4 - * . - r. tiA~COUY IN~~DNT, J~[AYJTJLY 28, 1911. The Carefulý Houoýekeeper ï lt rade. hai, 10ellue e .. ttoas tint the in l t qualit>' at rsoable prieee is onr oei'l a ficlg buelaew. W. hatibeonul>'the and au Onluriséola .large wus, usp tbaltotk mov!ng. tins lutilg trou goods i*aye t0o ur oustomnors, wbctao»uIportant Item lu3 gromttIiot J. EU TRIGS Phone- 25 Phone 3 dl h. Great Reduction Sale Men' Oxfords rit ateiel enord buylg* ol UMM% v I '~. s ~ BE I YOUR BABY Witt need ifs PHOTOS taken. nom the arm westiier is hoe NEW STYLES B a nd $Mali Isizea of PHOTOS me cen show you ai Low price.. PIUTURE FRA19ES We have jmit received a nom lino of pcture frame mouldingc and can fcrnme four piclures an short notice.. ESWICK'S STUDIO LIBERTYVILLE An U nusual InvestmÈent lnvearmnents tht will returo 4 te 5 per cent are comnaun, but once in a graet whlein unuiall>' good one. causes along wiciiboeis &Il <oeil points. A guaratad principul and guaranted l nterest aÉ 7 per cent. The foutain Pen, Ultta af et>' razor, "tii. ilng ialapinpiepla- era, etc.. aresa l caau ader the heaulof unusual îavestments, >jet thèse assa lnvesements ment 6"cgisg at the msart. Had we &H coui> gotten in on the grouiti floor at par value of this stock me woaid ho pettiag ourselves on the. back. W.e ffet you toila> stock just as goci aà aonfthediaabove et par. Il* Mesilti Flou.. aid Vogutale Comapiaycf lUbertyvili., fin, lia" the finest propesion lanAinerica toda>' fer suc. au n lv«tlent. Tii.'sei yoea thalr praéels d Stock t $10.00 par sIar., wubi j par flitu guaran. toul intaveet ait7 par cent annuail>, aid the sto& wmlii yild far in id. vaucacf thspeflguree. In the. coure fofe years wifl eqi an>' of ti. aboe stocks ou th. maiket Wb have 40AM0 square foot of glusas ad Our business ià cousin« la se faet that me postivel>' ii net Ise e"ete fiS the. caduc mithoat .suldItua building.. Fer t" .ressua e bave purduiaisau ix îcree oflaud in the. city of i Lbetyvlue, ou wicii we amegolag te buiaid 100fOOOsquare feet ef glass dis coming aululer. Our busiesse te isi aeof aFlouer,, Plante, and Vag«Abjea, a.dsr glie., Mes MaNurryStock aid Hlb&, W. uaaoves>'Ma*. Wou»saeasd Ciud l in hole aid Wisconasin te sun stock la thie GeMAlas. For faxrtler i.fdrmatiou ddreé the preidart, w"u ull oé bert, >nwîtitra" parsonaii>'o if Yo« roquait mliseila epreue- -, tesouie. Nqw f la *4 .tisse to gethua>'. Cocsse u eau uhit w, aeà" li.Seng la. heering. Fer rofarmuce adre.s B"y Meuh mhttle ..... &W Ger"a#hh Prdiutal Crt!Maso,5eeltaïwe es, e Wedneeday (,jlett & Frederie spur. chaseti of A. J. Der & Go . f New Yack, a combination coffe mIniianti meat grinde.r mhieh iii be inetaîled inlatle near future. The mintue is one ai the latest in is lins and s a cauabl. addi- tion tu the equipinent of any> grocer>' anti met market. tMc. anti Ars. M. B. ljolby arce njoying o trip tu St. Jo. Michigan thii week. Sundo>', wmle attemptiit luicîauk an automobile ae the LibecI>'ville Garage. Chante. "Eh' flcDouald imet mith a ver! painful accident Ta use an auto. mobille tarin, the englue 'kickei," sentiiug lhe rank bock word mith such farce as tu break bis lareacin iust aboie tii. urist. Tiie tujur>' mlii la>' hlm up fur saine lime. pattera andi milnom ho abie tn grinti ont steak or saaneage teat on short notice as mel os in the. mOst sonitar>' Aaiong the numiier ai thoe. omardeti acholarahipe by Nîrthvaaterntniverwity foc the caming yeac, sppaae. the naine ai Miss Ruth Weiie4who mes gratinateti fain tie Libetyvilis 51gb Sehoal Ibis 10, J une. This scholarsh!p.ntltles Miess Wels ta fre tuitiofi duarlg ber Fresh- main yean lu tIie Univemet>', ant idi oactidetioui>' la thons uhô.rnk iighesl in eehlarsbip throughotit thein high scbool course. Conaiderlug tibat oni>' aibout tSf1>'are given (ont o1»on etering cladesofai ve buntireti, Mies Wells i. cetaini>' ta be cougnatflatuti upon her gond fortune. I Your Banking Business, And account with this Bank is witlx a sound, ably managed ahd progre. ive insitution, govereed in ail uI.prtmnents by only t.e bot banki« pctesand ivmk caS", and, céik, sI*iite attentip o b t.neds of -,o otatomn aslite.New ac"et sinvit,4 NuUes~1 ~1g ej Llbortyi -~tpan Situa Il To ineure pubflcution in the. ndepen- W.W. Us.tbtraosa<.ted buminefli n dont, copy must bain the. office no later (Jhcago Itond&r.' than Tuesday of .ach week. Adver- Joha W. Lynch 01 Chiag , iras sçen tisers, eepeciafly., are asked to talcs011 oersilltue Wededay. paricla ntieIoths ffect.. Mie. ItN4Baber of Pleamant Prairie. l i« Platem .Blerman bas returned W. 0. lfebarn WBasaChicago business, tram a two W «à&' viot ln Chicago and viator lMonds.. Egin. ML»e Helen au.fy il visiting relatives Missm Vioretice Biercnan entertained lis Chicago tht. week. Min LiblraUapte train Elgin, severai MimeLucl Puack of Paietine, ld day. lutA wes. vl.ltitU m ieRmi Butlo ers . A good&,-nsbier tram LbertyvWe are Albert Voeiling 01 Rocketalter, epent tpeU*Wmdi te esla «camp B"d" wlth réeigves at A rmoarla. gj~Wok. Mr. and irg, Entlet tiranding from )Mi. B-fi *àBush entertained ove, 1,*ka Zurich pet a ew day. with Mr. 8und"Wler oinet. Ar. and Mre. James And Uni. BleruiL TraMof OCkwa~.ýP Ume Juia Hockeey ai Autloch, vsies!d mms. 'b *o on and chidren of friande la our cil>' the latter Pa"t Ofluit Cherry lûy,, are viaitiog ber sisalr, week. )Ars. AmèeaWhssier. mie DorothryPortsou. la vilting Lb!. Mus.hirerCmsSchultz viiited Snnday we.k wtb -Mis Dorotby Dalpb at with bier aqapew, Auguet Voelin and John E. Ballard lait week sntrtalned Henry elniI#a the I~NEPEaNDET hie brother, William B. Balard, of Dit"viettuil ver Saturday and Sun. Chares City', la. day wfih relawve at Fairfield. Mises Emil>' A. Bush visite.! rlatives Cheter Croker ham reigned i poul- wd friande lun Chicago a iew daym tbe tion widi 1D. A. Young and 8aturda>' fors part of the e. rtorned te bis home at Lancaster, Ws.. Minne. Mitge and Doris Fredericks are MIr. andi MMs E. A. tiîbop are'this! .pendisix tht. week witlî relatives andl week etrsauf* tirs.ltîshop's ister, frendait Graystake. h(us. Eramor anad daughter Blanoje, Mms.8S.Kramer anti grandean, Calvin trom Frankr,.Ind. Blabolti, of Fort Wayne,lnd.,are vitoiting Mrs. F. Gi. Cleveland lest week enter- wlth B. Kern and famiiy. taineti ber mother, Mrs, Aril and Jacab Schnaehle and dauglîter, Mrs dangbter, Aiès Eva týria and Mr. 13. Bousier, of Chicago, visiteti with Daniel@ of Oak Park. IL P. Sehuaebele anti tamil>' Snnday MmMiaeollnofLkZuch Tih. Ladies' Aid ot the M. E. church itealew MinoisthellgaterLato e'nth *111 meet at the home oaI rs. E. F. and foria e dao th eeat t earthime Knlght on Park avenue Tueda>', ofidbtrmi, Partana h&s bek t te om Anguet 15t.aihrmlsgranihîtz Mru. J. B. Morme retnrned Tuemday lire. Van ib.Erre and tira cidren oi ,rom a twa ireeke, viil witb relative@ Chiago, vsâted the latter part oi lait ln St. Paul, Minneapolis, and other, week with Li, berty ville iriendm andi points In Minnesota andi Wisonsin.1 attendedthet . mbey terian Ladies' &id Miss Harriet Andrews ai Billinge. 1picole at A. M. Cuuey'o last Thurada>'. Mont., le apending a few weeks with, brer Misa Louil. Cater I. enjaying an aunt. Mr. J. P. Clark, aiter haing etanddi tp tltough the West, viiting 'iiteti for paque ine with relatives at. Denver, Clorado Springs andi other Ft. Atkinson, Kan. pointe in Co)oredo, 'tah and other James fH. Swan im enjoyng a tw western statea. ireeke' vacation. Monda>' mornang he The boatrd af oducation are makang left, together with hie tamil>' andi Are, extensive imnpr"o.uents on the high George A. Wright, for a week's outing ochool huil4g l,the way ai replanter- at Lake Kegonaa.Wsconsin. ing andi patchag noms of the raome, (ieorge Ceveand lfit Wedneaday night painting the tutertor andi laying a for Mlwaukee ta take charge ai tii, ertnent loor lu tii. basement. Eammond Paeking Co. agency et tl The Ladies' Ald sa<tly ofthtei Preshy- place for ton day. turing the vacation &@eien cburch pliid ut A. Id. Coe's of tbsir regutar repreestative. nortb oati s ity hM lest r kThurada>'. Mlisse. Ma and Anna Smith oif Evans About iorty mendiere of tim societ>' andi ton. Ili., andti hs Rose O'Neilla 1àke their chltiren u.re Jea aendanee andi a Forait, bave gone for a trip to tihe ver>' eujoysbl day W*$ aPunt b> ail. coait. The>' wtll vint; at Denver, Sait At a special meeting 01 the village Lake Cty, Portlandi, Seattle, Vane0uveOr board Monday iaght àAvas decidedt t sud otiier northern point&. gravei Stewart av" f ram Division There ahi be no church servies et street south t) Uncobu avenue andi St. Lawrence chnreb for tour weekn South Park avenue usuttmoi Milwaukee heglnning next Sonda>', July 30, owlng &venue ta Stewart, the . v o a start at ta the absence of ltev. Richarde, who t. On.- % away on bis vacation. Snnday liehool. Tiie North Shore Feliratad W. C. T. U. hairever at the. nouai hour 3:30.- will holti a basket pcnicat 8hsidanhurst FolIo wing the. neit regniar meeting ai el Tuesday, Aug.- lit. Members ai Lihertyville Rebekah Ladgs ont Dot tiie Libertyville W. C. T. U.'are eardiall>' Fritia> eveniug, August 4, a soial invited ta attend, toktaç with theni douce with ligbt refreshmnt, wili he aatkets Ouled witb gond thilngs ta ent. given in the M. W. A. hall. Admieian AUl thOse wisbing to attend plan ta 2Z5c. Everybody condiail>' iovited. letive Lbertyville on tiie 10.20 car. Loui O. ichrds nd bide William Walrond Wedeseday pur- Loui D.Richrd@and rid ofchaaed ai A. J. Deer & Ca. of New Yark Warnaw. Ky., returned ta their han e gunda>' alter a ten day' viit with Dr. a" electcic caftee. iii equlpped witb the and& Mr@. E. H. Sinithh Laet week latent patent steel eut gindsrs fur 'ýur»da>' the do<tor treated them ta an grnutiig coffse in tirs i#àand wili uaw (automoile ride ta th,ý ltu4 be<J, fb equiripedtot grinti cofse ta suit the GrassLake.taste ai ail, aie,, au lectric haniburg Grsteaaionu 1a-. age-Au-111 ver>'- 1-- t IPetcaleum Coke, the. fuel1 tint, linkere or ashe.. 251, more of it thon at Solti b> LBEoRTYVILLE Lui The Independant givai noms of ail the county. IÀ ton minule 'etrugglg a uaitsad-and >'Il si !.esI.Ot>'! falite ui&-tesul wlthaut soat, AI heat anti my o tisi fuel. e-43-2 es yau ail the. a" tu wrilug 19 CHAMPION ",IINER"V Yreeport Man Belongii Te Thirty-nine Seperate Orders A4 Freepari man is the champion inier" or Illinois.B loia -membor la griot! standing la tblrty-nîne intiges, soya the Illinois Statesmon. When lhe storts dama tom hie must aliow hlmself thirty' minutes or mare for greetings ta iadge brother,. He must remember thirtynîne ta- terlocklng hantichakea, thtrtyntns iioiing signa, tbitrty-ulne answers ta arne thlrty-nîne meenle-me.nl.-mln- Iema. tests of meniberailp, thlrty nine bnotherly formea ofaddreua. tilcty-unn distre signais, îhlrty-ntneanaswera tai the sanme. .He must match thlrty-nlne lotigo tmeairers each month lu aider to pro. vut aumpnslon. H. muet try tu, b. a gond anti falthfui attendant at meet- Angs of thlrty-nine lotigea mth oui>' thlrty tisys Iu themonth. la not tiiet a care-fuli exttenco' yet tbis Freeport man has not gans no far froin proostient as ta bereu lutionwr>. He ha, luit otiojuati nny 'otiiers. bath mien anti men. b>' a few lodgss. For Iliit ai.the gresteet state for fraternal ortiers t4 the. Union, viewedti mamy angle. It fa the largest number of lic- enaeti fraternel antiera dolng buoineps ln ance tote. Almost hafothe ticicetleslilcenseti have heatiquarters ln Illinois. The largest fraternai organIzatian in the maciti anti most ofthe cither1 Important bottiez have thaîr homle offi-~ ces lu the satfe. Chicago, with Its large forelyn pop. ulation, leotis wlth forty-tive sarIettes. lThe forelyn peopiiss bonditogether principali>' ta secure tiie sick anti death henelits. anbarti!natIng tue so- cial féatures. Many ai thein are finit- ed wlth religions argantaatfo.. Ail thi.encteties license t tado huai- neessiu Illnoishai a total lusurance of $1,121,247,1861 la force at the close of asat year. They reoelveti tram their memiiers toi pay daIms anti expenses $13,064,974. They palti out on poili- clos la Illinois 1051 year $f86,983,436. filty-eighth Annual Fair The Sifty-eigbth annuel Lake Cant>' Fair miii b. heldt Iis yeaon anSeptember 5, 6, 7 ant S, juet a littie aven Oive ireets distant. Tii. affinera ln charge promise this yeans fainruil eoclipee thoee in prevons yearsla mon>' msîs. Tiie speclal attraction@,wmille pashly nt ase inu>'anti variet as lu soin. put >ear*, viie biggsr anti botter lu Oven>' respect than an>' ever furuisheti befote. Fartu anti fruit crops tbie ysar ehouit lie goad judim«nu rom proseb Ltindtiloit and the exhubite ln that flue pî..ilss lta excel aaythhag lu prenions ygam. Preminans offoredt Iis year areminu> anti ubemtnîa, wile the pursesfir hors@ race. total 84,450.00. Superintendent of Speeti Bock lte tht.é week lu attendanne ah the race meet at Aurons securing entnies fan this Yeans races.. Tbheassoclatlan la nathen tard>' tus irear lu issuingo the. preanlua liét, hou. ever the>' are nom eatiy for deliven, anti anyane tiesirng ta ohltn ans may do »o b> sentiiug a postal ta the ffecretar>', J. B. Mors, wm i miiprompt- 1>' mail one ta the addresa given, Everyane eboulti hearta mind the. dates, Sept. 5, 6, 7 andi 8, anti matle preparatiane ta, attend this. the greateet loir in the cauoty'e bîi@or>'. Ilfinois Ranks Fifth. Throngli a carebul listing of al autaomabiles registered in the United States, it bas bren aecert.otned that tb, ttalinumler n nouse at Ibis turne i. 780,000. Newr Yack leatsisnl the number of cegitratiane. uitb ap- pcahirnately 70,000, Peunnyivania anti Caliarnia tie lac second plac~e, each having 40,000;.Oii bas 32,400;, Iliinoals 31,000; Wicaue.n bas 14.00)0 anti tIrwa 24,200. Notes of the Faria. lnte est nan>' turmers are pioutlng patseofdalflfaaon the soutb @!de af their homnes. Tbe>' have lounti out tibat a fieldi ai groo ing alalla cool@ tha teauperature [roui 10 ta 20 degrees on a bot do>'. Allua i@ fillei with maisture ant ile death ta hat mintis, mhich nenal>'canie tram the. soutb. For tii ver>' opposite reaoan the. fanrine do ual aim nnomta plant their irbeot ou the eautb aide ai their haines. Winde ptksbug avec whsat tabble aler harveet Mllme miii cals. the temperatuire main 10.toiO2 degrees. (looti Indiana Block Cool an'tnock now at LîitRTYVILLbE Lutigît Ca. 2 QUART JARS $1,15 ICORLETT & FREDERK Phon 830 Some Household Iteffl- Piiced Low We cao off er yosa riglit nom, Pepperen lSiioctung 2 1-4 yd*.WWliePor white bleached and ic. nom gonds at par yl. 2Mc Reaiti'muds Shoots 81 b>' 90 inches, torm andi hoenand. tu«e. m:' Wood material and w orth 75c priced owt0&Wa 8 TabileTuanbierstraight sided of tlila blown gui. mih prottyr:etched. floral odeug.. sacla Seor per dom. 50c Somme.mica new Cotton Blankets just arived, cliceo f Grey' Tmoà É White, wltii pretir contrs.ating bordera priceul at 75 and 9Mc~ Go" serviceeble mooden coat hangars, mire hoaeat 3c.ah , Ladias Iinahrellaa, gond coversawitii the.ver>' Istest Slong Trophel' wood Handie claice for $1.00 ASK TO SEE THOSE NEW HAMILTON BROWN S*OMS W. W. CARROLL, & SON;. TWO STORES RY Nu "IWÀNt b".C Upon invoicing our Stock of Xn'is Oxfords we id we have about 100 pair. Them re the rem- ii8nts of the waison and among them are some of the bout Oxfords you ever MaW for "400. TIis lot Iiludes Gun lNotais. VeloursPatent Leathers, Oxbloodu, Tans, etc. in Lace, Button, and 8trap. wide, medium and narrow lat, wide, mediumn and polnted toe. Sises range from 6 to g10. Whfie they laet they go for 81.00,8$1.50,82.00 and 82.50. Corne early and get your choies CEÂP enough te milk ovu in. GOOD enough tç go to LIhurch i. J. B. MORSE & CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Everything For Men 4 j 4 I '4 4 At 4 me. i We make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons ahail b.- satis- factory. We want each one to f e! that they ar fre to corne to us in ail matters where *ur1ý experience andi advice will be of value and When w. sPeak of the "Service" rendea'.d to custoiners we mean the bestservice, ail that you reasonably expect from your bank. Our", service includes a hundred and one litti details all of whic go to malte of our patrons, umatisfied cuutomems" If you have had no business witb this banit, we feel confident you wi appreciate thé Service we cam render. ]LAKE COUYT-Y NATIONAIL I3A.NK. Grasp the home Buy a plot of groomil sudI hSm e Vbaveloelta &Hl dfrectipoa, aniwe wnv#W ing t9 ednsVea homses lut" 'waie or n us mîit te needo mmd, er exchaàged.Pow&su renta @htd'siltW uupentnâd4 .V.do a best patoooge. Sclmaebele & WhoeeIer Rsel Estatu IL liamreaeSchr Office la Lace BIdg. Phono 1le Llhesty WE HAVE AN EXTRA SUtPPL' t Economy Fruit Jan, WHICH WE AME CLOSNG OUT, AT COS 1 QUART JARS - 9&5e PE twj