CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jun 1911, p. 5

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s- Là*5E CQUIIT N. RIÀ. TN 1.11 'l- -. ý c _____________________________ - - - 'i J. ELI TRIGG Phone 25 Phone 3 Are you orne of our pleued Custommr? if mtWhy DM? WJpuindR Tda .rava a ura5di î ame. la urge m& e CMTyIaSfa %in aTTm WutinlaPw.laF.i, leva, Sucé Pabiaua. Crageaa"milM da'la vUe, edB&M a&WMolé v MIal la BD.we luave am i Whg.Gamailm, am a igntaai lob ai am pmui- cm» n an Mam "afiMr aieé ai Mm> HmaiWaaihaSpadale va ha", iam al. Ye«a fasieu8amiStyla l J. Be.MORSE &CO. Everythlng for flen LIBERTYVILLL2 ,ILL. Lu. ntE YOUR BABY Wil ned Ilis PHOTOS 1aken now the varni vstieur le hem A INEW STYLM Ulotie large end amaîl airea of PHOTOS we con show you aI PICTUBE PRANM Wa bhava e ai realvad a nov lins of pfttue. frama mouinga and. cawnframe your pkcliimaBen abort notice. j~Swiçr~ SIVJIO WEUY VILLE FAn Liuual Ilnvéstffielt lauaaiathivUlua 4 ucte awaea ael pui hie usualvguisa vé ua i ei ésa A~.sai.i~afuIèI migua.iai isqaiaip7 eta f&#tond u" ao ~iat1 ,eihd0 w boi MWai eauun Iwg4àa inalMa*0h5Pemiuleab-ipar valuaft-E ai Joai a geaiasauof ef i&hm*u ai Poe -"e sm àm b6c àpar'ilf* iti om»etaforY« u Q"# MY ifhel nurs mi fayyaaa ilola 4wI W. ue4M~sufa@hWlaSair mus Juum g a s - LBIRTYVILLE BRIEFS- ~OO4i~ ANO PEASON AI1.. 1ENT4~~ïII colin toc PKG obu ofbmbi4Jime1. 1911. le ccr lrclail...I Dm ~. îî UME 1 m 111 .......... .........a..a .. vl mot" deadr acige . t. to i.45n Umda~u rmb i i .trce,.Mmrr 0. r. WRIGHT, Clasier. OubmerObai d dawora Io belors me til lt day of Jusa. 1911. FWIaï. STAPLES. Notary Public. Cotrec-Altteu: 1 PAUL MtEIl<. r. P. DYMOlt. 0. A. RO. DIrectr. DAVID PÂBEER DIES i or 'Il a Il * Daa......................... . ............ ..........~.... Du. rouahé... .,..........,.M........ ÏM , ........- .....1. ............ .. .........* *At. 4owiuwst bt lnthe office no loisrlà Ou ai JoihcWin woak. Among tboas tiffl Tsau.daof sonpaiemaki..Advr. orbe ealluqim rm bur rean Euau Ver, aapecially. areasaked t10tirke KaaL I hrysa% B. H. Harvey, IL porl" Isofs o ini e et. W. Du.rnbuvg7« B. Wbelar aMd Oiýý1Benjain P1 *tlen v. bura inà Vies Or uCor"vldthd Bandai wtb WoodOtO4Vtl l U8, 1828, aMd d asiasaAua.betC5vimbggom *&W., Jou 1111911, cimm I»p vras a bWwovisior'U. Waioa vbtWlei oftan ltÉ hia atmc. Claard* MLolba . aOlaa iloMm. yroa çohby aMd madeor.aY Saturda Sai Si~iilaienda lalhlyIduiyH.Re aiproof Charlas fonbriel t'aamtud buasinesmadllr on iii. tuba Journal for mors IqCblcego M«oda. than fgrelaaur yera.Tva sonaoa»d 13. Bock Of Altkbcb. traaaactmd huaI- a daughter s~IuIbath rualbg tu W"q la Our @OUF TUMdey. liauabuewft. Wm.N dofCiaigo, vaieted aver Ber.' a tamniagu notice wilb tmiy VIial upâen ai.bre. commet lbt *S*M a1»a North Mr. Md mi& jamis . McFddua aopeutDaoa pÇopot Suhay liksblneufa hicgo. Marniedai t "'. Nebma White- jobs L. EOrmli of Aatioch, vlsll.edjiatn, h ofUqosionp. Aja"yerithRaim Elubbrd. Tis lgstdag "rocky,.anid @o Suady vtb Ey kRubbrd. boud te bu a 'ýeaiay" hepart bfore lir. P . Ei.Clark, of Urbana, Il.,là maoy "pubbiWsaappuarilpon the con vhuilng rMotivées burethîs week. f nial bmech. Tbe gndatonu of do Mmr. Peut . RaIol enoyina a twva, metie Inlellcliy viil abari'en ibe ai of vueku' nit wtb relativ*a at Elmburst, -jealousyv ajtd duaord, and soonur or 11L. 1 later onu or tfIadmibofaithin pair will Gou. Lytton and Norman Bert ç,f rusi betb a tioaoe. Tbun look Chirago, svielird ai Bbldoohurmt Su- o"tfor brimtoie. dey. No litile ezctment waq ,aused Wed- F. T. Biddleo bas pnrcbaeed or ueeday after»Qaa wbn the Seipp auto George Bond hi. lIre paeeeng.r orn mobile huer wagon of Lake Zurich car.turn driven by Wm. Blkpaw in ,,ndeavor. ing ta eute« thu, aIley hubtwuuu Amt Rogera of Kanmas City,vioitod Dîeker & Baud'. deug iz trp aIl Gotties Felday aad Saturday of hast week witb ri tr kde lugicrglfr SeulDirud.wheel in the iecavation in front of a Frank Blouser hats purcbased eleven basuxuent wfadow la the drug store1 aereai the Daniel Le larm, the eou. building. Tbu oaly daxuage doue. wonf âlderation beng $200. pur acre. the beunmg oai s front aile and lght Dr. Fred Chjurchill aitendud tbe damauevan d!ïsa toî ibe lamp au the Marnai banquet of tbe Noribeeteru rlgbt aide. University ai Chisago,, Tumday uveing. Lant Bunday eailurnoon at the fair J. E. Brook, J. J. Morley, Geo. E. grounidi base bail1 fane wituued a Webb and L. B. (ricu of Atioehb rather tat gff fl*a bail vhun thu iraaaatud business ln aur ciy Satur, LihurtyvUlle Bmo*u d etd Waukegan a scoreL aI8S te 8. Nuit Sunaday i Lw la moved hI. boutebold anoîher W&ukegaie stu vill crosa baie Luv F~<ff ith ibe Braw»a*i the fair grounds. A soode from the fBat oîur-Lovall'a deug cordial Invitation la utendud totail t fru ta the Whitnuy reuldunce on Firsi attend theu Theflneup aud aiuuel moultrefnli ait BUadaju game follova: >Theu oa. Quentin garage l rapidly Art Bo.a.......... .....HBabelt omeg couiplettua. The roof fa on and R. Kelur......... Sb......AiknSon 1%eua a force of mua siartud laylig (). Muhlke .... . -...I .......Morman lIe causai Ifluor. W.. Tape' . ..........h b ...........Popp !MW.. Nhul udolpb. vbo aundurvmn c. BSnarti...........n. .. . . Martin qut. a urlou oppratin at ibe Pré*. Borae, Gilia i»turlau hoapial, tu xCbicaga faust Tri E. Topel ............ . Maria y.laruonedcovaealn. W. FRel............... ,..Cbamhar lîmu.Witt Wrght a"d utile H. Morris.......p...,...... ,. uclaén daughter Kaubelaand CWakWright 124458789 T ofSt.Uala, Mo., uara visiting relatives Broirus ........... si 1 8 -8 icru. They imade the tri n DWrt' Wàukugani..... 00001 10-3 automobile. *Struck oui by lforniol,5; b licanen Tber'llha no more dont on Milwvaukee 12. avenue fa te us aIaiadiatiet for anme Pètrolcurn coke cbaapur tian bard tima la eame. I la doobt an 10uhCouDO .iSe Do o50gan ai tirth f hisaserton k he m huaI. tBoy nowv@&a 0 ~on jour bruh f bf aautin akib mn homous,. Uaid and guaraaisud he b .praad tbe ai . LaimUETyviLLz LUMDE.a Co.- e48-3 Ira. P. W. Baker and Natter Rgen. A diturbance v as - emaatad 1ou our aMi Uitile Irene arrlvad Bâarda" morD. atruats atu'day nigbt by &, aumbur a Inu to vieil for a vesk or tva vltb ber youag men who boa l vit.liybeu q1ftr. lMrm.D. A. Young. Vire.- Baker fmfifbmag toa frefy of Ialoxlceting bas visitai bure a neimbur af timen anddrink., and h vawo emaigrfor Ma&ba maieras" f riende hre. . Llmberry ta ioterfere in oder tu qut Ramer Rende. nu of Libertyvllle's tuSe and as à reeuli lioay, morning1 a»à Lake county'a oldesi und hat foaaifour in the polic laation, the1 jmovu readefte, toppai off bhrslarget nombur te suvergi juan.Thomse Saturday enrooueta i home at fimpllcatedl and their Ouja. es: WiIl Aitoc, ater an elgit moths ,9j Ubartun arresidad n ud 10 and vfth relatives in Califorula, Tex. and cot. for dlsordurly coadmtci. ainrelt- lngineofilcer; fine paid. 0'CàBSafaord. dlaordarly conduci, .irlkl.g Mike, "ýA&îurtlaag Jh no goad." sai the Dougb.rty wih heur botQ#,- Band $10 mam la nid claibes. "It neyer belied adu. aduo alr qvrfu -me ac> Th mllonle nrchans vu s a" tecoureîy jeI tgo VWda . '6*ld.4Iit 1h baause you trled 1%, Feuik l Iaar fluai 08. ad oata for loba. -ats Inilan tri a aeather bei. coaUtuvpi0f court. 5<15 Donuliry Au Indlà'tok a fIabur. placed fi ônu aqiai du, omplaint ol»faaaioi, daM> a Ilqsk.-and alpt on lte &il nlght In iag ljrby mmuli. HwuàabargMed the morang bu growled. "Palefame My on faiguré af complainai 10 pr<»' fuatbura beap cof t. Paluface beap foli. charge againat hlmn. 01 th tfour Ugbl" - mualionuci oveoly oee lea por- Marcai lUmberry vau call.d out -Bua. at rM5det ai aur ét, * othur duy morbilU ai 2:80 by a fneI& , vbo tt"* huitg tranclanta we l*m OKly VeVi vd«My lboring nadur , lfW vrklng br. for iha tIqe lqiqge lmpfteeeloebllevng tboy wveuabout flaular EpWeil--enIu pis bab Il bu vistai by ýuglaefor upaa the- us Uaion church Buuday ,pAoMmw a% arI alo thé,maohg snd aiar au, la 280, coadutai hy 1 A. 0 *oedaiptiae Il vasfouni'no ne wva. iobad. Notor aitb 08 9»lI araýsad no %Wu&gase.found sbow-NI pM,-Lk lat »»» hmbaibeau ibure. là" vaisgeool ntam:. Aiar Psed ous freak noemaie bythe lwatlnoifTa no *o o n, tube vs ag gai fIe fiais ainvi tbai brou"elr ae uelileoas. or Il mai g s, ~ bu beuaicnsou a r.uralag, frola the ~ Flaysa ,Jq 4m, né Huit Dayvbo asue .kbW 3 &.4for applimatet "W *atrum lima tora. 1 I 1llaMYou Wied Y =uS w. I teh. di ueaiIv.siba aithe mata. 0"uah .44Qaa hvummea s.iêfimi8 aa.psO Iai WR WI I imai vaice of 70 Waca à ari i17 Old Soldier and Pioneer of Lake County. David Parker-was boru ai Eden Ceuter. Erie couity, N. Y., Ociobur 14, 1826, and ui ai;LibÀbr.yvflleJune 9. 1911. lo 1840 bu came vîtb isapeople ta Mlinois, .eitlingz on a farm Ibrea ilus4 fru Rlcbmond ludin cieni caufty. Larer bu and bi. brother Levi, purcbauud a farm in Fremoot, ibis eouât3y, alter- van irading vitb tWar fathur for the fartauear Ricbmond. ,At the beglnlng oi lhe Civil war b. gunaed (nom BRichmondinlaCo. O Btb Iii..Caîalrya surved ibroe ymsanad aine monthu la ibuarmy of theftmtac belng dlabarged (rom srice Joli 17, 1865, ai Bouton Bsacka, #o. He vas marrid Phrufry 21, 1876, t< Mise Atlaata Gould and to tbem on, chili vwe bora. Bila, arbo la luit&aous ta moura, lira. Parker ba ring ispsnted ti its on July 8, 190. Tbsy lirai on a gares la Fremon$ itovublp ualil 1872 vbaatbuy moisi ta XcEL@nry, liviag It»ouil fIaysar 1901 at vblcb lima they movai te làbsntyvllla vere tbay bava glace amai lithobom. -, 8@eMdsaaiaugbter bu lea. tu moora big dealise a lise, Mes, Joba Robertson afi Barngion, 'and one brother. Aàuuta.Parker. The uerai, vas beld Suniayaft.r. noon ai the raidence, 11ev. W. L. W hippie offliatlnu, Interment bailait Ivaiboe. A man gi ring bis nameaisaJobu Baye@ and bia bous as ln Ohio, vho drillai ln. te teowu viii Tbu Covhoy abov peuple, caoseed Dolittia trauile Tuoeday, lfilly wadlag.up ai tie eiY aU. lia vant iaken "slck" ai lb. iautprobably due te too moèb airong drink mixa itiith*i huai af tie day. and aller laylag aroaid ibere for son'. liméade gbimaef dWa agreeable vltb iels fibawvrkeo va dliabaraud atur vblcli be staria Off dovn ibu strbet >99138gaisai a ur townamen outili ha fusi fan a-roa. Lfmbrry vho gaie hi. lodglng in lbe ciahoos util bu soberai up vbun'b ehippai hlm ta bis home ln Ohia. Card o! llIanM. W. vfie btgexpress oic afacure ibanka te the friende anse eghboruwbo à kindly assîisi dua in aur renet humai.o ment and eupaialy do vu thank thonW vbo coniributei floyer.. Mas. joiqS n.aUBIXYAND FAMILY. Fixtures for ona famlly bounescoin plisfo 5 ..Bat tub,'lvaor tollt, aak ad 80galA fLar e un EXMtn to be dm un. r AMIL UTHE A130VE STATENIT STEAU F« nrriii NATIOAL AN A NMW MODEEN6 l0R OI ime. PEASY PAYIOWMzh AME"N 7 !NOONRUI.1AhLOT 40 $y "MIOO 3 ROM COTrÀt enOff ESYPAVEENT, MlIas Va7chwoo lib ie S. 5. OsM u uI4vloai a schm eM& %WtO P-W si e.w Offic la L M Ds. 1Foge * I Eveiry IOLEm a' la rinmstlrgu i nh ai ce orPoèeuaw baisa rapily gqpuuB. q arlg i mpWù1e :1= MW ~et 10et S3Lfor Io AUl rugularDouer amma b Arn. Md MMW e ma m M ob51kJouer chae"l Fan" Md Phasain SlIsosreguar , j e 8 ai ele* Meu us ahVaoss§a plais Wb"s Mi mui Usus W. nu me ..uÂMM am4tes OS Wu-, yoeuomwbb* e Tevlau Maui ammsl 1 'lqqm aiteafu faut. Cual - -

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