CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 May 1911, p. 7

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PRID4Y, ~MÂY 26, 1911. S+.~+ I FOR SA I-Toqueto Piànte no red Y * + Tour boiemo Beuiandb, lotieof Globe. + + D. roD ii, Ubent Oum* , lU. ps.- POP SALE--'Iudiml Buner dock geI 7&,p.po.doesa. NMa& L. V. bLeu, Gay- * bf kS II ie ound Lake 12J52. -FOR ALPX-4oodegtmuhe a iieu Eo.d.1u sudSplettf lIp baàn elr.II b.&etraFM IO A.B.Uvla, >grtluII. ei. FOR SALE1O rooo m eabougoe 6U1t0àe uimto, weu ba ntu¶ of ale piu iouus, FOr S iir"40 *ironglbbre uota I~.~I1te te dy.nid ILu FotSA rklrm o mr. Ilii. Vie 111 raelaô .c!-i FOR SAL.E-Ega. for iatsilng af hie ilov... <seda. . 1. Ride, SIbite Upadote, uSRock asud Pipioti llek B reiouiiarate. Alsoa good Jsrey oi to ua..R. J. CÂaisICUAEL, Grayolak, iii. Islraysilake 1611. c.24-tl FOR BALE-Sanatary odats ountain, une druuî bcig o ,uiit, thire.- tabls adniscaire, modern style timide. s, liaul aad eveiytiig ompiete b slsrt an hae rreaia parior. Extremely Jour rice lor eamis. A-Idreme or- mil INDEPENIIENr office ast irayelake Pbàarnîaey, <Grays- laite. Ill. f FOR SALE-My prolsrt! 0mi Firet aîtret. une-haIt lInck nortlî t l d dpwt. Addleesa.1. E. io l.. Lbertyville. lii. Teihoune604. . 17-tf FODR BALE-Ah lIeri.ld, Ilii., , room rottage. good baru and walk, lt SOiStil l; ix linut&És walk fronm s-tation. ('ail or wrIte lits office. P.22-tf FRSLE-oua regitered iQ4rusey etii isoyas l, ou ticK. W. tarin ai mile norli and onc mile isst of Libcertyviile IIL C-30-tf FOR SALE-Acre lots on mod sbdivison, close ho townsud eletric cars. l'ricefflo0.04J.t)ioukAi FOzR L-Lots i. l«eDymondan sd Antn enidivlaloon,ïoOl4O $100 ,ach; $5 per îaont. l)YXOND a Aurnu.4041t FOR SALE-ehoie. lt aC.Fai Wrighh's additin, Som 150. for $2M.0 825000 ad$J00.O. i>iioîî &Ai.ti FOR SALE-Pride oft tii North and lAâiiig ofthie Wst pelow dent seeti cnrs. Tout drt and m.wep clakes primata tite Fair in 1910. smiuzlinos.. LI.wrt,rville. fil. Pions 2t7L2. I. UALE~MOd1UaI1~~9lot iao location, lever nad v±s e... omte compltiypla.Ci¶ftuen1 ait nome. Samanansu ELzu, Libertyvlll, IIL eSt --- E- ------b----ur----a, FORSA-AottrVbao!fs. eoveaad lci etilagre. 1., Bose fron AL-F pseuegerPord. Ais model la aus ee"9».aa. Wli demlon- etiate, a.N. omA.u, 484 Wst Bc., Vaukega, Ili. -8e- + FO M +'I FOR «RgNT-lluoms vitior wtliout boerd ner Elietrie dept; &H --con viebuase. Iquile ati isodkc.,p-S"i- FOR RENT-Nires alry turnlahisi om. wiii or iithout board. Inquire ot J. W. CoLE, sontiiwatet crner Park auai ftewart avenus., Lbertyville, fil. FOR- RENT-six roonu brick cOttaw> on Sebool St. Elecîrie lit andi gas Apply 10.5. L. Piwr.. FOR ÇiEN -rooubouse. Second Mt. asud North AvE., Libeti FOR RENT-4ioud e@mal bouni gooti garden. HFxsav AIPLIII. FOR RENT- WVe bave a fris go> ae4le.e. su lIas 10 SlIt1 afllroome. euh teainlet,1 a'lthout board. l)Yulitl & Ait + MISOELLmaIOUi GOLO FILLED SPECTACLEI camful teet inciuded for $1.00 a Haveý yonr prewn.t lenes chai haye uew traniem for your pressa J'ruses tint hoid elth cou*fort $1.00 and nu9. Msek.-nm&a' drul tb. Rtezail Dnig store, corner1 et., anid, Madison Waukffgau, lt. MONEY TO LOAN-on lu fartae. Iy moud & Austin. + 1WANTED WANEO-Hoeaadcattle ho> IDquire o(L 1) t. 1<aox. Liertyvgt WANTED-Man for general tnrr asud gardeaing timo t wagen. WANTED-liau pnd isife on lia. ho do tarin work. vifs bo tcoOk anai ousekftper. Inquire. .office.c .:3l24 I WANTED)-good ac-oDua irl for _________________-e..1- iouevork. N. Gàriti5T. Lber FOR SALE-LoIe 50x200 and uvêr in <Phone 278 W 1. the i.J. Crimes subdivision. ouao! thie niog deirable locations lu toisu. WANTED-Eipripiciad, dinine finir hait a luluelfromthie letrir depet .girl at XfWt'AMTI.E HarT. Liber Sewer. unter anîd gia l lunand iylii.ii tor. Mc&îtAEBLE & Wsî, Liberty- e.- vîw ll.i. -32-tf >WANTED-Bormee toclip). Will hiiemnuad relu ru aay place la FOR SALE-Oine lotacLoufat lc(aekeY Phone 154, . Uo. Hi. Koot. p lhagiter. neariy nais; i Stimmanu coin- putilig @cle: Ilîglt wagon viti WANTED-Oood irl lor gmeiraý groceé-r anti iment peddliug box; one 120 wiork. One wiu, un'lermtapds smon galil auioiseer oil tank, aeariy Dow; 31i gont cookiug. lfuuuileý at liglt gasolipe lighting eydteneî Wllemel i tmtluher*a. Hall lP iainuleel'in Pepartte or ail together. NFwraTON -&'Fort Clinton oati. Co.. Ruikeller, 111.,I ----------------Ir UIy FARMS-I$e have a large liaI o! Lak*! c(.uaiJ' armeto uel, .1.0 bousesuad lois lu village. DYMoxn & AUBavîs. 40-tf. p riai trade. Wîrk belure an ,-tiin,u!l anti 0n 8aturday. AppIvl FOR SALE-Pure bred Itarreti Rock ........... oggs. 15 eje for 50eoc. i. E. + LOBT and FOUIT ToomAs, ibrtyviile, li1. jbon+++++++ + 2(S15W2. 2ýfe...... .Fppo.l ýF.rp~LOST-At lýase Zuriî-i Saturda: FOR SALE-Lot on Southi Parkc Ave. black ritibon and i olti .at'-h lob near rorner Milwaukee Ave. lauînre of das Sept. 10 1910. Fluder re Meis. 8. J. Acan. »unet door. c-1i74ht tii office and reive reisard. FOR SALE-25 gond heathy pige LOST OR STRAYED--siiver aversres75 jpoundisscih. AleoN omse terrier. feinale. Retur u t pe'digreedi Duroc Jerseys. R. W. DUMuaaLu, DiaMOnd Lake. ' .LTiizaBzc. Laks Bluff, fil. .PhoneOireceve $500 reward. Phone 26 Lake Foreat 555. c3- We handi. a fuil lino of (General Machinery Farm Implementi Wagons, Bug- gies, Harnemss. etc. We put up &il silesof LIGSITNING RODS pr@mptig and correctlg '*1 ut ti m a4 vest ot Butrici, Beoe, Leeciner and site b Max Heidelineler, lot 57, J. tL. Tweed's I PstseqlieU, subdivislin, lu Anti- occi township, W. D.' $1. F. W. Parker et al tu Arthur %lima K. .%IacNeai, part of lots 9 and 10, Beachrave subdivision ln Anti- ach township, W. D. $.2000. J. E. Hote.and vife to W. M. Mil- uer, lots 8,9 and 10, Helsees suidiL tou. arrlnaton. W. D.. $A00. Illinos Beach eand & Gravel Ca. to M. 5.' Hayes, tract o! landi la sec- tions 34 and 35. Benton iowuahil, Q. C..100 . Picture of Grent l4araee. Toi; WOERNamHOsagilASthe oldffui and laou p-e-dte truttini hotrseaid turf paper lanlb. world. pulîlixhed veskly ah ladlanapele. ladi., baecas great exl5ue s mcueai piteturee,nit.- able for fraâalii,. of the four world'a champlome.'TIhe Harveate-r. J:01; Colo- rado ILi, (t) 2:1)«. J ooui. (4) 2:t>4N. aud Juetie Brooke, (2) 2:09%~, andi are penda- log to aIl eebeerbsr. at the regular aaberiptioe prk* of 42 per yeýar ia ad- vane, a ftait ft fl lilnudann. velnahloieltursiatrre. W@- sel b. glad to formard »amp meription îirder isfh at ibis uNIes. 29)-t TIIKE IlMAY WED. Andreis Paneil, Agua Calielîte, Arizona .......................221 AlIce A. Bradley, Forest..22 Peter Sierpitu.........284i Bene Pthos.....................3) Rudoiph E. Eriman. Mlw"aukee . . ..24ý 'Masrie E. Shultis ................. 24; il enry E. Swansan. Chicago ..2i Electrical supplies Of Every Description for CONTRACTORS- MFG. PLANTS RESIDENCES STORES GARAGES %0»0000 PÉmlmd Ryseo mLais < lUtqTitis i&'Trust Co. Ab4rsseo ftltl. iles Oaarateed mmasnie Temple RPdg. *aukagan, 111. L.îule J. GUasa,. Sev-y. May 22. 1911' County ceri ta C. W. Heydecker, lot il1,.block 6, Port Clinton, High- H. .. ianton and vite to Louis Kkira. et 9I lot 2. Stantou's sut> ln section il, Grant township, W. D.' $250.1 ('.W. H&ydecker and wIte to George l.utkenhaffl, W lo_ 1,block 6. Port Clinton, If gllanai Park. Q. C. $791.12. 0. R. Hlemnand ifeite G. A. Recai. eastarly 45 test mauti of Hîgh- wood avenue of lot 47, llighwcod, W. D. 810. County Cleri ta W. B. Smith, lot s il ,12 lad west hait of lot 10, bloc k 6, Port (liaton. Hli)land Parkktax des 1d. 1 May 28, 1911. J. W. Doyle and vfs W oLaurence Materson, one.balf acre ln soutbwent quarter or seatlmos9 Deerfield town- ship, W. . Pt G. W. Wesworth and vife ta Mlary W. Tas,. go uiiaollots in Wsilsworth suh Wanieen, . qC.. $1. Crne W. Gains.andi husband 10 C. A. *Wlueton. 60 acres ln eoutiweat quarter o! section 12, Grant township, W. J). $1, .Mbary A. àMiler and husbanai to Car oline E. Gruber, lot 6, block 2, Nleak- J. J. Haye. and wlfe 10 Cathoile Bisai, of, Chicago, lot at Hlighland Par. W. D. $1. to meet evrye requirments whr. lectricity is'used For Sae By DmWpay Rooini at the Iowesi prices NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC CO. ConrMay 17, 1911. i.adye Keidlow .......... rtyvilie Thou Goldsmth and wite to C. P. Georgil Maik .......... -, q ý -37- Weeterfleid, lot 5, E. A. u Ug <daMrs......... < ' ~ Co.a North Avenue addition btu -John Morris AaiFi~ 1. with . 0airFotSbidan.. 2.-1. - -: e-:Iî.ti kegan, W. D., 14,000<. Emily' Sclioienfield, Falitb, S. 1) ...26 MASTERS SLE. .. . H. W. Riae and wite to Mfary iJacolb J. Frank, CiZcato......... 24 - tinE ,id mi)(- Reese, lot 8, Reynold's ia,îbdiion joi 'lemni wii lur Larntn . t 210 ouis Zigia ............... ..... 28 State of Ilnois. Lake Cýounty. s:: ri J. . Sinulski and wlfe to K. Sowln- Emina Sadausite .......... 2. In the Circuiit Court of Lake C'ountyý 40-LI ski and wlfe, lots 1 and 2 block 3t). Henry Pellir. Grays Lak....23i iecial Miay Term A. D. 1911. WashuraPar, NrthChicaoW.- Russie Sheldon, sanie........... 19 Franîk Cooper va. Henîry Cooper. et ai < + D.,81,50. .Frank Jroupa. Racine............. 3 In Chancery, en.o..O. rB + 'Mathew Hoff ani wife 10 jospeh. Minnie Zierke, esaie.............. 23 Public notice la herehy given that . . . Hoff, lot on north ide of Washington l2eorgi Male, city....... ....... 23 hy vitrtne of an order and deere à-wîth treet and weat of Butrick. Vaîke-1 elNior..a.me20,eîtered ln i boeeltldcue and op. gan, Q. C., fil. ______iti aid Circuit Court of Lake <'ounty, 'aged or joseph Hfoff and wlfe tao Matiew Illinisl, ai tht Speclal Mlay Term, A. it leflees. - r .t, grout, Hoff, lot on the norti ide of Waah- ]Buyienoe-: ý. 1911.,..hereof,.i. the undersigned, ]g @tore& M ater In Chancery of the Circuit (jffla Lion___-- - -Court o! Lake Cointy iIlnois, wiii. - t21-t flkiz mm aRwB kmD a EcO n f D on Nonday, the nineteenth day of W ~june, A. D. 1911, at lie hion, of ,ine il red PERCHERON STALLION j1eMie Io*clook lit the afterfloon of saad day. -a the eaat front door of thie Court W--Hone ln the City of W'aukegan., Lake + WI 1County, Illinois, oeil at public auction + 1 thie higheat and beat bidder for ch, the following deecrlbed landsi Ç Pasture. ancns~aat? ~ O I d real estpý,e. towit: 4h.. fil. taing adyatnraaith e cla discounts The wrest 6.12%~ chaîna of the eaat P33-3 u we .oSer onboth P.p Fence and Lion 117-59%<4 chaîna 0f the north 6.53 chaîna ni worki Fonce. o! the northweat quarter of section 31, townahip 44, north, Range 11, ecat '.3«-t Ton kaci Page Fence-tbe United Siatis of the third Principal Nleridian, situî- 1tarin. Govrament stndard of ccapu.ison. lils ated ln the Connty o! Lake and State eaci as alauddti and stegthbah. il socur. and of Illinoia. at this IEDNWAIII)J. HEYDEeKER. mmd laem in erchn ePotfai mequlaebyardîe.ry t a sNater In Chancery. r e<rI-dlb l -t- M11 1.Y m Dated tislith day of NMay, A. tD. cryl.3 Bo L w e c wr nesTh"Page ILestias part '1911. 4wks. IMPORTIED DAM ' t't tofe sue. t~fh O$ tilt eat -_ _ _ __ etîiie, lion Lawrence weiitiî..,i240 1Iba. wla'u c-.1-llt three veaie old. Heiw je ow four and LiCo ence, uiich has benu, eseid and cailforwili weigh we tlîink wlien srowu 22501 rvithbe "lc-y"§Snonat. mi or .. JeI ped ii. beslok-ied bessoh sarm. *.-26 ti ne lias the Very het tloue and. fret and l... egs and le ronurnned LIV gonid i5(rft Il stands hardesi usage. i lenfected by Mri hnseml u itcirs ie tiirs hiemprt changes. lit cannot injure k A J. F. Autiielntd. .. SMP tI1Y ae river. Hie ire weigbed 2400 lb. and hii, Dam 1 Sok neither au îiey hrt the fnc. À -30-tf w"a a ton mTarc. Cali and examine the"egrIll ire fonces, > r F N He la fur servioe at iud riey Faim I1.'-) , ci une snpreme iu ils chan. Gel Iboe qquammpaeMLT tnd aller mies wea-t ofi Lberty si liait$1').00 tile benefit ci the SpecWa lnet __________________________ ut thia lMare to be gunran tced witii a colt.,_______ Autn lmetV.P IPICT . . e B ' W f TOffice and iitiroem * E E meti and m + + LIBERTY ILL!E ILL. 200 Monroe St. CHIICAGO simple. lIhey )beariiit tIiru to 34-2 Il.. an"à 4W2. P-34-2 R. W.- McCLURE GURNEE ILLINOIS it~at~asaaaaatswss Hot, Weather Necessities We are thoroughly equipped to supply I I 1' Aumo$u almie pbmOl'A4rederbecame iome.ovner a theIsenetiilwabfa lt a mtter aà couve-for tlmep-GEl! Di- IudP Ga murcli' Blahitic TEE»TED INTOUEPROPERTT cet.We bas.l.e owcrenlti-.lan;pli Po#BITiON KTRIS CIY. .nai vIto« et le bumee. licyLEAV4 lhiaot reél etate your need ini Refrigerators, Porch and Lawn Furniture, Hammocks By ihe way, our line of Hamnsocks ig 1THE BEST IN TOWN We have a good lie of NEW, DIING ROOM CHAIRS and ROCKERS See out Pictures for water coloe at 5c, lOc, 15C. TME RAY FLJRNITURE STORE LibttyvIlle, Illinois .r..rW - e a s~ :.: e~ ~ ~ E .So~ e OWt e ~; ~s ~.s s OC> a e Notioe .AltrsLiz.aa. " To Frank floney and to Wbom la wntyp t An affidavit having tissa lied wMl 'je Cisrk of tbe Vounty Cours of tâko runt.yIllinois, thatt he plie" of riden01 F rank Boney le unknbwe to tbe underslgned; Notlce la bereby giroin tics lb.e ndir. gigned. W. .3. Wells bas an &~ @tor against a sorrel coilr. Ibis. yeas o igbt about 750 Ilb., for kel varding. feedibgad pasnrithé= t frornjune 6.1 919, tuo pasiseué;n. that sald lion aInounte to g»enua $93l.00; that the owner of1ad fie Frank Honfy. iwboepaeot= jeq unkown to the *. n 06 further notice la e eby. glvsoq_ I shall enforce tb.eaid lien b aforesald propert~a u the higiiest and heet bidder I the tfront d", .f tii. Tosa Hl Villagce .t Lbrt..rlîls, Laie. 1i Ilnoie, on Saturday lS" à dIl .lue, A. D. 1911, at tb. bov ofa8 """"Wk . . -O rii Ve,111os C-88-8 Oneor he lue ad*eld lbr Somethlna ishîcllyou NEWU, but I One o! Oie places a h<etlse frisicou do Dot fiel abile te v rent today woulai malte yoT3Iý IUNI) aew' b. aévewtfl Miay dm 0P A HOME, penbaps. nov la tic "iFOR SALI" PCIUUL T he Shortest Unïe Î to-the Pacific NorthwestI *ROM inland laites to western oceau-acros the prairies, valleys sud'mouBtalme of th ' woniderful Northwes-a new transeon- ieutai railway has rec2ntly been completed. It the mnoé! dirept-the shortest line-bas. the 'e-t grades and the finest scenery. Route of the New Unme is from Chicago, through Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis Aberdeen to Seattie and Tacoma, wh«e.tie.connections are made for Californin anp the. Orient Begins 2 fi-8th and 2*h IlaTicOlypm"a" 'ad Ceil<. venfen'lu wi tîs* ho 1 or cudbleuta mmde v.uienee ai len aie. bterna, Thve ,icago, Milwaukee &'St _Paulf Chicatgo, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railways Apply toa âY ticket agent of the Ubicmgd. IMllvauhee> & -t Paul Baliay or conneetlug lins. for ticketa, lime ot traîne and sleping car reservatdons. Descrtipive hfereaue os rcees. F. A. MILLERCi@MntPaeeeer Agent CI4ICA<11 iea sup remo vîctue in both iachies. Chalîners cars are I are simple, in constrtuction*; simple to operate. Its no trick to learn to drive a Chialmert;. This ie a cat' ekpecualy good for the Mau who watits to do his own driving. .Because it's easy to coutrol; eaày to ket'p in prime slîape. A very large number of womeuý dri ve- the Chalmers 1"130 because of the one pedal coutrol. Every driver likes tuis feature. * _______________________________ J 'L I B[RTYVILLC, ROSS M. TAYLOR, Agent "I W * lU 8AL 25 01W' And Othe; Wm. AYCOCK C'o. Opa, île Sl Peuul Frelghl iîpot i bertyville, Ilinois Machine Shop REPMR WORK AUTOMOI1LE 'WORK A SPECIALTY Engins. Overhnuled. A Fuit Lin. of Sundrie. Tires Re- paired. W beun lu Trouîble TEILEPIIONE J LibertyvUn lbmag 1 661 or.1262 i 'îd thle fose s u .., necA- 1 .1 -, - - . 1 -- op 1 . 1 bl ýji - Il: 1 ýý , , î ý 1 1 ý ~ ri vrwrw 12 , . . . 'l

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