1s alas 1 toethohttokpae.tec e 4 103 Ciaofl ladS.Pu 1664&aotwat&o ntehiISn ageFoa rah1 .drn a1,3ge t açiwt Mt y ilbeBdesb l0e nCse .88 96es at r asor8 h . 1,306l roaleta Wuegna .EF80,00lte0rnlgtaou erd h uoalo r.Nir l.i ag ,theesle n ildJae aecui ol aa hr ielo obpilnhoit redo h ielge olwnahrvr hI ooeoIl v iilSomewingrir ndwrkraon h ehog bairegneoiy birhm I tâe,3eyrofthplcan pntee tesltoofI lcleetiril1 rute ua feest o tt ad ukd osbe h hlrna 1BRY MKS ARS ngt"R TOGBD F YRDSTRA a rbers W UDE R RSN - Cr@rc l ihtebt faao h hueEevtdRiwy h aeBufOpaaesn ig ni I lwihblbli i add.Cmay fwihIsuil oletewet ffoes he eeI :0btrTe freoWh lw i asi x a 8 e80ntlecse fMs eb.I a foL XIXme Nfa 48 Ton ELVEr PAGe!, LIET VILE t.1Ü COUNTY, LINn FRD Y AU US 25,s 1911.e noNE TOv EaH bo.50 PEt EAoNAD A C nforethe agto tok thae, toai dfres bew C. & It ge.til chaE e 80L ORP AN PAYr TRIB anlok h JanesTtckrJr, yunowneli har mer, redin ine sthed egi ChicgO4 atiadS.als are Fb kila1Wrdle ot to aa .Ùbry aéekn i ort e o n ofN w orw s h of ad soth was h otI i n th l hip, a n ea o o pu h t e r f R ys W l ea h te dde r e P ac d o C s e or haut] ~ ~ ~ ~~ drig ah strugle ith ssi, lnoth Matthog nid wud ae wnelpeeta h rm sho-fýlIolx.adoeo h uld anTrnboticagdwt h @hot ~ ~ ~ prn intoe0 the limeligh abou aie yero tt shsr proabl that Waukega and The- funeralgrtnd na ig of Mrtintttns. Mary Marila ago wn heso n ile ae ake counet ions le a sorthw tmer eook o ...___ Hobbs, phlntrpft friendce ofom the Gallghe followin a-urd charivar tha toaendisonoies Samuel en- fIenls, aind wo re amng the 1 U KLD SA A.lse oe . ae year.r •9 WALTER B (IfE, o Chi- sulevof drandtyhe e, head of the Com. PTAdso TN, sa. OLD F HINED eizen ofv th newrd a ed UGHT REDANDEDf AioeT TU0 E STRTEük ATda difft .rthiore ti a hen oul na itgli CA O IE EO onelhEio ndNrhSoe TME EDA L nari ati the rac 3etd IBRTY ILE AR /0. aEYER wast on thenc Georg Rensha farm. BOAT INTO RIVER Eectric Comprtie and line time bu-SC OO pas oir e atg AG healhn , JcsnbueaTrD, AYeso n Tukr ot is,)g claimed, ordere nessh partne thf Tbmase A. Edisonrs forI As a last trbt too th oan, thr struck hi mo withe th ee b utt of sh t T he te C h o f g th aed s , R i w a y se w re ath of; f o ers w hichne d t n , 1() , w er pla e a i r i i o o c c e , o r p r whe h flisd alotilgundli hch e hed ins ando . Company, ofti hiha ansuIncis to b the oner ao the ast ofeMs. Heobbs t weashtels fa xes n nIde to bto e 'at M y rp icp l I eThefr e of t be elowiing ai , xaD naateia le o is o ge he d an w ic th m r er of al . .8 e ar 's P em " a s llth hidr n cold d . er T w I pl ca e in ,h f theciniot fo eems to Cala h rshpt. edi the negun, bo t e ve ul c ar e t're rthe eoevthed broide c h ecaois thusi bim s o p w d o h m cM s ah o w ih mee h tg lnteh a ihtecnko th illg Tukef h hl a h old f th b ne gun 1, o y g d Gr ß l n a th e s e enneeo, biidd r ot h fhest Ponef"M C a h og t eg nrst , band . bu t h e tM aden sG t a fin thee hip anncin whato are feared Cicagoi a Mew agh e Eleciti e o R ai b re o d A c o l lo a -1 desirelto help the uo r uae th at Frdynv nie fo F r er Af a r i ble t a y n rae .H o s W e e Ueto d o n se, asaIuci n la E njoye byd d t ese ch i re now iav an fome to.n ie bau baud n oher sorye loyef the fa thdfe ----t few daysce with ed chtaes ofte ward whic thhy canr lookr whenn allo ÀetYll Tu onl inpr thet fact thate thsstr hod ererin buyin et. lefhs h aeBufOphng oe eslai ne ares and J me s T u ckh e r Je b r ., a o u n g t he r e si n . ha td N i e y e r s a n d u e r t ged f o r S t n i g uAnt e e r e d o h T h i s f w o l d m e a n t h a ti t h e p r b e l e c t r i cy T hfr w e r e f o r y p l e, r e n B r w a s s a t d h o g t e k n l e f f o r to M a s a D .e Gm e r r e is e e in g W i l l -. t hoh e ci e n alyrym em erf anap r . d u init e t ruoe t h g nenoo m f omnh e s h r e i n o e e w t e r Wfoa grc n n ct o n o ey o r h wltr n r e ni n n t e c h oRgr u ng e ainn stfhh aeist t u i o i s n a ed af e r p o t erteftaoimt o c y l e ( o m t h haps ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o fatally injred betwee 9n and mane eplde.e Brevier, 22i yeearspeof age,.,,on) acb N w a of ChicEeae n h nieee ated ! s- o Wa sort Tusa y hornm e werentu e r. L s itrtefr in e d ad Citc m ay o 10 ws 10 'clck Sioday niht t te ome Allths hppe ed Mon ay igt cgd;lotlhslblacecnd el frm t m.lsat li scoolfity ear ae, ntIolnealy ntrel th Aary MarlloJakso b ule ardamker ofan whenh he fasedil a sht unirted b ing heT uckrhoe ws, ei not known sa herBrto xRvr,eeri railroadooii. andtr incdenall these the, of he iast ct fror the dat the floss o n Exeio rndl an andianh. ouht bone, andtt Meyer I ncpa n b a theere s en fh e pae. le g ain iey a dr oed l e. Thursday night. fate of th e b rdg over ths e a n d b i n ,te onti s yearsn ago. i of rs. H oo w a to p ode f the mlr aahie, bth ofsel whi c w e onth tile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~1or almos forgtte tahahe shoot. erd in the ,eighborhood evertsince the , The bodyl of1 the ma wa reoeesahGnsesrewl o est hsi eivdt etems os ruc. of b $ n,0 hiapof mhans, fte to en sought log, oii n the e w th e . lioft e ki l n i G ll e t thr a e r hand of, . te w t in any end avo tr. n tidand aeiasrp s ilah ee o a k be e od o ch o o at to i co c et str ctur t o re lagel the do lT rsn chamges to I eyille Tt s hr gun.thOw .un t e ers t aney dre t er Bes claimedhiago the body tor th sufce tt e or days a te oe saeofte fond in th eire counitr nd estrydb ie a h n eta ninada Itapré s h Mers be a be d .T er rdeed oeyuer fro the lace ae p t fald Afs decree is now beine preare byd posibl inl the world, as the Browe .lan. Deaconesses Attend .th Funeral' Exceidlsior a.ticao the George Quintinetoru. gar.nmachne Mes ike plcn thhelesbrht eve sinc and3esrfsd t e o. lte thMaeu oteltsbes alod h inr edTubawt i rocsyo all the deacoee of thlelaintey for r25 e ep olars.o The Il e forme affir of ere o sl it f o m T uck cared the guo nhsh n , B e h dbn sh r spendin atew Ahre J aob Newan o f Chictbao tchoo nis a lin, unamen ted fra e l reak e ct uf Or h ge, in act pall who cars a m ounedoaouirlar.n court ~ ~ ~t here anhbauehaivnten Si y r o the l ce u Il s la mensdSh rt'tP ac ." T ur daxe e-Then r f9rbavs hm rf d ra bu ld n , he gr u ds n th n l ke li e of th ch olna t nddhhe f ne-aargnw th M e s ll a d l im d h Tucker amnong others, It la said, had wihtebt ftegn n h xand the young man atroce ln the stern setl, there has alread appeared on the ing the old fas5hioned picnic, round thropist. Terino ýthen took hie Esalator been dlrsinng.t heRe poione fows bon rn h adOf the boat and placing au oar againt scene at least one bidder who promil of speechmaking, and general good In the hande of one deaconess, was aboard a train and left Libertyville The Meersappard a th Re- uckr ws brn frm te yrdplaced a hunge floral piece, before they for Chicago, after whieh all trame shaw house. It la said that he wasi wr the üeln. Il plae to' his hon t ofake Bluff, and Luis wneatn Wats o[ ntm la logt Save th&t Monsgt r ~looking for one of the men, te, fid at the Absolam Clarke farm and placed an the casket of Mr». Hobbst, la gives hits addrese au at 1465 Ota»À out whfNrr e had bee urt or not. Dr. Jamison of Milburn was call-asaattruetoheknyfelgavu. a theraelhad been a runaway during ed lnnfto attend to, the Injuries. The antevat fte notnt hl ente. w hcgoatm thé day and he feared th ma ghdoit sad, te rse ustblwthe dren at the institution. tourista visited the Qzuintine g'ie mtwith Injury fromt the team. gonad okacuepad. The funerai was one of the largest and, seeing the-Indian mabbine thest As Meyer% approaâched Tucker l isTickit i ad si isroscn ever held ln Chicago. Hundreds of the Oiered to beot $200 that lit belonged te oaid to have grabbed up a shot gtion Mees wl i rmmeewsT O u S11 es friands of Mrs. Hobbs joined ln the Edwatrd Crist Mauftactuing eenm and ordered him froma the place.' ees twl b eebrd a ceremony whIch consigned all that Pany. Quintine slipped across the Whn eyr dd o g fs eouhacquited h e abçut a ýer ago on . oremained of the noble hearted woman street to a telephone, M"Iàela .4toi Tucker la said to have raised the gun the charge of the killing of James Onle weelk front nantt Tuesday, mark& the opekje of the GIREAT LAK COUNTY to hier grove. Rev. Elmer L. Will. being at the garage, telepond to0 gun eloedr and the shoit oend Tnhe faction to whIch Tucker belongs- raer as usuial, have a tant en thle grounds and ogn4WIy invite ail our aabsecribers to, enJïern4dtro h pot hdtemcie dnie'yfsey Tukr' hgh eowte ri, e.Meyer& had. been married but a short saeu es a vieill. We takte this ----- of oWlkg to the minds of our sulebs Herald, Dr. John Thompson, or eAgine number positivly,.nd4 bapsr' ftlly injuringhem iPr time before and a number of the farni- the fanct thtit cosomeily to, operat a newigpr and would r-qmt-MMy request Wheaten, III., Rev. Dr. PreBcott, of Marhal Denis Lhmberry, adM bap faall inurig hm.era had gathered to charivari Meyers' that you ---m== closely the laittl yeBow labakm em o paper and if it shows you . Charlton, Mass. The Grace church se11l was nabbed et once. He brokelit Attndd y r.JaieonofMil-Meyers stoodteale persecutiona to, le in armar cm your etalscriptionl e wol smatly appreciat àt if ouwould choir sang, down and confeede the thefts witb burn and Dr. Brown of Waukegan, at of his friends for a long time, It de- call at Our tout a"nettl" Wall have armeeative there who will telke all theThpaibresweelfomC.Trn. the neighboring Absalom Clarke farmi, vilßet the trial, and then went amoney yosi M"y offer hien and give you receipt fer it. cago, including R. T. Jacoba, R. C. Both came to Libertyville six week hne wal brought to the local hospital. from the house, armed with a revol-SudrM .PectCalsB ao eiowre ntescino TeilDifehn strie. vr. e me Galager n te rad.Congdon, Henr P. Magill, and F. A. the et. Paul for one Week and then it is only just to state that vasitly and after an altercation, it la Claimed, Brockbank, quit. Mensella has worked up to the, different stories are told as to what drew the revolver and shot Gallagher peattne ýC led up to the affray, omero blaminug Gallagher died a fewt days later, and T iDarmnMentella was taken toChag Mileyeri, who appear to bie disl iked ln Meyers was Indicted by the gFrand O dDirmnwhere he will be booked and fcrued upholding him. Meyers was found not guilty, but fren te otofthe oatt e tone tly a fter a h bale el fie tters rateunon tht this ontry ing placed throughout the district t tedtil In other words the general outIl clamed tha his neighbors have many trcteba.-l le adbtle etes eno htti onr from whieh Chicago derives Its milk AE-osletlsfun n- « ha happu to Telc8er in tImes taunted him with the killing The boat ouddely shot out into St. Paul Alto Bidder. ever has or has ever haed. and all the spl AE-esiawsfudin @ csbeWhat ca»"ed aci- and hold the flesling agaIst him. deep Water and young Brevle lest Il That bidder la the ChIie Elevated old timers dock out to the ol Thyaefrt. upsofelngctofhrgsrtredgbsti den isnotplan ecep tht smebalance and fell into the water. The railroads. grounds to participate in the merri. fareyre tor mprov e af condins. end released. T**h teoqb gi stoutly assert that Meyers tg blatme momentum carried the boat for sever- It la expected that beside the Chi- ment.• The posters contan twenty dairy Jing. former pmoloye .of .Edwatrd Ods« les oterstha heis otOp0n Naval StatioO t 10, al teet before it could bie stopped- caoEeaedriracwihwr esidez the old fashioned song'e, tosebdigrlsfrtecr Manufacturing compahyir wa (oget 4 Washigton Aug.Moers 16.-President The man and the woman tn the boat recently taken fromn thef hande of a dacsadvoi ue etra'for cows, handling of malik, austenance atl be ad d giengn by al Mens Séa TeeBaeMyr. Taft will officiate Kt the opening of peere through the gatherindarkness numnber of campanies and blaced un- Couinty Judge P. L. Persona, Attorney for the animais, location of stables wxi be in held pendin tral Th would cast blamte On Meyers: Chcg h is fOtbradtei sblee hth ee rs oArthur Bulkley and Attorney C. T utensils. with him has not au yetbeen receled de of an accon given by a resi- occason will bie attended by elabon- the surface- are mentloethe b ide le Mi Hydckrweeapekes Attached to the poster ls a for on Piaepi rdyngt dent~~~~ ~ ~ ofhdwrh usa. ate ceremonies. . He was an, accomplished swimmer, kee & St. Paul, which road, If it gain- Returns After Sixty-Five Years- which the dairy Inspector records the smsthat George Renshaw, a ne gh- Representative Fose of Illinois to-. and lit ls suspected that he became en- ed the control of the rond, would One of the big features of the c- points scored for each dairy after in- bor of Meyers, hadl, for nome unknown day called on the President. and re. tangled ln the Weeds and ne-Ver aroe. offer an entrance into Chicao fromt caision was the presence of Christian spection. Dairies which do not score Report Shows 1I0£6m0 thcause, forbidden Meyers ever settng queste him to open the training sta. Aid wuas ummoned from the resort, the end of the suburban division at Schlund, now, of Oak Park, whose fa- up to a certain standard are consider. The receivers' report of earning of a oony his plae said, Meyers was tio ndeand th Preinae Mr. Fmollit and a searchi for the body started. Evanston.. ther owned the ground on which the ed unsafe, and If conditions which the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Mon ayn from the 11l ait Prairie tunetadhtheoudcep. Grappling hoop and a diver all fail- Mark* End of Strugge. Browe school ls built, and who has militate against ,the production of a Railroad Company for the half-year Vl«. henli rochd te enaaw The opening of the naval station at ed to locate the body and lit was de.Tesl fte hcg lwu not been back lin Newpor town or on safe milk are not remedled the suP ended June 30, 1911, compared with holw Wen e reache theu Renshwa Noi'th Chicago will bie held either at cided to tydy miTesleoth CiaoA iwu the old school grounds for sixty-tive ply of mil fromt such dairies la de- the corresponding Period ln the Prol hom, e tepe don ro ha a-the latter part of September or the tr ye kee will mark the end of the struggle long years. nied qptry to Chicag»mnarkets- lous years hows, a satisfactory All- glou, and it la claimed, deliberately first of October. It la also planned Ln Three sticks of the explosive were which has lasted through -about tour.Copeaonfr epprsnaudiceseninm.Co li-walked into 'the house connection with the opening to issue ditscharged in the water, and hunge years. The bitttles of ' the warring Atre .THydcrloate mall towns where the campaign for tive figures follow. A sister etf Mr. Rensha was ln Invitations to the governors of the var. colismns of water &rose high Into the bondholders, ln Illinois on4 Wiscon- him at Oak Park and prevalled uponpuemkisbngarednhadoe-91 nrseP. the hols at the time and Immeiatl lot state fromt which the mcruits are air after eah detonatio)n. But still sin, will bie settled; ln fata-vemy beau him to comle to the picnic and bring much tol plac tei farmers on au reon 1rs9reen.7 $14,96l P.C. .5orréd bieyers, It la said, to leave drawn, to be pressent at the exercises. they failed to dislodge the body settled already. This Rght Was de- . auh wt .Ht sv tive mood for Instruction from the Chf. Operting ex. .3&8 43K1. iLd t~tie' place. Becretary of the Navy Von Meyer will AbOUt 8 d'olock Saturday a. M. the cided when Judge Gmoup teelded mdashr des.caso health department and has been... Meyers, it ts said, refused to go, aso bie present. body ias fo0-4 by a Party of searh' that the bond@ hel by theilWiboSsin maeahot ades. Productive of mueb. good Net revenue tfom and et that juncture Jlae Tucker, erl 3r!ho dragge the bottom with a peol of the Chicago 4,.U1Wa&eAmn OdTies operations ... $11389 111",784 113.1 ,had been sitting in another room, oldiers lunion Next Week paig t graEPUin book». tu $Pite of Raiway pCompany y»r- au an gond Among old timtera attending were ArreSt Wild Man Mis. Incomne ... 7,680 $70 147l e nothe. ont where the two the et tat the current of the river sa hs ed th thisa:epeo Roderick Ames, Rosecrans, who , eain ashot gun. ,to h nulreno fteslir WOs dlf theo body Was foln Ony the bondst the Chicag; & a(llwan. taught the old schlool ln 18,anis CntbeGog erfAtoc£4a incogn ..$130,U1 $60704 101.l rdrdMéyers to ge,' lt la allegeand .6ailOWs t 1"4e cetfil Ile about tain (est fromt the sPot whern :Ile, Railroad Company. the oldest living teacher, dating from Thursday arrestd Christopher Paup-me hags MndwhnW Myeu rMey d.ero,#uc- hldthimyarttWagon, Wdns.brorartee. hiheet rednc to Tht mttr, ltoug i prct. bfoe teaarsfehe ebllinIsac Wlos,.b edeed o e aGreeaa er ta said to have struck Mfeyers with "day étdThursday, Angest g6 and *31. the împýosition that he had become aly etedstllaiehe outWinters, school director for oter forty Insane, near Petite Lake, Antioch, for lers' obliga- Du-the stock of the tuni. This occaIOn will no doubit bring ountage newest th botom decee ic il no behpeed ears, an ho came to the county in creating a disturbance that bordered Çtions . .....l 3.85 248 il force ef the blow dischargedJ ail the "Od 'boys" for ;a. beart;y hand' The sopidental drowning took paebfr tbcmsafc nraiy 1842, the samne year as Mr. Ame and on a Panlc among the summer resot Ta .s....... 25,850 1,000 45 orthe hreapon the ditire charge of the 1shako. 111inil take thom back td the Plac be'l Rieweetefie osT is ithecrmee whic, là o bein Samuel Miller, who came t the coun ers. The man was armed with a file Tae···... 2,0 100 4 gun, sholt, wads, toit and powder, days when the "'jumper' was the chiefrogGrs Lake, into the lotus prepared Iby Attorney ilo ewat in 1834, and Is the oldest nettier which'resorters took for a knife, MTtddcin55,0 8 et.kn Tke ful in the eg. Tacker mewden of trsoraton thi bein b-d who cam hr an dutOfhIla casit his hat and colt lnto a rIver-Ttdeuto i 95s wa pke . p and ad as eas as drw by a oeo xn ndmd .aduontesgigo ha eregopofodmnalaeofWro esi-he-retd-eclie e noe...6,1 725