CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jun 1911, p. 12

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LAECOUNTVÊ INDEPENDUNTFMÀ1T. JUNFE 281, 1911 ________________________________________________à!__W______-__IWO, r '40£z.- rm~" 4. Thel proposed site must present CiTIi ARE AIED toorphie&] conditions sultable for thte location of imany buildings wthout OR eesIve expense in the Installation TO -6IVE BRIEFS FO 0of a centrai heatlng planit and for thte vitre of the sewage withott tîntisual INSANE HOSPITAL exI)eseinexcvation. ar ". Thîe siter of te i nst ittion Irist rairoad swIteti frotîr tîtheroone or N4ew $1,200,000 Structure of loGre raîlîcad " r n attrrofItlni> totiil The State Is Now Seeklng crabie exiiens. a Location In Illnois -6 Theitlelier ton onr(-oal from wl r-a .r-,-rita disritst5o site insttutin WII Abl to arewourîd Ire fr, i, ilîrab le i mportac Insttuton lllbe bleto urein selee'tiîtg -a loirrttoî For 1,500 Unfortunate In. -7~.C'ies trtrsteri tr the location ofis oslIrt;tl are r equested 10 have mates When Flnished IrcreýIri-ta lrrtî'f ettiliig ti) irndetail wliat tre or d iTt r> . ritîcri op- Trat o Lad Mst ot ontln ions orrir tcgr eater îpart, at least, of Tract ofLand Mutnot Co t h ie site ar-r rretaary, vet It ahorîls More than 1,500 Acres or be rie1ý ntrrîdrstrrd in confffiring Less Thun 1000 Acres eitirrî l ierat th ie actI contera Ullol tieibord ofrnirît iirltrat louthie ro'Aer of< r e tt r"l, ttrtaint Coal Rates, Whkch Will Land lit.s Witt Be Vitsde. Waukegan 'WeII In the Lead, "t la desirable thal ai comui Form Important Factor lesiai ii'aeretarllîrin iis malter havea Iliînois cties that desire ta obtain thre new $1,200,000 hoapital for tte in- iiane. te establishment'«f wlîlr'hIl autirarizesi by an ar-t taklîîg efferI July 1. were i'lted by te board of ad- milnistration Ioda>- tir subritllthier .rclefs by Augîst 1 Tire ntlice. whii- was isaîîed by L. Y. Shermanî, prerri denrt of tile board, contains ln part te followlng spelficalions whirth are 10 lie observesi ln selecting te site "'I. Thte propoard location mus t well serve a iocality In te tate for tire convenlent rare of 1,500 inînates. -2. There rust be arallable not leas titan 1,000 acres nor mare tait 1,500 acres of tillable lansi. elliier iii one body or ln the Immediate iocality. Water Supply important. "3. Thece pmust b. available ode- quate, waler supply suitable toc drink- Ing andi for ail other purposes. brt lIsettîta or îneîl' onerîngs in the haîrda of the board of admilnistration no t later tîran August 1, 1911. Il la proîiaed tuaI lite board willi visit eacit cilv andrisite ofered lac Ihis Institu- t ion. - - Rasp Gos the Pig. Sirrei one outhlie bartdent lests of a steep dug la 1tulie pu[ lu charge 0f a pig 'h IraI.aî-rordiug Iounoaetthe rontrlbiitors 10 "Shepirerds of Briiain.'" la wliat lîappered ltu ltasp. a tamuus Nlldloltilii cole.'PThe uwner tounfi on filis returo Iromp one dîîy thiat tire pilg iesd e.icapesi ud sent the dog 10 teýIj iIL *"Snoforwent Rasp Lu quest tI whal prirveilone oftifhe Most stub- buorn of hie menibers of lire bucolle fauriiy site crer eurountered-i Hsving beeu absent about rwenty-tlve inutes. sbeenaItast appeared willr a few sbeep In front 0f ber. But lu the center of lthe sbeep was the plg. experience bav. Ing taugbt ber Mtire tt e 11e bel couisi not b. dlven atone." SPECIALS FOR ,la Thurs sd ay One lot Corset Covers -- Seimless with Peplum prettily embroidered ai 29c, regular 50c value One lot long Kimonas 59c, regular $1 values One lot just in Poplmn Coats wth Sailor Coilars, irnlaid with striped materials, $3.50, regular $7 value Lawn and Glngham Dresses, 95 and $138, were formerly sold from $1.38 to $3.00 WasI4,Suis ---only a few left, $1, $2 $3, were formerly sold up to $15 WhiteLingerie, ail over embroi dery- Marquisette, Satin and Messaline al handsomely trimmed, at $3.50 to $19. These were formerly sold up to $40, yéu must ses them to appreci- ate them On. lot Child's ilose, 9c regular 15c value FREE Sanftary Driufilni Cups. - Water Proof and Germ Proof. Great For Picnle Parties C'ROP PROS!ECTS REPORTEIJ POOR WVheat ln Bad Way ln Nebraska and Failure in Dakota. 100 EARLY FOR CORN ESTIMATE Hot, Dry Weather 0008 Muci, Dam- sge, but Shewers Are Expectesi te Break Drouth-Wlntsr Wheat baid to te Pali n Short. Sit Louis, June 2J.-Neirrsskawheat la In a basi way, according tothie Juriington systenis; croli report. The newa tram lte coco field.s was whal May prcreriy be cait'es 'ery mîîich mixesi, but, the genenai' opinion seemna to be tirat thre present seasoli bras net adivancedi fen enough to aiow, of auiy cehable estimates belng made as te the probable outcume of th@ croîr. Thswas another warn dry dsy ln ibis section. The maximum tempera- lure ln St. Louis was 95 at 4 ansi 5 c'r-ioek in lhe afternoon. The. fors- castIis for talc andi wsrmer weather n Aliksouri and Illinois andi generaliy warnrclnoiher grain reglons, exce5.t Noth Daliotas and Mîispouri, whertà ehowecs are anticipaled. Messagses saisititat the growing cropEsln centrai and southernIlilinois are being ü, errun with bugs and Hes- sien fies. Reports froin toddingron, Clarke and Spink couurîles. S. D, say1: wiieat ccop la a failure ansi general conditions ln Soiuih Dakota the poor- est ln the hislory of the state. The mysllc ciiord of synipathy lhat hms existeci between wheat, coco and ne for saenelime was even more appairent ln the eventful daily seasion of the St. Louis grain market. Dam- age of more or tees importance te the latter cr011in sarine of the more prolific regfons nas&re-en concedesi, as aise bui big shortage ln te 19)11 hay ansi pota- teoautpurt, whlle the new corn crop seenis ta be thrresened. In tire opin- ion of sevenal observera, wlth a cepeti- tienonfethte droulhy conditions that Lave prevalied Inl prevlous ten year cycles. wi:'ier wherat. lbe buik of vhich bas came té maturlty, seeme te Lre tailing tacr short of caciier promise and the sprlng sown variety la an un. known quartity. The wheat pli was ln a state ot tevenîsh excitement ail tbrough te day ansd prices ascendesi ta a decidedly highec cang. titan for> merîr nolesi. 1Candy Pactory la Burned. Seattle, Wasis., June 21.-Pire catured $0,000 damage la a brick building oc- cupied by thte Seattle Cracker & Candy company. WEATHER FORECAST Indiana - Fair, continuer! wanm t0- day ansi tomorrow; light te moderale northeasteriy wlinds alifling te o outh- easteriy. Illinois - a-ir, conlînuesi wacm te- day andi probably tomorrow; ligbt east te southeast wiods. Wisconsin-Fair. warmen ln central portiona teday; unsettled, probabiy sbowers andi couler tomorrow: moder- ate cast ta senti rmncis becoming vart- Iable. MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cash Grain Quotatlona. Wbeat-No. 2 ced, 9@91c; No. S rosi. 8S090c; No. f bard wlnlec,-900 93c; Na. 3 bard 'winter. 88t@91c; No. S-nortbecn opring, Stcgp$l.02; No. 3 northern serinz. 96c0t81.Ol; No. 3 spring, 90096r. Cocn-No. 2. 65%'0 5614c; No. 2 whilte, 55%«P5614c; No. Z yellaw, 55%056%c; No. 3, 56%@0 55%c; No. 3 white, 55%O6@6c; No. 3 yellow, 651%9tSc. Ota-No. 2, 38%co; No. 2 white, 40%Ü41Y/c; Ne. 3 white, 40040%c; standard. 40@41c. Chicago Live Stock. Hoga-Receipîs 15000. Quotatione rangesi at $6.304:i6.40 choice. eavy, $6,M06.45 choice light, $6.1506.25 heavy packing, andi $5.6006.20 good to choice piga. Catle-Recelpts 2,500. Quotations cangesi at $6.3006.50 prime teers, $4.40@15.00 goosi t0 choire beef cows. 115.00&5.75 goosi te choice heifers. $5.35 05.50 selectesi feeders, $4.75@15.16 god to choie stockera. 18.2508.60 goosi te choiceslighî calvée. Sbeep--Recetpts 18,000. Quotatinsi rgngesi at 87.00@7.2ra gondsta cdiceo aprbng Ianbs. $5.500 6.50 goosi t0 choies yearlings, $4.004.36 gond ta choie* fed wetbers, $3.50@3.85 goond tu choie ewss Butter. Crsamery, axîra, 22 eerlb; printe, 24c; extra firsia, 21c; fireti, 10c; dainies, extra. 2ke; Êil, 18c; pack. Ins stock. 16%tc. Live Poultry. Turkeys, per th., 12c; ehlekens. fevia, 12%c; cooster,, 8c; brollèes 18@22c; ducks, 12e- geese, 7c. Potitoos. Choie1ta acy, 81.0001.10 per bu.; new potatoes, $2.159D2.26. East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N. Y., aune 20. Drrnning & Stevens, Lire Stock Cer. mission Merchants, East Buffalo, N. Y.. quota as fol lnws- Catie--Reeelts 5 cars; markret slow. Hogs--ReeMIpt 16 cars; markret sleady; heavy. 86.55; Yorkens, $6.54,660; pigs, $6.30. She.p ---R ceipta 10 cars; market slow, [spr ng Ismb, 7.25017.50; yarling, P.750 6.00; wethers, 3.7 64.00; ew g, 8.00 8.50. Cave., 84.00"175. Childre's ]Hats Here is a bargain titat In child rens trlmmed bats; they corntelu fine andi rough strawa and are dalntlly Irimmnesi, Jin b- bons andi iiowecs. former- ly' iiriced at $1.50 andi $2.i00; siieciai CHILDREN'S BONNETS -Of fine straw braid, trimînred with ribot snd chiffon .19C Famcy libb.m A lot consistlng of about 25 irieces of tancy Dires- dens, plaids andi moires, qualities Ihat you're ac- cigstoîned tri îayllig as bigli as 40e for, pen yard, 15C UNION SUITS-Wnmen's fins gauze unio.nsuits, tape neck, lace lrimroed drawer, 23C The walsts are in -the daintlest man- net of fine'sheer India linons, Cotton maqul- settes and lingeries, îîm-ething Mie 2 dei. dffferent styles la fthe lot, each mÏodel of the most recent design, and elgaântly tu-im.- med, some with lace "nd others- embrol- demid 95C We Also %ade a LucIiy Oxford Purchase There are 200 pairs in the lot, and were sold tous af,a-nastoniishingly lowprit-e Wetjust un- paciked thern and really they are beauties for the money-could'nt toucli tlîer under ordi- îîary conditions for lesthaîî $1.50. Corne in vici-kid with patent tipis, extension soles Cii- ban hsiels, solid throughout, sizee, 2,4 to 6Y ¼ pair k cý -&%,1 -1.0 isies Oxfords Tan 'ici-kid, they are good styles, <'(une in Bizes 1lY to 12, blucher cut, $lIr) values at, pair 1#19 Baie-foot Sandals The idleal sîîîiîîer shoe f or boys &aiid ginls, 2 strap, lîeavy loather soles, al1 sizes up to) 2, pair 49c Tite pricc wll appeul to ever# srWdo- mon who reeds thls ad for Its verv reason- ib1é-aJutôone look qt tihe germnts wliI' show you that von are geting a -mont re- markable bargaîn. a thn are 51,50 a"d $2 values-_-_ 95C The Weaher ManSays: Buy a Pongee Coat For in the hottest of summer weather you neyer know what evening you may require ont. We'rt showing a splendid fine of pongee coats at $4.98, made of excellent quabity diC ini 54 inch length, large 4.98 sailor colla r, price . .. Lines Auto Ceai Al lure linen craeh auto coat, heavy quai- lIs, wltlr bell and large iocketse )8l forr . . .. ... .. . . .1 . Deautfifl Wash Dresses Made froriiithe finest and sheerest of lawns and ginghams ini handsome com - bination plaids and checks, elegantly trimmed in corresponding material, somet trimmed 69 with lace and embroidery Pretty Wash Dresses C'ool and comfortabie, ade0'ffine ipercale Ini combina î o lad nd cheeka. self triig ined. sizes f'or misses anîd women", 1 sî,eidid values aitthe price,.. . 40?a49 Touli Always Find Iariains la the Rug<&Fuirniture Sections 9 x 12 L'usuels lugs A heavy durable quallty, beautiful i floral and allover patterns in attrac--9 tive colorlngs, fuît 9 by 12, size. 95 You'll find thest rugs priced in ail 1 stores at $1 7.50, our special offer. . DAVENPORT F ul zixe, censtruclesi ot oi' Id quarteresi oak, up- hoisteredi ln Boston leather, plain or tuflesi special 275 ,mi....27 5 ROYAL WILTON RUGS-. lu r-b two-tone green color. Juge, 9 by 12 size, Orienttal patterns, 1899.50 values at .2750 PARLOR SUIT- An at- tractive slit of strong c ronstruction, heavy frame ln Oak or mabogany, 111p- Irostered hln au plusit or 4 lf leather ..... 29*508 CREX RUGS-These cga are woven froor long sea grass, andi will giveunolimileil ser- vice, ize 18 by 16 lo..29e ches, speciai . ... PRINCESS DRESSÇR Strong ansi attractive. larg, case witWm two mil andi îwo large drawers. btandi ruîiberiandi paiihed, large oval mircor . .... ICE CHEST - Large size, builf ln a substan- liaI manner of aab, prlr-ed . 5 5 Special Go-cort Offer A Içdu1ar $10.00 Cart for $7.48 This cart is of large comfortable dimen- siPns, and bullt extra strong, one motion côliapsible, 1-2 lnch rubber. tired wheelà, comes in aIl colors, a cartthat cafnot be dupllcated for less-',4 th 10.0, pecal . 7< '4 News from the Bargain BLsement IPict*res Attractive subjects in landr>- scape etching, size Il by 30 loches, fitrd in a 3 inch mission frame, regu-' lac $2.98.valueis at...........1.98 Pa.sspaouts-8 by 10 inc-h, doube25 cupid, beart shiaped, dark mat -.5 Croquet Sot, with six balis 85 painted ................ 5 Magazine Or MMusc k-With tour deep shelves, Mission 18 finish..... .. ....18 Coep Chsfrs-Foiding campt 29c chair wîthback, heavy d11ck sea.. Ganelme Steve-2burner. guar- 21 anteed, japanned, special paies 21 Ces Plates-Plain colonial, withl6 sawed burner, special offer at ...16 Perch Shades-in natural bambiôo, al sizes, prices range upward 19 from............ . 9 Chidrena Rocher-Large sîze, 39 strongly built, painted ced...39 Mrrer-9 by 12 irîchea, fitted in1% inch oak frame, special19 prices......... ............... 9 Toilet Soap-Witch hazel, oatmeal and glyeerine, 2-bars for.... .......5 jap Rose SoaP Made by James S. Kirk end Co., ideal for th e bathn 3 bars forc..................,. £25c FotTubS-Lacge size gavn izare---------------.. ..29c !Pau Four Here Is, the Fruit of a Clever Purchase Charming $2 Waists for 95c We surely struck a lucky deal last week. A manufacturer, Who has a wide reputation as a maker of fine waists, offered us ihe balance of his season's output, which consisted of just 500 garments, at a price concession s6 great that for a minute it nearly took our breath. It .did'nt take us long to recover, and we immediately wrote him out a check for the required amount. TWE BIPLI Sitn Lcdi t'.rs - ii th re' the a(t, cd te the 'tr ethe% them fri thet rir l'orrd di Lt ligir Ne est aet the the n irderesi whoe e ran tîr'r to air, hand th thenre prasncs thne ofit ]y0crde( ur-, ai îr, tûr, sder.i'Ct Knikhte lit ce lores on aIl al aierý ja BEsia dent r- 80o-0 Nocit 1uiça. de; I Knlght wîth i eomes Stc t tbeb on hie ai wer Thosi GUndTE 'v 'I WAUKEGAN'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. m

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