LAKE COUNTY INDEP-ENIý)ENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XIX.-NO. 45. PART TWO LIBERTYVlLLE, ILL., FRIDAX', AUOIJST 4, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. trust waa or ganized ln 1902 th e tarin- e rgug evu r anderwbbs an ri t ses J Y AN lesnat l ny 0 f istrstfora e as- ____ TO nfoSCUSSr TREAT$I2f lberh NEg tîtu ARY TUE WIA sem o ris t at th e Are ne mî a He C andt leahertru tcomp aWoaherPro osicaor . **~ 1F141 train Il M IVftrusme cr orysaded s y AeS o TUE h Gies let rout anyof h lis y Th ootigCmprsn stok I Iti cmpny.acor nga he cm pary'o a t e .t r>l 32P ég o ti a or J C le"1he ust"cb 825,216000 a y 1ainIyWm ot Ato th on RoIn Faric~ b Weter S cton f ouny rrag. 'tIs la o tray ite ndaTh, or fTii. Copa s on Yas Inq or M etin to e Hed bjallgt Fo r r, nta tte e Sinco$19,1 ILàke, Probably Ether Saturday, or One of. $13044460o, of whlch stock $70, Week Later, to Dlscuss the Pos- 444,600 id watfr, contrais tram go ta siblitesof he ew lre ty75 pur cent ofth leathur relane oHiottest Point Was ftoachsd on siiiiso h e raythe i'ountry. sok t ieew July 5th, Whun Mercury _________i__"The watered stocktln d at 105 ..anpan les aloran onxt 9)f R'ltrda 0 NTY lIl If naced ia 115' releve tarin- 600, on wblcb every frmiero o FARIERSOF COU ~ ~~ers isaineai trite burdéiuetaisli n tfu it atmater. uvery persan wbo bit OIulsovsOo rToD AIE AW'AÀKENINQ TO Cil Asoi&Machlnery Trust. LIe end trustdividends ina'lie tltion groom of Alto Seing lb. Coid-7 e lPL N Representatîve William. E. Coi of ibis watered stock. est bonth. on Record 1 the thîrd Indiana diaîrIlÀ. wba bas "Fres ides" Falls to Reieve. SE Ê F L N given a ilgo t ol f ie ta a atudy "Titis anime benevolent luather of te trusts wltit wiicb the fanmera trust," cantînueti Represestatîve Co , (Prom Wedneaday'a St' are compellildta do business, la con- "came ta colîgresit wayea»rs ago andi vinced thiet Ibis quesion-the rela- pledged the peuople triât If congres *1,', James, goverratiient 'eut ber Ail bjecionsWhch wers Fer- tion of tite trusta ta thte farier-la would put bides an the tree fleur tley'm trso the station at At,h ii ie h . . r t y h ua r d t e G e a b t o f < t e io s I . i m p o r t a n t t a t c o u l h o w o u l d n e a b l e t a b u y t h e ln s h e d m t I w î o tu15 t i e c a î u o r Tfflty are New Huehsd bougbt up for cansîderation. leatiter commortlty cîteapur. Thtis trust oit ail tetrain,snaw, liteut andi 'aid Izwd ta do business witb the fermera lng titat bides bu itut on 15 r eti îers theu following rrt ut titi- 0*1 Ov the. Cuntry'-thé Saine 'w 'the AliI-Csjmers compstîy. Ir procurer! the local niercbants frît loua anric of theu montS of tuli km nuvaf as te nacinery trut, at. irougbout ordistricts towritele A conîiaisn o ite recordfo hd IUU.uSs ilvne i 0f sIy of the Steul tCorporaian sait! tors aakîng us ta vote for fmi-e ides,i tear and the pasIt tea er., h- of Farmers %Mm Cox. "Titis corporation wsu incor- andtiitlliiîg tri'uri lit If weul otit duti tm if In1terest, Potai la May 1901. It was capItal-1so, the peoletuwauld get ci'beîsr lzed for $36.25,0.000, sudte nmarket bolots anti ulîes anîdi cater. 1911. O alms If it Only "Roduced "valafttis stock la $10,600,000. "Ilîdes welît on te frue IltTieTt \'ariieat day It0, on t Il Thus lie watured stock la $25,650, I goverunient Svthlie art iast sometiliiîg iolluslt day, 46 on 26tt mi Liof nuber It Weuid 0 lîke $2ilffl,000,whit'b badil geinto I itg eîeaue. 'Wsjl W"dus croainbs Toayl b resm tustntu tta ~ 7îtal tari l-2# inch.DANIÉL GUGGENH'EIM, "ONE 0F THIE BROTHERfS." thsUeo rd.The fermiers af rotsion of a dkafy of J5 pur ceitto 1910. thte country are annually assaiti nobides. Walcîdy9 uII-iwa sî iuevr octt iefr h-edy. h WIN bll .S.ii W .lestitan 7 per cent ln order to pAY "But titi te Iteie guch-açier ('%oalet da.% 99 on t lb G ENaIr iit a b-ilt ai îingenbmlsnc itefre o ( Tsg be a divident en ibis tawtered stock,, bout» , aboeusanti leatitur gond-i atter îeu'oi teý4 nilierteai7527 tuera. latai o e ni m. bavebecofite Gugerniml W of* Probably Fiim Chi- 'whcb reproao.atano value anti bas na bides bad bueli pjîtced a it re Totnt malte full 83-100 inch.koittu s tianMerma.tant i tmon ts ln thu auttraimniColorado- iage te Telof et i propurly whateiem beinti Il." lier? Nol so The luatiter trust-Ia i 190.tDaniel Gugt'uei.eui. tile ofthebuwlluustres ctted tu testlfv la thte congres« - .Tool Cimbins e l ln',LIne. ducreti otberwise. Il controluti the Wariant dut l.49 on>291.].ional Investigtgsion i retort'penîng aofte ruai fonds ln Alaka.,itegan bis Accrdîag 1 ursuaio Cibide nmarket, asiti lmiediateîy increas. Colilest dat% 4- On li h.areer as a beli' %r of ta is lit SwilaemIand for bis fathers Amonlan es- (PrteWdnsaysSU. trePe«t(VOCed the pnieuofuthte tiisitet camnîadlty Averagu eîuîîuiraîume 68.96 tàîblisittoctil Nonlite ls presîduît of te Airian Snîeling and Refin- thenet tu t me b th mn ha o he ontiuer Ny jrinintIBfuttigconîpaît! anidtirle Gutggenhiem Exploration campauy antpeadt WblIerecîproelry wîtit Canada la ta saw an opporlunlîy ta pruy on te tiat theu pricu 0ffilnîsitetiluather Ttlriefl 15.d c -urit eleofîl'tt 1 ;ugofiectoireboftiralbmer51gb putilts it S wos* the grauî iteni for titis clîy. aeavs ieAeanPr nigooda wll not came down taute con-walgndLutig lldlti s Ii ivol ok te fun.t iat te farinera ofI bis court-Hu conipaiit. known asolte farmlng sumer. until these gooda are put on. Waitîest day .48 on 111h and 3 î otlgadsoctigliitsru i ivst e ok ly aie greatly lnturentod lu the mal tur otrust, organizuti la 1902. te free last.-, toldevt da> 4q on ltI la uM.Iwv by te energîea of saine of"Titis concerta controa 80 par cent Thuenieocrats la congruas nin-Atverage teniputature 72.26. tâte fmor* of Antlocit Tite farmerg Of titis Une Of trade.' saliti Mr. Coi. tain trialtheiuf<rmera' frue ]lot bill Total ain fait 429 incites. i H I H CASH-IFARES - IýEXRESS CO.'S oç the wse»Wn section ofbu18couritît It was capltallzed for $4236,000, andtirO, whic thlie aunate la tu vote next 1907. M.planniag ta bordi a meeting ln tite the market value of te sltk in $2.- Tuesday' strikes a bard blow arthiesu Xams ayl n2t. N W SOWN IL N E G aà« futurs. at wbici theleitelues of the tr0,00, leaving $2,336,000 of Vatered trust.s wthi wliieh the fanmera are ('oldest duc 51i ou 27th. ca4à" reciprocity bill wlII bu dis- stock, an whitcbte farmnera a01te conipulludt talesbty putîîng on the Average temietture 72.12.Cnutr nAlIan nxr9 o pne fIlni cdssed. andi sainie speaker tramn('hi- country are again assesedta tir . d free liet a large number of the arti- Total raiterful 2 OS Incites. odc rs nAlTais nEpesCm rfsofIios Cage wlilieb secureti ta tel the far- vîdeada arthteturate of 7 pur cent" dus the *y manîufactuîre anti sulilu 1906. Wsconsin are Toid Io Coi- fail to Gain Hearing Before nu« estmalwbat the recîproli) agroe- The urît ttp ofthebumeni wit o wrd artuers aIaitatever urine they tuay ment wil meaian ta tieur. prupamîng ta pruy an te ame, ac- decîde to dunrianti Waraieat dut 96tou 22nd. Iect len Cents More Tiian Statc Warehousc Commis- tannera in ouanie sections ofthtie cortilng ta M. ('ai. was lbe organzas- _____('oitesi day 47 ou 7th. Regular Ticket Charge sion on Rate Reduction ctountry for a tiîne oVpostid te adop- tion of te internaional Harvester Average tetoeperaturu 71.41.Ito aesas07. lion, of the e rjcity treaty btween camltsnt' known ai the itarvester PETTIT LOSES Ttl a tt i6 ront Wedue'duy'sSI tReiesittcsotleenrason titis country md Canada, bultnovIt trust. This estcorporation waa 1~'$.37O O Wrnetdy905nti. Atr1tgut 7 sIi iintwîaie tt tt oetrierttxlsressreinta appeare, âailthe argumentsr ainttauicited lu 1902. N W $.0 ,W wl- ly4 nlt.AlrAgs 7 luteWwpne ulterirtl eardt the Ilaybave botern alenced, andti ec- Titen camse teorganlîstion of theu - (oldest day 48 uot 23rd. tti s -îînes epit-itiie-. ii h s-tacts Ilte rlttutoifi.1îu t he I b llnois Iproclty fnda no greater frlenda any- Amierîcan Seeding Mlachine conipanty. rkrDrwe~Avterage tenriperat ore 68.11. aieuxt ru tel etisîtto t i îî -rîi t a nd titatt use tommii aon mitlesthan aen ite famera ut the known au the seedlng imachine trust- * ilsl1 Total rain full >'80finches. tassotigers, cashterresu on isn wd' it h tlit sx,î a oti t ieurîtîg Iiiitle vwat. Accordlng ta Representatlve eCars InWaters of Lake Mihgn1904. transclii tiotbtes oiitidie sorie.sori îîîiflo"tttfiltu lidy statuaient, ibis corporation bas Capri- OfHglndPr lMIany Wret a 6on1t nd11as lte)t i ut telilwcti i 'trocuray 'lise farmers-of Lake coutity, îîow- ffwHiglanthParstationMnyeWammat dafr9oonilGlbanti 171î sitil- lii-ratutstititiIll-noisIrtio tIcke &vor, have neyer irongîy opposedtheliteltaistock of $15,000000, of wbîeb $Il,- Reverses on Exchange (laldeat day 42 oit Sud. sisci1i a i i iit i oe ct-ttt- t liits îîyl mesoar. Tbey dalm that (Canadian 00(),000 laf'water. Average tunîeperaturu 10.54. sls l _ wl- i> [lig, l iidtenelos-5thle- oitî irty- ire- roclpmocily, If Il d4d ntblng elsu but l'atveslsr Greatest af Al. MinneapolisShMin.,Atîg. -Il. Total rain ful441 inciteslias tong bhi-cii a tir .11 li, phi art 0ltt \i'lieutlite last t'arings'as fhelti laver the prîce of lumnier, caulti bu a Sle5kifg of te Interlatloe*I Iar Pao & Comanny wîî retunt i] ailis1903.,lof nany p iff iît 'îî Iiifilestate comisiosn tw e tkult great blessing 1 tem.hoaod wtb the vestur conipanly.Reproientative(ailntiebledness by ssaulng cllatreal Warmest day 93 oui3tb. tickets bilore baîii , tIti- tiaia o rmittue casaîippointed, rul- mai»' otior featurea of thte bill, titey Baya!tut u et oa u Cldeat ti 'i0 on 318t. 'is ia"ty'ut i- rei cr usentgsttt~sanielra ut ar oettnstult. -"As compa.meti wIlit tis monster. ail mAverngage tem-atue L6.rîtîsîlt îîî ctios(eteicli tis rtes , hef vst ekacnpo ar oeta aif.titreyears. Tre plan annotînceti ai- Auaeîîîeaîr 16.o ttrltrt'tit rtrî iuyîatesi ii i e- otlr ît ls expectedtrutithle, meeting for te ollier trusta relallng taorfaroilng ready bas thte approtial of a mjarity Total aine fait 660fincites. traffi' ,tSei-te ca î trge tîtîttiier uSa Misetatd roi-rt tii the communissionte-l te discussin of recîprocîty wilb be implenients 0f any kinti sink buta ah- cf the note botiers. 1902. alau 0 )lrel'Rtu119tii kitsîittsillg gieut day lTit i st îmeîetitng outie cîtîttîtit- boit ln a haill at Fo'x Lake, eltiter Sat- scurty. Ir wil b rememaberedth iat ls ull acceptance etlmaître thte Warmest day 9.o3 t Oi. Incotîveniince andîîtt flîîv itutti' ~tue, lhoisu tr, stîsîcu-initît a cotîttro' urday or a veStram S.aturday. A tiis iuge concem.a, Hieti vitb theintegenance as a unit of ail thte Peav- ('oldeat day 44I on lot. ouiîctors. Atîrcuiltti ttît-oiiit-itise was itititasibie aitti Secretary speaker wI ie bu'secumeti frona Chicago, Steel corporation, vas conceived and ey tinteront», sunchtangedi operation anti Aterage îemîîratîîrs 72.58. or-iuanit agei tîbuli i iisus-il by Kllpatric-k out1w s'tate commîilsslin -If possible, one vito will came ta te brougbt forth i btastle anti able unchanged management, andthie Min- Total rmtati l6.25trncbes. tite St.l'îît ititiloe, îltîtîg attetntion aîîîoutîte i lutfintie that a reiîie- village and toll the fanmera just vitalfinancier, J. Pierpont Morgan of New neapolîs conapany. au br as business 1901. ' to trie iieluit toI tit' lg con'ti-lo n soulti go hitti efetilabotîtt Aiig. te treaty willI muai ta titen. Tbey York. Tis concert contrats 70 Por OperatIon la concerned il vîîbu ln te Warmest day 104 an lotit. iuctors l tti, - t t il e s- iili ire. arnouîtîîg ( I ietm ccii -10 andîl .,lier bave beon awakenedta te tact titat cent af tite output of famming Impie- saine postion as btefotelite deatb of Coldest day 45 on M. fttOl lilii.( OI'1't-1, liert-by gîIve n reit. lte lreaty vil! melo n ucit ta titelitmnenlatiis country." James Pettît, manager of thte Peavey Average temperablire 77.01. taI lt ris il svti tu-accmiirilong -"Vie, t' -thit'flitiur -Cai and tltey now vant ta learn utiloy Mr. Cax aBsarta titat thte four trusta Grain Comai e of Chicago aniite Total ainlefull 285 Incites. sîi t e gîtî'îîIti t'tlwttrleîouthtIe Sec- mîsOlîti11 touit Initie ait oudrilti- ta apply te measure aller Ir bas Pags- namuti have a comiplets mouo0POly la dincovery of a abartage. Par 1911 te tnur o e daya dieu e. titemanufacture, sale anti distributtin Tite exact auint of the Pettît sitar- tite maximumîcas auave 90, fouttect en a usIt-tlt t natittti t .\ i tiottofIlle i ll§ PtI ar-n Washilngton,lAug. I.-'r ite ttce- of agrlcultural lmplemenflsOf ail tage, beretofore atateti ai $1.200000 tiays. Sclat itlet'11i, iof \ t1litiai. 226 gsa0lti atiktitl "litlplie I tetsar Mlan of te Canadien reciprocity sgiee- kîntis. ta $1,500,000 lu vaminue reporta, ta _M,_________7,__ I gît tOtititit INitieu lbhalltnos tri lit ment bas s~ erved, it sellnis, tna awaken "Titeir total capitallîatlon." said be. nov tated y officiei audit ut $1,307,- 14l1t1, a 'itii ilt 'l ,Nto fui dtittoti il î -ieavtîtle esulses Conm- tillé farmers of te country ta tihe tact i"$75586,000, andtriatittcaptliser ()(). The. Family Orcherd. ptiti onsîtîtof;-î,-aîtnsptîr atutjâi azs vitetiili,-atlternat ive of doig thatl. a re lb. pey af auveral cf lion titete la $135486,000 of valeneti__________ COuld 1 Intereat yoju in niror angs ti. 'et ruU.Boittie xeutvestock, îuavîng thete a.vaoe of ths ae popslla?"tu ru aanies 1"the iiSouîth ittde irs bltiittu'iiti l l i thetii-osale or ap- the grNoit trhsta.alrehiyhpute ail m -Po"t(""" "rire'g ltoIi,' courts for relief. Weare andtite legilative departaienla of the stock of triose four concerne only ~E I . m oe; 1tata ruIen'bsr4putixo&Ilti liit'aIIotogitexanlo govemnielat ar nov lokcogsyiesta8400f0ruit "Wbere?" auilati atuîlr ea ti-osaarouhexrad trinsts otier viitt tiseviev of altack- "LISe Alexander of i, inta onue"Ou My viles itt."-Bouaton Poset tir sutitîui-ivlEquetioiiilon scer. tu. alid tlfil ail citys possible." mug tem, trust has canquemreti45,000,00<1 people ________gavePrloermalesa____ýIn Thte Departmnt of Justice bitaia- ln titis country," sait Reprenentative (tIram Wednesdayis SUN.) -Next BiltuThisng. î'îî- îxiiiattîulîfri' -Goreis-it' 1,dlis ld d ready proceeti againat te ibéefr<Coi. "It basin ta thte Dominion of Thomas McCaan as fltd $W0 ad *"Yn: 1 bave jutot dons Europe.,, eiottrucil' îu ig oftisîi oalctitiont0,%e pýk an o Ilpooetaa-Canada. It bai crassudthie .Atlantlc cotetodszt on thse charge af koepng "Oayou Rive me asfiist ai batela branchtutanti pitysi l tista surlc i(l if itbe credit for sut iteg p- rsat nvI pooesl a adl .,ybarig tehi aon pno 8na.M.Ilc a 0i .A.Sîtîoth.-is, a atudent at the At teck te International. Harvestur roa-eoceana bu ntbi s d eAnd ln us Cain s e oprson Bsd y Attre . ":t bllt 1 ltadolata'lfl'H VISERVICE('E 't'u ISSION 0F dnSot iii.lkrBuf rn Pany, known as te iarvester trusttsbnha àbI in nil ea aawsrpesn. yAtr. . ntO o:lte dot gi Aw y .- TIIE CIiTY (IF' WAtIKI-',IIAN, ronnacrigt onM 'wU4hait delay. titan ton years it vîlI bu compelling K. Stemmas ot tile ctty and Coropratlon Lisit tllae C roi tui. ucati24,t Jhn2tt-A Tise Democrata ln congresmain- te pensants of aoutitern Ruai anti Counsol Arhaur .Bulileyproseuted. Lusll CubrJura.Jl 2I 2.iur. att instuct<îr. sha a int-i t tain Ilatthe faissers'ire.*me it bill Sibria ta psy a trIbule la t. exactiY This la the irit case of Sunday open. faduaa er aadedo sssrl.tevs iltiioti anticitn ie laîtet pgaued snoe Ime *go by lh. Huse of as itlaIs b.ylng iRa tribut, on 90000,- lag tch. trled &Ince th. war alî tqqually, bui Iî ta duubtfnk iteitiula "Is t»I1iunugrupb a Cooudoner' 8XPieeetativee d , lls1stabu 000 of tiis countryt todai. thse Sunday saloons fIrst started. ,Mr. te long rua lworks amredamage "h a ipeaka for itall, aUsi."-Lippln' Bank graihetiblîn by the hair anîdiieiti 1" ~t on 1lai thee smWtai-xt 'fladsay Mn, Coi assertl biatiefame it MoCan pald hie fine. "aIb m o f e ibe.-IIomytit clî'son ta a raft until heup arriveti. odi: K QUEEN OF JIFARIS PRETTY LITTLEPLAY AT LAKE FORESI Younger Set of the Fashionablo Suburb WiII Present Protty Little Fantasy Tomorrow Afternoon at Winter Club Rooms in Lake Forest, Huarts WIII bu Trump Miss Lolta Armour, Datîghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ogden Armour to bu Qusen William Hubbard, Butter Kiown as Billie, Wii b. King of Card Dock for Day PFrom Wedneaiday's SUN.) Tht- lu]l young fols or In othgr mords little fbiSa' of Lake FoIrest are ta have an entertalamnent ait their very own. Tbey have arranged an op- eratta eabled "The Queen of Heerts" wblcb la to be givea at the Winter club 1 lt Iskp Forest at 4 o'clock to, nîiôrrom, afternoon for the benelit of 1 he bosîtîtai for contaglousi diseasea{e F'orest. Nliss AAltita Arniour, daughter of Mr. and Jla.1 Otten Armour. wilil In- »ersonate the Quen of Hearisa, and Billie Hubbard l8 to do duty ai the clîlvamotîs King of H"erte. Nathsan ~I*cCltire wlll lake lbe raie of tire Koave of Huarts and little tienevera King, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Csmi. Garfield King. wll have aiaothe'if the principal rolIes lri addition to these charactffl, there will be tblrty youngsters fre» the LRke Forest familles wito wl» do duty au thte citaracteri wblch wl Inii habit the court of tte.Klng and Qgooq 0f Ilearts.1 'Miss Lîila Stewart bas cbage of the eritertailument aud Professor PretoSilsi la trainîing the littIe ones lu thoir slnging and dancIng--lb. latter. hi the way, fl to bc one of the prInCip4ql features - LOCAL YOUJ1S. TAKE BICYCLE Carl Eckertatromt, and Joseph Dupree Arwested In Evason Charged With Thett Bicycle. Triai lu Chicago Court t<tnow.dUPsdAaasua s Itî>sejh 4huîîroe, 313 Spriîtg atreet, andi (art Kcktrbtîaiti.botb wlth quite a long iiotre rusd for youtbe, glit Jlito trouble at Evanton yesterday, andi as a resuilt of their escapade, they m'i]th lit elted l tostand trial la t lie î enI. court of tChicago. The two boys, whose agea are gîven nt 14 euch. are ullegedtit have brokMs a litige itîmber of boltes b,,longing tu a iîîîk ti-al-r tbere, and then fenortus calture 1», the police, are alleged to hiaveflied ta Evanston. There, it la clalmiet, the two boys stole a bicyeye. anti %versecaptured a Ittle lait. before tbey bail mucb tiitaeta en)oy their new pîossessioni. They wili be lried la the juvenilo Dcourt of Chicago andi îrobelbly parolod. Dupl'ee taeîow tindler parole ta Chiot Atte-rbery tai wloui lie reports ,very 9Saturday. Eckerst roui la under bonds -ta lthe grantd Jury for alleged thetof ebeer boulles frntxittee ttley brewery. An otticial of the Chicago and North- w(qestrn saîid: Traffic conditions over mi tines shiow sanie moderato In- g ,rlviNtnent, over lait week. General lnîirehaudisu tonnage now la 5oiO: Il1 hut healuir and mlsceîlaueoui ab1p- riliitiiicreaseti snewhat. O.qr Seu- ieral loadlng la about on ta eOVOStrelad cîtwith a yeam ugo at titis time. Loid- bings for the four weeka in Ju»' sMr [d gregatuti 89,583 cars, an> lnqroaioOtW laut year of 826 ocm." .1 1