't .4 h ~M~Wt~EMLYSU r4~ tJ. 5mS d« ,a , e o lehss>0 -XeAga idýM a ,mt"ulWsS bm eno- *wo lqhdam"al i Wwm dIstc., t We Ags pai ain ci #itta 'o. lisI be d a" b»« 1 W"Dtthae o Hiv.ç4 udt th 'sAk Sut f ri User pain ai pujLas , ne ibalaid the.O llatwlbde %ttes Atofe57 sIpi Z. 215h am' et la p~r*btbi. tuahSuees MViii doS ý-,Cleen Up uLae sai F » =ai vt., a appe. Non 4d.e Mes wvu taise'tahmseuàogs iyj tmer"baiWaldo Po*« of tisa *ulaer e'arufl OR Vs< j"w - t,** o iW ousatomi '~iwuisgal tis enou b. 4aura eaq Ule ce. ceu aan a ý8 %*trm -S odbias jiy fw. em, ald fMais tho brIcI Mjefle Wl,. TueeReoia girl vusaut b«»n *adI tie Watoa owstVis heud. Tt It l c>flmtht IbotS lITes!vith Vito A" tu tisI ies' MMe' ted liens. accrdiug tisa -te.bzo" ew ie th jus*"e, *uI,4i »10>Wela eW ientai- li' lut WWuke'aa*smion avaaimal eme op e p uslc, aMd viii leai up future.. 1k cnes, a iothlng 1*4. 1iii Mb. tolesatel. 'Us striamai. id iot bav e aseorne tron bm sad saone vesSaalp. 701~W Yema,014 OhucSgo uX1 Pau£ »M "sPtornto Lmkel Vignt ines, 4ye".Qld dapgitei et Circut C#ril Joseph visess 0f Judge Walkerla Wm'*, Obcaso, vas drowned Sat~ W jMerioonaI Lmg r Lai.. 'lhe lltie.llalbaibeen plaiY-I iîg i the. sad Os a9» ia, buore ansd1 st in b.lHved- veut st thte eend of a amati per tg obistab-ome '.er, viii Wh1cÙ h*mia vs lteoIag te miSe a"mtkd' pWe Tte chI. It açep,, ad been~ IVpeadlua the day -aI le'"umer ne- sort at len ems 4 ,w l beain left bor thse parenle pimyiag *oia&,i ,Ttmballesel tad'seIia 'tata tise &tth t send 1ot ubOl.W,'&Xd no la e' aOl~,~ PPav- étttlyno on.e ori 0"a osaifroM Iue body wvas m'eeirga4everal ~iear5liter 5ud' u ibo erva i S rt, tm1 kt0*. wT'. fas tO~ ihde I Woow» Clgo *.lmn ê on dm& tet -- aMç. efm ai sis elinta. Joletient. Ne la mrrslcd and bu ?be Verdict l h tii fgeat oserthe le X. J. IMack, et JoUet, terribly Leltistn cethe ait sUne vasdea br tabat 'The wmwelng vido*' '.e' IU WankeganMes'.SBue la' .1nav auil0» Ie.l tbç pe ,idvtb tire obisem. The. ana e< ., vUbmatisa Boit une vii çabsbly psi thse tel voltary death. boum Ifersc. poweebarsi, a bout $$A"0. The la4I Itr muir wma"i. flo B$om tO ?Ta i- 'Ltr -00 great iras ' "lhsi of o the pestai aa*luga book ai Chisgo 1h41Peisae Goberal i m oc-is bas deqidel to extmdeul ti 'l" T a4i ily ta aul tise dret clos. pasteus in the. conatri'At NewvTort, Boston and et. Lauis, vhre Po"talsang bonks.ver.ea«tmabled ai ithe ime the Chicago office vaz opeoed, thse expericomt bu beau anu unquaiied encm. $IlOOCO Dep.ltd in Piv. Days. lotih. four ciftles udepota sfor theiirs BraIA'.day. aggregated 8110.M0 wiAcliwould amoat la 87.000,000à ~ e, Au Ithe depomitsam am aolng ftma day ta day and ithe people are b6munmig famllar with _thbe ystem, tht yedr'a total for .tb. four citlea vill, intahe opinion or postai clenks, eîcel tisaI 1Dm. PMfty firt clama potollee,,nclud- o11., baye boom dealgmated as potal mavhnga depaeltorlea io open ah inter- vala dortU the next ev veeka. and Idai lihe .Postreaster (loeeai added 10to s. llPt. bos mou' lnclndhng lisea- apotIa, Detroit, Kaasa ClU, Mo., and' £lbeliatî. 'tor'are la li 426 large &at. aisepoatoMfcea spd t ach a postal savna baiS v<Il b. opened before tOS rai aofisoit Jasnary. To Includu Third Clasa. Wtltl ev exceithe OSclhy Pos*- offlees ai tue emcl clame, of vblcii tise are about 1,900. aireadi' bave bain degmatedas paeahbge tavimig depmetemtm ,Vr aiortib' liq i'itm '.111 h. xiede ta tblrd-clm post- vhèt yIet prgpt.dý IL N. AlVoDM vil f p tbiless tisaatlo ar ,a j p'hgedbsa Tlu aUItI, iraliat.aidlotg ia * rl "dt à 'sAoi~w~ l os wute ot*o aiw9-e~lI Cou1NTY, ILINI tWO tq ij, ~UJKZ1ON .d to h I...mu oe tut0 ffo- l -*le- no" WtuptpoMItel a are pauslc om four hou-' î eý ]h 'ut ionCty, atIi u nito fol- lçO WWburOMMU nnVoliva. prar- Io s. RfamttOd., foeedthsedaMes b"~ té csuy a nominal damge and *"Dly, vtiitbe aid of chemIlais, put thms ait = ?IM or or ldv. iuîdred people, »à the h i . mmateaof the. hotil ,«aepilmg> thos. aofon. wîg. who dld uit ey4m vas. ci.burat Into sang: "Prao a. <lYPom Whom Al Bleminga Mb'.."as It vwa main liat the lire deW" had been ballet. A haft of llgihulng ba ts-ucth le OUg Dole of the. big Ivo talel rame betai nMar 1 o'ciock Flidai' a. m. Tii. ligstta.Mbcatered tOS Paie end pene- Ute Saile of Ohe!te, vies-e 1h, atsrtod a a Tb. miglt valeisdiacoverel lb. ire tbreugis amelibig aldtraclng thse suahe, gave tOS alarm 1 Mrs-.Ben- jamin Bvusey, vite of tOS massages-, eommslnsdilt te Voilsa and Cap- <%» tmo Miau ies' and tIsetre lishl Pray te Avea * aeM Cuests, ail coi tis Volivai cuit, aroussi front tbier heda yhi' tu umlt àl b, tise vsrmsbgs a-asi hi' emsto>-. ea, sasafsbled i ein rldly goods, donner tuein cloihesanad ln a sais. rbe-i, lmillmains-, fur ligèeont tram a picgaI ote u uer air. unsd *àch b e ia allant prayes tisaI Paao avertel. that no on. migul lte butI Truke bugsa, boxes and mai l mda - ai& agansd helonflugu vere hrougbt out ltatatOS Iipin in, vber. this els-OWiastool .io, 'aid Vill e OStohare Vatel ie miesnglis oubille, taside lie regulan nMOUiCi' flneseprllient and aa crew of vlus- toems delugeltub aputt.rig ias vitis cisemills,ai tisat hey ~ee speedili' sxtingulshed vith ôli'$0 on $W0 vostu ai damages. Voliveanad bis o ides,.moabli' W~ Ms *d W'. Éhid Clemdn, vers ami tise nome eveni miute. Nol a- petmou vas hurt. Nat on.eot- fte-e ie-oua coilipse, althougismmny Invalida bal lu e haqhmeted and citim-ed ont. Th"r wvasno confusion. The lwu V55,»IoMInS ta $Pite af the fait thât lie iaut hotel,, Dovle's timons hOapXe, u la Who tue dbora vlthhhen- As '1h vas sunoumced the peop, brOkb ItI0long, tue doxologi', sud the. tenast ent bacli mb ,tu.is- sooms lu tue aihmiurel hole. Caîl Te, Wassk.gan. Tise Mon Cy people bad previonsir m"uth a prgey catl tue Wanke- Masiiru dtpWarlmet to stand iii'asd bô ý" a û, 10 re luta a.brri' lacaaa. Iii. blamê eufld *pread, but hareli boUthb 0.if enput lu tuai antier e tq îé atlf& tisat OSeisolai re vas opi. itise local men, viso veie suoa~ a# aiý4vw ldnmt b. ieeded. jun'al 0ftu=,,fa -, ~ ~ ~ ]L '~~,rpa and ol- t bu a %faiot Co*00 - ai tie acao bainé 4 4Àut .aa&MM&~N stame-du J-Phein*auct-Mi troc beL. [DAY, AUOLTST 18, 1911. and daumaged thi se magnificent 0.n M north Sherda mune. belonglug ta Prof. illed ln the. atorul ,Vere stuck lu the. q0 street, one be- jb and the other ~.One 'là report- 4evidences of a] moi deno. u ern - i. reToînpklu by & llbt. menafiqL e k by lgiiinln nothng peet rýi of isqueer Vý»lMurr'ay, t~maman , w» ~"ilnyof ti. ýWuney dowvitan .* Misa Murray Sand truck the 1 ia Mrge Uow from tii. u-n S Il tt¶uus a i weslsuemd sd onoie tt $0 ' ~seio s ib. bor n uddeaw4à e thlne.sce Insttute Ù VII. lsWmukega, tue folowtag Ila, çcunty ho Waukegasm 0 lte Meet: Intitut. bons-s, fro R 3:30 escis dey. o» aperiod ta achool ettl Imstruc- tr t0 bc ainn iedtis' Inmttora--D. C. ittii, ialrue- tr ta geographi'.eae s sa chool isI Blaaesingtoms, on get*piuy», altis- matin and heachlng m«",. * iss Anisa Dur-f ai U laSista rclic6s, mntil last yeas- uis lli te Western stte normai ai onlib, Ill., goi pilmri reaullng and ls4oqeand Pkctmrotudy. Mise Mabel Corbin. ai@& 0 XaMienb - ahool, normai, on Ensilai.i!leraure. Profesmos- Faust, nvemjtt e lo~a, ev systm r f rIe ras-Mo"moitgumn- ahlp, aid an associate, -ilS. Pmuifmaor pailmp et aid Inventas-, of Chlca«cg: >d' ç&iers, wilU give dalli' demont%Éîýeo!aieI systeis.i There vli be other teiturialac. Tbankaglving Day N9V. 30 Preaident WilIlam Tat, M learmi ed yull desIgu aIe Th«ved>ý, Nov. 30, as Thanksglvhng day ti yeor, 1h bus been the. Custom lg fdx be luit Tlnsday of the montb. 'Ti. yeas- ths-. bas been no donbh t oA$O No-, vembes- bappened to ,incitai lise instead 0f four Tbum'4*ý, The wisite hanse bas bes. bgme hy theatrîcil managessaid'Ïaç lu charge « lcollego footb4R;, è'miuea ho settie tbls daubt, Bo w - urrange, mente coulil b. madeI e ~'usual speclal perfos-msices ani ~ietuat mas-k lis.day. PUid Note in »e "Plpvrecied inlu an1.i v e lear Grand Haven, .1&U, lm luI- alua avenue! ý'he ahave note vas fogd I busbot- jtle on the liSe ashs-e mepU u Ing station lu HIshla" d 'Satur- day aternoon byIr red 220 Bloom strest. Thoe hothfa :49l- aI pas-t of p usipO mre "P. H. ouean, id avene'"Juhreaultoois aid tise bath. e OShe1- tiosi, Tie paliqe, ave the notes bw" P'ae "Y' a practlo 3o&r et are me4"gew odi is- OUr1 .WJ. Sa eooeuiaslug lu ~iqa oNg TO ULêHT digi't-ais-, $1.50 PER YEAR iÏ Â'V DUURrPXELDÂcRIC!rr WCOUNBS YIbT IOIL> &IRt HUIT Ailer lyting la tise post baspîtai at pSt i mman. aa u tb tset «- orciudattU.lie tfor;a fWit vk, 1.51h m'ellved Zo 15m>v, t Aaccident via- li &uidai. Brown vas Imjured oeseek a"o Suênday, vben ai éciomohil awvics iie Vas ridiniva. sered tale lb. 85.51. utc, betveesi ligiaiPurS aid Deerfteld. The maçlsine vas drive» by a 'nsu.. edPe.4 cu detnonstrator for tise e.oeipaiy hîci msnsufactore.d.OSheantumoobile, and lu $Sttemptrug te hum lthe ai l lite second bridge, missed 1h51 uturie aid the machine turne a£ mnmes- sul nît rthte hitc, Peterson vas ,fouisd Uumeslosa, fate dovu lu tue vat' iii' apaees hi', butmstainednolis- EWi liovoven; Il vas san vus ses-bush. ImJured, iiavlng sustainel s*ereva bfroken riba, and prohabli' internai u Complicationsvbhcb fimiaili' caise is des1h, klSltW"I feloied 4tise breahlng inl s hie ltqp, *a dilsti hi' cg the sswqrqj Jeti1aimeo li-îtc1,-iFvoux tise dpt ithig IWls 04 tisai tise infaoflcs *i~ e S' as. vaters of, the Býokàeý ,O levelope .eitî isosueonia, and 1h la belleved tisaitutati fase s ally cauaed il s th, uitouius le sufferel also Internail JÏurîca., Bs-own wVsai emploi'. oflthe Desr Llck MInes-ai Spiingo conmy, at Dees-lield, and reuldedln lu iiîa Park. lHe mude a tesnponmry homse 40iover, 51 lie a&"igo. Tlh. body vas rernov.d Bcid4y from the' post hospitil ai Fort Sheridan to tuePi'yor Undertaklng routs it Hlghlsud Pars. Liter lu vas leirnedtht PeteSlon, thse chauffeur Iî'nharge ofttOScor, liad dlsappeared, The lmuest over OSe retuains of Joe Brovn vas " redah Hlgbland Park Maîdsy an#smorne teatlrnni'as hiken, LaIe- the ceul vas sent out for Peters*on the chauf- four, sud thon Il van lesaeltiuat tue ma ha It tla8 ni, and canld flot b. locaheci At thie Imquest 11111e net alreidy a matter of recod vas learued. 1h vas dlscovered tuat Peterean had driveu tihe car ta thse Deerlick Springsin the iiope ofrnakiug a aie, but tise car vas s-efuaed, it belng clairned tuai Peter. mon vas tutoxlcated. 'Peterson, It la clalmed, drove away aud lxher plcked up Brown. The two etsrtedl tovsrd the Springs and ver. s-eady to cr-oea tue bridge viien the accident hampened. 5 Thsesion af the Inquest was ad- 1Journed and '.11! b. isld laten lu the. v eek, viien 1h la expected tbat Peter- son vîlI bave been !ocated. Anotuer victim, of 'tue apeed mania of auto drivers, a âve year aid girl ' vhIlI la not feas-ed tiat ber Ile la ln danger, vill probahly be dlig-ý ured for Ille. Thse ile girl la 11112e Marie Sveetman, Olve yeassof as., vha was lnjured Sunday ln thse auto accident at Fox Lais.. vhlch enmd- ed ln tue Injuri' ho aine occupantseto a hnge tnus-lng ca-. Little Mas-ie Sveetmau, vas throvi frornthe. machinesvisen it tunid tur- tle, crasblng ths-ough the glas of tisè vlîd siold, sud snstalulug aeve" novers Cula on the. face and head. The, U.ttle girl vas resmoved tu tise Mels- te- ispltai borsud 1a Improvina tvery day. 1h la etated hovever, that-the deep eta on tue face viii lias. a pis-mu ment Boas- afie tise Inurieç are huai' ed, and thse lîttle child viii be 'dis-' ftgured for Ile. 1It May' require a short "campolaW aio vaut aidou*lmhpu* o tedd*0ht 5& of vouSrk 'a Ye ngfe.ut *uIt of~a ~ a~leie Orpba»n Beueimctre.Dtu Thon. lu gesses-aIgrief at LUise B1t' especlalli' ah Laike Bluff omplusmage, oves- lb. deatis of Mia, J,.I B e; i. lanililarly kiavu as Mary Marus,, la,' hemeactnes aiOSMepa4 dois- of severai 0f Ils il4mq, ionuumuon vith bler 1buma«aI~o home la on La Salle a-evns, ltC* i cago, aud ais e spql- W4 for masuy fato~ 1Iuýoristloçva'Sl l by t.At 101h.?Dur gIpIui**U e bliaipgSter. ,'WUise *uImIng . « a l t , Y l ' P 0 0 10 1 , s a e i J TERZE BOLD THI'V*ý, RÂD OOPS O)N BtTIM 00, M PM~ ni ut hé te~ ne saiUr«91" lat », offl tbas busviit'. tv »Me out liiotya rd."É&1 toà alarn at liii and t»4bua BbSofrbud the, bii*oo etrda tiseu4~A va ei..tie* * tv# beO blbýd 7 -7j $7,~ ~ w 4v&e~llIlc'testw ttieatnt rlgba, hee m mil genoseral floxmee ults i emeq le' a po»te lettes - tous*b tmalug Bs-m bullI. 11 lb. court lecllen OMMaeplat@ t4 bli lu rs-tecdou gtn 50'b buIlding oma*fisulle pal M te'hie pbîWe Tbi exe iw't C4~TYVitJ4Z'L TGO»-OSTTE WIDE Ohief Ilumpector Likely to V41t 4&0 Oouty state.wld, îim#ëtlon of Éailof the dalre In the atâte colstaining four or rnor ma beans xàuàqby iBr. C. M. Crawford. ob jin ct i Oth state board of beaith and kh-ie st Anta. Wben Ib$4 btqftetlqp ln qooe pwet. b. sate boar wm »Mbsa originai report o«MqveY Istry in 0e state and rai!l ato'mation Sa 1e ita Tbs iov. vwu ai*rtoa abmpq Une, niau ~ 1Ue..........» UnItary c sa bebo~ b. maile tiPiitMne Ir htgs i -in Cam it inround tuat tii. ms ep- dîtions exlas a&"'no e~oit hai bee mule ta Unprove tii.mamne Ils. &éa bas aiihhorlty to pet the. <airmll out of businessai an lddtb.e et tnllk tram uaa ourtc. The Inspection concerne ItWeli vii the. fmster ot saultation. onu, tbhê clûesinof athe, auimais. thse att.u4. autos, the.stables,'.51erv aîpply And 0tua mmref M» an, amply Ubom tM%#t tiait have to do witii tise o lt eo a mils. Au ta buttlerfat004. etmr-Collé mftlnnua 0of thii muathila do&. Thé aim la ta secute dean, ilt ft SAa fer as regwlstlonet the s'*vqnnl- luts vili brinsfit. ii l la Usleve ttii.4*Pu rate rmçoeg mdflatu mmbId#q l~~vdsom a pavIai ofa oaeM' elgp nthse ottor aoc purem iii 'beint &a. im ge cter. m bieau"' 4oetii tm »#t,*, Cm t'. oe4 ..dalrieai hue vicati'ea co9k taiw as amon, as thse no.lêptcgd South of tii. noxtioruutm o U saie Mdltkpsnabgoomew«"uoe t gorne peu"apoaIiv*Iy vwaseqa -Al reporta, are «Ust te clu eé 0Dr. CTAwtOd ta Reek*ftd vbise au; ab«tract 'I. made Suzd rta.e, i orignalrepuait boing uent* tusoda*g riéd fer flUlwg aud for Action. Ordera ta the lnapecoos's ae tric and outlUne their dithes vile llml<tl tiiernta the. aubiçatta tebp cssvred, A copy Ia furiabud 0")b Iector,ioer h% guldamoa. BeMe ohWatructa 10vy~t the local beauts car tisd stat bis purp. einvite tt aoncer te Co- aemenl the lnspeetite aid accom. Psny tisae la.inoter us end acM# Oue aie' tue a.be die l te in.- apection tg ta b. doue vitiiuit IL 'Varlope factori or iealn Asre outllned. lwater aupply denned, car. of the talit Alter milisns.cars of cane and codtons ai ta bealti and dMa- ease, The. Instructions gay as ta the tuber- cuita test: "Do flot dIacuss the. tubeculîn test as tâte belongi ta the, ]ive stock com- mlsslonert. Howeyer, if there arm any indications of tuberculoals au otste In your report"- The present inspection viii give .a bird'. eye vlew of the. situation anmd bsd conditions Witt h. reuiedlad la a short limi.. Dr. --Critwfod waza umrnoned ta Sprlisfield a short Urne mNp ta out. lin. hlsmIdea& as ta bow ta proooed and gave the. board bit p1mý .1t u$s a'iopted And ho was givemi treo rein as ta zmethoda. He hua i inspectora At work and their progresabuabeel uch au ta Indicate the iier Jugbae hala WOrk don. ln the sizty dyg allowed4 Pou g'4 Te bie nvlaIt*- Ua»dt*u>5 th e0è Tue four ivieia,- ' ouutth u$ o< 4 et X tue PMov*n% b" tblilaI thee nvine àame 7ail 1559 roua. The p~a l>r$e w notiel ,au4 alec Daptty OluitiN J, Welch, sud tis ambaavas tallo& - The. men ian l4m" vewé traed as ar asuil.4 SeU huavy nain liaI blteutl ilIr The police 0f eveiy suo*Iiuiutdie, snd tue goverument daetse * notifiaI, and are nov vos'5n5 s X case. liust Have Lloemu B' virtume of one. ai lli «9* À! tag aind cour mado affoetla 1e.esuWs- foarmesa- iot ecuha vtaso mutbuM etr w« net fl m