshing brose la always lu daes&ni To .zp.rhece is bonefita once is to resoive neyer te ha Witbout. Evevytlmlne Eluctuical et sur Diaplwy Rooses et lewest pies. Northi Shore Electric, Comipany FLAKE BLUFF BLACKSMITlI SHOP Lae Bluff 'luDtkmith SIioi amd waffl hlhlfe PlOw ami ge.srajoWgaGhveus afor- LAKE BLUFF BLACKSM1TBlNO& COQ LOUISJd Y!E O'MA N TH-E OPTICIAN NEWTON&CO i, Trpp, R. F. Rouae.,lvm .Py, Pa'eademf. Vice Prosaldenl aser THItCITIZtNS9 BANK ROCKMLL!R.IL pur savinga Deprtuent a#eords the fermer, laborer, chOu ad mma a cosveent, "leaa profitable meana of lsying' aa" tlia Mgue jours. 01.00Opa., an*accouat, Inleret all*ed et 8Sppe_ n tPar anstuin, cosnpoundod eeMm-annullI. PARTNEDS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Roue.. J. i.. Taylor. 'Ri

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