3.La..n.L VVUJ.NJ..L ~ oman"as muc aloe&oI; Scoi The Le-ader Piano( Wedaefiey. Jase 281 Davis, dauzbler of Davis. was tisew Schiller piano. Miss a close second and Ideal ses ing nii Maimnan. Mise Mid thirfi prize, a fine c-c andi wrtlng desk giv Mis@e rave Murphy ,eut glace fiieh givet) and Mies May Fi] givea by W. V. became ciite spimit but ever) thîag secu Do 1hell tng bas Ihi The marriage of! son o!f5fr. andiH rs. Mise Ruby Siijti. di tirs. WiliISinilb if at 9.00> uSloi k onî June 21). at t ie (a Our vlae Rer. atefi. tyîsg the nilli the ceremony msn these etîmeble io CeijaGeary.- citer Mr.John Kix if witneoee. Aier bridai party reliair Idr. andi Mme B. wtciding breakfast 11:80 they leit luy au where tiiey touk tit andi ater a week' returu to tiayeil make their future bc their many frienui çongratuletiouc and Oit Died Saturday, Ju Erwla Cook, aged monthe andfi egbt dt Glenn was the o Mm-. Emerson J.- bora December 16.1 Wancouda sehere DEERFUM PAATINE BReATH OF A WOLF. le vi ~~~~~~MieseBettie Bolman le viitingaat b roi'. asinRind&f a Hum t ~lr am Mc.abomne luninnesota. Sticks in Vour Thro&t. mi voet boby itrl .T.nd SWA. CorespoLandau.d gntA uew and i ugenlous remdy for a b&bygirlT. . SWN, orrepondnt nd AentMiste Vachti Lambert ims xieiing bier boue lu the throat wlll be founi 1 an L mi, raio* Mies Elcanur Meyer le--------------------------------------------------------- lter iu WilmaerMnn c-utoaPrsapigmgen- lions% iftanichgan. Mr&. Meyer bac rented the upper Ilat Ilshed under the titie ot "The Gioi7 Ch Emul'20% - Mr. and lMre. Emil Ferl-ot Mi@ Luela Carr is eîetiag wltb ber duty to the nation em grlitvr tban hie of ber r eidence to Emil Eichmau. ut the Shia World."' The doctor was hi -t'a MUiO Mima Sadlk Khan. chief PhYslclait Of ai on havjng Sutiday in Arlngton fleigh .sý,e n Galeehurg,:îîî. duty to the ilidivilîinlaîîd-wi, se tre. NMrîle VatiVranken Doit con are the vakil ut mulle: TE nfn cnolM. i r aeo fieOlan ecelebrated. guecte of ber motber and elter heme. '"'ho patienIt wai brought ln on the 'Li MI U IS IO D Meyer d ied M oîiday m umni g . vî iuig w ith M re. Tyler. M r. and Nire L. T. ,Itense eutertai ned verge o death, an d wben hie coutil- A I Ioi re. Bocold Le citertiiliit le A goodlY number from hors atteaded With The Base Bell Fans reatives trou)î Cicago ucer tho Fourlh. tiffl bad beau descrlbed the iearued LLDIDOrEuoiLOfs.Loi. teUeerainutLbrtvle Suuday aiternoon tbe Areas@ defoated Msese Cura ani] Elcie Schultz are physicIen stroked hie long beard and1 Xl ter u, Re lvodthe Metropolec of Chic-ago ly a lîîp-clided exclalmed: 'By Allah! 'This case would Pe Mr. nd tre Jake ip1ig o i,1 RaeAlorwho lei employed at eoeof1 o6. It'vas expecied, I eKluTh aueo o ~ ~ ~~oa r.eJacotuenairdlamtivie îe tbooad rplu Prke.dge scorhe e of t1tthegul uldh Farhed latoitsîeuPea oti od ill. btýtholls es Atate la aboeiogedpe- il III~ ~IIIÏ oss, ae veitug elaîsc bee ILa Fayette,fl., was home for the 4th. view of the reputatatiuiu that 1receded Fe blbsli aa Il. , 11akn.citosn'sle pheome bnal he aseitn fuerai o!fIe@ mî,tvr in Ihlcagu SuidaY3 been epending two weeks wlth hieonucle, bost oend tatgotde rie wd lam e tl isLelePdî,t ai e h bot ofrl htn fot Con tat cloerd lat tMr. aînd tire S. P. uteliineui attend- J. J. Rouese, wet o! towu. fcee it. vacatioa wîth lier parents anitbrutibor. the man muet qnlckiy die or the bonse!i ti. andiMise Lottuiecd tile weddis<t if1la fiu'id il, Miwauke, Roy and Irving kuigge of Irving Park Tuesday ait Libertyville the Arras wou Misce [aiey Paddock loaves Suiuday muet bie dissoiWse ad by what agen- A 1Mm. aad lir4. Wil]lalet Wednecdev. are viiag at Fred Knigge's. Miss frott the Waukegan Cabs eat y a score night for a uîontîbe vacatic)n tuî lie splent cy? Thanke b. to Allah. 1 am a phy- lanner o! the fble Louie Roiiiiîî m i ilrend are cpeuid- Emma Knigge wac borne flrueChicago o! 13 to 8. The scoree wae 11 to 2 la ln Grand Rapide, hic-b. sîvisu aud a Kermeul and have ob- tg ElaWbeo-l as iir vacations in Deerflld w ith tbiseover tlre 4tli. the alnth but Dorfier w as ail in wth the MiseAI cStlserveleve a. uM'td tht ole ewover u e o y 11) 1wîn@ the fine New forîiies arents1. F. N.Taîlyn and famlly epeuttSunday tbent aud the Cube got ii, lim for six attend the gra f M , meatorcsud bonbee. neyerysuuia ta f erpaenth lue given by H. E. moreraduteinsxerlee hflie calhetymilbeaethe ut he atiet. mrd Darreil won tlie tire Fred tItt and chilîlren asdin cet and the 4tb aet the home o! A. L. Fry. oera sir h ieca ie. nephew, David A. Paddoc-k. Therefore Il le cleer to me that the de Ott f Texas. are e îetlug rîcuds and Mr. Fry acvompauied tileul to their Next Sundey the) , playthse iondout Millton Daniele leit for the Puicilecomtast bru-alh otfcaevuîl dissolves boues and yerbn by M. Hho es. relatives îin eertild. home for a short vîcît. teum mat Rockefeller. W efday nighit Ioacept a pstintlîît If neblrethes down the throat îmenblnatiîW. biioece wth Naofîa Udewrtfl a ttent ithe boue Illl be dimlsoi , on fouîrth tne a The St. Paul*(e Evangeliel SundeY Next Susday the Bev. Dr. Hitelhcoc-k w h ainlUdrrtr.ed.' i by f-I T. Grabam si-'boul beld a Pir'uic Tueda3 aflernute so Chiagowill preach touset thechut-h. Côuneil Proceedin-gs John Foreman bac <pue tii Popular *intiiite lire the martels uf Alah.- uller a ilialfing dieu lu V. ilman's Grolle. The siib1ect for eveiug milI 9e "Tlie Meeting relledl to orîler iy President Grote where Ilî@ uni-le, John Nieiztier, for when ia 'oft belonglug lu a but- Joîhns. The luntect Mr. aîd tirs. Fred iarcunc andi cou Dvils Eatîinate o! Character." Smith. Ail trustee priet bac puri-haced a general ier-laudise faouît as bruiî7tit lu sud brestbed on ted tuimard the endi mere tlîe guecte of tIre. Ed Eaetou The tiulvey Comedy Cetmpauy lem irAs. tiniutes pev vmetisg reafi and store. ethtend the boe, d ies ftofvedwith- t off nicel-" vand îbink durîsg the past week. us for thie week witb their tent pitc-hed -approve. Motion carriefi. Paul Palten ]it Weriiiesday fl- Nesw out doutît by thse breeth uf the Woltf. ?engtiideveîl Mr. and Mrs. L. Baskins and tire. on Mapie St. near the trucks. Their Treacurer read regular nionthly report. Yor-k from wbic-h place bie milI Rail for was ioogelled and extractnd" t ,og_ iskno Pry ýibgawreDgtI noramensae ary elAter cmuismas cudiîed îîîused hY_________ Harry Giart, eldesert eoredvisi e v rdy Iîcignme e ive. raa t r ai eI Rouse and Zersen to ai-i -.pt. arried. Furoite where lhe expertietii epena g.Eenry iearv, fnulietled ilTrhoid tedei f-b flliising bille ri-iîi secvrai meeke LOSSES AT MONTECARLO. daugli u'r il lIn aîîand ITie I.nited Eveugelical SusdaY scibOl Will A. Ray lias opeined up a store ln North Shoire Eleî-trîî-. lighi" ..-....$3.) 42 MidBîîîaiilrrle ir.1 ta h GnigTba.btFe <ira ii lai. iurreil lîld a liîic-Saturday afternuiin and tie E . Payne buiilding wîtb a cdeanT...Nerdop............ 5l Mm a Bil tuboiorHai' NtntheG g Tab.liesBidebrute - ire Tlirsiai iiirnhlgec-sîîg t Kii-erluikr5 oîde fresis tcik f ireri-bandise aîîd lcen, 1). A.Young, trent signie ...-...le)5 5 Aîrersiin, Mîs.ees Lu-u ail.! ilîîînsy TivsadPcp es Wiu l3a, vaîîîîîg - 14 25 Paiidiîik attIied ftle kloruIiiîii lili-t The cxlviii lu miilcb k oilclccar- athoi l 1,r.,,iliage i) Wh le at a i ck Tbîîrsdîsy mni nuig jIiîig a ctell rieritod libuerai patronage Laie Co lsdîpendi-iî, iiliiig.. 98 1 ice Frîdaynsight.y(,itrr ainntM teClom Fathertrhive oiili-F.C. iliedertadtfilet witliaaçi ident o! ou r tuwsspeople %V.A. Shssw, ire j'ail. _ -_... ... 0<4) ry niîî iilga ui ail Tnaît linun Suni nocm i-h I 1- E. 1%() Wlem. ex presse. ...... 140 CIharles V'i ii asd %lie Cai Ii se chowni.by i r e t- perle îîîe t siaî E iî- ialitîiiiuicigaîîd ladthic rîgbt hii houne d îslîcatcd Te iv o tmue S-ol oponod Franki I.lph, gradli ng - ii2 50,11 chu îîuîîîîî ai I l' ic a ofîa tîrîîmlîeilt i uni tu-l 'lie "vie f eud fractu ted. MnIiday of t li.e cciand1 illOi tilue Il FRollce îffnred cf~i 55 (i >~liaitf ilrnoullier uf i, irtilisb iri,îi trli Paîris, iiing pci Ic Mils for two woeli e Thiîs i-oboul Lmaey lue i liebii i l ii Ipl dilî l m 1) îîî'ivii î Thuria'vs,.a -Mlr alil 'iNe . ii. - ,XVbý" W itle ti lîî ii c ntfi lie ci ing ptaies lu of thle gcîlon], and c-leld au iiiter-nalial Iinstitustiioni Iir iiî.scailler eaîd zerevîtItlu ffrlie aî lH.Hart îîuîîîîlteîuuL<r the ceisiîî,lio hofil iSiliic-ilv 111:1 i GleL3. aceERm tiiere are studeute hbore irîîm aIlpartsie1 a-i-m p Cîl ('arricd Il iii cili l'y ltoiniîievnct er a-gandli flic-If e-i - aandc-îedfrrn heg as, andî i wacîrrn t iii luis isirlîed GvIiigv i'orcpliolîeg rîfail c n i t stouonlierîuiv i-mi îî-îhi- onrilSp sd co!fi, ho e O Mis Alm e rsoie Vrrieul lvuta boleîîîîîc ti rfric-nue lu tloi l,, X ermîl ujsl --i l lalirs. lu Il i-lier lu MiaiI,,aChiciagoi, spent tlie Fouiniliuatlier home lire. l i P. iIc-usast wieeluru(îe Comm uiniiiiicin fron,îîî i-ntart (if, liii , hem bui-uiuuuouilierxlii- ut i lis P Miiiai t iv elire. hnîîm lier dauglitur un-luss, Mrme lic-t-cii ate airîl îcciotîîioI i it<u.lllheur - liuiuiau l esî,ilîr,î.icîi-.ln t1 liir CisAtLk Mis Barbiara tmas i vutm lainid a bu) ofhwilliiIliw ers T muiii i->tem Park. ing <fi i at ter of ciing utinleli'uf tilu tue. e traia for Chic-ago -l WaYfon<iaoatae el ht w- vi-- ~-c~Iells lii deer acion im tli hil aî-ml,- -tlon orutliiel.i:L f - ti.-lelir 1i me ces eddiig trip seil iMr. Ames etetained liinpauy front fl "vhsat i lituu! h fetaîc ne year On Prmesitl 1i a cil fnîui DRUGS OF ANTIQU ITY. turiîe i Duir 7 ,u'loiuk. aîîloi ie cIi-- aleweete iiCiaoadWuea vrte ad boatlire.(jGrotnu will lie reîuîemlervul (;Lnfille ie î10e hî iuian iuuuusiy bhadllî rrabai ii r luneStc-s liil keutliretley-alIChceu ndWal.ga oerbeFuurtb - as tire Jeesie Iili-x. colefi a, e. TihsDoses That Mankind Seellowsdthie eut ru orne %îeleoîin mith Miss Barbare Amenna ilI epeud lier jMvlih BueDi .rFr i aeTiseusands of Y, ars Age. 1- 'Sureli - eul li-t ienu1i de lu extendingounr twîu weeke vacation at lier hume here The mcrtruece <f thici-luinu thims ceeSAttorni iie ler atteîîl liliest rîîetîîîg Itteoadimîtedthat the oldest medivail ls."e flint buiî,-î-îîrreulci1 ceas id uvt wmchesle nut due tu the fact that Illere fe Carrmîîl a number frQm hbere atiendcdtetigd oigintisbrbet oaue dMiuved li, GoS.ewilier îîlkn IIc lle , work kuoctu lethe Ebers a ipyrus, bocmn lu iOcs liar dace t t.. itstt he isutliliapend ln te dy tesearîlrdand meîcetinig ec- iei i rned juurney 10 Egyîît lu 187-13. It lea I e'nd lU's tire saule etcr3 day - ;uary.1 notes are înaîled. We believe that munus -T F S'c us, Cîcrk. ecroit tweuty yards long and a foot TIse trîter tiîiks th51 iu ],ese lm unel 24, 1911. Gilenn FREMONT. ______wlde sudl bas been atellé-d and trans- scarcely the miîht ceui lu iielSilo1 à ineteen Years. six Ms iui rie ated by Von Onteleenud rec-lewed by relate ilie --e ft uistier Eigishtsi layei. mesewith Dortl.yBln o! Waukegan, lepet L. PELTON Von Lppmannu. It wcs sritten about mcab en~ lu t $l4of in iile1 hul cou of Mv. andlact rrotessional Lards LI CENSED EMBALMEIS 15W0 B. C., ibotugh BorneufthtIe malte- saine wnyaysicbtevît The vlc-îm lm Coo afibewa tre. Lange andi chilfircnofh Chicago, - N UEA IECTOR riel of wbivh It le a complaionlu dates tually caught îîlcc-<ianssi baud lu ber Cook_______a___________e_ ec l aou 3ANDHC.be- udsu bldut ulîDIRE dlu 1881, nl the towun aetegnvo ir a ie rdrvs ROUND LAKE ILLiNOIS The mollirei substances mentioued lic-e arrivefi, but tise thiet hall airedy ehle grese to Young Sire, otzner and ielîdrdn of *Mili, Thoronghbred Ba.rkshire Iogs Nîghî C;alls Prornplly Attended To include copiier ocemure coty tIssu pasced the notes vu an accomplce. sund maaoomekc, revîutugIreusau- -.--. I TELEPHONE 223 gold and alver-lead, trrin, antimony. she mca aliuwed tu go-Cor. NwYr O etocky t uld aud apparently, he, rugged healîh we hafi no thougist Of! r.Go etesPn O asl a eaily grave for Glenn. But ise tGo.hertîs pent les- dey Hckhas parsnt; aud cose frende bhd heard hlm meekwhbesitrtr.WIi ukr mention Internai panet time and onu]y Of iglesîde. pmeitLy h. arranged tw have an opera- 1 tion for oppeudieitie, uîaking thei arrangementU im*el. endi acsritig hie paet it wouid not be aeeeaery for tlerito go wth hlm t the time. They weot boseever, be voneting to eatleify tbem. ad lv seul romain a soîurc-e o! .»eiaIa..ieun tn them that thev mere tir, aud tirm Fred Musser o! Chicago, are viitiag wllh the lattere paeete, tir, and Mtre. Carl Dorfier. Quite a ew l'uns here ett-ended the baranfiance at C. G. Smnale Saturuley uigt. Ail report a goofi time. wit hihm when the sud lhe bad olfinie Watch Your Kidneye tbouglit of came, leaving theto childieme Their action controht Your health. and grief etricken. Read whiat Foley Kîdney Pille have The fanerai wae beld Monday alter- done for yuur npigbbor. L. M. Aeh- brook. §dattoo)n, Ili.,writes* "I have noon at the Methodiet cburcrb where had kidney trouble for yearH and it. * throng of people of ail agesm et to botbered me in a great many wavc. sympathise wtb the bereaved parents. Finaill1fliadt to tae to my bied. About Rev. Fleet delivered the lmuerai d@ecour8e. thie time 1 secured a bottle of Folev Kiduey Pille and they helped nie Po The bearero, Alvin Kirubaîl, Roger inuch 1 kept right on wtb them. My Mofftt. Carence l)aley and I ra Fisher backache vradvally let me, my kldneyc of Waucooda, George Wragg of Chicago acted naturally an d lclept well at nigbt. andBenami Harisn o Noth ry talNew lie Peene to bave returued to nie andBenami Harisn o Notb rysan ad f feel like a different man. Thanke8 Lake, a&B had been close e Iîcde of!i le to Foley Kidney Pille wib I1 an glad deoeased. to recommend.' lSold by ail Druggiete. S.L. Trlpp, Preeldent, R. F. Route, Vice President. frving E. Payne, Caier. TH1E CITIZENS' BANK ROCKIEFELLIER,ILt.s Our Savinga Department affords the frmer, leborer. child snd wvoran a convenient. sefe and profitable meane of ayin, away their surplus dollars. $1.00 opens an account,. hterest allowevl ai 3 pev cent par annum, corupounded semi-annusiiy. Sn H. Miller. PARTNERS ANOD IRECTORS: R. F. Ronce, J. L. Taylor. Irving E. Payne. J. S. Gridley. Re@ponslbility Approxiùiately $100OOO.OO. IWhen You Invest Your Savings Vos seiL procure tise Safest lnveietnents at lies boat Interet rtes titrocegisoies Bond aned loveatmoent de. partamnt. We hasdle te hat Bonds cnd ciao neotiate firet mort- gags Inansfer privas inveators AIU Business with us hld elrirctly conldentiaL. Nec hrst Natisual Bank of Libetyville 1Nez! Door to the Poi-Ofice ,Open Salurd.ay Evenn and eight meeks aid a&U going at six dollars sacis Thse."aebig pige front big litera f rom fancy strains of registered pedigree stock, te remoit of two hund- red years selective bi-seding- The wise farier has a thoroughbred boar at thse ho"d of bie bord. Special attention given bo mail orders. HAROLD ZEISS Eveet Farta, Eerett . i DR. O. F. BUTTERFIEL.D. VETERINARY SURGEON. &St5TAt<T sTÂTZ VZTEElmqAatAs. Lîbertyville.Ililluotz. DR. C. W. GALLOWAY. OIPFttJEOVER LOVELLO nana STORM. mouha-trom 1 10 8 andi 6 vo 8 P. m Libertyville. lllunole. PAUL MAC GUFFIk ATTORNEY AT LAW. U'bertyvllle, Iluole PHNeo s88 DR. GOLDING DENTIST fors8 vo 12 ar-i 1to 5 P.m J. Eli Triigg Building wltb Dr J. L. ay hîr-Phune 19 Rec. Phone 1092 Llhertvvills, Ilnois DR. E. H. SMITH. DENTIST. JVER LA& OOUNTY hATIONAL BANK. oui&-ifitec1â a. m. andi1 te 5 p. m, DAILY. Litertyville IlaoIs DR. 1. L TAYLOR. o,,tco VES J. IRA. -retetis BLDI. souas:-7 te 10 a. m. 2 t.o 4 and 6 tc 8 P. M. ine..eîes Broadway. opposite Park. .ortyvhLiluliflol. H.u 1 . 4 7 ,T9IOE Stos IA A Tii UON i 7lit m LIBERTYVILLEI :'LINOIS 0 ef MARTIN CDECKE 1,TTORNEy.AT-!.AW tlce Opp. iStis Ft,. .ectrle lStation Office Phone 5834 Res. Phono 860 NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Uiertels Park PAVI LION IIALF DAY, Ili aud other mîne.rale: milk, tats trom __________________________________ may animais, wax, and tise hum. Wi. il. APPLEY i blood andi other partine ut domestitteO U*II @ @ l@ Auctioneer and w-ld coîrocîs, castor andi other nile, hOuey. raisins. grcpee, fige, dates., LibetyvlleIII numerous resins, earaway, fenue],. dl, POEmeliot. etaererese, peppermint, cuti- EN WW PHOE 131. ender, lettuce. endive, ebclnub, pume- I raal. -samî,ialne, sadaffue An entire newline of Goods ln 0 Hlenry Sine's Sale Barnopuanobr plaits ud segetcble he od GE RGIE OST building f0 '27is ELISHA AVE .ZlIteUCTY. ILL -1 luD îireparingigmgusolid. e mcm -at- , rN.: T --f <eivu EalOci. ed rA, cvî-u isa stolîn uortar. 0at i> amnond Laku~e Ail<Od-illiosc HviicuWacceaudiiîiThym c ire mauy limceccea uftrtmatIug &UTO'Insli lae iFORPULCe a AujLS tien, suc-b as rluaeliug. baklug. pressa. < Groceries, Cigars, Tobbacco, Fruit, Canne od, < &UCIO EEINO FO P BLI S LE îu, ,OniunM carîu, oiiu l trI <Drinks, Kerosene OilM achine Oil1 Gazoline, > ______________ mos substances. marerating wtît lyne Sf B F.W O RD evuaPolr t1, sd1 e unln e-t yat.1 Stationery and Writing Material. Corne and see f B. ~ . W O L RI D G [ iqud crntse e ud caiie. < us, w e are sure to please you. < B o r net o rnd B ui l - u t o t a l a v e r . . u s n I b e a s Contractor thlrty-scc-eui îuteriaîe. < LBERIYVILLE ILL. W LE .LM EPoreo Ettnies Furnised Phone 151J GIBRALTAR. I< hn 7W ____________________________ he"Key of thie Mediterraneen' Has ______________________________________ Hsda Stsemny Hîstory. Engîminillias beeu lu possession ut PagePIoiiIIr'j tise roclcy iruuontory o ut ala tleiusbsei T h e ba eau a cromu clony under thse ad Fence Baks mInisetrattion Ouita gos ernur. By esen ,Flxb it s- ~ O i mPoruutiht sîraîngicîvi position ttrO cil Y Ever>r Faliemlscalled the kvY Of the Iledîiterra- E taoona yf lxb it Gibraltar iîslîdacuMy blstury. o M arauder na hie rock ce1as taki=luythe Arab Eeti evc c-blet Tanik, sebo cailed iti Jebel-aI-Eeti evc Tanik (11111 ut Tarîku and tuilîtfa for- R. POULTRY trocs on the tromotury, Part ut thece ItedaisfoalYomfid an. oucnt M Keeper and Mr. ruIne iare sîlîl extuuut. lu 1309 1 mil 9 I e temployl othrifanaid.f eans asYou cario Fermer: Your taken by the Castillans. unhy tu 9e re- mly te luiaie gnsa o a poultry are in danger capîurnd 9v the Muoore lua1 =. It mas electric light. uniless they are pro. held tîy týsnm unutil 1462. Follotclug tie Woven Wtlected by Page takloc-ansucacklig dit Gilbraltar lu i saS ra tl h o sh l Foe ieuc.N amm-15-lOjuy Barbarueso, extensive milltary _________a__Servant____in__the_______________ rauder Cau gel îhrough, under or vrks ce-re built Ihere by order ot over# aePutyFec. CalsV Where cau<oneibe found so willing and ready to Page Poulîy Fence.In 1704 the prumoutory mac cap- te ar!aorbutabusIwi Galvanized by the same promc t, ured isy a combînnd torve onder Sir assumne tehr>b aot'a ouI wl -woVeflntesaemrne ss George itooke and the Prince ot Hecs- wasb, sweepesirofl for you and do many other tasks in be emameuer s the Darmatadt, llghtlng for tise Arcbduko f amous Page Stoc-k Feuce. This Charles s-f Austu-lut The moment It feul ata trifling expense for fence is extraordiuenily slrong. lis Lto thelr heude the Brtisb admirai e rcyi O0 ta the grosud lu 4 inchesaet the top. trlausaund took complete posseseion of ___________________ IL s "fet strength keeps out th the wurks. i stoeik. Its fineness of weave kep Britis possession bluce that turne in t >'I&. bac beanu obroken, aithoUgis It was 4g bt Cc- uder a Spenis siege tor narly tbree E e thn bu Years and elght monthe. beglnnlug lu We carry a f titil ne of Page 1779. Twice the garrtTsotl mas on the LeorepeflaVCtlewtyuaU . - Standard Stock Feuce, Hog snd point ut teîîîug bacaUse of the alerva- suLet. It iterestavery kwih ou abi neSbeep Feruce, etc. tion oft Be detendera.jc. titrst vr bueow It pays 10 pT c-cl your poultryl wisbes to modernize bis property and add lo let us Show Y, wisat Page Posllry Foleyte Honey and Tar Compound isvle Fence can do i;. ictus] tests a. ci Ile affetive for cOuRhe sud colde a WCCs aueupyu os o eetiiya o - and get sPecial rices.thr chilircu Or grow a perons. i, Nai y u o s o le tiiy a ot - and el speuol . uces. pialee. no harm!ni druge. la the ~ aI n2 otl ntlmns P. ellose packages. Refuse cubtituteo. pybeie4,ntl ntlmns IlAustin Clement, Vap Solui by al Drgzitm. N fh SoelEeti o pn Da ~O-zand Sairroom Get our prîces on cementanduf prepared Not h r Ee ri C mp n plastevem They are Lie et h d 200 Monroe St. CHICAGO nuoxua Lt mItER (o. e c-40.25 RNTI John Aibreeht and wife of Gleueoe; inu., av* vîsitinir relatives and friende D t i s v lc lu ity . 4 Father Kelly of Stliabriel'g biereb. 'icago. preai-bed at Mt Josepliechurîli ere Suntday evenin, Nt ltuiday at t1w fair grouandi îLbertyvlle Brîîwns play the lir&3 elake thietice. A goîd gaine i. l 1roîmed. Rev. P.J. Scanilon of Chicagio. firiier st.r of Mt. Jomophem church in tis -i viiitdl Rev. Vb'a. .. Kiiicela W-din,.sav Tbe SîîldIlere and Sailîre'ieîiît will be lîeld this 3ear at Nlauîî,n<a, the atec teiiîg Wecdti..day anid Tlîureîlay, Auwuet 30 )and 3 1. High nase at MtSt îr,-h wac oitremely ssci attesdeiil-oriiriag the alechuienîy o! tih, wpailier, the occasion being the COMIIteeeit of a forty boîii eçhilioi Fîîley Kldney Pile art î-îiîpoeîof igredieýnte epe'-ially ceeted lîr ti -I core to e, beali ng, toii- and cliiijiuIat- rig efet api n thle k id r,e3 e. bliailîer anîd irr passages. Tbey are aitîseptii-, ,iîtîiithi aîîd a ilri. achi.îl -îtSîld -y ail l)rujwglstc. Danscing