_R UR H WO IER over the work. The change came CH R l O K R when Carter 1-1.Harrison, Sr . as P 6À6 I ST " WA M RY IIOBBS Wýrked for Police Mtrons. a S tUR L IC E S large number o! charitable and pull- Woman, Whose Death Oc- antbroplc organizations as founder pr Jesse L. Bmfth of ElHlha d director. Same one asked her.receut- Pak C im uTe curred Yesterday, Prom- i y i'ow many institutions she was ln- Pak lam urrl inent ini Many Circles. terestêd lu. Tirty-flve, 1 tbIlult" till Lfttle Birds. wass er repiy._______ She Was One of the founders of the dlierefor tne urr Milssionh,walu the I Vas Born in Whitefield, Me. Hoere for lnthe Brlnd ssion iSh e sa *H rost, 1ilçg Forest- the Daughter of Rev. and P rances E. Wllard Hospital, ln or, Points out UarM Done theWoia's brstanTemperance 'yItlA fnh Mrs. Constant Quinan. Uion n ul the Wornans lForeign ayLtiA ias Missionary Society. She was one cf 1 the founders of the Methoàist Episco-b Donor o! Building to Metho- paf old Peoples Home. of the Marilla Frances Gallup, Als ofo! dist Orphanage, Friend of Hobija Orpbanage et. Lake Bluff o f Highland Park, Claime Miss Willard. score of other organîzations.1 Pesta At. Peuch Crop. r _____________On Jau. 9, 1910, a memoral meetings ws held atbte race Metbodist Epis- Complaints Againat Squir-a Wua One o! the Women Who copal church ln honor of Mrs. Hobb'd Heled stalis Oficeofeihtieth birthday. Bishop MCDowel rels Cause Watchword of Reled stalîs Oficeof presided snd made the opening ad- S3wat the S3qufrrels. Chicago Police Matron. dress of appreciatiomi. and represeta-_________ tie f a number of organistons. (rmWdesa' U. *(Fôm- Weneeay' So.) dhifriendsanathera delivered me- (PromTHEdSU.sdoysSNDO PrMry edneeay'obs, SUN'i moral addresses. Altbougb the oc- Wheyet ft.ESUMESD Mrs May Mrîla Hlib, te wfecasion was espe»Ially lu the honor of Teyetfi. at James Bartiett Hobbs. an Intimate her husband. ,s> completelly were the T bey cut haies lu eblagie roofs. friend of the late Frances F. Wiliard, careers orftMr. anmd Mrs. Hobbs merg- Tbey idlt birds. ploneer of Cbicago, church wrker ed that hi, wife was ament as often They raid gardona. and phllathropist,' died early yester referred te as he. Tbe speeches were They dig ni, and est lower bulbe, day morniug at ber resideuce. 101 printed witb copies cf resoutions ani SWAT THE 8QUIRRELS. La Salle avÉnue. Mrs. Hobbs was one messages fromn various parts of the Sa says J. H. Pont, Chicago city for- of the moet prominent womlen lu tble world and pubiiahed la book form as ester. Foliowiog is recent oppesi ta Metodlt Chnrch. She had been 11 a permanent memoriai. bird loyers, nrgng thein ta put wire for nome lime. Besidles ber hniband two sîsters colamis aronnd trees to preveut the Mrs. Hobbs was born Jul 10 1832, survive Mms. Hobbs. They are the squirrels fromt getting at Lthe birds, at Wbteield. Maine, tbe daugter Misses Sarah and Emma Quinuman o! Mr. Prost today gave thi.s dvice: o! Rev. Constant Quinnam a Free Brunswick, Maine. The tfunerai er- "Do not feed equirrels. Thot en- Baptiat minister. In March, 1853. she vices wtll be held Thureday gfternoon courages them ta remain lu the nelgb- was marrsed ta tjir. Hob, who wa st 2 oclock et Grace Methodist Epis- borhoad, snd with sncb encourage- th#u a sebool-teacimer and a tone ma- copal churcli. Time burial wiil be t ment tbey qickly become a pest. sons apprentie. The young couple Graceland. Automobiles wlllbe used "The 8quirrelz get loto the ua ot ot for Chicago ln 1856. Mr. Hobbs tram the cburch te the cemetery. of birds, suck the eggs if tisera are o»"die tritp firat, snd af tee travel- any. destroy the nest aud even 1<111 ing tbrongb Wisconsin be decided on the young birds. Chicago as bis fture home. .'Aither direction lu which the et- Mr. Hobbs opeoed a grain and flour NEW4 OFFICERS AT fects of the pesky squirrel bave been eoumission business la Cicagot"' ET CjCNow eh ~ sbwu Io lu the destruction ofgqa- 11157. lie becamte a member of the F ILFSHERIDAN den seeds and garden truck. Mae Oitago Board of Trade and paid the complaintsealoug the latter fines bayre $6 entrance . ee which was thenF been received from different sections eh* gd . Colonel M. F.Wat ins e aitth. e cia. They eatipples, green Lon& Active ln race Church. Ordered for Duty In P11114- or ripe, dig up 4nd devour bulbe of Ite couple became active lu churmh pines Wlth the Nlneteenth flowerlng plante,.ucnt ot eas 01o corn Wok anmediateiy on arriulng lu Chi- And is Leavlng lu the gardon, damage other veget- In o.lu1859 Mm,. lobbs affiiated___ ables, and-worst of, ail, even est wlib the aId Indiana Street Methodist bles lu ablagîsd roote. Z hosShe wus prominently Identi- Amoug the uew officers reporllug at - Pett.d ton Much. i Jwlth tigi chureh unUii its dissolu- Fort Sheridan far-flty are Firat Lient. "The squirrel bas been petted too atà. subueunt to the, Chicago fire. George B. Lake, M. Cand Major mnch. Resideuts bave let them do au '-aybteb lb. building was destroild William R. Dashiell, 27th iuf. Lient. tbey pluse,,and the cousequeuce la **h .4t fidsorganizatiaa o! th. lu-I W. G. Laagwiil retnrned ]st week they have become peste lustead af -' itna street clmrcb. Mms. - Hobbs be-J from two mnthe' leeve spent abraad. pets. *q»,e a member of the Grace Nleho-~ Lient. R. W. Boughtou bas Ioined hio In support o! his fIght agansat the ý,,4lu Epiacapal cbnrcb, lu whicb she wlte and famliy ta spend is leave et aquirreis, Mir. Prost aboWed lettors ut oaae took a leadia position. their home. Lieut. sud Mi'.. B. W. tram mauy ctizens, compslnlag o! It wu mt after the great fire that Philipa left Tbnreday for Fart Leaven, the ravage, doue b! tii, 'pets.", UMç,. lobbs first ganed wide fame. wortb, where Lieut. Phililpe bus a de- 0. C. Sîmonds, supeinteudent o!f WI16 De. M. M. Parkbnrsi.,wbo was tailtot the Signai Corps. the Gracelaud cemetery, wites as fol- t1'eIýpstOr of the Grecs church, sihe Col. M. P. \Valtz baving been as- Ioas: bh4ded a committee for the destribu- signed te the 111tu fanlry. the famlly "A Mrs. iRend bas Juat telephousd iionaf clothtug ta the destitute. Pack- la parking ni, ta go to the Philippines. ta e lasklng me ta seud you a letter ses were sblpped ta Chicago f rom Lieut. and Mrs. Selgel entertaiued et lu regard ta, equirrels. BShe lilvela m4ny porta o! the country and stored dinner Wednesday for Capt aud Mes. tbe nortiiera part o! the cdty and lu Mr. Habba' harn. Then came tise Jaumes A.ityan, wba le! t Thsrday says: 'Tihe birds are geowing scarcer 'wqrk a! dealing out the garments te morning for the Fast, intendlag ta, and the squinieis more abundant eacb theee who mont needed tbem. spend sanie time lu New York cty be-' year. If we let the squirreis live. we For a number o! yeais Mms. Hobbs. fore joiuIng for station et Wet Point. aolibave no bird,. If we baye no wes the intimate associate o miss Miss Bajane Page aud tirs. Stu,- birds, w. b.all haye no treesa.' Bbc Wllard. tfrs. Hobbs was a member of ouda have iiued tmeir ister, tirs, solO that lu several a! the suburbe, the Woma's Clristian, Temperanue Francis M4rahaîl, sud parents. e tiiere were laws protectiug the squir- Udion troam early girlhood. She was aud tIr,. Williami Page. They came rels. db. thongit tbat yon should lat4pclgl in the developmeut o! the f ram BaitAntonio, where Captatu Blu,- write the paper. Iu regard tu this oriaalzatlou with whicb her friend onds la stat loued, motter and crote a sentiment agolnt Miss Willsrd le no compieteiy ISs _________thelb sqirrels fer the sake of preuorv- tl4ed luIg bird. mund trees. Mer' flewa ou- ~'The accompîlelimeut lu wbhletirs. Dte of Coumbus' mirt. tcord withmy avu. W. kili ail tii. took tise mont pride." saiS eue of ber Historions Sffer as to the date af aquirreis lu the cemetery eacb yeor." fiends today, 'was ber part lu the ChrIslopher Columbus* birth. as oeil Slnd Lover Protoqt. establishtment o! the matrons in the as tae1the place where lie ose bora. l Jeas L Smith, o! Highland Park Sanie have It that lie Oas borii'reiet !tlu-orahcBoit polce stations. She o-as one of a 1436. etiiet Iu 1437. If lie first datej rsdnofteG gapiScey cammlîtee repesenting the Womau' be correct nes was 56 years of age Of Chcago, writes as toilova: -polices ere mucci opposeS ta the lu- a hen ble iscovered Aweîa. "Bird loyers ln Highland Park be- vulon o! the police stations by vo j 1ev the sqnlrrels greatly reduco the Some Big Snaps TUST RECEIVED a lot of fine boy's suit s, s;e s 7 to 16 years J ~ ')fl~ or choice of boy'sà.11l»wc ol suits with $.95 . .>Knickerbocker pants, lined and double taped, worth $5.00 and $6.00. $2.4 for a lot of very servicc7able suits, worth Boy's strong serviccable kind of pants, 50 the beut pant for 50c you ever saw.......... W Corne and sec what our boys departnîent la doing. làr. #1xùëIro a-tt ere n _. ,obiré1 ë asA.- g~heisare so well~roet .0' MM',1their paturai enemis that they- .become peas.", I'wm*o" allup of Highland Park, 'ThII yeor e bad a peaeh crop for the flrst time in tbree yeare, but the @quJxrr.lsate most jef tbem. Nearly eýverybod'y sya*, 'Oh, the beautiful lit- tde aqulrrels.' but 1 notice that mome people-are gunnlng for tbem now.11 R. M. Strouk q! the Utniversity of Chicago, says: «'I hwverplýnty of evidence tbat red aiturreisarae serlous enemies of birde, but 1 do flot know tbe record of gray and fox squirres. "Bath the foi and gray iQuIrrels are destroyer, of blrds' fiesta, woodc peckerm sandother birds uestin i a holiow trees beiug espectally liableï to Bulier trou, theni, sBaya S. A] Forbes, dlrqector of the illinole State Laboratry o! Naturel History, "If v resfly must choose between birde snd squirrels, o! course, we will take bird. au squreis are amusiug merely. and do absolateIy no good, wblle birds are boM "Igh"9~ul and help<ui. Bird. help in preservlag trees by killlng te- qaielHa& salihmmplon, V. 19. ý>e.rd, of the University of, bimi faffiers and1, 4 ý2~O«riqetiw01 bird nettinusites: "The utausmeen that If vo eltthé uquiFreels uv.. w. shalh bave nd birds fi absulq," ho maya. "No birds, no trees- l9vOnse. as veli as birds, and are io legs vain. able econotilically sud eothetlcallY." Jens Jensen, tbe landucope sychi- tect, doot net hlike the ide& o! cou,- imete exteminatlan 01, aquirrels. "I tbluk that If they are kept viii- lu cerlali bounda, there la littli daim. ger o! theni exterluduatisg-the bleds," lie saysa d'lBROT1IUS NOLU ED flEERS À iiSTATE FAIR Motorcycles, Fast Horses, ' Aeroplanes of Biplan.l Type, Ail at ]Pair. The illiils iegiolature ibis year gave thse Ilinois Siate Bioard of- Agil- I5555, und ta% MOwm b>ç. 3f. w In eretdting o mammaxhotb iqi, sf1 ewine pavillon ta ost 812l.000; a m»Qdem barse baro ut a coot of $76,- 000, wbile the remainder wilhoupent for uew lavatories' sud toilet conven- leuces. Work ob lhe new buildtings wilI be commenced, but not oompltd tis year. The Illinois State Pair lait year bad reeord-breaking aouendance, mttwlth- standing tire. day. rmin. vbieh corn- pelled the speed depariiuînt teo ban- don one Oys eventa. simd rice tltree Uoy' entries lu two days. The euto- mobile sud motorcycie prgrom vas abundaaed. Tiie gale relpis lu. creaaed pegrly $20,000 aiscompared ,with 1909. This year lncreýaed premium. mand addilouol attractions are ta roi.. Cash premiumea omOnntinug ta $80.000, $30,000 o! whili a tIthe peed de- partment are ofered. Ten thonsand o! the $30,000 la sc»,d.ulad for aue pace Und a trot. $5,000 eaeb. The Ilarvester and the greut Ed Geers. mliiibu amang the attractions lu the speed ring anS Wrght Brai.' aeropianes wiii gîve exhibitions every forenoon sud afteruoon ezeeptlng Sunday. Twa days, the opeuiug ones. wlll ho devoted ta mcorcce ries$, pOtpoued frau, 1910.,simd the last da y, wtt be the main bÛmouon at8, day. Illirnffiialwraybis i ihrlwfth fitsfl csiprq.nilmm sand tt tble t fla o *xoeinion, oastii !oiiowing from ti presinun list.lUl show ]>et Câttle .............. tsary Cattlq ..... , iieoyyHors.406 lt t borses . .. ......... Jackis and Mules ....... 1,820 Sheep............-.......... SÀ67 .oi .......................5 Pouitry ........... .......... fs i Parm Products ............... 4,103 Horticnituf(e................. I" V&riculture ..................31482 Textiles.....................8l'o Cnlluary . ..... .. .. . .. -A Daiiry Prodocts ........4,9U Educational ..........1,10M Spéed ....................... 80,000 etyoo<iilCevil. A vonudeçpWd bis wis laii le Sitret sud sa b oy woa ioilig 0lo0. bsilnd tple iciilup sud ianle t M0 iDII -tbUnkq. My boy." sad :# for«r i.. aver seau 'Mm. &LtiJpournal 'vi TELABORATE DRESSES of lingerie, pure limen sud M isettchomice fs or-----------**. $#ra ~ mr~12.C e, some h tu lot or......p..to..3.9 SpuaaI.LIISIJITS AND) COATS MUST PQSITIVELY GO- ý IWomen's cloth Coats lu short 1 1 Ohildren's DRISSES. Made of good quOity Percale and ginglbams, etc., Worth $1.50 and >$2, for tlils sale 79c ypur choice at . 7 LAST OALL For a sp.cW~ lot of lin- on Auto'Çoata. Borne in the. lot worth as hlgh as $7.00, you choice vile uhey lait,'1. Juat received,. another sl4pment o! thoso colo- brated 'Whie petticoats an.d govus, made of goodqnay cambrIc. W. Bll laeheso on 'Bale agar, 9 spoci ...98 Laadies' Pure sulkI oso, Worth $1:00 439c $or . ...... NO TI 0,2I We cal spodg~ atten- toito aur extensive lineocf ',uew ?l feit' Bats prices muge 79c Bi1k petoa a.o! cr~ r.s 50 on lengths for .....q..............ZJ -$18.00 long serge Coats ini tan, blue or 6.95M blavk, special at *ý.à, .............6y EXTRA SPECI&L-Black satin Coats of an extra good quality satin, worth $22.50, -9.75 special at ... ................. Women'a and misses' wool suits, ail satin lined, worfth up to $15.00, special at 5.. . 95 satin, ail sizea to select froin,j rj' special at ............................ fiF Two-piece wash Buits in ail colora, worth 14 $4.00 to $5.00, special at . ....... Exta 1 Lawn Lingerie Dresses Exr1 A la.rge assortment o! pretty lawn and lingerie Dresses in ail the newest styles and colora. It wil. surprl8e ; ou when you see these beautiful Dresses. ositively> the best values ever offered at U this price. Your choice while they Laat j*i J atA each ...................... SuffiraLadies' Pumpsa nd GiL Moud mud, et the tords, lac~e or bittowi stlem bs «daot ua ~il colora and best qulilty &hie, tbey coin, la elir, ji ton or hleck, bttes mi ism b. or lace. Valne $2 te r ollrl35 $2 50. ud400 ah....5. 98c ~ : Ou mue apeew et The blutent bergales l*'l a evor Seen la the he to Dre# rpbtlaw Flue Uine oflingerie vaais, ap- cwat 81 ...79c WAISTS A4st remslred, a lar àwpment, of new FE talrdwalots, liosi- tivelwOtj' $ 9& for ae MURTS Fine wash skirts, worth $L5, sp'caî... 69c.- Panama akirta, 19 speclal ai .....___9_ Wht serge kirs, spe- smle ai ....... Blak voile, sere and panama a t unew YaU mdèlowortii $6 .and $7, on 5 0 L ad ie s'combluation~ suite, drawers and -cor- se soi coIeru- nioely trmmed vitiz lhceor ePbroide9 'c y f n OUN TU Jante: abot ac bltepsfa ole<le-or whpa h ta bit the ailu tag. ln Sun. Il ap] liked Ir tte for, wlicii1 oourt b lonlbidd, Threm *Msw p Il le CI Tucker bien d Thon siav il loeking eut vWb sai tw lhé Ou: Met vi As b sld Le aud or Wben Tucbor ta bit: tua ex 'rucher blspsfi At tel huora the net Iro oas it le differei leii til Meqeri thu Dei uphold Iu a efWh& ecb c dmt 1 sto.tly le*s, o PolI' vould dent b«e of a foot Mou retors vIew. wuike oe4m Me] and à