?RX»&Y, ~01T8T 4, 1~*1. N. PORbA hoeiI e - , >au, FOR ' baisafor er. Sm c44-t 1»~~'p. Ft. lUei~l - FbR _"am o w P lsul. or= ='s Uixar e- FR4 mAft -. bg UO ol e* aal14l vrs od.~ul edikar. - thet fobh7r ,monryef. $7500 .t oa Eftm% Il., or ddiaml'.opm -A FC)g SAIS-Xie. -rocshoue., ail good oek.u HwlrlIutt V.r. -8-t F RSlINcuodeen. 0>-"d avorocs houae.,lot 5ftsla . ia"euAve fICi'o>1Or5 Bt' tc.. là vv FOR ork ma I&. 0. il. uàtrF&LAN£.<rpsaa ïi.7 'Pboa loi or&vetlak.0 .-ti FOR BAL-3820 amta et herr -kits' lua. &4atehaw58Vaky. 920 acre undr cultlveilom. Boo. bouée, bam h " iuissd gnaqai7. Wheat wiU malih'Sbu4hel peraré uahim yersr. $241 au acre if soit! son Ctiope reered. #~000Cash. w= on hay tenue. CLA.NENCEDom, Onear. £lbow, 8mai anada.c-434A FOR sAýLE-An Oshornatrain binrar plrt clasa codItion. ilaa.natle. N. Sàns?,Ubrtyvile.Pnaoue278 1 + ~O-4liagte do <r cott- hAntLbwtrV' li. IIon pho"s -j lw" phmlu tees.. I,08-A mnailba e cetawria biO loch anud ou irsege fsudsei. rww amturu teIf. (). ieiK III 'de4 t ~~~-oo~~1 STA r r tL'tt*5}e 4orsi'ror Laj. 14 ci. Circuit Caut rsiLaie Cumul:, octobtr ret'l A. D. 1911. OhenlJI Bas vg. ClrrlaW. Tarcod, WahrS.e arutot!. g pi1. Tarctit! orr eo eofNathati 1. Grbas, ddgees" tmaetnbra or dev)*msm of *Im&aPayrs err", d-om-t!- ,Ijokmowll ocuna e'Orf pe0es lnticm.di tie vot balf lo b:. Olh ciel quater: ect ion21. Tewushlp 48 tfrtb, lita11, eet of lie Thîrd prPriad=p -, ,4a, bLais Canal:. lllluols." 1Ioo. No. 5408. ' Im in been ilet!. Notics e mtbr«WM .nmby -vatuei O ~ ~ ~ ~ M ' ataoa"a6 u!unkuecn debdau'a hi ah brvenauret!coul- <lalema hmrlôtea Sbd l lof aide thonxd and thé. a iwmeaa iblîtqmioewý et amalt!Court assise Ci>. aiidù'gd 'iant, bei~lertlb 5mt l e lors C11 .k oui'3.f ,,e Qpuryte >4 att Md prI l it laWnea - Lunl . 'pewAv. Clrk. Wauogu, lilioSJ* ý 4, A. D. jiaml . i IL~iVnpiunta NrfflCg-Libert yfl« aL;IÏe babre.tm. i.îr M. W. 1. là sldt date u ados.arrausemuamade bo 00 r*~lis on or lera' epe - ýtezd. CO WOOD FOR9AL-Aloai 110fif Oak plaai.H.0. Ft.Oou lAiue. lU. Pes.Wamaukfl, 9281- !r 45.1 ---------- PKRSONAL-l cl-ii nes b. remoonibie ferany debte centrectet! bu my wile, Mn.. u.phite Trudell. 4 .1unnL GOLO FIJ.LEO SPECTAOL&-clith carefnitit binldetfor $100 sud *p. Hava jour plamet klensaeuegetor teve »Wc brmes 1r unur' p eet lwM. Trmas tir*% IoIt! cli emtoui, otu i.00 sd aU. Mcensl'a dmupstre th* SciaS Dmp som conraiQanme et., M madbiaaWaukssu. lnt. e C0mti ,o held at the OgarBHof InWauka lu alt! aie ly. ou ou fOcteer Ax [). 1911,. aasby law requlrsi and wbMbhstili là #111 pmdtiuor. ,LmwI O. BRooewax, Clark. wrJ e8a IlaMe p7 7 .' 1 * POSTE0 KERSELF. AM 7-,«a TOI!t! heAutIwrAbOut Mie' Prince de Talleyrun'mil57. cha ;Wng frein lunch, sit t is 'ci t vsy gnrant lidy: "XoacliI bar*a 5 Fmonuaida a 4lner toulgbt a ven: ne- mrs,.Ma". He baws cnttwn la lrvl.Feor 'earen" aakt.do, tall th bim »enewy: A 4PistfoF tha lll>lary a»i for t»ibeoiand *0. te tbw s ubject. Do Dot torjt.to a"k ton Û. Duidu'. worM," , , aw taéem ye&ad. kt~t~u <ttoropt tmlelia*k~l ol ta.~* àw , ot 1 etet. I.lm.de Taleyrad'ra4 he b"o Quenter et -~ ,~ therius'Eet LO3B5Ai 'Cwe.Cu.ritr. w Sa!. a~9~r8~4~ >ver Pi-vo w.eî te tirs ITU o! j~45. ~ tap mAoe lheKslb; i; u1.I-i offiai figures lutb. peoM *Ma e neri'have been giyOn ont 'a#0dshowecthe lbas te have issu: pestage, tanipg............$5,011.04 pstai savingýatcampa-... 489.00 Money ordua' fans..........56382 Bp ydepositifonds-------83.40 postal sayla fuilide ..........26.00 Totl ...............-$---6,489.77 0f h. amotut Il cili haseen liai 8999.7rp sln uansd the realdue 8fi550.04 -lu ttaimpd. Tiers lu no chuetc le ire sr*nsud up te tira presarit lApe 1 C Prernment las sent out no luape*irte on ou Olishe 055 lathrmg Poeaiseaer olsen bai ne- eitod.ant ffcii report torm ou chicli te mxbjfii repot. eInt 1, WIes0 l'lislguarde ch. id basai t' Orat. park dning the ceai 'haret ovartoe to ibr tatUg. of Red. .'Cta drilla lest frocu 8 a. M. uiCl- 11:35 a..e.Thureday cIii be , elçaaday, andt!ho e remet o Goy. '>sOM utiro national guard ilii se iýh tb tr smenei htii.y fnraloal thei re iant park millts.ry togagesnni Gov. Ilenesu willl le pra- oe $te o a,mtire drille. - nrb>omoUail JacIk Pester.et lb. lat luigde cau a camp gueul liuliday. UClt mUitrlasuxvelu tbe guard- basse lait iiht, barbusbeau canait by tltb sentries reluraing te camp ut. Wfe heurs~. A oceurtrial caz beld [boy andtheylieuaaich oused! $1. WilhIaOve yeati 01& . cs lu lis ta- fti sOSe. SAc toIrmn w alting tre go han'.e witlb.W Mr. 8. mas vevy mucd oepdlet-a *ët. $ao mucl se hat h. had qute. tarotten thal bia Youang son cas Siinlg babint! lm. At1 length lbe teleptrite Sang. aud Mir. S. caç toit! thattihaf axa a long dis- tance cili for film. Rie called *"Eltolù a numraofet tîtu. am ust uabdeu bis patience bat! about ghven eut central tarsg villorosicly wcile lb. receiver cas ill t bis «r. At thL% M. Se uttere'i a terribleut!d fonbiddeu cerà., 'Ch. corda cene0. neeonel' eut et lia msiuli Ihan lh o-uemeberedt! ht bis -,so cusbut an tew feelfront lime. Wbellng &bout ln him çhaln. lie saIt. '111h. iumutly "'haI cas vry wcnoetf fthan t,. iirnaa ns nugity cordns Willlie. I hope." h. added. "ibat my l111e boy cl neyer au e udreadful lan- '1-i cent never se: t. papa." me pfflet liehdt. cîtI amiachlevona twl&Ukin t bis eya. -but I -earned il ail the amne"-arper'B Magazine. A Chine«a Guenbherg. Thene la pretty gut!rd ee ofm Clsiese Crrteabpng. eue PI Chs, ch.e tu 1041 carvedt cubas et porceisin page. r clii Chines. chbaracteman terwahd baietl tire u am*"st" the porcalal typa by hepf pac iallel clrem ou a, plate et kon La a eameul bed. Itlat etain that LW at of pnlullng cas =as a luhoe<lalattalempira ferCea%- 'Cures st ee lcma le flgot lu Bu- Arsfut. II..ectlycet'(ceepiu-anrl'.I 5mamu I base grSmembfor divorce. 1 aiposirtiv hat pa« bave deceirsi ', 1lm Mr. Necw eé-What lu Ibm a ld e ouma» Wiai have I damia te gae.,Mch aLeaapicion? ins. licIw4e" <cemelmé hardmr-I-Imr a 4.)rodnflla jeor Pocha Chie mitiniate-to buy »mse seclbbhui Te ail fr5055 Interseted: lek.aomiosigo4 the 3@tb day af 11bere ces fsWilu tire ffieati.Clark of *CCeny Court utLJaie and! BIBIS of tbaeorganime!mas s >3nafs the tira lnda hiirare ipejIn thlb BCiý %)Mgb45t (28)',Town et the Tbiéjrn'6 00$ kCer faitSction IW;tesNorth 6W0 so at t a oLeot West qnrt.v c« Cba r ofl am 4Soutie seontbm Quartas 2288 few moutlila Ue ith .Nurtl i cornerI West cor tor the It Ninetee Nor* i QusrteI fret; thqq thenson £onth .1 1rel Chmao in, etuIet Rn'. la e f;the ue f4sý tiecneNerth 89 ofth beonosuta cente tofth LEmt sud W Tweul.y-elgbt'ý 42, Wefs 2mii Wet tuce irem 0f lie Norti Wý Fest Quarterà erght (28); tie the Weet ie Quarter; theneq tire Northi lime or lb. Senti tIon Tweuty-eil 2' %Veat te l 14 tiseEs. lurerter ni tiré 57. 48'- W.-. 57*" 191 WrPt 34 30' Wemt 250 t Wett 260 fret; M2 frt; lIeuep tet, tbmie M et; tenc. N£ tienue South 1heuree Sonth Nantir 67' Wesi 85, West 8m0t a peint ehkci North> lues&ai Mut liso f Se Townahlp- Fo Rangs Bleveri PnlipçdMort D ll anin Wpet tu, te No oNthorthei lina io M a I inoretth i Thatof te en (20). Tohali Pcpa - )40 T~ wenty-one (21>); gt m rum am iamete of .&id Sectionl1111 911 b R if Weet Quarte .h Aia iA iIlI~ -oj~ne (*JI); th= el b fl 1 7~~ etcorner tboreuf, 11 l fiUI~b SNrthr Eat ti)res Méd tiion Twent.y- eln. kWe lie North Om ISdo ce North i oendi..WJ.io di 'fiee"'he Wegt fllne ggofSecion Homes a Srowlug' Bage. E rù te South laet - kWO fret: thence7Sonth nnnîw v ~ T mtl8>97 tort; tlion(@ rrnU W FREE T§ ALL1 *at Quarter of thre ô tlecf etion Twenty utrRumuml Baya Nothing TIsaI th. SMII te îe-Southi Weet Pse eaW.'t iLuthe Nortb World Cen De .Can literfelgreWith * firth Eaet Quarter tIsa Divine Plan-Ail Mankint! WiII <10Quartertof Seton H a1Fu11 potnyFrLfer M th. North East Dath Fterni, SecaueseChrist Died f b rh çst Quarter <or Faer*.Unasdly.. thence Wegt 090 N.Y 'othe lSouth linâo f ,lm . y I~arrO<f the Nortf July 23. - lastert q 3Sr-tionThrty iRussel deliveret! Nd orth easterly Ieii.~br a th puL higway teday ta crowded -«Id Section Thirty and attentive au-t leis uth Wst ' 0ences. We ra- <west Quati !tha uft oTweuty-ne u.on "Get! t tothe ast inoTI. Home," Dîne (29); ce, thess .teit,"-A etcorner of tha *s anmMyc ,ofthe South> Wet * we 1eli Gw.nîi.eiglib (28); *h od ta th sol th estxxiv, 15). bell f the on WeeI e PS4ter saIt:-1 nlb Wet Quarter » tauder-1 elht (28); theneo stand mnéetu lesb0thet Iw orld'a op-6 tcorner thaeold; portn i b r llfa'vqI*t atfgor eath Esat 1161 fot; sverlaaling lae. ~9' a:ap boenne Wet 100 pointe 0 a"l~t10e) uç tent;ti, uSth q ?wenty-elgbt <8:o tta laceai In ttm Ititiiiiï-tat D '4 in, Township thousant! yarn l100% 1k agL>- RneEleven rihOo--ctnV. i tsglen hird Principal s9" rlglit Ibkut. ow f eh ut Li q.to f Lake sud enug tbmkiug cil h0*ê j@N.h-te oý4 cliii th candios ay.Bh s =p n, route and cornait * at l'ma.aorh.ci ~ree ion cf ltb. enter upon that i)a b»ioïent an(d Df istrict ae a 84 oounîly sutber tNes.&a.Idber or a a~a~cnt i theSoutI loet'standpolnt preteai(*baBty as ho io; wpsy-eirbt 28),do glIn she peat i#tfAuW~ ncl <r r 43) North, U>iil b rsriiué U, t ti . Third But flothlng filet tha *rr1t,esn do la Lait. Ceunty, can f uterfere with G ed'* grt ptoposl- 09s aid Section. er dealli eterual shali thari cois.te Jég 4-41 10 Wiet 214 ery inember cf th.eroaeboatow Christ Io' 1 Eut 278 tet; diet! for the ungodli. ThIe oiilyphtta' 94 $ô West 272 leei; FýO 4' mI412 tsi; te clore prenentlIfea melns litao r4re Wettate elliner taiieternal 18 lhe Churcb. Aud hi =ud toae u the theCbCurdli 1men, Det hurcli et-j èit bighw ronning tendents Der oteurd profsens. but e rb*agb@id Section those dh ave eutered Into a core- ibenOesNorth 11' nant cii Ceod threngli Chitst n aa4nsNorth 580' .W e litbaeebeeageepartakers et teë ý0e ile Soth Sont iHoly Spirit. testlug oft te' guet!WoM- e<a7 lection Twenty-_ et Ced audlth e "ers;&et ha-Aue-te s!' jtr'23 West tj.erne. If thes ab sîc at fu say, the. e-ce, South lli Est Aposle forecarus ns. Il Weuald ha lm- AWoikD" 5 Weet la possible ta renew thexu agaîn ente re- at aw 4fgau Quarter pentauce. Ant! there ifi b. ne hoe. ,'s of4 e e eid Sc-fer them clitb e cen etha corîds igt<W$aNorthb51* triai Day. buceuse the algresdY 'hava bl tillental e olyed their share eor lhe meiti ef NorI ?.aQnater ot Citsto teath. eryit ~*boeeNorth Wben. therefere. 1 epeak of Ced cnt t-It1,'c'Zleeve Nurth!I teherne. 1 am nont bsving lunrelut!a 5U lent; <1w' North 420 t amily cempeset! excluslvely of saluts feet; thie r-»Y* 40' 80' cie t!illy and beurly are fllourlng thn ' rb48' West ten orh61 0Wat60their great liedeemger's otettepela erl No egt600self-denlal, ln sacrifice, ln tb. "narrew enîli 72 'Wela 844 feet; wa'*chirli leude te"glorY, houe 71- 30' *Ut l1100 fret; sud Immrtallty" e!assoc1iation cith 58, W;m letheure the Itedeemer lu Hle gloriluKing- «,215 bet; 0maacNorth dom wch latee thetieorld torsa eit; slio*-Mwneing at tbousand yçars. la 724 Met e4tIs of the. my thought la 1ha1 the Bible teaches id 180 tti at of the tbat Ibere ar a mny people ett1he mecionui.(29), w Poriy-ibrs. 4 Nerti wrld. chu are reverantial. hindI gala- ~l) .ftho Tiird tir adeutt!ot a e ry conslidenable ida la ty. delre. hoare net sainte; Whe have lng tblg 5.110"not presentedt teir bodies living sac- ,rtb lin. Secton; rifices te (lot!; ie bave aid beeon e- 270 4'829, fsei; zolIen oet HlM oly Spiit, ch.gare 11 1 Weet thon Ila net. 'ierafere,' mbn of etthat exclu- 0'ý West th lente sire "Iuttla bock" teacheru It la the wei Webel, ~ ' gndpisaum -ta giva the en-Klugdem-iu joiut-lieirshlp dlii Ihl llpntb Il' 420YfletLord ant! Iedeemerasut!Heast. Ta Mt fi neot1 Twenty Ibis latter clama our Mater erlt!enliy IForty. ~Noti. referret! chen He sald te fils teotsteP (11)Ne u Th"rdfcllowems "Let your llgbt nme Ibm. indie lu' ntletere men that tliey May fee your Ili thoute 4Weselt rom~ Nott~ 800 flo! odn sut!dglority your Fate am rth' 1V 3 oo;clilldieavan" (Mathec r, 16). 1080et Boa hees To Uve giglieonaly.-, serly sudgod- .1718h. Srt IlY lu thia Presleutwcendt te eexteut 0 fret; .' thi61 * of enua ablllty le chat everyone tirnS 7tM0' West sheuit! de-ne les. Te live a fle e t eom "4àý ltsacrifie-te lay dowu cen Ilves for the br 8 Il aerth brelhruui; fer lhe ivuth. lu thaerie let wegt îgt linseofthtie Lord. loanouthen malter, whicli ItiFn Town justice does, net recqulre eut! hicli the bet (lb Bible necwhere enjoius upon mankint!. Lake ,- oiues; Tt la pelulte ut as a prirUgete thome e North Vit ta wie deoire Il. one glery. hoor sud lms- 0i of theue ortality on the spirit plane le the Me let 225 -' Netiwur4 attatbed le Ibis invitation Or lut, ed agh Cllin. it la tbe selaciien of ditches 119 pcal lns feft doe ot ors iat la the particular orden eft1h. Di- (3) meCetldst vine progre t the presaul lime. ate of 0", atal Saint and $finrrlntarmtod, "er"lcIL -d a or fail at o4.66 t.t Havlig elesrly deftnet! chat ce de - - set mean le tend, lait me nec aapt tm, ut the dsci, laIneverttielefis, evmy sensble, »M illtrlct N oth@ieand ceman. sslntly or not, *ma«i mn, Lait. -1Lr)nel .sdeep intereat lu thb. vaMansd rilamoral progresao et iahumait aM1lY, n tYti hicli b. fora a partAUl, chmre- tâtat tli li fore. abouit! rejoice lu averY moe- stt Ment aud andavor cenilng tleOan ~uaxtTanin lCiflmpom5y eaghteumertblu.iug tAnd rit on day of upliftIamenge t mauhit!Tha man" B.~~ ~~ In1 lohl baenl u ligtICEis of tieMYI. llld 1. amtt) % *Don corld altesi thh gmeealtbgholiiMy Dm , ht u cht coida t ha ha nttaul I. 1~ j' 's I I. i I r i fI t - « ----------- 'Pi , 114, pi ýi 'l. "4"00"0' -00 ý '00 0 mm 1 -- -0. - ---------- .1, niA ý ï,ýv , ".rtv 1.1 Xorsb ý iarm-dtvlng intelligenl t mfleds m th. truael9t»a3i ea ws*t oppueiin te the true Ced and he Pl- su.. TbI meged fuhl. MeltIla lmthe reveiatlon o et iWl- mocu lt thea itui 4iso lié 1U5j 4ý Juatica. Love andS Power. aratob. e .belot calared, TeBible freely telle us liat many and are growidg. Ail ché =e,î fo&tifl et the Divine plan are nec familles, ailtcihe love rneaaiaDh idIen lu myatery, but theItat book orsi,bhouit! acahe n be fot' tflira Bible chlci propbetlcally pic- s werlt! thet bite hm t i <om "*1 iirff 'thè future, assures ne lbst in necessily ha an unape"y WorM Goda due lte"The xuysteny saolie4itoute lhlloePhy' nla oyatoi l 1e lnlmb4t!. hbie ebath deinredte the epurpoees« gSiretacf. , Wats Hia sarvauts, the propiets" (Ituvela- caunot serre lituses.0f et ' tion z, 7), Thé ens. beok asuesunA gediese cordtt i e loti tbai lu Gud'à due lime, dieu the mys- dlsrnteuted cent!, s uaW tery te clqared. 1"AIL nations euuaîî cerne and. bye aud bye, a we aud wenahiji befoe.TII.., fo r Tty sud sttife. This le chat oW 'igiteens aceNbal> beau made mant- wide education lta «ing ýtiN test" (Revelation xv. 4). W% are nec u aecugada living Iu the linfi*hWi lta " *'myster', rereguizes neo Go, ne i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~r auigsdy.nghau elnei m,,ne respouue.ibtlt t if(at! trore Iha *B* r1ptulstauDg$ lnt. ofa future lite chieà,i nsy b clealy seu. ' et by lhe couduct et But tiiae e elatiena aM #)et meantGd .t. s. fer b. unît lugenfa necw' utI W. a runet pleat!lsg for et uieel ~e "b. leitnî rani. W. are crging Ibat lu z'e la Christ Jens." Te yen fi tu ilveu> t hoe . 004hb.recogukze te utre q te kuow 'tie mimstarlaa:'l'teo oIdkaTI cf tiae pPortunlitles and! Infuen thes. tiugs are ipoe.hlm.. j bi*s eni. er misrenehave a specl rM and! dark sayiuga (Matiba'w guI,1j18 ). afly.Ev,ýryftîen r ripartie But net until thre eleet 51l1 an pIog1-' au thé, hesd of lie faitly, *bout$ te d thlb.Me&gMaulc'KiOs**,".«> eal.e .lmlghty Creator, sad tabllahed wciilb.e "mystery",ha smda Bit.ap te bis taslly-"God tri fufly kuecu 10 the wcoii4 jIî4 amry W#a meet! eurge u G(o&s knee bec ant! erery tluenfUais. mten' poopisthe pnrllgse et,1 Hanc.. enly the". et a'eigha " ori a qt t Waaqblased Iens ay nec ss. ept nudrMtttU aeramI como ea frohpaayate hha.-M cltaetér et Ced, fils resu purpposse*a mb m t Sg ly 'IbW. 1A card -an. etc. Thn ~eu lorddei eye*air ee a- ke'f' clave.. "Titis la lita eterual lIai t"r> tlsw, payg moniets. c5le'à siionlt! nec Tii.the only traue GO& o& ~'sW : '1, 51ur3 and jesuaChrist chou 7b" u at bouoe. c 'l et d. g. .. ment- (John ,xvii. 3). LSm i* 1911* lu a t!arker dar than ouras ihe thgoe. meqSsietJw4 ttnebhag -to deuil la te hb. mdalI.'ld t'ehRai t..t hm s acon .ver many thatUhq7 e-am your vcivea; une thaï; reagou. And! thllp, &sticWWR ret yeua 'ueal<au rsêansIiace 'oed cas ela ls 10tiiheg. Au>e C6 oneu W0f.lt many hpisse-a revrotat. etayat, ce - 1 ,leyee i.1e ile# surgly-wouId, net bu *0 >1blow othar1O y,«;" etee au&ep',n luSeum'eu lbï osbthi.tetieril 3 C.et >u conli'a 'slhýer by lWîu hs? J#7pdetcld iam4. c-ssatW,)aénc e an »i W.'y, ia? A. s~a ilandig 0< of 'lfllne PMIL ret h Jgediu, teor w Au~ 1 a ea t 9 Unheliaf. Ie bis cbuh lxmt ho lut oin day the shaelklei go 9«&90 DO yourekauShert y t an&! papmrstitleu 'are breaktng Ment. rOOPOWsbWi >Y t*r 1541013 cotusuasd ci1dn, are Ireejneiuri ê pollmllty »0 y'tht' t thInk; for tbenefelee. T)ie$ ne longr t*.scl smt fs h ballera the tsln>' aies et otiier oda"; etand! bapp1uaa* m lte drsadutitebgobli n mUt!W*t Ues peaeli , ofms. tlb. Durk Ases yéatn ia rcr 'ntiI~$~ inraler #ad eletihi tecgnr, au Itertluge. ti $ douhbted hy..ail, and! btia réi sa ioia D114k e.~m' tptally diabelle-et. Wiit havitlw cbllns hbase, wal»t n&c te attacli tiiemtute 4h.AI*ty, tbae SsinSe e àktli mime. tley have nover beat lagbt Iho;,on are yen ena u0et loe cof(led-lie leugths étan ed îba e ks4r tl jI e sud hgi4tôand ideutil.pags n I hisrsaeet__ mas uat!srs4mAdlg i ThIe hé t corid's gret ueat-to kmec lIdaiub îeshi* fia reaily te. a l'alité, . i3' rlèsd. a dtaIyieretelt ' oftlhoel!And- te IiM kucc Bt ia Asoldia.i7 O preople muet!te hao.taght »W 054100W- your panais. tbellr eltri. ly, hep c-u sigiauzk ,l»! (ha p03 .' 'll. bwdw 'e 1 along tli es etf10hall4 andgstt' Fopur çhlldr le bh Hec ceul t tiy aven trueylov'e, y ita1'Do on 'refla»b*- corsiip s Ced otrInusâIeSuad Weal -Oue Inferion etumev-à ht eb d <ton1 milicli 7ett baec. torer"d*and sd04a lt'Miclsd r e thm tenture, bliste r i: av ht.'tle li!OS 'Phay muet a»e tiat lIsse t 4titut tbt t'dh119dai*1h. b*PP»ot by the creeda etftiie Dark m..g Woa~Ys? Are gels' wholly at vmnluee dîhtheb.BtIîý»1eé Iue. tltrd yen?' they ciii never 'oebaete g. EW aIll 010i'1 hie non b. aile to e l is tsmehtug iiibrolaaor ssae i their irue lghl. Tley muei ha teibtroc Y"" iéstliru ~~b~ne~ ~ ~~és . heve,aitupepps penalty of father.A.dea&iimebediaoce. l rd'atout;pit34 They mueml lorru lit Qed WpOM si*luOr d e ra tlo h bleasing and upUltftlng duels l ýb Riaiset jputc* and d» au cort!rInde au la lIhe ouraa, Tie, b hierrsud s th~ muet hearu that tles endation. for ibisler5*yen ctor netmies i cork wsueffectel by liedeati b te ofe**>. Jiene,the Suai ion hop"$umt Thay "LvW'e4u I I muet Imm tt aCd lanec m eletoing Al et the m)w»eli*& 4 salutlu dlams eth. éauelalsu citi m g d Uha tha tede n bth*ie cerlet ltiu s .aeérl. en**' 7it m ant trleWsng Adams sud hia ne.;&'arit! Utu t lO W fadmerst it erti cliiha bld t!r*apenslf*mat! 0t g 1 1 recetva S&trmInes lb ïrep tutab a1 karowiige suddit n t!mhdlaricp; o* o19uV a40 M lUT" and! tiraI thepeslslently rahellone'dliIbis 41119 * tua eýtxb*É) ha deslreyed "lka ustinra ruata .prnibWlo f -ra8 beste, lu 1h. Seond Deatirhynaa t..va «iI Have Lest My 18041- e rbAn 0,05. * il W-YM Sot long sglice, luneeonrmstlo *,th a yeung lady, ah. saicis gisat cu <1Vv cernâ . lm f tblat 1 have 101 t MY uiriayo, 1aui, typ-' là*abail bat! helpti Iduence u 'han1 vu" bahieS tfa4 i' hoea.but lu eeléool mie.,had ettta ut m f r ** 0W' contact * h he ageMarai a*Plaittf rsedrDeor aeptlcmll, citicli.. lnte4 let vapndfi'por your grecer. lus tihe BIbe, as did InarUIW4 Pain" co» Il» t a'.tim, mg -Voltaire, muraoly stUleU aIt t- peur M po@Wlousvue ,«ance0 te& Divide. mWation, a atlA pffl te bç 1* in Cet! and aspéet for Mg 1cil) Thama tecliersare as bhelt, ce '.., W voim; non cou va enY tiai tiiay uo" * bavaîi t.4-Qm isht le liridiab~ 1:1e1110 mt : --l ibat ce gdals for our hallet. We ca», vesai! hecarer, eMy cilIl a1l alncety liai t a itle a gpeal putha thlia Cud Vmu of Chilaandeni araensarly ailInfidele. 4 luliete snne etnet bhaliea lstu b*O vm BilaeA&a Divine rarulatim Ib briaiy oet tieluevan ions tUrttinteCl 1.apersoual Qed sund aoe u r t* A"vasym*fl ling to-. Veai Notbtn& WbchlO» b otqiautRe~t pg tire uplrersib. st!and g*'1è 4 ýlu a er, m0ui avstesemi admi a te lu -lr rlting sreall8 l é41 I .*W b 'le ares but~b ~~~3a 5t4 in botter 0W us ok* 4 Pettmova b*