LAYE cou=TY NI)EEN]ENT. FRTDAY. JULY 14, 1911. LAKE COUNTY INDPENDENT! 8th GRADE:GRADUÂATE OFFIC PL PAPER 0F LAKE COINTY IdbertYville in Lead With ______ ________Total of Twentythree ~me Tleist- . .. - dene rpt iOir O ii .ier111 isein Following is the list or the eighth L*,Eijc £ki c l t-ts srt'MIlE Is ls . AN.îa, sgrade graudaies of tie count3 whe SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $150 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVAIICEhave received diplomias frocs thel county su>,rintendent. FRANK H. JUST RAY L. HUgBARO FRII)Ali JULY 14.1 THE HOT WAVE AND TH0E V The burning weather of the past week, genlera Severe recorded by our weather bureau, has teste lomit. Husbancls and wives have been snippish o1 ances o! daily work seemrn ountaifls of difficulty. The worst rigors of this temoer2 'ure haveh l-egan. It in n the groat cties, %Yhere streets streamn of human exhalations attack oses most of the sun are reflected from unbrokcn surfaces in a fiery furnace by high buildings, that these menace to health. Unfortunately modern civilization reakes cil many of us., and a host of people suffer frcrn ilJ factories. It le a pleasure to notice the extent to whic in considers the need of the hurnan machine1 manufacturer has to be a conservator of human learned that hle can get more work out of a cmr ltn uncorfortable one, Conseqentl 'h. newiy thing of windows, a godsend ta tred toilers amid Durng recent years there has beon a marke( tion o one story fac'.ories. They are admirably but one would like to know whether their exposui Sun do fot render them il fitted for hot weather Mercy is one cf the ýfinest attribu 'es of theF in constructing a factory or a tenement consîderi and arranges the fullest pDssible accees ta Godl's the benedictions of the workers. SWIMMING. With the eoming of the swimmiflg season. w and the puffing of the novice in Seard In every lai county, the philosopher sn led te query why the pc tention te this ethereal enjoyment. Posibly because thereis so litte illusiona nutes, plumbers. clergymen and crminalse emerge distlpuishable by nothing save the limait brass dowu thoir neckA4 little room for imagination resp ewationaal nterior ina bft. M.wievoi, thse boy icho grew up wthout cearn salt. have lived a normal boy life. Relegat psardnhe tclcoths ofethis comrad,whill they p thy eCiyoutflfui vikings. ho can hoesccapecorne tUasais of initatve? At Iea I propcrly conducted awimmlng le p»îmWle1cd physlcal developient. It has been et natntfisum, that 34 mani have mae a gain of elgh of lifl capectity as the ersuit of four SwlMMlnq Il Théiscla thé result of thse deep breathing nocessa sc e ofsenter. ho otiier exrciselas*0 usetul mllc third of the body coutaining ail the vital Te mausy a man contincel in corne stuffy offig the i.nerOry cf the old swimmlng hole have a lovo hewuih cool teed of the water on a hot day seen h~cs point of ttrnpestuouc enjcymc nt. flie yelllng of the boy* at a bail game hai truggie, forecastaing but tee strongly the enviet The. puree enucus ceatacy cf the awimmers, maki Stream aides ring with their mrth, ln untalntedl rivalry. lit s humn natures pure exuberancet rem of Mother Earth. ...Edîlor John Ka!f .City Editor Hockaday School- NI tdcline SOn aig Vida ianiirson ('an l allaclier Antioch School- tiearge Gai sund WOI4KEFiS. lia5 oîd Stewart George -liss ally admitted to be the Most, Oive Reri.î l cd ones ood lnature to tSe RKilîerin i,-heriltati >ver nothings. tr.fling annOY- reil Sheeltai ardly been known in Wai.- John Iloran s becumne canyons, whcc a Grass Lake-? vital fiber. where the rayio Pearl Tr eier 5o! pavement and tonfined EmosSchci- condton n become a vital Helcn liirlce Lake Zurich- ity dlwelling imperative forý Waterbury- I ventlated tenements and Vera lrt îng Ravrnond Lindz, h modern factcry construc- Clara Pnehni for fresh air. The moderns Rose Lintlenan 1energy. He ha* generally Aptakiscn ýfortible wontcer than out o! E!-teSirbit fbuilt factory is mastly ý 1Shut- the choking breaths of Juhy. 1-lie (is oa ter.dency toward the erec- Gri dey- adapted for many purposes, rîtora r o-n me to the bakinq raye of tiSe Hallf Day- rworkshops. 1linier (; Sitih! Suman soul. The man who Lake Bluff- rs Se strain cf hot weather. .1. iair. wvill seture for himseif î¶îrraî <oc-, P taul lParker Nornîs Pitt inimille 5% allure mhen the splash cf the dîver Libertyile- ce, stream and shore lu Lake Emma Keirl oets neyer paid any More at- Marlon Taylor George Stedman about it. When trust Magi- Elizabeth Schanck s from tihe same bath houa., Pred Protîne i bath room checks hanglng Resale Witmore ectlng their mental poweer or Lucy Andrews LuellaS snborn ning te awlm scarcely cen be Helen Johnson tai tg the inglorlous tail of Walter Whitney >erform acquatilC trt wor- Alvece Galloway aail atain cf servility tr'Om Helen Kolanle Marony Taylor 4aons there in an almott un- Catherine Petges ýhown t the Amherst collegle HUward Flagg t peunda and 23 cuble Inches Frank Smatle casons s week for six seceka. Eva WIIIAMS rry agaînast the strong reslst- Elihu Plerece 1 in developlng the chet and Lottie Buikîey 0i15155. Blanche Sehanck e building or grlmy factory. Carrne Whitmore oely lamsror cf romance. Borne- Walter Lightbody ns te brlng boy nature 10 the Thomas Efinger Rockefellr- s lu it a nte of competitlve Leslie Fry -s an emulations cf later life. Er ît ing the forent, valley, and the Ielbert Rouse by the slightcat auggestion Of Lake Villa- under the most refreshing ca- Paul Kilng H tarold Hîirker ",VELO"' 24655, 44784 IMPORTIZD PERCHERON STALLION fllino>,o Stalli4i i Regiitratitfll-No. A 36-5 rerewed V elO is a black bonz~e weighiiig I .ýoo aîidofif îîuual ijîality. H1e is abtiolute]y ic-iiiiii. sure and L tis get are of the very highetit typ~e of draft arniniamn.. lié- i- a hors-e tlîat bas proven himself. Veto wil îîîake th in s a IfUB at the- HANSON STOCK FARM PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. MiLWAUKEE ROAD FEL $12 to insure HOT WEATHERIS HEP£ 0 NOW 15 THE TIME TO PURCHASE 0 Refrigerator e 0 ehave a fulll une of genuine Charcoal f illed 0' el Refrigerators Prices from0 0 $14 T0$26 *Fine dark oak calumet guaranteed to be,:tbe 0 *most ice saving refrigerator on the market to- 0 *day. 0 0 A FULL LINE 0F CIENUINE0 * PtiILADEIPIIIA LAWN MOWERS 0 çiniePrice $3 To $9.50 Genune 5ply,200 lb. test Garden tiose 12c foot H. B. EGER a LIBEPTYVILLE, ILLINOIS G rayaI ake- Arrisie 'uoore L.îllian Aams ilornian Smitih George t)r.îce Russelh Ria Rus,. l-Meadle ;eti' Sianion Agan lia sii iîtîz Wauconda-- Harold Stoker Ira Cook Velda IBangs. Hotward Si-i eid,,rf IlI:an inros n Fort H ill- Fiîrrcst Tbonii'oii Round Lake- îRoy Duîe Swean Schooh- i e'niriîde i.îîruil Aven Center- WVilliamîi 1,1i1gl l-'losd i Wli Diamrond1 Lake- Leroy Kant, Glynt- 'ultine-nît. lîI' lx Deerfield- E-..ainûr .1 i' r Jobhn Lahil' Idua Itosild irvîin.Snie8 .hoseph (ibîton lutb Ereas lielen hfeckley .hJohn IluehI Eveett- Raîjih MWheeler Mary Mowteru Wljmt- l'iioeîe lteckman Hlghwood- George Rettlg Ruîth Cunimiflgs Atu-l tarsteuson Fh iii,'i orren \% -arn iuiStoken lilaIlloomIiOIBt Etelle ('onorton Kelsey- l'cari Kelsey 1L11lian Vueli Spauhdlige Corners- Eshella Bacon I van 50e- Dwigbt t)olînh Wadsworth- tara Lux. W'alter Labey Vork Houa.- Beatrice Low Volo- Jennie Potier Irene Vasey Stafford- Blanche Odet Rondut- Joseph Morrison Winthrop H-arbor- ('Orie e Ituon Eîrena Gbson Ralpli Johnon L> dia Arahau,-r.n Louiis Anderson Laura Hanks Ablrahlam Ah ralin o l\a Roter North School, North Chicago- Mharle lKefes Raymond Dercîs Fred Lepke Jay Pauzrarn Irene C'ok oneTraut SoulS School, North Chcago- Isablnla Jansoti \Vinfred Yaies llsie Luther larold Talît Alice Hurt -Marie Sehnimers Ithoda Sboup Esther Einîerutaîi \-ra IWagner Vijolet Nelson Lyon- Nîna Knig Slocum Lake- Mi ldred Larril1 l',îrmitne t .O li:ez Se Vir1e Suver East Benton- George Shaw Warrenton- Raphaci Relle Benntt- L.ouisacelle), Hu bba r- Emma Saodman List of tee pupils makug te high- est grades ln the final exsmtnation: leabella Janson. South achool, Nortb Chicago. Norris Pitt, Lake Bluff sebool. Paut Barker. Lakce Bluff. Elrena Gibson. Wlnthrop Harbor. t WlInifred Yates, South echool, North Chicago.t Lucilie Wallace, Lake Bluff. Cîsy-ton Youker, Lake Bluff. Marjary Taylor, Uibertyville. Irene Shoup, Soutb eehool. North Chicago. George Stedman. Uibertyvifle. Cîasas maklug the blghest average, Lake Bluff. Llnley Scholarshlps. Township Eîrena Gibson. îVnhrop l-arbor.46-12 Carl Gallagher. Wadswortb ...46-Il George Leai. SAntiocb.. .........46-10 Miartba Sîîîî oson, No. Chicrago. .46- 9 Blanche Odert (urin(-e . .. 45-12 larinon SiniiIl. <racslake ....45-1l Jennie Potier,-r. N' In,.. ...45- 9 Inabella Jati-on. No.<'hicago ... 44 12 -larjory Ta'* %or, jlieni t ille. ..44-11 L.eglle Fr>, lîokleteller .. ... 14_10i V'elda Bangs, 55 atimeuda.... .. .44 9 John Zahule. l)eirfield .. .4.3_1, L.nora ltroî-krniaiîPrianie %iew. 4?.-11 *oooo@@ooooo*o@eo*oooo~*o.o.oooo A roofing guarantee is worth no more than the quality of the roofing. If the roofing a flot mnade ta make good, the maker neyer will. Buy Malthoid Roofinz-lay it carefufly you' Il net er have occasion to reques< os 10 protect the makers fLuaranîce. Malthoid will render you a roof service so zood- so lonz- so satisfactory-you' Il forgezthtie guarantee. The Paraffine Paint Co.'s nam~e on a roll of Malthoid Roofing is Euarantec enough for those who have known them for twenîy-six yeans. H .B. EGER - Libertyville I. * * * * * E. W. PARKHURST li n, ilSCHANCK BLOCK WF WLL EAMIN that wstch of yours snd tell you just what is necessary to be doue and what it* will cost to put It in0 S e Swuu n o n Perfect Running Order 0 then you eau leave it oruot, asyou pIsaft * In all knds of repair work. we do ouly Teietisy eiiw4 the very best work sud you need havc Do mtnet eyC& sW,. besitaucy iu leaving the fincat articleein 0 U 1WfWUFF tise preil adewn. Y.oua. in Our care. 0 vulu'U' mt a ea " saamen A. IIUSS r, Go mSD~U- tiatopceo. ds JEELRTUE RUOF tihe prie*. ta aacy ethlisg ol the srvceiln pay-o Idbrtyill Ii ~L Ot5A Handsome Profit 0 0 on thiose moee ctd. We 0 lia..ejusl a fresis 0 supply of tisat fansousaPyrolite 0 ccal. Yos. yul certaini, 0 neec i i. Better buy new. iHome Lumber Co.:* Libertyville, 111.0 <0 lseGi. o fhe i WE HAVE SPECIAL TOOLS Perl mKeIn-' Harringît'n .... 3;- 9 folr iiaking auîto rep.-i.imn We irethon l'liihs ne lii r irfilnor ai~~ifor full., î.illitped tii îttendi el 1th i le thp year: mont leli-an.- parte il thle s,. lat,11i. (;rut,,-lIiiil'ollocle 'iiu i-an ualely eîitmut cîitir auitoi ti lirai Glaki Violet Tituis, Rschkel ns. withi rintideîn-e ilbatmeliav@e Si mnh. en r -'v lavili t> ho r t it nu. xi iruti iiate Waae ,irS rren Irs tng. work aiid ,kill t, doi,t Stearni, (irrie Penzer . N <'non Lt t t iiislice Ml WnmiiI i. L4aycocl< Io.ý li iie' Milleielen M.ills, Ada 1l hrnPlll ilomaril Bond. t PHONES--Residcnce 126L Shop 4324' S'îlliti.' I.Itou llie. Crai, e F l1'.Ir-n- 01ttn. KtIlian WIillmi î;eorge h 1,1i Special AssleSSMent Notice ioiinn-i e J0111113011 Libentyvilie Assessrvent Nu. 4. G;ages itol iI ainees 'Wtright, l'h-n Noii,- liýi-t'hy gi '"i t. iait 1Il-rmoim a 'reni -.Il i.î î d SnY der. teýsedtîian ntiwBrdI ,rioiflmi ofs IllI)a lotI-ilIeellIage o iiil.hert% ville, L.a. 'îiriy, Ruslî-l A lii- Svel', MIildredj Su or llli niîî, hoing iinihreil ilîàt a io-aI X'ee1tail"cnl4nuinii1rovieui'it i-umisiniig iii a erIiiecned syntens id rast irili os iter cuplîhivpipîes, ikn,4 t iiie-trili r Howard, AIlic Zi nu togithter witn i ire hYdîhral is, liiit off iie'riiiani. Wîntl n-il loward, Evelt-n NIc- %a:-es aud itlh the'r ii,-snary audjun-to t'clhonîgh, Loi-Iti Straug. aidgeiwreishal iVUKC stii be roustriirtcd Ilhghitrod Rlth ('urimings, FOreansd laiil in, along anîd under Milwrauke tetAve. front the pretieit cîîrthîern terilcue1 Cuniings, hla-tel Smith, G;ertrude u oeri-e ytmo fh the pressnit oitutdé.se of snnîth, Niarie. inonnor, Ilelen Berg-etiroi' iater ncplîiy pipes, ainîdrom dahl. (hencie, aid water suply pipes Haoli run Waîlsworîlî llorenoe Callaghcr. northîeîly aloniE Mihwîîukee Ave. 570) l.yon lenir Keoigh let measiîred ahong a ligie parallel witb LyonIlery eolgh.and twelve fret weat frontî the .ester Voto-l'eamlXassey, Orîîah Rtussell. lins iof Milwraukee Avenue in thievililage Madden-he'ry Epicer, Aima Sch- ni Lib)ert.yvihle, iLake County, Illit1e waudt. NMlany iallagben', Cors GaIIa- the ordinaure for the manie beinîg oun1dis in the office of tic Vilhage ('lerk, havîng gher aspplled to the (iouaty Court ofh aid Antioloi - ilhi'r lodge. Lake Conîty. Illinois, for au Ose8a- North l'rar- Wesleî' l3cnnett. ment <il the comte of sald impros'erneut, North 'hIragn-lenry Huhîn, Wil- acerdicg to beneilte sand an assessmeut therefor having hen made and renuumed Ilan, Rosa, Fitien Evaus. ta Raid î'ourt, the final hearing tloereon _______-willisti had ou the 2hth day oh July, A. - . t>). 1111 oîr as sono therealter asethse buainie eoh the ecourt tenu permit. Adjudication Notice. Ahi pensons deslring iniay file obîec- l'li Stl, lu-1. i,1ecivetilat tac ub- (ions lu Raid court .beforn said day îaid ci'-1. ,-îiir "Iii <le Laxt Wilihi îi msy appear in the heatiîig sud muake Tetsuuut" n isses Currlc. deceasedi iill irde atc he Cii t iourt n ed<ai OcUnY. Sntherdhne lhna.,ul 3 91 teri tOrt-lîlU) ,,iden uhe Court "Ouse lu Libertyvihle, Ilni.Jl 3 91 wwailinseJi,id Cu lioqty. 0on th imtIlSondair WILLIAM B . STIUDER. of ssutt.Iler n 1911, t.wlscu and ihere ai]i so ppolnted bY tihe Preiident iA npei. i iu .I.ig u <aatntit Rid estate ae esno oa uapoent hts notitied and toueeotthe <liC sin teheBoard o oa mrvmnso h seait (burt ler sdhîditioot. laeoLirtvlLkeCuy t.iCYCURRII.Escxeri vilag th iertyvin. LakenCuty, Waakeraiu. UI lu Joli1 ,-Ii llinois to make tec-42-se 2mot The clue ta tenere yoss are to, work for a tong tîme to ome may, b. fouod A ton minute "aotnuggle" lu writing -If you're looking ftor stck a dlue- a want ad-anid you'Illsall that tro1- lu today's Hep Waned ado. enty as sure as-taxes! D ering Binding Twine STRONGEST AND BEST The Binders made by the International Harvester Co. are tested with this Twine and will work better wît7h it than any other make of twine. SUHANUK bRos# Buy a Home and Stop Paying Rent W. steliseuses on nionthly payments, saine as paYieg rent. W. soli lots on @mail payments et low pnice sa and witiioit interes Loana made et current rates. Fîrst iuortges for sale seciareil on Vilae andl farta prcperty. tif., Accident, and Fire Insurance solicitei. Renting and collectiez. DYMOND & AUSTIN Phsone 26 Office In Gao Office r Nc Lil Md Sh ut Su Te an k I s A Hot Weather GOODS 2Oth Century Cash S tore Kaliki Pants, Kaliki Shirts Gents Negligee Shirts with and without Collars, soit collars attached and detached, Men's Union Suits Men's Balbriggan and Porus Knit Under- wear Tennis Shoes, Men's Hose 2 5c Pair, Black and Brown Hose 1 5e pair 2 pair 25c, Work Hose 10c 3 pair 25c