CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jul 1911, p. 2

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LAKE COU}TTY IDEPEN;flT, FRIDY, JLTLY 14, 1911.__________________ fui file beyond the grave througb Our Redeemrar.who eaith: "I amnthe reaurrection eand the Ille, ha that belaveth iu me. thouerb ne were dead yet mhafl bhe ive" The bymn wbich the cou- H.w U. 1 gregation îuug t tha baiuning of the cm " b&Wfuneral services, le oo beautiful tbat it0 rniw ay inteceet the readere to have the à uban dS ite a fIrt etants, cloue thio report. Wh o -.lho. ne&rx-Y end May I' S o lsEmulsiOn, ljme speeda &.&Y and desth cornes on, fla o. seeitty. ah. bore îuddeulY, mo.s tii oe Mai desth Ie lare aud lte be gone àm WE e~m nd au. Mv land, for Je... cake. 1 cccv md"; àc u ~reypeoce may hea my dy.jrday, -Card of Thanks. ~ we wlîb to expriesour incere thanka LAKE URICHto our friands and nelgchbocc for the There wil, ha a dance lu Bicknaue kindneee ehow n during onr ead breave- pavillon Satqrda avaniug. Ment; alco for tbe heantiful fowers. UmeNtte Hilîrnan took a Pleacuc MR. A.i lis. E. S('RAKFrR AND) FAMLY. ride to Barrington Bundai. Roland Bantier of Chîcago, i@ ePendingPAB VE a few days vacation hers ibi@ weak. Ernst Thorna and Mc. Fred Doolttie 8ev. aud Mrs.E. M. Urbacb and eau 01 Mcfleury, -e-a visitore here over Bohhîa. 8eat the week at MIilwaukee. Binday. Clarence Loornis 01 Fou du Lac, Wi., lin. Win. Tonue and Mi-e Trie le vi.ited hie parente, 3Mr. and Mi. . E Hookemayer wece Chcago vietore lmai Looris. Thureday'. Um. Flora Frai of Ray CtY, Mlcb., le The dance of the 'tletic Boys tire vigiting wth ber slter, Mre. S. . p ourlh wac a big eucceueW oioIV aud Kuedler, this waek. âi&Dali. Urm. F. A. Mit chel and daughter Born, to Mr. and Mm. George Swicky, Blanche vited witb relatives at Dia- an eght pouud bahy girl Monday. Tha moud Lake, Tueelday. cigare ama on George. Mc. and Mns. G. A. Conard and famill Chai. Schoîz and morne friande from vite<i over SundaY wtb ber siter and Chicago, visited witb the formner'e îamilv hMr. and Mr. A. C. Richarde. , parent@ihera over iunday. Mme M. W. Enedier and Mci. W. A. Mr. cand Mm. Ernst Lohrnan are the R~ay and eon V'anee, epent Tueeday with happy parante of a noe1y hon baby lMr. G. id. Ray at Drasuond Lake. boy which arclved Mouday morninie. Mr. and M"i. W. S. Coon 01 Waukegair. »m. Cha@. weaver. wbo bau beau sea everal days of aset waal. with vieltng with ber parente in Waukegan tbeir parent, Mr. and lIcei. U- A. Coon. a coupla of waeks bma retucued borne. Mr. aud frs M. W. Kuedier and Tec AIl of Our gummer bornee. hotelâ and Spalt Suuday at Hiîghland Park witl cottagee are filled for the murnrner and their slter and lamilY. hMr. and Mcte. B. Lake Zurich is once more a îîveîv littla 0. Fritsch. burg. îThe Prairie %*eirv Sunday chool u ill The Laduie of the St Ptert, cburch Aid h old their anrunal Picuic on Tuesday, Soitycleared $178 on their Ftouctb of julY 1vi. ln Lous L. Krneger's grova. J.!ypicle.the nony t ha cedfocTha e Prairie 'cew Band wili play. AUi are iuvited to attend. Impement ofthe be hrch and n-rto.. - 81180 our UtsOfu i niou. Plil~Young. Our promineut intel. Tb@ naturalit tO! Wobrooi-in-the mman ttod, ptting up au upto-date 3111e bad poluteiloui a rabilisquat, "naes tocy brick hotel building nazti ting close undec s buah. sud tire la epatag tua aeommodate the traveling 4" ia leclaceluiiichorus ttiri ieY pabSC. cadI nt sesa tih is animal. pubr-'«iaw do you manage t oueo every- Thei lAke Zurich hase bal teasa cent utirnr uaked oneOf !thePIra pltci ta AUutgankeghiis Bndai ta play Satterng Inflecton. "n withctie rs uingtousansd delei "WelJ." begs.n the natucaflit confi thmtlia.secnd time. This makee tirmea detly. "'talnt aitogeibar seng. ~a.bî aow. Bametimes 1 ea. but chef 1 can't ces cliii my eyes 1 amai thinge ci MY lbgb& Waldbanm. cho ivai near noue,. and hen I can'i imelti triga 9éq" eCoinera on tire aId Daverman cliiimy uoee, 1 her 'arn clii Mr bina wa gi uk by higtnlng sud khleem arend chef I can't rean euth my Tmggy oringwcie baullag hay out e&m 1 piklo al] aver."-Yout'i )om- -. -- -. ... i. .panion. brotber af Loulas,'who lve nue mile aui ioflhe village. The fuserai of têtn year nId Elmr s&isaero, cira cuddeuly met hie leauir by liae exploion oi a chot gn, ai repoiteola l lst ceeki INnEPEIOOEtiT wme Wed Friday aternoon, July 7tir, lu St. Petaer'*ciurcir. A largze concoure foilowel tise rmain andlthea liocer cr"e h cre cofftly , sud nuraous. Duing tire services in the cburcb tien ni Elme's citeca cana an prostratedi ta they haitnhaecarllad ot ofthe cburci sud tire pastor. Rev. J. ilberuauu. cas obllgcd ta -timli thé large seernily belote thesire aces coulil ha campleteil. Interment tooi place lu Laie Zurich eeterv. The beceaveil family base b varmeet sud wcula ympaihy of the whole cornmunity. Athougi sncb a auldend ud ca eparatiof ceore to norcacftrl to heur, cesai christias hava tira precione consoationu nia buise. S.L. Tripp, President. Curocea oaci Scitoofu. Ian aulCuraca ecooli. from ibm Moot exchiulv iftirte humblet gov- erument achooi. lu chicir th ire 11e black on parcirmeut Duteir telgB ara beut. Dutoir. French. Spanlih. Engllsh and Pupiernento are usaI and tRugirl By thea nelgbbong llandesud aven an tire mainflaul anI as fan acay as Cenl- trai Âmerk-a trouae ciroole are irlgbly ragumilal. andl a large number of for- elau children are cent ta Curaca to get iliir educetion..-Cbarlai Johrnson Pont lu Century. ThoseWho Taie Foley Kidney Puill For their kiiiley aud blaliler ailments and for anoying uriuary icegulartiai are aliaey grateful bath for the qu1Ik aud prmanant relief tirvai flord, and fan tiair tauic ,dul tcagtiauiug affect as celI. Try Folay Kidney Pilla. Sbld by ail Druggiste. If ie a job for a cani adl DON'T LEÂVE IT TO A PLACARD! R. F. Route, Vice President. Irving E. Payne, Cashier. THE CUTIZENS' BANK ROCKEfELLIER, ILL., Our Savings Depacîment affordu the fermer, laborar. child anrd wamsan a convanieut, sufe sud profitable means of f uying uwcy Iheir surplus dollars. 81.00 opens an account, jterait sloceil at 3 par cent per snnum, compounded aemi-annuaily. S. L. Tipp. Sen H. Miller. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Wouse. J. L. Taylor. Irving E. Payne. J. S. Gridley. Partnera' Remponnlbillty Approxlmately $1O0O0O.00. J I When You Invest Your Savings You wiI procure the SuE est lavotmenîa t thse iet lnteiet rte ou tr meBond an Invetiet de- partmant W. imadie the beutBoud nd aniao nugotiate frgt mort. Me leastâtfor'privute Inveetomu AU AiDusi»euuwith u held tictly confidotc île FîMRst hioul Bank el Libetyville j ie Door to the Pouf-Office Open Saturd.y Kvtaing ROCKEFELLER DEPARTMENT T. E. SWAN. Correpeduft and Agent Mr@. E. G. Payne le irnpravlug lowly of a pirate baud icomn Ro'rdatt. 0f fcorn ber ilnece. course ih bucte ta bave it bung avec us Tom Rtussell andl farily spani Suuday ta, the tune o! 7 ta 0, but wea celî bava I lu Lake Foceet vîiîîtng relatives. ta ha fair and admît that the boys fcorn BertSwa an fally f Lberyvil.,acrose tira river played the garne froma Ban tSuand forsnit ie of Lhryvllltart rufinish. Thai coupleil witb tiret apazt Su'laybar wlt hiemoihr. tat tirai ur boys seeamed tcylug to @s Gorge Thratcher aud iamily epeni ebo -cIdlfumble the most shows whyt Sunday ai Mr. Shcaedaer'u eac imer. w. riclrlydesrveil ta loge.E Wm. Williarnc bas is tien chililcen Hoae pllched a rattilg gond garne out frorn Chcago for a twoen akc vîcli. allowing but four bite lu seven inaligs Mmc. A. L. Fry entertained ber mother. and weuh any kind o! support ai aIl Mci. Clina of Chla#o, a few days lasi eboulil bave hl ibern rufflees. Mbran weeak. for the vision allowed but tive ite and Mca. Fred Momear o! Chicago, violead ilunr dernon luggecsswlnging vsinly vithelber itar, lies. 0. E. Weil@, this w hile those wbo Ad conDect couldiltt week. aaern ta put iham where "nobody Mre. J. Richards of Prairie Trie, bac eau' t" bee viitig br dngherMr@ S.L. Tireelid halltire higironeuenp 100 beau vihetig an t ar. i. . L.nutîl suoneoui got uiaer tbernand we Tcipptirepaciwaaknotice ihat wben oue of the Roudani A fine craw bai been ai work the paat boys got under oua be held IL. Just week seitiug plliaon the rlgbi.of.way wTRouanse eau pullil ont after bis e oi the Sao lina for uaw tlegraph lina. ebowiug for seven inuinge la a myctery Otto Tagirnayer bas givan up hi but iben If evacyoua uudestaad thasi poaition wlîh the C. N. W. Ry. near fine pointe ce would ail ha managers. rLake Bluff andlal noi eamployed as clark Nazi Suuday the Areai pla.y Irving lu the postofifce. Park ai ibis place and noie that ibay A. L. Lakeeelîl Improva the vacation baceg tO &q2tnt tose erros ont of -Y mont.he byho rin as tirbetitute mail thelc syctern ea boys ehouid play good carrier on unr rural contes. Be receiveil bis papers this weet. Mui. I. E. Payne. wiro nnderwant an opacatiodlast weeelle gttine along very nlceiy and ber rnany fInondes wilI ha glail ta learu o! ber improvail condition. We are rathar prouil of the facitirhat ours i ow a second claie posiofilce as itha bahein singe Jnly lot. Wa have noie a poetrnaetec, au asc§itant andl a clark.1 M ci. G. L, Wilson enroule frorn the Pacrllc coset to hec home lu the esat epet fc lss t he home of J. H. Ayusley. Hec mother, Mrs. Lorekwood of Chicago, alo@eutane n day bore. pet acue y ilons clld ttn tire adjouned meeting rof tire village boardl Mouîay igbt sud piloteil the cty fatheci and granilfaihar tirrougir tha intricata maze ai ecaga and ester discussion. The Mlvay Cornedy Ca., laseil their ceai bare Satnrday night andilelat ion Wauconda. Getrude Hapie reciveil the greaiesi number of votes sud cas swarded the golil catch as the rnost popular yonng lady. Scarlai lever ira@ appearedin luouc vifsgfe. Thse rnall con o! %Icc. Dr. Can-on, ebo îs visiting eltb Iro. Tylec le the only caseansd radical meaincee hava baen adopteil ta prevairi thae preasi ni the, dieeaie. The case le nat sevaca andl tba child le doiug nicely. The Shalon summar achool bai nearail the finish o!fie course aller ueo blghly suceecful cee. Tnlgbt In puccsuce nf tira custom inauguratail lait yaar thace cilii hagivan by tiba amIant eon the bank oi Laie Earsa a rmatlzation ni Longellow'@ immortal paemn Hieatha. Resolution of Condolauce. Wbareas, he sll.cise management of hbe.&M. . R. R. hass@sen fi to taie irorn us our dearly beloveil utile Book Ticket. and Wbeaae, ee ciro. mounning foc oui laar leparteil ara compalled ta comae acrress ith cash fare or purchase a round trip dailyv, ho it Renîvel, tha ce e breaster sud foc- ever ealk eben ce can, drive weau e mai sud ride only chou ce imuet, ha il Inuber Itesolveil, that ce exianil to the alors- said alI.clse management our heactielt syrnpatby lu tira loua of patronage thal ciii ensua chan the rncek andiloly commutace ai lait acaka. (Siaild) TiraNi. & L. C. Are you no onus iear reaIer? Do yon too mourn for that litile coupon boak thai uceil to necila near Your ireat glvlng day by dsy, li@ e lutiat you migiri corne sud go? Grleve ni tban for ihougbi lumay ha ilelsycil the day cili sursiy corna ehen the receivar- sblp @hall bha dlsolved sud onc acu chail ha retunneil 10 ne. Anas Loues Sunday Garni. The Arams uffrel their second laies' Hacle ai. Blrc. 2ir..... R. Oor"Il, . . .1. IIelie rIf n KSjO caý H H PA E OL) 0 rc 2r o r. 0 O1 é relatives I3LAI ZZ - EIFZm1 ddidlT LeEavM Nellia Gclaveold of Libartyville, Mr@. Edd BlaîrnahI le tII ai preseni ico, F. Lynch wae a Chicago if ieee are over Suuday. writing. visîtor Thuraday. âni Mci. A. 0. Smrith vicitail C. B. Eaeton retucned Saturday frorn The. Arnrican Life lue ucraceCo. le alu Evaneton ovar Sunday. a waekeo vicît lu Chicago. offerlng big Inducemeuts lu tlelr lino. c Seltan " aulfrily were guacte Mcc. Endar andl daughtec attanded a Aak W. C. Sauboru, agent, about 11. areute bars ovar the Fourih, birthday party lu Chicago Satucday. ' Where are you golng wltb that goat, utathai andl family wlll leave soon Mr@. Adarns epeni the Foucth lu littia boy?' ver wbare they will vlcltcrelative@. Grayelake wib ber @ou, Edil. Adarns. bin tu tire laie. Corne along if Helmlrdlngar and imaceLouise Mise Josephyne Woodman entactsined You Wautar aee @Ooefun. Thia hare roiber, Edreard Danlelson seat UMcc. Kiet and daughtar Marley Tueeday. goat ira@ lest et a craie oi epougee an' l'tuRG<raA,,..,au.' lot" r f. L. Smrysar wac overcoma hy gi 6and i d noft recover consious- m Mc. aud Mcc. L. T. Reaues bad for theirN guacie ovar Bunde.y Mc. and Mr@.C Swacuy aud farnily from Chicago. W. R. Golort ie atartainlug hie, odater and lutile cou.0 Dr. Patareon and farnily, wbo raceutlY returuad fcorn a trip ircough Europa. The lieues Pool aud Grirne, who1 made thaîr borna wltb Mcc. Torgiar foc a numbor of yeare hava takan up their reideuca lu Irving Park, baviug rented a iai. John Brgman and farnl, had a bail acaaeWdedayaevaulngwiren llghtning truck a iceeansd followed a tiothai lina wire to the boue and did corne darnage. This loe tiraibrd tirna thla remidence1 bai baen @truck by lightning. DIAMON LýAK Tom Cooper ie on the mick lîsi. 1ev. Glacîe pcred lait Slunday foc 1ev. Austin. Park Alianion lorn tirae ir'k frt. Hoe tticeatetrod witb a1rperrdicrtrrr Dorier s 0 t Ire. larby Tirsday, Juiy 2lirAr kt, ir,r"U 71 l JennDy Towner, who lé sufferiug frrrr R H P A F, an attac.fifai ntile 1acalvsrs.rrr nct9 Morson . 't ...ri0rlO0n0 cetz. 2b r1r3:,3o0 ver'y muchimirpoved. D.lee . o , 2I1O12 1 T here cwilieraanu rr'e 'erîrsr'r rttr TroMur., c1 20 r Lu.. If 0 1 r c r) Every onecrrrte sud brug rake. ied.oud. c0r 2O Fred Trîe.Jr_. rient ture Frrnrtl Sears1, 1 0 or of ljnly wrtlr Irinile ut Kr.iiwortl'. - ~12rSIre irIn uripî1ocvngras faet as efriiendrl Ares 0 0 - Rerdorrt O 0 2 0', li-27eoUld lrle Trro hase hits, T. lioriec, Fritz. The Frerî TrrwîrhrîrSuiayttr'hrrtl Sacrifice bits,,Black ansd Seler. 'convention cwirh i ioi tDramioui Lbake Inuluge pltcbed by Rrru@eeeeveu. by i rrh J uly 28, at 2 oclock. Speaicrci Rudolph Dortler tien. from âway cull be preseot Evecy oue Bite off Rone four, off Docier ibrea. conae and hoar a treat. litruci out k by itouse, Fcr i brar; Mocnienu ueo, T. Moran, Lui;Iladmonil hy Dorien; Morrison hy Mbran; King -E ueo, Kuigge teo, Selaer, R. Roanse, John Friand lrom Wet Freonot, sc Dot ier, a caller bore cecentiy. Basa on balle off Rone twor off Moran Mies Carlyn .<cranu cr11 epEuil uhîs Hît by pitcir.'d hall, Moran and weee t lbhec aunt ai Wacceuiotr Mocnîaon. Quite a ff Icliseeattendai tira danCe ai Hall Day. Ail repart a go9d - CouneilProceedings lina. Meting of the board .1 .t il, Mrs. Kurgge Irrîn Faiclielil@eutta village ai Aresat the village hall Mon- le days of lait wcea i eti ber daughter, da% July 10, 19)11, adjourued inor nMc. H. layer. J. y a Pre@ecutA. 1R. Sliniibpreélident; Joa Bobrnn eturneil ta Chicago trusteaes, Rouse, Wells, Thatcher, Gos. ciller, Watson sud Zaceen. Thureday aller speudrng a les' days The minutes of the pravlone meeting w ith iriende lirsre. read sud it reas rnoved by Wellcsud Francoes Meyer hail tue miclorunue to LThatcber lu approva. Carrued. The foloeing bill read: fllI from hec pouy last Fclday eveiug J. El. AynleY,oeing..............i 25 sud brie ber acm. but sire is gettrng R. A. Smith, labor ........................ 4 150aog iey Lihartyvîlle Lumber Co.r brick .... 20 0 alfit) cly f Moved by VWells and Thatcher that Arnong ihose cho vicsitail tile Aman bill@e haslloiead w arrante dracu on borne lunday ceca M ra, F.Baizuer and ireasucer foc cairra. Cannie. îarniîy. M iaee Gertrude f'olrrnan, Oruance Nu. 47 entitiail, an ordin. )ctr eî.Kae Lufuugr suce rnaking animal appropriatirons of DrtyBhn aeLufnugr rthe village oI Ares for tire fiscal year Hula Meyer sud Annra .i.ntrt euiig fiarcir,31, 1911, reail. Moveil by itouse aud Welle ta paso ai rend, FE OT aIl voted aye.FE OT Patitian lleri Juna uir, ion tire dis- Miss Coca Titus epenta leie da as wti connecting of certain terrtary irom thebe rtrJean miy village endIMrrved by liosecwiller andlhcbohrJesdlml Ronce lirati ilie gcanted. Motiou Quite a lew rrm irere attendir the Ordinauce No. 48 pcoviding for etîrdna iHllIa stra oer dileconeetion tiren reail sud i cas Little Franria MMyer baril tire mrs- tmovailhy PWatson and Thatcher tiat hit ortune to break bac srm orre day lai. ha paisail as read . Motion carriail, al coul. tvoiing sil loveil hy Wason sud Zersen to alloe lire. Raascir of Miwaukee, 'siled un C. Sisals the cum 0ai qs ion collectitrgbec son, John sud aiunîY oneua ralas' ring tai. f'svvîe. ek The sewecr question cas thon takencei p npud diccullseil t langtir. Mrvelby The Misses Bhuran cri Chiroagcreturu- i Rone sud Watson ta taira a vote of il Monday aller apcnding a waek cîti r tirs people ou question of socar installre- Dorotlry Behm andl Barbara Arnanu. ton. lotion carrdaI. Moveil by belle andl Nanan to repeal A tea part y wesc elilait tire home of toclinatuce No. 40. Motion cacried. lMc. snd Mci. Barney Amnatu tir rMoved by Rone andl Wells ibat occasion biug their danghter Barara'§ Prestlaent appoInt a cornrnttea ai ibrea ta Invatigata coer qaction nsud inaieentb birtbday. A lleaihnt titlr report at the Auguci mas g. Mationw8ha yaIl. cacclild. Prouilet appointeil Zrsen, WellsanduilThatcher. Moved by Watson anul Roues to ail. Walch Vour Kldneys jouru. Motion cacnlel andl meeting Tirir action eoutrole yonc bealth t cold aillourneil. - .. enod ehat Foley Kiilney Pli . I h ave k C hi n a I he s,1 ai of the eacon lait Bnnday ai the bandeI T. F. Swtu, Cueck. doua for youc neighbor. L. M. Ash. brook. Mattoon, Ili., writec: "I bava bail kldney trouble foc yaare and it dacocaiug for hie stator, MIdr. Abhie Bock irotheceil me lai a great mauY waYe. IV NHOE of Waukegan, the peut week. Fiually 1 had to taka ta my bed. About thi urne 1 eacured a bottie of Foley Bort Chambarlin wai a jhicago vigitor lMr. and 'Ici. George Hawkinsanad Kidney Pille andl ihey helpail me Po Snndav. littie danghier of Lîbectyville. waca much 1kepi right on w irtbarne. hMy Mi&@ Eliabeth Wirtz ipent lait weak lvanboa viitoces atucday and Suuday. baced uainralldu I lt mwll ai night ai horne. Mr@. Fred Mocher sud cbldern ofChil. New hiae eesta h? turued ta me Mise Belen Beckwitb î1,, . 'ag, bave beeu ipouding thaeaiît tnan sd I feel lik'e a d; reut man. Thauks day wth erparnt, M. nd né U ata oFoley Kidne3 1 , , I *n glad aivee lu Mnneapoli.diiwt e atM.ais.Mcc. C r commend." SL3 ail Drngglcte. Jameas and John Van Ple )oi Il. _____ ____ ing their vacation ai borne. e f.. 1-.-law iowaatth orna 111 scou ibny han a ltt Mcc.Jese Poreonot L i.,ý rriayevanlug,JUhy hatr2et" attandem chrchaeoBna f Lt 1.4'l'a- ud cake 15 cente. "Yas . il neyer maire Mr. and IMre Frank Mllet of Rogers cloer .rbavoit Par, ien Suda aiR.Rlcarion~* K'-er- ýeuA» are Curable *'r nopie np my favorite golf Mmr. and Mr@. Wllard Beach entertaln- llud cit. cendtlons. The rlghi itlCI, ...îihlflgWo Herc.Id. ed tbor cou Howard sud farnly recent. m2edict. ., 'oct ekenbetorethe deeae ly. bas progcaeed totfo.nMc. PeomyA. Foi, rnay and Toc Compound Pltmam 1Pnla Tai.,eay@: 111 vai doien Mcr. and Mc. Jarneu Cilton and lttie ln bed 1 . .ur eronthe wtb kldney and 1let a for cougbe andl colde lu eouni Chîcago, vluted ai the home ot blailder. troubla tend gaglitopes. Oua aither iran or grown perconi. Na Frank Dolph lait wook. bottle of Foley'i Kdnoy medy eurrsd opîatn' o }arnful ilcugi. Iu the me watt and @ouud. Ak for lb. Bol Yllow paci-sgac. Refuse eubtiltutea. Frank i mth hep beeu dolng tome by aIl Drugglute. Bof d L l Druliîte. jest o! S. P. Hutchineon dncing the LeAt Saiurday and Suuâay W. C. ,eek. fiaubiru, accorpauîed by bies ou Mr. andl Mm. Waltec Beechrarnof Chari@@ sud ef !Waukagau, auioyed àlîuneota,srt vicitlug weuh Mr. andl Mca. an automobile trip theough Cblzago Carnaîl. andl cuhurbe, vicitiug unotable places oi Mn. sud Mmi. Whitnreyare eutertalulug lnteresteronta. Mr. sud lins. Cuuingbauî and chililcen1 Menere . axtar, manager aI the i1 Michigan. RylthsrCh icago, and H. Hicks. Miea Mldrad Biedoatadt in spendlng Jtattoo artie8t,,sIen frotteCiricago, a w auk in E vanston eith M . a ud lra. . e ra e h thir w iv as arae pe ud lug B. L Ha@in.a eboci ontiug elth Mr@. Hicks' motrer, Mr nulMca. Lincolu Pettis bava r.M ebrg nti iy returueil frott a vae'e viait in Ara yon relatai ta thre bride or groom )cOonooco. alect" iquired the huey ushar. "'No."1 The MesseeViola andlIrene Rockanbacb "Thoneilait interemit have you in the are attendiug tire C. E.Convention lu ýceremoIy ?"1 tlantic City, New Jersey. ""r the deleatoil candidata." W. M. H.ea.v o! the Iuternaional Harvater Cornpairy, bai purcliaaildaud I.E jUc eos ruoved ia othe Currie casideuce. (Juc evo il) àI)s.u. Ca@e Meeting, 11ev. J. B. Marilu tn. THE MICROSCOPE. 10:30a nsur Prerirrglry îramItr It Hies IllePrototype In Eoiry SpIder- "driTire 'rw Th O ical Drop of Water. 12 )IrI li rirrr Nt rr fferr. r freemicroscope à 30 P. rîrl'à.a'lrWr. .whipp1re, whenIr onecr 0lm w;rrrted Sire bas ocfrI'ai beeîr drurrilrrc liirr fr'rc' r, lr i lr'tru- nrelrts anrd rrltirrli l iir,'lrrrlrerS r c lr r r, hrr'Irrge rof lrrrr r LresIJIî slsr'ellr flrt rrwrîtrîror tbhe-Ir, 4:I lj iro rîl îrlîrfreui erfirwrrrl E vecy dewdrîrr arîival rai Irop rrdrrîrireri celier dlrrrp has ail tir.- jrw(r.raird RONDOUT prnnrllles of ri'raairr' lo got trrrm. i,' er trng îîetrsak ws rrkaî nul of nilucen o i fra Su î irIis r a>tw icr rrîrir ru t oka soi I fi ,tio trr ii 9î <îcr(p on i ; rc l,'w r rr; ; Irî l î a rr, 7 trr Ior l l e r l e r rr itdc liIrr jrrrro. f lv 1 1:r , li'rrà)rl»'rl i[I ow itLl, <rblI theo IIrIrî' , r tt' l r .r'rrr.,l o'fr, nsrrrrrro-i . ý,Mrrur trran tlào re tnruly cerruit w il irO Ilîtient r fJ'fi--o ns rf 111i'; slrst' l Isrlrlrcrrt trrer' bIrie ly iris ranrrrlivrl rrarbrut irrreeilfi.. rs The lr't. arllrraotc,'e. or orv ld lire eron cn[rçrr.',rr l irr:li' 1i rr tri r'r'r..l'r - a irtîr ,ce 'J ',k. r'r, l, rlfof 'IrirI northiU,2 ru' re t a lti,;r 'r.'.'. r r'l'r r , raîr orrrav rr ia tr ire oof glrro .ýIrrî rr f.lfeu fa lrros rrrot e re ,lrrrtrerllry th wviter clvi, srras t"lie ,.rrr bîri'd- vnrrIrra rier. 'lo uhl; rtyc vsalu taionrs for rrg e . Tire rr. 'fî ;'rwai -err r tiroy dr é erv il tIrai t hrey ha lt grass gave it lîhe 'rrr f fy, 5 the cc.aleec r ir'fr fr,'h- Pfr"et,' r Sisnedsesra gg, th.. llrmet ru Tire bizzracrd lt i mbrfrr~,'irng tir'r'.. crru111r,11v rcrr planre for flrrig ir g'.rl rrrairr' renrîr:. 1By taprçrng vie; ru e'rrd rf alglririIe rr L C .. the man ettiie favthr en'rdl ari L C A E you telegrua rirg. tire erîr rril ra r'lr;I. ticougir tire tirnber. Fitre brrrc rr;EverY Household in Liberty- uslug bladrIrof , iîrd fr lialiir.rorr ville Should Know How llifting tirer lu wooer frrrrr intitore years. Walec bas bIrOCitrrl arerrl vor c o Rfflst IL since lire wrcd iad srnrrhme. Belp yrurrelftetrr ure sstrrre of ail '[irebcaches bec-aus e aIIday thîngs inan îreeds. lbrtt nroyenar: ou are trirrrked. thini, rIoutt ficirrrerriorn. Nature tlu Heip tire iidneycw wth ther wrrl SI entî'd;yoU ranr oeirl y arrange atrdùlcnrn TiaeIrat wrili ache e, moc. bine a rcîre St .rrruisR tipubîli',. 12,1, aiprarof tint Ioanru Kiilney Prlle dorrtirst itc tire iret pcro, for coneoouui,r Unfair. tire rcrnrtv. A doene but very eccerrîrie man, Mra Alvin Hiornl, 505r W.IBlock Main " iraholuigs cornîc songes i a grasi St.. Harv.rd, Ili . aym: -I heartily deal of action. was elnglng oeeday s me înm peu'ëinîr ey Piefotra1 s cocertgîve et lnrat Y iuyLm.thay are a a rn.dy orri rit. A duli. 9Wben ire bad flîrîshei au) nid womftfl ,gg',,g actlacha esaucei me a grest gexcîsimail. wltira elgir. 'And ta thini desi of cuffcerrng sud Ih cas olten iarcorn- l'm lu sud bee ont!" pitrued bly raînu uin y kidnleye I1 fait __________________laugulid sud lisedbut lutIe etranirti or eecrgy. ieadîug aborut Iloaii's Krduey Hay Feser anrd Su-smer Colds Prif,, 1I 0c'ureil a srrirîriv andritbey ucri Muet be reierd jrictly aurn Friomeoifv trirgtheanëd Iurybal but re.3aved Hrrrey atrd Tac r nrîrpruri son! do rtC u ni ache" suri parne, ru frttmnued Up rny ',E M.Stewart. 1034 W'lrlanr St .1cîrtire 1oî hr ifaye rîbu en our 'icrago, acrite: I. ' obal etn grati.v rr,'dod Do.. r'. Krlrr.'y l'ili ta her tcorîblei dncing tire brot srnrrnipr otire1perrîi' anrrl1i nrr tirat treY Ihavelbeu oitir hay lever anrd fluet Ibat bv ruiez l'teîretllrn ru vrv'arc'. Fcrlay's Honav scnd Tar Crorprr'rud 1 For Asuie'y i. ldejalérs .Prive 50-rote. ýhget great relief." Msuv rthera wirr rc' (îiîir 'r,. .Biuffalr, NoewYork, enlier elmilary rill ir glad to Ibeaft hi' sole agent fr CtIre U'itedi $tatem. Mr. btpwact' e oupecenre. Srld b.îail ftertreuil'ec un' rr)nu.e-l)ratre.-aud leI)rrrggiote tale, rolier. 1 I. The Extraordmnary Flexibility of Electric Service It lends itself to any form of demand. You cannet employ other illumninating agents as you can electric liglit. It is a Servant in the Household Wbere can one be found so willing and ready to assumne the hau'd labor about a house? It will wasb, sweep, iron for you and do many other tasks ae.a trifling expense for Electr-icity is a 1u~' in Everything but Cost Let our representative talk witb you about this subject. It interests every honte QWfler who wishes to modernize bis property and add to its value. We can equip your bouse for electricity at coat, payable ini 24 monthly instaliments. North Shore Electric Company ~i1 m Ti T LF H 8 i t3 1

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