CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jun 1911, p. 6

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W e have opened our-,new.'9i At hes saicifi-ed, S èe 'of the best knowb sdvertis'ed brands e a ck00fva ue "s 13050 Douglas ShbQes, for $3'.300 dé 66 dé6* "s5.0 6fp 66 66 'S$Z0 666 66, $2.OO Lot- of Ladies' Puieps ib ver*ous>sils,1 I $3.00 géods t -$25 Lotf L"des'. Oxford.s, reeular $2.50 values, pîcé now at $1075 AI Crnreo's antiens Shoes sharpj redéceti lle.s go t1 '00IMprfect géode, soc e4r 38C . Valtm. up,:to $3.5O., - 40c »dte ue bou hi~M~h.Weme MW epdt 18c, 3 fo0 Choce . ou nqlieu i1.1' l . stor, values«P te 50e. f9f23C Siglwof BOW TIes. wét#9 to25ce fer - 5c Bs troW M 1.tobg içUOs. - 5c Blé Rhw1;tl- il ac« eveejiM us in *u lc t- a blgsal Curtain, MQterials,cq ubltgat S~d#4Ing s 15c WAIIwODS - s Sc AlStamd«ad Calilce,liOIeIaid drk' Tisu. lmhamsregua« 2%c gooeor o Mefterzed FoulWd. Lawuuo . m r te lSc.lor lOc -% $ ILLE Glu.1 à I E4 t, ILL 4 - - lSc 4 ~u5, worth Up 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 E .4 1 - 0S * * * * O 4 * * 4 O 4ýili hmet obLona " j tw~t bia;outo ~e riingte taolle oibercb. Ï$0sgbatelý4idl band tirneudi )bw;ew %0J. Vteg stmetelh bwu siielibulthe ises of libillkt. No lpmemorikjas ouI 0f 9 bert alemotn& rcerin wl'u ivbo la he oltéinSi or y hume ia,, î Mylab.d. 9, Tmnoan tialoid6.oldler, li~ feor thlius raves o!mnt t Oum, is ar oele ara 0" bsrsdai, a e2. OJ.uer insi.b> rf-olng yparop, SubY, potffce ddrsr B""OI bee: 9 renacbugb> asto Étople co tbe ot, "God lira. JUa. cIsoL uBLA( a- bS.b Eptoru Nie t IAoutro& tort t u eeue a toprce1aif hbd wai4Ie, rerCou.ul*t.s DARSSOTTLÇý- FROM IRA 1INS ÏLi oàMùÉINéCO lks. Systein Thot Netted $30,M00 la Dffoin Signe QUlI PPohltlng Oflnk. Chcago R*Pleced by $OSOC6 Paie. Ing Excspt Ila Buffet Cars. 8prli0eIid,fIIi., May 30o.-Cblcsles Biwlgliidlii. Ma 30-Drng 011 lnsP6=tr beuceforth musttt,. on a fhrOm a Illinos wier' otra b ouuss$5000 slarY and the old tee systeni atruh ll . wilflt e P.mltted wlh netted hMn 30,000 r more a Goft. r u i an. n a Ysear w-sebolialhed permaueutly w'e. Goverur Dueu bs egee Bbill Governo>r Deneen aMlxed lis signature Whkti Prodbite drtuking cdl itoxicaute to the. bill!ofSenator Bdward. J. on Interurban cars. on the itiattorni or 018dm. Itl 8the u e hicli 'eeg called stffs Of & eoaCiiOr auy Other part or Op Repreeentatve tii. train, 03091)t lD buffet or dinlu ams .Bresu ae mtrdy Platfrm f Ud k0l ti tOitn01t o v- i tblu the. lest heur cf the. raging ail. uiaorme o! asation.orThe bilother night »eno. Stxteen otiier bis proprty f a ailred. ii.1ih y5i 'ere stgned by the boveruor. paasdutii. r tequtaet0fl, alwy %e followlng are among thbe bills condutor1 ! theetete *lKud liY thegovernor: SVITHIOI> monRS POg IXnthn le terme of county court. CHICAOR~d Reguietlng Parka lu couaties under tOWns»huiPorgmnieatlon. Unlfor m Order Eleotse Peter.E. Jensen el4vlnt the board of adm&itration Grand Comm ander. the. rlght to coudsnsn sud buy prop- Jollet, Ill.. Maty 80. -,yhe tluiform - hleklng appropriations forlte or- Order ludependeut Svitiiold; organlzed 4lliory elpenses of tiie national gulr. t thie conclusion of the. thirtieth san- .Fljtg tle4wary or the sttisn nlusi convention, CMic«rseiected of lt.hesoltdCaii were: Requring flIl.a1.1 GÇaud cmmder-Peter i9. Jensen, publie officiels. Chicago. Fixing the saiary of the. curaer of liMP.t lieutenant grand commander the. naturel hletory muaeum. H. Valln, Joulet. Permttlug the. levyiug -of a etreet Second lieutenant grand commander tax ln certaiu cilles and vilage%. --C. Alonquist. Alaking au appropriatlon for the. The uext convention of tth. order mllk producera' luetitute. 'i eU he lin tuMinneapolis. EhebUing coutlee ttuIonsspace lnt ceurt houvse t otbéï-mulcîpalittea. Girl Sloops for* Six Weeks. lSpnator Hurbujrg's biletbiaiiig a Vendella, II.. May 30-MiseHazel stte miinùg 1comi"ln Schiimdt, deuiler of former Alderman Schmidt, bas aimost continuons- DENEEN TO IIEAR AIIMENT Nv for six week.. At the. beglnniug ____ of ber illues, t e wseselzed wth-iise-,Mte fClmt abre u@r ver. pains ln the bead and tomecis clotte CaTet WittrbOOn ue. est tien wocId lapse loto semi-ucon. cisî et llCCR p selouueseSprngfield, lil., May S.-dovèraor New Pstallenk Un hlinla. een steitetIthatte be d uj ivo ,@a New ostl Baks n Ilinos. it.arlng et Z6 o'eloclc Wadn.ohWy mter- Washington, MsY 0.-The posttoe ron ou bouse bill 6«, the Clut demrtment bus designates flfty sad- rbrbl.I A oWý <itilouel postal oasinugt hanite. The !Cîbreeebi, h. Ooi one B. e Oon fiee'offices deeigaeted wilhiopen for cmree 6e"ientn 1.<niaoAsolt Ool the. receîpt o! depoit« on ue 27 ~l*Dlgtosbtifras sis Aanong the. bavX" ~.tii. followlng ll. Dto, arenbttradaib Illino Ilu Unti themeesire re exp. ted tu be pro>' lhus: Ottwa,\,Cboî vlea&c...A :0oc,~tWdisa ! Roc MolueFigtsrWiner. ernoon the. governor will Moia-. erwnhï. bill. oeisiansi, Ill., May' g0. - À left Atre-eea ta eund . bsook to tiie la'eput Young Carter of A<oeoreneeti tead Ciilcae o' hhc& o sieep lu the. tiird round oOue brrbilth of bis fIO 'eltb Ki Shaw of Molina. frOtr'.nbrbh ie'omsn'stes beldon n Ilan lathemiggwp bour bil and tb. rallroad and urne'.- bobO nurarsa. u i.Misuepihou.. commission bil. thea Abott bIÙ siter ner bers.maklng the ralellîansd ustioue Chicago Oradtaate Omos Place. commiusion atpontlve Mt 4 enoisng Ponditon.Ore. Its> 30.Mi the p owera. No of unon né@ ho the. con- 304em,« Jobeebom 'Tsemu., a gsaumte Stitiloitel'y o i» f! ille t11 Or hê ywv.sty f (Sleago, 'e &Ptaud Io given hi lMr. &ad ~ otatsi e une hai aiuna ilneatossites tbat tie" are aU core s a .»Wm mat osneà fora, lTh. bille are boto.. le g méo t ernor awating Mbi leatv4e. M ARIET QUOTATiOiNS Wicl -doD en e UDletebut Chicago CahGri ne*," ma> be svrtlsed sur - CaiG ain " ttion&. uow lan the ». 1.'RALE" 'coluan: e f 3i.tago, May 29. Wisat--No. 2 ted, Pffoi98hc; NSo. AatsPrvns reel, 9409le1c;X0. 2 bard trOter, 92@ TucoTarar proveri boyw 96%e: No. 3 bord rînter. iO@Bl; No Tro îigitoufa. quvesbto se l nortiiera eprina>, 99cfc$l.011 Ne. l trn Wto . wlat e nortltern spriug, 95ui O98c; No. s3 pr M ount of veracit>' to b. boiseS for la f 09c.Crn-No. 2, 53%@6I4c; No oOIclaI documenta b>' orientale. Tic 3ehite, 533/41f54c; No. 2 yello'e, 53% 1 IIoeris roua as folows. 'He Who 0540; No. 2 3% 3f 3.~;No. S3twhite se t thetruth iwlhl h.expelled froin Oa PN.2wbuîte* 36cq36%4c; N~P- white, 3694036e; -tandard, 3 sO 0. Wl. Wenlng Ver>' Old. ChiagoLiv Stck.Theaclent Egt'ptlaua aUtwors tria Chiceg LiveStock. and14the. artI>'Chiatiaus froanA., D Iloge--Recelpts 37.000. Quotations '427 to-A. D. 917 considered a fais. hesd raugêdd t $6.0006.lj5 chioce beavy, ov.ring a badge of dIstinction-fias 86.10@6.20 eholce ight, $585U5.95 Co ~ i t etul hepvy packlug, and $5.75 q.10 gono trito.ln valu eclared ttotbu devices an choice pige.. wInavenin S lae hn ei n tattle-Receits 22.000. Quotatin etions of tih e ei, renget! et $6.20(à 6.30 prime steere, $4.4004.90 good 10 chioce beef cowe. Piclurea oSOréat Morses. $6.3651.96 gond 10 eboice belfers, $5.60, ,&5.75 ýselected feeders, $5.0005.70 Ton W»'rmnn HoesuffAs, tbs' oldest fair*ho cicooe s socker#, 177@8.25 and mont up-to-date r.mttiua hors. sd good ho chiocelilt calves. r lDlu hilewold,J,pnhaidteel Sheep-Jtecelp)ts 23.000. QOta>u. ah Inidlanaoli.La. as.t.n* raugefi t et .76îr7.M ~gon osi hoole ablefis bs frmiag, of tIa four world's lilghiambe, $5.40qi5,5 gond ho cholc.e ciimplopit. Thos Batveser, 2:0l1; Colo- llgbt Yéariings. $4.30lg-4.65 gond tu t~E. 8 :Ôàf ;Je a. (4) 2:04%, and choice wethers. $4.ü0(ý4.7,0 god t Jstc Boks 22.h9I. sud aresend. cehoice ewes. lug h o lenberbers. aItthe regular Butter. Cr.amery, extra, 21 c per lb., prints, 23%4c; extra firas. 20c; firets, Ille; dainimesxtra, 19c; tBus, 17c; pack- iug stock, 14%4c. Potatces. Chuoiesho fsucy, 38Ca4Oc per bu.; fair, ~ogoosi, SS@37c; ew potatoos, 81.59125. Poultry. Tutkeys, per lb., 12c., chiciiene, ftis, lI120,rocoters, 634e; brolets, 2206lc; ducs, Uc;-geeBe, 7c. East Buffalo Live Stock. Dulng A Sjevens, live ,stock Com. m!401611 Mereheuls. Esal iBuffalo, N. T.. atdeEs foilots: Oftîlie.-R.c.lbts 140 Car; Market aheedy. Hogs--Re cepits 90'carst; Market cho.,; beivy,, 8.360.33; Yorkers, $6.î500818 ;pign Ile.60. BbeOPý-teceil)ts 40 car&,. m4b ket stéad>; ciIPPed lhafe, 17.25, linge, $5.1005-76; wethers, s$4. 4.75; omas $4.0ù@4.25. . W;eg,845 bumttejr eOuIUbled lu ise bail 056 boýtse foqot tits a ioud nais. aJ*tmuée frOM a nearby bsséeu. 'Tu, 11 m."retlu'eo hbu b w, au, or;4 obiver. "Wiere bave 7011 been Mand1tb Use eoft LghiordemandeS lise volce. "N*.O or rbusine",.wisq. r"o bocal, retortm lm .burgiar .iiom *W P, IIv.Ogon atise lad: tii. do«'labis face =»~Ok- #"es un mote01oStis laU E subscription p rie f52ptjer* vanee, a fulset o tise l baouns valuable picturea Iree. W. 'elli h. glad td'fornard a&>' subscrlption ordpr kIft aI tus offie.29t Strawh.rrie4rom $1 .60 to #2.25 per ces.. JA8. GuABoir, Libertyvilie. Adjudicaîbon Notice. Pubic notice Je berebv giron diat tuee ub- mrtber Admiaittaor of lthe Zslte 0 r sr iirdy. deceassd. will attemil the omr$y cou iof Laxé Oouuty. ma o tenu. *Thérste10be lwd~~the O«nuBou m utruega.l à E .gtAEAdu uiluratcr. For 90oo I pUMMUinggo ho.Cboo. A. Dowt'rs, LunI~'v1l e-8421-t j' JUJ wog0dOd t1oe COrer op ftIest. "Et 1*thu, b2 inc ad Aoppa" tbIii.Pester Èà.*uhba«m>p xmg Wuo«Or lwaYs looklrig out fm e .best tnteresls of our ou@- tomers- and as prdcf of tIùa assertion coU your "tention Lo tha Olivrmul Mled Plows *lftl*ICE I A AWAIINIMW u oJimUTSA DV1 Il» Mm .111 end 222 r. Mt ad LM t Nan 12 and 14 taci eut. Guw~tu t.Sui peecd lMy .ne, unatter kWl Mut hW Ih ' th hd or p"0l aul wsrhid PMUrta Sal ild, abat..end landade ba.. «"hue Ovpr the&obu *Ur uac e t »n»sao& t1h rsouldbUords. ES&Y eOooet*4»0 p0pclv dW»t OLMIVE CILLZD NEA4. te a tet demi bord«r the oteet WM teEs>u a n uabtg rPoUathénAsteel. end Wtffl Tm=EEZTISSEAs LONG, XôuOQldode wlU rot oetch tu the. oumtoagrity mg' 4!M4 Y.t SSour prfsoty t *0 tpxtà lane.a - Thes. nmw f uni bhi ploWa WL? DO AUL O? TOUE WOIR-dI #botter, lion a ~ otpwov oni. wIth l»&U« droit W0 bspue «Motr end tOut ta bai m h u ]R. 111 Imm.,W W1!T Y OUR tilT Ail" C~LIYM~ Il! PAYS, tue M. -'B. Doinesflcs, Etc* Fruit .of thre Loom e Loosda.le Coundric and otW oc uitUl et reduced prices 1 5C Cottog Batts n £ 12C lOc 66 i6 - 9 fIne lot of Table Lin«' 9 and Toweliogs Pr#k~ 11 m 1 Sc M boat. Apron Ginghe m

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