CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jun 1911, p. 4

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uc irm tibe PemocesaiUb*Mlvi CI.. ne Dogoei m no '~O~~LT.AUVUTIING*&Tu u" MagUKOowi s àmmUAtwwN R» ipyION PRICE 8.50 PER YiAr t $AlILY IN APVAI4OE FRIAIX JUNE 21 .1911 A MINIMUM WAOE P,!OR idmiIsteRe& elirymon were uimgd ta form a union wfth the PurPeOSof1r0squltina imum uwgq, in a report ta thé Mniterl Union of tii..Amorican UnItar. îm Asocation tst week. Tii. rolutlone affamai by the. committe. te thi.eaflect that$15 al lasaoy endogp.qansm.esb.the.minimum paymeit. Thoý popular Improselon assume*, wiien a miislter accepta a higior mal- wy on the ilroffl that the. -Lard calloth louder" that ho la dominated by mer- ebiy deais Inconsistant wlth a religion wiiciiava.. laying up WeAltii uniy R IéeIPnwliqr o ttiend rmet do' nm t6rropt. DU It lugdly omme al it tthe. munlte,'a *Mdren s*1iud havetoa -M mî 6tW%4d wth a higit mhoul duestion, wile the. neit~b@'ayglng.toro ta ceIowo. The. muloter hat devised no matiod by vbhIch hie Bhdref' iet con bé. kept fra dcaylng, Md tiey are jult ne.Ilkely-to have appendi. it egeruina as thse having ianatf.d trrounding. 110w can a normail Sung man, fuil of robuat conquerlng energy, bce x- note, ta enter a profession requiring A. costiy education, wiich may neto f. 6dhle famliy a comtortahi.e support ae le obtauned by the. hoiormaker'ae Ne douât~b foiiy of aectarlmnimm ha. mucii ta do with iaw minlteriai Moejm , è ntae40 i4xpen@ivéLhabt ta requiro minîstars ta fit: your Indvduel wyotIge~bua ti. ut of the. cloricai coat or th a proper place te put a com. Me la* céost.d. If t'ohbroli amot pay 9 cergyman enough ieo"ho can: look hiea grocer Iln hoe *y cii umnlie, the.powers that b.e ofthat denominatlon ahould ugeet Net f me ~loto.. ith eome otiier religloil orgaflhmtion. ,Local mliletr. ma ôiM W SW~gg very prop.riy tek. thlé;mter tp, and put ciiurchoi !Wtlra ' ethfit offet' leu thoan le living wabe. W. wunt tikind et wm l a #plte uho Wouid ice. pthe. wheele run. Mit l ae 111or uhewould uw thi.elttnté ila aimwyerm office. Loaok of MW-n b ipeely doam e qmmlyprove pîoty. THE ý&NQE ACCImENS. Oflaaly theo uoodomewut'bégli ita ulamiite, until su o m4bere siae W h lmes Md tiie, iléabii os% uoowkwmniy begine te monkey ami th. e Wmt fthei. ééve M g Et wm.gtea airiy wowther ini May thie »r bé 14 te a toit et oth sunthie IVaut mmmrieiiSundyo. TMe eénelih à beg@Imhlung1»4i. reeturo efbaran t teeramen!t, wliaee *»» har4mhyoY apssais ta the trait. of the tIndida n liun, wiich civlisa- M cm a0t wWely oradioto. It iias a&lthe. trauery et the.eavago, as lKa M"'04i t" endamiliasmitan eni liingmoton lure you on. ln at musent vu uanwttlngly jar the tempoment of thie Individueli cana. a uaho« eo uIodlmp ye» have truatod youmeel, an d eh*. iitp hor heels, de- léaits yoagIo the deep,ssid goue lsugiingiy hot utam#i way. Sè tme pompie treat à a omoe as If it weré àe iavy wagon traveliung along a Oiflngond, In telucii byeaning fat ovef the Id hoo iey coni provenu an up- t top wenr ttissoenotive watea' ateod epes nd rente lni %teanger et glo a bunulacdnlvr, wwoen mil t; at MO to e orgtaii oquIliubium la oome iWeWlohauch.amuguerthtan la si.eoi7to icep a bicyce upnluhi .. . Cance acoIdente uouiy ihappoe atioowiio treait tue sensitive play. Wilew ai thee mmon wlnd as If th Wèroe iavîwiy keelod end bela.ted row- W"t They miogita haro éhy muet be thofie awn ballat as Inimovab. ta the yo.lcs depotedi n the. hottont of.the. piiegmatic, ecow wltii wiichthey We mtal efaswiia. Thée victme oe i.. ocldett are ýnot, usaaiy thôme wiio own canoes .And WtNeM*11141 t hiMe ofahe. ltti. Vind&L Th*oý are v.ry fr.quantly thseo dala t~io te wlile*MW a. ssuumnie holday by nom@ oort unfamîliar in theilr olé vlreMMot. Ami lovera uho.., nervos are ling for the. hot ti.aof eYOfCtÏl poumEt. wouid do botter ta select the. eteady going aid rowboata, UMMg eieed ams Rot ruffied by the. folies of youni biaod. sieeum~ns 1 9M M Rnf AmSulrnesLaw Goveenor Daneon aira signed taie oc es~lusa.jlmasebill, one ai tise mis- »r place. ar constructive Ioglcltlon ge»m ai ,'th fart,' erentis eesm- 'b1Y. Tlhe enecment le tise outeomeOaf3 tbrsm ya*W g' slnd,' dreaatiul b,' a stoclal comislsionappointed b,' GovorumffDasseen coder atitoflya the Is4iia1.ur Tt&le mainprovisions "~ auinUiUxZmiias taou-,, Uusplos'e must provide reasouableJ Mdi apçrrovd dvice, for tise prevon-1 t1e of iseass pecoular ta, occupa' 41n 'In swblcis vori ocme la con-j tact vtu poiaonous minerais, chemi- Cs%gases, snd duel. employ'er$ S iait provide pi-oper1 vins ugcilhing for aucissorkien. -'Umptoyei-a alal provîde nespinatora t te b. ataluai vibisoulcool ta tlie1 Pitysicians ta Guert *AUt emplioyez Who ocama loto contact vRai poionous -agena ar Injurious gomasa a hal b, oxaniinod at regu- 'le, lmiervals b,' competealt pisalians »_ iatermlne vbeîiser occupatlooel iloeuasexisf. Tii pisysiciaus must repart tetise mto boad rd i ealtis. Eaigjoi-erimuat pravide smarate 7.dreessig rooms-mmd lavatories for laie ýffl i ot pioe'.meupga nolu auhsa- 55,101.occupation. ICrpoyez ara probibtla irons et- lut r driniing lu an, roomu i aic î6*cisaoimcbemcsis, gaaes or duat are o&c Muet b. iurnlisei for iur-j t floors m e W somtu di ; » ssaeping obail ho dunedur- roswtgbourseunleet*e nomsi tnp »Man OueL Il -gieobou mu t.utalbal p*ewàjuosU.m mme t . ae mtette oeoio l -t bs-,'- OU M* for filts offense; $&0 10 $200 for u' u- mquent offess.. Provision la maie for racover, f rom tise employer by any empiaya visoe isealtis las been injurai tsrough ral- oire 1 provtde adequata healtis pro. soiring devîe.. Tise maximumaà um rocavorable for luor a lie la 810,000.: Anmy action for danmages ln came ai dgatis chal ho commenceaivitl.Ae Year' aflar idai ai emploi-e. MARRiAGE LICENORO. George Ernsal, Chicagso..........91. Minute R. Reier. Highland Park. .80 John Traegmr, Miwaukeeo........ 22 Fraucis Loell. sane............ 20 John A. Rydo. ity .............. 29 Agnes Ekslani, cil,'........... 22 Carl A. Nelson, Chicago .......... 45 Belma A. BergquIst............ 23 L. Smit~h, Zion City,.............. 21 Nellie Wallace................. 18 -R. Roeder, Gieubuelah ........ 21 Lydii B. IU. Hoff.............».22 Peter Tvorup, Racina ..........,*25 Meta Swson. ............... 2- Arhur 1.551, Racine............ 21 Hani Vanduzor ............... is George Ratinas, ,RSheisygan ..>.. 32 Harriet Rebroeder, vamae ........ 25 Frans Polo, For Worth, Texasa.... 47 Edua PettUe. Chiscaga ........... 40 Laids Coutura. Mlwatikea .......-1427 Marlou HeRbasse. st. 'Prfed s l.23 Cherfla'SaIstait, Chisîcag......27 rkv4lyn Johnson, »ame .......... 20 ALLEGEP FORGRAIIRESTED. Arretei Iis marnlng on a t % of turing foigai chocis on tho Iar- voîl fectari-. B. U. Boguos%, Sauts Beoa&, md., -emptoyed dl tue ainoe.Octaber »a, a remuansts sits aile vue on, Lake street, deield tue charges,. altisoughl lintfai by,AI Eusib, WUiiam Cakes, Jr., and oe otuer a*' lthemmnelîeged tu hava passoi tuee cksci. Ho clelatcse ta bavre been la Assllel. Tisa polios ssat Ibis afttrnoon tuat thef have dens1ýaggevîdetaca agaet flm. ave., mivrlisa a tq,çr ivlese ?*8LE~on M Crounai tale 111,19« lp~o lit ae, DXlrtiemd WÎfe of aog' 0 J5.~AS~STQ4 OICbÉ=, lo Go On 8tmge o Ptr -0, ebuttIe item% 0 o *sriamt a UIra. Marina& flogaldo P 0 , hs. o JS e iWtý 0 'nalemin Iii' "ls' o riteo Vf 714 Kamer Par», thie riu 0 gC wt--a9m ftiiè a"oet.1#al" lubmen. siaWho umaib.- e abias di. o»n Opumiogto tiheRich. Of tore suit Qi tteiilug a au lbty O0 dinnar" lit ro- Lake, vte" obemanmd 0* 0 00C 00C O O 6O6O'o*O the chIlironarue vWeil kaosu realdents, ao i f uno unine,' e*taiotbr Tbst thie lder eior ai eprince ai mem. ueoarng Thermie,'t«eegn -f 0f741ybou»e'-& SWeden eatpreiat t L-ipouible'to Il» ôa,$os 80a monts wft'ldl in te ti.realdence et ' aie allion,'- and bat iéliei la (go on FOPflt lulllibiiali-, munem a sblt- lb. stage . er, le the Saalaaent aiflb.he orae c "'«ler. la nottiiig pgrtlcularly origl- the Incident buinooi.ý nal &bout Rettîh gdvmedcanda goîng That aie la mot mekug lis, bond of Ou the stage,,' ccli Mrs. Parka at ber an heirÏsa. or mcldng eongiisental, homo 1212 Hast Flfty-Pourth s mIet, moanshlnQ mat*rlal for t h groat "but vison a'hisband leaves you la Amarleanm novai la aIgo tbsa statement struggle &loug on a pa 1100 ooa ai thse haro insseli. nthis, I1la &queStion ai etsvilizg. Iliteai oftisaIho àys hll marrylng again, or gelisg 10 ork. i tairough i sth Moonhine and came ta bava, srltten a vaudevillea sketch, IbiS country' ta Ntle dasutO ûr lm thebrounds or the egencles ooh. anide-ru bis living, uometbfmg cou$ tainai a leadlug man, a ni 1 am gatug COllSç realir' do. yon knoi, nea b vlwk. prncellag, - ToAppear On Stage Jun. 2. PIiedte Eacape a Bride. ince Judgo Adelor Petit reveraied The haro eft-tise Incident -le ;o hls dectalan lu 'tise Park. case and modeSt Young man aofRSedlsh nation. aliai h. ilmn,'from 8$276 te 8100 allty' sbo himmeIf bld haw ho camne a monts. hMmc. Parka bac boom t. work ttbae m d, lu tisa prosaalcbut vaut- on ber sketch and loaklug for engaLge 17' dignlfliednoie ofihuilIer te an A mari- monte..,, h. Wiii appear et thse Hamîlu can icmliy probably rldlculou.tiv rlch. tboStar on the West Bide, Jue 2. and He conaiders the affaîr quite a tari thon go ta 1h. Amarican Muile Hall but Oaya tuer, are people ln tisa 0W for a veek's engagement. autyWha aod nt $ôthial IL. "~I get $150 on tise West Sida lu my On a vicit toa cal tradegman tise *eok's try out and $1,500 for tise Bp- othar day, lu a conversation vils ,a poarmuco t et l. maricmm Muaie man viso..peuple are o Ia Sedls. ail&," sait! ira. Parie. "is»0 notis tisa beoa0a the affair let fait tisé fat. Ing beneatb taie dîgnit,' of a vomcn or tisatiehola. b. aya, tise son et a prince Position tu ging on tue stage. 1 have of Svedsua'u royal famlly. wanked very bard andI muet continue Thé stOry wa» toli 10 a SUN report. 10 sonk or starvo. er Monicy ani açcardlng to le datailt "Thlnk Of a POOr ex-if. lat ta fight thie bando.u»etalwart Young prince ber va,' an a peltry $100 a mootb. llug 8elmPly «esopd his native land Wby that vooli mat buy gazoline for ta elude the duntebas gr a bride. my taurlng car, andi toilaI upon ikaop. Nt Willine to e a','. lug my elecîrie too. Oua muet dress lia-tOii a Waukegfanlle, visa voicis. ta, koep op appearaiscea. On. Maet ge for tb.estory, tuaI hlofI him native entaitain aue'sfi-tenda, mana nemunt Iland Mmpi,' beaumeac marateo sbch have lut a 111110 fun ta rtein aneas [is fther bcd arranged for film, a bealtis. Imarris»get oeavenlence, e .aJai il. "If vo are deprivei of tue privitage di not make a hît vlth hlm luamy ai ammllng and greetin,' aur hushands wmy. Ha said! thet vison il tihe usuel shen tua3' returu at 2 e. m. 51315 lave w'lma wsea xetan sd he made up of their alfilutie. lu their beeliacnd bis mimd ho vouldhave ta mnnry the unnmiered bottlos ar rye lu thair niP bis parentselbail pleed, lie oim'bly stomnace, se muet Se campensatai by packdIli up and coma 1taite land oi bolng giron a few nickels fron taie tise iree ihd lbe homo nitlaie bravo.1 'kit," for- ppPoain mm gimeraci. Wi OBc fo er As Mi-.. Parkeadavancai lier vievs Aflor c0,er8hok.aya h o viig an marrlod Iliteand tld ai bar planes i ta Sadan, ha lreie big la flght ber avu vay lu tue vonld, însllnas hutler, snd 1viii thon b. af lier gisat, iumlnoum black ayoa flihed age and Immune tramo liu dsgun witb $lie rfcmi to prl isb-matrimonial iciiemes of bisfatiser and mor Bie nfumd b,aume the raIe matiser end tise res. of adilscppointed vaoman permouali, ,He asserts, sud lb. statataent la Sa- but look up tise cmdagel for ber oisIons îîeved by tise man 10 shou ha maieý visabav mlplaed hei spusa. - n.tiat lie la thse rounger son o aia "The cause of 1the divorce evîl," saitd lira. Pai-ke, "la isck ai congenuli ity. Hast men are lptolerable, tes are companlonable. Rame find happi- neas lu taie home and aubere go loak- !ng ton il lu tise harnoomsandmi cals. Manliage ln ane 0f the dutios thrust upon-us by f001155 mmetors. and tise bonds are broken hocause tie duty be- cames to igkmme. i surely bave doue my iuty. for 1 bave marriod Ibro. men, and nov tharo la natising bIlat couldI ndues me ta h',' anothen." "Not aeu Lawrence Camer, tise act-' on, visa vas named as a iourth posai- blie Iuabandr' sas suggested. 'iNo," Hrs. Parte miggeted eoyly. "W, ver, good Monde and tiser satd 1 klsed hlm once, and maybe .1 idis but nov I an golng to vork ani for- gel kisas." Taie nov vaudeilîle sketch visicai lira. Parka bau si-Itaen and stagadinl baseil targeir on aome ai tise sensa- thouaI epimadea of ber lite. "Our first tille vas 'Never Ardun,"' ald tise divorces. "Wa have deield ta change tisaIta 'A Glrlous Foui-lb.' ItlaI melodramatle and tue comedy seme to hava pleaaed aur audiences. We hava appeaN'd under tisennesofa 'Wlnter sud Green,' but w111 taie mil as' namansohn se appear on the Wa.t Bide. *tory of a i'uaband. Taie sketch tola tis. *tor'yaoflise ne tuim of an iuebrlete isubanifromt au taie club. Taie pair quai-iel and tise soman Ibretens ticieave hlm if sise'ai ,odo itl"over yoran-deai baidy." Tise iusband talla ber ho fine. sud site diava a pistai, front ber.belt. Before se caootathlb, iuabani selzes ber afliU4n tue alrîaggla tise -oapou laniiebargei. Thse Ius@ýcd imagines ise ba, 1111.4 hie vue, and falli lu &a tin. 'Vin hoaie rcavera 1% amebr standIng b,' ais aside ani ~lls lier ut e» avitadrVa ai. bas bai. ,Tise vitle inistabt. notýhi rei bas aanped, an0d reoanclt$om follova. «Thore la ope part of the eltetea shicis la strikingi,' tmue ta lire,"* nid Hi-a, Parko, ami tbat la Disisortrial Of tise ràÈgmothe u lbrlt.i bu*- band, 'Paera la anotuerpwrt-tiat la Dot $a s'el*stc aumi l a emon- eiluhmlo. n rosi lirea tie,'»tarral- t,' mae ap, but lut »Oitb*mWevea luto iblmking the ie'hve"1 Il vas learmei Ioda,' thit an ppesl fi-o.theroale.t 40,090O tf Judo. pot - t roiuolag Mi s, Pares #,liaey he taies ad *i thoSpt'em nUit Ivill declie taie llUoatIOO. ince and sSII one dyhen aeti- ti. «f princo himmati, - W. C. T. U. inatitute. Feiuowing i; thse p,4srami<sfr Lake, Ct'îunty W. C. T. U. luetitute to ho heid et Temuperauce Toupp. Waukegau, Wmdiuedaey sud Tlîursday, June 8 and 1»0 P. m.-Executlve Coumltee 3:0 P. m.-Praie and Prayer servace Appoiniment of Oommitteas Report of Executive commaSuee 380 P. m.-Finanelal Standing otihe Couuiy io. Tr..Mrn. Mary Metealt. Ouree 3:4.5 P. m.-Tihe Do Everythia Pilscr., Depart- mena WOrk .... Bev. Mary E. Xii,, Pre,. DL . ..'. Box luncheon super ai lTrmperanoe .Temple 7:89 P. 1.-Prayer. Mette Addreases of wecoame. bi- local organluadona Repose ... ev. Mary E. Kobi 8:86 p. m.-IR'o)ate._"Itesoved That Somen Shoulti Vote....Led hi- Mrs. Ida Evans Bi~n«e. Lake aluff TISUltI4IAY. JUNE 9 9:00 a.m,.-l'rayer. MUe Seeretary sork 9',20a. m.--Conference on plans for puib « t'outy Sort open Paîllamesul P.40P. m.-Juvenlle Coutà .....MUn. Subi 9j5M. m.Law Enforcemeol. Mas.X. Gourler 110. . .-co-operation viOl MmIWoiIBz socleleg ....lirc. Jungi, winIegau 1O5. .m.-The ieanis et the Paloie Pae 11.10 a. m.-EVanguellatio <>uMioac. ..... ; .**«»'lied byNrMM Laifinahlaueri 1200 m.-Noontjde i-rayer .....ire. MalIe StM P. m.--Ogeojli 1se. 2:e0 p. m -"fi Young Peuples# 5rans.,... . ..........l. aui 2Ml P. am-A PoliDeiclQuw ... Lod Or lira. nta #--là .m.-ilhe Meauing of .Asaztota t»A £migrant. ...né. Oe#ilmLoagro 40 P. m.-Vloviug eueroime. hy i ié a » lke P. M-m-mameetmInWlie" sé" usicltri ....Adds4by l«. Mary LSui io ou mnos îiti ..e#fo to bi sait goa, (if Ît'm god goal), stotistthie osaoyene i of t «dOMmý. ~julst IOvOmte tire a va,',' littie gabt-.0 top.. llomiet eck tbisstmepipe dmla.o cioely. Une Pyrodlte W ld iiQ ou pe.'.Ilb.d., batilabir, »da oosnmmougb air geas la lb. tiré *0 bars ail ta..gasutal "014outhetbif m3aiesoot M ansimlde, . I-fl Il oea,' rqur«.s' shot "oamgald" eh ~ ~ ~ ~ t s- ioiil e hil o l uork yo l sgtw. ut IU 50014 rqul,'. e L9NQ «MStgal or iu,' otiier sort i sonder's lssue ofthte Cicago Igoo~i4lrai a*ng thie UuIt* of e teo*uro4 wa ciuthe EoeuItem etorte. aMd isttite, la i inig vitl heronoied&orthe o iam so0die la the civil wa-, teuof th* beoe test of . or Wauko. aum -beforo ikaug Itowe sas the sonof W. H. lIaW@ oblef muaician witb thie llfyUfftb. W" caituu aa ouliatei as à£miv. ae@ ]le vae a drummer boy mnd one 0f thse youftteat mon In tue, optiro va,. Otae, Lake couaty mon, more, boy* et toi-r.y Potier Piiber ai Kenosba, Pater Waterbury, now* a Wisconsin girée waries, and Wiin afarvin. Young Hoa euilmtod f rom Wauke- soand am ter th. -sar roturnoi boe tor a tlie. Hoe.silisted 9Soebhr 21 1861' Th* e olowlng lai thie ltcord-iferal alo-y of theyolmg =an, oi show Wankegen should h oaot proud: j «Ihe Boy wh~o 014Not mordit "Whuie old John Burne vie stand- Ing an the firing fine et et otyaburg theres e a &15'yearolà eaving a regl- ment bafar, the fortifledi hoisa t Vicksburg. Te,... ifty-lifthM'iillnom had be.n flghtlnz for mureraI houri and tise ammunition ms. nearly ax- hauatod. Captain oai everat com- paniea* appaaled to colonel matim-gg sorg, aaking tla A., iet muppuîy oi cartridgoesh. Sent lmmedlietly. Not a member of th. caonel's staff vas prient t carry the. diapatc. maire. borg iookod about hlm for à railablo meeoo4er. -A short dIIance ave,' ho MWv the Utile daruMmmr boy of th*__ rogimout. tutu Have. Who bait foi. 1oweil Il faitafuilY througis mamy-bat- ttesan ciibard fought campima. "Go tu ïIouerai Sherm," b. ord, ered. 'and tii t mvo ant nme am- mmahion as soon as possible. wu are meari,' aut of carte-dges.1 '*Yen, air," replied the boy, aalutmg as ho turned away. On aerun ho atarted towarwd the beadquartarso f Canerai Sherman. To reseis tbem ho voeu b.hofor-cd fa croas a portion oi tie.deeà she.'. the Çonfedérîe lire ssthse hoaviest. By a long detaur he migist avoldISt but hi. orders sera tn hurry. Plunging into fray, ho trottai mtadly nome atise field uninindful of 1h. lire the.£ Oa about hlm. until euddouiy a rifle bul- lot whled noir hlm andi h. tell, hm let: Plerced by thee ehot. Tae ie 1111 felois puila bis handkerchlef tram hie pociiet and, tylmu St tightly aboya thse geai staggered ta bis feot. As h. limp"Au to Sherman'm headquar- tors, leavlng a trail of blond isehinul hlm, the genoral tnrnod ta look at hlm. The boy galoted. "Canerai Sherman,', ho sali, "Wini you aacd mmm. cartigea ta Colonel Maimbarg Oi taie inflyfth Ilinoia? The mun ara uearly ail out.", "I vii eud tbem ai once," agswer. ed th, general gruffly. Then, In mail. or toues he added: "My boy, you ap- peur 10 ho badly sounded. Tau hai botter walthore for au amnbulance-' "That'm aIl rlght, general," repliai the lle courtur. "I eau gelto10thse hospital." 1 Raluting, he turned and slmi-tad to limp away. He isai gone but a fes sepasaihen he paumai and lurned ta Sherman again. "hgenou-si," he calaid, "ealiher 54." . . 1 1 1 On the verge of death irons the las. ai blond 1he boy-aold ler'thougait anly aio tise regtMt lu perhilaud did ual farget'tisat a mlatake I lia es ight seep It out of existence.J Fermer@ uantlug ice mc,' Slnd thse ice man at.hie home is.geen tise houri af 6 and 7 ln thse evenhnig. Thosee anting le lu' tse mornin, Ma, me hlm on tise Street. c-3"-i Fine nowV otatoae, $1.50 per hushel. Jas. -i (sso.Libertyvlille. ifin lu uod OfIM le.l up LlBg'RTYVILLi les Co. Phono 41. -.il4 W9m. LAYC OCK Co. Opeiii t Poul P i'eht Deput Libertyvil1e Illi nois Machine Shop AU*, BILE 9WORK A-SPIBCIAL14ý Emglnes Ovahauhd. A Ful Lino of Bmndries. Tire. JRe- 1'~ Clddrein' o mpers and Boys, Mtarwyý Sudo4it , aice Sut for Boys for Wawi '~Buttou & Lac*. mwe ~work Sho.. nhe IBesMakes. L E.4Parkhi*st OCHANCK BLOCK llcadquaders- For Al Klinds or 13UILDINGY MATERIALS LUMBtWR. SASB DOORS. MOULDINGS GLASS. UNE. CLENT SALT rEED. COAL. BRICK TILE. SEWEIR.PIPE BUILDING PÂPeR STONtEDRAII'4 TILt SCEDO tIAY3STRAW POULTRV SUPPLIES We Sol.dit a Shore of Your Pat- ronage. No orders te large -or too smail to fli. Give us a trial anti be coWinced. HOME LUMBER CO* PISIE 50 WEIDENCE FUONE 03 Most ranfiuag guaaies are a joke., Experionce teaclica the longcr a.roafirsg as guartced tb lest, thé poorer k ta. Manufacturera incxpcricnced in making roofinga--witsout knowicdgce.sto their dependabily-without rcaponsibality as tu theiron ufisancisi standing, viii ver,'often guaratea their rofing for any number of year simpi,' ta Cet tise order. The roofine genenait,' faits and eo donea ucm tisai makes à and theY nover live ta ma"e ood tionguarauiee. Mahid RwoSmg la 1usd. to mcii.goodand viitis mandufl tur catea k9, diewguai-nto. la ugnecaesry 4ucue.thp ,foofing in itis fi uclent to do mli thet la dalmed for k. For tIwenty.hix 7er%, T4i Paraffine Paint Ca., of Sau Francisco and Chicago av mae wud v 4a h. gaod a k'u l You oea etp.d a tii. raj'Aoaslill,' -Maldaoh! RmRo6ugSM dYOU wlMnevor bave ta bothet un MiGEm

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