CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jun 1911, p. 6

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eqiwçgleam i>t bértated 1teaen th gru54 >17. c:i* et the Waubo- Pm gas, mns alogédît. lase been housed PM us * se1h.<lanaPin NstlàUtmon City, suta# tea rowul titat ~VU' jw VM9bou in .waubsg*m oad lu Lio b*éW-tsvin e ret<d n t on h* "y ntf AglI19. Hé la Pla bprono i . ahâvee etated t~haho, mua eu t Zion City and- lastructed te t kft++ ++ a d*inc0 thero. aitougb ho le 4 . .. . . .. .. . .go, ad corn e NW&U- JO + egan BA ho pleaweal s long as. hobe + + did1 not roain ovor ngbt. He + li. ald -th& b. vteti early lu the. + won ridanMtWnMonlag+ 1n dty, that h. was Il + y hwlc "£coWmm t' " 'W re îaPPw oeeavoICI.u hmftorbla "work S O i a arai."' aud 'M " ur laeu ony eusse. Pree the rturned te Waukegafl arrIVIns hareoc " lié. s Cityw00» . Pree tit about non.went Iletotbe fOnt ward é< + frenalPittO w h otom votng preclnet andt est a vote thora. eit +* yeae fé du4ng é i me + Ail dey Monday tram the opeuhtag *thi <e' itogsliee*WaulceOu'+ court,util aciournlt e t 5 0COClo e wmm,*'« + the court room wae crewded.,It boitai Sý 4 moIsmJI lt 4. 20pevno ~~ie.Z~UJ-h u Mvde sli that fully 80 esOt.. .0 la' in.tlay * + theun wltneml. wating thi.e e t 10 ýw1 hua d nd liOtel +te tata'eattorneay 'os so gau r4 gnou of Mîny CasAwait ActioN. + tonWb«, o syeWilur+ On the- deClon ut the grand Jury + elb Voiveaa W glhur in jethe Aiegationg or tiiegal i g ~ hO5ObS~~,f"bwe4 by 4riettah.e tee ofth re. tfout Om ae t 4 W.Mar Cludiuonmd . *the County court, andi on iu the Ch,-m W. Mr sd h.ieni.a nd one cuit court. Ty'o of the...cases -ar ai + oftih ouge. auioff thi ae tarted by the Theomcrllo Psty Plc .Iaasut the. election iesJ. .1HalW-aPl + ieyami WUlIMMC. Curtia. wbO Freud-tb . . . . . . . edett We etionas a r am eguu *. uaauaing ! ti. anyo te Nhavé rotused many the igit't ~~ ua jury may esti te Important INvt nti runatn io e mu.teeted &oipmontaý, t la ntot oal Votera. T h terar fee tien couttae ln 'a&cii the.chenes. of Se4W lai tSubPoenas. ileogal voeluE.illiasi coutati f ii.» jh Mn 5yw1110ion >"wet andballote and Baud. **Udgtovus alobé ove? uone la l for Nfturille -il Mr sulgacoas lev t l 17 obytho Sut" famlle' 4eived ontvtésaegî, eaalew ofa, r tthO e out botue that &or ' ile " ervl a ura"ea a4 oalr idIotmetS, Ifr on VIIIWM fotturmd el ýe1«etr tovus, vIW lýle lethe0 te W W 'llesbn tu~ WWaésim ilection Iaws tii. majrity boitg r.- le *au tbat factstahave beauut- ta W ùefier tb ott eLl. T» w4ters'et tet Ii. ldtés anEs rurmomieras *hep have îoanly. aitlbae IL vera i Sla iusubaJeitu n.d Oalib hre h. gIled torysud qge-: d 0 0 that h irs arte thi sllau PO iii îtî, d t'o m a "loe.a g to oIHl" Mid tbesa esm t hs i-thé,Uy tOIU by th »#ha et bOanbtii.Oftatea Is u . n ufs* et tii. IdMo n*tb'eti 1 naff. eu dw tat boy mrols a *'NM ofcg terndy Jury t1.sudob ote - 8 tthIs i yo te Ptô mus.. . zin, ' May Ion m Who Mai04 he ,te Sffl'te oe. ed 1111e o. ut let h, S 0f init taat y 40*000 vb- ffla on t h e ot AU b 1 .op et ln£5 unOty otet tuwbot gdtfflblPpqwm loofl te hÈ MM"ludli«=Mtg iine t lices it te Ub Ne» a qïdte b* t mm» vbe ,admit that ther W«» ent nUV lIegrs juy, l. ,ta vot etbiast er my euaIly b ll e'e . 4t tipI hi& ooSfesed Ort 50 la "luS USEltd ma aIabui? bla. It In OxpOOhOith"ia sJar"ngeumbert àtlatad h. pre a vmia ili bé laDlct4 by ie Juary vue titi net voté, sud lyeod teeecIQ pualsia- Mayor BSlflr on Stand. mett lb1'.t Our he Ibm ~tImportent vl- Dteetlve May ShOW Plctues, Oftet i ly tY .lacilamed Mayor Bld- llsht In the eoiAsctlon et evidence.'of Iagr oiained tb. rumor taIt a nun'.- atted illessil ohlg may not W Calil- te beho »tnth Lml h oth. -cordlug tN report It la -0411 boug etion CitY anad Mayor statoul hht hl$ 1vokcocueisteti nr.ty1 fflavir.hueetl Ii.hemiot et a n celieetltg the. ovdenc@,e grtug the. but - p formaye, *eu te wbehelf Justice tq turglng, aud thon beon tauslu fo nr, wt aN -ho .avltag Othera te 1,ti tolre4teriea. Mr. toes u«w a endaverm t le oWI*V4 atateti TuWuay. how.v.n, te tl~etii mo teretuenute waw; bt~b aleiINti rn k$Mu an act their b#llots et tiiots I ew lld ft té rn »t? abave, nqLteaking; It la laid, that' ury rMoI, h vuld tOti ail that h. lisp ole lr bias long as théirkuvhotfaorav. roeiras cet In tuîs cty.le 1hm a largoe oitzuet Ofetpioto- M&3170W Blle, SIt la alieged. stated graphe takln b, himaeit, vhleh .mur telhe p nd jury tua morung, that , 118une&u I& t* çi4tovÀ», tbe l bote ibe ibouse and snid te tho 5ItPPOfflAY Illégal vtera. Que of thèse. n.Watare - Yeu doîug boe? ObO abeiignurtoant ufront of a WIV anre unet inWaukegan, weeeuc nChicgo whlch eagthat 70g, Olong, £56 being reedy te eutîAider POÇkhaým weulti conduct MLon yerir vote tore when aiection -Ily -see at t bat chut-ch on a cer- famer,- tain dae, snd turtiier shows that the ABmdY vero the. words opotton,. ît roideuct sa vua acertain Street 28 all1egoi.whez lu walked tour men, au4!nuinhen ln Cbc«o anti Wlow Ire w1l It Il l claltuete. enaral over- thèMOrds "ýperm]anent reoce.- se- Votive, W. Hitrd C(lendien, eau.Eider Paekbutn. sncordng te the. ii4dte for 'mayer. Captaîn' Weihcr, a Poil boeoksetJof n Lil(Ay vot.d aet th. d*P'4ty siOrlIf. andi the manager of last aloction lu' that clty, stgting tiiet thoeroameny t ion Cty. 'hnema*tailed a resîdene. ien.n tttr*duced T. Ilurd Cendlnen. - altiiogb -1e'dilnglu Chieage and that "I'flUa acol-ling te te teeîîmouy ai- 4ie bat never ulvnUaP bis rnedence lu , lagd tubavebeen given by thea may- the Cty of Lova. or tiis MOM-nng, General Overeeer A largo tel«oghea ram Chicago TaIra ilntroduceti Candidate ChantA- Mer otu thé ropittTuedy, they 1 .aX N t i th orty-eomne men heneefi cOlattutinig ltegrogter part eortth. .- teMsud atu ll egedt e bave statedti trueee eain ed that roraing. Cie g dltaeu vas thc man thet Repore. s'a" to th#, eaiot tiiot et ffl w-erbougbt up hero to vote forts are boing macle te lutizultate le, Wf" wLtneOes eIn tie probe tN ipai.aI o-semay surrounde Sosslon. lenet contenolong, egpecaly, amoug lleal~ atlemutsanti facta ofthle the Waukegant«. Pmo4ehm ofthe grand jury aor. In-lubig tlu Bunday Voiva teclared 115bauf 10 itlu e that 4,0 welcomes thé grgnd jury il.- -' "e"e la lb. court i'ôom ant i qry, thnt ho viii aid thie sh&at ÏW-îb ý oveti rend byAee. ,'tornoy in ovony vay, that ito il, b«W lud , eeOW treus wttdlaidIn l'cort, tthatellevens ss hoWlttel t» ater et0f ecrecy. Slate l ec wholc truth andl that thepob "Mr ais i*eltue statut.. eau do ne injury te hie cau@e.prb .,' 14 il v ewpsovlllag fer the peu- Aolc Eleotlon' Nesut. ulrt n&UUe W., uir., aomu7uau m 1 he oweq ot a*& Dlethe =ow h Ae g4 h wlitifr pe 4>461ak sion e01lthe cI. opumly Itli7 jury. is'u on ty Inutpealtb ar0< aIkus Joiumê îsn la allpehng hIelu elgaturs.. neu. e hAti > tbep ,ii jaWy lavesl.- »tilna vS, le a es Wp1v *t et tiares Èit- City .1octlot.a hool electioa, At wbuu$ weane ol id, the tqsu electiou April 4, £56 the ty .el.cttmt, &prUh 18.,1 Soveral dms are matie lu regard ,aljeged hIleigal votue.uit et these #~l *ýcheamme by the ludépeadent amiW - >*J. A.'lr4y t m*ed ýte 11tiÈuate Aul-saoon eiaW n aOspeaker. Ov»rs-«rDaniel fyant. heser et tbe indopetadentne lglous tac"io, W. H. lchty, a mer- Gbet, 3. H.. Goulti. ez-cautIdtite tee- cetor, W. P. Mhilerma="r pro tem1 ad o1W.thèat Vellyt Imperteul vel- en lie LIeS City Vitbthe .exPItie purpese et carrying ail t hnee elec-1 dous, andi that i. matie tii. hbreat rm the plelfem rai t iuob Taben- tapie luit h. woitld apmenul50000 -ut @» te atreole et Lien nro vitthibood efer hoe voutt ieb.defeat.d. What IEvidence Wll Gaver., Âltora.y John 1D. Pope o9 Waukre- m, .vla representa tih. lnuepeadontls vini strive No prove that votem, for- mws noeinta et LIon Citiy, vbo bat orfeltedtihm re.ztioc% , ve. veonUgl tb aWXY tr( the P.cdc lape, l lu set Uromncagcam, frotu the ose, to"te et lte eletioi. ne, Win ai" try ta skov Ibst. ton- ty Waukegaa aeansti>' recrulteti Insu lite salodua ro. e hiierteIy tii'i t $* a a touth &ud board anti ouNWUte 0 erna e uimc. (l isy, e l" resldmSo. nt vote aller the, le- ial hiilly tdeys at theactvtlag a$al umt i mportant dechim. o!t treh , ima clty elechlon on Apnil 18. 1acluti 1.n haeveem to b.eto- eed mre repenti on lii. vnof e D lactive o . WArd sud iW&aides lu ta mg 1 e l.Vellvacamp. Il 10 ssetd40 pisa fr-o tta elatepen- dea aide vept overyVolva M~«t ng ntieom seec. that tiey maUn- ai 10 ptaah * linrttaeat el Ina. ani tnt&il or bis vieaa' V. ganicouedu, delivered lu lolvr uin î r moti ffbl publie mati pr4vbte. bave bees trame- acrihed teom * short band lu vit hhey vere taon y doetiUveanal wiIl eaeà, tte ~ 1-7d ur. il o, iuns, u itcith. la salI te bave ae teoa bresta aaifst the. lu Il I q p n o s s I c I a 'j depaentatits anldl tu ed te c.irtaIg the elections, viii aiea he offereti. Tune Troub ou@s £ioni The isteny etfail lhreofet he cie.'e tions us lomerpestueus lu lie mx- troume. 1 The fonit muttenuaf et rsitrouble emte Match 1. vbon. hy virlue of a WSO9 desi WIlhur Glenn Voive be-i nce theee *r otflte Lion eshate, tipI la. al] ti. lots. lands aud pohlle bulttlnpi of Lion City except such as bët pesse tu leelier ooemb>' deedi front lie, recelveralalpa. etarw iWitit RIOIui. Où Match i. Ithe day viien vev toex Possesaion, he li a parati.Ot bie feflovers tge Ihsuly his trlu-Ph. a>ver bis stveraarles. Iniepdeuilsd gtiret on lie valka, Osuatel oh- noxion m n a thle tacea ef the Volivana. tunnet a goatl bom lu the parade, tlitre. lIanes ttre ud1s- nliopI the Procession, vlth 1h. resulI thaI Ire latter tlots incIte dot sud sevenai vers inJureti. Theodot. iti- b', Velivas attore.' .eme fBueli à Mooer, anal Chrlsiepher Covlngmo, an ex-pugIistanti a colored man, embl elier paitdufies or serreti short teris la 1h. 1*1. county jail foru- he parts ln the. riche. Noue oft he indetaindents iras m«Ver promlti aitlaougi lie>' veat;tlb. bottof het ricIs andi ilaM thle trouble wiv tli 1vboaner, 0*or vhmcb mat "Tale parada ýe beséi<tu tme porhonsé." Tan came thae eftllcg 01 lui schoOl t t"e, aI' vhlkt mms Md oMeteà ti t t e mt m Othcle M uM euit thir vote& Tb* io Ilva lres won et lis .1eùm »d a 'silà U W I tie vas&ilow% n 1mi »àp'somi'- il*t 1 caichrate whtohelili IUîIiffUIasséI lie ludspeudeuta. DitI4k4iHors fIswnim At the twb. Isti14 AW<I4i Voliva agalu rltnçaigt W' eleti . âoOh is candidateass& aBlerO elebra. tIon took place., vIlleVciltva dpway malt t ho wbulVd carry lihs City aIse toen t e ne on Apru i * JusI about 4.thint fiat Voilvad ire tfouty'Watkp» lIêe It idaarteti hy Iaepemdots, o* cemm. te Lion carylire iii... ff ;biny tiys prostiltag tIs elooi4, e, oi vote for lis cenldstas it la *MaMeti a thle ioulera ver. iuc the M. % ~ a e Uosikb ati*sM- V006001lse l Sm Un City, WU iPs, h**moom a d l - Md t eo whIe Ides sitvesi'j "su- ru1 w Cty aili 1« s to00 4"MMO arJe ewmi.of taxl h < h - "0 qof ver tva lon- 1LýJu jb'l fl sdaO West IèIIè p gg secalpoleof0- tC ltia. IOl asitt UWvie op.natlieB tou: ,baot i have ?' iIvatw li~anti BIs00IMW "Aw<ov'*Vti n"ver huart' of leu*'ie es freinCheUobloo d t#i1uealoN uh for ere "8hb~ds x res u.lclt Ia* Wdln e-Cgk4In*5tarcy yt Vit'f ot*oen q y4 e " oinoan sd *rer1rbWuly ljur#l. At.hase report ba 8opy bM f e f~oao!r i' o utor tid oing lteulosely..' '4 nbO~ ~~~a sI.CI" uame oi aip uissu Or. L 'Z , oldiug condhictfd y iLU& d n ihi on tlie.eigto.ti ea Cblmietikera xcunaiaontelle# Julla .pril viii tb. .id, et 1shrir Elaner Seitala M4inmobThom wvio 4seso. t', IF Greau sMd ÀastSt Chiot or police paiied hlm frein liis IrimâlaIe rlellt teows . w t gWaltkagat-. au~SCbrelund B. W. Bulbly. FR - 40WI&W es, lu. e. . Teie l-I'l lpa bal forM Whou the v v er e owotm t iO eausi9. plse. OMa 41mê tbi dtpe»oÈ onn a Qru Uek-What ise, madain? te tickiet, 1bu1 whiate t., Mera job- mm .Y-Deanime, hFvo forgotten tba 116ttigaos l ie vegth of the vote te- aise, bïthee aaUcllkarso h o oqi al,Mm semé u..oe which faction buas tke * 20 or 22 luat. woaidu't la.?* never 10011t IOaraeuh. trev a baktee uttl.ioyvlerwcosg 01f« vote ut oft ho Wndv of thie bli itb lasthettans lontram t Librty. POIlg plans. When next the Wotés vois,& a tn lunnag g^ne witia lhe vire counte& ,o0fce by ofie, asdlthyteiowlug roait». had te Wb, l 1M a ound thaï l oUr. Baovn - loEa laIý voW 'tbl"aYenahiP, eue cil> Ot-Art Boyseu - ... ri-...... jtraiam fi0e, ailtiineo altiermanipe. Th.e K. Kber ....-c-------G.....î 16ct~40s n oth aides mre&il y H. Devis......-..2bh-------.....H. ise Of. Or Ivo Vates. Later ludndea«tts IL Bw&t«borg... lb-------E...... .Sbasa conledthle billets - bita cipset le. Topai -c..... .. ...... "' oors ad toudt tat 'Volva bat lut O. muhîke-......-.W. Hoffl te estiv, ticket viii lue xesptien C. ftunl....... ... ..... il . A. 8h.. et Maaàr te vjalch post bigecn"i- J. MelteY . ....-..8b--------Sc......gmaf date. W. lBard, Clontilu, ad beaH.M.orrig .... p -...... .. eWeldby 5 67 8 910 T PO Th fort-ivehbillts thatrountout Brown...... . 001100111 1-6 of the wlntov -have neyer been nm-Rosecnaa...... ïlOO8S 0Olo0-5 eov«e& tionOeteste hav, hon'LUbérigwile Browe viii play Wanle- alartel vithiresmr& te every eeOM -gai auxn a etisusthie fait rendsd. the ticket Aty iaoth the Volîvmatiud om asMest Marcia à auoral eue. indegeolats eeethat, allougb metnt ft vas orgeaioetin lu blkom4 the ety elmoetir kplace April 18 »aat ie n,,Rnodea, s& Kaiser viti 1.51,, tat a uov omeler haî as..O-Gser.Kasr, foraue-ty 0, tii plac, etaled. »ut iiet the 1ol oders e se junior psrtuer. , Bleuehein organisa.O adli -bWliiagforth, and viii otitataUntoie hy are ascured tare largecon- te W la 00" UUtlhthe aPecl'algrandttt, lu et Parle, NI., fonrs fulera Jury quis. li*e electon contestaeaMI building, th. ecI N tb. $55.000 anal lie L other >lllgadmo are ail at su sud and ti ler béing a eontract ton ate'lqrsjbould- sesilld ent" lOnuIg &b 1Upenburgla, Tenta, the cool tu b. Çent.ta ew Ot. 041,000. Of tue buîai tIPuaris, Ill, The eouhtd are nov belza bd1dmliparleDally Nowme: la W5ku»0i. At the. tilt 4l"'s Roe eandl Kaiser. the lin vwilc Bt we hesa-ing Wetiaesday At*orney George Imate coatraet tao omplot@ tii. uer W- Mekl Oft Wsu.a, 'OP-- u. "atbuldnglu thiui t. rorc the 'VeVlvat erestat obleeffl tee 1U6 ia'smore rapldly mIta the. mork hbsu bilots on te, recunut, and Attorer.y ras exp9elea. Ail of lb. steel f raîni John iU Ppe, fer the lndepeudents, vorb le lut position &01j the rork. of 1 te lte r*tualnder eut et a ttal of atrcugmndfo'heucterf LI I M0 id« "de. -The esent *t"I vibein Wednestay nortiug. The K efthle oss l thet tvaty'tlit te n- vorît aofco'erlng lb. buildinag vii bein Doîw malnta bc lar 1guet upon, and notaél vitllale c ourse 0f>moatt.i. lee.r. are as yet countot. The If ominta BodgseatKaisr statute laIt tf vII h. resumnet today. - ' viii bave the building comploee by the 1,Attoraep John D. Pope, attorney for middle of Novenben andl preallet hat the. tatueadpnts. asserts liaI the e-, mail li b. ulltruhuteal thon by Christ- cW veand jury session ms butai. nou~sutandtumtb lb.Lou City vote probeWMiiget t te eottc of <tilnga neo uaatleç ber Ion ga tlita requir- On tue othar itiAttoney 0ime. , W. FrIelCIoethle Vouv*aidIe le confi- dont that it l MIII Wsii ovu aetlb. p-niJury boailngu ant la lhe alec- tAon Contesta thal Voliva vas de-1 prlv.d of betrefti 86sud 100 vole. liaI ver. chltangodet thlieelections nscb tUme.anti that the ecishienge. rsre ig bmhntet usurpatiorns etftii nigits e! otans. viie eboulti bave bfom allowedte ouct their haffptis. Voilva in convince t lat an oalmlg ef %h. élections frein top te bolteni MII vltadicate hem antid ifoad bis oue- rnlee foreer. TiltS! MAY WiED. John Annina, Lgbertyville-------..23 Iise Shbehhb, Uhetyvlle ..-23 idarcue HIgh, City-.....Legal"a0 A=&a Tyrreicll iy -...... i W age 'Rose .MeCana, Frespont ........21 Mrrligii, CUlao--------...19 = "Glo-e City ..............hs Mary bMia, North C(llcao -....29 JohnmaSenger, Kemomm ..........21 RoseJaimber, sUme----------...26 Diel Ta" Pattmý CliAlao-...28 Mary Canney, Ubeftyvile-....22 Ustina Andersen................. Ilimady Ilantanen ................8 l obu Sedlay, Nortl h oo.... ;mmyJéreb. mais.............3 Wliouguby Scoviie, Waaegst.*. .. Annahela leut-y, lvawatop-.... «Putt mey i la ue'i mi of lias teo-u tai£ m Fola e 00OMs aem the frmighed roësa"5 papatet a-allnWrite S me as.itil 8*n sIlgUr A tac uautIe aid UtWIi Mon»t l-ayoejson liaI pn* ast se t slsa li 1l.tygo te4We a. . huroh services. lom 0. um. Clam Meeting.,1Rov. J. B. Macooma. 10.80, & M. Pr.acbing by potor, 'W. .Whtppl. ubjeet, "Danger&." i2 mu. Bible Oehool. 6:45 p-. . pworth League. '7:8l0 p. mn. Preaching. W. L. Whipple. êOubject. "The. tial of a Young Man.' Bonano la the on!y bot table. driek wbieb c eaum ad eeven dayé, a waek. thittm ia aday, witboly goood rosIte. For iroodi pluanhîg go to Chas, A. bouc r, Libertyvllle. C-113-tf FAd Comb Meast M".bthei.but for loylng ebouaae.eeg. a botter Ilavor. Bold only by LiBa.wrrVEaLs Lraum uo. 25-Ul Bonuano le&a doliclous, bot beverage, nouriabîng andl whoIeeoao. At ben a fragraut arum&a sud rlsh flavor anud a fuU baud *'bodly" atil ita owf. Red Comb scratch tjood hoot for hos; mest viase pimme. the ownor and loi 1eheopor thaunturgraint. bid only hy LIdammiVKLiLE LmBstiiCo. 25tif irwC. QN c« l.Plagg. Proprisstor Jut, arosud the .corner on Spragne, a.tto the. Boehbu bu lug andl opposite the. Penr blibekeiuuh ebop. LISIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LslwdryV A4ww.y azer4 lMnod irs S6 K WAI OVdTQJTO I ILE. ffQS M d. COMM. r, OW IS A GOODtime TO BUY uurS&o.k is Lwre Our Priées «re Low >uer Qmdk* iluthe -Best urService is'-Setlsfotorg Screens, Sash Doors* 'e do'It kaiW of anue ueUOgbetter goodpflm uio msghwe do BUEPLANS I'Rr rtyville Lunîber. ComipanyI fflby the Old Depot %mion47 The Development OF THIE PaciicNorttwest To market 'tii. products of its fields, forestsanmd Waters, the peut riclinorth- west demande more adequt. tran$Por. tation facifities. Respoîedinýg.ta t de- ue.nd came, theChicago Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rullway. Wfth a sped uneqhle penubmwng annale, the. n0w lUne was constructed acrosthe. Dakota&,, Mtoataaidaho and Washing. ton, sud, forme the. shotest lune between the. Geat* Lakes and the. Putet Sound. Freiglit service bas "henmi operation for over a year and on May 28th, las, tirough pasenigusservice waa inauguyated., "i. Olqyminpand M-Tii. Colunhia" two beautffully meqiepd nw tratins amre pttd d"y hetweeaiChicago, MilwaUkee, St. Pul. MinnaPoli Aberdeen, Seattle and Tacomia.,'The. route h oser the. 11W steel trail U il. Chicago0MNowa"kee &ILtPaul Chicao, MiIwaukà &IPuget Sound Rail""y lApllte auy ticket s&&ut e ie MloMaukee.&£St. ~Pauil = yor uota.ln lefrtikete, lime ~ lie NDP NrTnd DAILY TRIueNt. os m'mm j'-' 21 dl .4 PI .4 te ai fi r! .4 M Sp * ai 1 'i e' T la F w -le b' s' il 0< g' ci a F A p o a a e a o Il

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