We haveopen-ec our new' Dry, (, aind the',11g, Stock Shoes SacrWfced Some of the best, known advertised, brands et a. traction of value Men's $ 3450 Douglas Shoes fer 2 Q Men s $3.00" &25 Mens 52.00 61 . mi6 52.0<) -6. 46 66 5I.25~ Loi of Ladies'. Pumpsin various stylés, ail $3.00 goods et $2.25 Lot of Ladies' Oxfords, regouler 5$2.50 velues* price nowaS7 Ail Childee ns end- lofants' Shoes 'sharpIg reduced Business-in theéM. B, olbyBUildinýg tion sale is on Fuit 131l MEY'S WEAR. tundreds of Work -Sfldrtseh lperfect'gooda. SOC voib. for3 Sc Men's ie qasatg Tfflges'svalues uit to S.0 Mew'S th.,I4 im âes. mDerbgs endi Sofi féits rmdaoe40oEad tOdoe I ~6f~tvBARGMNS Ail làer2e ee .Me.'., Womis ansi 1Cieda s odb. pmnced et 18ç. 31 er 50c.-w Chic o etaNtCKTIES viesu cwce 'of on g 089 e ladStu «,, store.-t ~~~~~0 le 1B. 0< fr25C e.Dw Tes.W" ti p te 2 Sc$for S c la taM UIct "O 5 l <opaeat a big savlg Car reoli' LIBERTV VILLE **a R A~1ULT RE The results obtained from Ibis sel, ence wll be commenurate wth thet extent and methods *of!lits hang d AiPohoole 'Should T.ach taugblht. belleve the time ls at baud wheumuchshou h.beeimlnated from lSt ijOur teXt books, and more practîcalÊ -thinttaugbt lu the public chools.,a le the lutenticuof thte publié achool A carefiilly fornnuated leit *ho i sUtffl et the. ta. of UIllnois te tur- on sclentifle agriculture ebonld ha M*~ merehi a trainig achool tu cul. avaiable te aill chaulei because ae tfMte b emory or the cbild. that Oee' welfsre la dependent. directly lie nsy temporrll commit in mcm. Or tndirectiy, upon the succeas*orf Oit a" recite Orliy a greal Mas of agriculture. Objections mayarise- lu1 -wetbl.ae motter, never needed la lite. regard to the Introduction ef an ad- or ie lie purpoe.te train tb. boys dîtional brancb et 'tudy because of aMdils for a lite of uae5unent, by tbq -isck of lime 10 hear recîtations. teaaains thora practical tons worthy lu answer tu this i frankîr admit of remeberlus, andi necessary ta a noine tftthe ungraded sebools mayl 1umoladga of good cllzeuhp' lacli ime fer s4ditional brauches, The Fators of Happinees. but as frankly record my opinion that The existence and happinensaot ail a large percent cf lbe malter preseut- mankind *~Pend% very îargily upon ed lu the av-erage text book le of but Ibe etr;food, lotiug and abel- ittho value compared wtb the science ter.-MITlalY or indirectly prodnct5 et agriculture. bf agricltwe.Remady for Correction cf I-ard Times. The agricltlurai welfare of our Our national popuation s aimost ccOuntLry le dependent upen. tb. scboolî on. hundi'ed millions of people. His- for OucCesa, hecane tbrough tbem tory shows that It doubles iluhu cornes the key te unlock the. grealtirty yeal-.s. urcly we arene. pre- storteliuses of recerded agrlcultural pared te supply sddltlonal acres qf kaowledge. land te meet th. constÉint inicrease*out Why Ffmlnee Are Preaeant. popuation? If net, fti.asurely bilh tu soMe' of tbe Oriental cautriee ime fluât we.proclaim trom lhe bouse- ibere exista, at preseul a great fam- top. the Plpilt te press and lu th tue cfftood supplies. Why are lthepublic heefe, ual s]] plant sud uni, *conditous Ihere aud ber. nt synon- mai lite depends upon the soi for sus- conqua? Tbree ressons forcibly pre- . tenance. Let us teuch that tbreugb sel theinselves as ample cause lu saericulture, 48 a science._- w. mn'- brlag about famine lu any country t oubl o ti'ble ithe present pradiuc- thse woed. ~i crope on a given acreage at lit- the first- le. iliterscy; t ie or ne lnereased cot. The Bsccnd, deîleted solit coudI- \lsny a feedeî of lire stock Iselis lieue; -Ithe knowledge that an animal must The third. a very dense population. bave a blanced ration of fnod lui or- Ttlàl estimated that lu India legs der te giv. bet results for profit. than 5 Per Cent et tbe population- can Many a farmer bas (alied fer wanl et read and write. le lier. any wonder1 knowledge that illother Earth nit tbey rail lu agriculture since because ' î)sges a halancemi ration of the cIe- or IlUteracy tbey canant profit by the 1mete of plant food lu order that ber reerded methode and tacts securemi effanng tplants) inay tbrive. by ohers? 1I f disorders occut la lhe laiiait Lat Un Learn ByExperience cf Others bod'y, a physicien fi;cullemi ho jioige A ilfe-time le tar too shot ta learu the catirg and resitr normal candi- by extwrienre aàlane,. uccessul and fions as speedily ai; possible, Tbe- scientlfi- agriculture. W, mnay derive Iwby Dott bac-h, if a certain field talle bpnefits fronithle record of a!llure te respoad 10 roper aeeding aad cul- andi success uf otbers, as Mei as bv 1'tîraîlor that t im sic k and needs a personal experience. The illilteralo physiclan. Every ferme-r should 4. have ne sueb advantages. sîalitsbed pessessemi with knowledge te lcnow the tacts are recorded thaI mat.rilly idilncklng lements af plant foed aînd lu reetorlua te normal condition a de- 1bow le1 suiptly thent. 'au tbe fari ner, pleted sof; tbat will suris. lim te undtr present exhatatiag conditions, suecesafully combat the peste et field 1 continue te supply the world witlt ad fioclts: that will teari bow le foi? Let os natice tjie average ai select praper seede; liat will show lb.el're, principal train crope. Thte sud beast. How la lhe kaewiedge of state average of corh for fié Tast 29 farim trails-,that wil bring about bet years le 3f; busîtels Der acre: of wbeal reaults tu animai huobandry und exat 24 buhbels per acre andi et oatisI3 th eîhithnd bappînese et bath man busiels per acre. mmld boust. Hoy Io the knowledge of Cemparison of Crcp Vilde. 4dfutiflc agricuture now tangisîl At The elule experîment farin show: preet agriultural coilegea and ex. an average ofthle same creps for 5 - Uiment fields, together wilb s0o1 Yeats paît as foliows; Coco 89 husit ,trila.Li.h ori_4uiasltowole farmer' lu- els per acre; wheat, 40 bnahels per Pltutes al- a vety few ochooôlamIracre, and oesa661 busbeis per acre. about te oniy mes Of dissariutlnç 10w were the latter resutsa btaiued? Stabi usetul knovledie. By Wteil sablahed relation oftope - tioie Factor In Miding Sentiment. wth seed carafully selected witb a Tb b.PrOse lad PUlpit osncb&bav W >Vlew to botb producllveness and do w*» moidiug Public sentiment, but adapîability te 1h. sol; and throug1 va ~ M rforme OMn 'OlX Y cuivation at lb. proper time. ltW*.qb lb. cll. Until 801ttl*c Few farmars undèstand agricuture tombo - areletanala luthe public suileîly Weilitute Iach Il totei ofi. e our laad, Ibhe preset ameth.- obldren. Others bavau's the ime and sts»B depletion wiU suraîy cou-itèresetoleattempt It' tberefore. wv uay'axpectet b.average etcornoitebc 36 bushela, er lema. Jnatead of 89 That Bail Ganie buahels; wheat 14 lustead.-cf 40 sud oats 32 lnstead of 64 buahels per acre. (OONTINOU rima>' PÂliS F111) We eau expect ne 4tter resuils un-' aeamea.Teetaby oi tiI the flndamentals et sclentlfic agri-bv ibp lwetoby ol culture are taught la public achools pay thse gaine aileî if gixen a chance. as negulariy as aribmetic and gram.- Bob Bond and Mat Pester wili carry mer, i arnIc d siit. -The empires ofthle -garas. Dennla I. E. ChUrCh ServiCe. léimh.rry ani George Quentin each have 10:00 arnm. Claieneeting, Ret. J.B. a cumteeme cpop of Spalding'o base Uacjutin. *hbal ruiesandma ny lu e utanytime 10:30 a. nb, Proarbiug by pastor, diligently sludy lie saine. They W. L. Whipple. Subi,'-p atriotiîm.- promise al tinds of excitement ai ta 12 m. Bibi.efichoot., techuical decisioas. 6:45 P. im. Epwortb eague. 7:30 p. m. Preaehing, Rev. Van de Erv. huier" L.uc-e us nacot for the. tuubs _______________ and "iigele" Trigs ase ma*cot for the. fats are well kno wn lu their partieuiar Bonano wilil gis>' a ear eYe, ca inees and need no introduction to lhe nerves, tosy chekandla feeinugof Igo."1 pnblie. Il mbakees r;dMod, an active brain and rugorons muscléa. - Dr. Butterhelmi Las b@eeu slecled la ________________ seai aufied physieian and il i.s alid be lie ecured a rery ahi. corps of alaIo- IFarmere wauliag ile May lud ltheku es1ai hl Inpromu L nan atIhi@» boni. betweeu tihe umrs 'et e,&dhi appfriu h 0l aud 7 la the evenlug. Thoas wanting dutibesof that office. les lu the mdrnin Muays.e iniai.o the L. B. rLfnby wil ect lu capaity of street. C3-3-S oiies chief with sncb distingutsbed persons as J. E. BMIierdmud E. L. Davis Fanev fruits and Vegtal)ies l t theassietauts. W. E. Davis wiU serve us 'Iowp,*tumarkt lpIile.. JAS. OEAICOS, patlroimau. Liiertyville. II1..p>85-1 _Max Kohner bas&Ieen seleetemi as _________________ officiai score keejuee and Omnar Heatla Attend lb.e- utins. ut itbe Lyri "yIl asetsas wter boy. ti.estrtSatbtday at 2:30 p. mn. Piteappieo for preelerving. the best on the inaIkat, '8 fur 25c. JAS GPEABQO, rLibertyviile. Wagon wl1 eaul ibree if the camera J>agins ta "Z«elaluthe nway lu theb.ouse,"sai l t-Or 4S 1change fiforsometblag ilavbc ala and freeh InterestL A camersa l ai e The clue tu where you are te work dlI today's Help Wanted ada., rfor a long Uime tu coule maye ha fourn -.If you're looktng for such a cosi- Aumao fox slum l ucuicol eq LJO emos-pu 1 0,elJ,-e qItin~~- * xitimes £q .aam u; eul ul.a'nd, The C.zg Co«@ I? jult around bca, uSru s street, wtf b~b lembl I ngM' aad oppst hePse LIIIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS le du Cigare and Tobato we Laundry Au"isey Wgorailo.w4 le 1. AucUon Bali) Rlaviug dcided tu quî&thlbivery business Iail eilIuai public auclion ai the Lbertvville Livery, Saturday, May 27. commicueing ut 1:00 o'ciock P. lu. the foltowing pnuperty: Ray hors.. wt 1100; iay borwe..wC 1050; bay bai,.. bob tai, good driver sud gond eaddtet, wl 1000; sorrel horse wt 1000; gray mare, wl 1100; 80 puseenger bus Dow lat fait. 12 pass.ngar bun, '2 cover surries. nawly paaidblactu, steel lira; 2 top ruer tire single buggmisbîhet, top uer tire single buggy, ted; top steel tire single bugai, biset; top sîsPel tirs ingle buggy. M.dasteel tire rnuaboul, blac;lire. etsialtireblarca; cil eud sk;priukler wagon good as uew, beavitrue sagoaîamp boards, bai rsck.bea bIbsiliigit steigli tht.. eater. 3l cutters, B extra buggy potes, 6 single driving harness, B doçhie driving Ilaruses, beavy teatn baihnesenew. snrrey harassa, necil pnpup, on barn spreiy, lpplog machins witlh Ibree heads, andvuùmh.r of fur obud ineh rodes, ase a number of gond tu sebiankete, nseorai laq dusters, and uel termescash Ioder $15. J. IL. MuLsoLiuun, Prop. LiNcoLN Lue.. Auclioner. Oxoana LysN, G. lati. om m t i t ,m ~ . C 8ma.l.la 5 là Do mes' fruit of the Looun - other such qualili .1 Sc Cétton BSats lOc 66 46 ine lot-of Table ILie low ti Curtain Materio ls.,21 WASt AIl beot Apcon Ginohmm asti ticsEtc.,- iLonsdale Camdric and fles et reduiced priées' 4 mensand Towelings priced asell quick ýOc qualitu et *1I5C Tisane Glegharns.regular 25C goodo, fer lac Mercerized Foulards, Lewims. adssiDmu eGlngMusworth Up te 1 5c.for 10e Son ILLINOIS ComnpetProp ,Min j AnucunoeMent Thefolowig i ti. rogamm* ifr aving soid Ôur stock tw W. W. Commencement itu fulli-.Pd itle hoped &H Wi&ccoon, du u an e-yadutîn lentecf thst patrons sud frieng gril show their Tai confdrete le arnsUy oictsd interset and appneciaton by an en. Tah, o o h uripîong thusiasie attendance. Encourage the accorded ne lu the pagt and soliclttng a pupila by commemorating with t thehe Cm eae. Puuis ver ûruly the clos;ng of their work. On Batnrday night. day 2th. thé jC-lt-2 Id. B. O>LDBV MEW-1'TILE Co. Junior cIasa 0f the 1)gb octuobigril give a reception in honor ot the Senior Fîture for one famiiy houge comn. ciaI a the home of Leslie Warren plete for 850.00. Bath tut). lavatory. to whlch the Board of Education and toilet, sink and 30 galion bolier, thee th. faclty are invited. woodu are ail up-to)-date. CHAs. A. Borrn;a. Lbertyviiie. Tel. 141.L. On guaday evening, May 28tb, the <'.331tf Bacaleaurate sermon will Le preaced Matin.. at Lyrie theatre Saturday aI by Rev. John Van 1e Erve st the 2:h30 P. M. c30t Meîhodist. churci, 10 whieh ail are Wedneeday and Tbnrsday nighrs, Mai let and Joue lot, two pimyiets wil be gien by the Seior clama in the towîl hall, 1h.eighth grade chorus wii - . enterluin durlng the Interlude. Admis. sbon 35 ceaud 25 et@a. Ail are urged to attend. ou Fridap night. June 2nd, the çÇiSes exerciues will h. lîeld l in thelethudist nu I church and the following programme - I offered: Nuiic.................. ..... ... lavocailon-.............. e. W. L, WhIPPle Bont-'Volti o1 e Wondi .. ..Wallon Elubtil rade Oborus saiutelory wllb Orallen-"FeUew the(f1' P.ecy POlleIt Addrma-'Tte lMessage e1 lb. SphInx" Dr. Johnt eiberL - Viella Bon-HouOfcCeand Nalero.. Dune Nouneth Leveli "&sawtb vaiedleory-The lSociety ofthlie Deed.......................... Ruth Wells Chorus- *Var tbe Waters.Edinu Boaler wà Scheool chorus presentatiom cf Diplomast......Mr. B. H. iner ileusdictfon .............Rev..J.Bn. Mse'iufhI Adjudication Notice. public Notice fa breby airs, tuat the8mb- abrter AdbalastWOroir O hthus WUi mnexed c9 fflessIalso! Ànatlti-Tonycat decesqea. wür stlendUueJcU Ijonof LaksCc*uty aI m-erni tboreof 10 be humies lIlthe tonu Bonn ua.l Wauaem ulçu, it Comuïor i onader = b»antnzI 51,ve and -ars a lperln haviedams89aulled Esiate ore notofe suldruulssdto reasthea.samut said Oouul Waukegmu. Ma, 22,19». P3- Adjudication Notice. pUMNouietlciol 4evby eiau Ommthe Snb- ~OrM~uIixOl55Win and 1%= suof ab esm ls saeb, mkea coe ii<Ou, nU ltMonda, of Aususi nal »14.Wb" Md vhm saulp~m 'Waksms. lB.. Mar i 19111. p4ifi Chaoiesa litont ail ladies nti ulU pflie..Cme id sd ses têen ems.,Danc.c8. Adjudication Notice. Publie Nt claIbereby i ae ChatLWOie Bb acriber Executor 'eilb.e & IVWl»n mou ment Di Joseeb N. lîad. doeeed. axate"dthe Oanli courtfetLake Oowity.'et àa leireci $0ob. holden allthe court HOMleAthaukIl o adcuety on ihe am 1900"dy o 09 fOe 1911, aben aMd aber. a&U peroum Be, Sclatins &gaina said Extate arenotliftand re- quesled to prement the»meis.tu sakd Court for ms- BIEN STILLINO. l'.Fxe<utor. Waukeffan. II., iMAY 15. 1911 Now l@ the turne to bave your repair- ngi'done. At the sinme lime let us 011 yonr h&rneu for YoU. $1.00 per set for double haine... We guaranutee aur work. O. 1. LUE' & C., - 24-lt For geood piumbing go tu Chao A. ,tBoeTTiis, Lihertyvilie. c433-tt If CONPEL5MTEE AIAION 0F AU TH1E JAMES'OLIVER Nos I11SULKY PLOW lay reasof "ilveluipl e tru if t Wei4h "aSi r 1^t duielci mdpefletlwe"t le THéfE BEST P1IUow YOU CAN BaUY, 90MB 0F THE RÉA»" Kh.-oaly ulky picW mM wth wt." hYou - ntu- siher g«. or bau' .qu.Iy voSWA'vtino mctdspots. m-d avoid th. aiccaeSiy <*pb.wh'ou& optug*n It te the nobImatdrôf t fl*1S jlow mad". due 19 11thentir abmS neoSiidwIdMouttmd Ibme*von distriuiof the load Tlb wlid ftb. Mm ensd drver le OAEJIED iatead of bobi imMOORD aekng.à On. uhm* on lt.elgo. Il uS oulleetf curwaikiragpbc ebaren. Il bolda 10 laetau t& s-.m t *o. w mmd be 0.mvl1Mmed IL..e4 Logr"wej z- FI folk Foi one F.OI bo Au« FIm FOI Ton the Ll i:e Set. for. ce'- goe maup Co.. FOI Adi nfa FOI rdI ses$ *****gousses, $et; ées ýe4 00 éwé ý&ý à e,ào-tf 1