IL~ +4.4..., -------- e------- l~uo e 2 SW '0 -,---- ---- - otrt ose. F. W Setia, Uli'i + N-Fv FOB uà iToSut W.e. Olie, abouise iutoerParaud Av, oeeminutes vals fIm Pectric dpt. Ail moudem llmpruiviuents. laquiruet C-47-2 1 FOR REflT De SALE-la i9F0m. modm uboue <0f Division treet; sons. furniture for sale. Mss an. A&& Dusmxayn. pt f1 Bn-Art O? lLUx<el çO* Wy or ae. 1 .hoCis aCours 'oft Lais.Cnaty, 0 S to esAD. 19u.1 e lu"Datevs. Chauma W. Tervoot,1 wlwrg. Ysevoodise M. Yrwood.1 ~'~losscfNatisuIr. Cocbea.1 doo~dU;»WD beir, or devtae 1 Peyre re , doeossd," -Unti6v - omw f or permoos1 'bkteuse le<ho ut bê f f Un sorth vee quarte, aio8- ~2l. TbwsoeIp 43 Noirth, su" I11,Of <Un TkIr i Prlrnsl Mrius, a, sa Cmnty.1 11?îla cham"b, am. NO. 5408 Nolise te tse mar leeby g m.a o e» defo tt btah9 aboya uummed ccii-1 labusalà eaetcoslired rbli If1 ouplaintte Ic..d Court Os <h. (hanesu-1 elom »ssfsd uebaa nmcuns hissreuou bauud out o »WidCourti ruurn bie4i.Srtday ce lme teri of aise Cicit Drt of Lail.Coaly, tu bu heid çkt tse Cut 1b1ie n..luWsu r a ipaiti Lake Coostmy,,on tise dm 1 Mooday of October. A. D. 1911. na i. 1 Isur roquired »sdd hicb stoi i.s sa poudint. 1ýI Lavis O. Bsocvtv. Clerk. ~WueaIllnois, JUiy 24, A-. D. 1911. BMJAM a . lMtLLBU, Coipil@uast SouiscIor. I>44-4 1 Chaioery Notice ÎÎTAn-E OF' iLLIOI5 Cousinor<TLanxJ Cireuit C ourt of Luise County, October Teru A. D. 1911. <i-anS S. Karu, Truste*, and E. A. Biaiiop va. Abert W. Kunke, Jennie muSke, Jacob Paveis. Honte iumber Oompany, B. C. iwÀlue< E. W. PrSor, B. F. Swan, Liberiiville Lumber Coi. peu, acOrOrtion. I*ke (ounty Natîsia=Bn&,s.corporation, sud L. B. Sebanek and 0t. G. 8eisank. doing bnsinesa undet the Uv. naineofilSchamet Brothers lu No. 5184. Tise requiits alitisvi uring beeu Notice la therofore hmb.y gin-mu to <b. saiti aboyea naueid h a t tii. aboys naunet 0oei btiumto- lore 5Wdtbir irll a 0*la li id court. ou tis se ry ld a o, s«d *ale. mmona tbermrnpo6 e nti of MaiCourt acaluat tiiae slow xmuiet danto, raturmbl a-»* o#M .sdoW of tbe tosa 01ftM'sCircit Voý091,0 *moun beto s A$' is<ais. 1,, Wt? 1-W @eît le fmiOT -L4evIla brd ogM-tal +. +IOETAN+U 1 NOTICAE-Lisrtyvll. Lodge Kniit f f Pythie. taka notice <bat unleast0",i fbail reutdcd.Lise M. +W. A. ln a p e< datea suif orne arragemmta made for vt bgprapberalia ou or lieora ppeux-.b, IsI. 1911, mame toil l a.-idl Io psy Itomago. c-454 GOLO FILLED SP&OT^tLES-wlts cwelitest incintiet for $1.00 sud up. Bave vîor pi-cuent lem». cfi uet or bave Dow fraîpeafor visai-preset enm 'IY-s Iat isold vvth coeuiort, trou: $1-00 and nu. )aekousle's drug store tb. Boxasu Drug @tore, cgrior (ouae. et- -u madimon Waukeuuu. ILt - 29 South Eut Quasrta, <i0idSesBout Twest.elist (28) -btée.S ortit 15, Nurtilrn.of tise Soulhfmof g»s Souths But 1uare.rof saWs- decton Tvm*t5 f $hum Wes t o the SntI lest corner <0f tbP NorthWmei Quar 0f the South is ait J(UN~sor «Mt Sedton Tweu<y-.tglt (2,); tboc North no8ot fth <isse.Nortb 88*30' West ta the Norethlinse<of aie houtihall <of atse NWet Quar terftiS outh est Qu oe f muid Section Twouay.elgiit thernofNorth W 171 Wsett o <tie Nortis ise cf aSMeSogth %« tQuarter cf muid 8-Mtom Tvsuty-elgbt 28); <houce w.t e> <is e@twertcfMUd litiou Twrety. Igt <2 ; <issuesNorths au10toet; &beue NorthsaW 'W.e o the Nb lorths Wes corse- cf tise SOuthimer. Quarter <of tise NOIW.t Q~~rtr 0 "idSection x rI i. i utoit ou ýTvMu<y-slbt <2S); q hioce ea165 foot; <hoes North to tise $ou*isfinse<of be North Wost quarter of Section Tweiity.oue (21); <borne. esatahe couter of m"id section Tvouiy.oue (21); <hence Norths w aise Moilj Eues corner <of abs South FEut Quas-ter of the Noib miWet Quarter o 'este Setion Tweuti-oue -(21); tbffle. [Wmoitîo tis Northi Went corner thereof; <bouae North <tiste North Esat corner of t Noth Wst Qarte oftise Norths (j BWàd Soe.Twesty. om Lt Wsat <n the Nor-th Westes corner tberof; tissuce Noctis Ofet; tbence Wmt w tbe Weat Une of tho Sot ut st Quarter o of ouon Birseteen (17): têrneo Noutis otu te Bouts West cornai- pl tiseSouths Esat Quarter nfi m i ection Seveuteu (171; 0',Àt 1050 lomt;97 fet; Souths 8ents lSjeî; IboeSWeet <o ah. Wegt fino of the. ouais Buat Qu"-t 01 theLb Noctit Wmt Quarior of Section Twenty (20); timSane outb <c tho Soatir West cornor tioroof; <banc. West tete Norths West corner <0f the Northi Blet Quairter of <ho Souths EsatQuarter of dection Ninetmbi (19); tisemScBouths to tise NOraj Wemt corner of <ho Norths Est Quartes'of thse Non-tii Est Quarter ti Soet-IonThrty (30); tieSiesot 9910 &,-boueSsokh th outh linso 0 ilÎiNOrb Wot uarercf tiie Nons toat quarter <of »4ugdSeton Tilrty (80); <bom uc et snd North oeiy alàbul tie orner of th& Publie,- ilghvay tdthé Mut lise cf 'id Section Tlrty (50; ssafliu<I<o<I.RoLsgoi eouwe üo nb West Qurteretise lesS WsisQsiter<Secotion Twmty- <isa. s. l4 t 5L . cf <e tuerIs hlirI ocaetiautb Twgienty.eIÈl4 '«bJ; tbsnîîe North 11 42' Weoa 80 le.t'alsMceNorth 58, 31Y0 Woottîo tle Di lilno f tise outisinalf of the Northi v r.rfbe Soutb on" Q 9 20rof 47ZUBschobTwenty-, eelâisi M. ts=esNortha 521 West tu Lb. Wo*1lice of<ifdStontis hasqt Quarter;<houe. Nertis490 35' Wet to tb. NM lae of t<ioth ifat.Quarter of tise Bo4ItIaWest Quarter of Raid 8ec- tionTwm t-elgst8; tireceNorlbt51<' 2 Wdeatt: l.eiftllof the But bIr of. <l, io lt bailof ihe Souths Ve't Quartuedtihe jonh sWt Quarter of t4le«îmol'es lism(28); aheue North 6r70 -irW W0 rt; tireuce North 670 Io, w86-54M Fls.tb.noe North 42, W0 Wiot'USO bot; <he6ce.Norths 40' 30' We. 20 <9* <isu. NnS481 Weot M 0 <set io2ea ortiseV" 3'West 6m0 (<et SoS V('< 40 10'West 458 =4 <oeSirie. 7"Wst 344 fest; tise~ LI?0'WmWest1100 lest; <1oçieUO Il8WoS3M faut; <bouc.' Wcnl f0 We915 feu; theuce Norths "5 -W 3f siécoemmenclog st a poa<*deish 74 let Bouth of tise ~ tSI<iTwou<y-nlus (29), Tobw lTotz4isre(48) North, 1)-Eet of ahé Titird P - laLuise Ciuntv. B" sRe~(mid feclion; 17W West 329 liset; Wt«1IMM let; <hoe. e YWiet 2M fret; titejce *y~0 West 653 telt; tisene. *Wet 300lesci; aleu com- Ob ~ 0apoint vhicis le Il27 el no< rtiéseouts lins sud 520 lest 1et 11ceMethlneo <f ection Twcnty (),'isskp Forty-three (43) North, iâio Eose (11) Eàet of tire Third I Mridiau iu l.ake ounty. - gtisence Norths 43' Easat Nol 59, lIait 0 fot; <ra oi-ah 16,Eut72 ei Nfrtis230 Wpet 713 let, tleuce Sotrif 17* Weet 300 ltet; tsent-e Nortis iii' Weet 100 Ivt; tbence South 79130,' le-ts PM0 fet, isio commeunînet Ea po ot tihiedin lM87 fot South of thse Nortih lin sud 2'-80 feet veit of ttti-Lest tnt- MesldgSetion Twpntv-uine (21>,Towi- iisip Vont-thri-e (43), Norith. llcîmg" Elies-eu, l-it of tic 'rird Ptmtîi Ileidian lu lake i tunfy.ifmm'i: <bette-t-Nirth 32' 30f' Pif mi 'lac ort b lin,- ol eaid Si-etimîonititi.; lNuta il51 V,'et 225 le-t; tethe-, Nm.mîl 4fi" Wlet 660 ltet.I Tisat open ditcei beontrîîîtm-d toikswing the routes bi.ieintefoi-e doocrîsedth ie bott-om widtb of whi-h' shail 1w times (3) ftet sud tieseides tmm ,dope at thre rate of une fout, horizontal tu one fout vert"ca anthtie dlrîb '1<> baiea graisor ita sto0 tifi-t per mile. That thse "mie of thse pi-opoeed distriet la Drainage District Numiser Two of the' Town of Yernon, Lake. Countjy, If inoi4. rbt atud pétWaou vas ant is la ldin lise Couat Court ai Laite lfounty, Ibioqi.sud %bat <ho pottuocers yl promut saId pettion u te mid Coeuty Court of tise C3uuty of Lake sud State of Ililsois, ett h. ne-st Beptembor Torm tbei-acf. to-mît: Ou tise 4tb day of $epteubei-A.0. 1911 aetfeu ocinsek i tise foronoon of mid day or aetsoon Liereêter as connmeb can be heard, etI the roons unAthe Court Bouse lu tise City oif Wauksgan. lu Lb. Coouty <0f Lake oui State sicreneli. occuplot by Lise Couuty Court SA a Court Boomntsud viii tissu sud- ther. a«k a beuding upon s@Md petition. Datedti ibale tis day of July A. D. Lzv A.,Baîurac, OCio<f tise Cnunty Court of Lake Couty, Illinois. RALPU J. Oson-. sA*ien-C. gsait, Attorneys. -45- State of Illinos, Counîty of Lake, se: Circuit Court of Lake County, Oc- lober terin A. D. 1911. Fabut Brewing Company, a Wiacon- un corporation, vs. Mary Murpisy. Dennia H. Murphy, Auat lBgesu, C. O. Pruala, Entil Fleesad Kircitof Neviartir & Company, ln Ctsnoery. No. 6411. Thte requisite affidavit having been Note le tbereforo iereby ginen 10 the. saiti dafendants <batlte abie neu.d Complast ierotofoi-e fileti lis Bill <f Comiplaint i saiti Court, on tie thre Cituery side titereof. aud that a stunsmons tiereulpou lasuedti o<f sit Court agaluat the aboie nameti de- fendtista turnabie on theeltiret day of theserm <of the. Circuit Court of Lake County, tu b. hei t thlie Court Rouso lnWaukegs.n lu salti Lakte County, en tireFiMrit Monday of Octo- iter, &. l>, 1911, au ba by lav requlreil, anti viich suit la itlU pcndng. LUrWI O. BROCKWAY, Cierit. Waukegaln. Illinois, Auguit 111h, A. D. 1911. William C. Uiton, Compainats Sollctor. 14AFMIN C. DE«IBR. Attv. Ajudilcetlon Notice. PulSe NotIe ta boraev siven that tie Suli- s~e aunxltAe)o ilii snd OP.B=rand". aesdi wi = "4b0pratennaof taks outr. Mta VO-Èted<r<ut llu Mmr» <auorne tSetSam go IL ERG, Exoteix. 'AdJudIcation Notice. J~~ÂN) fan-mesame heerd to zay often, «U ed they would. Jalcg k o isn't ltu the ne1 of Lakre couaty tpo lI other worda, the wheel bas turn- bat .erety r.amm a~ 81% l Prodiae the bumper crops of the west cd land. the uest and its frontiers crop ibsu en-ca ZWuà<tay'l and, gntg." prctty veIl exhausted, t he farnier man grow, tiie ,ery bue snd Io r I.. Gargantuan base ftn n bas ever suggestel hslia seeking th l fd localities that bis thle county or' aoy otiier. and tq*nl.M onmntlbone the present farming nrethodsanrd pro1fatbe&ýa.andcncd. We ought toeblm ethse Vol1vxse,. ' 0f> lleu 9 s o-i n duels that are eought to be ('hanged,1 What's <the Reason? pel jut a utle bit, aslongssau ,,f on ail , li.m«o the vegetabie and u4tiî up arises tiîs imm Vol iva witb And tibe i-RFon aq nor hard Io find. lifted Il bodll from Zlon Clty"I, ll amali frt l ndo ttitse are hlis nerage of hope ii.d cý,cLcr, and hls Neiy fsrm nia hiner?, ne-a farm Me, nisa and let lit mend hereaftem to, 1 s the ProffttsisI' andem i S ldld ap, Pictules of sire and deciarea <t] tbds, better andi casier wa ofdo- on the outalde: Pearlng P"c~tts of intene've change of nietl'od and of Iprcdltct wiil Ing the work, sclentitfc knowiedge of "Let's keexi the boys of lAh enlql<- forng 84CÂried on r<eht now rl' o~uea." .12v and conditions, a paternaf gov- ty here at home by sbowing tkees up at Zlou. Clty, ard asit may There la no doubt but that the Zfon rizment that een ge s a sf0 ey <van mafe uitasmac ýoei 11 and perhapas ftould be c3rrbed on egfeoofi ar oeet1 mfn hth-acte-r ao fardtItherebyine set aumug la' Ui* Thimaof IM1ç eu hny gin < hie a il<enn ti v.h at crops are bes.f f0 plant. the in- carianywhere else biysaliotiteric4:> tsethigaîhwnIn whole of 1Lah comnty for ýthe good, terest iln tie farmer on the part of' the thod. the. plsotogapItâ which Mr-. Vlîva and that the Lake cotinty fermer, In. big busness 0f the country, whirh__________ ha* hod tàâco to convince the steaël o' adandoning firrntng ta drift 'realues fiat the fermer and his pro-' Lake ,éqoiaA,-yfarmer, alissys i îxso be-e k"iing, a«,alft rl.idur!s are- the mainsfsy oif the nation Harnly Speaka at.JoIIt ratltr #r liMM5lc cf lte yo,,rs, dalr),Ing, hog rasint se-id îach mai- and that ail de-ponds ln the 'sa t In- The aait of A. H. HarnlY, 4îiâdâý'v that h C eR< odenidol- tex-s, May, pe un>, id profiabi'-, coin stances on the tillera of the soli, suterntendent 0fti ÂtlIalq lare f couty by a beap More nionvoi ard fm8~kini f hem <-mi ofier t blngs are' ati astLege 0 JotStud',k* tenslve farmli money- nowv, de s ,ite bii denils-by brfnging aIi ro q realilation tbat land l Intensive fartndng, bc it obRerved adopting tie VoiLva doctrine of '10- IormreTly'tionght'medi 1offe la as od stirred ilie femperanpe forces. MaS. by the way of n merf foot note, l lensive farming. wicih !- ««1v dfif as c«an- be worked anywhere if thc lY, at the ('entrai Presbytes-ian cburcis Juit dixt pius 'ambition Pius eiiow Plus eitow g9reaýe plus<aaiobitfon. me-thA dof work!na It and the prodtzcts announced tiat the pmogmam of tê* grease Plus aCionce. IWho l.nowq? scAgf'fare thie rght ones. Icague for Dext ycar la 10 seculhe <th .You meely geL n Sre-a" plot of Tle plti-toua bf V, i'm as faker. ii<: re no aizandoned fermIn enactinent <of a county option iav ý 'Y <round sud mae it produce the ijeut of bis aceneu f farmnng bget the: LnIte r < ,' and te moat <i>ox-<io i illdetiCedistrict 'Option snd a soee It viii. rrodni-"î andti tbc-i.m are fairly burst- clasof peopl e of Lakecotuty .M andi îelffl act., The.state outald@,ct * Insteati of taud.log Arn idmd a'dIng witlx )zooaeeity and j'mlýv. fier t ram*e- avd retireti farmer-but ChicaiM la O erwelmlng ta faLn-or if' bowling about ad Ci-i" a r 1 " f' n'.1e "f ra'ma îîe (l 'r"(io;n- fie ene nt fem are drlfting verI, locl pi opn- .lu the lIset leuiultir.' rab. andi thc *ed of better price,' ty' fariner Dow $tep ftrward wlth ir-- and noti simd soutis andta 1theJ Out <Of the. 40" t tO I lWao1060 VOonte ot en bSvm, .ali beome rifle eu thse âliaueiosestlc 80 er. oppoeed. i lu hcS Slêw<ýe oIPposti to 1vnlig tbi peop.e q émuebm tu say what t1Ibg vauteti, sud w" for an option mosum. Opposeti to the. Auti-ialcmsLs - 'A thc Ûnitcd îoclcttes, wiciealài, 12 local olf-gov.rxMent-for Cîlcmogà tie surface, ovmment .cf,~ state by lt* Metropoiis. The. mate oujed <of thc Âtobalot* <4 Leugue, as stated by Haimnin -, lpl, elimination oif thre saloon froms andlils dcatrnctu aiong v4t~b11ý,,î Interforence vilUic ecourte. Tla* , o f tUic'Unted 0eocietios la t* froc relgo to thre saloon l a conducted vitirout iLefrst. }a.The prtmaxie«ci. ~ and tUic bague viii <et bcfufa< Oý Élitistes oppoeed te Jack-pot abg *eà loon-made leg lst ou.-Jollet Ne"n_,1, Pi-opoial for L.ocal irnprovoiaa Ofice oiftii.BouecftLocal =-P4 ments, Libertyvle, IniAge 1911. - Beaied proposais. viii b. enl t i i . B o a r d o L o c a l u i p o v e -e t > 261hi, A. D. 1911,t is oald village of sielUsS1 cnruntso S hlvauIp wiu savsl.t-ia ictes sad )W lx, wamise.Avenue, bora tennimueet clti siutem ôtcf ily pipes, .54froc ot iu» el... *51 Bcet Blaokborry Fiold ln Laike County and ïDampfe of P-oducte of New Inten- slve Farming In lion City, on Zion-Estato Lande. uiiwauEOe Anm» ageilMWl~ UàbortyviW. Lakse OoiVung'Us ofthbe = egoUbyeI. petition <0f MWid '§lsgeflAqs len-y s an ae fW wal. ment, ilied lun<h affile f l the. Couu<y Cogri iet a = , IllinisuaJun26,1911. atdoo muId &sur#t sULber tyvi.. -Aoesment INunier & Se systota 'cf0var&if.. asniu d Wpul b m-oO4~ offle. of <b. preetdouatof ls Local ItmprovemieofaiMaW 't pLibertyvilie. uMdi O =lsc Ia robtalmasd na tics<S preaideu Lof t7» meute auna* thoe O OraIsiM attoruey, Laie COmuuty ýtbài BIls-.. isortyvtIllinoibs. Propo" met ea h sadés en blanka Sulosboti et l0eaboya pacesd b. uddueed «<tc p 'of thse B 01>bcLocal, Impron-e* uid vil eds doreti 'Propos Water Syptein," sud b.eoui ossi or a centîfid ock pêgabi oi-deof the presidout o="isN Local luprovaituon aomo reep bank loi- an autous qual<ot cent oif the aggregate propouL. Bld. viii b. openetiby <ho 80 Local Impron-emente ilu openmm 8 o'clock P. iM.. Augual 2%< mid Vlllne B U JOMidn- LibeKyn-ilis, Laboke uu<, llsu Coutractorm viiib. s4p aaoOlment vrauew ,yh Libertyville Specel0 u nuironeti Aug.SR 1U reserve tise rIEIS blde. -<haidWi a mi. ç,ionfoter "- vou t*...e of# lb.. i.,,.,,tan.i.e t Drave teicii.. . dan whea's nr5'. with n andy alvmlitiitsn io-r mises.UM , yutr- flieipotne mapoehd wctza naye U, . Mb en WbtauTsle ui eep buay anli e tinm e, lie vaiue or imek of value of hils 10 ? aytastay titeir laut.'unleasainet * cNa, atendtego lldu r lb That'al May Have Fer- R.achlng Effeet. mci goasel as titis <of VOUYivaa )OUnt goule tu 4? flnIntenaive farming. mThie tiocf tie fan-ming empire bu, adoptetiand' vorltedti 10a ueo-vIle Ose fira tludarof Ostober It lau eiien-ed abat appUe i ie re1 i lipo-nt etrd net fiazzle miti .tise yovug <ils suno<15 mirs su perfoas=Dee" th »sM5se Vo.tid=incpi0totis <9 bnd of Irs way lu tuis couury, - sd oey 7de- te iib otn't tys eu ~~ ~ 1,5k. County, andud ajogfp io<the 'cade ba seen a nev frontier iso"kn, and set botter and eusir -Smny vith- lu SAMMON. iteeni snne pclicy of using 14 *py Ufertile ita thre plov sud au <Id ocieleft bo- iout riakit p tleyeauCM t of balles- 8011 'for vitlItl sago4di(*s-.-vante Slnd. -.- I-tetno. frm tb'Id otd ýselaud the »O 515Attys fer Baiste reortit lu addlng untoliti <ibjk a. teiel'rom the litho Dstch tfring nscom-. st lIaI' unadbieti, <Lm', allen Notice. fan-mers s aul account, i- li t en-' munily on Manhtattan Iland o<f no Tishe 0" ltv w IliDo. rle StOM u tAs .bi- Courfflmeuit ta10 b t ntvould adl- many yeai-s agoablte viseat flelde That'. visy tLiipp«erm» tM ol e roal eteanvan* the Aggmes-ate **a f tiseof Uic near Pactife siope is a far ci-y, Lire gopel<of Volt-a là», mâ ueS e, x 1, l ounryya ybut IR la a mater of f Ici, acrmins- ta tlat bis metWA i gpo#l»*s t b:W Prm ayo 0s-r ak ent aiA«#guIob a receut mamazbne, tint the abandonu- duteta arme vortb,iy I'iekabuc buPeo e la aag& Jn spite' $l ý4*dry of et farin, of New Yorkud Ne* factor.,.sad tisaI t -Ws5t Ile tat f~~tuéte181b0te<e ouet ftise'urn on - ly Engianti, lefI lu diaguat for a nev sud labd lih ie bW7 k~< e4hentuxCfti8e O tvo ha t-tlandItfantiser front)er lsy Uic sons <of a Vmu- *ACK TO THE LANOoeà?H£ LAKtE le 10, iiý iist as - diii eration ago. arc uow. today, tlin min, 'COUNTY LAUlIs onsIMeh rtulst.better anduti, being eebotigit by &U la$«eet<i And mûre..pow«r <o ls '-volte, be- Id=5t W1so<o, emr 4 in i.people frouta&Il oewtteansd madie tatcauma tire ycuug Mune vihavé te ee 'i-j~ j ~ . At~i pay dividenda e if va nover dresin- icavIng La"e coouty fus' w m afotier of Ia tSt"oekildera Meetis de Dsiountce lauhoyu r e's O.1911, as <hieur c A p. M. ab thse prlepo 4 *M Colby Moreauthle CGejb~i Avnune lta lb. vgtq>*.0 Laks Conty, llIIuoft 64 M lion te W. W. -Z f ~ W'#. m'tU