.Wtus viti ber sotier Mms. Wm etpd lde Oiipkws*-Bsks1 'à , nés tciiftro egnm«relfodl wvil i yl smotîlbortly1 , CMEo* nad dvlse ofObicago bave. &. L .Trpp lot Wedgedsy fan Evans- «Ws. *Mt', vire hb.abaieen cillaion bieste, Pa si»sd famly o! LibertyVvill e Npeél'Sudoy st1R. F. Ponge'@. à vit l Modievudog st lis churekiwua1 nIdlb.Comencmet exrcisesof the 1ev.Mc~unb f Wukqajxdlvered = b .oiIge! 6. daitlomec1 Oma . asrtdl bsuri Tb@ Wtu adsm»by t la coe trotl. 1h *d bo u b oue.Tiar vs li àdbe.flal»d yeavend as rem -arkb 16 ie vlel »d maon r» l li to "ad puell lim e tu . n lm«nw hU Ks lqel l, si o derth ou en sudsi eBbi sd 1*ptola»o -The tum ou vos ce gto aI sr fri oter bitao wb obg vammo mpelai *da r ol ilegîvo mxrem. C Ti teu vcenulit 1. emrfrm othe Isus. isiug gnse as isî nre. L«u. o? wVicego spen S onnaY Proosedlngs o!fIBoard o!,Trustees01o! Mi ber OiW15*lrér P. LItuldl, Village o Ares s B reglar meting hisLsadquatliisLlfdindtbtvo Ja.11. Àesi.allotac s leauriev1teCaibi le erder hy Ir-it4ent Smit ivaukeou#Oy. vth fail board prent. Mas. Enta W recbser bas-epeued Minutes resi smi approved ou motionr i*UWrI bt@l reaetly opersted bi 01 ROUes sud Watson. e8fçaIsed.Triesurra "Part rsi, sud accp"d i sI premmt iv houées union ça motion O o Qsiiler and Thatcher; àoiqetios. 1h51 of E.;(G. Poee0o3 Preeldet reappointel W. D. Ponleeni. teSt. g tUe lIotsl4Jflst g eyt. u a1cmt as treasuren sud appontaient »eand ou ev viii show yois a lova confirmai an motion o! Rouse and Zer or* IIe éfor vo are rapidly Jbornlng esa. as *Wblea tuoast ais mmer mages asW.* L. Brgioru prsensi petitian tu t Sof *ii. Il ta se. lie bauds o! changes nov. 01 illage tu "Village of »»mtsl a moimuiirimut. floo er." tawetSeuffo .aVnu. 1MmlieJtL. Roder fflbovlng hbisepnsentai: MU9W sd hler on ihbert aIvl ae aeendwé 0ut, allt 08.00 id ii. Mid -liii JbOI sdll t2m Nrl bqgup (a, l 0 8542 tldnturd&y 'oui sabool Iaîî team r.* b &DrpeioI$be 9M W1?1 J4te q ff gqj 4gI51I g. uvbl.i11w»?GO îà ànest. ib T. .lvhllîtuée .401 à no b5 imebit gaine for out AU il bu sUaved @AdWarrante oniérel wmo4 gotis 15 ile oûth. The Ivo, rareonmU .0193of WilleandiThatcher. ieuidabso"wbis everrorr. Moved by Wolbn a&M Goese h i «0 *01*0, ksovarlo lie hms asIUtas o!-prosodbigs b.publishil. =*"aagtlatle ftut irueleiOC5ii. ~il*i-* itoidImel. 01!> a s t Ilvasdeclde on motion o! Boum aid " 14* rubal. yos aboi lo va W"Ile 10pul ls ,butack uven s outh Mi tZ m l e liitîd hesem. "deof Part Ut. ormo ceAve. q»&Mmie is.Tibe oys -ail playeProvision v-s als, ous, sud Wa. ,ÏWi SPsot11 risblydueervd ta uri,.sO, 'fur lie l'"'Dg o! s four fot vait .w~heias0 en outh "ofPrk lt. Iromnor" ra»Mbmbmempoed t laiaiu C. Bisis appoluteilho cqDssl anssual moeIu lie4dmugstore. Mr Hardis dog IsE on motion of ouie suad W"t 1 £M"i baeuislm te position. son. W". iami Thatcher tu adiourn. U. A. Musmé epula nev "Wnooer let T. F. I, Vent. ree adl *ov bas a fulu isdged met ________ obela lecosmeton viti is puerai ____Ir________ W. B. awp bui'ib",ei te or o G is barber ohop redecoilad t leu BarnyAmoàn mal lauger Barbara8 provuffm e iaztci. opet Sundoy aI Freanunt.q jobu tibrght bas so far revrerei qita, a number frombhere almtenie b tr.sshis etltasautu b. ot but hei@tlt cireuaîW&ukMgaTuenday. A-rport ..Ohb fe cte of thieige. a goai tie. Vais- Buiolpiasud ber dloter gable oi M. sud Mm.re.HPry Myer sntenlmined Llbmmtyv" b peal Ssnuday iti tbefr reltvefra. Firieli oven Sundai'.d 5h0ml5 5et Mvivt. r i maoart'.itmeicomptai frein -Atii séaid sti ng odai .nigbt Wut.gu ov unay. lit lmsidio lepublieb th record oa!%Mr. and lins, Wetzlo, Pilzanduifamiiy -r«I anoiiossd yen viilflin bi n luvisitai relites aI V % sutega, Snnday. eissuem. Thue iai eh quetios Tiero vas a lavu party st Henînan aseoi: "d -Wby ion't Uiey publsb tbe Flber'. Snmiay night. "slri 1 Mr. n.sd Mmlire.Heîanarce emilrtalmlng Bot. Jobnson ba preceedi Rat Car relatives frain Paistino la oui pasorata vas a vilfor let veet ýTieri vas a secool peute ln Mllchel's -t5th fi ujIethome sud met inwy. eoodti lest Satuniay givea' by Mises of île oli friand. ' Emana Cese. Ail report a good thon. 1uxl'Sueday Mornlng te subject ionr- liehessiOn viii h.: "A Divins Kesper' "elle lb. eveula:'A settling Daýy." Notice Il 1 1 wi ylgrlnd Saturdays oly aler Ibis Neifo Toe aIs h FIint ong. laite, Jasa lot. C-96-2 Churob ot Weategon viii ho bell te. B. DoLpU. fleekeleler, lit. uaaMpl nitln<o tie Lake Coumly Coe9sgatoralFslavebp Clb. itbo chas vWU[ ail ilivr if yen Lant Tonid"i os thebacseof Laies fod BeiComi (Nlci Ssar.Sou acmly Barstbe sebool hel lieu unual pcole. iy Libeiyv" iLmbr Cm . 25-tf .bajgaametvsis tbeboys tman &u dmhampsed ofirs l b. Ith ftsao f fle aviia o UhoeWmo. tisboys viuslng, but aeste s I r hepie si W fo -g» @wsaisvs unson u anethe officie ot toda.vvoul maie TOUR MD41 wu weosso 5<1vitari cmp lau 0F A RoME, Petikm 1t~t.. IL . FRouas, VÇia neldnt Irvilng .Puve'*. Osclla. à pou pu i MWs ROasa *hapeoo wuas aItbornea MW Bq Wthe lePmi ek W aé asàwm ono- )»W by ber aliter, Mil. B. Oneoplos T 141 n. 'oiom tprwg ~pa ufflaffl expeé t . u =. d "*"b-, Ite Lu, butvoit. ber am»ler mLef" e*. The Olud o eoaueplanning for e rkkl go.MI& um.o ,aiw 800à anfaad tlasorelde tua ton UÀberrvile ,adsoin. froa Tii rogplarCh lld rsn'a Duy exerclie mli bu bMWlet thb. ubuXi xIsanday morning bsglaang st 10:30 o'cloct. Zver7body jnvltsd. J. L Chamierbaa eptertained hie brother Herbert, lest Frilil. Issu Bles Bock wlihbas linlohetiber mahool at Faîrfielà sud [a home for the Everyone le cordlally Invitei 10 attend asocal to b. given sItih home of Mis Bmaa oiteun Fuiday svenlng. Jane 101h, union tbe auspices of the Cbureb Denovolec ommlttee. Tee creammsd cake 20 cents. Foie,#*Kidneer Rm.dy le ptarticularly zw~ommned7' for chronla cases of kiduerland bààier trouble. 14tondseltuCégulale sud con- trol the kidney and bloider action ted la ln, etrongtbening sad bnacing. A ton minute "strugge" In viing a vant ad-sud yo'U s ellitat prop- erty ai sure as--tance! Mun. Pegu1 i am te Mr-., lwç>. S D.pP s 04 mw. H.. tuo& a. A 0 u~ Wu qg vnoveroi be. l IIIçrt fegela Mne Li. to ,timed ber dauilsr at~à& Aae t.OTàdd Suie Uel*ofet*môbogo, d e.a MM Au" s u is l tlb sas, -£MW. Bset u Lh Uiithe iPest veot. Mr. .a4 Mmis. JB. Schlrdng spent Bandar viti reatives in DsPUainai IMe. Sel 0ofMilford, vas a visitor vilc frindnl brq 'over Decoralos dei and tbe followimg veet. Mise glveil lae arlng for ber frie9sd. lire. A. G. Smltb sud littho son at prient. A LoadnglOalîfornia Druggist Paadna, cl., marcb 9, 1911. Poley sud Co., Getleme:-We have sold sud ,eomnads Fle aQUeY sud Tar Compoumi for yearni We be- haeve It 10 be oaa of the mot effilcient expetorants ountiarket. Lontal- iun neopisten or pmecticei fi enu . given freely 10 chtinren. Eaoutb of tii remeiy con b. liaten to reflieve a cold sas s nDo nauseting resmts.aj dose not ictfet Mw ~disgetion. Your vor trle. H. Ward Drug Co., C. 1. PafsoasSemIy and lise." Gel tuai origlw koey's Roney sud Tar Co mud te tbe yellow packages, For on of lhe places sivartiied for usai today voild make YOUR IND 0Fr A HoM=.perhaps. ILOUIS Je YEOMA THE: 0 TCIN Ton LATâ Voit Là" VEEt. Fiant RailesamI(Wi. Fuirlet @pont undey at Wantegan. Biernard Ullrici o! Chicaga, spnt over )I. sud Mrs. Pbiilp Wagner ipea Soniay viti ber brother Will, vie i. quit. iet et Long Grave. Iutin Wagner ami sîster Barhsaipntl Sundsy .wltbh beir brother, MIte sud famiy - I TLTE 7L"0Fu LAit VEu.- Artbur Kînchoif motedlOIta bis mev boins lest wesk. Wm. Cooper sud job a 9lio elrar batlng'uev phonai pauieu brnues. Misn Florence Elinger bas finlibei ber tom at basineas collogo forthe Year. Mms.Mary Allson là. iung&a fs laye st lie larm invth ber chilire. R. A. 'Mille and famil, viellai et Lako Zurich laut Suniay. day vîit Mri. Alcnfer a! Llbonlyville. sundai'. Jemee orcb.r o! Laks Villaspea t Ime sunday 511th ber couin, Gertrude PlamntalL M. C. B. Emalan and Mrs. Dilci @peut seveual isys dung the vee t 1hMr. sud lire. J. L Manou at Hall Day. Mr. and Muem.I HautIn-o! Etanslon verelthegxeota of M. sud Mmns. FC. Bletdou mf unday. Mru. Adaipe enlrali eue son George o! Clcego ami daugitar lims. imbark oi atonsood on Decorallea Dar. Miss 1111e Bain mof PimUlmpevin-e cosa le be amet o!Mue. Qanl. linés Maryr Met 01 Wiuioll ba s - JOyel isti fl y !slo n viti be* ir graudmotior Mi. L. P.Todi. - lIn cf Wutqa. O ou l.ndoy wevemwung lre~iarBush om gve aputyl loaéot ot r get lie SMtty o«sau ta 4le O MIof Mk5 Voiler ber gut. of U" DrSa iagespioh1* o. 1 ,Laie Co.., MdiNertld Cook 1. GuvaLma ine1s.u. - ~ -- *ka mass VDUJ4~5'F.5P wbsi M*-,euw*lw ' - et ate aigus hY«l'Rua Matyet am Io t al41 lest~~~l là-fuus q recently purchaeesi. Henry Mille le havlng- ail hie large buildings remodes witli concroe floor.. Louis Peglow ani John AYers are doing the work. Mrs. Kate Fueatelu and daughter are *peunlg a 1evdays vith Henry Fueratein. Wilson (ironer recelved is new touN lux car bast iunday. The. INDEPENOINT snd Weekly Inter Ocean 81»0a e ar. PÂYILION Grand =uce Every Supdy AftsrnOOD and Ev.ninu ouf'-' - -- - xF. nt Piestmt - m âDmr dmaI llcinud*e i n. ý ms MW loéîm tr tl a aUm - - Ib~~~~~~~ilm ailea i mi pOfl# Plellxoelaistg o! ti la6"e. 1hhWMx#E.ljmlaro COn 15Co*- Wba»nil -OOwud laS tidstoèkodi fplhaer dou riiiu rsrId sud*0 MWrgidiéb oybdy te«a» etls tiiWme1 Pig sudmt ouia ri ammdthlmu"t. Tirbelngne ur-erP. huslnuo«-e t meetingg vas od ourueki, =0.1C. KEWT, Pie.. H. E.l, mexatings. o vm Obituary Wiliam J. Zimmer a promîneut bul' bi mnuof!Long OGuespases irwe at his hame aom Thur.day, Juna 1sf ut 11.45 a. m,. Be bad nottun luhlb bail of beol$b for lbe Past Jear but hb. vas ambitions sud enengetlc and cou- tInued i.vork ountil BeY 8î', vib. vas taktmi ta bis bei sud altiougi b. vo»uli get amn for as heur or du vas noer ableotl ave the bouese gan d sithougi thlb eet of medical car.siras giron hlm the bau d of thne AimightY eooidpot b% tsydAlaud ho vas calied ta lii tarnal bomne aller reoivlug ail the niçite o! the churci. Aller bidlmng lie faanlly good bye ami tbauklug the donior for lb. cari laiton 0a iuhlmb ,« emmiraüly egain, bat an boar au a hanl laterihobell bactoun bis pille v ami bal passai te lb.egreal b@yoni main. tbionm bis mimd te teo lest moment. Ne vas tie.@ouest son of John sud France. Zimmer ani was boum et Lake Zariebl, Sept. 80, 1865, vas fOrtY-llvu ysars asiegbî monthe u! age. At the mWof o! ve yemrs be mavei ta Long Grave viti bis Parent. uhOri b.gho ta ananhoçd sud bus ac im aie il e'bome boimg im business Ian the Pust as a congepil, upriahl and energetl business mon aud although bis b=sna broughl hlm in Contact vjtb a lare number of people he bad Dot " oeumY i the vihole communlty and nothlng but praise le Isard front i many friands. The bouse was 5used wlth beautiful fiowers sent as tokens of eteem. He w&è tha eldest of a famili of eight cilidren. lire of whom survive hlm, two omtere, Cors who dlad at the mee Ove; Ilarf st the age twentY-elght, hsvlng preceded hlm to bis etarnal borne as dld hi& father who' did Ove Jears ago. n iehaves to mourn bis lo8 iseil motber, isé. France Zimmer t0 whom he wam a devon lad son and sucs the deolki oi ner.baad looked tb Wîil for evrerytbing mAintainlng the oid home wbich now le brukNi-. The threealot5er. surviing are Mre, Peter Weldner o!. Buffalo Grove; Mr@. Pbîlip Wagner. wbo lire on a fur« neari Pockefeller aud Mrs. Thos. ýWlee, whe resides et Mil- waukee. The two surviving buiitbet* are John N. Zimmer and Geo. Zimiser both of whom art business men o! Long Grave. He was a devoçt PRoman Catbolie helnga member of .' MarY's parieki 0! Batl&lo Orove and. before bis death mae.&aIl rrangements for hlg fanerai wbich vas held ai St.t Ma&17'oCathollo ehurcb i tBuffalo 0Grove st 10o olock a. m. fatirdoi, Jane 8rd, wbsus @Olema hlgh mass wa' rosi by Bev. Fatlwirkrert, S. v. D. ? ofi e rvilie asistai b y e. FotS~r Bur. o! wiiweond% masdescoix and Ber. fatber ruhn. S V. o, ! Slbpavlle, Lel #u i os'pso trke aý i a Un udvsale4 ua .8oM sege al oas ,wow 1 o» foi, b mthfaMd deivsrd M giiesrboi W, every TeÀ. 4011te belleve lis'Ir- a' l be O.' *,d above. After h,.onda ;ew»tvy bud hlan t rMady. ClâioN to tia bereavpi fsUbly. 1-s =4" wS- w - EMISVITEUMMtie oe Mag bu oul rom, sate lb. ai UA" #MW "*l a ti» log et Pmu cmlxvidivbI nd ou le dsPe* mSie tl aebdtonci et Itl Se de liemow eethg'ai ay0< IU* *9 m te l bnci moe est a bo$uhm$, 4 it the ni.- o jii oanas. Tie *pçopra ill of Ubailail lion dollarsfor thi Mpravenit 0f lie torthmbahiewovTait polki, baciet iy lie preaident kad is fiteals, sud wyul surely pus. meaningi la lseit msny new buildings sud lm- p§rovementa et the tort for the greater number of mon. *111 lac Strataglo Point Par lulani, et Uic foot et lie lakes, lu a stuagetie p6sltlan for urmitias, breaking lu. aud xmoving aud trapUser- ring' troopo, the follovîng f rom lie ,peoaaudilI eder.lsued tbronghiG e. Leonard Wood,. commander of thes an- my, abovu lié scope of the local pont nder the nsv oriers: The centrai division wIll erubrace lie depmarlment of the lakes. lie de- pertinent of tha Misourisud the de- et o $iîon lahhw b l7 dMOUelo Zt Galv=a . Àuis $~M4 Me 0 NorOtuseme>. rtaWy'b.. In My rsqulil lwft aCeaspulga' de Vaut alvwuwàlg le lai lb. ual of wSe1 m'y* Ionisafor. BU t i voull @0*ina LONGeismpalaos' May otisir mort t wcf& CLA8iFID aietllg fs *My asivertumera 'urefored poiiku -4tli te s torf PuIELIOTT OD TABLa3;*9ema e ý rosaiIO lion..Ibo disputeabout pse Te due la viers e yu ame 10 vor fer a long tif.. b coin. mars e b.tOUa -if yofl'ne looktngs foirsmmb a ch- la toisys elp Wanted Mi. Avotion sain ntices P*bllsbetn thc Indepoodeot Win rosi tor mare renleri 155.Mony0<er mer tul the ommy~ . le lIe dctuwatloa: ou viitu heiebusiue. 1 imove my' outiro stock b o cokefoller IDI. but bore Men's Stockixugs that were 25e now ladies St.ockings that were 25c nov Cbii drens Stoeking that were 2Uc now Mimses Stockingo that were 25e now Linon Coilarâ that verse U ow Parisigna Corsets that van Si1 now Paris Modal Corseta thas were 65e Bunting that vas 6e per yd. 110w Calieo that -vas 9c per yd. flow Gingharnu that vas 8c per yd. now .Brown Danin that vas I Ce per yd. 110w 18C 75o 8 9e 4c -6e 6c Mous hmavy Twilled -Shirtlngthat vas lue novw ' 6c Ail Shoes. Hardware, Paint, 1iohes, wiii be aoid at e oat. Corne while the goods last, WIL A. RAY Diîamond loake miois mlinois 8iisOoMgutloiiNo. A8865 r.awed. VoIp tu a black horat wefgblugý 1900 and of 'Uuumliquiy Ùe ba absolutely - pond, ue and hi gel0t u a"', e lilgirit type of draft animal$. He la a hOrbe that bas Proveg puldauI. - Velo vii mak th. e aoî is8uai the PLI5E MIN, ILL.W~R9A f~E$~to nsr ClOSMinO ut Saléè Before JUly 1 st es mu p THE CTIZtNSO BANK ROcKUT.LL!R. .ILL, our-sa4vknga De-moset a*o«rds the farmer. laboren, cîild and ,M s?*0eenent m an sd profitale mcans of laYlng avay t*MIr paa eler. ic Openaan acouAI. intoreat aasel et aper? ai pe« &moma% ce-ouNpededlm4tl. 4.~ TR. P RamI.rvingS . Pa,!w. going wili give tbe following prices, 1