CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 May 1911, p. 3

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VMAY 26. 1911.. S.agbde flool viii b.ld .very Sun- day. Let Sunday the very tsw pre- met. Davld Mrsand Mir. A. C. Couda ie t tgaded the faneraI of their Aout, lirs. R. il. Kuoths on udey. , MIs@eWtri aloied School on Monda on amoual of a Cemes of mati pot la .the distrit No îpresd af the diees.. le 4aalicpated, but it ls beelta beaon lb J. R. Cornu s luinthe City mouday 4 Mr. aud tire. J. R. Crnas were1 Kioaba visitr Tnesday. tir. ad MUn. JO. Mrviltie art tbe1 bappy parent. of a ten paund boy. Minis flesvei entertalned a ind1 over Sunday. Nrs. chff spont part af lat week lu Mlwiaukee., Tbre radls of pictures aIthe Lyrle tiaseire Sturday afternaau aI 2.80.1 RUSSELL Lumbcr Yard For Flgfrs<on BUILDING MATERIAL MI prias. anr gbt &ud gradà nomd. WbsUier Fou buy or not gel my figre.. 3.S.MtIAD, P. ev. liaIt prsesd a very lInlerstlug sermon letstiefday. -Ail vere glad 10 hereli * gala. Mm. John Kinoit.1 Baturday for a ,reek'e iil wllh ber aiter la Mflvauke.. Sh. lateudsd 10 top a t Renoua for a vii villi ber grand daugliler, Igr.. Amblie Murphy. Tbh. MissesDarrow igave 6amat Party IlalMr, NeG aire,Vacant boume lutPrlday evenlng." Maland Hu arold Day vieted Part of lut veetla thus viclnty. Mm. Fred Belnold vlslled ber mather lu Mion Cty lait wesi. Elmer Hawklus sgpout unday lu Kenouha. * Me. Frank Brooks $enst Partoaithie week la Mion Cty. Wlnifred l>ckenscn ron Ruseell vlited bert Ndonday. 111 jimurie MeGrin, wba ban been ver nick wtb îypbold foyer In lhe NcAllslr boopital for four *fait, i»elawely Improviug. 1 -..-. lra Brooks @peut Uaturday vitbi ber ýlu Kenuebli. lUila. Sark ba* made- a greal la. emint nbis hous bitbuilding il Mr sud puttlug a âne porch arounri front. Borne ai lhe ladies oi Tri Hanse relean'invitation tathe cmmeuce- muent exerefl ofnitlb.seuior clame oi Garrett BIil Institut@ at Evauston un Wedue.Y, ay24. T'hefmea aifdie niother of Barry Goald va. be14 at Norh Prairie chureli ami Tneday. Mb. va.Weill inovu bire and the. tamily bave lbe îympatby of lb. vhole commuity. vite . evs eer ustupNorth-ripsas luh nnbene aio b. ro .- dies, ro.stsd sud ranulaheb lumodemn DE LAVAL "rgam.Soparater Seves Ils Gosi Evory Yoar Occasioally the intendiug bayer ofa omem separat6owho bus but a emal amount~g0 of ready ah tesvat i. umte )~ut bis money int one of the o çlld 'heap" machine wh;ch are beng largely advertîsed. SWhy psy jour bard esrned money. for a "cheap tah machina vheu yu eau buy a reiJabie DE LAVAL upon sac Sliberal terms ita * tIt will more than sans lis cost white you are payng for IL. -he yes jn uy s DE LAVAL[i on hava positive assurance a oothat your machine will be gaod for et Icat tvcnty yeare of _Mi un service, during vwhich urne it viii 55ye every possible dollar for 'U yued eirdIta original cat over and over again.0 l* If yo purohaee the so-called 14obea »separator yon muaI %L4 00~oming vovihieu after a jear or tvo of une, ta a"Y nothh>-7 of the cruit wil vii vate vhile It doeIat,-a&U of wh2ic%. Zmeans thal yon bave ,lrtuatly throvn avay the money Invetedl -0ý, inthe hup oop torand vasted your time, labor nid prodiMo 4.DUI0F i 4. les qôDthLZVL .um usid yr /7~D 4 Pl&&btdwrêpou bu# t*W.g,,- - ~A~HU~DBLsAVML - ART<WIQs RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT I il. J. DMI'C,El t& iome No. Il Odnera Tiaee for Job Work AdvertWiaSl Rate$ On Appicion ýJoln Lawrence of Llbertyville, vlstsd at tbe Laitue home Suaday. P noenadtsof Janevls, tmnaaced buse"s lwre Tnpeey. tMr, sud %Fra. Jîrci eard af Chicago, called un filsds livre Tuesday. L. A. Frank. epet 1Bouday wlth hi# famlly bere. Willls Gardinler tran.aeted business lu Chicago last Frday. ilîr. Cuddy neas opened up is botel at Drum eLake. The boardiug houas af the NcCanua coudonsingfe.c tory iâueariug compietian Snpt. Simpson gave ther eigth grade tiroir fiuai examinalion lait Munday at the dchool bouse. Wite Helleboro, Paris Green, Landau Purvis and otherlaeet powders aI the Grayitle Pbarrnacy. C. M. Ceveand of Round -Laie. t rani- sacted buibes, er. Tneeday. About every man, vornan and clild ln town viewed tbe wreck af tih. twa freigt train on the Bon line lait Monday. This.vas the voret wreck lu Our vliity @Ine lb. ou. on 1the St. PanilrOadseveral years ago, vlien twopoupe gr traînvimet vitb s head un collision aud ther. ver. inany pseeengsrs ou front Orayalake. No deellre front aur city aud ouiy one front lbe eec. A popular yaung couple aifiirayîlakre rade a trip to, Chicago Monday aud Je" qale&7 ITI U> b orne 4)1 P brides Gandt t cb ts. IL M. Pflengill, 6M09 arebueld Av@.. l'h. cenrmony vae beld 51 7:30 lu tbe evenlg. alter vblcbra veddiug supper vuesersdta blry.gane.Thé bride carrsd a large baquet ai vhite ecaa lions sdferas. l'h.brideoa dauthier of Mr@. Lillie Shldon sud the. fat@ Squire Pbeldon sud tb. groom in Hencry Pilllug of ryalake. The rny frieude wvih lbe uewly.weds bappinsu sud'a lang and plaeant jonrnsy tbrougb 1f. Mir. Hagadore oi Chicago, @peut $un- day i l Ibiciity. Clintan Wasbburn ha. pnrcbaaed a lot jourth otbheb.bous e bsrecentiy sold ta Mir. Melburg and vîlI build a uew bouse. eeral front ber. are planning ta trom a viil vitb frieude lu, Waterloo, lava. Tate AI"lesI.etteudiugib e Buaday sehool couvitlan St Quincy, fl., thl veei. misRas"el, ai st. L'ouis.arrlved ber. lest Tursdlay sudvilii @pend the summer bers. Wi, vili inaie lier homne wilh Na.. ,ue Ma@. The bîgli sebool studeuite took tbeIr final exuiln"ton Ibis arek-. John Meibang sud farnlv maved mbto their new iome'an Wetertield Place vlîieh tbey rsantly pirebaeed of Clint Wamebbnrn. IMr. Washburu uîoved bis family lta bis houte arrose the street. Mise Regeale accarpnpaied tbç tva mnn Wo vire ljured at lier wreek Manday ta thisr bornes iu Fou du Lac. . l be! be! Mlitchell Blac, the ice eresîn man bas chageai b.(ImsIke o.wagon 1h11 afflau aud vill ieb.pleased ta deliver le ta you. Tati ray reaeh hum l'y trie. pboniug 36W or 11 Grayelake. From thre Base Bel Damond. The rayalsAe Athiehica ill play the Roceklier Issusait Rockefeller ni Bundai, Ma 284h. Ber'ral of lb. fans attended the hase bail damceai Round Lake lait Satnrday evenng. Did you use hose new suits? Borne delite theun. ~Mu g« r Bookfinsh«e. bis bfrît ýe-r at Armour lestltute this veei. Re bai luItta good record bath lu bis studie. sud atblels. Piteher Longabaugli wili lie lu the gaies %ad"y. Majny huaifle pople sud itizens ai lb. tovn bave donated liberalîr ta the baie balIssomaaM nade il pamelble for the boys to got. ttelr uew suite far wbich tb.y vlab 10 beartily thani lbern. Irving raitetter, ryslaies lamons racler -me evill isb.oauthe job Suuday. Bonano viii delgbit the childr.u, give theru naurialimet and pleasure. Tbey will lâte il bettbr 1ha0 colles. for the chlld's normal apîSte inetlnctlvelyr pre- fera thas, vhicb ua good for tb. syetem. attend the bail at Round Lakeeoeit Monday eveuing ait tbe new opera bouse, given by the M. W. A. and Mystic Workers. Don' t forget that graduatiug present. We bave a nice fine af books. souvenir spoon@, fountain pene, picturesanad other apprapriate git at our store wbich we invite you ta eaul afid se.. DIIUCE l)zu; Co. 1 Mitchell Back has opened up bis le crsam fatory ber and ia putting out au lm mrain that ha no cOtnpetition. Mr. Fuller wlll essiot hum and will delver e t4) the itirpue aif the towu as weli. He wilI move hie family here lu the near future. Abert Pick and fanliy af Ctifa«a, bave rnoved lu their oumnier hume et Gage. Lake. Jees Laugabaugiî trang.wted business lu Chicago Wedneeday. Henry Kuebker i.lin uiieY, fli., for a tew days.. Arthur Itadeliffe, ai Waterloa, Iowa. le ber and*Ilîl probable remain far the beson. fis mauvs friende are gad ta bave hlm bnci. Mr. Mayer of Springfield, awner ai the baux black wae bere tbiie week. Mre. Molley Cleveland le home 'for a few days aler being aut nursing for four mautha. Howard Cpuveree retufned SundaY IT WILL PAY YOIJ To corne nd gel Your Sulle and Over- cotte ,nadolto order. MUI AND> OVERCO)ATS $15 UP. OL4M&MN, IREPAIRihët AND Y -e IR1LY DONE ATilRIGHT Ti.e ldies Aid society wîIi meut with Mms Gea. Kapple ou 'tbareday ste- noon, Juneli t. Viellns vlcome. Ma.o. Chai Wriitit sud daiugbter Maida left for Oeage. Iowa. eveinz vhere mis. Wrightt vas calîed by the iII. ne.. af ber fat lier. Mt.. Chard spent a few dsys ai lait veek i th lier dauglîter et LIb.rty ville. Monday proved ta lis au oxctiug day ut lb.e choali bouse vhen one of the Beaie ernployees shah sud illled the dag belanging tha Bainee Wrght whicb had Ioiiowed hlm ta shm-ool.Itis ;supposed thst the animal had killed a couple ofi sheep lu the adjoiiiiug pasture. E. E. Mareli weut ta Evaneton Wed- neday ta viit hie rîotheror vha le ry reeble. Obituary. Marjarie, the sîxteen ysar aid daugh- ter of tir. and Ma.. Famutl died Tues- day, tMay 101h, ailter a ev day. illue ai scarlet fever. She vas bov% lu Ver- m.ont aud came ber. wllhbers parents ouly a mv nioutho ago t1 helb. R.E. Thomas farrît vbere aho hmesine lived. lieing tb. younget et the famliy she vas idolized by ber parents, sud af a suuuy dieposition was a general favorit! witb ber meuraI mates. Tii. farnlly have the. smpathy ai the coma.snty lu thei r great scrrow. The interînent vas at Libertyville eemeterY Ou Wednepday afterndon. -Card of TbISik& W. wieb la thack aur nslgbbors sud frlends vhao sa iludly eeelqed ne durlug lb. Ilnses sud 'deatb d oir dearly bolove4 danghblr -ad d0p?, Mejorle; alto ionthie rnsny heetlwlfoyers. MIL ANDS MU. D. FAOOÎTTAND PuAsue!I FAsm. Foteyy X Pilleui yotâ«=I y. ao oa- 9NS, Tgr LX OUND LAKE__ Nr. and irM. Sam Tarrait and Jos. Roudag or Chicago, spent Suuday wltb relativesboe.. gdua loan speut Sunday wltb Mise £im& White. Mr. and Mdrs. iemseand cblidren spent Suuday et the home af Claus Junge. Howard Couver.. returned tram Watenloo, Iowa, Buuday evening, be had been spendlng a lew dais with frlends. Balurda.v eveaiug. May 27. tbeèe vili be a,play Bt the Round Lake Opera bouse, itiven bv the Liberlyville Dramatic Club. Wr feel sure it wlll be a uame, for there was nu amotînt ai trouble spared, ta maie it so. The dauceat Amanu's bail given by tbe bmibail club aof Round Lake, vas weillatteuded,. despite the diagreeable weather. Al repart a goad tinte. Martin Tbeien front Round Lake @peut Bundai lu Lbertyville. Tbere vîll b. a grand receptionad doeoration bail at the Round Lake Opera HBouas Mondai evenlng May the 291h. Olven by tbe M: W. A. aud Md. W. W. Mauon's sevin piece orchestra wiiliae, tirs. Atterbury and cblidren of Wau- kegan are epsnding thîs week w ith ber parentesat Wllew terre.. Oue o? thbe places advertlsed for rent taday would maie TOUR KIND OF A HOME, perbapa. It rnay requise a short "carnpaign'* or vaut advertlslng to 3nd -the. klnd of vonk you're tooktng for. But It would require a LONG campaigi of Sly ober mort of loo1klng." DE 0O. F. BUTTERRHELDo p VETMINÂRT fIJEGfON. WC £III*T O IAYT EEIvwmn*IiA. &W làbortyvlle.. Ilflnois. lid DI C. RL GALLOWAY, OUPICUOVRS LOVELL'§ DaeUS 5105. D uouu-fm1to 3 ad ô to 8p. m r4g reu Libertyvflle. Illinols. bot PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Libertyville, Illinols PRoNIes88 DR. GOLDING DENTIST Boure 8 to 12 &M-1 to 5p.a.. J. Eli Trlggs Building wlth Dr. J. L. Taylr-Pbanel19 Ries.Phone 1092 LibertyvIlis. lllunols DR. E. FL srdùi. DENTIST. 3VEX LàK& COUTNTf Â'NAL. BASE. aune-S tc 12&.. 1 ta 6 p. m. DAIL!. DR 1J I.TAYLOR. oPFicE OVES J. ELi. T&GOGi BLlie. saun:-? ta 10 a. m. 2 ta & sud ô te B P. M.. eIldeuoe )n Bro&4way. oppoulte Pari. idcurtyvlfle. ilinlual. DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE Hou,. 10to 12. 2 t 4 and 7 go 8 p. M. OMC ove, Lynob".Bros. Store. SIECIAL AT'TENTION4 TiiTHE EYE LIBERTYVILLIE. ILLINOIS MARITIN C. DECKER otilee Opp. lfltii St. Electrie Sitation Office Phone 5334 Ites. Phone 30 ,uo:ITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS L. PELT0ON LICENSED EMBALMVER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROUND LAKE ILLINOIS Night UalsîePromptly Attended To. TELEPI4ONE 223 'W. iH.,APPLEY V Auctioneer FARrI SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyville, M.I PHIONE 1481. Hlenry Sine's Sale B1arn -714 5118 HA AVE., 5MON CITY. ILL. Reedence 2»)5 Elsha Ave AI] Kindsof ormures. Haine.., Wagons aud Bug c lfor Sale or ExebangesilanIl mes., àAUCTIONIEERING MFOIJ BLIC SALES of your B .W .adacbe ud oi Contractori e:tldb LBEIRTYVI i E 1 tes Funslabu )OLRIDGE end Buikder VILLE ILL. IL~r oRHI. Mn.. Faunie Tower Io a vioitor at George Beuvelîsa. Mise Rena Decier af ivanston, spent lait veek with Mr@,s. V '. Luek. . r.GUns Krumrey visited bier aunt at Rlusseiliand ir. Knurnne'aslistrer at WînthroP Harbor a lew dayï; lait week. Born, tu Mr. aud Mre. L. V. Lusi, Mdy 14, a babjy girl. Mrs. Mary C evelaud le spendiugx a few dayo dat Lis irp". KarilDevis vislled Glearge Davies aud ah Balsa., Wis., aver Suuday. Mr.aud tirs. Augnît Pearson, son sud deugbter af Waukegan, ver. the guee 01 Mr. aud 'Mr@. N. Andersc>u Baurday aud Suudai. Mr@. Cyrne Convsrse bas returued ta ber bore nel South Dakota alter @pend- ing several mantha witb relative. bem.. lire. Ar, Thomson of Uirayslae, @peut laat week ah the C. L. Thomeson batue. Mies Faunie Bmulth vas the gueit ai relative. lunLOak Park the latter part.of the yeek. Haward Converse retunned Bunday train Waterloo, lowa. Arthur Radelitf accampauied hlm. Mdre. Phillp Bensinger ai Libertyvîlle @peut Snnday vitb Mrs. E. Bartlett. Mrs. M. E. Lux vas a cihy vîstor Mauday. 1I Elmuer Wyoud antrily ai Waukegau vlslted relatives ber..' Misa Ros oley le spendlug a few dey@ la Cicago. T'he n.v nt market ilab"out fiis- rd vblcb mal. quit. an irnprovea.euî ln the village. Lieo Lux la having bis r«Iesnc paint. ed. Mmlira een Petereun eulsrtlnd coin- Te peple ai di Patrick Pas, Wade. rrth sud MIII Créesisuacoucetbèir nouai plenfe for July. 41h, tbis uear. De. les baee.bal, t, hleies. stc., tbure vfIl - a ea large dance plalform on tb. groude lu ) You Have th. Ri ght Krnd of Halpt l I'oley Kldney Pille furnisb y0outlb thbt klud of belp ta neutrais ud nF v lb. paluonuîhslcusebeahe, aaie, U.rv a nsd ollieridnsy id blI.der a.lmns For sale by :i ,suggisle. -1 -ln .-n e..Ofwm U svedug tripe wt1l1e~~ii -perlaoa tu unenp.ned *aY& Resd tbe funasldroomi the paper today-tnd tlLea i 13ETTIM on.. 1111fi"i yma s IrHnte..wuS l. mats-.or Cuuas B Po"«e. Nô ihappel Bo fiat. hvy, Muy hi i., or plstry.- ml tb. llbte«. d o*h sltuml aam donu fo n evma. AT .BATERSIALLS, $4.50 Mens Shoes $3.00 $3.50 Mens Shoes $2.50- $3.00 MensShoes 52.25- 53.50Ladies Shoes $2.50 $2.50 Ladies Shoes $1.75 $2.OOLadies Shoes 51.50 We oller ail odds and .endi in our Shoe Uine lar* beowcot F. D. BANrERSHALLý GRAYSLAKE, IIL. !*'OUUISJ, YEOMAN THE JEWELE R V mil il . 1 1-.

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