LAYE COUNTY InÇDEPENDENT, FPTflAY. .JTNF W 16.1.11. *1 gbury, Gqld Quir.. $1.55 Candy with ide anid la. (gr. .. 9 ew Orleans Oats . u Illy P"4d ur whlle to .. .29C the riait- f Lard, .Put te as butter Ca bweet -35c ,d49 inclu4ag Oupe fOI' aiC de Sowp 340 ia Soaaa, 100 de Ceaunser .. ..22e wiftle Pride lapONe "oa ....... Ze erring . .19 Priçees Cern r . .. .. .25c arek M~ie how-C how. ,el, g4ch. 6Sc Muaitroûme . . . .23C 11k for .. .25c ce Corn. .260 ted Peau 2be )&a for. .25c picked Nayy ......24e tareli for.lie î(e,ýSe han. a. ppu"sI. P l.pprkusmg 0 oounds. 19C l4rqd "~n 100 Pga)4 Kaffr Corn, vheal, thé me. Grite, chick 1 id .. .. .. 0 fed, *&eh. t»p - a ki I.'.'-wýýý-ý- .- -rangen t a$0.3t006n.6i 5 4e Sem seîutb o!f'aukean. - 4.2à04.75 gQo toiç Aeu..»efcova. Tule City board o!fiteaititdeteî'miueti $4.8505.65 gondtd 0 iCk e XO.r te deauni)p te City luevery waY Pou- 05.60 -saecled !geOM'.<IiDI suble. ind workad bard Ito gain ibis jqod t10 'che I,ý1 anti. An iîlaa o! the rasuit o! titeir @POÇhte 10cioige h40t wurit may ha gaînati frouate report Siep-1iece» .t 1q < otions prescuhti 10 the ciI-y cotncîl lait eai-"oc nung, whitcitla protueti ln full: ight y4agbap 3ptji,4~ qdt T~e apctchofie.' Wetbers, $1 ;4*W ~to To Il1e Honor te Maayor, anti Hem- cholca .wea. bers o!ftse City Couailîl: Butter. -i wlito 0reportto10yeur itouorable Canery Ira 22c Wrfi; ..luIa. taoy itawok oissati aenpllitti24*lC; e;tM OrsI-a. 2e; fir&Oi19c; tay fte Iboard o!fitaatth 1toate. dnolg. exraZlc; l-, 7;uV Tbe uit meeting of the boardi o! - 50db- 15e beallia o! Highwnod latter hine ap- Turkeyu. par lh.. 12c; citbo4ns. poînteti by the coonli) waB callati by fowsîs 13c; roostens, ti; -brlleca. lths prasideut o.! lima bord, Mayor Se- 2@$Sç. d4qçli. 12c; geeas, 7c. varson, May 20, ai 8 p. m. aI le iteI-y PoFtous. hall for Iha purpose o! organizilte saiti Choie. 10 !ncy, 09tcf,$1.00 petr bu; beaed o! 80altit. utw PotaI-oe-u. $1S18 e90. Aetar I-be bo;rd wa orgtijzedt titre Fuat Buffîýlo Live Stock. was a genaral discussion as Io tae ast Bugalo, N. Y.5 faiu 13. besI- neasunaa andt easns lu ba ala- ptifl1z5A $teyauLise l*ek Coul. poyati for a comPlet, Inspection sud MpâIUi 2el#ÇtM$. EssI- Buoý89,.I., dean p o! ite cîy. ouote csi folio4r8: C*WeO-l-opipte coipta 10 c#en; are em ~ ;u$ $0.50: .Tourk.l 5O6~n.4~.5 ab" 2-ERecelpts 5 ii:-.paW teadY;top lacpIp. $6.750W0. uer- lge$65095.7q;wetlaars 4*ewU , 8.~75. Cai,ml.$I Plan of Wort. it was finally Olei4ed 10 malte a persanal anti gaperal Inspection O! av- ery -street andtialley,, bouse anti yard ,wtlau tae city limita, aud ortier as- ,e.ryîhiug 9o! an unsaaitacy or obJec- Gearai Htte8oekhias beau givhug tae astbject mikeh 0ttenion. Durine ltta latter parI- o! 1909, ite asiteti evey rail- r¶tad compa.ty ijkat lysa a contradl for I-îauport14g lieW8l 10 rep9rI- Io hlm in deI-ailIounlthe business doue. Snce July 1, 1910, 1e its hati a speclal fonce o! temporary clenks citeciiui. vçri!ying, awniaagud Mtaiulatiue te dtga sent alhy lise nahînoatis. Tis wprk isanwpracI-ically comlvie.The dtta ailI enqtble te iouse ronîntiltea on po@teI- iiaxensipost roadste 0 omn pare te amçkunt o! service o! aacb clasu terformati ty a riroat, as rep- rntIed' by tae çar-foot nits. wit -te opotît.lng expenaeu aaLved Widi apport ioned 10 il, andt titn 0obtain a coutparlson o!fte coat of Ibreadalas ae service perforniati by te callnoad on u uascenlaineti unt lîssis. TNis iorit of cu.stiilng in!orunaatwnf tisýaI ili ise .lsolutely eceurate, as4 will. gnhlai)colWes 10 scertahnii, If- ~I- 4esiet~e do 19. aitetha tise rail, ,A~s, are , »rwor4y paid fgr 0"iln tise masle, b_*a b"en etp"ded laithe fallure o! many companles Io ! qqrefully tIel nstrtacli&as , f, ýeý zortpît to 01te pve»>raSna 0f tIs dinercly opù . oeertIse quartermagter lui ('bitavgo Jupe 19. Thte '4 cost aIha eI-weeut $50,000 andi $60,- 000. .5oon afler titis wonk ai ite hegun çPa aewaga dispiosail pant. 4 esgned tu lrevent pollution o! iake waI-er, at a cozl o! $60,000. Quarter. for thte ihirly-iive teanistars ai I-be planI- will also ha huit ai a coal o! $15.000. ;5,00 wiii ha ijuculon epair o!fIha preaent, p9ut ioapitai. Ahi o! tis mg»ey la avalable front s«v,ýngaoQu aproprations o!fI-is yaar, <tficlers at te form are anxhouta about tetalte o!fte,1465.000 appro- priatiou bill for a new heatiquartens Gr administration building. »ew bac- racks anti tormitorles, aaelmapel, anti about twenly oter buildings. 11t la ha- leved t4eaI-counres will pasI-be bill iwfora wbiournmepI-. WNashington, D. C., lae e 5.-The li4$sdSIaes navy spgçu YIIU iedîa lafrls;Aumber o! sallora'sud orders _ge' nuseuont thy te Pffl.depart: mn~tt., n racnIDlg Bat .neWi of- effl july .O~y 'thse neW batI-e-1sa eUhalansd, ; %ajit thse expiration sOqin.$ t»e ý of en- lIaI-ment of manys&Qus,ýr1%jne it neeceary for naly reerolitoffibors Ito enlist ail aVallable eongt~ mt men. $1&90-V4LUES .. Q~ELY BU ,NQOVITY SKXRTS3, $&00 VAL.UES, FR0I P14CESS SLWPS, 1 IN LACE,,REGULAI v4IWES.... .. CQÂ?B PONGEE, Z EZOEANT D>ESIGUI WAJBTS OVER A8 LOW.NJECK, XIXi~O WHAT 'YOU WANWI 75c ANI) 95c, ONELi Vauam 141n.auà ltioabl patre ffled." cad -&-aim Tý1rtllro al b&v, ubwn a disposition t ~f1~J~?f0f 1~N~I~ESi Up and to tollow this enapetloneU mlt fhepotiauargeerlslîîvf là. nid orte.n41ay. to. . thm 4h. -' t iîon îherouih ant iorlia hIe PL4 I NE SIIL ~ RO~R~ Sortiers of th oardi o!fiealîla were cer 1iAR E S pParcelle Po To Corne. DE~ T îttL situtIN ul," aQti. lu ia .y .. a -BU £119 .Aarcels post iaw 'aill troliabîn hl LIP T AT N'AV l re ound ihler the clea.n op ibad been 0 1 aaiî ettartei ai tenexlatinli col, matie. In a few excepiUon. are fotind g pais A ew wooisitaaolte laio T II-iSB O IN CQIJt~TY COU T necesuary to gîve alezten44iqnof P~ J.(S S~cratir leaders lnte boustte o tir ___________ ea dayo' tinte. 'fiera are veI') few I eanlalîves tiecitiet ln anit îforîî,l wtt lIn teeclty, who have not comlllitit îtebtalse ahçud alt i î icîc-ci s gIlttle of Importance TranS' wiitite ortiars of te boardi o!fiaTitesGuIllOflVaYS Of POStmaS- poebil aia Ihie useci.]el nic iI Union Depot lo be Used by Both pkil oday, and Cases are Titase faw wlll b, tirnetti ver t 10iton ta n leli d.Wl Near Compleion îhe ciy attorney for furtitar action. ter Goneral 1itCheoek ln tey now Bay titl'f t'li itin.SemadEe~i d.Wl shoitîti 1* aken alti, tert' tutiite ail be Like Guard Hause _____________Factu lnîivîtttieuîaud for tatlier renviai Conditions Bad. 1i Grad Jry ecovens T- W rulat pent ofwor tado ndleglulalion flot ol'lgiIilly iittOtO Il- rdey, ary Roniva" enes s T o r 'e fun d it rpl acs o! wo r f0 o antttiteprogra nt fr the seson,. and Bo Band of Forty Pieces from Nor. day WWI Viha. Wtnes. orettnanlaryplaes lag weaI.Railroads Have Co"erated j ln tet have docidatita !et the stîbject es p9esu.nt &t'esion cwteti, aithougit we knew it was bild, g vrutlterg rs. in h okV. riea aa Il will laite up sonne deys yet tacorti Maklng Tabulations of prgesve unI-il the Ieiutar snaiti h ok a.Arvea aa plate te cean oîpieore takIng litîrnrsieRpbicn i l iat Training Station Today Front Wevlesdays SIN î oha ater. 'eae lai Flgnros for Hlm asleaeli as the Democralic nititterstif1 Tier aano lrg îtncto!ath ie streels and alleys wth thle use! asloilgilte.Sntr ittit~Wctn ,~d Ther wa nota lrge unc of ün-of a iorw anti wagon, anti four monaeapstiilito.SntrIoroý PooýeI-al satoni evlotuaus lteiîaragunder ttue personal iirecti-on efNfrlParceOls Pest *an*d More by o rgn ctDmno ti-iitittlîn Tite it e lot iiij, -titi(t-:Itith,, lu ('ounty court o!fterietion tuci at0aepott oie f1upostofica andtirIs roatis>ha, askiie nva 'îîîî uu.i îrl int t Mayer, adbv otidcpe fthe nw aaltaiig ttto tNot YeeIerday anti as tegrandtijury la Ct rla l eadt hI Popo f illt i hèn tht iemale for perniai.eilon f,r litscitain iiago Io ta10 i -iitrlî ,I i-ititr Itue lgking a reéess unfil Wednasday. te. D'aie ordînanceliii1,e.regardp b lortaedump- iiiluuîYmai lug o! rulîbisît anti garitage uIn eeit -pen-ny -Postage thlaoîaea lioroîgl court racoin llate qileleslt lias benau d i tad aefunshd eer ,ionti s an 0t he gdvls4biilIy tif est ahislia lis eatifl garc iiii. i t [,I.- îîti ln caverai days. hlioîseiodar wiia oua. Igagnrl acl otBttri lanîs whiclithave livtrcrit i -i l ,îthe Tht' content over Ithae office 0friity ,sr.îls ab.Lasae eolution troviding for titis inciiN istation. clerk *la on, ant Iola'rapidly îtearing Ast for Seavengar. Pres etI isLoiitdgalion iii 00w lefore tite îtiîîiiiihtfiî Oit1 cornpletion Thte najority of the pin- Ne flAititaI litapeople waul.a Into Saiop Probably ai audoitandtiexpendlttunes aioi l, iti Thept-' 1 w ili oîîsila tî.,lti,ýýen cîpal avience le ail lnudanIlli t uite cavenger ta ral anti pick Up ta gar Mx Cnrosthai cûîîîinîtlee anti pasgetbtIll te si,;_ 1eweterntrahiroan tinO ic tivi it1tit lm, helng takeon cap wllîitIentificatons tia, rîet 'Ni'bave talien tiismatl-hîitrd ia fvrgl tiirei , tu tcago and 'JI ia (iic lv _ici urli or the voêdq who oird nt té, eaùpyae lit)wSitaaoriit lnirh es&ides, ii.yomhait uit btnono1il b as a uitasia uiîceîîîîtpoi 1 iltl, iii lîii. la ti ha sniDowx ookiîag os, r te own: rtorBties ds attaav.i On iouiday. lyne 2<0, te dock,îhianîd pians lu mpe la-o or lhree col Pnypsael o usi t ouiitoittee male a caret ui BuitOo!f teaîl, 'oqly court will ha îaliostant Ilmiii ecioiîaa a..ic iarglug bîîta iamal l iîleî,uîl ltîbtotk iiopn, siibJ& t uring t, sammer and ti , WuII Be Started Son fLlwn ae tre:Bro ier for te saile. ta bû able Io show ou thiaitt day ouî - ' tiilii îay ha prepared thlitme Tt i i !th gtr tîîcIt îIlowei,»gcases gcupji.loile i luite iittier o!fte ovarcrowdinDg lutte i, titi. rth! itcalsear, that onri-ssa opens lu Deoeinaber ii rrîtent ünsttahefjite a\klIilg vit Fratik Korrigan. Kelli g loct t Ii idng le bud l u ed ll pmi-et ae h otflcd-sle 1111rtt no m to st Co. va. W. -F.Rehîsirn, Etccgn vs îot a orepiort. l Inte tInspection o ie u i net u a îaviii i it soiatamilie wiat a Sgeierai paroieaspost vystali ta ndjs asuii, lepal L otîre, sitanii Ioetelf ct i l cin itoouIl 5. hafuît n di ual acerai ire w cutiid iii' erY glati tc iiuttrutitiiive tnny a )lii l iost te beuefit-8 IoWti leri vt.O __ Somte limte during tae welii saexn!patî ire mee it-d, andi taetmar was lj0tîl.te dunrilît itîclî i ~,f i Irniti, tic In-the senate are a etoti liacleiltai t . 5icas is agaiiliut îrt ici ta keit îîîî'i mît[lite i-c itol tboar.lni c tutltlie cloue. nian l i enu w ho may ha coui i ld oi ta an titi l foluy lnr alaged iaii ý Ile 1(ad vst h lIti tn ,i I ca e lla n ef i jI I ,pK ý the estatillsiment o! a gen- Ilita ai tti aws ai haiecalied'î butiîm antIalsin. te rennoval o! ar t i ai- tii nss te l i a (i ; i l 1eti (it, tri i ,arctiulsa 10s. T ey are forth "0 rob jo~~uit lotpart taesaute men clitnallo îer il la erpîtled liaIt (bey wiîi u4e tli Ilait front nn front o!r te m t m îî ie îuoaiii a ltai thevrI iti h5M ~~ lie n'ai on a vacant loi anti aitir oter quetions rlaling ta th., li,,t,,,-atedi wit ite latSenalor Plaît, o! Thr rulingl; o!f t'ouiilvjutige Ii r IedIservicie wlli lassaeta b, ans'acred' haewYork,.aca, as prasIdent o! au The our als rêommndedtheforethecoutry Fti peny psLaenîtexress coîîîpany. succeeteil foîr ivara satin,îsasylu I-at îîarniey sas ttsmt itehudas eotnnat ieIfr iecui> ui cin[otg lIe i rfîalg it cmpaianu ierentovsi o! saverai fDouses llte ily A1îrniîu teitnljs in lpravnng lesgislaîlon aelicitaoid lied ln refmIng vieil îîrovtdes forrente etetaerllnltust nittoI rîglitl10 soie, suit lu refuaing 10 cluint or"tatI lie ie ha ruitiown or nalieti sîronger for hantais itoi t tan Ifîr la-n il rvd o h salgnto ibeir baillots sang îsltheîlbrai. h ilt, antialao[le traiuiug o! a lot ai ny poage leitas 8 otretîr an experinieutal partels post, 'lite corner o! ilroati aeeulieoancongrnaraltyyagrermlitatoil»Would probabar- (laimil 1 vmalivias groundis fir thl11ite -aveneaandtcrnro! oongrasa wtlo are parabli bliee! itaItahewo jutigea wil nol 1Prairie sîreetl m a dîlcia ai thte aide wouîd hbcmitiaisa to introdute pvtic~ttularît hmierete inlutitis subjactio! siand! triail!tu.tre postage anti a parcela îîosî sysîrni ai itarceis post have an Intîiation frotu 'Dr wil ýf te tretita sa..tIe ti t heoquestion atîtlîl lniliticr4ate commerce commuissioin OunNetnesslaythmitagrand JrYý il Medical Sehool inspection.taitai te counIaWion wililbefore a convene agaJn, and ai liant Moiss(leu be ha wtîer te country lire 1 lemlepbi nomto colî vet again.antIutlit aveIaIouta u We rec9mmend te placiug o! sew- fers a j-arccru oat or fpenny pstge'great stemwh ulcinomto a-ra in iv trit' herà Dw ave1 I a wiii o cngbasare oaboul I hiaus acquirati witit rçfarencebtlte forty wlttaaaas ta alpear, who aticw l i tel hcl 1whs fitir if oures recoreimy îlationsip itwe"e beexpress coint prêtent tcbfa reth jrythatIlmie pnoué,or tae coltntvcthou o! ail hlotueainformet. ihair consituents ara uotti-naîilt lroaltawhia Indepudens wee aléo lnthe r Ilg, , mItte sewar. If every sticel bad maiing mucli o!l a damauti for Ilenn) aisao h alud htwl ý inadela, hentiatllsy ondtiosrpstaea.whs1oelure tht nearoîgi heipfui tcoogreas lu reacitllg a de lu matent îucraiîîlng t hitciy c a r ieuaalr odiin otg.atl ieyaevr eeiî eîinlo !teqelo 5t t on Oulti le doue awa7 watit. lu sonma asklng for legisialion . lîroviîlhiit for, tîerriainaofceqpuestîion aoit _________ liota. ~~~aseas e fouîndt hal.people abo bIoI-he establishmuent o! a tiarcels posi to îehestaatitisite t s_____________________ This sesin l lonI~ g, liI payed for aewer, liaitinoua as yat. Totaeep To-sot ii Mai le expecid hat bhegradturi 11 'ealmIa recomendtheutaregularly oKt rako al firetof !oexlweek, fnoe fr, psame as iluaotier cillas. 'e wtll I eallawit itaefraatking privuiege l ISD JI~eraiorp t aia npcino iaci ctt, iepstatrgnrl ta or n-p A i~4ll luise more f0 Bay ou thte Achool ques- to suiaîty trougi theîtagenciez o!ftae ln later. postal service speeolal officiai tus eloîtes EvIEry!4!U 10 ý!1 N u s a-unandi tatuls for te free mail o!fte A TONUC j » i Mt'sI a e 'CiAN U1t& The report ;n dîos;ng gises tae goernnaut, ah audit enveloîtas andtti nu lUTd hank totheItyoffciaa, nd o te salutua 1bie itiMou reqîisitiou 10mnj de V U WONDER eolaitlarge fo theiaisanc e tla e sarluti m branches o!fte faderai *0LA the oard Tit reort as perntd s rvierqulrlng tent,anti sucrnec- ea itoanîl Tue ai orî was 100 DOZI lîrerutd lati e-ortis to a cept o! officiai stamît suIt- FOR ______ O ýIteata one shows ework wbîch hua sIaatalt psoflica de- TwuuiyaOne Thou.wd .IJas s.Iip HE LAR I..g a; o lntha ciý. ig laprttaent 1taniaintalu a proper posage To be Spent CM NeweIuSoept. CI 9EY AL Pakpromises tofoiowte examplee aclatovernguthemai evlm fL.. ,Report ot Board of Health of 1.vt by lligitaood, anti 'aukag4n -tre tosîrnîte tcrail taAtlForte $3.0 VA UE City. Preonta Ad ti oncil liîd fcaretaI If tbadepartimeut comlt base a N.., El.c,FIC LUght . a weRoîr $.0NOW -E Last MkgJt Shos-Work t eckof Ibis sor on reemal, abusa PaitWilh teu,, N10 O ZE.N. . .M.. ER.. Iî.. f tabuaki!glite fraokîngoupricese, 0 OaNA R WZATIER FORECAST O4T, eabue fra ther frlaug pr illigCost $d)O FRUSH .NDNEW, HaryC-prto s&jr-ý -bas beau notatious for years. but lper- 75c VALUE. .. .. .. LîLftUIII sebty wra ýBns abo untientauti iow diffirul il i5J( PO ed thge Boardu yJuu-vWOuaus y;Dceýijci"eaomrw E WIO A day; t nreuthg > ikt1nci tmoco. sle astl)pan abuse o! titis sort are S*kelrs on Noth Sbffl AnX- T IM D WT Of c i. 1 lng ePglon ecod atsaynorîhetousAbot 'aitTD tis 0f U55j QPff eIlinois --Fair tndsy; unsettiedt -wlug1 ootreoda atla iaI lu bu 40O p ______________ t:arrow; I hlaI 1moseala nort oI-f penny postage la not 10 come a tl rqruî>B ~ R MA , LACEA.ND nQî~the'nlarslt fraul.iug priviiege abuse itibas en YOUR CHOICE .... ,HigbIsnd.?,artPrtmlsOPt to Fol- Wlsconuln-Fair to&ay andtOi10w' sloppdIiat.ill1 be a long lime before- EXTRA SPECXAL-, ruai: ligt ta moderate noriitacl a 1-elnt alî wili caury a seolet lai- M4ny Ncw BuiIdInga 1nldn .I~T R X E low Exjample, *od, Waràko- ikabcuiivaibete.lludnW eTBR IE 1 lu dm hecoJiag variale. I-on.Transporation. heeadqugrters, arc'e- c. DI GÉ5, RÉGULA: ~a ql e om A~Tht cosi o! r"fway mil f ranaitor- top Plannçd YOUR' OSoICE... I ETOIDAT0tS talion lu aluno lkeiy btac ethoroughly ' AWN MWÉ119,pý (Prolo 1'eatneidayu*is 1N Chicago Live Stock. Urasitet ouf by cougne@s before liny ilrom 1'Netnatas StITN.) A" 7) LtOW'RRED DI ito! ite must reitiankabie ceanCiticgo. Jue 13. cçnaideration la giveu ta10a peilfy post- Work a ta hegiti at Once on a $21,000 PIE ~~-2 uaps o! an.. timy ln this tisaale. reaî-Hogu-Receiplu 20.000. 4q1OW191tge apropoitn. Tite denaocrsmic lhause isolation itospIlal ai Fort Obiuandan for - Hm)"AN AM ~Rs'w' aille for the laarly co oîerathion o! lite caugeti aI $6.l0ü615 cholce teâvY, of representalives la eager for an ln-lte coutract ou siîchit llam . m cily~~~~~ h0n o e1it îe i 1 ficas$6 2)(630 ce ll bla.*Ç.100615 vasîlgallon o! titis subieçl. andtieuamauilton o! Chicago was lglcilbîitier. E UIA.R $2.00 VA] ita î.oiircdeparîment. andthie Ppâ, ifavy aeltiug. ani $.75040 g tocgmmifleon posI-officealaitpiont rnîils bi4desfr onpstruci-on o!f »aelectnin 3PICIAL AT.. ai large, ibas juil ieenaarly cumpliicislgt atp çWt ,0.,uttospans I-o take it ouî naxi wnler. îght u ani îtwer and aa iplant T .f R ESui, fil i,iwinîi twelveile st th ie, _ 'For a vear anti a hitfPolinaster- .tul. ~ . i.~ti Cl .u. C l . Over the Store Dr hmnie4late wear lna ui *ve ie op ses Ilnensuis ea M& IaI 'a4IuS .EN ARBUTUS HEAHY-RBLO0M PETTZGOATS RSIAN BANDS, [CAN BEAUTY COUIETS,49 ALL SIZES, RF5GUIoAg 'S, .INDIA .LINE .N*"<D.O'SBc.i.WS VUITE A"D COILOP.ED EMBROIDERY, 2 2c ME»SUIINE DRZSUE WITH CHIFFON OVER IN CONVENTIONAL L LR $25,00 VAIRSi, l3 OLKA DOT )PàINS, 99 TO.ES, [Tr, SATIN LINIRD W3EID,tREGULAR $8»0 VALUES ...4,50 ) 5» TO.........O ....2...1 50 NICOCLY TRIMMED ýR $1.2 5.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6 9 EOPLUINANIiPIN»Jiý TROUSAND TO 8EILBOT PROM - HIGH AND WiA -4 LONG ;umV~ J8 70WRHOT WEA T~ LOT .9LIGHTLAY SOILF,1)29 A Souvenir to Every Purchpmter.- .SivA pïbnking Cup mède frow wa àrpo~ aa ial; the onlyenp 4bat bas no la ,gu «IOr mà lAIR da Everythiiqg m.rked down 4 a" l iaabffl co'n Pleted, the ork or artuacôn - struction of the dt'jtot a tii be start ed The train seruie (in ilie \Ntîthwretrn TAINI ,,larts at the î nal iii îg atioîn ont âmre Itn. aîthuglîi arîrtill uot Exe.Im st5nW I >.-eW lfor lie openiedoutil Juý jFJS Apide, nJeeepAnd Thereru(s o 9i,ýierii,, s h y City Scxtgn et James Welcti are called, ai. 1igititii art te ai he Mie *ico staitio 011Jit1, 3'and untliat titi and i ornietitive examination wili he ilhe ittil t Mexpetti ili lii nhelîlin lthe office of civil servir,-,-coin- ?,ttt and 400 men iI elîtîýr isiton cierk James G. Welcb tomnor- rien for the posts of fireman, lire Cap- Naval Band Here. tain anti (Ity sexton. The cUtedStatis Naval bîtîul. AI]nsho pasg the lunit of 70 in the sisiing (if forty llee, aIllalui-at exauitiiation fr r iremen wiill haplaced t lih ttlie 511 t itie tùdî v andI wîit 11t h e i-Iigi 1,1v Ilt antithe candidates l)e cýatî. IItiay when thue nii o 'ahillhe ilat ed ,n positIon as soon as oi us iig oaîîîreîtîices. Ail inemblhers of the South dide lire stalion la opened. t he bauaittrefioti the achinol at N\r-tir ttheIpost if lire captain the menit foîlk, Va_ andiidt art Antericans, 0f the canididat,-, senorify and examl- natlion mîarks will be taken into con- 01it 1 ii ilre illnd wentysix petty siilerutjîoî itiithe selection. Noone oiltIc-rn of titi navîand Instructors for hbas deiitely aîîîîliel for the posf as the r-IjoI ie nw (obe een n t eiryt but it is îhoîîght that several of prety luesui whte nifrmi abut he ilreîiien will cOuliett. The exami- the. gioitiis of the sciiool. They have na tions, whlch start ani 8 o'vfock linlthe lîccîti t,,lt fiii iail sections o!f the mornîingwîîî ix, hotu aýrllvo and oral, -tt n. i e tif tnt le Samn, and have itiysictil anttimental. bren ginvît a chance to teacit otiiers Ithose t iiffi iii vitsao! the seafaring lire, whit h wiimo! îhcîîî totîbtless hast to Qiltcials of the Chicago Telcîthono leurii itrttigit ex\pti veu amuit bard comtpany are to ha raiedtif0Washing- kii,x ho ton to explajn 10 the bureau o! Inter- Thes- ini rctor coplet thnal1 revenue why $850.000 was changeti Tli'.i tit vii ort cotîtete lie froin a surplus ho a depreclation sc- nnirkiitr fortce of the, staitîn, andi will coit anti 19,000 dedîîcled frontthe reîîîaîîîoni lii3fý h1-re nuit]ordera ar" corporation tax due lthe goveroment. rt*iý v alt-li wîll lraîisfer lthîn ft otthei*This obvia-eu ltheplan I-o have I-ha in- oIhit'tvistf liii- wîîrk, ailiier on ves tigatlon doue hy tite focal bureaut lalit( i tiinii ta of the Departmaut of Justice.