WALJKEGANWL SUN ~Q~t 4Â NE 1~ -CALL FOR JUNE OTfl Dbtve Uinmagd By lu' depeudens To Get Evidence <Prom Wednesdays Delly Sun.) The.asecial session cf the Lake ceunty grand jury te be convenad on the morning of June 5, wiii deai s»eIey and entireiy with the three elections hêid aetZMon City tiis year, the. sciieci trusttea alec- tion. ithe town ofleolon. and the. city election, with their 200 ai- loedIllegal votes, accerding te the figures oft Detective 0. O. Wiard. engaged by the Indepen- dont, te Invectigata the elactlçns anmd moite an expert report. The. entira motter was breught tes clilmax tedoy whan W. F. Miller, an independent. signed à fermel compiaint and a demand O-r thIinvestigation of ail three eloctions. The. news cemues like a bomb- &hallin the. ranks of aH factions In ZMon City. Miler le an empoyasof.ett. Leader store et Zloji City, an In- dapendent store. It la stated by MIiller ln an exclu- sive statemnent to the SUN laIe this afternoon that the resulta of Detectiyt Wlevd's luquiry and allegedtaue nients sald te have heen mode by WiI- bur Glenn VeUva fronttthe platforin of Shiloh tabernacle vîl b uaed lu the Inquulotlcn. Etates Attorney Ralph Oedy today fied wth Circuit Clark L. . Brock- va>' a eall for e speclel grand jury ta con vene et the court houa. June 5, o: next Mo)pday, aud the city le vild *ltb speculatian. sainie eofttheguesses fZta the state*s ttorney's purpoe belng ausfollows: Thot therg are further and moe e tartiing davelopments te cerna le the motter ofthlIe aiieg- ed W,«00 shertage ofthle misa- lng ex-county treasurer, Fred E. Ameo. Z. That ?le tate's attorney la te break open the entîre Zion City' vote lection scandai and get te the bottem et the 200 aiieged Illegal votes toid et hy Dtective 0. . Wiard. 3. And the meet unlikeiy ef ail, that the tevens alieged city shertaga wiii be the' subject et . Prompt esta ction. Stete's Attorueneyd>' would sa little or notbing lu regard to the rpe cial sesslon wbeu seen b>' a SUN re porter, mnerely statlug that the cal] for the jury la a niatter of record and referring the. reporter ta the cal] which doses nt station the abject ol the cal! for the.ae speclel Inqusition Dîver on savons Mtter. Commissoner Diver of the depart meut ef finance eud acconuts, vher seen lu regard ta the Stevens lu ' quiry toae>, stated that the effeti wE>ould taike shape atter tie follovîné meuner: i. Anhur Youug& Company hbey been aaked te appear ber. tomai row and state delitely vherelu îlei the alloged Steven»a sortege and *t furuah talulatleno of dates -aui aietnte lu vater renta and specli aa.aamenta. L T1his oohtalnea .emand vill h =Miee on Stevens for the amouit < the, siortage. 8. if Stevérq w ili uot male geai « a l 11h>, > te prer.înt lnalility the denm;> 1 à o .9" <>un th, bendomnicu'.je ï. m jE reme lIdo. 'aln. 4. The iatter ef proisecuting Ste vena willinet b. Jfttta t' bondE men, buitas s«W citizen cun it art a( «ton aalit Stev. pmovlued the> proofa et sImtage 'are furlew <onnasoner Dtves viii put the.mme tes et vbtber BIévemi s!> nd le poi aacnted er nMt lgbt up te MIm BldJuger ad the coinisitoerst TRE OPURIG 1 isTE TWULVU PÂGRI. IL4Z (JUNTYS LIN I AY j1IN",-:2 1911. ON31TO UIGBT. 1.50 PER yT»4u on thelr action viii depm 111v,110 tiffy ien>'leté goptée s W h" thé gn.UD5bb ot. è *UaIne for Soo ".1 N Mistoii DmUt Sh ootaSelof A ,IV» ose-, $Pam l While OleStIng Revolver eilo A o à dOm oeyl tgeenh Md tu +The oomtne's lmpanelledté Charles Nhen Werner, a Promlnent gvdehiciam "d i l i c sta" - I quira lattin OetofFred Mller 4e*tlet of sEvaston, wua found dead ha ourse. Inlut. qf i te and JaeeCas,' v e.kll)ed ý lubsoft,59MansreEas michtpep.pocta tu, bave, uJ"eaie vthe ellloo iofeg trains e uis faei29Mi tee.Bas te bois, but la deteeulned te do vietý Groyslake la*-. iek, vere .un- ton, eti 1:16 ?clock Saturtley atter *ver l st. uîgigawml 1 1 5>,.fiàCffl ahle teuaie s 4a VOrdict and ver. CAXDR F CO KEIL nomn. me -reer. vhich vas tihe dlsnlsse Tbruda' Iternon.cause of his deati. sas found near Wedced N".LOtsY. RACU N I 7T BThe. cause of thé disegeemetut vss XÂYDUY LAN]D AT hlm. Police 'luvestlgatlon led te tihe Thisa attrnoen atelàa ttarue>'ti. ineblly et lthé juryléta ithe Dady left ou au auloohlietai te TÂ LOETE blame for tbesa eemnL LA2KE BLUFF conclusion tuat île han vas e vlctim- smm, unamodpoint Sble it tiî At tue iaqw oaimsee odr f accidenta! sheotlna. 11e trip mai be inu o«Uf e w illa developedi h ' s d. It asema Werner laid mode preparations te thtiie tratUPpatèber et the roid 5I55* ~ lPfIgo te Long lake lu ime atemmno th The spcam*sessio eyboa g ea ui 1l~ lRTQ(:u et fro a W dSgfU lA Thefir. UIIW AALunae meet his vite. Bealde lhe chair ain L voMaç gbord of ights late!>' »auil erd, ércelvedMo. 16, bitidît net. vieh tihe body vas aeeted, the. poile. bas long been belîsyci aemethlng b2l ontrmad l? slvudfouud a satchel, which contelned thee asI ie vind. ' * ellbve Dowie Will Arise havesavold.d the aceillent. This or- tBite in Beautiful aud. Would necesssries for a short Journey. An easu spdécial Kessineder stetai! thot tbg Itetrain, vhichi va!olgt-Tyo'.Lkevt Ie ake ideali Home for' 011 cen and a ..ael acrewdrlver vere ASPHYXIÂTED ]RY GAB ' houîd watmoutil the south honndt sien foind. le. :Keep. train pessed It et Grayalake. 71"" Chief Executive Warner ivas e lire arma collecter. Vil eepersaine order vas seulta lite sauth Hlghland Park MMnCOMMita tound ec1rev, ta meet the ire train et - He lied been an army men and few Suicide BY Iuhahing 0"s Sleeping nlghtly tbee varmnl ghts Grayalake. erti esg A summer home for the. presîdent, people know mare emaut weepons ,A tev mosments fe hmsae n tien be dld. Hle relatives live et <Fromt o- n the grave of the laie John Alexan- came. another ticket! aver th ii' s flot Prerident William Ilos-erd Taft Fallln'g in bis- attempt ta rut bie der Dovie, tihe tiret apostle. ',oues Il., seying that the tvo trains uhauld. especiailly, but for ever>' prealdent Shelbyvîlle, 111. Affaire tiroat vith e razar and commit oui- au" i"rat generel averseer of tie ('brio- meet et L*ite Ville. This order waes wb me>' came l¶'e foll IonluhIs'foot- Accidentai, Say@ Police Caplain. rapidi>' n Paktien Cthelle church. one of thie fol- reived by.the le. train, but flot, ît stepaet tie national whbite bouseae Capt. Shaffer of the. Evanston police new Gres cule. Fermer Torde of Highlend Prkloverae ofEider W., Taylor ut Zian jl aaIleged b>' the crew- ofthle su'utn Washngton lu the latest plan brosnch-sltlewacnicilWre idto iN turned ta the gaz steve easaat r.- City' hopes that b>' no dolng be s-h ondi frelgbt. c d for Lake raout>'. Tii. pla ilu>-aihesancunerWrer e inet sort, end* maJI>' uçccedetl lu his et- rerelve revelatlon tramt on high that Thisle rder vas No. 17. en assurance b>' tie tact that the Chi- been cieauIng thé veepan, viien it sc- day aud tempt ai self destruction b>' pacing wili free tiie Tayloritea or original Anotier message, Ne. în. va, sent rago Cbamnhrr of Ceimerce me>' taecidentell>' expiaded. ef seami hie hesd lu tie aveu and îurnîng on Dowieltea tramt their lnt.uluisrt waellaier to' tic agent et Grayeýlake en ut the work of galning for Laike colin- tIrs. Werner bad been viiting et uavy arni and etghten ont the tauiiiel filgt nulling 17, thug leevlng tie meeting t>' e permanent summer home for the the gaz. tanglVîn the. rit>' of tihes-bile dove place otftthe traius et Greyslake, amation s chiet executive. . Long Lake for sereraI Weeks. and 0f arders He vus Dob>' iimmbrs fýet tii. 4lc D wetuddner> n eare In the irst order. Tsoder vws1 Whi'u lite goverumentflirat declded tienda ot Warner said thatet h.ed ill reMal femily eut# 'l onday ' u ihsanigit mgo. > addressed te the train cres- of lte; t!it Uucle Sanie Navyueeded some I ien iooking tors-ard ta his trip there the «4001 clohes ân lid aparntl beu dad Tie tacts hecame knos-n Prida'. 1 south bound. It la sald. The ltetrain 1l'>ee wicre vould-be*aranien cold fo afortlgt.Nomtivefrfsuicide 'l'bese t elobes imylir epmarnt>' eei dadThe nain etf te tantî s-ho extiosesibelieveIng that "erder 17 ,.>.e e taîgi tie -udîients of sea-farlng *a rn.. eors several baung. Tiiere la, no reasan iilm".lf to the pearlv dcv-,of te, Lake Villa vas d5jJJ lu effect proceed. file thi. association of lroresive cmuId e found, and bath the, business tirai er s wi s-un cn be d'.enued for bilsset. meruing and the, chilI air of dawn, j ed ore tsa>' ayéthi ee bouses, and business men of Chicago deternined and démniec affaira of tie man ver. ceme ta He bas been working at bis trede us aud Ineldentally té rieumeatism, chilI- werc ready te mabe tiei, wîtîsheu Ita Iceate it sotle l'lac e t far distant saîd ta v-rrentno suh ant. 1the. vark e laîhen for William Nash. a contract- îîl n e- te bn, sgi>-l'- ac'dent acultpd, Stili anothenî Arcorrllnglv li>,v purcbased l, Wrnrtheee 92lldecurta.Pa or et Hghland Park. end s-as kunown ehbut la uol stated Ioda>' becraîsmff- order vas reaived, No. 19,s-bicb di1*tract et land et Nýortb(Chicagoand Eîenston aid liad cîsed hishoe. ciileqImui forts o0f a SUN reporter ta gel 'n rected the, agent te keet> No. 17 on!doneted It ta tie goverument for the Office Associate MakeS aatemnent. master ai as a good s-ark-mai., soben, and neyer bauch ithien hmasd get bis own staryI file Iu the office et LaLke Villa. nev- $',5Oîm000 la aoinons .E Cyý h ccpe fies E C1t as -fer as can .">.leerned subjeet ta met vith temporan>' fallure. T '. the inath bauni-».ri wa ».>, j te Cre* Put s N okv w u as .. î,s-oocuîbdofie iter:lM. $pele f elachlla Sa GeatWfit*Clod. -, nrntl wio t al r<îrswh.'>i lion.The gavernment refusez tga] thesaime suite -ith Werner. nmade thi e er Fisfatii .Thomias Tutille, le As, nearl>' as cou he learued. r->leve-r, and the coEWslou s- e, renuit timeo to purrliese land for î,urposas1'follos-ing statement: urli>', nu ar'eenltlves of the Teylarlte cuitt as- ut tie alcged Mnl-n uord.-rs. As hssr, u> nte adwso.muter a veil-kuavu gerduer of Highlend Park C grat s-hile loud over the, grave of la reî,;!t utfthe disa-reemet!t, a - 0tt ssr, u -e h l -se- "Tiie man vas preparing for a tripcok A and bas bren a resîdent oft tiat cltY the behslkered trepiet eboutî twa 'ovd he;rfiig will li e ieta Gravsake fercd ta the novernulent, Congress et eo;A wecks aien. the night viien their Ruade 0ats dy.e imcmte . one eized the, chance. tiaI s-ould taire hlm througi ragions Blahop, b, for mue,»' yeers. i eI I,*twic h rain> dis- May' Bu GroassAcres. s-here e revolver- s-uld conte In han- Frm perne t b e> -o er. Ibos-n out of Shioii House,, pateler viii .eipressai:totagive bis ver- Tenwpayl oprhse rmd.penter's oidhoe.an ino hetaon3inct 11eeofnt Tiheevplnblotdprce.etrm i.Tii, prasence etftth, screvdrlver tram ul It s-as touud, Il laa ald. hiq ldet- thesies-alita surrouuding th.- boite,.S.ECrsteln dongth adolcawudsowhtlewate tempted to kili imaeit vlth a rezerlIn At tiecflime the loud eppeered ailtevl .s. tatiGo, the land adjinl nowhn al a oudso be .vset Mares bils rooa et thc home, Feilnug, îi latg mest Of the cil>' vas black it lh omin- asOF A M nthe. Grass ecreage. This tract et expaninng sud proabhly cieaniug thee ofmonter claedintha athewakedfrnt1eus dan colored cIolids agi thi ein a I)NE= C LON lnval tal o ut 240:acrhen:es. Uo veepen. There lanethlug lunuhibuoi- Anote - celmdn ts rth. -ekedfritt leter poured forth lu tamrente, ut 1îbis tract et landl ti. Chaniber af mns or domestie affaira s-hich veul Nielsen, hus roouita lie kitchen ieavlng alit la verecloualy sitatd tiat mot a - ~ Commerce, wiii If tii>totireut>ticerrent the filîglteat suspicion of trait of blond lu u is tvaie. Openlng 1 drap fili o avea grave or on any- Waukgan LouéWý The Big pan, ereet a fiue sommer home for nsne >the doar et the gaz aveu lu lise et lthegoeof e -t tii, rtes. ail presidente ta ceine, and lu tits suicide.' _ _ _ _ _ f a - Iithe gs rng. e ppeeni> S nce ores Sîrais fSnce. Enterprile home, It ia ext>ected that the. président tera metM kebngzrne eaprtl ie t fet ndustrlndawt viii a pend et leastatepart of the. aum-n> 1)R CO E .Mecic apleceti pleeed bis hlsee d le. clgede ruthot ie, lis-eer, and its!h e Tiitie I PAYorteXerUNTein hewokaite a the, doar as fer as possible, and tu mou renlb T> ete i1 oln>vfr l mr ralng t eartiol.ePAne-P 01PNOTEmouo, j. ar ni ta hve ben lu er, raitupon ot Ciicao, planused b>'Mra. J f a tenig ttin on the. gas.Hiseibody vas faufil b>'Kr as to ibe avels refugeore sbutta ciT.Buou1CîeusiTii. lanuInluquestion le ovuei b>' -G. Satin, as o wer tofid rfug o wht o 1ephT.Bovenof htç» i aco t S. E. Grogs, the. men s-hoaiaIms New Angle to Nelson C mrvdb rbisg .ahre ueryborti o o ithte nesuit thet anc afthem prohbi>'bly *111 ,v-Ilnet ho located bave s-ritten the. play, Syraude de Ber- ieSo yyng oiubteered ta eleet> nigiitly on Dow-- lu or about Wsukegan. altheugli s're- gerac, and aise te bave turnitedl Brouxht Into court ieta ____grav______th_______ bout! Cet the et 0bimueif stîpear lu persan or send al nuona efforts have beuniade te se tic Inspiration ton the, neveit>' pay ABK *500 DA ÂGE bevei>'deutrta oue>'a mssge 1 Chsnte<-i.er. Groas g prenent, fit la Accordlng to tke stetement of Attor- Theseme - S S$, OD M G S bae etm p u athe -ti cng folios--. leceîedflu ake d, i.la r te sanitarlum for ne>'Claie.C. ltdverds.repreftltng nov static of mpot o-te altngfolowr. t il-iI. hos-crer, be l tdInLk bis heaith, but itt I elmedthat lier .%tIra. Abertina Nelson, b.is-ilbrlng served m L. . Lnd uesC. X.E. ie mesateaaîecpotg nîgctins. ute Iconty, et one oet lu esmall lakes Iluis-,hIlbe ne trouble lu Purcisng tb. beloe e , nexi grand jury. It la prob. noleouSe ttheor ew ,Sasl 1,lui iucyr. lwestern part of the ceaut>', ws-u lanld, If the. Cbamber Of Commerce able, lbhe ntter et a suit brouglit ts he Othr ouAsNwstouh obTeArise. ione It cennot bu learned, aswvile itakes ut> viti tic proposition. egelust %Mn. Nelsonanti ber buabend, Tii Smatot it orsixtiruae ubI lem-al!' eye did ut t erc>'thei, Islenearl>' cleved,,fSuai papers Ih ra. Ouand Back oft deiL Andres-Nelson on tbe basin ot a noteusdpo osidaae sulele epilng ler dhîied beutîg ed. re. eottDureud, tue goctet>' s--ftar$200 or $300field b>' Mm-a, George tien ef il ukeef b~ave mn et laetegnd man dairyist, and oas-er of the fa-Riley Ibhe action ,eetrîc fiue, mesultiug ftram persoualipie metten for th, Sm-t apostîe ta White te placing of the colon>' In tuons Cratherce Daim-y et Lake Bluffy inimîr> v-eus ined uthe circulitaise sud prac!aim ni itrumpettues Laite count>' la cousidereti e matter n'ho vith lhem- huaband le a meember m-îneptaflie s AtarreEd- ndt' etared f I bismessage. of congratulation, due téte i.trenu- ut the Charnier of Commerce ut Chi-. î meote rde'b'itone'B-relegaeei court test s-eek. 'rTesuit luaIth o As a malter of tact, hos-ever, bis joacrnoiîî iistsi sr rmo.becanie lntemetedIluthie propo ,vends, lira. Rule>' s alieged ta have boiera w J. Lundi ai Highiland Park egeinst lte final restlng place la ot alid concret,.oa] ptto.i ie, tl egre- -j tif ion et iocatlng the suammer home:vîsiteiltirs. 'Nelson s-be ,the latter mailrasdsuing for $5.Ottti deamages re-entoreeds-hile tie siab ot granite ted thert it notld mot have beau la- ofthle president eiong the laite shore-. wsunluthe.rout>' Jfail charged -ith naieeduti ýtiit cavera fim la undcnlaid sith thit cateilunWeîtkegau orboear heesIn'luit Mîrs. Dum-end eteted te a repoter ae'serious offense lu canuecîlon viti Tii.gin anlatlng tram su accident saliti tu have: seune rmteriel. go tiet il vouid fte.'sofa dspot, titis mornlug liat as sie s-as not e the deati b>' reportel illegal aperationstation _h occum-med s-heuhie s-as dm-un b>' a.tht- trompeI of doont and s-ork s-mack vaTatSie Mrt ai eth1e lad eente-dteheet tal Ms ahr.-onm ja tHgladPr.Exarie itsHr. ~~mtclnina alenvlH. naya thet lge. Rle> ' aId tiandii car t Hiilau l'ekltnd coin ta shae ihm out eren in el RprsEnttives ai Mrs.,Baws-ttiton >, permauent sominer home ifor Nelson that Il s-as ail tramed upt> t,~ tf 'rie raliraad ism-cpm-ceeu [cranltuonsgliostl>atom-m. rua waa ,rt tireNelssanshoulmi bc raliroadeti taéiextendol trial b>' Attornch Charles H. King ut I Fiewers Dack Grave.' Jiay ilon > er ail Te (,roe Acs. eatrues the r-as ti te tenilenllary but tiat su,:, tira. I.-Tvo nq thsct. Teeaesvrlohr1Dows-i hlm-u nulversar>' rame lbeitishanti bave,. owever. been liere TeUî'0Arag enlia comiug itefore ibis term of court grae la 5ifh11Ofrtse modecandeis itiint asettt n av xm tht-landti laI appeeled to 11cr as the tram Chicago via voulit ald lunclear- tomsudm ; agrativeairoid 51 11, l ouse ettacoaan. I la i o teavailebie sites. 1tIrst adaptedté tethîs proJeet, The lig ber. dn n aant te ril adh.eoedt a ilgtnettheblc sefthea tic utoui ugn %ai.rfralmta.firm af tract la interspersed vîti mauý, bea- tc aeys thet hîru. Nelson petid Mm. Ibetore th Theis aitb, cs wel octîed roagînt voul-he eer i. thseplua ch nthe .tt Dile tîldug n uematiîulravintes, and plaleanu, eudlng ta Rile> $25 andi av hem- a note.,for Tý- serlaoeeiirechngh.th udebulinlidth a rjthe- cast lu the higi bluffs s-hicb aven- $200 elgued viltI berhueubend, Autires- Bm-es-en ton llegeti ameait amd bat- Tic grave s-as viuiitd Fnidai- lht ofet hoice et a site ber. ni> vIth Mm-a. looi- theIaike. Vte landi la but tire. Nelson. He charges thel tuls note IN U 2ý-ter an trspas aso as aptre suad the man discovereti there patient- Bes-ens nepreaeutallves,' andi onaet fmiles trou, Onwcntsa laIod clumb vas aflers-erde raiset b>' nome oe ten> ani tespes Ises-asceîtu ,y j1>-evetîng bis beeveni>' visitant. lhem-agentsecxamined the Haines 1gm-ounds,,s-bleu s-uld appeul ta Preat- te $300 luatesil of $200 andthbet Mms. Itract, the preperaf'eet ex-aller BWck dent Taft, eti east. and leaet' Ideal Nelson vilI Sight tbe paymeut of tie il ril as ve. hInah,,hewites' rac, heprpery f x-Myo Bckplane ftam- mnmer recreation. note te the bitter endi. Hce z a 5>e (Oncer triwalses o verlai ie outuesa, A Human Incubato- anti epeien ot as a Public Park. Tic pieu to b. presectedai et ,tbat lhe probabl>' viii tring the. malIen f s-hile no oe au.se atchîug. anti muts Cincinnati, May 29.-Lockland ibas Thiitract wu soffereO. to Bas-eunext meeting outhle chamber et dam- téte iattention etflthe grand jury. asa> tamîh tia l a atooblea human lucubetor ln Jacob Zett. s-ho agents et neeri> the îs-ice the. figure soece > ma ur eta tea- Ns ira Re>' bas breugbl suit awa frnt h, tral n a atombil i asoln porchase the lanti, enect up. againet tira. Nelson fer peyment et Preeldi He s-as tountilu front et the Am-ing-! j er treedais etthie tansi e sich -ie People of WMauan s-Il! on il as fine e summer home see au the note anti Imiera have beau SIed Nom-hemn - ton Hotel. tnmbtecor -omforly-t-o Ply'mouthi Rock chiekenu to have te pa>'fr tanIlas e part, a sal j t'e founti emomig tbe millionaîre settie. lu the Counhy court te thie effect. I tien bas, B e wsa joo h outr m ils passedoleise. For tire. deys lbe tribale ta lhe gcnecouty of the ex. menta alaug the. laie shore end,. pre- MmRs. ieYO'ln Donial. IL. Orvis s-bhere lh. vas fSued $6anti caste for. le>' lu bed wts-îit>'egg. groupait maoensent Iltéte cgovernumeut. The lasut ýidFnitaeflernean, s-len seen b>' a et e tact Icentempt et court. Be s-eh' cO>nit- arount i bs vith a heevy blaukel as The agent sigu, exaeiml heleO'Ma- wIltueaeqoîpped ithueh rvs ý 1Nrpre.Mr.Rlidne h 'W îg tedt tejufutil hb inSe lu petit. coverng. boue>' tract near NomthiChicago andti.1tling as il dose lu the midi1 s- a,'d tregoing accat lu ever> detail. Brat, it In iIotprimfe'el $"st t otenrosait un Tiie case et Beettger ugainut Bmes--1Mr. Zelth bati tour Plymouthh ioct Laite Bluff, end the. Gaurbe>'tract onamite a hberetbeaut>'. Sie seldti iit Mms. Nelion bair.Industrial re er s-as decîleti lu jevor of the deten- liens s-idi l been settlng for .1gb. nomtiiShteridan ronst. Ceuid Overse Work. -to-taineti ber-as generai counsel lu lb. rairoads et ie ee de's iin l.> ve, soln turIf the prealdentsabioutiti loaetefo cage, as the le a practising physicien a Ide-et e r- eul, aîthough spcctel indings ftete a hi te eesoe or Restens fer Refusl. due aummer near the. neaial ralnlug vlth e diploma, altheogi the beau mt nWZ De Jury' statedt t Inet he opinion of th iugila ega. Thffl b. getbemed ni> the Resons for refusai e' Waukegeu- station, the suatiner rnoe voul serve Precticel for cirer ivent>' cars. ' noiteWUid eo jury Brever liedt committed theeas- eggs anti caried thein ltebis bouge, sites vers i.th oiîoviug; ea Iv-folti purpoe. Whilic Jiepresi- She denleti that site over afféredite oboom,. i saulit siteait, but hatidoue e lu selfBe 'andtIdabis vt.talked. the. situation Tue>' -ceeail fi W fro t d et voulti b. ressraionOugr sme tâta >' vtesesl ayhigtrr ChInegoorW l tiefes. ,over anti Sually onded ti h >'ivng. laets,-iteme boating, SiLmnnidhut- or etller soins erduou tidalles, hole t dogree s-tii ber daim. Rihe mte-a' . Tii. seemîng descrepanceeabetveeu iim-get line bd anti arrange the egga lng s-r. desatue; toti bm> e e vultib eer la lie beys etilthe simpi>' asserta tiat Mrs. Nelson offet' lesgo. ie the verdict andthie speciai Sindîngs about hum, aIl a trille' teoer tsi-ta Chicago, station, sud serve us an Inspiration ad bem- $200 forer m-conia and. that bar it. « Fer ugc <lya i la' l bei. vilei ~et îanuortçlo i.~-gore» t th le studeuls theme, anti aiepet, ah.tei eout for $500. Bie s-satiiesi il i ofttvers ma. on tue btuof eta motionEu he aslelyl iewtelta rnprt agnrlydsonil>'overseesfor the lime, the s-ni efferet anti aceepteti $300 lu thie tol a I for a uev trial andthet.date tor thi. ou b>'Mr@.Zi vasy uSi e itt lePoor pieple lb, s-in re- tl oualn f a noeentinos-, @ah.sais, ".Ml fleS d, argumentas-wlholesot later. bhedmIdut>' vaste keep "Jake' »sa-quéntiî u ututian snObis la tute b. The Ciaerof etCommerce t, -'pro- soutcvh ino grounds viatever li ros~i,~1g y, idniall slt e sen ie lsud anîl bow.I_________ msl s-sai .iga human Incuhetor 181n11 ratireeda; andltilti>' th~e deel for blé te goverrmnttor tht- ter%>alti Mms. Cyrus H. McCenitck o et 80 bs lard as somns people suppoe. tlb.site ou the ceunty 4-ùet. s-sala-_______ ihre tenin e5 i Peresanies smafethle moast Ieauti -ttention!______in_ ~ fi bas nt 'oreraettuip t ~. - resI>' neari>' Snlsbed,, en tbatlb. vis- Orubg Invade Corn leldu Tii. ftu-mers' Fiai andi Ganeoo. T0l a- eeu lm the countr>'. Siiedesîres it Ever>' Item ot Information - - heuic i le oWeukegan vere Merel>' cour- Gm-b ohvrms oeeanfd oua-huit Inchclatiou,>oftLakte conist> boa blletimied Ouseosui atmod liaI tihe Pubiîc inpertecti yeusn le nbacrdin& the cIl>'-inluat«e. long anti a tourt l Ipcbtlrougb are cuni pluuaered aontitfflM ed wesern aIs se #IS , l tat steInvteztbe, tvwlchi>'ul ive tlrbieli your ad-ai- The coieny lî.to èi# tra atiftéeie a peut tiiebs luvaded leL)e coianty siti llÏ oaris. vmrnlng volcme, u tct 5, ivite lI s e .ring tripes-i lie 113UEWOL ltéionone, dmmgnd for adulte ai tlitren lAxis cont> Corn Seuisiedu laid tse couse sud se.te l eset Waldeu. .pmiwel nxe vee a ~ - aste. Tbasla a pont year, due teu s->' %Pofin Ilir um-pasty nn ueho , gt _e_____In____eu _a a1îke,, 1dtest li»:tl h.es-aimanti etni>' sprlug s-th Ii elit, Ouior truapee, le O ti»ces be.. va a a- about $50M0 ,the bulUMP s oeting front le kilt off tue pate.fui; divecteis pq bleannsasWvi Or- Bailas alaise pmoperty le a "More If I* a Job for a s-ut ad BON! lire, timsesuait, or mm ' eIf noes, -cois te'theé eonr>' sud pielayte s 101.attberf smt advsrtloaig. AVB IT TO A PLACARDI OWY. Try su Independent WsnCAd. te sel 'anmeandi Sliobgu.70-1* 1 te e"u ka"m** Md Ken 01 Uwvio kn» To Amudit In lnguûucuon WednesdaY'a Delly Sua.) ar shapiug themivyee n-W for the. openlng of the. t Lakes Naia Training at&- Zth Chicago on JUIYi. ]gon& 1 trday two detachunent en, IL ilpetty affIcera er, the *v ed at the. station by vlrtue is froithe. depertinent and, lin tiiere until the. epening of twa deteclunents are but the - about oune bndred, who viwS the. station and take part lit kthere. Those' who arrivei tva days are: C~. IL Baker ster et arme;E.Cry Aarma; S. ED. Nation. bugla>. It, shlp coek; 1, C. Doeby. Fi Crulchahanck, bgker; . . »noter et .arma,;. . yan, &t Arma; M. Denave aMip L. Andrews, ship cook, C. à. baker, end. . S Bon, car- mateThune imon arii.4 9 UP InDePeudeut. atatiosed MIsleadand worm itu char"w ?r et arm, C. M.E4r er g«MIp or men, unilerC. . froi thei. h1>Pbieopbia, eto C. J. Nichebap, o~ t ua; . W. lIait,cearpmti nt, W. o. Crelimen. ce*; 'J lud, T. IL Pratt .S. I on. W Pickerlngr. L.M. StOb,» ai] aeen. Theemne> are yeterdsy nuý &M Dud, Wo*h., Md vii rgmé station until f urtii* Or4ot 'e Who baue beensent t6 the Lon are aill 014 tmrs.bgvlu$ nMY Yearis ln the. servicet of n. The amsters at arma s»d Lf boataelu fatesviiilah >ably to h ln l the Inutrun. the men Who vii lb. e gt te K>4 and the. otiier viii ramai doing spah vork as may bu ito them .The. conkaamg. wiU of course aume tii. tens aM soitpboard. xndo -of tii.naialtraining have bpen feuced la u lb M £1a feueon the. soutii limtg feue,It la tbought, vii bu a t the otler aides-. ' nev buge gag and Ilsi1aMI ie nov belng placed i lupSt. dvill t. read>' for use 10m e* station la opeeed. ITRIAI AS' LANDBICTR M b b1. Loosted -in NoXrth OhiÔago lent Carl EILSa>'ier oetbeý ~ Ellinois IndustrilAu. 1,vith ltheid or Atmooe 1 i f he smeao" 0f, I ro apNot la th1 O& a i:"i