CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Aug 1911, p. 4

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pUe. e1sbkud (., 1. P&lltor's isme s lel*une No. 1141. Liesyfll. Eaosotge ,., Eeierad-t tsus postôffe et Liberty.lle. fl.. sa secni C1 N atter " . liseii ses>tru r e M WZWKLY. AMV5STIYIWG 5AT 5MA" KNOWP ON A]PUOArt(o1( 04Of o« FInd , oa towea b asoue 0 , W*hiia un 8 U180O111IIION PRICE 31.60 PER YEAR STRIOTL Y IN ADVANÇE Plae, ïe. q h WO 0"*O14 P $FJ1ANK IM JUST............. . ..- ...... ....... . ..... . ................... tOr o bMeo 4Lk IW fI Ma' 1a n-ti i. ewe fffY L..HUBBARE)............ ....... ................. ................ City Editor <*%Y! t.olu-.lm"£44 PRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. Eah v1ator #roll"ycia Motity "d LOCAL PATRIOTISM; ______ j lilulesingular how casnob of peope wlil yll thamselvos hoarse rootlflg for B leIir i ob htaciao u iprw 't or. the home boiltoam, viic wculd *ot givO a dollar to establish a ,iew lndustry ilt Itb rf~ lnWaukegan, nor woud thay taits the trouble to suggaat to friends.contqTii- -'d and Mr. meliw S abo*sd islt=s 1 plating a removal that thue would b a gocd town te, live In.franloset-ect u The Intense partlsanahlp rmani*ffsstsdaany athlollo sport la behalf of the tor eu.os ever tic for Genou vkeé th* 16 home tsam indicatos a céné1drobi, smatiment of home loyaity; t la an.ui1cei- The work et plotting course« for n,.. 'Mr in huct 0et a "d i gm flah sentiment. The men on tha bisachege dosa fot get a nickel addition te the. varions O'e&Ud-, und ovrwater alaped wAUI b ip ané la tii. a%"itoe hi& agfea on account of the vlctory of the home tsam. races of the -interutlUonai aviation fwrved *gai). Th.e «SI» la etbw 0f course ln mony Instances ho me> have moaey on the. arne. But Our- mee that wilfl in l Grant park asaile c Mne réyatil ae>sB observation la thet the bttor le ton worriad to chter. It la the man wh. ueit troin Bsturday wII) beilatoday. b uda e qia apMd la0 lesa -* wanta hi* home taam to wln from simpljk home ioyaity that mals the noise. Frank X. guêd, chairman al the ihow- 54 * -m power. The towas iliat have growa populous, powerfui and wiaithy, that have contet commtteq ai j. E. Stspbiia. 'T1he SPAO.itue colts tire. atea Why la lt that this sentiment la no aboumdlng et a trne wha It dois no chef engineer fll leuti a deiOgatOil nton "e e galle*SU, mai e i.rsi es resUy vital good, and go laGlIng wliia there lu aoms rosi aeed for Ia ex- t dit w travel noFtb up tbe laetr p aaie Presion.shbe InluasbOtOrn boat tue W61 4dittauCe et i*t milo esackiwg bcorne cre contera of Iadustriel lite and cheriehod locations fOr rosides>céi rarklng spots troml Harrison et-eet 'Th. car lte i by the ew*. h a v b e c o m e g b c a u a i co rne m il g ro u èp o f n o v e d th e s e l a cf t iie c i f0 L a b o B lu ff w h ire a v ia to rs a y m ad l a s u t te n v a "Im :J gail te time for tht home clty. Suc j>h me spe*id il e t la m ot cri e ce e uieccrY aim for lit tbgt lu thds motor tey uèim... . ............ ... ............. ....................... .......... Aviators Wili Cailry Matpa. have overceine the dlfflcuitiec wiiiels And the mainspring cf this action le usucl> c homo patrlotlam dlfFerlsginvtrl alecupit ibbv eeofr rvee esre tny rom that of the crowd et a bail game, la hcvlng c widor and mors vital cal>fr t eprsio.a inp of the land Anti laite la the tion of gasollue motor cars whlcbvilii 0.4 fo lay oprail of sdo- rg Ylelnty of Chcago. These wifl be roc. It hla ellconstriieteti. lth en- ma>notailof c d lage higa for our town. Nt àchiot us can b.ellbefrsuysvts ir i-tacao lbnsd utecne pracîdents of boards cf irado ,andi land neIndutrlea.But If overyiA etfus forla die frme u et. ay ,, r0d p o ttNwidw.ld te cne r u tcok avory posile occasion tosy tht this cty la e corklag gooti place teore the me vt ng c prat pr ho~ oilt ette rear wbcb mage tes ;Ive aad do buiness l, or uslng one,mnort formai expression If we obiect tle lise heiesyete ordant a-ek cous-aif an Oe atiu thcar i e as- slfiega swid peadlng cduce of *trLotio sentimojt would b. set icose, the te odes etrdyulr om tan s O terÀ i aor . i neyr smehaf whhch wouid be IncalculableWeb< > ~ ~ ~ <fTi -j ak l hr a umr field. Wtbln aaestthe tadîni Tisf..mleth hrdcrinsr ~~ a-it 70.000 seat, wiii be.fluisheti. TIi vice onutheIs ias. The t-cat la now be- Boom Oan't Drve uto Unesrt.hSeond SpeClm.n tit>'1f00t steel sylon-witb tbelr cou- Ing Prolected trou' iMarengo te Wood- Ofit.s011, Mo.. .ly 3I-Under ths A mastotiosiq tuak aa uieartbstf ulng foyWer, for tbe observation of the atoebk. by wiy cf Union.' Wben ibis Uv b oe f heesa OM fYera---are aitlnl position. strlp Of fifreen milles le compîstedthei MiW, etate automobile 4w,- effectieb u tteeem-bvlcs a-mrow twlulibe a feiony for 5lwrtgl i.Ùia au Noia Bulletin Board Deignid. tir linaitlu the hue froni Sycamore .., IUOTW l estern pits. Ths niakesa Use wcond Ibirorc . idesbite t datc ilb noeai luItoilcateti permets te drive an auto- speciment of fhila ing tound lu.tiis atî eaeE.WiesbsteitcWosoi -i i uoeain -imehbie. vlcinity, but tiisa cne, a-blet vas fakeo te tbe associatiIon yestinday a designs At the PreffsPt tiene througli Service "nuiougt sceoet c a ît> au o ut et a tieitb of 60 feest w55 lot lnifor tbe big bulletin boarda-blet vas froni Sycire mte Marengo le Impeti- Thrug a niletofa it &dao as gocd tatce o f preservation as.tise ý'1I odiane ndthe tatO la- St eue found previoualy, asli embo teatatlvsty accepteti. Ta-o foot nu- nil b> refusai cf tise MlwaukW te Loufe la Ititel>' te sufer a logesof etve- ta piecea a-len exposei ,te Ucair. nierais te lie hung on tbe board will aIlOa the new line t ct-sesat grade lu ais. The. cty licenie tee lisbeau sbowlug that It muat have been but-ld iteep the crowtis hiormeti as te thse Genea and cane are eperattie luta- beueatb the surface for huiidts o progresa 0f tbe races. CaPl;ain Wilde Section%. trous Sycamore te Genoa sud 11.The tate Ia prolthbita a cii>' years. Tbe specimeut was takeu to vas able yeterday ta decipher gev.friRe Gelios to Marengo. fron soolectlng a greater tax tbBi eicg for eibblfion.-Barringlon. rie ienmraa itnec 'tkiat tbaeged b>' the state. A state Il- Reslea-. rlothnueasaadiacef jae viii ecet froni Il ta ,12 for .~600 feet. The bulletis board a-lul ie Wseyna.yuls fhul 4 intOMtbU% according te the. herse Re"thedi furniabeti rooni ada in the mucis doser tbau this te tbe seat. Your enal Yen Wils- satipfled we du paper tody-and tison write a BET- Stands. îthe. thuz riit, waa it. [.InnTvsi-VvlL iLutilicS 0Q. c-45-2, lIe n»w ia- Sxei the spéeeti lt TERiliune. liiand yen a lotiger. ,»rtuaoilile tlches. on ceunit-y Your lîtti,- cicits viiiail lire Il yoti Due Of tbc -places aayertisd for- Oul1ed lRed Comb Cick Starter. SooM noly i It ts a. jobi fora ant. aut Do" TrOst tc4a8y a-oul make YOUPS ICMN anti acres r«atInltersetîcuya. bo, ,L Lumhber 00. 25,t LZAVE 1? TO A PX&CAJIDi -0 HMponlia I~ 55 a~ i ~u.psw, "Urwe tutu M , lý cO tekei Co0iiv.IUos, fur lIebo of c %n*a. olo us ct crmî mon igoW. aatm * MabsiL -Oas -CAE*oLL* nosed ui Dijeetot., Swâswkoeqi4oui~I4Lb moi. *lkbieirm;yc&me a geofine advcrtmonut nemnember sai lus vol-ds of acif-Praise and dcscription came frou thse original aslvertsamcuts cf iii. Msfrbhotd Roofiag maker- TIle Paraffiné Paint Co. of Sant Francisco and Chicago Twenty-Z xyearm igo tîhey said cf'thcir rofiag al thse ulce iiigs tdat arenow nid cf every oîhcrr nomg. Irhcsc otiscra" hm e ida theïr word- initcd dicir method- but di"y cannot duplica te quality cf Makfhoîd rocfin- it alwaya Pwu the best and always will be Whenever you sec a radinet dertisemeat think ai Makhoid thse original. H. EL EGERF Uetvle 't if lin s Ç~i~ Ii wol~ wol. V . . Aaw '*U ,dTw - iIi*WtSdSW&Ur uii z i e i o e o o Buy a Home amd stop Iaymu Remit W. sa o o" euse mutw >parmomits. cc.. sepsyteg sat, W. la lIoba camunE P"eye.t aiha-peu.. a&" withou lut.,.. Lm&eus s ea t co1ss1aut ueaFiait mptge fe" solesc.ed e.Vla sd fam rcipeet>. ità, Acli -ensd Fine leerac 0taei" ole R1am seieinc. DYMOND & AUMTN Pi... 24 0f filu las"Office A ten minute aom d111:a=nliig Put mmo asvlt ypince'b> selili s vant ad-..nà Yeul'l t prp--thgoulias"F« Bale"ad-sont. of rt me tmreas-taxes! uic io-masi' illai, yéu oP *1- *~. ,kYS - 5' r . BUFfETS Q uarteî Sawed Oak Buffet, alightly marred, wae 1818 now 1 v uartereaw8d Oak Buffet, xiionfîni8h, was $16 now $514.50 Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet. slightly marred watt $15 now $ 13.00 Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet. perfeet flot a 8erateb on ît a idgm peeof furniture, watt *28 10W $24.00 r! PORCFI SIADES 8 foot Porch Shades, natural, were $1.50 now 8 foot Porch Shadett, green, irere $2.0G now 10 foot Porch Shadeti, green, were $2.75, now 51.15 51.65 - $215 LIBRARY TABLES $11.50 Library Table - - - - $o0 $7.00 Library l'able - - - 60 AUl Hammocks at lui pere~ent discount Ail Sewing Machines ini Stock now go at a discount of 10 pet cent SIDEBOARD We have one sldeboard, loft, quarteir ,aawed Oak piarke4 down from $20. O(.to .* 11-00 REED CHlAIRS $2..50 Reed Chairenw $2.71i Reed Chaine now- $2.85 Reed Chairg; uîow- $8.00 Reed Chairs, noir »3.76 Reed Chairn, noir DIINIIING TABLES $200 $ 2.15 -$2m0 6 foot Quarter Sawed Oak Dlning Tables, round, worth é20.00 now $ 18100 8 oot Qilater Sawed' Oak Ding. Table round, wau $19m0 Dow 170 8 foMo a1 ,Diiùg Table, ronAd-,_w,-Iiw'f,9 .YJ ,!~i; Tii .. ~ Y r ~..' 'r -. - -----,, r - *~-'- -' r -. .4 - s ~ t, '~-'.4 CLEAL We bave i.f t in stock. ptawe of aipieces Offuhrwftare cf the L14ch Bi to ck W" chwe are now ffp i auabutan4ia reductions to move 'thain quicly fud - *pke room for our nelF fai oôs he arm aIl good subotuidWa pieces of furniure, fit to grace te haine. ofaayone auJ dat the prices we amËiwowakig t4ey tleey a"e exceptional $,az#ains. S«am r ina,édwhie others as .*-powee tas tey bift ti. acory. Cornelaband Iâoak th=n over. It u sa, pleattupeýfùrai Our soodgwhetber youýUY o-uiot. I --~1' 1 1 i , ýe_ i -C i t, M eii 5 ý 1

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