1 a,. ~ il'... .4 I~. s' f. lie' Att la. ~ eu~ axa air les C'Si5S bWm evdjnad « tr hm lI outo »tvaeMktIlblcsgoibpar lu n.h~ Fk.kw b W. Iw, fatairudabrand 0 4i, lqilo, - " - -B s~ l~ls~vof vabie ay , tal a, î qns.Seeelld 5rfor toe e$P1Jdisalit ber ÀWhu nCi a«bt o i"ao vleStlsg O. E, fldsait Vs&oi, bW aTom. uT ber btaIlus alie mlarb e lbeRoundLae,mSa T6s~, iir od m..Ohn rottas'. aejiso sd dM&7atsvM.Maasl 10AIIUII e romt r, Wt.. leks, a supper sug ransausd umi109. l Mus. Minta..ogileta! RounldLiar, 'titi Ml« ouary T an aion,, i A .ias ebflrcbthe Wuidai vieil . Mranias fiaii l Tlodkark, vmIplbter aliter, ins .,Webbsud their ai athemetig .dess lira.Tukay of New Jersey, left Momdi to liist Mmre. elen u a aIRoete', Janat. LeVoy eaon!n;MU. and Mie SStInaleVo, bas bien viek tbe poit iveek. Msny s Sufferlng Woman T AWe n satalot theire iiung. to touadry Ce..4Ail rk guarateoi '('At s klo gmnU fâr fipsiding dé4âe al**tportbit gooa.' TMAT aI fimlae ue are dit- apl5iâ wlil~UcalIfLlo.8yn buy stem Mo vo. l f yoe a »o noMug.- Uselii gond fi« ip*Mt veVMmi ta lknoW 11. DIt a, th :w Ourn competllori ca"'t'aquaré Our aScouto DRUCEDWC TsL Gesya*hi l, Ndoç,mw ZU1WI I., a, o a e 1 GET YOUR SPRM AM suMmEW suITS Draga taseseif uoinhslli 'dslly 15*>, lsrlug f va ai ai a~~otlta UGO mE ewoml himat 4.- Voler IMitai pille mine qule4 rejief tram pâta mud~liie7 mud5~>UPl velum ta JAJiNS 4O~~10 4tuin0*DOii~ T~IE TÀU.OR £hly'N~I~ Forasimbir pli lleulmts. Ie Wheu Serving HOLLAND CREJIMBAY 0 BUTTER >ouare servingthe mot sANITAIy *. butter43old. az it ic. the only butr ehurned. * eut, prlnted and wrapped by -machinet'y. Our * room@ are models of neathean and elmânlness, with ail employees in white uniforme.. * Holland brand of bt4ter îu char"&8 ln the conntry front selected pu" cream nid uold in * pound cartons by nearly ail,8 *t cle grocers. 4 An entWi and satiifactôry adjuneit to every meaL. Thie lutstpread . eqixal to -th fmt A fair trial will demonatruteltsuproty FOR Sm£E *y WW. CaT%9I &Smu Cork4tt & 71Arderc LiBER114-~ LL GEO. W UN EsTADIIemD na4 Nat a ns Orae for Ji>Work Adw.rt[slns qatsaOn Application 1flessNorrie of Owtt4a, iaa guis1 a! mise Aices ait, Sedasisud Sondai. bue L.119 r eturued ta ber home & aI WsuhsgaaMandai, sitar ipendlu ir tw la 0with MWsAidait Loftma. aglo misemari #&4% ofLibertivllo, as Ob gtaet 01 -e, sund lm,Citas Kapeanavr Bwdai. Ums dîia D«b*y calilaat, veturnad Tue.Wi*ia 4 m&JOw dayi ta frian u is h7 'Ph. Grsyulslee *ry bOcli mt wîi hmW a. J. Lamttusat tPltrsa. mi Aidait batusifft Mod"a a Orna WlamlglO lii londay for lmg s seu t IZiada, Ws bi l (dtW WYD01io! Dvuma Grave, cnton Wýi&bum n sd famil aPet aileeVWa,'aturuid bau.Sq~ir s#slugs4r pebdilas iiv5i4*~êvtitresiv aud Id& tir. a" -ho I..Lngioag, t aar spsolmg lt. muTâ»tu' a OnaMOialo, rspeâteî stdin hiChicago eesnl. lisihue t" tlt toap loea cake. Druce Dibd00.' Ur. sud lire. Justin Baldwin sod g lamoty viii mono into the John Roa1 hnereWi vbctecs hi Mr. and lir WrM. alorau W!,ar mi mi urhanse iecntl'vacated by Dr. Mr.,Odell, Operator ai the, tower, is 1r rrof wauconda, called on friands bpesTnsdai. .The mauy friendsofai eo. Thomison are glaci tu sme hin out Igain f Mir». L. à. Lamnb of Chicago, je vleting ber sgter, bd ra. ls (40den. ire'. U lusl of Ingieside, clled. on fiends bore Moidi. .Miss Maude A. Turner #pont last Thureday wttb ber ParenU tsntiOch. lira. Frank Lumber of Ingleslie. visitod friends bers@IfatTbursday. limlasuMadeinyder of Lake Villa, visited frimedabers 1ai week. Miim )abel Falrman o1 BenedictIl Nbtsh, cal1(don frende bers lit Frldaî. lire. D. a. WIft sud ebldren rtutnid 1m weilk Wedaeas hotu DarsMd, Win., ?'bout .lly mli-ifrom BSt.Paul,' wbere ihey drove wltb 1fr. Whlte in lte 'Phare 'viii lu peclal Ei-augen service @syhe asLake lMetodili Epiacopal.- cbureh camurnecng soai,. Aug. 6tb, c.c Au, 131h Inclusive. Prograu of services: Bundai, Ang. 6, nt 11:00 a.-tm., sud 7:45 p. m., 1ev. 1. Austin, pasiOr UMindây, Ang. 7, at 7:45 p. m., Pastor. Tneeda, Ang. 8, at 7:45 p. M., Pffstor. Wsdnedai, Aug. 9, and Thuvaday, Aug. 10. ai 7ý45 p. --., Bey. John Arnold, Lake Villa. Prlday, Ang. il, at 8:00P. E., 1ev. W. 0. ghephard. Chicago. Suda, Aug. 13, mnt il a. m. snd 7:46 P. Mu.,Pator. Speilmui, good mituging and short F.vangelimtiC addreees at each service. Ail .welcomte. Corne. lila Gertrude Manicolmn went to Chcago Mo nday for a viil with friende. -Mia. Evlyn Mareli ad daughtero, Fthel and E'elyn3, of Sterling. Ill., are vlstlflg B. B. Marih and familY. J. Girogs of Racine, Wls.. wae an over Buday vltor wth M r_.and Mi@. Keller, Mr, Tituns wss sucefflful lu ItldiD wtir oun te Giltrnore faim laet Mondai atIa deptit of 245 tnet, the water relug wlhln 190 fuot o! the surface. Mir . Ohbard aud son fleorge (A &UtülWer* vieitor., wth relatives here t4elutntithe week. 'XI, 4 Mra. Kapple o! Lake Villa, sud 51lis. h.pple of Albuquerque, New Me« »t. tili ndai at the Ueo. Kapple Mv laharnwas eroulyInlured Tusdaiirblstbreeblug for Ueo. PerrY. Ueul1rfiataek. reakiug bis collai lila sAn .ir rha es asufiorlng In- * i SNeille snd Jaunie Bak of Evanstpa, vlited over SundaY witk sue 0%Od famufy. V EvretlMarrh entertslmaed tIi ýiTjl Méaodty ouThuradai 01twil WÉ paiiCvSno -'-J .4; .,L~7 J 4-' .. ~ -. '~..*k.¾,v.,,; retuu liauto lter. 'Phono ir a a gond minout a# tbe Ull'gtovi lait Sturdai and evrj- ans reçonbsd s6,19e ime.1 A baad 91aboiai lsenti gipsies drone lno to lv TiauresyDoion lait veel. Th.y Wdtour bg wagons and vers titi1 gonnine iyiwol <71lul. xwlsiejeé it" Nellie Beake van gn Oa si1l lter, Wamter Beale1 Dr. W. Kf. cIOOlibs moved bIs fatui lioth ie James lai boume ou Cner1 Messvs.BmMeemlaUland Shaffer sud liasir fanuis e fO sta U'icmglai-t ridya u ber aMllOsh. POU'# fog t s Firemns'.Picole An«. Stn. CS»ne0sudbavesa good th»n. Tbere mu lu a & a"e at Wholock's1 b*UoitTnsd ffnlug. I he ight 01 titi lreeuun'ipieute.Music by Maaon'm Tb.GrMylakolhuis bas been sold tb Peter ltflîOam ýVau kegau, formeuly wth th.. Ws*auGazete, the neir1 prpaiott ti~ osoeion the tirei a! 3 bis mentit. 52iilllocato lu the John Wahbncrit, l'* tut a at 1Mr. Srsît wili do la et kAioWu. Bfalgo Bilai'WIId -Wst aud Pairne Bille' (se Eàssi abowo at (ir&Ysake Iowetrie tboaire TUl5d.ai evr'tlug, Aug. S. kY'oor lase. changeta cee t bis shair. 1Admi5ilO25- '-. c41-1 sa »isBail Notes. dl The Galas -~itc ere defeted TIuideyUortlix and we'vî mml b.âd théJ beest s,'UM.lJne4. 1910. , lira. John Raarbaur aud daugbterg Marie sud Pearl of Waukegau. viatsd Mdondai at M. Hoganu. ises (abel sud Lucy ltedinoud of Chcago, spent part o! la"t week at thoîr oncle's, JiEn Kelleia.4 John Hoffmau irasin Waukegan ou business on Mondai. Leable rs, bave juat tluished the mnaon vork on thte Bacon Bridge north 0! Riamell. William *nd James Strabnan sd Ama Patcb tarted 5onday Sor the Dakota harvot ieSlda. MimaGertrude Nortkw nop la pélng ber anuaurrvactiou villaber paret. Mfr. sU4 Mm .C. i. mortèmrop, --. lim,.William Oliver. balngundiagone su opratton &a b oipial lu Mlhaukes fo @rma soval of a cataraci trou ber «yè, i agmia boainud la rsovenlag empdlj uitev@ry amuance of restored Thp MIL buccla peuple viii bold tbeln suul H3wlu PlmenluAmw e'Grave onuThureday,Aug. 10. Elahoratepr$Par- tilons sâteblon umade for mani amuse- menus »d s gond tînue. Tbe waloome cala bas arrlved ab luil, muci to be deigît of evribodî. Tb@ Ladie' AUideetî met Thuraday &iteanoon illa Mma.E. A. fleves-. Un. J. L. Suer la quite poorlY. MrM Il. Sher ai Ketiosha, le carfug for ber. Mrs. a. P eterson sud cidIden aud Clara Effluger -of Waukegsu, opent a portion or the wesk witb lire. E. P. siver. MdIss Quayle sud tbree neice o ofa Park, "in a part of te wek. sab A. C. Besie Bravwe o! W duirarth, mOent a day witit,,hr ululer, Misu S. C. Brao. meure ~ ~ ~ ~ er o!1 ç ,TeAhpie Austin are ha'rW& .s vocation aI 83)t1D tc minushe in a i>su Chamudndrssob semuan, and MiseWà' mor rai tVbandlaPpd.A. D. Capri@avu& a Waukegan visitor h Shultes "AI.! Bler" croperd bate vith londay. "4Syles piders" et.tteCongregational c t3unàay sciool pirnie lat Saturdai, score being S ta. 1lia favor o!1"«Schultz FO>RT'ILL . The thleikv viii play Kenodba Sun- Mfr. sud Mra. A. J. Brasier mient Tuées- dai on the borna graitode.day lu Waulogfan, , Pitcher Lon*bfflh bashuebn laid np Mr. sud Mri. Linca!n Lual of Lberty- uit alaa. asabut . IIIi h te boxlleapent Sondai at Lusk Brau. a agalu Sudai..NlckAudemransd tamix. entertinedI Thle eraçlale Atletics will pla i Innda o!fChisnge over bandai. Waucouda et " lTreman'e picole net Mis" Phyllis Paddock v iinr' Tuiiay. ug. th.relativs luWaukegn athlu veek. ComulcpgA4201h lte rayaluke Ulsa'Lttis Butlkîi ha bas boea ,AthIfl euvi.ipiq4te Bookelellr Ite vsu litng raume. bii, ratiI'sdW W lier s aoiris o!fiJresiSIlmilD*. ~ SGeaja home lu Llhertyvllle Tueay avmalu%. la0eone ai Rolkelhsr sud aobatlî Miss Zella nue" reburnkd la Loke the thîr d mii . plset ett1h. LoIs Zurich lait Weduesdalter apeadlug s CoUnny Fair. Tise liea .toamaare feu ireekq ai ber homue bers. emdoubtedly ai equ elly atslbed se ani M,. sud Mr@. A. J. Brewîr enteta'ned tire, teama lu the eouuly *ad tbe game Mr. sud Mma.S ramICremîn a! A ,'., promils ta o ho itemstiW. ' asuer,1Mr. sad Mr». (Gus. Krnnirsn a!. ________________________Autiocb, is A Edlh Derby of Wiluaol, hante iu Wanloga. I extond con. Wln., sud John Brairer o!fIlvayalake, ou gralulationu. ,Sudai lait. Rer. Dr. Shbophard wilt'taot prsach en Hdrti' Lual sud lla Kathynu Doel 8unday mornitig a au lvoustian- @peut SundayiqlaWakegan. uovinced but viliiprseb ê FnVidai oven- full at S o'clock. Al Vetome. Corne TAYLOR -GROVE. sud oar lm.Dont fargel thal Ihors wint ho s 1.-.-- .se.----.~ harvest picnlc lu Amui' grave, losecrans, S ROUND ]LAX Ij li., Aug. 10. TeolaIl your frindmsud C 0, came àud bhlip mairs a gond tume. A Otto and John Brin a!1Cicagoare good dinner mil ho .ervvd. opeuding a few dais mitb Frank Mr. sud lira. leo. Bastian epent Sun- lîsckoral. day with W. H. Breyer. Ted Kitubalilo! Sf;. Loolu, Mo., s e u lr.JbF Glig !Wue spendlng a&couple o! viols wtb li@eaaevstn eaie ee onc.le sud aunt, Math KIabeîl and uife.gnaeviturltvsbr. (Gus lianes sud Jeromue Madison @peutt Mr@. Weo. Boing audIý*a. WIliI losing Sudayinl Zion City. @peut Sundae n i îhrlie. Ann obuddadBotcld Lflia Baner viited t eoa. Cleveland'@ oun ionembhors Suu4y.' clle Fd Ly M John Duncan returned Wedueday md u ansd motb ligt Monday !rorn Grand Rapide, Midh. maning for Sbeuob, W.te~ t attend the Më ayHwissetSna !uuerai ofa au ot lr.Mr akissetSua with relatives boe. Demsie (loblenîz o!fiai Plver, £1., ls spending a week wth Elo. Ighlentz aud Mi. sud ire. UGo. Lwin haro been famliy. qutte siek, Dr. Lewinu attending tbern. lire. Citas.' Breinard la on lte gainiMi». Ueo. Bartlett and Mite Efale aller au operation for sppmudicitis at1 Devine called on relatives bore Thuidi. ber home Fridai rnornigg. Elsie bas a vony bad baud. Frank Fouderson lfe ftor Rot Spîtugq Fanmera bave their grain etacked sud Colo., mitere e leutfusjoê blé vacationu. sue awaiting the tbreghîug machine. Mis. Burt Paddock' 1sud daughter Se veral trorn lbore attended the Green- Pilils pet Mandayil a Webkegan. Wood Cemeteri' social at Yok Bouse . 1 1Wedneoday ight. Ed Se1,1er o! Chfcago, Wi sponding a_________ welkab te borne of q.aag. _____ ________ Frank Bilai viuiitted laishome in Lbertiville Sundsy. .tGRE MartinuThelen vieilli eudeIin Me al uhsl fligwl Bichmond Wednesday .vsslpg. M@ al uhsl iiigw lire. WiII Hirouimus Lucy Dunnill relatives ab Mi Ilburui. qiet Woedadi n Vo Ralpb Chitteuden waq a Chcago AI Fialey le! t or IhW' vacation ln visitai Tueedai. Cicago Mondai.lire. Edgar Vose 'enlertalned bi John Daly reigned bW naItion w'tb h tr the ]Porait Gloi reahvCb. Manda. istrfrorn Chicago lait mcml. Leu.0 Wilams ~ le bflng Chas Dr. Young returued Sudai svenlug là ls, l iemat5,~- froni hie trip ta Denver sud other West- ern cies. lins. Leura Wakefield vlited Mis; Chas. Cape lu Racine lait mel. Mies Cinthla Vou a!Evanston, speut Lait vweel itb relatlree boe. lirs. John Beunetl peul lait Fridsy sud Satntdai lu Chicago. Aer Crittenden o! Ruseol, upeut Sup. day mitb trieutia bero. lilasMabol Loteof !Waukegan, epeut Sudai vit ber parents. sa ci lce vg M. A. Ralaman Was a Chitcago vsitor a few dais lait week. WIII Kietschner of Chicago, came ont ou hie Lnotorcycle Wedoeeadaî snd re- turaed the following day. Ch»s. Biner of Delevan. Ill., Was a viltoir at the Eatingvr homne Saturday sud udai. Bra. RBesue of our village @peuit gaturday sud Sunday in Chicago. loyd Wilfianis and Robertt Smth o! Des Moie. Iowa, are vieting] Mr. and Mrs WIliI Huson. lira. Jobs frost snd daughter. ,%Ia, Wll Husn, vlalied relatives lu Kenosiha sunday sud Mondai. Miosme and, sud Laura Rtînger woue lunlte oty Moaday. Monter Arthmo4fnoblo!. Kumomba, li mpedlng hie vaislon init hie parents boe. Willt Front and rd E.d are Chicago vWstors a 1ev dojote isweek flarvey' Qardlaer sud WII uson drove to Nunda Moadmg viare Giardiner old bis ho ansd bow lt.0., Hale. Mie. A. Paddok aceompmale ber daugliter Pbylll ansd niplair Rarld lentair le Waukeosa Tusida. Mrs. Paddock returned "b. mrne 4sy sud Pitylîla viii et.ay for a woek's Viair. Mm MharlesRanght sud danuhter, re. bil Atterbury, vlmted miatiues lu Zigla neverai dais tis wmil. YORK 'HOM'E At York Boýuse rhurch, prehng ai 130 e. ni. amud 8 p. M. Thei cemetery social hold aI Mis.ý Mar-y .awklne' lait Wedueeamr eveninig %4" Wel attended. Miiémande pais&ms Mmculut frein towuititas bei a'a lad 01 Young people. Mies Bildearuard Hause, 'mitabas bepn vitlug at lia. Q. W. Weil*' sud David Adame' tot thE pamt veek, bas ratmrued te Ciicago. John Jabuson callod ou hie fiendas bors this viOl. tbrongh Iowa 1ait riday. .Daveuud WIlIIruin upeut Sudai st tho home of J. L. Burria. Mr@. Woaley C! Wankgan, la vlalalng hor brother, B. L. Willou. Lira. Lincoln Egbtert, lira.GeorgeLoir and daugblor Ilsatrice, atided S lwu >*rtî lpSI.- B&urday afterlloou at Dr. DegtrnePeane Tlclluou'e. TitÊJF rport asVraniplissat ime. Mrv. sud Mms Frank Survis. Th. Siner Brotherasliront Russe!i, eaim damn Baturday aiinoos ýaupet s Copalo on David Adamns' ban. THIS 18 CERTAIN The Proof That LtbeutWVifl Readers Cmnot Deny of the eMfclenc4, o! any resdyltas lias tos-1tm.hoisoaidmo e0Oopl testlly that Dosna.Kîdua i Plle cure psr- En5itut.li Uratelul sndoremmntas bould prove undoubtsdly the meriti of Ibis reWsdr. Years mgo poopid righl lu Ibia loc1ty tostflod io the relIef tiaey bad derited tram, the ue0o!Dos's Kldu.y Pille. They noir contirm their tustmonals. They mai thatlme bau coWleted the test. George M. Funuay, 23 Douglas Ave., Elgin, Ill., may*; "I iras truubled bi diabotea and klduey complmlut. for over a yian d the doctors 1 conulted dld not blp me. Flpatty 1 lugea an " Doeu's Kiduey PHiland tbei proed 10 ho jus% tbe mediine 1 used.d, linafarovlng My condItion luaccimrai. The abovoe tatemuçlwu irai gIon Marcit 5, 1907 sud on Match 18, 1909 Mir. Fuunay msld: "I have udt naed Doa'. Kiduei Pllu ince I endorSed tbein lu 1907, a@ 1 have had no vs- curreuce of kldnoî coroplalut 1 am very grateful for tis permanent relef.", For@sae bymlldealers. Prîee 0 cents. Fomteî-Miliburno . Bfao i ak sole agent for the United State. Reniomber the, nâira-Dosx'&-and take nouta îer. 42-2 GRA14D FIREMAN'S PICNIC Tuesday Aug. 8 Iksters GOrove 1,00 o'clock Blue Bock Sboot Vs. WoI*kýe 2:00 o'clock Rodes, Tag o! van, Etc. 3,00 ocelock Base MW]IGkac 4nafl Athltics vs a uoa, ne BWL9INGMd*M gond. Wbe*«"b"r n . ik J ÇOE! AH ~ND YU PAUIL DR, 0. P. rrp ubenivmfl. MIol, DY, C, Y, GALLYAY, , oiseauonua covt.a'iaune mm PAUL SMAC GUFFIN ATTOBJE! AT LAW. lÀbe"Isynfl, hfInol m suoles 12".1*09Vm DL OOLDUI irilla r. J.. yMd 1-P mo.IeS Lliire.SMOUL' DLit . L .TAY=OR Dr". t . vu ileffl ttlltV41&I*.ILL Imm"'! 410 Nigmlt FARrilSAÏMS oNO pi* GaiE PHOSIE lui. Hlenry SineS S$à CW orOk orxxo &fletisS &IJCTION!ERNCc O PM Contracter mi B.dtd Ettimates KFuua. 04. r qàf ail b. su. d the vin o1e1. *olvaIn m-q. bâc office of the *uDg" la et Our et@ for th. imbali a1mraliroad Ë«W*idr he biI. m 11 sud -Il , 1 (Muai