Itbe lnjnred mas was taken ta hie home Sa snday ercning.1 tuts4 juiaan rllnI hawig Scott'a-it's tho' stegh hilder E. EL. Binbhi oi LaPorte, Lsd e petÀ Bunday %lt the lionne et . L. Tripp. George Rager and iamîly ai Barrng- tan, viited wth Henry Kuank S8anday. George Wood and w-lie af Huhharde Woods, epent Sunday withhis lather. S. S. Wood. W. L. Bet ai Chicago, lias taten the Rlay cottage aI Diamormd Late fur the1 Ida Biinski leit Frîday ion DKaIh wbu sehe w-I take a sumuien Normal 'Course. Mis. S. L. Tripp enterîained a taupin, Mm. R. A. Richards ai Janesville, over Bondas. L. P. King, aur 102al matarcycie expert, le practiJng nightiy an the fair gound tract lu prepaation for the race. on the fonrtb. In tle near future we may be abus ta Inprove Ibis columu by priîtiug mtekly a ar5ton roin the pen of aur budding aritt, Lelis Rardin. LMr. Hardis bas dieplayed nuinencus examples oi hie handîsrork and it showsi great promise. mises Mabel shattnck, rcently gradu- ated frona eaý,er Damu cllege, eroule ta-her hamin uOio, stopped off a iew- Hephie. ib...... BIecli. 2b. T u)leee.a R. Derrier, If J. otlr, s as sele. ci Erulge,. R.e Rais n p ei.m Kimbali. 3lb (Jer, as BaconI Mathes, ut.. BasIey, -p. Putel.i-p H Base, cf. Prierri. DowehI, c Waucouda.. R H l' A E 3 j4 21 l u , i . 1 (2 a0 1' O ' i h 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 2 0i - 1h Two base hits-Blavt. Scîlen, Carr. Sacrifice ht-J.Diidn 2, Seler,1 Dow-ell. Bits off Patter il lu six inninigs, Off A. Besley 5 in thrse inninge. Stnuct ot hy R. Rause, A Baley 2, Bwa an nd Carr. Base on balle ohi Potter 2, R. Bouese 1. Stolen base-Ratite 2, R. Drdier 2, R. Raupe 2, Svîer. ALMEA Pke. ,lb T. t 11.1, J. toriier. s Seler, ci H ilouise. ru. NRie. h Cle, ai Ruina. lb- Iihdina. mi lb Hâler. IL,-f. htordeer. Il hiellnm, cf Teuby. lb Rin.emi. ' Wood. Si Are, Tw-o buse melwum. R H PA E .-2 eu0 a 1 i.. .. ... l 2 0 3 0 10u010 èb 16 r 1i 3 R H PA E a 1 -0O 0 1 0 0 bt@-Knigge, Bapte, dais with Haut Tri pp. 'Sacrifice hits-Blaek, tiariier, Gidding. ,Neit Sunday morning communion Bita aff R. Dortier ti ln seven innîni2s, servimesw-lJI be held at the churcb. lu J. Drfler 3 in tico inninge, Woiîd 10 in the. sveing the enbject of the sermon six innings, off Giddingtl in tbreeinuings. -vil he. "A Runaway but nat a Stow-- Strnck ont by Gldding, T, Drfler, R. away." A wekt ram nez Sunday the Dartier, Knox 2, Wood 2, Cale. Stardear, Be. Dr. Hitchcock ai Chicago, will talk idding, by J. Dardier, Stardear, Trnby. to ue and oi thie a more extended notice Bases on halls off R. Darfler 3, J. later. Drdier 3, Waod 5, Gidding 1. Lir. Henry Kublant has had ber Stoleu bases-Hardie 2, R. blrier. J. niather, Mr@. Hartung of Chicago, visit- Dartler, Knigge, H. Bouse, Caldwell, log with bler the pat wsek. Melluin. Hit hy pitcher Black, Haler. Neit Snnday aI this place we play the Min. Lucille Landiquiet of the Sheldon Metrapalis o! Chicago, w-ho toot a oechol le taking a wseks vacation whidi fiiteeu ining gaine rain Lake Foret last ah.l *e puding in Chicago and en vironsi. snnday hy a score of 5 ta 4. jj1b ý'fsp,0. , ý , b! FROM ANOTIiER flREPtONDENT. Ame Wina Double Header Qite a number froin here attended 8ueday atsrnoon on the local diamond theinuneral af Glenn Cook at W aucanda 1h. Aiea tesa itook bath ende oftheii Monday. double lisader. Bolli gaules were very Lre. Roy Lake spent Tneeday In tmuoh on sldsd, the tiret ans wiIh Waukegan. Wancooda comicg ta uns by tie score oi Have tbe baye ai Rockefeller ineenmed It ta 1 and thi econd wti W innetka the style ai wearing middy blouses or 15 ta 8. bas a Chînese settîsmenit camp ta taw-n Rsscve pitehsd gond hall lu the opentng and taken up their ahode in the park? <u. alowîng but tour ie w-ile aur bpjrs plied up a total oi 16. In the Cheter Mann was seen In town Tu;e- second gaine IL Dorfier pitched beven day. tauaIzugo Whhe lie reieved by J. Dorfier. Ater acquiring an egit rus DLIAMOflM LAKE 1usd ln lhe tiret lire inninge the Areas »Ws up and tool,' il easy for the, Jerry Tawner is on the ick lit. baiansesofitlis combat allowing ths Melvin and Kenneth KubI are visitlug viutors ta add ire mors ta thir total. at the home oi their unuie, (lea. W.- Bth Canms wereuélug flt@ for aur boys Mitchell. and most of thein iattened the batting Mr. and Lre. Chrie Bilîton are viit!]Bsc average& eseially Hapke, Seiler and Hemman Bractnuns. Dorfier getting seven, ffeven uand ix bite Will Ra-y has mored ta Rockefeller lu respectl.vely lu the 1w-o gaines. i the Payne tore. .The. second gaine was marred by anu acident ta catcher Kloepher oi the Water Leniker w-I a ccupy the sta rs vacated hy Will Ray bore w iih a good, Wtgnta Who collided witb H. Roug elw- and dlean stock. es the lins Oand had the muscles tomn The htamond Lake Cemetery Associei- base itramufiis ip. Dr. Taylor vas tionswkil mee$ witl Mrs. Anna Roupe, called and adminietered tiret aid and Tiureday aiternoon, Juiy 6. Irving E. Payne, Casiier. THE CITIZENS' BANK ROtKrEf!LLr-R,ILes, Our Savîngs Department afForda the fermer, laburer. child and woman e convenient, safe and profitable means of laying away their surplus dollars. 01.00 opes an account, luterest elowed ai 3 per cent par annum, compounded seemi-nnually. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Rouse.. J. L. Taylor. S. L. Tripp. Bon H. Mîier. I Partuers' Responeîblity Approximately $100,000.00. Wihen You Invest Your Savings -You wibl procuretbe Sufest nvetmenteea heL.bush lseerest rtestrosuh nueRBond eand nveetmem de- W. hundI. ih. best Bonde&mand leo negotiahe firt mort- fal. louas for prIvaeI iueeore AiU Buies with us elad ehictly confidenell. fbc First htieul Bauik of Libetyvil1e Nit Door ot he Poe-Oftlc Open Satuzd a venin*t R. F. Route, Vice Prosident. Irving E. Payne. J. S. Gridley. I WAUCONDA i ____IW Mir. and Lre. David Bremutîr and friende of Chicago, vielted relatives bhes Wednooday. Mrq. R. B. Klmberly and daugliter Ruth and Lire. Canway and littie son ai Chicago, and daughter oi Michigau City, are spending tw-a aeets at the home ai themn parente, Lir. ad Lre. Chas. Darhin. Paul Hicks ai Woodstock, is speuding the w-et w-th bis parents, bere. Miss Nettis Murray returnsd haine lest wetk, ta spend her summer vacation. Rea. T. D. Burke transacted business lu Chicago Tneeday. H. E, Mimnsw-as a Lîbertyville visitor Weduesday. t LIre. H. J. Shaifen of Mce enry, rlsited relatives bere Tuesday. Lins. John Wpich mand daughter Esther or Des Plaunes. @pont Sunday and Muuday at the home oi H. Lîalman and lamiuy. Mr. and Lins. Mat. Maman and son Hserbertaresependung the week w ith rela- tives bore. Lir@. J. F. Rouey returned home lasI Saturday aiter a two weeks ruit witb Chicagoa-relatives. MisseLMay Maman retnrned haine Saturday ater a weeke riait with Chicago and Waukegan relatives. Mr8. Wm. Lamphere entartained the Wamnan's Catholie Leagne ut her hane Thureday. Mir. and Mrs. A. G. Mether entertain- ed MIr. ani, Mrp. j.Liether and Mise, Rose Mather of Chcago, Sfuday, Lire. E. M. Umbach and sounIRobert nturned Sunday erening ram a tw-o w-eke' vîit at Naperviule, w-ers she at- tended the commencement exordiseseai the N. W. College, and aluavlsited frîeud at LaMoîlle, 111. Myrtie Richard returued Tuesday trom8, week's viit aatb reatives ln Chicago, aeccuipanied by ber cousin, Lochla Conrad, Mrp. Harvey Liaitesan ai Hampahirs Ill., risited with ber brother, Mr. F. G. Mitchell and tamily and their sister, Mmre Bl. S. Coun and iamiIy. Lins. Hattie Stanclîfi rsturncd tram N. W. Caliege whers @he bas been tudy- ing mugic for the past yean. Mises Olive 'and Millie Ritzenthaler returned Jet w-el, rmNapervîJîs whcre they have becsi attenduug N. W. valiege. The Sunday achool Ai the Grace chnrch wiJi hold children'q day excciesSunday evenlng, JuIy 2nd, ut bal! past seven. Ercryone cordially wecvme. Dr. and Mmrs Tracey entertained ai large party of fiends irani Chicago Sunday. 'irs. Ou@ Loomis spent lest Shnday at Palatine. i EERTTZZý L*I.AKE ZURICH The annal laeing pi-niv oi thel i Everett srhaalwas bid on Thursday, Lake Zurich le the place ta spenid tbe June 29, at'Mr. Zeiss' grîlve. Fanrth. EmilFrak an faily isied rla. The Evr.ett Gianri, adi play the Lake tieillrnatnTd amly iiedrl.Forest nine at Everett uin the iîarning ticein alaineTneday aithe Faurth af July. Hrinan Helier louglit a niew auto in Chicaga last w-etk anîl hi- wlulie able ta Rer. T. F Quinn la arriingjng for a give us a ride. grand picîir wbuh w-lulis iîld at Frank 5chouz and iainily and %Mrp.M. Everett on St. Patrii-ka iiiurch grounds Wiltke atteuded tue graduating exorcises the Faurth ai Juiy. Ail unie and sperid ai the Barrington high pinoal îast a pane Fîînrth. Thureda.vevening. Miss Gertrude Sehaiz re. Arthur Pfiesteraiiid sanRispent a was anc ai the graduates. h-w days this w-et wiî lier parente, Miss Nettie Hilîman se emplayed at Mtr. and Mrs. J. (arolaîi Emil Franke totre. 1 John Couey w-i lî,,id an auctian sale If von are a ticker and see the shadow-s ai his standing hay at uis pucramer haome af tallure in ev.rytbiniz that fip praposied an July lot. Caine if yîuu want a gaad to belp the t,,wn, for heavens sake go bargain! LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN ita sainssecluded icanyon and kick PL1N yaur ohadow on the dlay bank and gIre PL____E j the men wha are warking ta bud np Prof. H .1 Plagge, of the Iaowa State the tawn a chance. OIne long iaced, coîlege at Aines, Iowa, les vietlng hi@ hullaw eyed, whining, caping, chronîr parente,LMr. and Mrp. J. Plagge in kicker caun(do mare ta keep aw-ay bie- Barringtoîî andi riende boe. ne@s and capital chan ail the drontho, Mr. an d Mrp llRoy Barn retursed Tues- short crops, cbînch bugs, cyclone and da -nn rr terwdigti blizzards combined. dyeeigfîmteraedn n and were met with tue nonai deminstra. Henry Kropp, wbo was taken to the tuons toa alau, i partiese. Wetside baspital in Chicago a8mt r.Cneshaf lrgutfo Wednesday and operated on for appendi. r.laaerela o le us o citis, le gettiug along as w-Il ag cau be, the summner bher nephew-, Water sxpected. Schmidt oi Miniiuajiolip, Minn. It is rurnored that Henry Schserman ai Lakes Corners wilI open a grocery store la the Bîcksaee building on Main street. Mir. and Mis R. Wyun bars rented the John Robertson vottagetor the summer. Fred C. Sip bas boughl six more lots lu the Kaflen subdivision, those beiug the lest one Mr. Koffen ',ad ta ssiI. Get aur prices on ceinent and prepared ~ aters. Their are the test made. aimE LuminER Ca. c-40-2 Dancing, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Ilertels Park, PAVILION IIAIF jDAY, Ili lard mucli înuîruuved lu health. Miss Eloda Bldwin w-llispsnd ber vacatian et home with ber parents. J. W. Wlsois ange bars ettîle Western part ofiunr village w-as burned ta the grouuiTbursda.v aiternoan. Thbe fine vampamîr dîd excellent aark and saved nelglhluurlng barns and residences. but tiiee was nou chance te eare the large structure. Miss Ata lt'uiset la epending ber vacation aathb hr inother boe. Mr. and Lire Wm. Willlams are vieit- tng lu Montral, Canada. Louis Eruni us tha nea hggageman at the depot. Mui" Susue Hatobas mebeen rleting fiende and relatives un DesPlaines for the Paat twa weeks. The C. E. sacisty of the Preehbyterian chnrch heid a social Londay evenilig e% the home ai Mises Lahel Eorenberger. C. B. Eastan, Mrp. Ditch a.nd Mise GalIaway attended the wedding ai Miss Lena Pareons q~ DesPlaines. J une lUth. Lest Sàtrday evening Mises Vedder entertalned about iglueen friends.,'A poreh party w-us planned. htnotwing ta a0 much rais the yaung people @peut the sveung indoore playing carda. Arthur Ender 1s at haine ior a fere weeke, ho eaye its "pretty warri in Chiicotie. Ohia. Mise Warder, w-ho bas been s-siting Sadie Galloway for the past four wtees, raturned ta ber haine in Cara, 111 Wednesday moaing. 1LIre. J. A. Beicheit, Jr., and famlly attended a tamily reunian in Chicago, Monday. Mir. and Lire. Zahn epont Satnrday and Sunday witla relatives lu Chicago. Lire. Carneil entertaised ber father, F. H. Meyer bas purchased an auto- mobile. An ie crearnaeoial will be given hy the Royal Nighbban and M. W. A. ai Deerfield, Friday ereninig, June 801h, at the homne ai Enil Fredrichs Alil are wecome. The firsI Union rnurnceruunt ai the Wept DeniteId selîoualwas h.ud Juiie 20. A very interestung pruigrami was gmrcu. Mn. and Lins. August Maliald uîtended the funeral of Ibeir nelihw-, Otto Erbe, w-hi dicd on last Tîîesday eiteroou Funeral services acre held ut 2 iiue Friday. Be hares tua miolu s iedsaîh bis piarents. ,,our pis ters, i teb r,,tbere and a iiuiuler iii relati tes. Mr. and M'tIrslrry Mailfald îbac! tiir infant mon diristened last surrday aiternaan. Peter Mleyer rttirned hoine la.t Iridasv alter spending a tew w.eili n \liiiesîta. MisBarbara Arnanu sleiit iatnrday and Snnday at houi, Miss Almia Mei er ail snd lir t% a weekp' Vacatioînvat lier homu'er.. Milss Katie Laèullenberger sjeit a few daye at lier Liig Grave recently. Qulte a iew tram this viu'inity atteiule the hall gaine at Rockefeller Suniday. Mies Aima aîîd Francis MeYer and ister, \Irs.Chas. Frederick were callers D)ont lrget the biig Fonrili of .uly celebration at Roîund Lake gii by the Freniont eter Catbolie churci,. WAalter and Helen Meer spenit Sunîiay in Clîiiago. A ten minute "struggte' In writlng a w-sot ad-and you'Ill pe tliat prop erty as sure as-taxes' Not ta l4te rau irierbc.rel-ne IV., nake ail ei7Ze G ood ailes ta, ,Li Niii a LiuxiiFni Ca ,-8- The shah I -stay-here-or-g-there va- catlunist nnay be able ta tip the avales af decîsian hy stndying the ads today. Caîl arounîl and gat aur prives î,îîail tinds of lu iiiber and riotfing lef,,r., ii build. Huais iiLi(iCo, -40-2 The soun-to-start vationiet may finatly mokdle as ta where ta go by studying today'a ada. Save $$$$ On Wire Fence! lui-lu FF y We ca-n Bave you money if you wili buy either Page Fence or Lion KuFence NOW. Henry Kniiip w-es taken ta the Page, fence is the Pioneer of hospîtal Wedmeaiay where ho will be Woven Wire Fences, having been operated an fur appsndicitie. ou the market for a quarter of a ln and aiten Juîy lot w-s w-Ilnat century.. It outla-ts any other grin fed o Motra unil urter oven vire feuce ma-de, because of grîndfsedon Mnulayunti fur he tremendous strength of ils High notice on accout ai repaire. Carbon Basic Open Hearth Steel C. W. OST & SON. Wire. If you have Page Fence on Dr. Claud Putuna completed hie yopr faim nov, yau know why it's dental course lu thi, Nathwetern lthe most economnical feuce. You Unîverelir and ri'ceired tram tuat echool kuow lia-t it wiii support itseif over the degren ai Dctor ai Dental Surgery a langer spa-m than any olier fence, on Jane 14th. and thus sa-veoeany pasts and mici Mr. nd rs.Cha. WeaelandMr.labor. Lir an Mp. hue Wsse anter. Lio= Fence, King of Lot---Type snd Lire. Heur> Weoel and daujh encFau, istie strangest of .. .ind 1eR~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ae hee uue'tio Brinta.Kuaa sa-g. It i s,.naffec ted ý-.'t their eau John, and otier by tempe;rattare cha-ngus. e b ock - holdé it seccre against hardest usage. It's the beat 'staple" fence ,. if rders for on carth. 'jloý y ît. Na dust, Do We have bath these j, aces in ail t. ltum Inmuou .0 sl s ust hi-at.Stnad tokFc, styles -StnadSokF ce Liegiîxiiii iunECO.~ ~ Hog Fonce, Sheep Fence, Poultry Fence, etc.ea à tan minut, Arunc Je' la writIng If you need fence nov or expect a vaut ad-a' .,j)u'hl oei that prar- bo buy thias sason, calil at once. erty as sure as-taxes! ______Austin Clement, V. P. Globe scratch .ed le the beet scratch Ofc n aero iee onth.etmarket for yaur liens. ForOfledSsuro uale on y y the Hases Lum«sasCo Phase 50ý. n"0.2' 200 Monroe St. CHIICAGO 1 1VANHOE- lire. J. L. Chamsberlain lse pending . few daya with her eteter, LIre. J. B.L larneworth, at Mayfair.0 Lirs. John Wirtz has been entertainingf her etter sud lttie daugter of Chicago. Rer. Wm. Dale was a Chicago viitor Friday and Sàturday. John Bertle, gr., an old a.nd respected ceâident of Freinant township, wae laid to rest in the Catholie cemetery Sunday. He leaves au aged wife and étivers] childreu ta mourn hi@ Jasei. The Sunday echool picnic was a decided succese in every way. There were 100 people preuent and the day wae pleasalitlv epent in races, bathing and laat bnt sot leait a god garne ai bal in the alternoan. Mmrs John Shepherd apent most af last week in Wankegan ta bo near lier hnsband, w-ho i@ in the hospital. The lateet repart le that hlIoledaing as wel a@ canld lie eznected. LAKE COUNTY UWDEPENPFÀ>TZFPltMAY, 1E3011. Miss Mînnie Ben *11 returned t) ber hume ln Mortan Park Monday alter several daye' rielt w-th WII Dillon" and, iamnily. Mies Elsie Waltos cailed on friends et Lake@ Coaruer@ ecVenesday eaeing. Lire. Howeard Sturges ai lenn Ellyn,. w-e a gieet St Mn. and Lire. Wili Hlusans Tbtireday and Frlday. Edgar Parker w-as a Freinant ciller Sunday evenlng. The ytonngestcrblhd aofLMr. %nd LMre ,Albert Miller i e rr ill. Dr. Mueiher wes caiied Sunday. Mir. and Mmre Croker oi Libetyvilis, spent Sunday with their dunghter Lire% L. Bluson. Tessie 't'ortz w-as in Chicago Satur- [day. John Browen and wie oai Wuuonds, risited their parente lu aur village Sunday. A lawn social wiIl be given on the aecledo frnohr Tumy pareonage lawn Tueeday erening, .inîylae iedo trnsheeT rda 4th, under the ans5picee ui tnP Christiani euenIng. Endeavor bociety. Lce creain and cake, Ray Klimberly 0! Chîcaga and Dr. 20 ctâ. Ereryone caudially înrlted. Il Golilng a! Libertyville, called an. Will any ane tias tirewarke and will bring Husan V.edunday. thora ta he nsed tliatevenlng tbey will Lire. Lce Hneon entertained a relative be gladly recived. train Ba.douc Snnday and Monday. Misoes Nettie and Orphia Rnsseil are FOTkL visitinir their granitiatiier, Nru. Russell, 1- --j 1in WNaukegan for a iew d&y.e Harvey ýNeit rani Elgin, bae bs'n MirmP. 1- t Frost atid ri,,idren îeturn,-f tunlng pianos araund tiers the in thel t,, thir hoiia in tiiicagii Tiureîiay, ipast week. l alter a w-e, e sta ' Yw-ah rvlntie here. Mr. and M rs..1Pladijoîlk riàîtsd îel- Little Ai,-liue Frosi had the. mis- atires ini unue riiindas. fortune to bi,ak lier ari iîrd,îy Mrn. Oiiver Neish, -ituLias beesi, euden1i marriinx falinioutgif a baii ioz k Site lng the theei~ at we.ek with i er Ilarentte1 s gettiiîg aloniî iiîsly arni retiiriieii ta Mr. and Miro. 1). V. Wait, lias retuned tiie, i1t3am ith ber parelîts Tiursdîîy. ta ber homie in Itacine. H. Tartingion andîl ariiirly. ali Arthur Mise l'utney front UtCiiîî,ag,î w-asa 'rîat aud lady iriendî, Nliies, rrei-et a icitor at tiie' honte of A. j rode .,f rontiite ii.ti i hi r autoanaîd firen. r. 1 snt ps -rai ho,,ra witli M r. aid NIr... The b arn-raisîng ai Jj ,hn Fre-,eriî-, i Nll p ofsrt w-ýpw-eu attended. 1NMr, ( ark l-anaîd da,îiiter Mlrs. A J. lRaymoîînd was agusstt iehirMain 'tfrw.,iýi Iew dangliter, NMrp. 1- '., a issa da; s eetnddv.i ii Cat iast we'.jep1eiîaam i ,,lv. Mrm, W iiiA,,înn is enteitainîing ber Mr, aui,Mr, 't1id S, ii,ids of Chicagoî, inoîber, Mirp. Fri'uid î,f Mi- He'nry. are tikîtardîi nt a J St-aiiiisld s for tw,, Mr. anîl Mrp. 'rr&a 'v avnsand 'tr MmKairi '- feîd t and Mrs iiiht Bend' eýpefit iuli,,ai iekti ,i tr,' ise]ircosa with LMr. and Mrp HILhDais. arN iSUiîas Mr. anîdMrs . , V.Lusk atî.'ridý e tbs Rer ll.rîîîaititMr. H,-imiîni.trans- limerai of the lat ra icousin, tien n Cok ated biiiëi îsn i i.ago M'i ,idav. af Waucanda. mo.iivas . W il Fro,t arîîl Fred lh--i weut ta. Mrp . j avoiid aad Iues Kathrine Ilibeagi. .edri.eda3. Dowell tisîted the iirmei s daughter, Mies 'taoni,,i %are was aiiia.> 'trs ChasKj1ie a irNplt rrnrv itsî,r Frida.i, %4r.-lii r Fi florer liî erttirie Foîspes Kidney Remedty t,, tieîr homini ii aukegan alter a- le 1çtrti(-nlaruy r.', imiendeil for as i't stay a Mti Lr. anîd Mes. Chas. chrîînîc cases o ii iuc anid hitaîher l baugh t troule. htilwîîsta regttnate andud-lin Mr.Sitiieilaud aîîd faînîlyofi Wauke- trai the kidncy auad hladîler artio and, i. heaiing, trenwtiieiîg And ira.cing i. a5, ere gUessat tie i. anilit ihomie a'o sal ly ailt ruggistec Satur lay and Srindav. f or the Capture of Mysterious Mr. Raffles* Id LIBERTYVILLE. JULY 4._ Grand Opening Commencing Juy 1 st Now> being located 'at Rockefeller, Ill., 1 solicit your trade with better prices and value. We deliver every day in Rockefeller, also will deliver out of town orders. Men's furnishinga, suits and groceries our specialties. Hard- ware, painta and drugs must go at a 25 per cent discount. 1 amn at your service witb beat treatmnent and loweut prices. WILL A. FBAY Rockefeller, 111. Phone 103L3 ài i NEW A n entire 0 the oldGE, 0 atI 0 Grocerie%, Cigai 0 Soft Drinks, Ken 0 Stationery andF o us, we o WALTER NEWJS neW Une of C DORGE OST b Diamond LiakE Lr., Tobbacco, Fruit Ca erosene Oit Machine 0 *Witing MateriaL Co eare sure to please Y4 R T. LEMKER, Propi .Phone 277W2 REW loods in >ilding ýe mned Gooda5 >Il, Gasoline, orne and see Fou. roeter Il Mios Wauki in Wibu An hall ua Miss 120" lua in chi( valuer a %ai, th,r ut lie iug ani Il., 'r, wlu -i 8. L. Tripp, Preslderit. 11 1 « 1 « r, her miI Mr. i ren an Lake .and m Mir. i Mr. à daugh biarln@ A. H. i Dr. . Chienag Dr. ta Mi] J amiel MmOu olghle Chau took a St. Ch, mise Bunds, Waulu Ada; day w- M r. d augli ville,I G. A. Bari and M The Iis mvi offerîuî The Le ar ail. Tue- thie hii tii,,' attendf 1 ýj