CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Aug 1911, p. 16

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ad by tbese Sîilian agent, charglngi the hIigh cot ut living" on the lemon tanIff, which wouud net cuit the aver- age person une cent in a yean. if any- tbîog ai ail, tor lemons have actuaiiyi been citeapen Ihis year than tbey we belore the duty was Increaieti, so that te dealers twho are really aI Ithe itei-ct uorltte importera), are promis- ing a gri-atdi'aliIf tiïvy promise te rediice îhe cost of lemona in case thte ireseîil tariN s relicaied. Titi tact is liai the duty was flot a serions biîrden ltote Importera un- * ~ ~ A laiiw e- - - COUNTRY NEED MORE' TARIEFPROTECTION t Farmer May Feel That Ne s Belng Discrlmlnated Anulnsti By Raliroads Here Many Difficulties Attend Theu Workings of the Average Fer-1 mer n This Country t Fruit Growers ln Californie Runi Up Against Triff Matter From ltaiy Sicilien Fruit Growers Immcd- ately Begin ta Flght Duty on Lemons (Prom Wedneedays SI.Washington, Aug. 2-Tite farmer and frultgrower hla lkety lu tee! tat lie lo too often discrlîninateil agaiuîst by thte railroads, by te siteriff, by tite commission men, b> almoal everyune with witom lie cornes Into contact. lie bias long bec-e pictuneti ais a rtuý' tebo readily buys green gouda and gotti brick tbat lie la temptedti t iink, at imes, îhat aven Unla Samn looks e i ln l tht lght. For years the * 'briets have been aakng fer thse sa". meainre of protection ln the tarif! Uat ba been accorded freely tu the lîboring min and the manu- facturer. Hasb e got It? Not always. 0oealonally itae tanwho tilathe 9o~ Iaih»got iomethlng but it liai "behlard won, andi no soner diti le get It than powarfui force vere ar- rayed te msatch IL awîy f rom hlm. * Take a cencrete cae. bInMidta and Califrnla tbe clImate waa founti tealie suitable for growing oranges Importers bave sitotn thte greateit cunning as well ai unacrupulouaneai Titey bave hiat ta retond millions Of dollars te thte Treasiîry Departnacrit. Sonne outhie Italian imperters wara sent lu jii. Tite Itatian leinon lmo- porters are lte latest te have been circumuîvted, but the 'governmett itadtil revse thte regolaions for the. importation ut lemona lu ortier. te iteadti iem off, andi IL teok Lelgit montiàta lu lnd eut bowta to eet the, cage. Alded by an aiment unli-to asiosb fîssî' put up by tbe SîilliB lemen growers, and by very sbrewdt and resourcefuilaiwyers telieare mpentiiog money lavlshly teaiiuy ma- gazine anti newspiper apace. tise itallan Importera are no e iek.lng Le bave Oie tarIff revisetiln tbeir Inter- est. TiIsla net lte librat.tne forelgis Intaresta have trieti teabsape legis- latlon in congress, but It La oe of the boldeal.' Tite way tite Treaiury Departmen; iloppedthelb.Importera fruo otainlng tee big an alloteatce for decayeti fruit waa te maka Use estimatea for rot un lhe simples dlapl&Yet fersale. Almoal any disintereileti perian teoulti sîy titthibu wai fair, but the importera proteseewil wly anti vebens- eently. Thte Traasury Departmnent, beteever. titougbt mare noise no ar- gument. sud tse imOunt-et moneY Col- elecled liii locreaseti. Tiie tact, la the tiller of tha 8o11. althougis le tbougbt It a bail thlng for hlm tatthe reciprocity Ia.atY aitoulti go Ibrougit. ban got ta lie coin-' aîiered teben IL comas te fixing Up a liaI ot 5roducers wb smust haveaa fair saae of protection. Legialaion by congres siteult be for the beisefit of te peuple cogresa repraienti. anti BOt for tite benefit of Slclly, Japin, Mexico, Spain, or any uther country. One reason wity many men, if 1er nellrlng froto busines s udertaite LMR, <'OUNTY jPEPX»N1'NTS FRIDAY. 'AUG1JU1T 4,,191le LIgIIL ____________________________________________________________________________ I F R ~FI) THIS 1parte. and i tiiiy smefl boys aigounIe XTFÂR tl very recen-lly because the ezecu-ý tienofuthlie clistOmîs regulationa par- nîlledt Iem to cdaim andi te obtain, i rebat.- for aiieged roten fruit, amount- ixîg souîetimes to iii>, per cent of the cargo, hitiitihey were cever enougli lu seil atteritirts as, irit-cliii, aound fruit.This lias been ituppeti. A close obaerverlnl Waeitngton suld recentiy -Wial lite government bas lust ln costums frauds wwlIineyer ha known. but as Colector Wri.Loeh, Jr., bai ahuwn at. New York alona. thte îom must reacit maoy millions of dollars. &Bd lemoni. Enterprninr plonear n t botixh a bot ep tthenei' lîne wtb ô.nthisaam. Tliey mt vitli many dia-i 0sarigements andti ais. Tiiera vWr» Inaect pesta, froita. drtiglia., ebarcity anti hli souatetlabor. un- knei'n proilems te solve. yaara te VIII for returna anti comptitions1 ftom feeigo inda wteanother prub- lesisad ail bean retiuaed anti sdcces aclsleveti- Orange gnevlng reaciietia stage vbere Use home grovers con-1 tiellth le mar&et anti competlon1 wua litti. féareil, Limon gnowlng1 eMtutaedto tble a bard liglt atheegb the. problain et preducig a btter1 lime, tîan the importeti bailbeen1 ielved anti 50 per cent ofet h lome1 nalket vasuppîfeti by bome-groten lamnons. The extension et the marktet va clicteti lecause tha Importera,. wtlUsceaip home llio anti cheap ecean trelglta. coulti, anti did. keap the. Americin fruit trom reacing tb. eeabcard wteînevar they tisitedt do no. Cengresa vanletito gîve theuai"'su tlau sui,1s u Amorîcan groteera an aven break, anti manie inteneit allacbing te i ln1 atideti e-haIt cent par poundt ett a landi where a inter la unkuoi'n But tarIff on lemat,aor about one sud oeue- ubîrti cent a tiezen, one-elgbtb ut ai cent ou eacitlamon, During the hot-( test portion efthUe Bsommer lemonsi aolti ln Washilngton aI 10 and 20 centst a tiozen. No oe founti any cumpiaintj vthLi Iis except the itatian Import- an in New Yonk Cty. Tliay tarteti lui aI once te raIs, a iluali tond Ite lit the tarIff., The Xrowers lu SiciIy anti llay agraed Le pay f om .6 te 10 cents on aacb box ot lamons Importe i mti te Unteti States to lselplilgiti taetaiff. Tite>'began a campagn lu arouae tae Amenîcin pub- lie te a billeft t IIlt as belng terongeti, anti to influence Congresa te remove tite tariff on lemuns. Con- greaimen ver appealedti l by the agents eft ie imponler., tie puait carl men andthie ratait fruit dealers. ttntnutitful petitions men' circulatati, su untrutliîultoitat titeir nentiaçity vas evitiant aI a glance. One tunm ot te pelition retera te te"bord- ensomne duty un eununs, altegedt o ha "for te purpose ot doobinîg tlise i'ealth oftlexi or a dozen milîlonaîres et Calitornia, and aise for te pur- pôie et paying îteeteages out eu, ut ittinsitis et Japanese sottilersite excluslveb' monopolise te tabur ut thie Caifrnia lemon enchatam, titis depnlvîng Amaerîcan lahorers ut an opportunlty ut lahor anti v.agea -, Tii. la very absurd. a vaîl as taIse To patnenize foeign letion gros-ers anti iteamalîlicompanles teenitibe better, Importe-ra îhing, titan îe patron lseaanerîcan railro-ads, American or ciardtst anti American iahon. Jap- aeare employedt Wa very amaît extmnt ln te raglan wiere lamons grew. If tier, teane enuogl wbite ]abor they teould nfot lia employeti aI all. Mereover, oranges anti lamons are note gretei n s Arizona, Taxas, Itoinda, Alabiama, MissiBippl anti Georgi. Buch petîllona ai Iboe .jusl refenrei 'to bave bien clrculateti il Atlantie mamer resortu liy "bartara,' 4~~.w o atnaciettmtion te tbey need some profit tu keep Usais intereate i n thiar work. Unlesthe efforts etfte ittporlena tu cerlpple lie Intiustry in Californîa shall succeeti, tbe orange anti lemon grutenem ft1h5 sate milreve te be ains ite mosl interesting thiiga tite viallora Lihe titi Panama Exposlllop In San Blega and San Francisco wlI aie. 110W THEY DO il IN FOREST CITY Rockford, Ill, ias One of Most Stringent Laws Acénst Sun- day Saloons n State. Can't Scrub Floors Sunday PFromi Wedneadays SUN.) Tite toliowlng la an ezînact frosu tite Rocittorti Repuhle, ahowlng liai the city deais teitite Suniay saloon ln thaI city. The proprielera are not evan allowe tt enter ther places anti scrub thea flouna un Sunday, but thîs tmansappanenlly tiad tiI: E. C. Enquilt, a ealoonlat aI Four- teenlt avenue anti NinIb street, teai t)ned $5(j ln poile. court tetiay for acrubiing iis saloon on Runtiay. En- quilaIla tite firsl salonisl lu violite titis section outhliiqoor ordînince, Thie-ordîaLnce aiîoiws eue heur aller clositîg tIloe aIt lgitl for cieaulng op, but Eiîqulsl did bis wunk Sunday." Launeh Coinnization Gcheme. StrngtIeld. 111 , Aug 'Z2-A lcena, 1u loor,)uerate sms asueti by Sacre tl(rY Of Stata Irai' îotusheistiolle COluiizaîlon Soi is.y of 'b.. niîed Statas. Thea ubjecî le lu engage ln- work Oet thtollec eloitathan. The prinflipal ofie atrl luChicago, anti the locorporaters ara lultua E. DeVos, E. 1 J Valisait anti Josephi m. Cudabu, I -Crowdee- "'Do yen lîve wtthin yeur incomer "Tesandti 'm croatted foto pae&"- rabe zao" FREE LIST MILLA YPÂSSEIb TESTERDAI Sonate Passes Farmers. Fret Lut Bi1149 te 36 Atter Sec- ond Vote on latter First Passage of 8111 Was Uiot by Tie Vote of 39 ta 39, But Taken Back Many Important Provislons of The.6B11 Which Interest Ini- dustries of Waukegan Leather Goods, Beef Mutton, Barbed Wie, Wre Fenolng Are Ail Piacsd on LIst (Prom Wednedayis SUN.) Be It en%cled by the senate and ieuse of repraientatives efthtle Unitedi States of Anprlca in congreai aisens- bled, tht on anti atter tite day foliote- lng the passage ut thîs icI tlie I'llew- Ing article« ihail be exempt frem dtuy welen importeti mb the Unitedi Plotea, teoth ant isdut arrows, leaders,, larvestera anti bindemi reampera. agricultural drilla anti plant- era, meteers. borse nîkea, cultîvitors. tlirasiing machines anti cttor. gins, farm wagons andt arm caris, anti ail ether agrlcetural inpementi of any knti and description. wthber ipecift- caily ment loneti berelo or net, wteh- er in tebole or In parts. Includlng re- pair parts. Bagging for cotton, gunny clolli anti ail simîlar ftbrics. maternls or cover- lnge, sutaile for covrlng anti iailing cottes, cemposeti in wbole or lu part of jute, jute butte, iflp. fai. iIl. Ne Zelinti toi'. Norteeglau tote. aice. mîlI teate fftton tares or any ptier maerials or libers saitible for sever- ing cotton; anti bulapa anti lags or asactecomposeti wboîly or In part of jute or burlîp or ther matinal suit- aile for bigglng or iacking agrlcul- il products. Hoop or bandtIiren or ieep or bandi steel, eut ta lengths. puncheti or net puncliet, or wholly or partly me- tacturet i lte hoopa or tli. coatetior net coatet i vtItpeint or asy othlsr prepenation,. wthl or wiltiout buckies or fasteinga fer laling cottôn or au>' oter commodty; anti mira for buljng bîY. airai' anti otier igricuitunal products. Gran, bof. eplit. cougli antisole leather; bang, benti or lieltln.g leath- er; bota anti uhoes, harnais, sadltles anti adadlery, In sets or lu parts. fin- lised or uninsbed, composeti teoly or in clilef vain.o e t e.r, antileails- an eut into sabo. nppara or vampa er etlfan forma for conversloSq loto umanufactured articles. B4nbed i vre. fence vire, vIre roda, vine stranson vIre nope "te wi'en on manufîctureti fer wre fencîusg anti otiter kinda et vIre sultable for fenc- Ing, Inciudlng vire aples. Bief, vii, mutoin lansb. pork Aud Meatz ofe ail tinta; fl'egh.sateD 2ký- lad, dtiet, anoketi tieeseti or unireis- ail prapareti or preservat Iin îny min- uer; bacon, baiss. bouldena, lard, lard cempountis. lard aubstîtutea, saisiage anti sausage meata, ceming frein kny forelgn country wtlulielscbthe United States iLas a recîprocal tradîý agree- mient ant i h shail admit frens lhe United States tre.e oftiuty, cotton, corn,. tebeai. Ots,. liea, cttie anti hoge. Bucvhaat mel, teet fleur anti semolîna, rys fleur, bran, mitdiînaanti other offal ot grain, nt- mail anti rolleti omIs anti ail preisireti cereal foots; anti biscuita. breai. tes. fana anti simlar article. net sweseteit- eti, comisg. frein any foreign clountnY wthltFhaIch te Unitedi States bu ai recîprocal traie agreement and i vlith stalil admit from the Unitet Butes frne etftiuy coten, corn, mhat. Ot., horaes a. cle anti hoge. Tîmbar, lietn, aideS or aquareti. round tîmber usati for %ara or in building wlarvassahîngles. fenC- Ing posta, savati boards, plants, demis, anti otber lumber, rougi or dresieti. excepte boards, plants. deesl anti thar lumbiretflgnum vitae, lace- wooti, ebony. box, granadilla, mal6g- any, roeveeti, satîsîmooti, anti ail othen cabinet mooda. SeIng machines anti ail parts Usereof. Sait wb'hesr ho eulk or In baga. îacks, barrels or otlier package. Roman, Portlandiand otiser bytiral- le cement ant itme. What Happned. Fate--Dit jeu ca)1? ombotuntr- Tes. bultaM. ent WordeÊ 4w aff. - IPOS Ia 1 'S Ii Fira C4»a.of Ouch Imprleonmeflt lno. Madoro Assumeti Uway. Mot.rey, MeX., Aug, 2.-The firet a&met and Ilnprivoument of a newoau per qditer ltu tiiicountry aInce.thé Méisdero party carne loto power ha&i juit oceurrati ai Torreon, wlsara J. Deaar, editor oetICI Popular. of that clty lia@ bien thrown ln prison for' pibliabing a tatement tbat 200 Ma- derta t ere towus of that mectlon.1 Desar liae matie appeai ta thte min- iter et gobenacion, Ftmillo Vasqu4z Gennez, for bils lib)erty Hia arresttand tmprIoeonmont bas caitîset mucb excite- ment i TorV*n. Càrrigle Pensions Toth. *pitt&bur#, Pa.. Aug. 2 -Antiy Totit, w1e 'fti rileaueti from thte pen- lentary bçre laet Mincit ater sqrVlng twenty yeafi et a life term tor a crime lie dld not commit, bas been Placet Ont the private penalels roll cf Aiîdraw TO DE CUREDAÀND TUE lIORSE WAS Communiçation is Sent From Canada ta General Overseer Voliva aofZDon City Woman Tells HoW Horse Went Lame, end It Was Thought It Wouid Have Io Die iFrom wedneedays St7N.) Tite fllowlng letter la extracteti trom thteZMon Leaves of Healing*and shbows ithe remarkable answer te a iwayr Ili ~d te a<ift iqb '- o - - JUDOteli 1, 11 , rtr h c agoi "Dear General Overser ;j la Mardi I sent a roqent for ltiy f1 The R. N. met kast night et tihe M. for Our bay mare; ohé wu asoittIf «4W. À.l411ltu regîîiar p""ion andirfter lame ln ber four legs ahe ceulti iirdly the Vaguar business' \ýatransacte#c walk ohé would law down &bd - PCI tmewa n'loedbyail preaW could flot make ber move. Soma-ue nt. Refreshments were1 serveti and she bad corna andi foundereti. WIIP al had a very enjoyalble tins. yoîs prayeti for ber she commenceti È>i get better', now e aiecau work itrgl Mrs George McKlnney la entertaîn.. aloeig with the other hors..and îng her nophete anColie. ef Lapeer' can run ai fauta».the. otiier Iliei*ii5 ch. for a tii' days. "We prase Qed for Hia CXtUA5a I G thînk Goti for wht iea telle bc e eg te Wasit ti s Cityf Aurerts i lsten te Zion teecina. vuinivIIrIDtsctyetda, lthank you for your prym.M Mns. E. Green and da"sgiter. M 9tý crtare &pouding several day. le Ged blees, you and keep yenoand id . arl Zion. Mn. Kt. Wolcott.' 'f 34j. iHenry Ilenker bas. reiure4' frem inW.sconn iliehgspeutsi Befl, "ieyn wlse Mon. Mrerdîme. He b ka fine string "Oh.yes alsyî:et ege i 1 of u ls tiihi ided among thé COh. enlant s utale 1 -1+ esn0lthé ire department. A Forceful Illustration 0f olue,%~< Te Clou. the Remainder of Iast WeelL's Puxçhase gf,4Q fi4â Mf. Alschutet Co., w.e alÏa éfer tmtsuiel UnapproachabIe 'Prices. Wash Tis' Wah Tiea-A fine assort- ment of plain white wash ties, 25e values, Saturdavy, eaeh 17c 3 for 50e Moits Straw Hats Âuy Man's Straw Hat in the houâe at They are $2.00 and $3.00 values Men's N.gligee Shirts M"i' Ne~,e Shirts - Witb r wîh~utcol1ar, al colot@, $1,25 and $1.50 valuëï, at. 95c- 'ffi's UnIon Suifs 1'50oul en'sUnon Suita - DeiÏby -ribbed ' 'in cream color,- v'ery durable, al sizes, special at LAAr£ This assurtmenl la This assorîment la cesuprîseti of egisiar compirîet ut $3.0-Ji $2.00 anti $2.50 gar, n 40grins menti, ail sItes, sale ani$0 grins price ail sltii, saile prîce 1.29' 1.95 This lot la ces- î,ilaofut$6.00 anti $6.00) grmenta Ile alzea, sale price 2.98 Bathing Suits Must Go J.ades' f i n e bathing Oirls' navy bitte hathing luit s, miade of blaek ia- sitsb, sizes 8 to 14 vean, terial, iiiel 'v trinuned, richlY trimmend in red marked for quiek clear- and white, remarkabty ing, each lwpriced at, eaeh 1.75 1.48-1 Pongee Coats $2.98- A lot i f elegant pongee eoatkiiu natural and hamboo shades, large eollair in hlaei." tau mîth eclored piping, an iinusual value at... .. .................... White Felt Hat8 -Tlie New Shetland Veils--1ro mostpoplar tyl, tii- he worn with white feit mos îpîlarstle i ihat or arn light colored trined, in, a hat, now in great de-ý vait fshape! 1.98 i nand, special - e _nâ ýâ qË g ; - - 'I Children's Dresses on Sale At a Tremendous Réduction Clîîldreîî s dresses, made of fine gînghams and per- cales, square neek, ~s1eeves, sîzes up to 9 14 years, speeialîs pîieed for Saturday at, eah , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SÛRk and.Lingerie Waists, Silk and fine lingerie waists in ail white, also allover embroîdery waists, and lingerie waist with colored embroiderv, ecearing price95f, at, ecd . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Fancy Bi1k Uibbons- Boys' and girls' black -Wide, large assortment oemdimrbdaI to select from, 25c val- hsmdu ibd i usaa sizes, 15e v . t y t,............ 15C a pair ......e..t.. la Shoes thàt arc record bitakers for al past offerings LaiS' Id'ros Ladies' Red Cross oxfords and plimps. shown in al leathers and styles, some stylos in alI sizes,-others in'- - snia, sizes onl:v, $310m and $4.00 values, Saturday at, a apair Choice of axiy odd pair or b enlots qf- ladies' oj fodail leathers styles, $2» 0and 83.00O tetomorrow at, a pair-7, IL79 .#en's Oxàfiïîds Mien,'%- oxfoids in patent- loatber, dul gnd tan leath- - ers, ineIuii* Douglas; ,$3.00 and. $3.5 oxfords, c1eariJ3g at,. a par ChI4.~'sShees "Ailt of ceildren 's black. and tan shoces, lace aad strap styles, dizes Up to 2î - -special t., a pair *El ,AJk -v. * SELFI 0* ,-Lot No. 1 -Lot No. 2 -Lot No. 3=1 YILL an "Tley Tis e1 asu, 17 IaWaltlni brterm moSa l idla 125 Nt blm bur Ail ai W- Vau te ltai vi fi eit. *wtcketi -bad OU years a ysars a #stea No omn lad, I. sud et -childre oni1 otier be bec jonrne thse ti of Ch * ddv a cousIn The t Thse tol

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