CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jun 1911, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIIDAY, JUNE E'8 111 * e LI BIERTYVI LL CLUB O US . n srnure publication in the:1ndepen- 11' IO S E . * n Tuesday of each wsek. Adver- t iers, espectally. are asked ta take 'u _____ ~U U partîcular notic ibths l C o F l~' r akes Frank Locke uf Chicago, transacted mi luîce ere 'T7uesdai'. I Oc P G. ' ~ ~ A uj Aet of 'Aaukegen. was a I1h55 4À cPKG. 3 PKG 250llertv t le business ',îltor Tu4day. SUD 0 U tfi' Lîltfeld and tamily. of Weuke- et t * O gar, i. îited.l bertyville relatives Sun- p roi * O day, icr sîster. MIrvs1lianiel I e re t bier t Ai fo Salt e M and Mr.l John lîn 'uFaclden iii,' .d teki 1 lIi r lIusclod e, ts t,3 t hwîcg', t is w i *~~~~ ~'k vh~T "I..S4tere thes' a il make their future aî,c * Phone 25 Phone 3 Mîr. aud 1Mrs F alter .y tt,- are tlhe i iiei' v ptarenîs t.-la t.eîl îunt tabv lo t * l,',viîor lait Tliursdey. i. Si.'. /0,' '4- lis -- YOUR BABY W,1i eeed it' PHOTOS taken now the aar, weather is acre NEW STYLES tlotht rge and smill i zes of PHOTlOS - ci- sho yo, at Low pr,ces. PICTURE FRAMES W, lhase j'StIrceaetneew un of pîctîre trame moulings and cati trame your picttires ont short oitc,. BESWICK'S STUIO LIBERTYVILLE An Unusual Investmnent lnve.tments that w Il eturn 4 to 5 per cent are commuon but once te a great whileai .snusually good one renies alnng wjcb beari aI11 good points. A guarasteed principal andI guaranteed interet at 7 per cent. The fosntin pen, Gillette sfety rasor, the talking machine, piano pay- ers, etc., are aIl classed under the bead of unusual ievestnent., yet these ,sanie investrnents amIt begging at the &ta". HasI we ail oeîy gotten in on the grounil floor at par vatue of this stock tee euld lac patting ourelves on the back. We offer yots today stock just as good as any of the above at pan. The Merdith Floeer andI Vegtable Comspany of Libertyville, III.. bas the finest proposition in Anieric.a today for sisci an investnient. They oei you their preferred Stock aI S$10.00 per abae, wicb is par witb guaran. tend interest at 7 per cent annually, andI the stock will yieîd far le ad- vance of thoe, figures. In the course of a few years ahI equal Bey of the aboya stocks on the market. tWe bave 40,000 squarefeet of glass andI our business i. coining in so fast that tee postively wilI not lealIe to FU1I the orders aithout additional buildings. For tis ressue we bave purcbaied six acres of land in the City of Uibertyville, on abicb tee are goicg to butîd 100000 square feel of glass&tth. comini tinter. Our business as the raising ai Floteers, Plants, andI Vegetables, under glass. Alis Nursery Stock andI Buîba. We teant avery Man, Wornan and Châdinlullinois andI Wisconsin to own stock in Iis GoîsI Mine. For furtiser information addrets tbe presidient, wbo ai I ook after your inîcrests personally or if you request wil] send a represnlatve to sec, you. Note atise tins. b ge busy. Core ne ssi ac aat tee are doing. Seeing is beeving. For reference aidres any Bs in l Lilsrtyville. LUbwvffe.ULJ. E. Merediths, Pruidant anti GaveraI Manager, Merediths Floteer & Vegetable Co,. ,E BRIEFSI N, A -L kM E:N -r 1O0N *he Cowboy, the Indian and the [y." whicb showed unidr a tant in clty laât Tunday .'uning attracted iuttuelly large crowd. The show, die quite ably producu.d, dii îîot menit cusuel appreclatlve -iiint due ettt of this nature. Wis Blanche Loveridg.- ,f thee nni@on iersity of 0hio, will addres@ the etiiig et Rondout ltaptist Mission day. Suriday wll t. (l,îldren's day th, Mission and a ver ' vîntereotîng ogream cousipting of r...itations and sic hec been arranized 'iou are ail rdially luvited toattend th- e irviceg. The Inter Ocean will is.u.. its Fourth muai Vaietion Nuuitcr on uudav, leý 25i. To thome wl,.) (,titeiiilat. king a vacation this «.ar this issue i1'emepecialty jfterc,.ting as it Ill îundin information regan rig îaca )ns The liest outinx pîla~im -, hwil) %i, themî, ths bsest til- . i g,, a at take and how to bcst y o~ ur iwill F.' given in detail, JOHN S HEPHERD HURT Ha8 Both Arms Broken at Gravel Pit Monday John tileplîerd of tvanlî,e, brother-iu- taw tf George Ilaw k icm oft tis cîty, Monday was injuredin lu suIl a way as to lay iai ut, tor imeny a-eeks. The accident ablîF cauged tthe inlury ocîcurred et the pit of the Libertyville Grevel Company luit east of bere. Mr. Stiepherd wam cit1îlîyed as.rîperator of the stone iruiher uit thie plant and it was wbile pertormiig lus titioes lu thet cepaclty it îccurred. It seeme the ijuarters Fli asto aork lu are rather rijall anduln, oseprouiiity to e @liafi wblcbrevîlvpm aethOe rate ol ta-o huudred revolutîtans ver mîinute, and thi@ shaft lu eoiîe mariner caught bis lîthtni and îunIes tulle than it takes to tell it had ripjîed cvery vestîge of clolltie l roîn tis back a"d tlrowu iai ,lîwn Feneetta the tîîpier anîd uîton the vrusher, fraituring Fis rîglît arîlalove the elbîîw and breaking the lire ini bis left Plioulder, besîdes lnlflivtîng iluaerous tlestiwoondi andl bruisese liot,,ri Churchljl and tinitl were i. îedîately sumaîoned aund atter an eXaîIinatioti temporarily aet the trîo'tured minherseand dremced the ces iiThîe t.aiîeî .keîe 1 rîteyAsoia tdications pboint t,, ai, ilIncual srn wounds, luter taking iaoi t,î ths tl,j, iii lmect t' rîd a. attcrngq.în et the aluriîîauîe ot truit thli -, (, rI lerr.î Ja. McA lister Fîîoî tel ini 'au kegu n l,,iiîe, fMru t-i auk N iîtîîlas on Fair 1ire..,.are l,,eded tii thcir tiiiest ,' al 1 .it.v a ere tlîey -cre essîsted l'ythe h,îspîtel street ,andI tie trait ita greet lq latititiýý . l liug îhysici'n. tir Fo,,l in luaiiIinluste rinjg fre lictsîeps Mary liusF and leazel Iu Led at the present tt, utlle. o the înîured in Buttertleld . e~l ,ltheecu rmiotuIt, plîar. ,eavl end plum irec-,,a're laded NMrllepîlerd is armetberoîf the Mystic MlwaukeeS, itîîay, with the unripeneil fruit and berry and Worker. of ttîe 15orld et tvanhoe and Mng. W. J. Ptinian and tai, children o urrant lioshes togetber i tliti raile also e menîber ut the Lîbertyvîlle Iodgc ot Cceto, are spending a tew dayî wait, vines isein to vie with ea' i Other lu ut Odd Eellows, the test nameil corder Mr. J. S. tidiey thir efforts to excell. Tlie itrawberry taklng charge anîd e.sumfng aIl cupens william Reily ls reolgned i. ,,Pom crop thîs year la reportel to have of the caset. He will aiea derive au %ion et J. EH Triggs' and &cesuîlted e iurpaeeed any lu prevlous years. * accident beuinttrinm tbeMvstie Workerm. situation et Sheldonhurst. How ollen do we bean people say: Mru. J, fK Maculfin la very il, et ber -Where tn the wonld do ail the flte« Sue for Payment af Note.- hume lu Ibis city. A apeclallet tees conse rom?' It la simple enough. Thes 'wo mlstakea, made, ltt ls claimed, summîined front Chincago Tueedy toper makes the bine boute tMy, the lu the maktng ont cf a note for $1,100 "Y itern fether nakes &Itl gad fiy, the andI trust deed wilîl b. made tins de- EsI Scbwartr.enberger was Snndav cyclone makesa the bousestMy. the blacki- fence agatuet the payment cf tine note erreateil as Wllnette andl flned 85JH)îmîtb mirkes the lire lMy, the driver accordn taa11luccutorta andcols fr ssedngbismotr ccle malles the borel y, the race mmke. th@ day. The case le iteei as Frank A gorsdly portion of Llbertyvtlle's sandi My, end the ioarder matres the 8. Kerni and E. A. Bincp agatuet Al- population tok In the tamous butter Mty. bert Kunke of LUbertyville. The billt Bagubsk Wtlae îrcji u Wnkeau Weduedey afternoon GJeorge Eller of alleges that the note and trust deed itonday. C'hicago, chauffeur for Mille. & ('o_ wes were dateil Septemiber 22, 1910. ln- The Ladies' AId Society Of the M. E. erreeted by lMarobal Llmberry for stead of Octoher 22, 1910. and aia churca ajîil hold a bakery sale Saturdey.ýenî'eedung the epeed linot wtinl the that lit ees made payabe et tine Lake Jane 224tb. et peul G;. Ray@ turniture corporation and takren betore Justice County National Bank et Lihertyvilte t ore.tteswii-k wlîere he teas fileil $5 00 andI ntead of the FIrst National Bank of lioctors Taylor, Churchiîll anîd Samith coti, emîîunting ta $7,25, Tle ines ubertyvutte. of tbîs City, ttended a C'onvention îatWn"8 paîd aîîd tins pisoner releesed. Lake , îîîtY Plivsiî îans in %W ukegau LEy witteses oleint the machine Came ltevuar Eliscîpal services are Fed et Tueeday down à'ok avenue u around thîe the Ui aon church S5unday etternoons et Mr, J, T.Robertsoniî1s reporte] ,yrn îver ou M'iliA aukes avenue et e rute 2:3o, coudu,'ted tîy the 1ev. A. G a@j<k6.t ber ltonnie ber. tDr. F'îîey wn of ut etlet tlvn.v ive mlles per Focir. Richbards. rpetlir ofthe churtF ut the a1laI ut tr.,îîî 'iNaiikegîîit luesdaî iua vtln ,tenthe bîîurs ot t-lySpiîrit, Lake t-'irest. Sandey ninii îne aîn,] te.n'î,'litk a rig drven il 'y cchoîil et 3:30lII 'larec,îrdially i. vitud -t iciJtlrscie tBorndlreturnei]l ast wek jerr ' t- i'.li.-r ii.mllt Ftwo wer.. ri iiig - - tronwt ioi tg.i. lit aflire smi'le asi lîrt-istîer acul Xci i iHare. Wac .trii.ok 'l.,- lic it exh\ibitionii t thie tair ~~~~~~~~~ona b 'it'nlîîzttîe \,îta ,l~, .v an atit,,îî,,l,lii t rîntî.tthc iirartoigeoindt le t",îrtli ia aiotie î-1.n,,rtîî g elioz itr 1 1 tllfk tltrîi.lind t i.. buggy coaýi]tlt-l Il c 1tiiiiitl iii'" t c \Ir b I i îo î,'l î..tlî, r 'lIrs. %it~i5e I l-ut 1 -lier eicalel ,tI, _____________ Par-,%s. 14tIehforla outai, 2l. î, r ii lîî,î tti . i ii is cîî,îîî',Thistie Notice. [t w i.tiit il,- a -iiii t i Oi w~~~~~ -r% in iii tiitiltti '. iglîtîfitii of 1 .. di a »I 1i NI, li N-it'i.h 5,, Irtiii t - t Ig715 . i lîîÎ,eyl p-ti r", ý)i t',t. iat i ' i, 1 ,. i,, a fl lo ", - i ii' t - ,, "Iit- ii i1l.-r"ill 111,ii. f.i ic,,nri tti c,,al,--ofiM, 1tf, i g- ly tia A .1.o-l I.lillit- ,i tl.t li, i li " l t. -ît f i.iij, a tlîg lt ,-r .... "t,ýt1 ltriotiz-) i tî a ,ItI'I l.S le Nraitt.' t l 'I\- t U ,,littao, nur t, T e iiep n e t gîe1oi, h r. ' t iar n ,la.letiîtiig eailIal alaiti tîîîîsi bo utitIli th..failthecocnî daiistiislt (il,l rlig. a t. r a leStl, iili ritura t,, lier boulec i I rblii, 111 Miesr, C. [i. McKee, %W iC."rtggH and iGeortge t at,î ta et ti-î,eXV'l i-sday t i,'t a imling trip taiiai, lit in- cmn. Tlîey' trîiîgli t o,,ii-nith liîeil ,ii e I UL. tile 5 i'.tii.t5 i li titil' 'thursday alteirîî,,till a,.t t,-ek'utrme Peter Mîîa rs ail a ç'art.i ofllady frends teere very rît',alîxv eitertainied at the lhoime ot M s.l att tiali i jiiiaglie r at N tartbIlClîîcagîî A 1 ieîîti teriti,îit aas epentt lual estndiiglttariec itisîe flîr a long aiti lîorisîcis î 1.Ilite. The liapp1y coupleî leIai e Mnltt,t'tvtfr thelr lfuture tîîîîîîe îin Sttit iDIkt, Tlieilettltli-iiie lits t.iiiierrv lias gît ,miîtlî,,aeh&liîng thistles grîînîîg a I îng tîlel t îîît terity ample no tice' t,, have t1e seul, tîîlui iare ut and e&H tliiee ailîîg tto o îîîîîly nitb the reiliir' tîenttofutthîe )awn i itttcase teili tf rtF- t, itii Ite arrect.'tlaudi, ,vsecuted accord iiîly Thle v ilage tarîl bas nsructeil M r .îii1rri ti tguI y entorse tîte statute ini titis îî,att,-r aîîd he iutorms iis i t s itsitampartialiniiteil t itînto do si,, Everybody Knows Something About Lumber Values. Investigate. lUIt t- i, . .."i'lîîlvr aho lit t,, l'e4,mi ' hr iigoal utn hii, 'b th" a tii l i ', la tt l]av. TIMBER CONSERVATION anid tin lî. iltie , roo, t tiat liiîlr lia.- in ta ,1t'ali îe iOuic u-irs ilex tice i a lty îîgatndl silliig lîlcber Iead us t' taI iii' t tr frienîls tthit NOW'S THE TIME TO BUlLD. 'Fler. msbt tunîe c rît ofuttiaiber tfor iliotat ftifl..I ftit ilcontem- pliet a e tenboute ive went tu tahlk w ih vtu-n e have att grades@tif lumber. The loteest q ual ity- starts et gitoi andI gues uit (lice us a catI and tearn the tacts about these lumbeî velues. Libertyville Lumber Ca. S PHONE 47 % L-ake County Naional Banwk LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. STATEMENT AT CLOSE 0F BUSINESS JUNE 7, 1911 RESOURCES Las and Di4counts United State. Bond&s... Bond# and Sec.ities>.... Banking Mous. andI Fitures., Over Drafts ............... ... Five Per Cent Redaniption Fond.. ..$463,882.23 40,000.00 -89,4 17.49 10.500.00 * 2.00.00 Cash ....... . ......... 44,546.55 Due Frmn Basil.............. 121,96".51 166,507.06 $772,529.76 UABILITIES C apital.................. .... ...50,000.00 Surplus ..-.. ........... ....... ý25.000.00 Undi,ided Profits ....... ..... -.....11,578.53 Circulation ................. ....-... 40,000.00 Deposits .. ...... .......... .... 6" ,951.23 $772,529.76 THE ABOVE STATEMENT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF N.vvxu'N2%.L BANK M ~ M Wal Gosh Ail Hcmlocks Sec Wot's Here. A NEW MODERN 6 ROOM HOUWIt AY PAYMENTS, *3000.00 MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE, BARN, LOT 60 BY 225, 83200.0 5 ROOM COTT~AGE, ON EASY PAYMENTS, $1700.00 Very choice lotsin the B. J.Grimses mssshisoa at a price tisat wtt1 loch attiactire 50 700. Saa s .fer information NOW Schnaebele & Wheeler Real Estate & Insurance Brokers Office luaLLuce B14g. Ph*lane1 ietvle I t DONT Forget that we get Fresh Fruits AND VEGETABLES Every Morning CORLETT & FREDERICKSI PHONE 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. [ SHARP RUTS IN MENS WEAR In Furtherance of nur plan tu reduce present stock as rapidlty as possible tee arc offering at remnarkably Ina prices aIl our Men. Furnishings Big Reduction on Collars, att desîrîbte makes and abapes on smle now te i10c or 3 fer 25 Att regular Dollar values le plain andI faecy negligcc and Dress Shirts, yoine choice for 75c Fancy andI Plain Black Socks regular 25c goodi at 18c or 3 fnr 50c Mens Wash Vest.inl plain white and ceaIt figureil affects a nicc asurtnient a 75c lu $1.50 Special Ina prices on ail Men'# Shoe. W.e c save you omnething on Undertecar rght note, Men&. Women andI Chiîdrent gonds at ver7 Special Reduction Sae Prices Towling andI ail Household Uinens are nsarlsed to osil fast tu seil fast. Corne in. W. W. CARROLL & SON M. B. COLBY BLDG. r The marathon race, anc o! the prin. Your Nîighbor's Experience ciple fetures of Libertyvil's Fourth ofI Boa vî au îy prafit by it. Taes J uty celetration, sbautd ettreet a large Fi.lsev Kidnev Pille. Mns. . as. a,. cnoa'd. M21 Gleudals A ve., Peorta, Ill., wrIte.: t **Some time ego a bai ackach.. mmd spaiIn utins raglan ta tins kiduSys mad il One af the places advertised for w"e subet to wooknos ansd dlsulue. rent taday woutd make YOUi KIND eepscially ln lt. momnlng mnIw nervons andl lait iuni ul .1Ant * 0F A HOME, perinips. rn doten. Foky a"KMmey M _____________ recommended t*0 me, mmi I wwo* Now is instinte tndo vour recoatlng waa cdoala on saur liaI racl_,W. have th.eilpd .Fl~ ( -7 îaran- from. JUIY. HABERDASHERY Are yau ane of our pleased Customers? If not, Why flot? W. puie oures est s- ur upto-date lion..and the large range of STYIM waadPATEENSwe cm"ryinu Faur-i-Ismdà. Bow.s, Stocke Siuld a&" Band Tecks, and Sieli Rowé. la Four-m-band -a camr a fouline in Waask Ti.. and in Checkst, Plaids, Str4pea, Plaina. Peiana. C ropmanad orinjewide, mondiaeanti arrow affecte la 5 wae li at Bi Wng., Graduating. andI tringsi n all the let- ead pelltas. Camne in antimnpact our stock of Men. Hot Weatler Specialties; -e bave. thae & IL Yinars for cSmfort andI Style ini J. B. MORSE & CO. Everythlng for tIen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1233J NE on Interest on Your Savings In our Bank will be credited on July Ist. New accaunts and Depasits receivcd on or before JuIy i1O, will reccive Interest f rom the f irst of the month The Childrens Savings Thc Laborers Earnings The Faruners Income The Prudent Man's Capital Make aur Savings Departmcnt their Safe Guard, Earning 3 pcr cent luterest payable annually and standing immediatcly ready in case of need. Small and large accounts alike receive aur care- fui attention. Your account is invited. The First National Bank Of Libertyville Next Door tû The Pos Office Open Saturday Evening V4ý

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