~DflG»AN I~aD BIfi a base hallgante between Northil 'i- _ __________ I4Ilit tb: evening, $500 wortbt of lire- ON THE GROUND ks wule (ribe hniae toheSk-imi the rais CELEBRATION OF wnx k i iý,fo heirexinaiu' ibe ingyrise-L yJ ced partly by the cîintilolanîd IB M. QUAD Nwi ~n~uup rt1Y by the îoiuiar slîl i ij ons. NORT CHCAGO î ite CIaf lenul ad e,'ilig, I cyiIon. b y Asoclated Lit- w ýt e. a.î a i al kOnds iiiiiiite fter- 5i'ary Press. nn n. comîuiete thie 1rogram forib Monster Placards are Disti- Idiay. The Puas Parkt promises to bf- Ant Mary Dsvidaoù was a faruiers buted, Telling Plans for coule one nf the 1om! î),î,uar amuise-" widow, nd mlle raitise farm witi thse Sane Fourth of July. muent places along th,' north shuzre I beip of a bired man. She bad always i, siumaed but ii xi hoik front the Chiu been given credit for beibg a sharp. exigu ôeid %'il li ii ai i tuck, andi about kLesOwoman. People sid tistai bc one iîalfmile' fron herîriii. i aaisknew twice as mues about busineffl Huge Parade Takes Plaýcei,,,iniiig stai.iune a ber buaband. Thse isuband wls at Nine 0O'clock with Ca- 1Industrlousansd isardsvork'ing. but tbe det.s and Floats. F.edsa ith. Bruies. buying and seililng were left to ber. Il osi narl L500 a eoi t fedjWben Aunt Mary rounsd hersi a it osi Li'iry î.i(Ja rr t ~ w idow atid entireiy re usible for ber tise Sanimalis nt i iOli odon izoo. setions eabs determlned to milike moues Great Pyrotechnicai Display Anud bov tiirlFud,14te men". ile ss alitUle fastes' by speculation. Will be Given by Commit- ruies a s nirsf.'goas. anUiastiste sdvertisement of tise Blue Jacret tee in Evening. g-r» u' farige'i îppu's irnipa. pois- siver mine. tues. bretd. ri,îvl4 nîends'. augar. mre!Thse Bine Jacket proposed le let a and spirruvs. Inaddiion tisadeul' Umiied aumber ut ipeople Ila0on tbe Congressman George Ed- zeus 111 tie zoo t Ilirual if n2z yearl grouud flour. Aunt Mary was oue 01 muund Foss wiil be Or-. î1,01 i ies t ae. 'Si iilei' îu? wlsud wise.1,cameetin pcrure.nitise tor of the Day. mitize. over u Ion ot rire. 150 oîîsisqeis! preident of tise mine wassuntis e C- orcnsr ed nai siils e. be id the look of a foxy sait,) sbrimps anud aboutilrty loin o is e, but bis ani tqqsssronger tisau (Prom Wednesday's SUN) Tise zso, us nne ot L,)unua' musi ta n'isruece. %unt Mary neid ber itored] nsîiîutliîns. Nearir UM.UUpeV breetis for five rminutesa uer tbe star- ('ngreaaman George Edmxînd Posa, pie vîsîted Ifitis yeur. - London tllng promises imde ln tise book sand orator ufthie dey, and the training opc tbea sent unon 0. Wiseî aile rece4ved shîi Naslivillie, witb a number of re _________ ber stock cerlitvule It iooked »0 ice crulia silibe Ui lI min fetuiet at ae forwurded S=)U imore uf ber cruts wllDeth tw minletusi1%ughtful. casis h Veo alitthe foits ln tbe coO of the Fîurth or ut ly celebration ai "Weli. iîe'sa a '.ry liougitful and tryih tisico Id uise mufley nabaeen North C(hicago. good bearted feliownu l.way. gtee l a is w1iesi The irst feature of tise day wiii lie *i CuIll sec Il. I1 w5 fut bis bonel made fortunes the postai autisorties thie big Indutrial and Patirotr par- Teserdnay. andif L cver occorred 10t ii in tu asis me to Ityt iur tpe n aiSe, ai nine ociocut lu the morning. Tuajui t dne. lt 50 bappeued that lwo or lbree or the arae euingat tse osa ark ishe jsiit: iswIre Il tihe swaoaeti lere tsuer ruec premideut th aaeedn tteFs ak tahiug c"kiug casons "-Excbunge. o ieBn akt o'oeylîtb wiserc the ail-day pieute wiii be heid.h leJakts lseytitn LeNe lîasa isnk bae ben otaied A lioughtIf itbeter ro go to isec oun' Seenbrsshrds av be ota A conornust. itry for awbile lisa to [tae steamler tu fur thie parade, and many beautifol "iii iîrîd r "a bîr'e "p.uii alseuuiu>.Aa fionîss, and the naval recuita fron tis lîthed l" fid1i p Elu ro p ar e w0fltie nsirlle[ ay. erO Nashvcille, and naval station wiii moin ite e îr-î.s IHSbe isad bec rubises uf ber 93MJlI t il1 "[auiilIll uiv<e oo a1i et1tburt ber [o lue lse emoney. but if bort -1ri'r.i," liii i do i uie."lie s lier tu bave ieca taken in and doue At tise pars, there twill De apeechsa,ing fr e iuur'e.W ii.ttisgo0' for. T'ri scOît 0uthlie malieia is> promdinent speakers.wiltis Congi'esa-s v ia ieis arsdQ est ris maîn George Edmond Posa, as oraturr gooti lluing, aui. u thrs, ise "biia ufthie day, toiiowed by a band concert.r The Improvernent of a Paper sa be beid responsIble- Sbewss grttllng Isater in the atternoon, tisere Will be mcaured by Ita adverising. ber teelb anda sliug ise couid gcet ber *pawa" un lise rras si uenaB tranger knDOcked et ber doer. lt wàà à sommer dey. If aise took sommer borders ana if se bad none at tise tie ewouid fille to coranefor a COU- 0 -pie of weaks. Be us ai busines man trou tise cit>' whose nerres 1150 r' ,, iees siattered b>' too cloue apPLica Anat Mary took a long look t tihe Mau mandll iviteiS bim l.se took anotiser long look et iim aud Made i is lrn b rste andS sdded tisat De could depead ou fresis ezgs ad us __ rd lk. At tise clinter table sud scanned is face fuortise rsi lîne * Re.snid be was connectel witb à Bilepablisblug bouse, but sise dldnt Equitte believe isit. Aiter dissBer b". if l(eà. as tise atranger colle!hitaself. Muatered about.Ille intpeced tihe wagon sised.tise barn andS tise iik sd locked a o.Ila hw"sAuui Mur) wobail oetebsns.We D F or Saturiay - £'har and net doigwnte or Iber tuaoILD fBst ibistmnts?. CHARI!ING DOTTED LAW' R S E -"Whv.y. ou are iocked ln theBa 805058 Very new and bsouse," was tise repiy. styllali, for cBu Ctisat I tosr skwiby Saturday ............. fyouwusant iocked Ila juamigistra sa>' as won as I1iegan 10 uay tiug». And. tue. 1I aat yoouluhere tie coti- PREI'TY GINGHAM DRESSES v ga table eanU Lnd you uhen Dse arrives. -ail shades and designs, B ousdues tise Bine Jacket murver min.' $2509$200otlong thses"days«!mieakeiS $25,$.0and .........."I kl uotiblng about ILt ilid YOU ______________________________________1_%vas__in.,Lutise Bible lne.' "Hanve yon got: a Bibi. la thse suit EMBROIDERED AND LACE TRIMME case misses' and ladies' sizes, 3 0Are yuu tlil deaing la groud fooTr $7.50 t .... ....... Ilvèr stocks? *My guadis nast u. 0arermailng A terrble -mfiteakedsude oasta ,nY 011espeial ot ! FA«JYMJXcoat 700 every cent you are Worth. 1l3 TURE COATS which formerly i. Z 70u Ulock tissduorl"dnu, soldup o $0, Sturay nly ...3 *7 -8So. noo. but ubat a burry O sold p to$10,Ba.trdayoniyare la! I don'i expecîtishe coaatable for mn boar yet. Hou mach isodie lot ! W'ITEDTJC COA S, 4 Inhes dit! won gel away ultis>L irapoBO thee'il One ltoiseTEDU aOT, 4inhsrduioffereil for you. and 19 long, %vic are lightly solled, Ailtia way Vil gel [Dy SM 0bckc." btregular $500 and $800 I 9L5Skr. "I m ae l ad the.TUa but4 9 q 'Look bere. auma,"bavetl tise ma values, to close at........ are mitakag me for nmre one aise. Perisape you are nut tuilame. but dont carry tixings 1tonffi. I kao WASHÂABLE SKIRTS in blue and black pol- aothing of 700? 8300. but if 0youl 9 8 be, me nt lIl gire 700 tisai mucis ka dots, also plain blue and on" ma to go on. i1lbve imporat au- tan, excellent values on pzioCt& sale at c.* *"Wisat are Bibles eiing aitfou? _______________________________________ quieiiysasked Aunt Ma ry «rPIY. Tise man iegan to yeli for belp andf LADIS' B THIN SUIS, ~kept top for ten minutes& TisaDe eLA r $350 aTRn $600 I liii' 5it usanou use and boarseîly saked. reguar $.50 nd $.00"Womaa. ubat do 700uswai?' values at ................ 1 0 0"I wntmy fioeyback ad2SM for rny worry." "You sisal] bave IL," -1 laut I$50À for tise people Brund AMERICAN BEAUTY A I ber. ubu lnî'cued on My sdvice and CORSETS, while they M 5extra for escis une." lat t ......... 4 c"Tou sisal bave hIL" ast at ~Tise trapiugIsihred mati waabeckon', Gentlemen!!!, Wouldn't It Please You' To Save $5.00 On a Swell -Suit for the 4th Wtîiîitit sî'î'i îk iîii of' grîîîd Io iziîîxx' tlit v 01 iîî l il a xx huit' fixe iioihîî Jubill tnaa smiart siiniiî'îu suit fW cil, liere is au i oipori t1illitv lui . îiuii a sax iiig, fuoi xxe aie uuferi'iig a thait fuiiiiit-x \sulî l at$'20t.00() i'iI.'5.00, andî SoulWe h lsoldli s iiigh as $?.<>Al lighit weight gavi'iiiuit 5ini thlieitwest txx'u aîldtiil tee buttoi st kli:: uîade' ilii he iîiu'st u'xae4tiiig ner of aii i xx o ilove'x itv sentes, eas4iIivWies alid %'orsteds aitleî'ues in theof luiîiigs. Tiiere this sale dgu ltit 111ii îîi oni lxit uuiix last8 a xvî'ik.ais' eîeiîîrthe vvi-v ieast xvoî ean saS'uIi aîîvon suit is a hx'c duiax lîjbi],eiiuuiue A Clearance Sale of Boys' Wash Suits yolui. boYu xviii îiîlreviattî lîivigattireul i "lie ouft vse( ol xash ,-,(lits these hoit sililiîiicda' s and itileive uîi 5su) mtlau t vIlU uî ail sun tliý f' ford to hi\ qguuc f't\Iio ' i*tx' uttlîui. \\.' uuer Yxuil i 'ii'lieviof ut 1i L:x anid $4»() suit ini stî'u'k tfor' <'i$l.9.i. M1terj~ias ui:'.ist uitxt aslîpoil- gees, nmadras, linieîîtiiiisliv i'isit iigs. 1uuujliis, (-t-.,ini19 w~hite andîi i uiu'i' ages 2l ,tg) 16, sîieuial .îfl..........19 Cool Neilig'ee Shirt " thYr a lleituî. ottfîîsoi 1, 0 eut "'liai.xx lii,' utiiî I di I i ")i( - 'it ~wlijte and i (il ii, sig*td l.il luiIl lî.st siiit foi tiie ii'uif, xvin h i tii . 1 .0 AIR MESH UNION BUiTS STRAW SAILORS --Nel -The cooiesi garniîclt xna gelî it( siîappeu in rougit can lînsil i .huy, knuit roin gîi as wilix aide or ncd- afine ,raiPýofgt ilon s arn, luni brimu, \No need of i ay- ail g s re'. ' iril îaiue ati nrg S îî ShCe n vo ('110 ib sui, .....$1.00 the sanie bai hère for $200 Dainty Cool Wash Dresse s Tilese li(4 Siumil"<li aur' uatisiiîga x uii"'i I>u(eiuil) iriuul' xasIli iiess ul"s te'uîî xxi l eî','itt'st iii g i g Ila mii dreîsse's, almo iii'u'reijze'i tfiuîiaids, lu x ni'k, kii4iuîa siexes, tubejî anidplait'il 4 9 WASH COATS. N ici'. mîaide ni lien irîislied ,ýiiii ugs and ruz i % ieisgib. pi nied at ....... 8 SURk Pongee Waisis XII siik pungi xx aists in uiatini al <uliitrii fru l il) liglît b lu,'uuigivlsio etthlil'ul ap 1.98 St thfigure .. A Clearance of Trimmed Hals Ordln3ýriiy s dollar wouxdn't buxe mors 'of a, bat, but owing t0 the fact ibat tbuuu la a rcarancesalie. 91t boys as gooci a bat as you orS- inariiy pa.y $300 sud $400 for. A large vsriety of etylea are offered for your seiectiol!. at ............1.0 0 D.ithing Suits Most bathing suits are just put togeth.'r li most any wav, but ours are distirntly different - they are nmade iight and xith a xiew ta fitting the figire, jîstthie saine a:; a strev't dî'uss. Thcv areu made ins the prineess style of mno- luai' anîd panamia ini blute andi hlack, andtiminiied in plaid or' plain <'lors; p2'1ts fiausi1 $1.98 to .......$10 Tofiet Artfcles florenieLql Shampoo, Chamolis, Ooog or oval, @Of ad elet, 0c 7c mise for . . . . . . . . Dr. raves' Tooth Powder cat ........12kc b Colgate's Talc Powder. vio' ,et, dectylis sud cashmere bouquet, ai .. . . . . . . . . l RI BBON S. 5 Incb tancy riblions In Dreadiens, plaida andS moires, beauti- fai cuioringa, 35e values at. yard. .17e INFANTS' HOSE. Flue rilihed sud lace, in ail colora sud sizea, 25e slli- enas speciaily priced at, pair .. .. ..1 c $3.50 là $4 Red Cross Oxfords And Pumps at $1.95 s3o Quit. taxiiii isux 't it, to sax , SeIssî'S. 'l'î.",'is îîît ai pair' l'es, i e ;vtIl I î x,'theii, ix- ileg' uot s'le'iuig alivf'st tii' ini uui.l'iiiiilt'115î lit'. A 1l kiials ou'f,'a iisai'e u'ulx'u ii lîissiaî taii and " o n9 a rîd $4.(X)i xalu.'s, ail siz'.s, pin. ..îî .07 . Sale of Women's $1.50 Oxfords If ot' hîîaveni't al'î'ady tak,'iî adx'aîtagc 'of this lx- i'iu'd( sali.' lii Ilad betitt" iik se'uioiislx' of if at &îiiee ft" htiv 'aîiî.ut Iast luong ait tins îî'i.' Tiii" ,oi,' îîi ii-ki.lwil 1.0 iten'tt tip)S,«i'xteîîsiu il soile, ( 'iii,11. 1.00 1 ~ iii'ls, si'/es 21'., t"61i-', u.gilau'$.r Ca mbric Petticoats ,'aîîîir' anid fiuishe'd it lottutiîî xxitlî a xxiilc sxiss o a i 'ai l oii lluui,posi- tive'$3.(98 COMBINATION SUITS-tîsinity styles, made of fiue santi hinisýaine. a sook, akirt and corset cover, or drawersansd cor et cover , eiegsntly trimmed wiih embroidery sud lace, $200 values. at............ ........9 8 HAN Dl<E RCMhE FS Flue lawn handker- chefs with ietotit- ched hem andS faucy embroidered, vcry sîeciaiiy uriced t, eacis........ C UNDERWEAR. Womeu'a knit gauze drawers, ombrelis style, lace trimmed, the kind that bring 25c at. garment, 15c WAUKEGAN'S FA&TEST G ROWINC STORE. Gloves and Hosiery KAYSER LONG SiLK GLOVES-18 istton iength. guaranteed qusiity, excel i- .. lent values et, pair ........ KAYSER LISLE GLOVES-Il bixtton ieng- 5h, fiue mercerized qoaiity, lu black, white sud colora, $1.26 values ai, pair ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .6 9 C WOMEN'8 HOSE Fancy embroldered lace sud also plain lisie, 50c andS 75e 3 values et, pair ......;.... 3 WOMEN'S HOSE - Higliîy mercarized wear ietter, blackt sud colora, pair..5 Ouing Needs PICNIC PLATES.- Made uf isard wood veneer, par dos. WAXED PAPER-Pior plcnic luches, sari saheeQt 12 by 18 luches, 12 sheeta for ..... 4c COLLAPSIBLE DRINKING CUP-Alurainuqi, dont for- gel lu taire oeue ...... . CROQUET SET-Pur party of four, ulcely1 painteis, ~5 KNiVES ANO FORKS, white metal, wulli iot tiha, ne of 6 for .............. c 4e q Puivn Tt'~sh+ LAKE COUNTY NIEPENDENT. FRIDAY. JUNE 30, 1911. vol EMPLOI TION]1 1 ACT ISi Will Pro compe i'j 'a, 'l- I. r F ereara ro i,r. tir ! hii 44 r If'a 'Pr, ei p ii ' ifor(zr lrng -irrîir hie lnito!a'i